The billboard (July-Dec 1900)

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:i?: a, fill t C J±'A S-MI » 10 MONTANA. BILLINGS MONT.—Yellowstone Fair Asm elation. Oet, l to 6. A. L. Babcock, pres ; H. W; Rowley, treas.; P. D -O'Donnell secy. ' LSWISTON MONT.-Fergus County Agri- cultural, Mineral and stock Associate Fair. Sept. 12 to 14. O. W. BeWenr secy JMJSmiASKA. AINSWORTH, County; Agri- cultural Association Fair. Sept. ai to 22. ?- D - Carpenter, pres.; George Miles, treas.: B. B. Mastiek. secy. ALBION. NJflB—Boone County Agricultural Association. Sept. 19 to 21, 1900. H. C ^?f er ' S"! ^r"" 1 ' NeD -. P^.; J. ONeil. Albion. Neb., vice pres.; Job. Green, Albion Neb., treas.; H. C. Brooks, Albion, Neb.I THE BILLBOARD. ••.■si-■» ": i> ; iM " ALLIANCE, NEB.-AIliance Racing Associ- ation. Sept. IT to 22. 6 AUBURN. NEB.—Nemaha County Fair f*vt- M to a - J - W. Darran, secy. AURORA, NKB-—Hanultoa uouuty Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 25 to 28. T. A. McKay pres.; T. E. Williams, treas.; B. F. Isa- man, secy BASSETT, NEB.—Rock County Agricultural Society. September. J. H. Putnam. Cuba, •5Sh? Drea -r J- D. Brayton, treas.; W. T. Phillips, secy. BEATRICE, NEB.—Gage County Fair. Sept. BEAVEr" CITY, NEB.—Furnas County Fair Sept. 11 to 14. J. T. Nickerson, secy BBKTRAND. NEB.—Phelps County Fair As- sociation. Oct. 2 to E, 1900. A. J. Sand- alroni, pre*.; Alf. Andrews, vice pres.; C ■». Gibbons, secy.; R. P. Larson, treas. BROKEN flaw. NBB.-Custer County Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 11 to 14, 1900. J. O. Taylor, Berwyn, Neb., pres.; A. R. Humph- rey. Broken Bow, Neb., treas.; E. R. Bur- eau. Broken Bow, Neb., secy. CARSON CITY. NEV.—Ormsby County Fair Sept. 24 to 29. CLAY CENTER. NEE.—Clay County Agri- cultural Society. Sept. 26 to 29 B W Campbell, pres.; H. E. McDowell, treas.; O. C. Williams, secy. FRANKLIN. NEB.—Franklin County Fair Sept. 26 to 28. W. E. Ewing, secy Fair. Sept u'to li W. A.'mc*Coo1, *ecy".' T ^?; : -S-™- r *£Z ma ~ BmrwnvlllB. Nob., socy. LOUP CITY. NEB.—Sherman County Fair. Oct. 8 to 10. MADISON. NEB.—Madison County Agricul- tural Society. Sept- 11 to 14. H. F. Bar- ney.; Geo. R. Wycoff. treas.; J. L. Rynearsoh. secy. MINDEN. NEB.—Kearney County Fair. Sept. NELSON, NEB.—Nuckolls County Fair. Sept IS to 21. W. G. Boadley, secy. -It"! OatAHA, NEB.—The uouglas County Agri- a,RjJ')"-T : . Bow. Red Cloud. Neb., treas.; D. J. Meyers, fell**' '' Red Cloud. Neb., secy. {•tl-tr, set SALEM. NEB.—Richardson County Fair it Ft, '} Sept. 9 to 13. -*j Jr 4 H SPRINGFIELD, NEB.—Sarpy County Fair ffW "S ! 'l SeDt - M to M - c - F - Cathsim, secy. ;»|'|k It- STOCKV1LLE, NEB.—Frontier County Ag- &$i.:i''i't ricultural Association. Sept. 18 to ZL 1900 SM& |5* I* H- Cheney, secy. Rf 1 :«<;[; SYRACUSE, NEB.—Otoe County Fair. Sept. |Al:i-' --V 11 to 14. *tl$»'l"-;» TECUMSEH. NEB.—Annual Johnson County TE'r-v'J" Fair. Sept. 25 to 28. Mr. Robb. secy. "t>: » -;;PiWAHOO, NEB.—Sept. 17 to 22. Address John fw.1 ■•: Winter. -, *||'}J«''WILBER. NEB.—Satine County Fair. Sept: ;|$, I. : jYORK, NEB.—York County Fair. Sept. 18 | "tSI ." ; to 2L G. W. Bemis. secy. tff HBTADA. ;*,S«.;,RENO, NEV.—State Fair. Sept. IT to 22. 'gift .?,' L. Be-rier. secy. Iji^lif N8W HAJSIPSHTTtE. ^^rUpPRADFORD, N. H.—Bradford Fair. Sept. 26 ■■ i -"'*' : and 27. CM V'j ii> 'BRISTOL, N. H.—Bristol Fair Association. I< : jr ii; Se P<- 18 to 20. -STt .! |JjGREENFIELD. N. H-—Oak Park Fair. Sept. 11 to 13. H* C, ll NASHUA. N. H.—Nashua Fair Association. ku»*f?' v.:' SfB 1 " 3 to 6 - - 1900 - J - E - ToIIes, pres.; M. H. Sill v? T O'Grady. treas.; T. A. Crowley, secy. £5;$.-: PLYMOUTH, N. H.—Plymouth Fair. Sept. *5t ' 'If- «L' u to 13- fct* fc (t ROCHESTER, N. H—Rochester Fair. Sept. tt ! li t „ u to 14 - fc'St! r*J; yST JOHNSBURY. N. H.-Caledonia County ».f'': Ji Fa,r - Sept. 11 to 13. Sept IM \' NEW JERSEY* 5 -p, ..BURLINGTON. N. J.—The Burlington Coun- ■or-*?' ":'_ ty Fa,r Association. Oet. 3 to 5. i £ ! ' J l T I? ! ? , ? (i ' N - J-Great Tri-State Fair. LiK , ^orth Hudson Park. Sept 17 to 22. E F -J, [B , c. "ioung. Jersey City, pres.; Robert Davis. » ' Jersey City, treas.; P. T. Powers, 220 Broad- way. New York. gen. supt; James M. t'; w_ ... ifiI -;- .CI Reilly, secy. I^SlS-^l^-TOJ^N J—Interstate Fair Assocla- Ek 1 a • ^ S 0 ™- f 8 **" Z * to 2S - 190 °- Gen. Rh-nard i-«u^'- :, £Sf meI S r ' Trento n. ». J., pres.; Wm. L. Wihl § US???' Tr ™ton- N - J-. vice pres.; Rudolph kU-& * Z- Kuser - T i£ n * on - N - •»-. treas-: Mahlon rT ffp j; •? I Msj-geru m. Tre ntop. N. J., secy, and mgr Hp j ■•£ ;, NBW 1TBXTCO 3l,j ,f. I. iLBUQrjERQTrE, N. M.