The billboard (July-Dec 1900)

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> it? •i?:a " m: , ^jasiaaayEsar** <>iX>HE, N. Y —Oneida County Fair. Sept. 24 : ^jr- to 28. tOHOHAHIE, N. T.—Schoharie County Ag- t t rlcultaral Fair. Sept. 17 to 20. H. F. '. ?j. Klncaley. aecy. > * t'HBRBURNE, N. Y.—Sherburne Driving .-Cii Park and Agricultural Association. Sept- Ix'X'to 28. K. Daniels, prea.; Chas. L. Car- ^IJrier, aecy. . • ji. YRACUSE, N. Y.—Onondaga County Fair. ■ f a Oct. 2 to 5. Stephen Thornton, Syracuse, fir'prea.; N. H. Chapman, Syracuse, aecy.'and i f "MENON, N. Y.—Vernon Agricultural Socl- • if ety. Oct. 3 and 4. L. A. Uriswold, secy. 1 JiSATERLOO. N. Y-—iTha Seneca County Ag- i.i ricultnral Society. Sept. 25 to 27. Edward • f; Nugent, aecy. '. • fjMUx'JG PLAINS, N. Y.—Fair. Sept. 24 to "i f 9. James Hopkins, prea.; Joseph B. Lee, J t: traaa.; ft, B. Long; aecy. IS HOBTH CABOLIRA. J iltsUBLINGTON. N. C—Th« Alamance Fair. Vh' t Oct. 15 to 20. J. H. Harden, aecy. ■ ■ - t S :, A«BTTB!VUXB, N. C—Cumberland Coun- ty Agricultural Society. November. Wal- ■(■ ri&tar Watson, prea.; Q. W. Lawrence, aecy. « : -- ?:??and trass. 3EBNSBOKO. N. C—Central Carolina Fair .5.' Association. Oct. 9 to 12. J. Van Lindlcy, ■ ,,r : pres.; J. H. Walsh, secy. ; |;J ;;*EW BERNE, N. C—Fair and Race Meet. - j!js; Nov. 12 to 17. Til Dann. pres.; Geo. Kr-SK 'if tl: Green, secy. irfir ,:i*,aiALBlOH, M. C—North Carolina State Ag- ik'ii • I*' rleultural Society. Oct. 22 to 27, 1900. v ft: C * .^ Charles McNamee, Biltmore, N." C, prea.; |.i.-:' '/fe'C B. Denson. treaa-: Joseph E. Pogua, w --,ifc I: .-jS aasr- '-W ; a jsYBaUDOK, N. C—Roanoke and Tar River '■>-,'}■ fflf'tfi Agricultural Society Fair. Oct. 30 to Nov. Iji'lJ.' I r if 1_ T. L. Enry, pres.; J. J. Daniel, treas.; liaf- RJUlE fi ! iip- W. B. Green, secy. |;«fr. i f ffffraSTON-SALEM* N. J County, Horse Show i C—Piedmont Park and Fair. Oct. 29 to {(&~\i-i§ NOT. 3." J. L. Patterson, pres.; G. H. Webb, fi&" * h'VJ- auar- and mgr.; Thos. Mo "" J-V.S'-.! OHIO. cu,£ Kt:< ii'iKRON, O.—Summit County Agricultural |,"! ' * ft Society. Oct. 2 to 6. G. C. Stanford, Boston, O.. prea.; Qt W. Brewster, treaa.; £E :fl I Albert Hale. aecy. . |lTHSNS^ O.—Athens County Fair. Sept. 26 f>'*isl 'i * *° W. _E._G._ Biddison, pres.; W. Scott, Mat;-;-' f treaa.; C H. Porter, secy. 'HbLLBFONTAINE. O.—The Logan County - - - - - - - 2 to 5, 1900. Sa ? ii' ; :',:'; ' Agricultural Society. Oct. riIii; < 5'!:- ! ' asnaw C. Miller, Belleftmta. <"'.-''■} Jasa> L. Makenison. Dearaff. m Bellefontalne. O., pres.; . Mat L. Makenison. Degraff. O., vice pres.; IT. B. Nlvaa, Bellatontaine, O.. treaa.; E. " *■*. rHiiiili'il«lii BoHafontalnn. O.. secy. 'IKREA, O.—West Cuyahoga Agricultural So- _:,y > eiety. Sept. 25 to 27. Wm. Diddulpn, Dover, Hi? ' O., prea.; 'W. J. Foots, StrongviUe, treaa.; &rffi c 1 lQ.iL Stone. Berea, aecy. 't 'ViJif-P- JtoWUNQ GREEN. O.—Wood County Fair. tS*l: ;lf : : > Sept. 26 to 28. W. S. Haskell, secy. f*^!» ,'IDCYRUS, O.—Crawford County Agricultu- ral Society. Oct. 9 to 12. J. A. McMichael, pros.; O. W. Miller, secy.; M. Auck, treas. 'JAD1Z. O.—Harrison Ooumy Agricultural Oct. 2to 4. 1900. A. T. EUlot, IIS?? "=»-■ '"■■• 9 Sbortcrsefc, O., pros.; W. V. Scott, Hope- pres.; S. R. Hamilton, Cadiz, G. MUliken, Cadiz, O., secy.; Mft? R'. 3 dale.'O., vice -.fe:K4'»h r O-. treaa.; J. R&fe-T^'v J- O. MUliken. mgr. W|i ttf <I JlANFTEU). O.—Mahoning County Fair. i|M'{r».l i Sept. 25 to 27. B. L. Manchester, Hickory, ■fa'**,i »wi"' 4 aacy Iftfi ; :ri 3 rJAHBOLLTON. O.—Carroll County Agricul- BXS&K?' f tnral Society. O/st. 9 to 12. Wm. L. Smelts, IllSfc IMI; « Jr., pre*.; C. A. Tate, aecy.; T. J. Salts- Jf! t-\t a' doty. Sept. 17 to XL, 1900. Frank Mitch «• I. ['■■'J. ■ r ci ■attm, O.. prea.; John J. Kayior. Baton. !'i.**< ij> F O., vice prea.; C. F. Brooke, Eaton, O., tjs*-"" c- treaa.: -Henry H. Farr. Eaton. O.. s<"cr- ,--'■'% 'v*± * TOIDLAY. O.