The billboard (July-Dec 1900)

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1*1 ; ifi f Mfi bILLBOARt). I * P**LfSfl.VAslA. I Qpt^pyrn.' PA.-T1» Great Aiientown ■ «**Ir. Sept 18 to a, MOO. Hon. Jeremiah ^Hoth, Aiientown, Pa.,, pres.; Robt R. Rlt- >?er». Bckerts. Pa., vice pres.; A_i W. Be *V<mer. AUentown, Pa., treas.; W. K. Hour. Jiecy. and nnir. , _ _ .. li *?DFORP, t PA.—Bedford County Agricul- 1 ^ural Society. Oct. 2 to 4. David W. Lee. "fj ires.; J. Scott Corll. treas.; William I. jUcholtz, secy.; W. S. Arnold, mgr. JTHt.WHBM. PA—Penna Scaee Pair. Sept. 11 to 14. 1300. J. Walter Lovett. Oecblehem, Pa., pres.; a. c. Fetter, Beth- ,ehem. Pa., vice pres.; Geo. H. Young. Jetblehem, Pa., treas.; H. A. Groman, gsettfclebem. Pa., secy. •iOOMSBURG, PA. T -ColumbIa County Fair Dct 9 to 12. A. N- Yost, secy. •IRGETTSTOWN, PA.—Forty-fifth Annual ••"•air. Union Agricultural Association. Oct. U to 4. Dr. S. C. Botkin. pres.; R. P. 'Itevenaon, secy.; W. B. Linn, treas. "1TLEK..PA—Fair. Sept. 4 to 7. •JIBRIDGE. PA—Cambridge Folrl Aug. i 8 to XL Albert S. Faber. Cambridge iftprings, secy. >NTON. PA.—Union Agricultural Associa- «Jon. Sept. 4 to 7. Dr. W. S. Lewis, pres.; n. B. Bullock, treas.; C. D. Derrah, secy. ; F AKiON. PA.—Fair. Sept. 4 to 7. a. S. '■NNBAUTVlLtE, PA.—Conneautville Fair . association. Sept. 4 to S, 1SUU. Mr. L. u. I l »rey, vice pres. jXYTON, PA.—Dayton Agricultural and Me- chanical Association, Sept 25 to '£&. W. ,*. Marshall, pres.; E. Morrow, secy.; c. . t V. SUenberger, treas. ^it'NsuuKii, PA.—The Ebensburg Agricul- tural Association Fair. Aug. zs to 31. F. C. i.j*harbaugh. secy. ,'iRKSViJLA.E, PA—Fair. Oct. 3 to 5. O. j i. Molyneaux, Millview, Pa., secy. ,jNOVri±l. PA.—Uanover Asr.uuii.ural Socl- ,Hy. Sept. 25 to 28. R. M. Wirt, pres.; T. , . Little, treas.; M. O. Smith, secy. . ,1RFUKU, PA—Harford Fa.r. Sept. 26 and ►7. E. E. Jones, secy. ILLlDAYSBUkU. PA.—Blair Co. Agricul- tural Society Faj. Sept. H to 14. crank I. Fay, secy. jOKSTOWN, PA.—Millcrcek Valley Agri- ultural Association. Aug. zl to 23. , H. VV. ^Selson.pres.; H. C. Setp-r, trtas.; R. M. pwaney. secy. KiOiUSuViL^e. PA.—Muncy Valley Farm- Ijira' CIuD. Sent. IS to 21, lsuO. Theodore A. tsswgV•"om. HugbesvUle, Pa., pres.; Hon. Peter fi mHBoa. Hugnesvllle. Pa..- treas.; A.C Hemy, KAl^mgheenrlUe. Pa., secy. U1ANA, PA—Indiana County Agricultural ■ -Society. Sept. 11 to 14. M. f. Jamison, fjrea.; -David Blair, secy.; A. W. Mafou, >reas.: Hon. H. J. Thompson, Marion Cea- jbt. Pa., privilege mgr. : lTANr»lNG, PA.—ruttanning Fair Asso- ciation, Seventh Annual Kxn.oit. Aug. 28 p 31. Dr. R. P. Marshall, pres.; \v. J. turgeon, treas.; T. McConnell, secy.; 11. J. [.innon, supt of privileges. JTiSTOWN, PA.—Fair. Sept. 25 to 23. J. 1. Essen, secy. TjBANON, PA.—The Lebanon Valley Fair association. Sept. 4 to 7. Wm. Uassert, ! ire&,; Wm. B. Means, M.D., secy.; J. K. Tunes, treas. j-BANON, PA —Mt Gretna Agricultural, Mechanical and Industrial Exposition. Aug. p to 24. J..H. Redsecker, pres.; 1. M. 'timer, secy.; U. W. Siegnst. treas. H1QHTON. PA.—The Uuhon County In- justrial Society. Sept. 25 to'28. 19U0. Henry ;4Hler, LehJghtan, Pa., pres.; C. E. Brlnk- ;*an; Lebigbton, Pa., treas.; C. W. Bower, jehigbttm, Pa., secy, and mgr. WISBURG.: PA.—Onion County Agricul- tural Socity. Sept. 25 to 28. O. Willard frtdt, Bucknell, Pa„ secy. .NSFiBLD, pa.— 'Mansneld Fair. Sept. 25 ;» 2t, 1M0. W. P. Austin, Mansfie.d, Pa., '.LION. Pa Milton Fair. Oct. 2 to 5. JW. Edwin Paul. Mi-ton. Pa., secy. ZARETH, PA.—Northampton County Ag- cultural Society. Oct. 2 to 5. F. F. Ger- sft, pres.; J. J. Mans, ^ecy.; J. R. Rem- . jmier, treas. LwCASTLE, PA.—Fair. Sept. £7 to 29. LNXSUTAWNEY. PA.—Jalr. Aug. 21 to 24. f. O. Freas, secy. .ADING, PA.—Agricultural and Horticul- :iral Association of Berks County. Reading .sUr. Oct. 2 to 5. James McGowan, pros.; jrrus T. Fox, secy.; MUtord N. Bitter, i'eaa. *™ - ^NEBORO, PA.—Mercer County Agrlcul- ^iral Society. -Oct. 2 to 4. 1900. J. J. Blatt. imdy Lake. Pa.. pres.;'R. P. Cann. treas.; •• H. Fowler, secy. -»r=tOUDSBURG. PA.—Monroe County AgK- ftultural Society. Sept. 4 to 7. H. T. La- •"^r, ■ secy. - WANDA. PA.—Bradford County Agricul- •— Society. Sept. 25 to 28, 1900. E. J. Towanda. Pa., pres.; W. T. Horton. "- Pa., treas.; Ben]. Kuykendall. -_~—. Psu. secy. JT, PA—Troy Agricultural Society. Sept. to 14. B. A. Long, pres.: E. E. VanDyne, — ; C. L. Fellows, secv —JVILLE, PA.