—New Mexico Terri- m %' P> torJfJ ff'F Association. Sept 18 to 22. W. IR ir If; V. McCreight pres. and macy.; Arthur Et- Sfi? .% I'-'- — ***■ tr mmM ■'*:• : 5ll fiOSWELL, N. M—Roswell Fair Association. " £ ft«. a« l '■' ° ct - 9 to **• G - A. Richardson, pres.; W. *f >«; ■!! w - Atkinson, secv- >«,» : : «:OSWELL. N. MEX.—Southeast New Mexl- ■ftiv »'»: I- e" Fai r- About Sept 10 to 15. Ilp 'A <■ PRINGER, N. MEX.—Union Fair. Sept Pr''-'-'-« : 25 to 28. MEW TOEK. A Se r e°y! , s^cy Y - Fair - »««• 18 to 8L G. W. ^0% * , i, Y --°'; 1 , ea ? C 0 "* 1 ^ Fair. Sept. secy. y d ' pres ' : G - w - ° u Bh. ALTAMONT. N. Y.—Albany County Agrlcul- 1 t ? n H™ SO<: £ ety and Eaposttlon. Septli™« 13, 1900. Robt J. MoCanley. Albany NY pres.; Joseph Snyder, Altamount *N " Y - ' vice pres.; V. P. Donno Lee. Aitamouni: S: Y.'.'t^r E * w * nl Beckw . Altamont: ANGELICA, N. Y.—Allegany County Agrl- rSSlSl ^ c ,', ety .- Sept - " ^ 13. WOO. efs. Baitlett, BeUast, pres.; Charles Lounsbiir? AngeUca, vice pres.; H. E. Dudley. Angei: i?Y?!'trea»! eC,r,: F " ^ Jackson - Angelica. BA J?i A o IA ' N - Y -—Genesee County A.gricultu- Tal Society. Sept 17 to 20, 1900. Daniel famrns, pres.; c. D. Harris, treas.; A E Brown, secy. ' """"• *• "• BAT P* H.- "-—Steuben County Agricultural Fair. Sept 24 to 28, 1900. C. A. Shultt pres. and secy. "■ B1NGHAMTON, N. Y.—Fair Oct 2 tn 1 BRISTOL CENTER. N. Y^Fa^ers- and XSaT*. M^rce^ecy 0016 ^ SePU ° BROOKFIELD, N. Y.-Broo'kfleld Madison County Agricultural Society. Sept 17 to 20 N. A. Crumb, secy. CANANDAIGUA, N. Y.—Ontario County Ag- . ricultural Society. Sept 18 to 20. 1900. C. P. Whitney, Oileans, N. Y., pres.; Homer „?S2t vlce Pr«<-: J««- S. Hickox. Irnu. CANTON. N. Y.—St ^Lawrence County Agri- cultural Society. Sept 11 lb 14. 1900. Les- lie W. Russell, Canton, N. Y., pres.; E. H. Gilbert. Canton, N.Y., treas.; A. T. Martyn, Canton, N. Y., secy.; P. R. McMonagle. race secy. - ^- ° • COBLBSKlLL. N. Y.—CobleskUl Agricultural Society. Sept 24 to 27, 1900. O. F. Nelson. CobleskUl N. Y.. pres.; Hon. J. S. Pindar) Cobleskill, N. \., vice pres.; M. D. Borst treas.; .1. V. Guernsey, secy. CuurBKSTOWN, N. Y.—Otsego County Ag- ricultural Fair. Sept 18 to 20 DRYDEN, N. V.—Dryden Agricultural So- ciety. Sept 18 to 20. 1900. S. G. Lupton Dryden, N. Y-. pres.; Geo. Cole. Dryden, N. Y-, vice pres.; D. T. Wheeler, Dryden, " N. Y., treas.; J. B. Wilson. Dryden. N. Y.. secy. DUNDEE. N. Y.—Dundee Pair Association. Oct 2 to 4. H. B. Harpending, secy. . DUNKIRK, N. Y.—Chatauqua County Agri- cultural Society Fair. Sept. 11 to 16. EL5IIRA, N. Y.—Chemung County Fair Oct 1 to 5, 1900. Geo. McCann, secy. FONDA, N. Y.—Montgomery County Fair. Sept 10 to 13. FT. EDWARD, N. Y.—Washington County Agricultural Society. Sept 11 to 14. Jud- v son Edie, North Greenwich, N. Y., pres.; W. I. Bristol, treas.: S. B. Ambler, secv. GREEN. N. Y.—Riverside Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. ll_to 14. J. E. Bartoo, secy. HAMBURG. N. 'z.—Jsrle County Agricultural Society. Sept 11 to 14. 1900. Clayton C. Taylor, Lawtons, N. Y., pres.; W. H. Ab- bott, Armor, N. Y.. treas.; G. P. Dick. Hambure. N. Y.. secy. HERKIMER, N. Y.—Herkimer County Fair. Sept 11 to 13. ITHACA, N. Y.—Tompkins County Fair. Sept U to 14. LOCKPORT, N. Y.—Niagara County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 24 to 28. Ruthven Kill, Orangeport, N. Y., pres.; C. L. Nich- olls. 45 Main st, Lockport N. Y., secy.; J. M. Woodward, treas. l,..»\vii,l,e, N. T.—Lawla County Agricul- tural Society Fair, ssept 11 to 14. W. S. Windecker, secy. LiONS, N. Y.—Wayne County Fair. Sept 13 to 15. E. W. Weeks, pres.; E. D. Leon- ard, treas.: N. D. Lapham, secy. MALONE. N. Y.—Franklin County Fair. Sept 25 to 28. Walter J. Mallon. secj. MIDDLETOWN, N. Y.—Orange County Fair Sept. 11 to 14.- MINEOLA, N. Y.—Queens Nassau Company. Sept 25 to 29. L. Van de Water, Jr., secy. MONTICELLO. N. Y.