—Hancock County Agricultural fii'f- "^ i» Soeiaty. Sept. 18 to 22,1900. Henry Snyder, yl Si l'if ft prea.; Jacob Stark, treas.; Wm. Demland. fv.V' in s « ■•«▼- r ... r FREMONT, O.—Sandusky County Fair. Oct. Vsiiri r^ 2 to 5. J. C. Overxnyer. secy. ferrS ---'t rt IT'TOW. O —Fair. Sept. 18 to 21. KliS- tsX wJEORGETOWN. O.—Brown County Fair. K'&'E- a- ° ct ibL J. W. Hedrick. RusselvUle. :fi» earrr. i IAMIL.TON, O.—Fiftieth Annnal. Goldes '' Jabllsa of the Butler County Fair. Oct 1 , to 5, 1900. J. A. Slade. pres.; W. B. Wal- 1 lacea^reas.: W. A. Shafor. secy. bi aci F. K . n iiuiutiiiiiit u.—Fair. Sept. 25 to 2*. (.'it I-.-* M. Birdsall. secy.; Geo. D. Simson, treas.; 5 fe •' h» Wm. H. Ha rter, ores. ra fr S LANCASTER. O.—Fairfield County Fair. Oct. fir* Tj Zi 10 to 13. W. Martaln, pres.; C. B. Whiley, tlS. W gi treas.: W. T. McClenagaan. secy. Si'- '4 fi-HBANON. O.—Warren County Fair Associ- ,Um .. „ ation. Sept. 18 to XL Huse Bone, pres.: |KfS'ir »■„ Oao. W. Carey, secy.; F. M. Cunningham, JHA, O.—Allen County Fair. Sept. 25 to 2*. i« i _J Wm. Busier, pres.; Geo. Fetter, treas.; T. -*•'*- ZT B. Bowersock. secy. p .MARIETTA, O.-^-Washington County Agri- cultural and Mechanical Association. Sept. %■ v» 3|; » r --" 18 to 2L H. N. Cole, pres.; C. J. Pfaff. vice ?!**. i-'»J prea.; Henry G. Bohl, secy.; J. H. McCon- f' S^fjaAKION, O.—Manon County Fair. Sept. 25 " « It ?„ to 28. J. E. Wadda)!. aecy. I Ifr ^>|iiIl^«AB.Y8vTIJLB, O.—Virion "Oounftr Asrlcol- J%i«?.I ?5. twral Socltr. Oct. 2 toj. 1900. John C. rii ^ : S. Klatoer, Miiford Centre. O.. pres.; JV*n K. PI? < f - i. «v Dodca, New California, O., Tics prea.; C. S. **•"'* J Jh5 SSSaa, Maryarffiev O., tree*.; M. M. ^-*g5' Ti mi» Hi V«r*«fna. O-. ancy. L< < tAYSVILLE, O.—tmion County Fair. Oct. 11« i. W. H. Titsworth. aacy. Dfe.i : it THE BILLBOARD MT. OILEAD, 0.—Morrow; County Fair. Oct. 2 to 6. O. J. Miller, secy. NEWARK, O.—Licking County Agricultural Society. Oct. 2 to 6,. 1900. F. B. Dudgeon, Wilken Run, prea.: A. J. Crilly. traaa.: J. U. Karniar. iuwr. NEW LEXINGTON, O.—Perry County Fair. Date not fixed. Chas. C. Chappelear, secy. OTTAWA, O.—Fair. Oct. 1 to 6. A. P. San- dies,* pres.; J. S. Stuckey. secy. OTTOKEE. O.—Fulton County Agricultural Society. Sept 18 to 21, 1900. A. F. Shaf- fer, Wauseon. O., pres.; L. Buxton, Am- brose, O., vice pres.; W. S. Blake, Wtau- seon. O.. treas.; Tiros. Mikesell, Wauseon, O., secy. PAULDING, O.—Paulding County Agricultu- ral Society. Sept. 18 to 21. Lafayette Paul- ua, Briceton, O., pres.; W. B. Jackson, secy.; W. H. Yant, treas.' PEEBLES, O—Fair. Sept. 18 to 21. POMEROY, O.—Meigs County Fair. Sept. 18 ton. P. B. Stanberry, pres.; J. W. Sha- ver, secy.; John McQuigg, treas. PORT CLINTON, O.—Ottaw County Fair.' Sept. 18 to 20. T. W. Payne, pres.; G. H. Hyde, treas.; J. H. M. Ricfiie. secy. PORT ONION, O.—Ottawa County Fair. Sept. 18 to 20. J. H. McRichie. secy. RICHWOOD, O.—Richwood Jri-County Fair Co. Oct. 9 to 12, 1900. C. D. Sidle, pres.; Robert Smith, treas.; C. H. Huffman, secy. .ROCK SPRINGS, O.—Meigs County Fair, •apt. IS to XL J. w. Hhaver, Pomeray, aacy. SARXHSVILLE, O.—Noble County Fair. Sept. 18 to 20. Geo. M. Graham, secy. SMlTHFtELL-, O.—JeSersou County Fair. Sept. 26 to 28, 1900. G. G. Bargar, pres.;" C. McKmney, treas.; J. Hayen, secy. SOMERSET,. O.—North Perry County Fair. Oct. 17 to 19. C. H. Mechling, secy. SYCAMORE, O.—Sycamore Fair Co. Oct. U to'19. 1900. F. W. Hurd, pres.; G. A Klahn, treas.; F. R. Gnibb, secy. TROI, O.—Miami County D'atr. Sept. 24 tc . ■■ 35..' W. I.- lanney. sacy. UPPER SANDUSKY, O.—Wyandot County Agricultural Society. -Sept. 18 to ai. ~ Hare, pres.; Oscar Billhardt, secy.; W. JT Lowry. treaa. WA**AKON'ETA, O.—Auglaize Agricultural Society. Oct. 2 to 6. 1900. L. H. Stuva, St. Mary's. O., pres.; J. T. Van Horn, New Hampshire, O., vice pres.; T. E. Bowoher, Buskland, O., treas.; A. E. Schaffer, Wapa- koneta, O.. aecy. WASHINGTON, O.—Guernsey County Fair. Sept. 25 to 28. H. D. McCuIIock. secy. WAUSEON. O.—Fair. Sept. 18 to ZL A. F. Shaffer, pres.; W. A. Blake, treas. OREGON. "ANTELOPE, ORE.