^-Maitland Fair. Sept. to 14. W. C. Smith, Dalton, Pa., secy. rJHINGTON; PA.—Western Pennsylvania jrlcultural Association, lept. 25 to 28. J. Thomas, pres.; J. S. Fursythe, secy.; S. Eagieson. treas. TSBURG, .PA.—Wattsburg Agricultural jiety." Sept 4 to 6. 'W. H. Cornell, pres.; Gross, treas.; A. L. Phelps, secy. 1TFIBLD. PA.—Westfleld Fair. Sept. 11 15. 19M. F ran* Strang, secy. — PITTSDON, PA.—Luzerne Fair Asso- mja. Aug. 28 to 31. 1900. A. O. Farn- -j, Ptttrton, Ptu. pres.: W. T. McCabe. [ttstoo. Pa., treas.; Jno. A. Wood, Old Sr*e. Pa.. s«cy. K. PA.—York County Agricultural Socl- '. Oct. 1 to E. J. H. Wogan, Mt. Wolf. . pres.; C. H. Mayer, treas.; E. Cbapin, y6UN6wO&D, PA.— The Westmoreland At> ricultural Society. Sept. 18 to 21. D. B. Fisher,- Mt.Pleasant, Pa., pres.; M. P. Shoe- maker. Greensburg. Pa., treas.; W. F. Holt- xer. Greensburg. Pa., secy. EHODE ISLAND. RIVER POINT, R. I.—Pawtmat Valley Agri- cultural Association of Kent County. Sept. 26 to 29. John F. Deering, Arctic, R. I secy. ' SOUTH CABOLINA. COLUMBIA, S. C—State Fair of South Car- olina Oct. 29 to Nov. 2. Thos. W. Hollo- way, Pomaria, s. C, secy. Lexington, s. C—Lexington County Fair. Oct. 23 to 25. N. D. Hannan, secy. WALHALLA, S. C.—Semi-Centennial Cele- bration. Aug. 16 to 18, 1900. Jas. Thomp- son, secy. SOUTH DAKOTA. YANKTON, S. D.—State Boart of Acri(-"I- ture Fair. Sept. 10 to 14. George N. Har- ris, pres.; Walter B. Dean, secy.; J S Piatt, fc-eas. TEWH-ESSEB. WATERTOWN, TENN.—Wilson County Fair Association. Sept. 6 to 8, 1900. W. W. Donoell. Lebanon. Tenn., pres.; J. H." Da- vis, sr., StateevlIIe, Tenn., treas.; Caesar Thomas. Watertown. Tenn., secy. TUX AS. ABILENE, TEX.—West Texas Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 25 to 29. T. S. Rollins, pres.; Henry James, treas.: J. H. P.ckens. s cy. CLEBORDNE, TEXAS—Pair. Sept. 13 tOlS. S. E. Mess, seev. CORSICANA, TEXAS—Fair. Oct. 15 to 19 J. E. Whiteselle, secy. DaUjis. TKX.—Texas State Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 29 to Oct. 14. 1900. W. H. Gas- ton, Dallas, Tex., pres.; Sidney Smith, Dal- las, Tex., secy.; J. B. Adone, Dallas, Tex., treas. DKN1SON, TEX.—Denison Driving Park and Fair Association. Sept. 25 to 28. Walter S. Fairey. secy. DENTON, TEXAS—Fair. Sept. 19 to 22. W. E. Smoot, secy. FREDERICKSBURG, TEX.—Gillespie County Fair. Sept. 20 to 24. L. Hageu, secy. HOUSTON. TEXAS—Fair. Nov. 10 to 17 Tom Richardson, secy. JACKSBORO, TEX.—Jack County Fair As- sociation. Oct. 2 to 6. W. R. Greu. pres.: Sil. Stork, treas.; H. A. Wills, secy. MARQUEZ, TEX.—Marquez Fair Association. , • Oct. 3 to 5. F. M. Amos, pres.; Sidney Myers, treas.; Dr. E. O. Boggs, secy. SAN ANTONIO. TEX.—San Antonio' Inter- national Fair Association. Oct 20 to Nov. 3. Vovies P. Brown. San Antonio, pres.; J. C. Frost, San Antonio, treas.; John M. Vsn.^«\ San Antonio, seev. VICTORIA, TEX.—Southwest Texas Fair As- sociation. Oct 3 to 5. L. D. Heaton, pres.; Theo. Buhler. treas.: L. N. Hofer. secy. UTAH. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.—Deseret Agri- cultural and Manufacturing Society. Oct 2 to 6. John R. Winder, pres.; Septimus Sears, secy. VERMONT. BARTON, VT.—Orleans County Fair Associa- tion. Sept U to 12. H. H. Souiers. Tras- burgh, Vt, pres.; O. D. Owen, treas.; D. D. Bean, secy. RUTLAND. VT.—Rutland County Fair. Sept 11 to 13. C. C. Pierce. Clarendon. Vt. secy. WATERBURY W " VT.—Winooski Valley Agri- cultural Association. Sept 11 to 13, 190U. G. E. Moody, pres.; E. G. Hooker, vice pres.; W. V. Bryan, treas.: M. O. Evans, secy. WOODSTOCK. VT.—Windsor County Agri- cultural Fair. Sept 25 to 27. H. C. Lock- wood, pres.; C. H. English, treas.; J. S. Eaton, secy. VTRGTNTA FARMVILLE, VA.—Fa!r week cf Oct. 8. W. G. Venable, pres.; W. G. Dunn.ngton, v.ce pres.: S. P. Vanderslice, secy. FKISLIUKICKSBURG, VA. — Rappahannock Agricultural and Mechanical Society. Sept 25 to 27, 1900. E. D. Cole, Fredericksburg, Va., pres.; S. J. Qulnn, Fredericksburg, Va.. treas. and secy. WINCHESTER. VA.—The Shenandoah Val- ley Agricultural Society. Sept la to 22, 1900. Charles Rouss, N. Y. City, pres.; E. G. Hollls. Winchester, secy.; Clark H. Pur- WISOONSltf. AMHERST, WIS.