—Sullivan County Fair. Aug. 28 to 31. MORRIS. N. Y.—Morris Fair Association. Oct 2 to 4, 1900. T. O. Duroe. New Lisbon. N. Y.. pres.; D. L Lawrence, Morris, N. Y. ►»•««.- n fj. Wtnftrm. MorrU. N. Y.. ««ry. NAPLES. N. Y.—Union Agricultural Society. Sept 18 ;to 20. ' NASSAU, ;N. Y.—Rensselaer County Agricul- tural and Liberal Arts Society. Sept 11 te » 14. W:*D. Barnes, Bramard. N. Y., pres.; Dehner Lynd, secy.: C. E. Huested. treas. NEWARK, N. Y.—Warrensburg Agricultural Society. Oct 4 to 6. NORWICH, N. Y.—Chenango County Fair. Sept. 4 to 7. ONEONTA, N. Y.—Central New York Fair. Sept 10 to 13. W. L. Brown, pres.: S. L. TTimtineton. OSWEGO FALLS. N. Y.—The Oswego County AKTi«Miltiiral Society. Sept. IS to 21. 1900. W. W. Loomis. Os-weeo. N. Y.. pre*.: En- ward, fuirk. Fulton. N. Y., treas.; Fred'k. C Sneni-er. Fulton. N. Y..-s«»cy. PALMYRA. N. Y.—Palmyra Fair Association. S»-pt 20 to 22. - - : -• - PENN YAN, N. Y.—Yates County Fair. Sept. 19 to 21. Ira R. Brundage, pres.; H. R. Brown, secy. PERRY, N. Y.—Silver Lake Agricultural and vtonbati'i-al Association. Oct 2 and 3. PLATTSBURG, N. Y.—Clinton County Fair. =«T»t. 11 In 14 * POTTERSVILLE, N. Y.—Glen Dale Union Aericnltural Society. Sept. 18 to 21. C. E Benedict Schroon Lake. N. Y., pres.; Will- iam H. Taxon. Chestertown, N. Y.. vice pres.: James A. Skiff. Pottersville. N. Y., jecy.; F. A. Griswold, Pottersville, N. Y.,--^; POTTSDAM. N. Y.—Pottsdam Agricultural A Horticultural Society. Sept 18-2L Merrit Wbwsler. PottEdam. N. Y-. pres.; B. T. »"ott. Pottsdam. N. Y-. vice pres.; H. E. Thompson. Pottsdaon. N. Y.. treas.: H. S. T«"n. Pottsdam, N. Y., secy.; Geo. K. Smith, Pottsdam, N. Y., mgr. P A^ GH ?. EE ? S i E - N ' Y.-Dutchess County Agricultural Society. Sept. 11 to 14. R. W. Rives New Hamburg, pres.; A. B. Gray Poughkeepsie, treas.; J. M. Booth. Pougi: RK ,^P, f °^' ER S- N - Y.-Gorham Agricul- tural Society. Oct. 4 to 6. RIUHFIKLU SPK1NUS. N. Y —Richfield Sprinss Agricultural Society. Sept. 24 to 2L= .D?^ T £ wne> pre . s " ; G - T - Brockway. -If e ™. : Fred " Bronner. Richfield. N. Y.. secy OVERHEAD. L. l.-Suffolk County Agricull tura Society Sept 18 to 21. lsWcapt Wiilliam P. Dayton. <-« 1 n. ROCHESTER, N. H.-Rochester Fair Asso- S!*.-""^ P K H> ^ 14. Geo. E. Wallace, pres.; Chas. M. Bailey, treas.; F. E. Small secy.: W. G. Bradley, mgr. .»■ N- Y.—Oneida County Fair. Sept. 24 8 4. NI) ^ o HILL ' N - Y.-Washington County ■ F* lr ; Se Pt. H to 14. S. B. Aurther secy SCHOHARIE. N. Y.-Schohar:e County Ag- ricultural Fair. Sept 17 to 20. H. F Kingsley. secy. SHAVERTOWN, N. Y.-Shavertown Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 11 to 13. J. W. Davis, secy. SHERBURNE, N. Y.-^herburne Driving S= a . ^, n A er!^ultural Association. Sept. a .0 28. E. Daniels, pres.; Chas. L Car- rier, secy. fiS NEV ' N " Y-—Fair. Sept. 11 to 13. S1RACUSE, N. Y.—Onondaga County Fair .T™. » to ^- Stephen Thornton, Syrac-ise. ores.; N. H. Chapman, Syracuse, secy, and treas. VERNON, N. Y.—Vernon Agricultural Socl- win<!»w Vl 4 ^- A - Griswold. secy. Se?t lT'to^'a Y.—Wyoming County Fair. WATERLOO, it. Y.-The Seneca County Ag- ricultural Society. Sept. 25 to 27. Edward Nugent, secy. WfSTPHOBNIX. N. Y.-Phoenix Union Ag- ricultural Society. Sept. 11 to 14. 1900. John O Brien. Phoenix. N. Y.. pres • N A. Hughes. Phoenix, N. Y., treas.; Jas. A. Peu- _dergast. Phoenix. N. Y.. secy WHITE PLAINS. N. Y.-Fa.r. Sept. 24 to p. James Hopkins, pres.; Joseph B. Lee treas.; E. B. Long. secy. BOHTH CAROL!* A. BURLINGTON. N. C—The Alamance Fair Oct la to 20. J. H. Harden, secy FAlfETTEVILLE, N. C.-Cumberland Coun- ty Agricultural Society. November. Wal- ter Watson, pres.; G. W. Lawrence, secy, and treas. GREENSBORO, N. C—Central Carolina Fair Associaton. Oct. 9 to 12. J. Van Lindlcy. pres.; J. H. Walsh, secy. NEW BERNE. N. C—Fair and Race Meet Nov. -12 to 17. Wm. Dann, pres.; Ueo. Green, secy. KAtt-iuH, «. C—North Carolina State Ag- ricultural Society. Oct 22 to 2J. 1900. : Charles McNamee, Biltmore, N. C pres • : C. B. Denson. treas.; Joseph E. Pogus' : CANAL DOVER, O.—The TuscaraWas Ooud. ty Annual Fair & Semi-Centennial for 1900 Sept. 11, 12. 13 and 14. 1900. H. W. Streb' secy. ' CANFIELD, O.—Mahoning County Fair Sept. 25 to 27. B. L. Manchester, Hickory' secy. CARROLLTON, O.