—District Fair. Oct. 16 to 20. BAKER CITY, ORE.—Fair and Race Meet Oct. 3 to 5. BiiKNS, ORE.—Harney County Fair. Sept. 17 to 22. J. J. Donegan, pres,; H. E. Thompson, secy. PENDLETON, ORE.—Fair. Sept. 18 to 22. SALEM, ORE.—State Fair. Sept. 17 to- 22. W. H. Wehrung, Hillsboro, pres.: A. ' Rush. Salem, treas.: M. D. Wisdom. sp"v. SUMPTER, ORE.—Fair and Race Meet. S2pt. 26 to 29. PENNSYLVANIA. ALLENTOWN, PA.—The Great Allentown Fair. Sept. IS to a, 1900. Hon. Jeremiah Roth. Allcntown. Pa_, pres.; Robt_ R. Hit- ter, Eckerts. Pa., vice pres.; A. W. De Long, Allentown, Pa., treas.; W. K. Mohr, secy, aad mgr. BEDFORD, PA.—Bedford County Agricul- tural Society. Oct. 2 to 4. David W. Lee. pros.; J. Scott Corll, treas.; William L Bichoitz, secy.: W. S. Arnold, mgr. F.LGOMSBURG, PA.—Columbia County Fair. Oct 9 to 12. A. N. Yost, secy. BURGETTSTOWN, PA.—Forty-fifth Annual Fair, Union Agricultural Association. Oct 2 to 4. Dr. S. C. Botkin, pres.; R. P. Stavenson, secy.; W. B. Linn, treas. CARLISLE, PA.—Cumberland County Fair Sept 25 to 28. CAKMICHAELS, PA.—Green County Fair. Oct 10 and 11. C. W. Barkman, secy. DALLAS, PA.—Dallas Union Agr.cultural Fair. Oct. 2 to 5. Will Norton, secy. DAYTON, PA.—Dayton Agricultural and Me- chanical Association. Sept 25 to 28. W. C. Marshall, pres.; E. Morrow, Eecy.; C. W. Ellanberger, treas. FANKHANNOCK, PA.—Wyoming County Agricultural Scciety. Sept 19 to 21. W. N. Reynolds, secy. FORKSVILLB, PA.— Fair. Oct 3 to 6. 0. N. Mnlvneanx, Millview, Pa., secy. HANOVER, PA.—Hanover Agricultural Soci- ety. Sept 25 to 28. R. M. Wirt pres.; T. J. Little, treaa.: M. O. Smith, secy. HARFORD, PA.—Harford Fair. Sept 26 and 27. E. is. J ones, secy. UUOHESVILLE. PA.—Muncy Valley Farm- era' Club. Sent 18 to 21. 1900. Theodore A. Boom, Hugbeeville, Pa., pres.; Hon. Peter Reed, Hugbesville, Pa., treaa.: A. C Henry, TTtl» l llMi" l l1^. P«.. FWT. KUTZtOWN,' PA—Fair. Sept 25 to 28. J. B. Esaen. secy. LANCASTER, PA.—Lancaster County Fair. Week of Oct. 8. LANCASTER, PA.—State Fair. About Sep- tember. Mr. Young, pres.; Mr. Demming, secy. LBHIGHTON. PA.—The Carbon County In- • aimtrial Society. Sent. 25 to 28. 1900. Henry MHler, Lefctetoton. Pa., pres.; C. E. Brink- man. Lehighton, Fa., treas.; C. W. Bower, Tj*li *!rtrm pa.-, serv. and mgr. LEWTSBURG, PA.—Union County Agricul- tural Socity. Sept 25 to 28. C. Willard OMt Bncknell. Pat. secy. HtlMCnBLD. PA.-4I*n«nald Fair. Sapt * to U, 1*00, W. P. Austin. Maoaflald, Pa., MEADE, PA.—Meade Camp Guards, No. 16, S. of V., Fair. Nov. 24 to Dec. L Geo. F. Eckert;Geo. P. McLean, secy. Campaign Posters To advertise any kind of.... Political Meeting, Excursion or Barbecue. Special Circular and Sample Free to Bill Posters. Union Label used on each fob. HENNEGAN & CO.. N. B.—We can ship your order ONE DAY AFTER it is received, if so desired 8th Street, near Main, CINCINNATI, 0 wm MERCER, PA.—Fair. Sept. 25 to 28. John B. Mowry, secy. HILTON. PA.—Milton Fair. Oot 2 to 5, 1900. Edwin Paul. Milton. "Pa., secy. MONTROSE, PA.—Susquehanna County Ag- ricultural Society. Sept. 18 and 19. W. A. Titsworth,- secy. NAZARETH. PA.—Northampton County Ag- ricultural Society. Oct 2 to 5. F. F. Gar- net, pres.; J. J. Mans, aecy.; J. R. Rem- hemier. treaa. NEWCASTLE, PA.—Fair. Sept 27 to 29. OXFORD, PA.—Chester County Fair. Sept. 26 to 28. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Philadelphia Countv Fair. Nov. 13 to 17. PORT ALLEGANY, PA.—McKean County Fair. Sept 18 to 21. READING, PA.—Agricultural and Horticul- tural Association of Berks County, Reading Fair. Oct 2 to 5. James McGowan, pres.; Cyrus T. Fox, secy.; Miiford N. Bitter, treaa. STONEBORO, PA—Mercer County Agricul- tural Society. Oct 2 to 4, 1900. J. J. Blatt, Sandy Lake; Pa., prea.; R. P. Cann, treaa.; G. H. Fowler, secy. roWANDA, PA.—Bradford County Agricul- tural Society. Sept 25 to 28, 1900. E. J. Ayers. Towanda, PaL, pres.; W. T. Horton. Towanda, Pa., treas.; Ben]. Kuykendalt. Towanda. Pa., sacy. TUNKHANNOCK, PA.