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The billboard (July-Dec 1900)

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V 4 t i« IT* ..•ti I { •3" it; p:ff. I.V: I, • ■ tc ■fas r#? B* * I - •' i id r THE BILLBOARD II conuencions f<tc<, eilcbratioM, €te. n \ i ■■£-. '■?;• •i ■*';. '■*' s «'; fe -. "St V - *% 4 Under this heading we publish fret oj charge the data of all notable events, which areUkelyto attract large<zmcourzcs ofpeople _ taemyneparticularcUyandforthisreason Z prove of importance to advertitrrs.shoumun, Z *£"*"■<*■ general passenger agents, etc. X - /u* M carefully revised and corrected 2 monthly. S ABBEVILLE. GA.—Grand United Order Wise Men of the East. Oct. 10 to 12. ADRIAN, MICH.—Reunion 11th Michigan Cavalry. October. Mayor Wiliard Stearns, Adrian, Mich., secy. AGRICULTURAL- COLLEGE, MICH.—Im- ported Black Top Merino Sheep Breeders' Association. Oct. 10. O. M. Robertson, Eaton Rapids, Mich., secy. ALBERT LEA. MINN.—T. P. S. C. E. State Convention. Oct. 18 to 21. Geo. P; Maglll, Owatonna. Minn., secy. ALTON. ILL.—Western Catholic Union Su- preme Council. Oct. 17 to 19. Patrick Ma- guire, 435 E. 8th St., secy. ALTON, ILL.—W. C. T. U. State Convention. Oct. 9 to 12. ALTOONA, PA.—Daughters of Liberty State Council. Oct. 9. AMERICUS, GA.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge. Oct. 9. John M. Miller, Athens, Ga., secy. AMES, IA.—Patrons of Husbandry State Grange. Oct. 9. E. A. Hill, Green Moun- tain, la., secy. ASHEVILLE, N. C—Mississippi Valley Med- ical Association. Oct. 9 to 11. Dr. H. E. Tuley, U W. Kentucky St., Louisville, Ky., secy. ASTORIA. ORE.—Knights of Pythias, Grand Lodge. Oct. 9. L. R. Stenson. Salem, Ore., secy. ATHENS, GA.—I. O. G. T. Grand Lodge. Oct. 9. John M. Miller, secy." ATLANTA. GA.—Southern Surgical & Gyne- cological Association. Nov. 13. W. E. B. Darla. M.D.. Birmmeham. Ala. ATLANTA. GA.—Atlanta M. B. Conference. Dec 6.. ATLANTA, GA.—Chi Phi Fraternity National Convention. Nov., 1900. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—New Jersey Pres- byterian Church Synod. Oct. 1G and 17. Rev. W. A. Brooks, Trenton, N. J., secy. Bfiis I '- i « ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—State Baptist Con- Ri-'J 1 ?!''■•' Ventura. Oct, 1900; Rev. D. Dewolf, New- B:ft i r.'^M; ark, N. J., secy. ATLANTIC CITY. N.tJ.—Ancient Illustrious Order ol Knights oE Malta." Oct. 18 to 28. ■J->! Frank Gray, northeast corner Broad and *£ Arch it. Phlla. "W AURORA. NEB.—W- C. T. U. State Conven- tion. Oct. 10 to 16. Mrs. E. M. Cobb, Yoik. Neb., secy. 7 < (I BALTIMORE. MD.—National Retail Liquor Dealers' Association. October. R. J. Holle, Scheller Bldg., Chicago, III., secy. BASIL, O.—Ohio Reformed Church Synod. Oct. 3 to 8. John V. Tussing, Basil, O., secy. hi i* .-ft * . If-1 A* s ' „ tfV-C P m m ) v b P.* BATTLE CREEK, MICH.—Civic Phllanthrop- i, 11 ic Conference. October. S. Shenn, 4S ■$;£- Stanley Terrace. Chicago. 111., secy. 51 BELOIT, KAN.—W. C. T. U. State Conven- ^r",;~: tion. -:Oct 9 to 12. Mrs. Jennie M. Kemp, ^| L«'Loup, Kan., secy. j W BENZONIA. MICH.—Y. P. S. C. E. Eleventh : ;W, District Convention. Oct. 10. H. B. Wood- ■'t 1 ^. i "ward. Benzonia, Mich., secy. Ji3.'BDKJHAMTON, N. Y.—Y." P. S. C. E. Stat« VJ.*f Ooht«»Uoii. Oct. 15 to 17. 1900. LiS. 1 BINGHAMTON. N. Y.—A. O. Knights of yj Mystic Claim. Oct. 9. R. B. Smith, secy. * BINGHAMTON, N. Y.—Binphamton Indus- ?_ trial Exposition. Oct. 2 to 5. H. S. Martin, ;; Binghamton, N. Y., secy. ...Jt BINGHAMTON. N. Y.—P. O. S. of A. State ss Csaip- October. Dr. A. P. Yelvington, . i jWj Binghamton. N. Y.,secy. 1'» BINGHAMTON, N. Y.—P. O. of A. National l':£l Camp. Oct. 23 and 24. G. S- Maurer, La- t'3 velle. Pa., secy. Itj* BIRMDIGHAM, ALA.—General Assembly of ¥A T p: ! V 1*2 Ml J* <a<I r* «I m «bt JS| th» Knight* of Labor. Nov. 13. J." W. I Baye*. 