-Carroll County Agricul- tural Society. Oct. 9 to 12. Wm. L. Smeltz Jr., pres.; C. A. Tate, «ecy.; T. J. Salts- man, treas. CHAGRIN FALLS. O.—East Cuyahoga Fair Sept. 11 to 14. Tryon Baily, Chagrin Falls' secy. • CI i? CI E NATI - O-Fall Festival. Sept 19 to 29. E. T. Ziegler. Gibson. House. Cincin- nati, general mgr. COSHOCTON, O.-The Coshocton County Ag- ricultural Society. Oct. 9 to 12. 1900 J P Darling, Nellie. O., pre*.; R. Boyd. CosbW CROTON, O.-Hartford Central Pair. Sept "JS"; W. H. Siegfried. Croton. O.. secy. DAYTON, O.—Montgomery County Fair Sept. 11 to 14. W. J. Ferguson? secy. DELAWARE, O.—Delaware County Fair Sept. 25 to 28. S. H. Cleveland pres; L Slack, treas.: W. S. Pollock, secy. I WHAT YOU SHOULD § KNOW^ Is the name ot the cheapest House In America. IMPORTERS and JOBBERS. WELDON. N. C—Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society Fair. Oct. 30 to Nov ;• Y. L. Enry, pres.; J. J. Daniel, treas.I «. B. Green, secy. ■TINSTON-SALEM, N. C—Piedmont Park County, Horse Show and Fair. Oct. 29 to Nov. 3. J. L. Patterson, pres.; G. H. Webb ssty. and mgr.; Thos. Moslin, treas. OHIO. AKRON, O.—Summit County Agricultural faociety. Oct 2 to 5. G. C. Stanford. Boston, O., pres.; G. W. Brewster, treas.: Albart Hale. secy. ATHENS, O.—Athens County Fair. Sept. 26 to 27. E. G. Biddison. pres.; W. Scott, treas.; C H. Porter, secy. BELLBFONTA1NE, O.—The Logan County Agricultural Society. Oct 2 to 5 1900 imac C. Miller. Bellefontalne, O. pres.- Mtm L. Makemson, Degraff, O., vice pres.; H. R. Nlven, Bellefontalne, O., treas.; B. »c-^ ^IwmhArlaln. RAllefrmtalnA. O.. ««.». BEREA, O.—West Cuyahoga Agricultural So- ciety. Sept 25 to 27. Wm. Diddulph. Dover °/ , „ pre . s - : w - J - Poets, Strongville, treas.: O. R. Stone. Berea. secy. BOWLING GREEN. O.—Wood County Fair ™&P> K to 29. W. S. Haskell, secy. BUCYRUS. O.—Crawford.County Agricultu- ral Society. Oct. 9 to 12. J. A. McMicbael. pres.; G. W. Miller, sec,.; M. Auck. treas. CADIZ, o.—Harrison County Agricultural Association. Oct 2to 4. 1900. A; T Elliot Sbortcreek. O.. pres.: W. V. Scott. Hone- dale. O.. vice pres.: S. R. Hamilton, Cadiz. ?V trc ^f,V., J - G " M1I "ken. Cadiz. O., secy. J. G. Milliken, mgr. N. SHURE CO., 264-266 E. Madison St.. Chicago. Our Leading Lines for Street Men : Canes. Jewelry, Pocket Knives, Re- 5 turn Balls, Campaign Goods. ; A Sample of Our Prices: I No. 5 Ru'iher Balls, gr «. *<, • No 10 " ■• •• 2 ss 2 No,;; 3S> ; Heavy Rubber Siring 3 In skeins or in (IOC* chains, per lb.... $li0O ' Street Men. Fisb Pond I Men. Fair Workers. S Spindle Men, £ Get our prices and you'll £ save money. ^ ^•SEND for our Campaign Circular and § ;» General Catalogue. S 3 ~" •♦•— ? I IMPORTANT NOTICE! | i csasss 1 5 one quarter the amount of order £ 4 Each separate C.O.I) order must be £ 5 accompanied by this amount £ a NoniorethanoneorderwillbcshiuDeil £ ^ 011 one depo'it. KK *i £ If you want to order (foods h\- tele- £ ;S Eraph. send your d.i>osit ahead by mail- £ ^ or else your teleeiam will be h^I.I ,„,tii £ 5 your deposit is received £ 3 We.wiil not diviale from this rule, and £ 3 you will save lime aurl monev bv com- £ ^ plying with these coud.lions before or- £ S If you order accordine to these in«triic- ": 3 tions your gocnls win be shipped the £ «B same day, otherwise not. £ FESTOONING ! Manufactured in all colors, or omhinalion' a Pp C ,icaUon Sa, " P,CS am ' «'" C « ^^"To» Garrett-Buchanan Co., W&&& (Me imon this piper.) " r " M - r "" SANTA CRUZ, CAL., - ^^ 7 "^"^^ one of the best bi'lposting alid'.liijrS;,,.!!?" plants in the Slate. P A 11 work Vr^na, ' "J 5 permtended. Member 1. A. D. Hcrsona "> - s "- «-• t\. DANIELS. I: p ARI§ EXPOSITION. Qjpen for Season 1901. PERMANENT ADDRESS ... SIOUX CITY. IOWA •■•■^•■•■•■•■•■•■•■M MMa9BaMMMMM||amBvB?mma ^ WANTED KINOS O . TENT SHOWS III Wolcott, fnd., Free Street Fair! SEPTEMBER 13 th «? 14™. Write for privileges to L. LKOPOLD, Wolcott Intl 1-ree Attractions furnished by the NATIOXAI. THUATRICAI. EXCIIANGfiiChicaKO THE BILLBOARD t 4 1] BATON. O.—Preble County Aericultural So- ciety Sept. 17 to 21. 1S0O. Frank MitchaU, Katon. O. pres.; John J. Kaylor Katon. O wee pret,.; C. V. Brooke, haton, O., tr^as: Henry H. Farr. Eaton. O., secy. ELYRIA. O— Lorain County Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. W. B. Johnson, secy. PINDLAY O.