—Wyoming County Fa.r. Sept. 19 to 21. W. N. Reynolds, secy. CNIONTOWN, PA.—Fair. Oct. 3 to 5. Wm. W. Parker, secy. WASHINGTON. PA.—Western Pennsylvania Agricultural Association. Tept 25 to 28. J. M. Thomas, pres.; J. S. Forsythe. secy.; J. S. Eagleson, treaa. WAYVKSBURO. PA.—Fair. Sept 1* to 21. YORK, PA—York County Agricultural Soci- ety. Oct 1 to 5. J. H. Wogan, Mt Wolf. Pa., pres.: C. H. Mayer, treas.; E. Chapin. aacj YOUNGWOOD, PA.-=The Westmoreland Ag- ricultural Society. Sept 18 to 21. D. B. Fisher. MtPleasant Pa., pres.; M. P. Shoe- maker. Greensburg. Pa., treas.; W. F. Holt- xer. Greensburg. Pa., secy. EHODE ISLAND. NEWPORT, R. I.—Newport County Agricul- tural Society Fair. Sept. 25 to 27. Edward Anthony, secy. RIVER POINT. R. I.—Pawtmat Valley Agri- cultural Association of Kent County. Sept 26 to 29. John F. Deering, Arctic, R. I., secy. SOUTH CAROLINA. COLUMBIA. S. C—State Fair of South Car- olina. Oct 29 to Nov. 2. Thos. W. Hollo- way, Pomaria, S. C, secy. LEXINGTON, S. C—Lexington County Fair. Oct 23 to 26. N. D. Hannan, secy. SOTJTa DAKOTA. MILTON. S. D.—Fair. Oct. 2 to 5. MITCHELL, S. DAK.—Mitchell Driving As- sociation. Dates not fixed. Geo. E. Logan, secy. VERMILION, S. DAK.—Clay County Agri- cultural and Mechanical Association. Sept. 18 to 21. E. JL Dawson, secy. TV >'NIv ESSES. ALEXANDRIA, TENN.-Fair. Sept. 20 to 23. Rob Roy, secy. COLUMBIA. TENN.-Fair. Oct. 3 to 7. B. S. Thomas, secy. CONCORD. TENN.-Fair. Sept. 18 to 20. COOKVILLE, TENN.-Fair. Sept. 27 to 30. L. P. Giliem, secy. HARR1MAN, TENN.—Fair. Oct 9 to 12. KINGSTON, TENN.—Fair. Oct. 2 to 5. LIVINGSTON. TENN.—Fair. Oct. 4 to 7. LONDON, TENN.-Fair. Sept. 25 to 27. RHEA SPRINGS, TENN.-Fair. Out. 23 to 26. ROCKWOOD, TENN.-Fair. Oct. 10 to 19. TRENTON, TENN.—Fair. Oct 10 to 14. WATERTOWN. TENN.-Fair. Sept. IS to 16, T8XA8 ABILENE, TEX.—West Texas Fair Associa- tion. Sept 25 to 29. T. S. Rollins, pres.; Henry James, treas.: J. H. P.ckens. aecy. CORSICANA, TEXAS—Fair. Oct. 15 to 19. J. E. Whiteselle, secy. DALLAS. TEX.—Texas State Fair Associa- tion. Sept 29 to Oct 14. 1900. W. H. Gas- ton, Dallas. Tex., prea.; Sidney Smith. Dal- las, Tex., secy.; J. B. Adoue. Dallas, Tex.. treas. DENISON, TEX.—Denison Driving Park and Fair Association. Sept 25 to 28. Walter S. Fairey, secy. DENTON, TEXAS—Fair. Sept 19 to 22 W E. Smoot. secy. FREDERICKSBURG. TEX—QIIlespis County Fair. Sept. 20 to 24. L. Hagan. aecy. HOUSTON, TEXAS—Fair. Nov. 10 to 17. Tom Richardson, secy. JACKSBORO. TEX.-Jack County. Fair As- sociation. Oct 2 to 6. W. H, Greu. ores.: SU. Stork, treas.; H. A Wilis,^icy. P ' MARQUEZ. TEX.—Marques Fair Association. Oct 3 to 5. F. M. Amos, pres.; Sidney Myers, treas.: Dr. E. O. Boggs. secy. PALESTINE. TEX.—Palestine Fair Associa- tion. Oct. 16 to 19. Geo. Belcher, secy. SAN ANTONIO. TEX.—San Antonio Inter- national Fair Association. Oct 20 to Not. 3. Vovlea P. Brown. San Antonio, pres.: J. C. Frost, San Antonio, treas.; John M. Vanoe. San Antonio, secy. VICTORIA. TEX Southwest Texaa Fair Aa- soclation. Oct S to 6. L: D. Heaton. pros.; Theo. Buhler. treaa.: L. N. Hofar. aacy. TJTAW. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH.-Deseret Agri- cultural and Manufacturing Society. Oct t to 6. John R. Winder, pres.; Septimus Sears, secy. • VE«*MOWT. ERATTLEBORO. VT.—Valley Fair. Sept. 26 and 27. EAST HARDWICK. VT.—Caledonia Grange County Fair. Sept. 29. HAVEN, VT.—Western Agricultural Fair. Sept. 18 to 21. NORTHFIELD. VT.—Dog River Valley Coun- ty Fair. Sept. 18 to 20. TUNBRIDGE. VT.—Union County Fair. Oct 2 to 4. WOODSTOCK. VT.—Windsor County Agri- cultural Fair. Sent 25 to 27. H. C. Lock- wood, pres.; C. H. English, treas.; J. S. Eaton, sacy. FESTOONING! Manufactured in all colors, or combination of color*. Samples and prices submitU d on application. Garrett-Buchanan Co., i$£&SSSff& (Mention thin piner.) ==SEe©ND aNNOJlL== STREET FAIR -AND- CARNIVAL NEWTON, KAN./ October 2,3,4 and 5 =WANTED== HIGH-GLASS ATTRACTIONS! PPIVILEGES FOR SALE. Addrc.., j, Li HOBBS, Sbo. VIRGINIA. DANVILLE, VA.