4} B at N. W.. Washington, D. C. ,,,.., BLOOMINGTON. ILL.—ChrisUan Missionary ; .W:. Convention. Oct. 2 to 5. B. A. Gilliland. j^|? Clinton, III., secy. £; BOAZ, ALA.-.-Alabama M. E. Conference. fc§i" " Dec. 6. ■U, BOISE. IDAHO-—State Medical Society. Oct. 4 and 5. Dr. Ed E. Mosey, Gladwell, Ida., secy. f National Fraternal Con- /;■ gresa. M. W. Sackett, Meadville, Pa., secy. yi BOSTON. MASS.—Ancient Dames of Malta. S^ October. ri, BOSTON, MASS.—International Seamen's JS? Union of America. December, 1909. i-^ BOSTON. MASS.—Coopers" International ,;'V r± Ubsob of N.A- Oct 8. James A. CaMe, : ,' H> Btob eOi av.. Kaosas Oity, Kao. BOSTON, MASS.-Society of Arts and Crafts Spring, ijol Henry L. Johnson, 272 Con- •veas art., Boston. Mass. BOSTON, MASS.—State Republican Conven- tion. Oct. 4. BOSTON, MASS.—Woman's Board of Mis- sions of Congregational Church. Nov.,1900. BOSTON, MASS.—Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fra- ternity. Dec. 27 to 30. Howard P. Nash, Northport, L. 1., N. Y., secy. BOSTON^ MASS.—Reunion Billings Family. Oct. 11. Sanford W. Billings, Sharon, Mass., secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Last Makers' Association of the U. S. Oct. 25 and 26. Fred. Drew, Brockton, Mass., secy. BOSTON, MASS.—American Railway Associ- ation. Oct. 24. W. F. Allen, 24 Park Place, New York City, secy. BRADFORD, O.—Reunion 152d Ohio Volun- teer Infantry. Oct. 4. David Putnam, Ger- man, O., pres. BRIDGEPORT. CONN.—State Oyster Grow- ers' Association. Oct. 9. BROKEN BOW. NEB.—State Baptists Con- vention.' Oct. 8 to 12. C. W. Brinstad, 2219 Spruce St., Omaha, Neb., secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—American Bottlers' Asso- ciation. Oct. 9 to II Geo. W. Tucker, Philadelphia, Pa., pres.. BUFFALO, N. Tf.—American Association of General Passengers and Ticket Agents' As- sociation. Oct. 16, 1900. A. J. Smith. Cleve- land. O. BUFFALO. N. Y.—Mystic Order Veiled Prophets Enchanted Realm Supreme Coun- cil. October. S. S. Smith, Hamilton, N. Y., secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—C. M. B. A. Supreme Council. Oct. 9. C. J. Hickey, Brooklyn, N. Y., secy. BUFFALO, N. Y.—American Bottlers' Asso- ciation. Oct. 9 to 11. Geo-. W. Tucker, Philadelphia, Pa., secy. BURLINGTON. IA.—Congress of Religions. October. BURLINGTON, VT.—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge. Oct. 10. P. J. Cowles, Bur- lington, Vt-, secy. CAMBRIDGE. MASS.—American Ornitholo- gists' Union Congress. Nov. 12 to 15. John H. Sage, Portland, Conn., secy. CAMBRIDGE. *NEB.—G. A. R. Reunion. Oct. 1 to 6. tj. W. McKean, adjutant. CAMDEN, N. J.—Women's Foreign Mission- ary Society, N.. Y. Branch. Oct. 9. Mrs. J. M. Knowles, Newark, N. J., secy. . CAMDEN-. N. J.—Epworth League, Camden District Convention. Oct. 11. Lewis Z. No- ble, 30 N. ^th st, Camden, N. J., secy. CEDAR RAPIDS, IA.—Races. Oct. 3 to 6. G. K. Barton, mgr. CEDAR RAPIDS.' IA.—American Poland China Record Convention. Feb. 13 and 14, 190L W. M. McFadden, West Liberty, la. CEDAR RAPIDS, IA.—Carnival and Street Fair. Oct. 1 to 6. Alex. Charles, Cedar Rapids, la., secy. CEDAR RAPIDS. IA.—Grand Lodge of Iowa. Knights of Honor. Second Tuesday In April. 1901. J. G. Graves. Lock Box IS, Cedar Rapids. la., secy. CENTERVILLE. IND.—Reunion 57th Indiana Regiment. Oct. 3 and 4. Dr. H. Tifson, secy. CENTERVILLE. MD.—Epworth League, Eastern District Convention. Oct., 1900. Rev. E. C. Simfleld. Chestertown.Ind., pres. CHAMPAIGN, ILL.—Charities and Correc- tions State Conference. Oct. 3 and 4. Mrs Henry T. Rainey, Carrollton, 111., secy. OHANUTB. KA>N.