—Hancock County Agricultural Society Sept. 18 to 22. 190U. Henry Snyder, pres ; Jacob Stark, treas.; Win. Demland. FREMONT. O — Sandusky County Fair. Oct 2 to 5. J. C. Overmyer. secy. FULTON. O.—Fair. Sept. IS to 21. GEORGETOWN. O.—Brown County Fair. Oct? 2 to 6. J. W. Hedrick, Busselville, secy. HAMILTON. O—Fiftieth Annual, Goldea "tubiiee of the Butler County Fair. Oct I to 5 1900. J. A. Slade. pres.; W. B. Wal- lace, treas.; W. A. Shafcr, secy. HICKSVILLE, O.-Fair. Sept. 25 to 28. F. M. Blrdaall, secy.; Geo. U. Simson, treas., Wm. H. Harter. pres. LANCASTER. O.-Falrfleld County Fair Oct. 10 to 13. W. Martain, pres.; C. B. Whiley. treas.; W. T. McCIenas'ian. secy. LEBANON. O.—Warren County Fair Associ- ation. Sept. 18 to 21. Huse Bone, pres.; Geo. W. Carey, secy.; F. M. Cunningham, treaa. LIMA. O.—Allen County Fair. Sept. 25 to 28. Wm. Rusler, pres.; Geo. Fetter, treas.; T. B. Bowcrsock. secy. LISBON. O.—Columbian* County AgricuiUiral Society Sept. 11 to 13. 1900. J. W. Hoopes. Salem. O., pres.; C. F. Lease. Salem. O..- vice pres.! B. Y. Brown, Gavcrs, O., treas.. E. F. Moore, Lisbon. O., secy. MAD RIVER AND MIAMI VALLEY FAIR CIRCUIT OF OHIO—Coluiubus. O., Sept. - to 7; Dayton. O., Sept. 11 to 14. MANSFIELD, O.—Richland County fa>. Bept. 10 to 15 (inclusive). Jerry Needham, LMiniton. O.. pras.; W. B. Gilford. Man.- Bald. O.. sacy. MARIETTA, O.—Washington County Agri- cultural aad Mechanical Association. Sept. 18 to 21. R. N. Cole, pres.; C. J. Waff, vice pres.; Henry G. Bohi. secy.; J. H. McCon- nell, treas. MARION, O.—Marion County Fair. Sept. 26 to 28. J. E. Waddell. secy. MARY8V1LLE, O.—Union County Agricul- tural Society. Oct. 2 to 5, 1900. Jotm C. Klntner. Milford Centre. O.. pres.: John K. Dodce, New California. O.. vice pres.; C. fa. Cbapmaa. Marysville. O., treas.; M. M. Tlt»worth. Marysville. O.. secy. MAYSVILLE. O.—trnlon County Fair. Oct. S to a. W. M. Tiuworth. secy. MONTPEL1ER. O.—Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. C. R. Betts, pres.; C. C. Lattanuer. secy. MX. G1LEAD. O.—Morrow County Fair. Oct. 1 to 6. O. J. Miller, secy. NBWAitK. O.—Licking County Agricultural Society. Oct. 2 to 5. 1900. F. B. Dudgeon. Wilksn Kun, pres.; A. J. Crilly. treas.: J. M Kurni-r. !«•*.•¥ , NEW LEXINGTON. O.—rerry County Fair. Date net nxtd. Chas. C. Ciiappelear. secy. OTTAWA, O.—Fair. Oct. 1 to 6. A. P. han- dles, pres.: J. S. Stuckey. secy. OTTOKBE. O.—Fulton County Agricultural SoclMv. Sept. IS to 21. 1900. A. F. Shaf- fer. Wlauscon, O., pres.; L. Buxton, Am- brose. O., vice pres.; W. S. Blake. W«u- kod. o.. treas.: Thos. Mikesell. Wauseon. PAULDINO. O.—Paulding County Agricultu- ral Society. Sept. 18 to 21. Lafayette Paul- us. Briceton, O., pres.; W. B. Jackson, secy.: W. H. Yant, treas. ' PEEBLES. O.—Fair. Sept. 18 to 21. POMEROY. O.—Meigs County Fair. Sept. 18 to 21. P. B. Stanberry. pres.; J. W. Sha- ver, secy.; John McQuigg, treas. PORT CLINTON, O.—Ottaw County Fair. Sept. IS to SO. T. W. Payne, pres.; G. H. Hvde. treas.: J. H. M. Richie, secy. PORT UNION. O.—Ottawa County Fair. Sept. 18 to 20. J. H. McRichie. secy. RIC11W00D. O.—Richwood -.'n-County Fair Co. Oct. 9 to 12. 1900. C. D. Sidle, pres.; Robert Smith, treas.; C. H. Huffman, Becy. ROCK SPRINGS, O.—Meigs County Fair, ••pt. II to U. J. W. Shaver, Pomeroy, •ANDUSKY, O.—Erie County Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. C. W. Taylor, pres.; S. C. Prout, treas.: John T. Mack. secy. BARAHSVILLE, O.—Noble County Fair. Sept. IS to 20. Geo. M. Graham, secy. SM1THFIELD, O.—Jefferson County Fair. Sept. 26 to 28. 1900. G. G. Bargar, pres.: C. McKlnney. treas.: J. Hayen. secy. SOMERSET, O.—North Perry County Fair. Oct. 17 to 19. C. H. Meehling, secy. SYCAMORE, O.—Sycamore Fair Co. Oct. U to 19. 1900. F. W. Hurd, pres.; Q. A. Kl»hn. treas.: P. R. Onlbh. secy TROT, O.—Miami County Fair. Sept. 34 tc «g W I T»nnM Mr* UPPER BANDUSKY, O.—Wyandot County Agricultural Society. S-pt. 18 to «. «„ Hare, pres.: Oscar Billhardt. secy.; W. j. VA^T'wEHT, O.—Van Wert County Fair. c. n t It to 14. O- D. Swartout. secy. WAPAKONETA, O.—Auglalie Agncultural Snrlety. Oct. 2 to 6. 19*1. L. H. Stuva St. Mary's O.. pres.; J. T. Van Horn. New r1.mns*lre. O.. vice pres.