—Central Carolina Fair As- sociation. Oct. 15 to 20. J. H. Walsh, secy. FAKMV1LLE, VA.—Fair week ot Oct. s. W. G. Venable, pres.; W. G. Dunnington, vice pres.; S. P. Vanderslice, secy. FKBDISK10K8BURG, VA — Rappahannock Agricultural and Mechanical Society. Sept 26 to 27. 1900. E. D. Cole. Fredericksburg. Va., pres.; S. J. Quinn, Frederlckstrarg, Vs., treas. and secy. NORFOLK. VA.—Central Carolina Fair As- sociation. Oct 15 to 20. J. H. Walsh, secy." WINCHESTER, VA.—The Shenandoah Vaa- ley Agricultural Society. Sept. 19 to 22, 1900. Oharlei Rouss. N. Y. City, pres.; E. G. Hollls. Winchester, Secy.; dark H. Pur- call. Frad«riok. traaa. WASHINGTON. COLFAX, WASH.—County Fair. Sept. 25 to 29.; Charles McKenzie. sec'y. DAVENPORT, WASH.—Second Annual Fair ot the Lincoln County Fair Association. Sept. 25 to 29. J. H. Nicholls, mgr. MT. VERNON, WASH.-r-Skagit County Fair. Oct. 4 to 7. H. R. Hutchinson, pres. NEW WHATCOM, WASH.—Whatcom County Fair. Date not flxed. J. W. Clark, pres. NOKTH YAKIMA, WASH.—Washinion State Fair. Sept. 24 to 29. T. B. Gunn, secy.; J. M. Baxter, pres.; Matt Bartholet, treas. PUVALLUP. WASH.—Valley Fair Associa- tion. Oct. 4 to 6. L. A. Chaniberlin, pres.; J. P. Nevins, secy. SPOKANE, WASH.—Spokane Industrial Ex- position. ■ Oct. 2 to 16. E. D. Olmstead, pres.; W. E. Hawley, eecy. WALLA WALLA, WASH.—Walla Walla Val- ley Fruit Fair. Oct 1 to 7. C. F. Van de Water, secy. WEST VIRGINIA. ALLIANCE. W. VA.—Fair and Race Meet ADout October. MuuMJaviLLci, W. VA.—Ohio Valley Fair. aepi. is 10 2U. l.'N. Houston, pres.; J. B. HlcKs, treas.; S. M. Steele, secy. VkuiuA, W. VA.—Lewis county Fair. Sept. 2d to 27. R. H. Hall, pres.; Frank Wuelan, secy. WISCONSIN. ANTIGO. WIS.—Fair. Sept M to 20. Fred. Hayssen. Uaivaouu, WIS.—Fair. Sept 25 to 28. S. A. Pelton, Reedshurg. BbttiaM, wis.—ir'air. Oct 1 to 4. C. M. Willi*. BEAVK.-R DAM, WIS.—Dodge County Fair Association. Sept 24to 28. 1*00. W. A. Van uraui, tionoiui. Wis., pres.; A. L. Wallace, fox. Lara, Wis., vice pree.; C. W. Harvey, beaver uam, bevy.; it. a. Drak. Beaver Dam, Wis., treas. BLACK KiVtiU FALLS. WIS.—Jackson county rair. Sept 2u uud 21. BUsCOiiEL, Wilis.—fair. Oct S lot. F. C. Mumey. CfcUAKtfORQ, WIS.—Ozaukie County Agri- cultural society. Sept 17 to 19, lauu. Wm. H. Rtntlemau, pres.; L. E. Schroeder, treaa.: J. Dietrich, aecy. DOUUEVILLE, WIS.—fair. Sept 18 to 21. W. J. Davey. DUKANU, WIS.—Pepin County Agricultural Society. Sept. 2T to 29, lSwu. E. J. Uyan, prea.; W. B. smith, treas.: J. Dorwin, secy. EAO CLAIRE, WIS.—Combined Street Fair, Carnival and Agricultural Fair. Oct 2 to 6. ELKHORN, Wis.—Walworth County Agri- cultural Society. Sept 18 to 2L W. H. Al- drlcb. ires.: U. L. Harrington, secy. ELLSWORTH, WIS.—Fair. Sept 19 to 21. E. S. Doolittle. EUGENE, WIS.—Willamette Poultry and Pet Stock Association's Kxh.b.t Dec. 27 to 29, 1900. FRIENDSHIP, WIS.—Adams County Agri- cultural Abs'n. Sept. 18 to 20. F. M. r'lt- kins, Arkdale, Wis., pres.; L. N .Morse, Big Springs, Wis., treas.; Geo. W. bain, aecy. ORANTsbURG. WIS.—Fair. Sept 26 to 2S. And. A. Anderson. HORTONVlLLu;. WIS.—Fair. Sept 26 to 17. H. T. Buck. ^BFTERSON, WIS.—Fair. Oct 2 to 6. J. L-- Kaarnay. MADISON. WIS.—Fair. Sept IS to U. Bu- cana Bhapard. NsjW LONUON. WIS.—New London Agricul- tural and Industrial Association. Sept 26 to 28. 1900. A. KoloIT, prea., E. H. Ramm, treas.; Henry Cannon, secy. NEW RICHMOND, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 19 to 21. O. J. Williams, prea.; J. W. McCoy, trmu.: J. A. Huehoa. nwi OCONTO, WIS.—Oconto County Fair. Oct. 3 to 6. PORTAGE, WIS.—Fair. Sept 18 to ZL. J. E. Jones. RICE LAKE, WIS.—Fair. Sept 18 to 20. E. N. Bowers. RICHLAND CENTER. WIS.—Richland Coun- ty Agricultural Society. Sept 25 to 28. 1900. H. M. Boch. Richland. City. Wis., prea.; C. A. Matthews. Ulrica, Wis., vice bres.; J. M. Keys. Rclhland Center, treas.; W. F. J. Fogo. Richland Center, secy. 8EYMOUR. WIS.—Fair. Sept 25 to 28. H. J. VanVuran. SHAWANO, WIS.