—Portage County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 11 to 14. G. W. Smith, pres.; A. J. Smith, secy.; J. C. Webster, treas. ANTIGO, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 18 to 20. Fred. Hayssen. ARCADIA. WIS.—Arcadia Agricultural and Driving Association. Aug. 29 to 31. N. Lehrbach, pres.; George Schmidt, treas ; George Mathys, secy. BARABOO. WIS.—Fair. Sept. 25 to 28. S A. Pelton, Reedsburg. BERLIN. WIS.—Fair. Oct 1 to 4. C. M. Willis. BEAVER DAM. WIS.—Dodge County Fair Association. Sept 24to 28. 1900. VV. A Van Brant, Horloan, Wis., pres.; A. L. Wallace, Fox Lara, Wis., vice pres.; C. W. Harvey, Beaver Dam, secy.; H. u. urak, Heaver Dam, Wis., treas. BLOOMOIGTON, WIS.—Blakes Pra;rie Agri- cultural Society. Sept 5 to 7, l>oo. c. W. Stone, pres.; S. Kitto, treas.; Lincoln Abra- ham, secy. BQSCOBEL. WIS.—Fair. Oct. 3 to 5. F. C Muffley. CEDARBURG. WIS.—Ozaukie County Agri- cultural society. Sept 17 to 19, lsuo. Wm. H. Rintlemau, pres.; L. E. Schroeder. treas.; J. Dietrich, secy. CHIPPEWA FALLS, WIS.—Northern Wis- consin State Fair. Sept 11 to 14. J. R. Sharp, pres.; M. S. Bailey, secy.; W. W. Flinn, Chetek, Wis., treas. DUDUISVlLLiS, WIS.—*a»r. Sept 18 to 21. W. J. Davey. DUKANU, WIS.—Pepin County Agricultural Society. Sept 25 to 28, lww. K. J. Ryan, pres.; W. B. Smith, treas.; J. Dorwin, secy. ELKHORN, WIS.—Walworth County Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 18 to 21. W. H. Al- dricb. nres.: G. L. Harrington, secy. ELLSWORTH, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 19 to 21 E. S. Doolittle. EVANSVILLE. WIS.—The Evansvllle Rock Co. Agricultural Association Fair. Sept 4 to 7, 1900. W. D. Campbell, pres.; Geo. L Pullen. treas.; F. Springer, secy. FRIENDSHIP, WIS—Adams County Agri- cultural Association. Sept F. M. Fil- kins, Arkdale, Wis., pres.;' L. N .Morse, Big Springs, Wis., treas.; Geo. W. Bug- ham, secy. GALESVILLE. WIS.—Fair. Sept. 3 to 6. A. A. Arnold. GRANTSBURG. WIS.—Fair. Sept 26 to 28. And. A. Anderson. GREEN BAY, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 3 to 8. A. Spuhler, secy. HILLSBORO, WIS.—Fair. Sept 18 to 21. A. N. Jones. HORTONVILLE, WIS.—Fair. Sept 25 to 27. H. T. Buck. HUDSON, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 12 to 14. F. M. Warner. JEFFERSON, WIS.—Fair. Oct 2 to 5. J. L. Kearney. LANCASTER, WIS.—Fair. Sept 12 to 14. G. B. Wheeler. LODI, WIS.—Fair. Sept 11 to 13. A. H. Hinds. MADISON, WIS.—Fair. Sept 18 to 21. Eu- r*na RhApard. MANITOWOC, WIS.— Manitowoc County Fair. Sept. 5 to 8. Edw. Schaffland. secy. MAUSTON, WIS.—Fair. Aug. 28 to 31. G. H. Ely. Mauston. MENOMONEE, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 18 to 21. R. W. Cronk, Louisville. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—State Fair. Sept. 10 to 14. John M. True. Madison. MINERAL POINT, WIS. — Southwestern Wisaonsin Fair Co. Aug. 21 to 24. 1900. Thos. Bracken, vire pres.; Philip Allen, trows.: W. H. Ronnptt. seoy. MONROE, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 5 to 8. B. G. Trpnt. NEILLSVILLE, WIS.—Clark County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 11 to 14. E. D. Web- ster, pres.: G. L. Redmond, treas.; H. H. Heath, spcv. NHW LONDON. WIS.—New London Agricul- tural nnd Induptr'al Aiwnciat'nn. S"0t. 25 to 28. isnn. A. Roioff, pres.; E. H. Ramm, treas.; Henry Cannon, secy. NEW LONDON. WlS-Fair, Sept. 26 to #. Henry Cannon. ' NEW K1CHMOND, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 19 to 21. O. J. Williams, pres.; J. W. McCoy treas.: J. A Hughes, secy. PLYMOUTH. WIS.—Sheboygan County Agri- cultural Association. Sept. 4 to 6. Henry Wheeler. Sr., pres.; E. A. Dow, treas.; O GafTron. - secy. PORTAGE, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 18 to 21. J. E. Jones. PLYMOUTH, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 3 to 6. Otto Gaffron. RHINELANDER, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. W. C. Ogden. RICE LAKE, WIS.-Falr. Sept 18 to 20. E. N. Bowers. RICHLAND CENTER, WIS.—Richland Coun- ty Agricultural Society. Sept. 25 to 28, 1900. H. M. Boch. Richland, City, Wis., prea.; C. A. Matthews. ItMca. Wis., vice pres.; J. M. Keys, Rclhiand Center, treas.; w. F J. Fogo, Richland Center, secy. BALLOONS BALLOON3 Gas, Hochet or Whistling. TO3 HAVE ALL FRESH STOCK. Outt Gas Balloons are made of llH'l>t»t French rubber in three k colors, red, blue and gfeon, and ■ innate full size, warranted beat ■quality l-pieee rubber. ' No. Per Gross a60. Assorted colors. $ 3 75 a65. Assorted colors _ 4 00 1. White Rattan Switches 40 00. Fancy covered whips- 1 50 No. WHISTLING BALLOONS, Gross in Box. - o. Per Gross 4">. Assorted colors_...