-Grand Lodge, Decree of Honor of A. O. U. W. First Wednesday in May, 190L Mrs. Georgia Notestine, Hlawa- t±Ja» Kara., secy. CHARLESTON, S. C—League of American Municipalities. Dec. 12 to 15. B. F. Gilkl- son. New York City, N. Y., secy. CHARLESTON, S.' C—International Associa- tion of Fire Engineers. Oct. 9 to 12. H. A. Hills, Wyoming, O., secy. CHARLOTTE, N. C—Associate Reformed Synod of the South. Nov. 9. CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA.—W. C. T. U State Convention. Oct. 3 to 5. Mrs. Wm. C- Payne, Charlottesville, Va., secy. CHATTANOOGA, TENN.—Tri-State Medical Association. Oct. 11 to 13. Frank L. Smith, Chattanooga, Tenn., secy. CHATTANOOGA.. TENN.—Society of ' the Army or the Cumberland. Oct. 9 to 11. CHATTANOOGA, TENN.—Holston M. E. Conference. Oct. 10. CHATTANOOGA. TENN.—Reunion of Span- ish-American War Veterans. Oct. 8 to 12. CHEYENNE. WYO.—State Medical Society. Oct. 9. Dr. I. R. Swigart, Laramie City, Wyo., secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—International Live Stock Exhibition. Dec. 1 to 8. R. L. Herrlck, Chicago, 111., secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—Tuberculosis, Climatology and Hydrology Forum. Nov. 6 and 7. Dr. Thos. Bassett Keys, 92 State St., Chicago, 111., secy. CHICAGO. ILL.—Northwest Fire Underwrit- ers' Association. Sept 26 and 27. S. S. Wagner, Ass'n Bldg, Chicago. 111., secy. CHICAGO. ILL.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge. Oct. 2 to 4. J. O. Clifford, 624 Main St., Wheaton, III., secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—National Good Roads As- sociation. Nov. 20 to 22. CHICKAMAUGA, " GA.—Reunion 17th Ohio Regiment. Oct. 5 to 10. O. B. Brandt, Ca- rol, O., secy. CHIPPEWA FALLS. WIS.—I. O. O. F. Grand Encampment. Oct. 9. L. O. Holmes, Bara- boo, Wis., secy. CHIPPEWA FALLS, WIS.—P. M., I. O. O. F., Department Council. October. Alex. Johnson. Chippewa Falls. Wis. CHRISTIANSBURG. VT—East Tennessee M. E. Conference. Oct. 18. CHURNBUSCO. IND.—Reunion 129th Regi- ment Indiana Volunteers. Oct. 4. Paul Jorey, Ligonier, Ind., secy. CINCINNATI. O.—Order Eastern Star Grand Chapter. Oct. 10. Ella B. Shearer, Marys- ville, O., secy. CINCINNATI, O.—The Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Jan. 15, 1901. Lip- man Levy, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CLARKSVILLE, TENN.—Christian Church State Convention. Oct. 8 to 12. CLEVELAND, O.—National Spiritualists' As- sociation. Oct. 16 to 19. Mrs. Mary T. Lon- geley, 600 Penn. ave., Washington, D. C. secy. CLEVELAND, O.—Guarantee Ticket Brokers' Association. Nov. 13 to 15. S. C. Fishel, 192 Clark St.. Chicago, 111., secy. CLEVELAND, O—National Baptist Con- gress. Nov. 14 to 16. CLEVELAND, O.—Amalgamated Meat Cut- ters' and Butchers' Association. Dec. 3. CLINTON, IA.—Northeastern Iowa Teachers' Association. October. Supt. Bostwick, secy. CLINTON, IA.—Knights and Ladies of Gold- en Precept, Supreme Lodge. Dec. 4. Mrs. Lou D. Peck, Clinton. Ja., secy. CLINTON,- N. J.—Central New Jersey Bap- tist Association. Oct. 10 and 11. Rev. S. J. Skevington, Clinton, N. J., secy. CLYDE, N. C—Blue Ridge M. E. Confer- ence. Oct 4. COLUMBUS." NEB.—Catholic Knights of America State Convention. Oct. 16. John Graf, Columbus, Neb., secy. COLUMBUS, O.—State Embalmers' Associ- ation. September. Mrs. M. J. Fisher, Co- lumbus, O., secy. COLUMBUS GROVE. O.—Fifteenth Annual Reunion of the 81st Ohio Volunteer Infan- try. Oct. 18 and 19. CONCORD. MICH.—Y. P. C. U. Universalist Church State Convention. Oct. 10. Geo. B. Rogers, Decatur. Mich., secy. CONCORD, MICH.—Universalists' State Con- vention. Oct. 9 to 11. Rev. Lee S. McCol- lester, Detroit, Mich., secy. CONCORD, N. H.—I. o. O. F. Grand Lodge. Oct. 10. Joseph Kidder, Box 94, Manches- ter, N. H., secy. CONCORD, N. H—Rebekah State Assembly. Oct. 9 and 10. Annie Rogers, Nashua, N. H-, secy. CONCORD. N. H.—I. O. O. F. Grand En- campment Oct. 9. Joseph Kidder, Man- chester, N. H., secy. CONNERSVILLE, IND.—Reunion 69th Indi- ana Regiment Oct. 4. Preston Cates. secy. titALLAS. TEX.