—Shawano County Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 19 to 21. M. J. Wall- rich, pres.; D. E. Wescott, aecy.; F. O. Perry, treaa. SUPERIOR. WIS.—Douglas County Agricul- tural Society. Sept 26 to 28, 1900. G. L. Bsrrlck. West Superior, Wis., prea.; Nick Lucius, Solon Springs, Wis., vios pres.; B. L. Can. West Superior. Wis., treaa,; W. . w. w*M), ftiiDertor. Wla.. secy. VIROQUA, WIS.—Verron County Agricultu- ral Society. Sept. 18 to 21. C. J. Smith, pres.; John W.. Mills'. Sprlngvllle, Wis.. trM«.! F. W. Al exander, secy. W1A.UTOMA, WIS.—Waushara County Agri- cultural Society. Sept 28 to 28. 1900. Gil- bert Temrant, Wautoma, Wis., pros- Geo. P. Walbur, wautoma. Wis,, traaa.; w. R. Scsr*?. Waaugn*, WU., wot. THE BILLBOARD WEST BEND, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 19 to 21. W. P. Rlx. WEST SALEM, WIS.—Fair. Sept. 26 to 28. F. H. A. Nye, secy. WEYAUWEGA, WIS.—Fair. Sept. J8 to 21. David Wafler. CANADA. ALMONTE, ONT.—North Lawark Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 26 to 27, 1900. John Forxytxte, Cedar Hill, Ornt. pree.: James Robertson, Almonte. Out., treas.; Wm. D. McEwen. Almonte. Ont. secy. AYLMER, ONT.—Aylmer's Great Fair, East Elgin County Fair Association. Sept. 18 ts 20, 1900. D. H. Price, secy.-treaa.; A. A. Leslie, pres. BEACHBURG, ONT.—North Renfrew Fair. Oct. 4 and 5. John Brown, secy. BRADFORD, ONT.—Bradtsrd Exhibition. Oct. 22 to 24. G. G. Greene, secy. BRAMPTON, ONT.—County of Peel Agricul- tural Society. Oct. 2 and 3. Henry Rob- erts, secy. BRANTFORD, ONT.—Fair. Sept. 15 to 20. George Hately, secy. « BURFORD, ONT.—Fair." Oct. 10 and 11. Al- bert Foster, secy. CALidDOKlA, ONT.—Caledonia Fair. Oct. 11 and 12. J. W. Richardson, secy. CARP, ONT.—Huntley Exhibition. Oct. 2 and 3. John Argue, secy. CaluuA, ojm'T. —fiaidimand County Fair. Sept. 25 and 26. J. W. Sheppard, secy. CHARLOTTOTOWN, P. E. ISLAND—Queens County Agricultural Association Industrial Exposition and Horse Fair. Sept. 24 to 28. F. L. Hazard, pres.; Chas. Smallwood, secy. l.iatHAM, ONT.—Peninsular Fair. Oct 9 , to 11. CITY OF CHATHAM, KENT. ONT.—Penin- aular Fair. West Kent Agricultural Soci- ety. Oct. 9 to 11. Jas. Chinnick. pres.; R. G. Fleming, treas.; Henry Robinson, sacy. COLLINGWOOD, ONT.—Great Northern Ex- hibition. Sept 18 to 21. Chas. Lawrence, pres.: W. J. France, treas.; J. W. Archer, box 837, secy. DRUMHO, ONT.—Blenheim Agricultural So- ciety. Sept. 25 and 26. R. S. Martin, Prince- ton, pres.; W. Simpson, vice pres.; T. S. Telfer, secy. DUNDAS. ONT.—Wentworth Industrial Fair. Oct 4 and 5. J. M. Knowles, secy. EAST SIMCOE, ONT.—East Simcoe Agricul- tural Society. Sept 24 to 26. A. B. Thomp- son, secy. BMBRO, ONT.—West Zorra and Embro Fair. Oct 4. FERGUS, ONT.—Center Wellington Fair. Oct U and 12. J. J. Craig, secy. FLESHORTON, ONT.—Fleshorton Exhibition. Oct. 2 and_*3. ; R. J. Sprbnde. secy. FLOS, ONT^fFlos Agricultural Society. Oct. 2 to 4. W. A. Smeath. secy. GODERICH. ,ONT.—The Great Northwestern Exhibition.' Sept. 18 and 19. Chas. Mitchell, secy. GUELPH, ONT.-Central Fair. Sept 18 to 20. William Laidlaw. secy. HALIFAX, CAN.—Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition Commission. Sept 12 to 20, 1900. Hon. J. W. Longley, Halifax, N. S-, pres.; D. R. Clark, Halifax. N. S.. treas.;'J,' E. Wood. H.ilfPx. w. S.. «*▼. K MLOOPS, B. C—Agricultural Exhibition. Sept 26 to 28. J. T. Robinson, secy. KEMPTVILLE, ONT., CAN.—Oxford Town- ship Agricultural Fair. Sept. 27 and 28. J. C. Ruthford, pres.; Angus Buchanan, secy. LINDSAY, ONT.—Central Fair. Sept 20 to 22. James Keith, secy. MARKHAM, ONT.—Canada's Greatest Coun- ty Fair. Oct 3 to 5. W. H. Hall, secy. METCALFE. ONT.—County of Russell Ex- hibition. Sept 26 and 27. P. Saver, secy. MORDEN, CAN.—Morden Agricultural Soci- ety. Sept 27 and 28, 1900. J. F. Hutchin- son, prea.; J. Oilchrist secy.-treas. NAPANEK ONT.—Lennox Agricultural Fair. Sept 24 to 26. S. Ming, V. S.. secy. NEWMARKET, ONT.