$ 3 Of 55. Assorted colors... 2 25 6>. Assorted colors... 2 76 fi8. Mctiinlv 3 25 1G0. Serpents 3 25 Wc nlso carry full lines of Walking Canet. Cheap Jewelry, Pocket Knives, Pickout Prizes. e'c. and make up selected lot* for *5,$10, $20 and up. CaUiIoguu mailed on application. OOE, YOXGE Sa CO., 6th and SL Charles St.. ST. LOUIS, MO. THE NATIONAL THEATRICAL EXCHAN6E, 905 Chicago Opera House, Chicago. III. Handles and books the Best vaudevillearts for STKKKI and COUNTY FAIRS. Always open . Wanted immediately, Aeronaut with Cannon Pa»achule Leap Reference: Illinois Trust and Savi-gs Bank, [tf ] COMPLETE FAIRS BOOKED IN ONE BODB. n I ft C -Made to Order— p 1D n C UlllL Work Ga.iM.teei uAIIUO Sptndlrs. Drop Cases, Tivollcs. Wm. Deane Manufacturing Co. 911 Viae St. rjiir.lssatl. O. ATTRaeTiews. MONTGOMERY FREE STREET FAIR, OCTOBER 15 TO 20. 1900. The Strci Fair here la«t year wa« said hv all to be the biggest moncy-m iker in Ihe South. Heiceitaee attractions and first-class Midway and Au*ru»l shows can address L. L GILBERT.Secy Montgomery. Ah. for acceptable Mass. State If patented. THE PATENT RECORD, ^ Baltimore, Md. Subscription price of the Patbht Rboobd tLBO per annum Samples free. CASH cell. Frederick, treas. 1 WASHINGTON. SPOKANE, WASH.—Exposition and Fruit Fair. Dec. 2 to 16. W. E. Hawley, secy. WALLA WALLA, WASH.—Walla Walla Val- ley Fruit Fair. Oct. 1 to 7. C. F. Van de Water, secy. WEST VIRGINIA. CLARKSBURG, W. VA.—Fair. Sept. 3 to 6. Frank R. Moore, secy. MlLUJl^EmOUKNK. W. VA.—The Tyler Coun- ty Exposition and Fair Association. Aue. 28 to 31. 1900. M. H. Stealey. pres.; C. B. Riegle. secy. NEW MARTINSVILLE. W. VA.—Wetzel County Fair Association. Aug. 21 to 24 Justus Bakin; pres.; R. E. McEldouney. secy.; S. J. Williams, treas. --POINT-PLEASANT, W. VA.—Point Pleasant Fair and Driving Association, Second An- nual Fair. Sept. 4 to 7. W. M. Duffy, pre3.; Art. L. Cottrill, secy, and treas. SHEPHERDSTOWN. W. VA. — Morgan's Grove Fair Association. Sept. 4 to 7. A. S. Reynolds, pres.; G. T.. Licklidir, treas.; R. S. M. Hoffman, secy. WALTON. W. VA—Roane County Fair As- sociation. Sept. 4 to 7. J. J. Riley, secy. WHEELING, W. VA.—West Virginia Expo- sition and State Fair. Sept 10 to 14, 1900. On. Book. Fair and Park Managers THE AMERICAN BALLOON CO. Is now booking for Season 1900. Furnishes Hlq;h-Class Balloon Attractions. Doub'e Asnenslons. Lady and Gentlemen Petformrrs Cannon work aud all the Latest Features. Write for Circulars. Address, W< "■""t.e E,«rv KMMto. p rfjf J R ^3^ So | n p r()p ^ ft y n | 0|| p..), $4^ BOStOH. lo the production of Reliable FI REWORKS. Orlflnators of the New'and Marvelous Effects la Silver and Electric Firework*. Estimate! and Proposals furnished promptly on application. THE ». L. DUE FIREWORKS CO.. ■ ■ CIHCIMUTI. OHIO. BILLPOSTER GUTS. Every Billposter wants a set of these MINIATURR CUTS to put on statlon- —— — —- - —■ - ery and all kinds of printed matter. They make most attractive embellishments for booklets, circulars, and announce- ments. It would cost about J6.00 to have them designed and engraved, but for only 7S cents wewill mail, prepaid, all six cuts, electros, ready to print Irom, and credit you with a years' subscription to Thi Advertising World. We do this to introduce our splendid journal to all the up-to-date billposters of America. Send to-day and be the first in your town to use them. Address, Advertising World, Columbus, Ohio, THE BILLBOARD. SENECA. WIS.—Fair. Sept. 10 to 12. Jas. Fisher, Jr.. Eastman. SEYMOUR, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 27 to 29. H.J. VanVuren. SHAWANO, WIS.—Shawano County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. lit to 21. M. J. Wall- rich, pres.; D. a. Wescott, secy.; F. O. Perry,. treas. SPARTA, WIS.—Sparta Driving and Agri- cultural Association. Sept. 11 to 14, 1DU0. F. W. Teall, pres.; J. M. Fanning, treas.; J. P. Rice, secy. SUPEK1UK, was.