—State Jewelers' Protective Association. Oct. 10. DALLAS. TEX.—Texas Kennel Club Bench Show. Oct. 9 to 13. Sydney Smith, Dallas, Tex., secy. DALLAS. TEX.—State Eclectic Medical As- . sociation. Oct 9 and 10. T. G. Downs, Galveston, Tex., secy. DALLAS, TEX.—Concatenated Order He* Hoo. Oct. 9. J. H. Balrd, Nashville, Tenn.. secy.- DANBURY. CONN.—Danbury Agricultural Society Dog Show. Oct 2 to 6. Jas. Mor- timer, Danbury, Conn., secy. DARLINGTON, S. C—South Carolina M. E. Conference. Dec. 12. DAYTON, O.—Charities and Corrections State Conference. Oct., 1900. Joseph P. Byers, Box 581, Columbus, O., secy. DAYTON. O—W. C. T. V. State Convention. Oct. 2 to 4. DEERING. ME.—State Universalist S. S Convention. Oct. —. Rev. L. W. Coons. Pittsfleld, Me., secy. DEERING, ME.—Young Peoples Christian Union Convention. Oct —. Miss Abble C. Trefethen, Portland. Me., secy. DE KALB, ILL.—Luther League State Con- vention. September. F. L. Sigmund Car- thage, 111., secy. DELAVAN, WIS.—American Farmers' Insti- tute Association. Dec. 15 to 17, 1900 F E Dawley, Fayetteville. N. Y., pres. DENNISON, O.—Reunion C9th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Oct. 10 and 11. G. D Billings, Medina, O., secy. DENVER. COL.—Y. P. S. C. E. Convention. Oct. 4 to 7. Rev. David N. Beach, secy. DENVER, COL.—American Gas Light Asso- ciation. Oct. 17 and 18. A. E. Forstall 58 William st.. New York City, secy. ' DENVER, COL.—National Funeral D rectors- Association. Oct. 10 and 11. H. M Kil- patrick, Elmwcod, III., secy. DENVER, COL.—Western Funeral Directors' Association. Oct. 8 and 9. F. B. Waters 8th and Santa Fe ave., Denver, Col., secy! DENVER, COL.—Tenth International Sunday School Convention. Probably June laoi Marlon Lawrence. Toledo. O.. secy. ' DES MOINES, IA.-Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. Oct 24. DES MOINES, IA.-Epworth League State Convention. Oct. 25 to 28. DES MOINES, IA.-Iowa State Teachers' As- sociation. Dec. 30. DES MOINES. IA.—Daughters of Pocahon- tas Great Council. October. Estella Wake- land, Mystic, la., secy. DES MOINES. 1A.-W. C. T. U. State Con- vention. Oct 10 to 12. Mrs. Florence Mil- ler, East Grand ave., Des Moines. la., secy. DES MOINES, IA.—Grand Chapter, A. A. M. DETROIT, MICH.—Reunion of Armies of the Tennessee and Cumberland. October, 1900. Gen. A. Hickanlooper, Cincinnati, O., secy! DETROIT. MICH.—National Railway Mail Service Benevolent Association. October 1900. N. H. Nichols, Cleveland, O., secy. DETROIT. MICH.—Federation of Commercial Schools, December, 1900. DETROIT, MICH.—American Economic As- sociation. Dec 18 to 30. Charles H. Hull Ithaca, N. Y. DEXTER, ME.—Maine Sunday School Asso- ciation. Oct 16 to 18. Rev. H. w. Kim- ball, Skowhegan, Me. DIGHTON, MASS.—Loyal Temperance Le- g on State ConvsnMon. Oct 13. Mrs. Helen G. Rice, 19 Bainbridge st, Boston, Mass., secy. DULUTH. MINN.—State Federation ot Wo- men's Clubs. Oct 3 to 5. Mrs. R. N.-Mar- ble. 515 E. Second st.. Duluth. Minn., secy. DURANGO, COL.—Elks' Grand Conclave. Oct 13. EASTON. PA.—German Society of Pennsyl- vania. Oct. —. H. M. M. Richards, Leb- anon. Pa., secy. EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL—National Firemen's Association ol U. S. Oct. .5 and 6. EAU CLAIRE, WIS.-Street Fair and Good Road Convention. Oetoher. - J. M. Signor, Eau Claire. Wis., secy. fl^HT LlBERTY-^gr AFTER OCTOBER 15th. . rice's famous logs and ponies. - For Fairs, Vaudeville or Minstrel. This stock makes gnoil and stands in a class alone. »ar above other so-called attractions of similar nature Address, PROF. CIIAS. E. KICK. New Albany, Ind. ELKS' FAIR AND CORN FESTIVAL PI QUA, OHIO, OCTOBER 22-17. Ail Under Roof. Benefit City Hoipltsl Fund. Concessions can n w be had. Big Midway. Big guarantee fund. H. KAMPF, - - - Secretary. WTErORpRKESTOi COLUMBUS. ^ badges; '^M CONFETTI For all Out'Of'Ooor Gatherings. For Parties and ««n«. - CLEAN AND HARMLESS. AMERICAN CONFETTI CO,, •Jr^JL^j WANTED A Few First-Class Shows on percentage for the ALLIANCE FAIR. OCTOBER 10. 