—North York Exhibi- tion. Sept 18 to 20. Wm. Keith, secy. NEW WESTMINSTER. B. C—Provincial Fair. Oct 2 to 5. W. H. Keary, New West- minster, B. C, secy. NORWICH, ONT.—North Norwich Fair. Oct. 12 and 13. Wm. Fairley, secy. OSHWEKEN. ONT.—Indian Fair. Oct. 3 to 5. OTTERVILLE, ONT.—South Norwich Fair. Oct. 5 and 6. Alex. McFarlane, secy. P.tJSLEY, ONT.—Centre Bruce. Exhibition. Doat. 25 and 26. Geo. Chambers, pres.; F. E. Sheppard, secy. PARIS. ONT—North Brant Fair. Sept 25 and 28. H. C. O'Neall, secy. PERTH, ONT.—South Lanark Fair. Sept IT to 19. W. T. Walker, secy. PETERBOROUGH. ONT.—Peterborough Cen- tral Exhibition. Sept 18 to 20. F. H. Dob- lin. pres.: W. J. Green, secy, and treas. PICTON. ONT.—Prince Edward County (Ont) Fair. Sept 26 and 27. Thomas Big- mar, secy. PRESCOTT. ONT.—South Grenvtlle Agricul- tural Society. Sept 18 and 20, 1900. G. T. Howard. Prescott. Ont, pres.: R. S. Throop. PrescoR, Ont.. vice prea.; T. R. Melville, Pn»oott. Ont. secy. RENFREW. ONT.—South Renfrew Exhibi- tion. Sept. 27 and 28. Robert MacLaren. ROCKTON, ONT.—Worlds Fair. Oct 9 and in. David Bell. secy. SAULT 8TE. MARIE, ONT.—East Algonla Agricultural Society. Oct I and 3. J. Daw- son, nrra.: Wm. Brown, aecy.-treaa. SHELBOURNH. ONT.—Shelbourne Exhibi- tion. Sept. 25 and 26. D. C. Dunbar, secy. SIMCOE. ONT.—Norfolk Union Fair. Oct 16 to 18. J. Thos. Murphy, secy. BTAYNER, ONT.—North Simcoe Fair. Oct » and 10. Archie Hill. secy. STRATFORD, ONT.—North Perth Fair. Oct 2 and 8. J. Brown, secy. ■ - ■ STRATHROY. ONT.—West Middlesex Exhi- bition. Sept. 17 to 19. David Evans, secy. STUTTON. ONT.—Georglna and North Gwll- lunburg Fair. Oct U and 12. P. McClel- laa, l«cy. WEST SIMCOE, ONT.—West Simcoe Agricul- tural Society. Sept. 26 to 28. F. Marr, secy. WALKERTON, ONT.—Northern Exhibition. Sept 18 and 19. W. G. Stovel. secy. WALLACETOWN, ONTI—West Elgin Agri- cultural Society. Oct 4 and 5. E. J. Clark, box 35, secy. WATFORD, ONT.—East Lambton Fair. Oct 2 and 3. WHITBY, ONT.—Ontario and Durham Exhi- bition Association. Sept. 17 to 19. John Burns, secy. WOODBRIDGE. ONT.—Woodbridge Fair. Oct 17 and 18. Richard'Willis, pres.; T. F. Wallace, secy.; N. C. Wallace, treas. WOODSTOCK. ONT.—North Riding of Ox- ford, Blanaford and East Oxford Agricul- tural Society. Sept 26 to 28, 1900. Valen- tine Fieht, pres.: F. H. Dent, Woodstock. Ont, vice prea.; R. A Lawtell, Woodstock, Ont., aecy. Expositions. BALTIMORE. MD.—Pure Fed Exposition. Cyclorama Building, Baltimore. Oct & to il. BINGHAMTON, N. Y.—Industrial Exposi- tion. Oct 2 to 5. Henry S. Martin, secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—Pan American Exposition. May 1 to Nov. 1. 190L John G. Mllburn." pres.: Edwin Fleming, secy. CHARLESTOWN, S. O—South Carolina, In- terstate and West Indian Exposition. Dec. 1, 1900, to May 31, 1902. F. W. Wagner, pres. COUNCIL GROVE, KAN.—Morris County Exposition. Sept. 25 to 28. E. J. Dill, secy. DALLAS, TEX.—State Exposition. Sept 29 to Oct. 14. W. H. Gaston, pres.; J. B. Adoue, treas.; Sidney Smith, secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Home Products Expo- sition. Sept 20 to 26. Geo. L. Brinkmon, pres.; R. W. Hilliken, vice pres.; W. C. Winsborough, secy.; John H. Powell, treas.. LONDON, ENG., EARL'S COURT.—Women'a International Exposition. 1900. Imra Kl- ralfy, manager. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Industrial Exposition. Sept 8 to Oct. 13. John C. Koch, pres.; E. J. Lindsay, vice pres.; A. Trumpff, secy, and gen'] mgr. SEATTLE, WASH.— International Exposi- tion. 1904. ST. JOHN, N. B.—St. John Exposition. Sept. !•"> to 19. Charles A. Everett, secy. ST. LOUIS, MO.—St. Louis Exposition. About .Sept 24 to Nov. 13. W. J. Atkins, gen. mgr. ST>LOUIS, MO.—World's International Ex- position, 1903. TOPEKA, KAN.—International Exposition. June 1, 1904. Additional Shows. ATLANTA, GA.—Southern Interstate Fair, Horse Show. Oct 23 to 27. T. H. Martin, secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—International Live Stock Exhibition. Dec. 1 to 8, 1900. R. Z. Herrick, Chicago, secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—Union Stock Yards. Dec. 1 to-8.