—Douglas County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 26 to 2*. law. U. L. Herrlck, Wtst Superior, Wis., pres.; Nick Lucius, Solon Springs, Wis., vice pres.; E, L. Cass, West Superior, Wis., treas,; W. H. Webb, Superior, W4s., secy. TUMAH, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 4 to 7. H. J. Skinner. WiAUTOMA. WTS.—Waushara County Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 26 to 28, 1900. Gil- bert Temrant, Wwuioma, Wis., pres.; Geo. P. Wolbur, Wautoma, Wis., treas.; W. H. BTIT** ,r WaMiioma. Wis., secy. WEST BEND, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 19 to 21. W. • P. Rix. WEST SALEM. WIS.—Fair. Sept. 25 to 28. F. H. A. Nye, secy. WEYAUGUA, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 18 to 21. David Wafler. VIROQUA, WIS.—Verron County Agricultu- ral Society. Sept. 18 to 21. C. J. Smith, pres.; John W. Mills. Springville. Wis., treas.: F. W."Alexander, secy. WAUSAU, WIS.—Marathon County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 4 to 7. S. M. Quaw. pres.; G. Mueller, treas.; L. K. Wright, secy. WAUKESHA, WIS.—Fair. Aug. 28 to 31. F. W. Harland. CANADA. ALMONTE. ONT.—North Lawark Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 26 to 27. 1900. John Forzytihe, Cedar Hill, One, pres*; James Robertson. Almonte. OnL. treas.: Wm. D. McEwen, Almonte, Ont., secy. AlLMER, ONT.—Aylmer's Great Fair, East .. Elgin County Fair Association. Sept. 18 to 20, 1900. D. H. Price, secy.-treaB.; A. A. " Leslie, prea. Bb-ACHBuRG. ONT.—North Renfrew Fair. Oct. 4 and 5. John Brown, secy. BOWMANVILLE, ONT.—Weet Durham Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 13 and 14, 1900. W. E. Pollard, pres.; Albert E. Clements, Ty- rone, Ont., vice pres.; W. F. Allen, Beach av., Bowmanville. Ont.. treas.; M. A. James. Lock Drawer 7. Bowmanvllle, Ont., secy. BRAMPTON. ONT.—County of Peel Agr.cul- tural Society. Oct. 2 and 3. Henry Rob- erts, secy. BhANTFORD, ONT.—Fair. Sept. 15 to 22. ..George Hately, secy. CnRr*. ONT.—Huntity Exhibition. Oct. 2 and 3. John Argue, secy. CAVDGA. ONT.—Hald.mand County Fair. Sept. 25 and 26. J. W. Sbeppard. secy. CHARLOTTOTOWN. P. E. ISLAND—Queens County Agricultural Association Industrial Exposition and Hcrse Fair. Sept. 24 to 28. F. L. Hazard, pres.: Chas. Smallwocd, seCy. CHARLOTTOTOWN. P. E. ISLAND^Bicyck and Athletic Sports. July 1, 1900. A. A. Bartlett, pres.; F. L. Muncey, secy. CITT OF CHATHAM, KENT, ONT.—Penin- sular Fair. West Kent Agricultural Soci- ety. Oct. 9 to 11. Jas. Chinnick. pres.: R. G. Fleming, treas.; Henry Robinson, aacy. ... COLL1NGWOOD. ONT.-Great Northern Ex- hibition. Sept. 18 to 21. Cbas. Lawrence, pres.; W. J. France, treas.; J. W. Archer, boa 637. Becy. DRUMBO, ONT;—Blenheim Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 25 and 26: R. S. Martin, Prince- ton, pres.; W. Simpson, vice pres.; T. S. Teller, secy. FERGUS. ONT.—Center Wellington Fair. Oct. 11 and 12. J. J. Craig, secy. GODERICH. ONT.—The Great Northwestern Exhibition. Sept. 18 and 19. Chas. M.tchell, secy. HALIFAX, CAN.—Nova Scotia Provincial -Exhibition Commission. Sept. 12 to 20. 1900. Hon. J. W. Longley. Halifax. N. S.. pres.; D. R. Clark. Halifax. N. S.. treas.; J. E. Wood. Halifax. N. S.. secy. KINGSTON, ONT.—Kingston District Fair. Sept. 10 to 14. Thos. D. Minnes, secy. LONDON, ONT.. CANADA.—The Western Fair Association. Sept. 6 to 15. 1900. St. Col. W. M. Gartebone. pres.; D. Mackenzie, treas.: J. A. Nelles. secy. MARKHAM. ONT.—Canada's Greatest Coun- ty Fair. Oct. 3 to 5. W. H. Hall, secy. METCALFE. ONT.—County of Russell Ex- hibition. Sept. 26 and 27. P. Saver, secy. MORDEN. CAN.—Morden Agricultural Soci- ety. Sept 27 and 28. 1900. J. F. Hutchin- son, pres.: J. Gilchrist, secy.-treas. MORRI9BURG. ONT.—Dundas County Fair. Aug. 29 and 30, 1900. J. Wwley Allison, Morrisburg, Ont., pres.; G. F. Bradfleld, M«rri*tiiiwr. Ont.. «ecy. NEWMARKET. ONT.—North York Exhibi- tion." Sept. 18 to 20. Wm. Keith, secy. OTTAWA. ONT.—Central Canada Exhibition Association. Sept. 14 to 22. 1901). . Wm. Hutctrlnaont M. P., pres.; E. McMahon, OTTERVILLE. ONT.—South Norwich Fair. Oct. fi and 6. Alex. M. Farlam, secy. PAISLEY, ONT.—Centre Bruce Exhibition. Sept. 25 and 26. Geo. Chambers, pres.; F. E. Shepnard. secy. PERTH, ONT.—South Lanark Fair. Sept. 17 ♦o 19. W. T. Walker, secy. PETERBOROUGH, ONT.—Peterboroueh Cen- tral Exhibition. Sept. 18 to 20. F. H. Dob- lln. nres.; w. J. Green, seev. and tmns. PICTON. ONT.