-. T. E. Bowsher. Ruakland. O.. treas.: A. E. Schaffer. Wapa- WASHINGTON. O.—Guernsey County Fair. <j«r.t •>» »o 28. H. o. McCullock. secy. WAUSEON. O—Fair. Sept. IS to 21. A. F. ukoirer. nr««.: W. A. Blnke. treas. WBfiT UNION. O.—Adanis County Agricul- tural Society. Sent. 11 to 14. 1900. W. S. Klncaid. Wert Union. O.. pres.; H. W. Dickinson, West Union, O.. treas.; T. W. WOOSTER, O.—Wayne County Fair. Sept. 11 to IS T. N. Kinney, scry. ZANESVILLE. O.—Muskingum County Fair. Sept. 10 to 14. 3. T. Roberta. White Cot- tage, secy. OKLAHOMA. GUTHRIE, OKLA. TEK.—Annual State Fair, tk-pt. II to is. OREGON. ANTELOPE, ORE.—District Fair. Oct. 16 to 20. UAliER CITY, ORE.- Fair and Race Meet. Oct. 3 to ;'.. i;^,, OKE.—Harney County Fair. Sept. 17 to 22. J. J. Donegan, pres.; H. E. 'inciuipMin, secy. PORTLA.NLi, OttE- Fair. Sept. 10 to la. C. B. Williams, Portland, Ore., secy. SALEM, ORE.—State Fair. Sept. 17 to 22 W. H. Webrung, Hillsboro, pres.; A. Bush. Salem, treas.; M. D. Wisdom, secy. SUM1-TBR. ORE.—Fair and Race Meet. Sspt. a; to z:*. PENNSYLVANIA. ALLENTOWN, PA.—The Great Allentown Fair Sept. 18 to 21. 1900. Hon, Jeremiah Koth. Allentown, Pa., pres.; Kobt. R. Kil- ter, Eckerts, Pa., vice pres.; A.. W. I>e Long. Allentown, Pa., treas.; W. K. Monr, secy, aad mgr. . . ANGELICA, PA.—Allegany County Fair. Sep. BEUFORD. PA—Bedford County Agricul- tural Society. Oct. 2 to 4. David W. Lee, pres.; J. Scott Corll. treas.: William I. Eicboitz, secy.; W. S. Arnold, mgr. BBTHLiiHliM. PA,—Penua Sum* Fair. Sept. U to 14. 1900. J. Walter Lovett, lletblehem. Pa., pres.; M. C. Fetter. Beth- leiiem. Pa,, vice pres.; Geo. H. Young. Bethlehem, Pa., treaB.; H. A, Groman Bettilebem. Pa., secy. . P.LouaiaBURG, PA.—Columbia County Fair. Oct, 9 to 12. A. N. Yost, secy. BURGETTSTOWN. PA.—Foriy-nftn Annual Fair. Union Agricultural Association. Oct. J to 4. Dr. S. C. Botkin, pres.; R. P. Stevenson, secy.; W. B. Linn, treas. CARLISLE, PA.—Cumberland County Fair. Sept. 2ii to 28. „ _, . CAKA1ICHAELS. PA.—Green County Fair. Oct 10 and 11. C. W. Barkman, secy. CLEARFIELD. PA.—Fair. &ept. 11 to 14. R. E. Shaw, secy. . DALLAS, PA.—Dallas Union Agricultural Fa.r. Oct. 2 to 5. Will Norton, secy. DALTON PA—Maitland Dr.vmg Park Asso- c.aticn. Sept. 11 to 14. W. C. Smith, secy. DAYTON, PA.—Dayton Agricultural and Me- chanical Association. Sept. 25 to 28. W. C. Marshall, pres.; E. Morrow, recy.; C. W. Ellenberger, treas. ,.„,„,,,, FANKHANNOCK, PA.-Wyom:ng County Agr.cultural Society. Sept. 19 to 21. \\. J>. Reynolds, secy. n FORKSV1LLE, PA—Fair. Oct. 3 to 5. O. N. Molyneaux, Millview, Pa., secy. GREENVILLE, PA.—Fair and Races. Sept. n to 13. R. B. Foster, pres.: A. \\. Wier, HANOVER. PA.—Hanover Agricultural Soci- ety. Sept. 25 to 28. R. M. Wirt, pres.; T. J. Little, treas.; M. O. Smith, secy. HARFORD. PA.—Harford Fair. Sept. 26 and 27. E. is. Jones, secy. HOLL1DAYSBURG. PA.—Blair Co Agricul- tural Society Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. Frank HUGMESVILLE. PA.—Muncy Valley Farm- era' Club. S»Dt. 18 to 21, 1900. Theodore A. Boom. Hugnesvllle. Pa., pres.: Hon. Peter Reed. Hughesvllle. Pa., treas.: A, C. Henry. Hnrbwn'lll*. Pa-, wy- . , .. _, INDIANA. PA.—Indiana County Agricultural Society. Sept. 11 to 14. M. F Jamison, oral.: David Blair, secy.; A. w. Mafon, treas.; Hon. H. J. Thompson. Marion Cen- ter. Pa., privilege mgr. „.'.„. , KUTZTOWN. PA.—Fair. Sept. 25 to 28. J. R. Essen, secy. „ _ . LANCASTER, PA.—Lancaster County Fair. Week of Oct. 8. LANCASTER. PA.—State Fair. About Sep- tember. Mr. Young, pres.; Mr. Demnung.. LEHJG-HTON. PA.—The Carbon County In- austrlal Society. Sept. 25 to 2S. 1900. Henry Miller. LeMghton. Pa., pres.; C. E. Brink- man Lehlgbton. Pa,, treas.; C. W. Bower. LohlrMon. Pa- secy, and mgr- LEWISBURG, PA.—Union County Agr cul- tural Socity. Sept. 25 to 28. C. Willard Oldt, Bucknell. Pa., secy. ltANSFIELD PA.—Manefleld Fair. SepU ■ te *». MOO. W. P. Auatdn. Mansfield. Pa.. ymilE PA.—Meade Camp Guards. No. lb. s" or V.. Fair. Nov. 24 to Dec. 1. Geo. F. Eckcrt: Geo. P. McLean, sciy. MERCER, PA.—Fair. Sept. 25 to 2S. John B. Mowry, secy. MIDDLETOWN. PA.—Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. R. 1. Young, pres.; Wm. Shireman, secy. MILTON, PA.—Milton Fair. Oct. 2 to i, 1900. Edwin Paul. Milton.-Pa., secy. MONTROSE, PA.