11.12 AND 13. openda> and uigi.t. Address, GEO. P. DORMAR, Alliance, Ohio. ELSWORTH, ME.—Elsworth's lOflth Anni- versary Celebration. October. L. F. Giles. Eisworth. Me., secy. ELWOOD. ILL.—Fourteenth Annual Reunion of the Ninth Indiana Cavalry. Oct. 12. ENID, OKLA.—Oklahoma M. E. Conference. Oct. 18. ESTILL SPRINGS, KY.—Natonal Fox Hunt- ers' Association. Nov. 12. EVERETT, WASH.—Northwest Baptist Con- • veution. Oct. 10 to 12. Rev. Wm. E. Ran- dall. Tacoma, Wash., secy. FAIRMOUNT, MINN.—State Butter and Cheese Makers' Association. Nov. 1 and 2. FALL RIVER, MASS.—State Committee, Y. M. C. A. of Massachusetts and Rhode Is- land. Oct. 25 to 28. R. M. Armstrong. 767 . Tremont st. Boston. Mass. FINDLAY, O.—Northwestern Ohio Eclectic Medical Association. Oct. 9. C. E. Stadler, West Cairo, O., secy. FINDLAY, O.—International Brotherhood Oil and Gas Well Workers. Oct. 8. FLEM1NGSBURG. KY.—Kentucky Presby- terian Synod. Oct 8. FLINT, MICH.—Epworth League Flint Dis- tr.ct Convention. October. Miss Lulu Holt, Howell, Mich., secy. POUT FAIRFIELD, ME.—Field Day of 3d Battalion, 2d Regiment, Tatr'archs Mili- tant, 1. O. O. F. Oct. 3 and 4. C. K. Weeks, Rockland, Me., dept comman-ler. FT. WAYNE ,IND.—State Baptists' Conven- tion. Oct. 9 to 14. C. A. Asterlin. secy. FORT WAYNE, IND.—Red Ribbon Meeting. September. George D. Connor, Wayne Ho- tel, secy. FORT WAYNE, IND.—B. Y. P. U. State Con- vention. Oct. 9 to 14. Dr. C. D. Case, Terre Haute, Ind., secy. FREDRICKS, VA.—Reunion 133d Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. October. Dr. Davis, Pittsburg, Fa., secy. FREDERICK CITY, MD.—United Brethren Church of United States and Europe, Cen- tennial Celebration. 1901. GALVESTON, TEX.—Order Eastern Star Grand Chapter. Oct. 9. Mrs. Laura B. Hart, San Antonio, Tex., secy. GETTYSBURG, PA.—Reunion Batteries F and G. First Regiment Reserve Volunteers, Corps of Pennsylvania. Oct. 13 and 14. Luther Seiders, 1106 Sprucre st, Reading, Pa., secy. GONZALES, TEX.—Reunion Survivors Ter- ry's Rangers. Oct. 9 to It J. F. Miller. Gonzales, Tex., secy. GRANi) RAPIDS. MICH.—Reunion 2!st Mich- , igan Volunteer Infantry. Oct. 4. GREENVILLE, O.—Reunion Ninety-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Oct. 4. H. I. Ar- nold, secy. GUTHRIE, OKLA—I. O. O. F. Grand En- campment. Oct. 9. J. B. May, El Reno, Okla. GUELPH. ONT.. CAN.—Y. P. S. C. E. Pro- vincial Convention. Oct. .2 to 4. Rev. J. W. Hindley, Guelph, Ont, secy. GUTHRIE. OKLA.—W. C. T. U. Territorial Convention. Oct. 2 to 4. Dorothy Cleve- land, Anadarko, Okla., secy. HAMILTON, ONT.—Canadian Ticket Agents' Association. Oct 10. E. De la Hooke, Lon- don. Ont, secy. HARRISBURG. PA.—Pennsylvania Presby- terian Church Synod. Oct., 1909. Rev. Dr. Chambers, Harrisburg, Pa., secy. HARTFORD. CONN.—P. M. I. O. O. F. De- partment Council. October. HELENA, ARK.—Daughters of Confederacy. Oct. 10 to 13. Mrs. Francis Coolidge. secy. HIGHLAND. N. Y.—Epworth League New- burg District Convention. Oct. 3 and 4. Rev. J. L. Hnrtsock, secy. HOBART, IND.—Indiana State Dairy Asso- ciation. December. H. E. VanNorman, Lafayette, Ind. HOLLY. COL.—Harvest Home Festival, In the fall. HOLYOKE. MASS.—Women's Christian Tem- nerance' Union of Massachusetts. Oct. 16 to 29. HUNTSVILLE, MINN.—Reunion Old Settlers Association. Oct. 10. W. T. Austin. Hunts- ville. Mo., secy. HURLEYVILLE. N. Y.—Reunion 143d Now York Regiment Oct. 10. Chas. A. Smith. Box 121. Monticello. N. Y., secy. HUTCHINSON, KAN.—Reunion of Second Kansas Volunteer Association. September. S. A. Houston. Lawrence, Kan., secy. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—Standard Chester White Association. January, 1901. J. C. Bridges. Bainbridge, Ind. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—National Live Stock Exchange. Annual meeting. October. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Military Order ot ths Loyal Legion. Oct. 10. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—American Public Health Association. Oct. 22 to 26. Dr. C. O. Probst, Columbus, O., secy. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge. Oct. 3 and 4. Frank Bowers, secy. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—National Grain Deal- ers' Association. Nov. 20. THE BlLLBOAfcft INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—Slack Cooperage Manufacturers' Association of U. S. Nov. 21 and 22. M. A. Moore, Milwaukee, Wis., secy. ITHACA. N. Y.—Reunion 76th Regiment N. Y. Veteran Volunteers. Oct. 4. D. B. Way, secy. JERSEY CITY, N. J.—Y. P. S. C. E. State Convention. Oct! 11 and 12. Arthur E. Farrier, 51 Bentley ave., Jersey City, N. J., secy. JOHNSTOWN, PA.—Johnstown Centennial Celebration. Oct. 5 to 7. KANSAS CITY, MO—National Christian Woman's Board of Missions. Oct. 11 to 13. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Nafonal Convention of the Christian Church. Oct 12 to 19. Wm. F. Richards. Kansas City, Mo., secy. KANSAS CITY, KAN—I. O. R. M. Great Council. Oct 15 to 17. C. A. Wolf, 1125 Atchison St.. Atchison. Kan., secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Missouri Valley Homeo- pathic Association. Oct. 2 to 4. H. W. Wistoon, St. Joseph. Mo., secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Modern Brotherhood of America. Oct. 10. E. C. Elliott, Tipton, la., secy. KANSAS CITY, MO.—American Hersford and Shorthorn Breeders' Association Show. Oct 16. KANSAS CITY. MO.—American Street Rail- way Association. Oct 16 to 19. T. C. Pen- lngton. 2020 State st, Chicago, HI. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Supreme Lodge, Na- trona! Reserve Association. October. A. O. Lightner. 306 Balrd Bldg., Kansas- City. KENDALLVILLE, IND.—International De- laine Merino Sheep Record. Oct. 10. U. C. Brouse, Kendallville, Ind., secy. KEOKUK. IA.-Grand Lodge of Iowa, I. O. O. F. October 16 to 18. KITTANNING. PA.—Reunion 48th Pennsyl- vania Regimental Association. Oct. 12. Will A .Lowery. Butler. Pa., secy. LACROSSE, WIS.—Order Eastern Star Grand Chapter. October. Helen M. Laflin, Milwaukee. Wis., secy. LAKE MOHONK, N. Y.—Lake Mohonk In- dian Conference. Oct. 10 to 12. LANSING. MICH.—Rebekah State Assembly. October. Ida M. Davis, Lansing, Mich., secy. LA PLATA. MO.—State Universalist Conven- tion. October. S. S. Carrette, Kirksville, Mo., secy. LAWRENCE, KAN.—Friends' Church Con- ference. Oct. 9 to 19. LEWISTON, IDAHO.—I. O. O. F. Grand En- campment. Oct 15. D. L. Bodley, Glad- well, Idaho, secy. LEWISTON, IDAHO—I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge. Oct. 16. D. L. Bradley, Caldwell, Idaho, secy. LEWISTON, IDAHO—Rebekah State Assem- bly. Oct. 16. Minnie Priest Dunton, Lew- iston, Idaho, secy. LEXINGTON, KY.—State Trotting Horse Breeders' Association. Oct. 2 to 13. H. W. Wilson, secy. LEXINGTON, TENN.—Central Tennessee M. E. Conference. Oct 11. LINCOLN. NEB.—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge. Oct 9 to 12. Will H. Love, 1208 O st, Lincoln, Neb., secy. LINCOLN, NEB.—Y. P. S. C. E. State Con- vention. Oct. 4 to 7. Miss Amy Clark, Bea- trice, Neb., secy. LINCOLN. NEB.—Superintendents and Prin- cipals of Grammar Schools. October. LINCOLN, NEB.—Women's Clubs of Nebras- ka. Oct. 9 to 11. LINCOLN, NEB.—Christian Endeavor Con- vention. Oct. 4 to 7. LINCOLN, NEB.—Nebraska U. P. Church Synod. Oct 2 to 5. LINCOLN. NEB.—Woman's Synodical Mis- sionary Society. Oct 2 to 4. LITITZ, PA.—County Sunday-School Conven- tion. Oct 11. LITTLE ROCK, ARK.—State Reunion of Confederate Comrades. Oct.-9. LITTLE ROCK. ARK.