—Prince Edward County (Ont.) Fair. Sept. 26 and 27. Thomas Blg- rrmr, serv. PRBSOOTT. ONT.—South Grpnvillo Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 18 and 20. 1900. G. T. Howard. Prxscott. Ont., pres.: R. S. Th-rooo. Preacott. Ont., vice prea.; T. R. Melville. * * *—""*. Opt., secv. RENFREW. ONT—South Renfrew Exhibi- tion. Sept. 27 and 28. Robert MacLaren, secy. RICHMOND. CAN.—Carleton County Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 12 and 13, 1900. Hugh S. Conn. Ottawa, Out., pres.: Wm. MoBlroy. Richmond. Ont.. secy. Kv^vriioiN, uiM.—world'8 Fair. Oct. 8 and 10. Uav.d Bell, secy. SAULT STE. MARIE, ONT.—East Algonla Agricultural Society. Oct. 2 and 3. J. Daw- son, pres.: Wm. Brown, secy.-treas. SHERBROOKE, QUEBEC—Canada's Great Eastern Exhibition. Sept. 3 to 8. Hon. J. Mcintosh, pres.; W. M. Tomlinson, treas. and secy. SiimCUe;, ONT.—Norfolk Union Fair. Oct. 16 to 18. J. Thos. Murphy, secy. SOURIS, MANITOBA.—Uienwood Agricultu- ral Society. Aug. 7 to 9. Capt.Wood, pres.; R. I. Crisp, secy.-treas. STRANSTEAD, QUE.-Stranstead Live Stock Association. Aug. 22 and 23. H. E. Chan- nel!, secy. STRATHROY, ONT.—West Middlesex Exhi- bition. Sept. 17 to 19. David Evans, secy. THREE RIVERS, QUEBEC—Association Ag- ricole Du Dustrict Des Trois-Rivieres. Sept 5 to 15, 1900. H. Caron, M. P. P., St. Leon, pres.; c. D. Hebert, Three Rivers, mgr. TORONTO, CAN.—Canadas Great Bxposi- 'iion and Industrial Fair. Aug. 27 to Sept. 8, 1900. J. J. WithTOw. Toronto. Can., pres.; Dr. A. Smith. Toronto, Can., vice pres.; J. Edwards, Toronto, Can., treas.; H. J. Hill, Toronto, Can., secy, and mgr. VANKLEEK HILL, ONT.—County of Pres- cott Agricultural Society. Sept. 11 to 13. F. W. Thistlethwaite, secy. WALKERTON. ONT.—Northern Exhibition. Sept. 18 and 19. W. G. Stovei, secy. WALLACETOWN, ONT.—West Elgin Agri- cultural Society. Oct 4 and 5. E. J. Clark, box 35, secy. WELLBSLEY, ONT.—Wellesley and North- east Hope. Sept. 11 and 12, 1900. A. M. Fisher, Amubree. Ont., pros.: Geo. Bell- ln«»r. Woliooley. Ont., secy. WHITBY. ONT.—Ontario and Durham Exhi- bition Association. Sept. 17 to 19. John Burns, secy. WOU11BRIUUE, ONT.—Woodbridge Fair. Oct 17 and 18. Richard Willis, pres.; T. F. Wallace, secy.: N. C. Wallace, treas. WOODSTOCK. ONT.—North RWing of Ox- ford, Blauarord and Bast Oxford Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 26 to 28, 1900. Valen- tine FIcht. pres.; F. H. Dent, Woodstock, Ont, vice prea.; R. A. Lawtell, Woodstock, Ont. secy. MANITOBA. BRANDON, MAN.—Western Agricultural and Arts Association (Western Manitoba Big Fair. July 31 to Aug. 3, 1900. W. J. Lind- say, Brandon, Man., pres.; F. J. Clark, Brandon. Man., secy.-treas. NEEPAWA, MANITOBA.—Beautiful Plains Agricultural Society. Aug. 7 and 8. G. S.' MacGregor, pres.; John Wemyss, secy. VIRDIN. MAN.-Gounty of Virdin Agricul- tural Society. July 19 and 20. 1900. Wm. Stephen, Virdin, Man., pres.; A. G. MoDou- jjall. secy. Street Fairs and Carnivals. ABILENE, KAN.—Abilene Corn Carnival. Sept. 20. I. T, Prendergast, pres.: E. H. Forney, secy, ALMA. NEB.—Alma Street Fair. Sept. 12 to 14. W. A. Myers, secy. ARKANSAS city, KAN—Harvest Home. Oct. 1 to 6. AsHLAND, KY.— Street Fair and Merchants' Carnival. July 2 to 7. H. F. Bryan, pres.; S. L. Martin, secy. BELLEFONTAINE, O.—Free Street Carnival. July 17 to 21. A. M. Reid, secy. BELLEVILLE. ILL—Street Fair Committee, Belleville Commercial Club. Sept. 10 to 15, 1900. Albert Hucke. Belleville, 111., pres.; A. S. Halstead. Belleville. 111., treas.: Cbas. P. Flfiisohblen. Belleville. 111., secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Elks' Carnival. Aug. 6 to ■11, 1900. Combination Park. CALDWELL, O.—Street Fair and Carnival. July 11 to 14. L. F. Cain, secy. CALUMET, MICH.—Upper Peninsula Fire- men's Association Tournament Aug. 6 to 8. John D. Cuddihy, chairman; Homer A. Guck, secy. CARTHAGE, MO.—Street Fair. July 4 to 11. H. R. P. Miller, dir. gen'I. CEDAR RAPIDS, IA.—Carnival and Street Fair. Oct 1 to 6. Geo. K. Barton, pres.; C L. Miller, treas.: Alex. Charles, secy. CENTRAL LAKE. MICH.—Street Fair. Sept 25 to 27. T. M. Rushton, pres.; II. A. Stev- ens, treas.; Carl Stroebel, secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—Chicago Khorassan Kar- nivai and Industrial Exposition. June 25 to July 14. John G. Scorer, mgrl CINCINNATI. O.