—Susquehanna County Ag- ricultural Society. Sept. IS aud 19. W. A. Titswcrth, secy. NAZARETH. PA.—Northampton County Ag- ricultural Society. Oct. 2 to 5. F. F. Oer- Hejt, ; pres.; J. J. Mans, secy.; J. R. Rem- bemler. treas. NK\ii'»STl.K. PA.—Fair. Sept. 27 to 29. OIL CITY, PA.—Venango County Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. „ . „ . OXFOKI). PA.—Chester County lair. Sept. PIliLADELPHIA, PA—Philadelphia County Far. Ncv. 13 to 17. PORT ALLEGANY. PA.—McKean County Fa'r. Sept. IS to 21. ■■ - . POUT ROYAL, PA.—Juanita County Fair. Sipt. 12 to 14. , READING. PA.—Agricultural and Horticul- tural Association ot Berks County. Reading Fair Oct. 2 to 5. James McGowan. pres.; Cyrus T. Fox. secy.; Milford N. Ritter, ■TONEBORO, PA.—Mercer County Agricul- tural Society. Oct. 2 to 4. 1900. J. J. Blatt. Sandy Lake. Pa., pres.: R. P. Cann. treas.: f\ <jT TfowlGi* sscy. TOWANDA, PA.—Bradford County Agrlcul- «ut«i Society. Sent. 25 to 28. 1900. E. J. Ayera. Towanda. Pa,, pres.; W. T. Horton, Towauda. Pa., treaa.; Banj. Kuyken«aJ.„ Towanda, Pa., aacy. IF? . -■■—- . - a -— —— : ~r,7^~ ..^■— *£ 1 you have a Money-Making Attraction for October 3, 4 and 5, don't fail to write us. NEWCOMERSTOWN is the greatest "money»town" in Ohio. We want some* thing Up«tott)ate and Catching. UOUIS LIEBMH.V, Sec'y. TfoimNtmmMmNWtoNNM^^ ) TROY. PA.—Troy Agricultural Society. Sept. 11 to 14. B. A. Long, pres.: E. E. VanDyna, treas.; C. L. Fellows, secy. TUNKHANNOCK, PA—Wyoming County Fair. Sept. 19 to 21. W. N. Reynolds, secy. UNIONTOWN, PA.—Fair. Oct. 3 to 5. Wm. W. Parker, secy. WALLSVILLE, PA.—Maitland Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. W. C. Smith. Dalton.- Pa., secy. WASHINGTON, PA.—Wescern Pennsylvania Agricultural Association. 3e»t- 25 to 28. J. M. Thomas, pres.: J. S. Foray the. secy.; J. S. Eagleson. treaa. WAVNP.SBDRG. PA.—Pair. Sept- 18 to 2i. WESTFIELD, PA.—Westfleld Fair. 8ept. 11 t« IE. 19o0. Frank Strang, secy. WILLIAMSPORT. PA.—Lycoming County Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. J. A. Brosius, amuse- ment mgr. ' . „ , YORK. PA,—York County Agricultural Soci- ety. Oct. 1 to 5. J. H. Wogan, Mt. Wolf. Pa., pres.; C. H. Mayer, treas.; E. Chapin, YOUNGWOOD, PA.—The Westmoreland Ag- ricultural Society. Sept. 18 to 21. D B. Fisher. Mt.Pleasant, Pa., pres.; M. P. Shoe- maker. Greensburg. Pa., treas.; W. F. Holt- xer. Greensburg, Pa., aecy. EHODE ISLAND. NEWPORT, R. I.—Newport County Agricul- * tural Society Fair. Sept. 25 to 27. Edwara Anthony, secy. . RIVER POINT, R. I.—Pawtmat Valley Agri- cultural Association of Kent County. Sept. 26 to 29. John F. Deering. Arctic, R. I., secy. SOUTH CAKOLINA. COLUMBIA, S. C—State Fair of South Car- olina. Oct. 29 to Nov. 2. Thos. W. Hollo- way, Pomaria, S. C secy. LEXINGTON. S. C—Lexington County Fair. Oct. 23 to 25. N. D. Hannan, secy. SOUTH DAKOTA. MILTON, S. D.—Fair. Oct. 2 to ». MITCHELL, S. DAK.—Mitchell Driving As- sociation. Dates not axed. Geo. E. Logan, VERMILION. S. DAK.—Clay County Agri- cultural and Mechanical Association. Sept. IS to 21. E. B. Dawson, secy. _ YANKTON, S. D.—State Board ot Agricul- ture Fair. Sept. 10 to 14. George N. Har- ris, pres.: Walter B. Dean, Becy.; J. E. Piatt, treas. UTAH. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.—Deseret J •. cultural and Manufacturing Society. O '• to 6. John R. Winder, pres.; Sept Sears, secy. VERMONT. i BARTON. VT.—Orleans County Fair Ass ij tion. Sept. 11 to 13. H. II. Somers. :5 burgh, Vt., pres.; O. D. Owen, treaa.; Is Bean, secy. \ RUTLAND, VT.—Rutland County Fair, j 11 to 13. C. C. Pierce. Clarendon. Vt.. :, WATERBURY, VT.—Wlnooskl Valley ..1 cultural Association. Sept. 11 to 13, 190 \ E. Moody, pres.; E. G. Hooker, vice ij W. V. Bryan, treas.: M. O. Evans, sec ; WOODSTOCK, VT.—Windsor County . i cultural Fair. Sept, 25 to 27. H. C. Is wood, preB.; C. H. English, treaa.; Eaton, aecy. VIRGINIA. FARMVILLE, VA.—Fair week of Oc W. G. Venable. pres.; W. G. Dunnln ; vice pres.; S. P. Vanderslice. secy. FREDERICKSBURG-. VA. — Rappahai ; j Agricultural and Mechanical Society. ]l 25 to 27. 1900. E. D. Cole. Fredericks i I Va.. pres.; S. J. Qulnn, Fredericks; B Va.. treas. and secy. * WINCHESTER. VA.