—Y. M. C. A. State Convention. Oct 4 to 8. Fred Fox, Pine Bluff, Ark., secy. LITTLE ROCK. ARK.—United Confederate Veterans' State Encampment. Oct. 9. John F. Caldwell, Elmo, Ark., secy. LOS ANGELES, CAL.—Southern California Homeopathic Medical Society. Oct 10. Dr. H. M. Bishop, Los Angeles. Cat. secy. LOS ANGELES, CAL.—Good Roads Meet. Oct. 24 and 25. LOS ANGELES, CAL.—Roadmasters' Con- vention. Nov. 13, 1900. J. B. Dickson, aecy.. Sterling. 111. LOUISVILLE. KY.-G. U. O. of O. F. Grand Lodge. Oct. 2 to 7. LOUISVILLE. KY.—G. U: O. of O. P. Na- tional Convention. Oct 2 to 6. C. H. Brooks, 602 Spruce st, Philadelphia, Pa., secy. LOUISVILLE, KY.—I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge. Oct. 9 to U. W. H. Graham, secy. LOUISVILLE, KY.—Church Fair, given for benefit of Sisters of Mercy. Oct IS to 27. LOUISVILLE, KY.—Associated Labor Press of America. Dec. 12. S. S. Bonbright 16 Mercer st, Cincinnati, O. LOUISVILLE. KY.—American Associated Labor Press. Dec. 12, 1900. John M. Mc- Dennott, Chicago, III. LOUISVILLE, KY.—American Federation of Labor. Dec. E, 1900. Frank Morrison, 423 Q st, Washington, D. G. LYNDONVILLE, VT.—I. O. O. F. Grand Ledge. Oct. 10 and 11. E. Campbell, Lyn- donville, Vt, secy. MACON. MO.—Old Soldiers' Reunion, under auspices of G. A. R. Oct 2 to 4. F. A. Jones, pres. MANCHESTER. N. H.—I. O. R. M. Great Council. Oct 11. James F. White. Box 504. Dover, N. H., secy. MARIETTA, PA.—Reunion G. A. R. Central Association. Oct. 11 and 12. MARIETTA, PA.—County G. A. R. Reunion. Oct 9. MARION, IND.—Reunion 75th and 101st Regi- ments. Oct 4 and 5. Joe Lenfesty, secy. MARSHALL. MICH.—Reunion Second Mich- igan Cavalry. Oct. 10. MARSHALL, TEX.—M. E. Conference. De- cember .5. MARSHALLBERG, N. C—Atlantic Mission M. E. Conference. Oct. 5. MARYSVILLE. TENN.—Presbyterian Syncd cf Tennessee. Oct. 2 to 5. MASON CITY, IA.—League of Municipalities State Convention. Oct 11 and 12. J. M. Redmond, Cedar Rapids, la., sscy. MATTOON. ILL.—Street Fair Association. Oct 3 to 6. James H. Clark, Mattoon, 111., secy. McMINNVILLE, TENN.—Confederate Veter- ans State Divisions. Oct. 10 and 11. Hon. M. V. Whitson, McMinnville. Tenn.. secy. MEMPHIS. TENN.—Tennessee M. E. Con- ference. Oct. 18. MERIDEN. CONN.—Y. P. S. C. E. Conven- tion. Oct 5 to 7. H. C. Lathrop, Williman- tic. Conn., secy. MIDDLETOWN. CONN.—Middletown's 250th Anniversary Celebration. Oct 11 and 12. Wm. F. Hennebecker, Middletown, Conn., secy. MIDDLETOWN. N. J.—Y. P. S. C. E.. Mon- mouth County Convention. October. Chas. Roberts, secy. MILWAUKEE, WIS—Nat'onal Agricultural Press League. Oct 31 to Nov. 2. Marco Morrow, 1712 Fisher Bldg., Chicago, 111., secy. MILWAUKEE. ; WIS. — Knights Templar Grand Commandery. Oct 9. MILWAUKEE, WIS—National Master Horse Shoers' Protective Association. Oct 8 to 13. W. J. Moore. Pittsburg, Pa., secy. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—State Woman's Suf- frage Association. Oct. 9 and 10. Dr. Ethel E. Hurd, secy. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.^-National Council of Women. Oct. 16 to 18. Kate W. Barrett, Washington, D. C. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—Western Surgical and Gynecological Association. Dec. 27 and 28. G. H. Simmons, M.D., 61 Market st, Chicago. III. MONTEVIDO, MINN.—B.Y. P. U. State Con- vention. Oct. 13. Rev. F. P. Leach, Roch- ester, Minn., secy. MONTGOMERY, ALA.—United Daughters of the Confederacy. Nov. 14 to 17. Mrs. Ed- win- G. Weed, Jacksonville, Fla., secy. MONTGOMERY. ALA—State Legislature meets. Nov. 13, 1900. MONTPBLTBR. VT.—Grand Court Vermont Toga- May, 1901. John F. Roche. 37 Henry st. Mbutpeller, VC, secy. MONTREAL. QUE.—Canadian Roadmasters' Association. Oct 17. J. Drinkwater, Ca- nadian Pacific. Winchester, Ont, secy. S. A. Housten, Lawrence, Kan., secy. MORGANSTOWN. W. VA.