- .-.-..:■ CINCINNATI, O.—Cincinnati Vehicle, Har- ness and Implement-Show.' Nov. 19 to 24. Monte Green, promoter, Grand Hotel, Cin- cinnati, O. KANSAS CITY. MO.—Heme Product Show. September, 1900. ,Mr. Winsborough, secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Hereford-Shorthorn Show and Sale. Oct 16 to 26. NEW YORK, N. Y.—Automobile Show. Nov. 14 to 24, 1900. Marcus Nathan, Grand Cen- tral Palace, New York. Dog Shows. CLEVELAND, O.—Cleveland Kennel Club. C. M. Munhall, secy. DALLAS, TEX.—State Fair, Dog Show. Oct 9 to 13. W. H. Gaston, pres.; Sidney Smith, secy. - DANBURY, CONN.—Danbury Agricultural Society. Oct 2 to 6. Jas. Mortimer, supt LEAVENWORTH, KAN.—Great Apple Car- nival and Agricultural Show. Oct 10 and U. W. H. Bond, pres.; Geo. H. Heavey. secy. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Philadelphia Dog Show Association. Nov. 21 to 24. M. A Vite, secy. &\\ Horse Shows. Oct 23 toil ATLANTA, GA.—Horse Show. T. H. Martin, secy. DES MOINES, IA.—Horse Show W.i Chase, gen. mgr. LOUISVILLE. KY.—Horse Show. Dates decided. Gen. John B. Castleman. prel. Thurston Ballard, vice pres.; Brent JMt- sheler, secy. 7 PITTSFIELD, MASS.—Lenox Horse Show. at. fl Highlawn Farm. Sept. 21., m WINSTON-SALEM, N: C—Horse Show. Oct 30 to Nov. 3. G. E. Webb. secy. Pomonas. MASSACHUSETTS. CHARLTON. MASS.—Worcester Southwest Pomona. Nov. 3. HANOVER, MASS.—Old Colony Pomona. Sept 29. . HANSON, MASS.—Old Colony Pomona. Oc- tober 13. "~ MIDDLEBORO, MASS.—Old Colony Pomona- Dec. 22. SOMERSET, MASS.—Old Colony Pomona. ..Nov. 24. SOUTHBRIDGE, MASS.—Worcester South- west Pomona. Oct. 6. WEST BRIDGEWATER. MASS.—Old Colony Pomona. Oct 27. MAINE. £ PIFSTON. ME.—Kennebec Pomona. Dec. VASSALBORO. ME.—Kennebec • Porno Nov. 14. . ; NEW HAMPSTrsV. >, acworth, N. H.—Sullivan County Pomona. Oct 13. i; BEDFORD, N. H.—Hillsboro County Pomona. Oct 3. Wl BENNINGTON, N. H.—Hillsboro County Bo- mona. Oct 24. - CORNISH, N. H.—Sullivan County Pomona. Oct 20. FABMINGTON, N. H.—Eastern New Hamp- shire Pomona. Oct. 4. FITZWILLIAM, N. H.—Cheshire County Po- mona. Oct. 16. FRANCESTOWN, N. H—Hillsboro County Pomona. Oct H. KBENB, N. H.—Cheshire County Pomona. Sept. 26. LACONIA, N. H.—Belknap County Pomona- Sept 24. 1 ' MUNSONVILLE, N. H.—Cheshire County Po- mona. Oct 12. PELHAM,- N. H.—Hillsboro County Pomona. Oct 17. WASHINGTON, N. H.—Sullivan County Po- mona. Oct 6. WEST RINDGE, N. H.—Cheshire County Po, mona. Oct 5. WILMOT FLAT, N. H.—Merrimack County Pomona. Oct 16. WILTON, N. H.—Hillsboro County Pomona. li 1 I WANTED SI GEORGIA STATE FAIR] October 29lti to November 4th, Some high-class Midway attractions. Privileges L and concessions for sale. fH Addres; ■ A. T. MOORE, Manager. • Vaidosta. Oeoro'a BIG SELLERS AT FAIKS SCOTT'S ELECTRIC BELTS. INSOLES and INHA- LERS. Sells at 25c to Jt-oo-profit 75 per cent. Circulars famished for distribution with your address on. Sei d stamp for samples. Mail Order Firms, Street Fakirs and Distributors supplied. Address, REBUS CO. Cohoes. N. Y. MUSTACHES—Fast sellers at Carnivals, Stree I Fairs. County Fairs and all celebrations. Samples, ioc. For prices, write. A. MERRELL. lonia.^dich. aafll lM"Pf5T« toDu y BaseBan Tivtl Slot' »» f *» > ■-• U Machines and Electric Crap Tab'.e. Addres- -—----- ■•«■». E. L. ABBOTT, Spartanburg, S C. WANTED-TE«T SHOWS! On percentage basis, for Farmers' Free Street Fair, at Effingham, III., Oct. 3. 4, 5 and o. Good people only need apply. Wiite H. O. ADAMS. Secretary, at once. WANTED FOR= Nevada, /V\o.,Street .Feuri CARNIVAL AND HOME PRODUCT EXPOSITION, First*@lass Midway Shows for Pree Midway.| Streets of Cairo, with Turks; Trained Horse Lunette, Electric Theatre. Trained Wild Animalj Show, etc. Also, wanted few more Specialty Teams for German Village and Free Shows. For Concessions aad Prl¥ll»g»s. WRITE QUICK. Auspices Commercial Club of Nevada, Mo.. Addrmss,- L. OPPENHEMER, UaaagerA