—The Shenandoah '■[ ley Agricultural Society. Sept. 1» tjj 1900. Charles Rouss. N. Y. City, pret;* G. Hollls. Winchester, secy.; Clark H. eell. FradOTick. trw. Broken Bric=A-Bracs. THNNHSSRB. ALEXANDRIA, TENN.—Fair. Sept. 20 to 23. Rob Roy. secy. _ COLUMBIA. TENS'.—Fair. Oct. 3 to .. -B. S. Thomas, secy. .CONCORD, TENN.—Fair. Sept. IS to 20. COOKV1LLE. TENN'.—Fair. Sept. 27 to 30. L P. Gillem. secy. GR WESTON, TENN.—Fair. Sept. a to i. HARRIMAN, TENN.—Fair. Oct. 9 to 12. KINGSTON, TENN.—Fair. Oct. 2 to a. KNOXVILLE. TENN.—Fair. Sept. 11 to 14. j W Bo-ches, pres.: C. R. Lowe, secy. LIVINGSTON. TENN.—Fair. Oct. 4 to 7. LONDON. TENN.—Fair. Sept. 25 to 27. RHEA SPRINGS. TENN.—Fair. Oct. 23 to 26. ROCKWOOD. TENN.—Fair. Oct. 16 to 19. TRENTON, TENN.—Fair. Oct. 10 to 14. WATERTOWN, TENN.—Fair. Sept. 13 to 16. TEXAS. ABILENE. TEX.—West Texas Fair Associa- tion. Sept. 25 to 29. T. S. Rollins, pres.; Henry James, treas.: J. H. Pickens, aecy. CLEBORUNE, TEXAS—Fair. Sept. 13 to 15. S. E. Moss, secy. CORSICANA, TEXAS—Fair. Oct. 15 to 19. J. E. Whiteselle. secy. DALLAS. TEX.—Texas State Fair Associa- tion. Sept- 29 to Oct. 14. 1900. W. H. Gas- ton. Dallas. Tex., pres.: Sidney Smith. Dal- las, Tex., secy.; J. B. Adoue, Dallas, Tex., DENISON, TEX.—Denison Driving Park and Fair Association. Sept. 25 to 28. Walter S. Fairey. secy. DENTON. TEXAS—Fair. Sept. 19 to 22. "W. E. Smoot. secy. FREDERICKSBURG. TEX.—Gillespie County Fair. Sept. 20 to 24. L. Hagen. secy. HOUSTON. TEXAS—Fair. Nov. 10 to 17. Tom Richardson, secy. JACKSBORO. TEX.—Jack County Fair As- sociation. Oct. 2 to 6. W. R. Greu. pres.; Sil. Stork, treas.: H. A. Wills, secy. MARQUEZ, TEX.—Marquez Fair Association. Oct. 3 to 5. F. M. Amos, pres.; Sidney Myers, treas.: Dr. E. O. Boggs. secy. SAN ANTONIO. TEX.—San Antonio Inter- national Fair Association. Oct, 20 to Nov. 3. Vovles P. Brown, San Antonio, pres.; J. C. Frost. San Antonio, treas.; John M. Vance. San Antonio, secy. VICTORIA, TEX.—Southwest Texas Fair As- sociation. Oct. S to B. L. D. Heaton, pros.: Theo. Buhler. treaa.: L- N. Hofer. aecy. Mr. Major, the famous cement man, of J Yo'k, explains some very interesting facts ( Major's Cement. i The multitude* who use this standard t -■ know that it is many hundred per cent i than other cements for which similar clail made, but a ereat many do not know why } simple reason is lhat Mr. Major uses tin materials ever discovered ai.d other ma, turers do not use them liecanse they are t< ; peni-ive and do i ot allow large profits. Major tells us that one ol the elements cement costs $t75 : a pound and anothex i §2 65 a gallon, wht c a large share of the so : cements anil liquid glue upon the mark ; nothing more than sixteen cent glue, dls i iu water or citric acid and in some cases a | slightly in color and odor by the addit; cheap and useless materia s. 1 Major - s cement retails at fifteen cent; twenty-five cents a bttt'e. and when a * tries to sell a substitute vou can depend t.j that his only object is to make ltrger pro Theprofiton .Major's cement is as much dealer ought to make on any cement. And j doubly true in view of the fact that each 1 eets his share of the benefit of M r. Major's | tising which now amounts toover $^000 a throughout the country- Established in : Insist on having Major's. Don't accei I off-hand advice from a druRKii-t. . I If you are ?t all handy (and you will be j to find that you are a good deal more so th; 1 imagine) von can repair vour rubber boo family shoes and any other rubber and 1 • articles, with Maj >r - s Rubber Cement an. Major's Leather Cement. And you will be surprised at how many« a vear vou will thus save . , if your druggist can't supplv you, it will ! warded by mail: either kind. Free of p! F^OIR SAO STEAM MERRY-GO-ROUj (ton*w«nd* mskb) In fair condition (except cunvas.but can ■_ this season). Kngine is in fine shape, nev » has fine Trumpet Organ. 2 Rolls. U H>> Cutters. Images etc Will 01 erate on t I giounds at Kurkfuid Ills . this week. ," BAKOAIN if taken »t once. Will delivt : cars for $600 CASH.and by; rep«i- s can be made a n ce whale, but 1;: sold at once. Ad(lre * s . : „ ^. v D. G WEflSTER. Cap ; WANTED SS GEORGIA STATEj October 29lh to Novcmirr 41? Some high-class Mi.lwav »U Tactions. Pt \ aud concessions for sale. « Address- A. T. MOORE. Manage 3 Valdosta, Qoc