—Cincinnati Fall Festival. Sept. 19 to 29. E. T. Zeigler. gen. mgr.. G'bson House. C'ncinnati. CROWN POINT. IND.—No. 4. I. O F. of A. Street Carnival. Aup. 9 to 11. J. T. Atkins, J. P. Young, A. A. Bibler. committee. DANVILLE. VA.—Free Street Fair and Car- nival. Oct. 1 to 6. Geo. D. Benson, Roa- noke. Va.. director gen'!. DE FUNIAK SPRINGS. FLA.—De Funiak Street Fair Association. Sept. 28 and 29. W. L. Cawthon, pres.; W. T. May, vice pros.: R. w. Storrs, secy.-treas. DEXTER. IA.—Dexter Street Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 25 to 27. J. C Scoles. pres.: t. T,. Pntton. tress.: A. B. Enstmnn. swy. DUNKIRK. INn—str-n» Fair. July 3 to 5.' EHWARDSVILLE. ILL.—Madison County Centennial. Aue. 28 to SI. Major J. T. frocker, pres.; H. P. Hotz, treas.; H. C. EMPORIA. KAS.—Emporia Street Fair. S»nt 26 to 28. J. E. Evans, pres.; Harry Mc- PunnlpRs; ppfv, EUREKA, CAL—Street Fair and Carnival. .Tnlv y *n 4. {-****. M"' ><I * s rI ^'f. ir*»n. FORT FAIRFIELD, ME.—Celebration, July 4. E. E. Aust'n. seev. FRANKFORT. KY.—Free Street Fair and Carnivnl Association. Sept. 2i to 28. Geo. TT. stohlin. pres.: J. M. Williams. s»cv.: w. BHdgeford, vice pres,; John A. Bris- lan, treas. FRANKFORT, KY.—Street Fair and Carni- val. John B. Dryden, chairman. FRANKLIN FALLS, N. H.—Street Fair and Celebration. July 4-" H-M. Warner, secy. HAMILTON. O.—Elks' Street Carnival and Business Men's Exposition. July 23 to 29. Will. s. Heck, director; Will. Thomas, secy. HOUGHTON, MICH.—Street Fair and Car- nival. July 2 to 7. Percy H. Fenimore, secy. HUvvbLU MICH.Free Street Fair. Sept. 23 to 28. Fred F. Hubbeil, secy. HUMTINli'lUft, UNO.—street *air. July 9 to 13. JKrrlSRSONVILLE, IND.—Red Men's Pow Wow and Celebration. Sept. o. Communi- cations to Horace E. Hopkins. JOrjLdiN, imO. — jmks' fatrett r air. Carnival and Monster Midway. July 30 to Aug. 4. H. G. Packer, d.r. gen'I: L. Oppsnheimer, manager; J. C Campbell, treas. KfcilMT, o.—Free Street rair and Merchants' Ubrnival. July 2 to 4. C. M. Davis, secy. KWNTON, O.—Street Fair and Carnival. Aug. 14 to 19. X.—jixniv, IA.—Third Annual Street Fair and Carnival. Sept. 25 to 29. John Nagei, pres.; J. H. Finigan, treas.; E. F. Carter, secy. LA 1-oR'iii 01T*. 1A-—Uig Fourtn 01 July Celebration. July 3 to 5. H. G. Conger, ■•■«;) LOVELAND. COL.—Loveland Free Street Fair and Northern Colorado Exposition. Last of September. W. C. Stiles, pres.; G. H. Patterson, secy.; R. S. Coe. treas. LUXORA, ARK.—Carnival and Free Street Fair. June 28 to 30. Will A. Smith, mgr.. Lock Box 6. MACON, GA.—Macon Street Fair and Carni- val. Sept 24 to 29. Hon. Birdges Smith, secy. MANCHESTER, TENN.—Manchester Street Fair. Oct 6 and 7. J. E. Willis, treas. MATTOON, ILL.—Street Fair. Oct. 3 to 23. MARIETTA, iiA.—A Cbatauqua and Free Barbecue. July 1 to 7, MARLETTE. MICH.—Free Street Fair. Sept 18 to 21. C. C. Hubbeil, secy. MASON, MICH.—Mason Street Fair Associa- tion. Oct. 2 to 5. Lawton T. Hemans, pres.; W. M. McCrossen, vice pres.; F. Densmore, treas.: Col. L. H. Ives, secy. MEDFORD, MASS.—Carnival and Fair. July 30 and 3L Aug. 1 to 4. Address racing com- mittee. MERIDIAN, GA.—Meridian Clerks' Associ- ation Celebration. July 4. METROPOLIS. ILL.—Free Street Fair. Sept. 18 to 22, 1900. C. P. Treat pres.; W. A. Fitch, treas.; S. B. Kerr, vice pres. and secy. MONTGOMERY, ALA.—Street Fair. Oct. 15 to 20. L. L. Gilbert, secy. MONTPELIER, IND.—Montpeller Street Fair Association. Aug. 15 to 18. Harry A. Dodge, Montpelier, Ind., pres.; J.W. Crosbie, Mont- peller, Ind., vice pres.; D. A. Bryson, Mont- pelier, I rid., treas.; C. L. Smith. Montpelier, Ind., mgr.; C. L. Smith, Montpelier, Ind., secy. NELSON, B. C—Land and Water Carnival. July 2 and 3. NELSONVILLE, O.—Red Men's Pow Wow. Aug. 10 and 11. NEW BEDFORD. MASS.—Industrial Expo- sition and Midway Carnival. July 23 to 28. J. H. Laine, dir. gen'I; H. F. Soule, asst. d'r. gen'I. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA—Reunion of Roosevelt's Rough Riders. July 1 to 4. Clifton George.-*secy. - OSWEGO, N. Y.—Street Fair. July 16 to 2L Joe A. Wallace, mgr. OSWEGO. N. Y.--31ks' Carnival and Street Fair. July 26 to 21. OTTAWA, ILL.—Ottawa Street Fair Asso- ciation. Oct. 1 to 6. Geo. M. Trimble, secy. OTTERBEIN. IND.