—Thirty-second Annual Convention, Knights of Pythias, Grand Lodge of West Virginia. Oct. 9. MORGANTOWN. W. VA.-State Grand Lodge Pythian Knights. Oct 12 to 15. MORGANTOWN. W. VA.—Knights of Pyth- ias Grand Lodge. Oct 10. Maner Jenkins, Piedmont, W. Va., secy. MT. STERLING. KY.—Y. P. S. C. E. Fourth District Convention. Oct. 5 to 7. Miss Mar- garet Jones, secy. MT. STERLING. KY.—Fourth District Chris^ tian Endeavor Convention. Oct 5 to 7. MT. TAMALPAIS, CAL.—Reunion of Kim-I ball Family. Oct 6. John S. Kimball J , San Francisco, Cat, secy. MUSKEGON, MICH.—American^ Federation of Labor State Convention. Oct 9 and 101 MUSKEGON, MICH.—Michigan Fedaratoij ot Labor. Oct 9 and 10. MUSKOGEE, I. T.—W. C. T. V. Territcr-a| Convention. Oct 3 and 4. Mrs. L. El Harsha, Muskogee. I. T., secy. NASHVILLE, TENN.—Knights and Ladles Honor. First Tuesday alter the third Mon toy. April. 1901. Henry Buttenberg, 248 " ■c, Memphis. Tenn.. secy. NASHVILLE, TENN.—Knights cf Hono Grand Lodge. October. John L. Molei Nashville, Tenn., secy. NASHVILLE, TENN.—Tennessee Jersey Cat •Us Club, annual meeting. December, D. S. Williams. Nashville. Tens., secy. NEW BRAUNFELS. TEX.—Southern Phlla telic Association. October. E. Gertcl New Braunfels, Tex., secy. NEWARK, N. J.—Brotherhood of Andrexj and Philip National Convention. Nov. 16; C. E. Wyckoff, Irvington, N. J., b:c/. NEWARK, N. J.—State Presbyterian Syncd ical Society. Oct 11. Mrs. Chalmers Moq ton, Princeton, N. J., secy. NEW BEDFORD. MASS.—Epworth .Leagul District Convention. • Oct. 10. W. E. Kugl ler. New Bedford, Mass., secy. NEW CASTLE, PA.—State Fireman's Con ventlon. October. NEWCASTLE, PA.—State Fireman's Associl ation. Oct 2 to 5. J. H. Crown, Newcastle Pa.,: secy. NEW HAVEN. CONN.—B. Y. P. U. of Col . nectlcut Oct 15 and 16. H. A. Edgcomtli Groton, Conn. ^^ NEW HAVEN, CONN.—Geological Society America. Dec. 26. H. L. Fairchlld, Roch ester, N. Y., secy. NEW HAVEN, CONN.—Connecticut Teacl ers' Association. Annual Convention. Oc 19 and 20. Miss Bessie E. Home, Bridge port. Conn. NEW HAVEN, CONN.—New Haven Count Horticultural Society. Nov. 14 to 16. NEW HAVEN. CONN.—Horticultural Socli ty Convention. Nov. 14 and 15. NEWKIRK. OKLA.—Knights of Pythi Grand Lodge. Oct. 9. J. S. Collin, Guthrii Okla., secy. NEW PHILADELPHIA, O.—Reunion Fiftjl first Ohio Regiment. Oct 11. S. A. Conef ;secy. NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C—I. O. G. Grand Lodge. October. Rev. W. J. Browij Nanaimo, B. C, seeyi. NEW WHATCOM, WASH.—State Spdrl men's Association Tournament Sept. 2Q Oct 10. J. L. Stangroom, New Wnatcoi Wash., secy. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y.—National ReU Carriage and Harness Dealers' Associatio Oct. 15 to -20. Wm. Rankin, Troy, N.. K secy. NEW YORK. N. Y.—Roentgen Society of Ufj United States. Dec. 13 and 14. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y.—Catholic Women Benevolent Legion. Dec. 26, 1900. Miss A: nie O'Connor, 117 E. 23d st. New York Cil secy. NEW YORK. N. Y.—Carriage Builders' Na- tional Association. Oct 16 to 18. H. " McLear, Wilmington, Del., secy. OPELIKA, AL — POPULATIOM 6.00 J. O.SINGLEY, The ONLY Licensed Bill Poster, Distributor & SignTacker l". JAS. D0NALDS0I ITHACA. MICH. Bills Pasted, Samples Put Oat, Sigf Nailed U?, Circulars Distributed. Work Guaranteed. F0PULATKM. ... 2.50| CONFETTI WESTERN PAPER 6©.. Manufacturers, Write for Samples and Prices. MILWAUKEE, WIS BIG MONEY FOR CANE MEN! You can coin money selling my CANES, TOY WHI and UMBRELLAS at all Fairs. Expositions. Summer 1 sorts. Beaches and Outdoor Attractions. We are the 01 manufacturers of this line. 40 per cent, saved by b.uyi direct from us. Send for free Illustrated Catalogue. Write for Price Ltat and Catalogue on Campaign Novelties. Complete line ot Pocket Knives and Jewelry. I. EISENSTE1N, 44 Ann St., New York Ci