—Otterbein Street Fair. Aug. 21 to 24. L. Burns, pres.: W. B. Hon- ing, vice pres.; P. H. Ward, treas.; E. V. Gougar, secy. PADUCAH. KY.—Twentieth Annual Eman- cipation Celebration. Aug. 8. Minor Brad- sh-aw. secy. PORTLAND. ME.—Old Home Week. Aug. 6 to 11. PORTSMOUTH, O—Street Fair and Carni- val. Auspices Red Men. July 16 to 21. R. L. Stevenson, mgr. ROANOKE, VA.—Free Street Fair and Car- nival. July 2 to 7. Geo. D. Benson, direct- or gen'I. ROCHESTER. N. Y.—Fair and Carnival. Aug. 13 to 18. J. E. Furlong, mgr. fi! SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.-Carnlval. Sept'If St§m to 11. v •;:•. ira| SHERIDAN. WYO.—Mid-Summer Carniv-IS IS Julv 3 to 5. Bert Cnffpen. mm* r§| ^||1 July 3 to 5. Bert Colleen, mgr. SAVANNAH, GA.—Elks' Street Fair. 'Dai life;* not fixed. "1IP^« SLEEPY EYE, MINN.—The Sleepy Street Fair Association. Last week in Si "ft IB tember. 1900.. A. C. Von Hagen, pres.;iljsl» P. Bertrand. treas.: H. G. Hays. secy. ™f RUSHV1LLE, IND.-Street Fair and Carifpi val. July 9 to 14, 1900. Will C. BreSff pres.: R. F. Scudder, secy. tfi^ SAGINAW. MICH—Bay City Business Meigl I Jubilee and Carnival. Aug. 14 to 16. |x| p SAL1NA. KAN.—Free Street Fair Associate It Wk Sept 24 to 29. Jas. A. Kimball pres.; Filf %% H. Quincey, vice pres.; John Bishop, secjff Oscar Seitz, treas. • m* SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—Admission r|| Celebration. Sept. S to 11. General cJlBr 1 ference Committee. G. A. Newhall. FralSji H. Vail, Henry S. Martin, etc. ■ j - i - : 5 f Ksf* SOUTHPORT, CONN.—Firemen's TouriSfSa ment Aug. 6 to 11. W. B. Penny., sot-tin W SPRINGFIELD, MO.—Elks Street Fair aiWfkS Carnival- Sept. 3 to 8. C. E. Dubbs, se'S|K»" STOCKTON, CAL.—Street Fair. June'26S-ilS July 4. Orrin S. Henderson, pres.; W. i' FK ™ Westbay, treas.: Calvin B. Brown, secySM TOLEDS, O.—I. O. O. F. Carnival . July! Wife* to 28. J. J. Deveaux, mgr. i-iilr TOtLAHOMA, TENN.—Mid-Summer Fa*' 1 *** val. July 4 to 6. Dock Aydlelott, mgr. : .,.„ WASHINGTON, D. C—Red.Men's Pow W'OS and Ind'an Village. July 4 to 11. Psvne. secy^ WATERTOWN. N. Y.—Street Fair and C nival. July 9 to 14. L. G. Decant, gen.; W. H. Skeels, secy. WEBSTER CITY, " Aug. Kearns. treas.: W. G. Bonner, secy. -Si WEST BADEN, IND.—Soldiers' ReuniUkf Aug. 15 to 17. • 'ill: WEST SUPERIOR. WIS.—Elks CarnKiM: Jnlv 4 to 13. Will H. Lawler. mgr. lift WICHITA, KAN.—Carnival and Fall Fet s val (street fair). Oct 1 to 6. H. C. Lo-. wood. secy. pjf WINCHESTER. KY—Street Fair. July S f I K W. H. Rumor, sney. !?lf5I ,; if W'INSTON-SALEM. N. C—Semi-Center*^ !i»# Street Fair. Oct. 30 to Nov. 3. G. E. Wei'Jlf 8 **' secy. i ; Jfi ill ■la * 11 1 TER CITY, IA.—Fair and CarntvfWJl 14 to 17. F. E. Wilson,pres.; W.<; t |f!&jfl ns. treas.; W. G. Bonner, secy. itiit". Si rj!J JAS. DONALDSOf ITHACA, MICH. ilfiRfl BHJs P.sted, Samples Put Oat, Si' M ;§ Niiled Ub, Circulars Distributed. Iipmli Work Guaranteed. . plfip POPULATION, - - - ' »K.5.tti»l OPELIKA, Alii •••Population' 6,0( J. O.SINGLEY, The ONLY Licensed Bill Poster. Distributor & Sign Tarter ."Jg : : r-JM| NFW Agents and dealers wanted to in||| nt " duce a new line of Novelty Signs. SBBS CICUC 11x14 in.; 700 varieties on hand |rp diund. a i wa y S ready for shipment. Secu«jfi»-« tertitory for sprine: it will pay von; profiliiBWS* mense. VAL SCHREIER SIGN WURKiT*Ift* Milwaukee. 'igH ' •: JfiEJr : « — : : : :—n Bt«% PATENTS GUARANTEE lilt -.Mm f- '%y Out fee returned if we fait Any one send'Hill if sketch and description of any invention: v^pIS = promptly receive our opinion free concern: fiifil the patentability of same. "How to Obtai ||Sf-a Patent" sent upon request Patents imni Ifllpf |f through us advertised for sale at our expense' agf Si Patents taken out through us receive spe»rg|l notice, without charge, in The Patent Reco" life Evans Building, (Patent Attorneys,) WASHINGTON, O^l e APTIVE ALLOON Mide of Silk, complete with netting, car, anchor, bal'ast, bags and guys. Cost new .—....... y $7,200.22 • FOR SALE Very, very cheap. Any sort of any offer at all w II be entertained. 'Address: N. D ROBERTS. Linwood, CINCINNATI, Cfj PRIZE MEDALS CUPS, PIMS, TROPHIES,! 11 Designs free on receipt of particuil' JOHN HftRRIOT.T} L 3 Winter Street. BOSTON. M/f-IHI L CONFETTI For all OaUof'Ooor «3atherini|' Por.Parties and Ball*. CLEAN AND HARMLESS. AMERICAN CONFETTI CO., **%JM I