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The billboard (July-Dec 1900)

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■ A^awr- u.^ ill? 1 f It r- •« 'if p-*'t ft 14 lii; K if ' ■ I ..■I afc! '"P'V i'i £"•< George R. Brown. secy. 1 » $:< .KWTON, KAN.—Harvey County Poultry k&I-'i II* »& I>"tI I* ■r - "it, II ^ r -:.'■. a a pi. |f Si * . .1. II if- J lift • LADOGA, IND.—Jan: 5 to 15, M01. D; A. ■; Stoner, judge; Frank Gill,, secy.' ""' ... ■ fJjANARK. ILL.—Lanark Poultry* Association. ■f. Jan. 1-tq 4.190L -R; D. Leland. secy.; D. i^ T. .Heimlich, judge. _ ,.f-A PORTE, IND.— Not.- 2t to Dec. 1. Theo. |l Hewes, Judge: Bart Hemenway. secy. ABBAHON^IND.— Boone County Poultry and jj. - Pet Association.- Dec24 to Si.' §LJTTLE ROCK. ARKi—Arkansas S. P. Asso- sj elation. Dec 5 to" 11. At G. Russell, secy.T R N. L. Hutchinson/Judged : t~ °'- •■■■.': '-■-.' - -.'- .• XOGANSPORT. IND.—Hoosier Poultry and i- Kennel Association. Jam 16 to 23 t 1901. Sol 1 i >,§ D.Brandt, secy. ,: J-'l j jSl"'" ' ; : '-■■-■■'.''.' '■-'':.■-. 'A-A "'■'::"' 1 1 -, '&CVERNE. MINN,—Luverne Poultry Assocl- ..' H-lS.ation. Dec. 18 to 20. N. R. Reynolds, secy.; .,!■-,- F. H. Shellabarger, Judge. '(■: i•■'-[ fL f NN, MASS.-Jan. 1 to 4. 190L W. B. Ath- i-..&i'ff erton, N. A. Knapp, James Ballard and "R igrt'D. Craft, Judges; Chas. E. Hunt, cor. secy. Hi* I '! MACOMB. .ILL.—Dec. 24 to ,29. William I. 'i : J.SJJ Knowles, secy.; Cnas. McClade, judge. I .T.lllARSHALLTOWN, IA.—Marshalltown Poul- f^tja try Association. Jan. 2 to 5, 1901. H. C. r*ijj£>l| Hansen, secy.; W. S. Russell, judge. '$■''* S-'H ' ■ I 0£tt§IASON crrr, IA.—Mason City Poultry As : ; S |*% socfatlon. Dec. 11 to 14. S. B. Johns, secy.; ifti'S *^ 'H- Shellabargeiy-JuCse; - r ~ f r "ilATTEAWAN, N; T.—Walklll Valley Poul- *. 2" 4 try and Pet' Stock Association. Dec '2* to |: !«4«1-29. C'F.Rockenstyre,-Judge; Hector Mills- ¥ f>ti paugh, secy. '■• •-:■•..-• . :K#s|p' ■.- ■•■•=; ■-■■ ■• '■' i-'•.-:-. . ^r*||Vj4AZON, ILL.-—Mazon Poultry: Association- |p| ?SjNov. 29 to 31. O. P. Bennett, secy.; WAS. ;«• 8 f|» Russell, judge. ; - ■ a*a-~ ?'■»;'«( - A A ■ -.. .A.' ,.. - >• »*f t|tlE\DVTH,E, PA—MeadTille Fanciers* Club. ' % ' It ^ ,ec - !* to M - Geo. H. Burgott, and others, d " judges; H.>L.' Lamb,' Cambridge Springs, i«t:'p!Pa^ secy. ■'■'■' ;: *^" : '^ "A '■■■? ■.■■■,■.*■■■'" * Ji-H" -;.•:■ . • ' ■ ■ i-fi f.'4tfIAMISBURG, O.—Miami Poultfy Aasacla- f,*]'!!- Uon. Not. 28 to Dec 2: Hi A. Bridge, S.:"l ill? judge; S, B.. Grbby, secy. . ' } ("illONROE. ' > A-fjlODNT PULASKI. IXX,.i-Mount Pulaski ,*;,.- t Poultry Association. Dec 4 to 7. W.J. ' i*' J^ilsi Lincoln, secy.; : F. H. Sbellabarger, judge. f ^CjiTiiT. VBRNON. O.^-Knox County Fanciers' i ,< Mii Club. No*. 27 to 30. Ira a Keller, judge; ~N. *C.—Shelby Poultry Associa- !? 5 J S',v tlon. Dec; 4 to 7. R. L. Simmons, Shelby, ;tl||VN. C, secy. Dec 5 to UhV'jSf-Suow. Dec S to 8. C. M. GIoTer, secy.; W. K-tiJtf'-,S. Russell, judge f *.«>?-:. . .'. ..■■■_-:.. - ..: £ Vj «AKLAND, CAI..^-Poultry a -; ^'"i 3. C, G. Hiaos^ secy. , f"r^1'vlKLAND CITT, IND.—D „ .„ ... SfP 'gi '"^sfc'tii'liane,' judge; t.' B.'Ousler.,. asst secy. -.. -i'S f * sISi'Si'^ORJ 3 * Cv—Oxford Poultry Club. .Nov. t ! T, ; 'Sf 22. D. Gath. secy.;B. N.Pierce, judge. ! 5-.4 5*a:NESVIX.LE. O.—Painesville Poultry and ' * a<>;1 Vet Stock Association. H. Z7. Bralnard, ?■■* I SKvy.: Cbarles McClaye, judge. IfANORA,MA.—Panora Poultry Club. No-. 120 to 24. D. G» Wilson, secy.; W. S. Rua- sell» judge. ■.. S '"'/'kkkY, GA.—Houston County Association, to 30. W, Hemmingway, secy.; D. .1 .HII.ADELPHIA, PA.—Keystone Poultry, filgeon and Pet Stock'Association. Dec 11 jj&pSp to 15. J. Emlen Smith, secy. ....'.. J ).- 'rOSETVILLE, IND.—Wabash Valley Poul- ' *".>' ! '.ttpy Association^ Dec-17 to 22. D. A. Ston- 'ii'J.-ijer. jadge. *" J? <RIHGETON, KLL.^-North Central Poultry HFI Association. Dec. 10 to 14. S. L. Smith, S. B. ' '-f^'; .^ secy.: W. S. Russell, judge. ..V[ "ill&GEVD^LE, IND.—Dec 26 to 29. it^ 1 Lane, judge: S. E. Fraze, secy.. i.,~- jOCHESTEai. N. V.—Flower City PouRtx. s »'*,i ttand Pigeon Association. Jan. 10 to 17^1901. .rt-'.yyt-W. O. Ingle, secy, -i .. t> ; «ti J iGKKORD. HjL.— Northern Illinois Poultry ^{Association Exhibition..* Jan. 7 to -12, 1901. H ~Sfr F. S. Horner, pres.; Bert. R. Laca-i, Belvi- .Tg^lf dere, HI., secy. . : -" ■-,-_.•.s . : J*-.t .iOSCOE. O.—Poultry Association Show. Nov. "Mt .19 to 2L, C. N.s Randier, secy. |V JaG'VAW, MICH.^Saginaw Poaltry and WIS ifjPigeon Association. Jan. 21 to" 26. 1901. 'i-f. -kJames .A. Tucker,) Judge; Edward Arndl, ;jfi f'secy. ^fel^AN JOSE, CAL-—Poultry Show. Nov. 14 to .*|ip , Tl7. E. Van Every, Edenvale, Cal., secy, :| #.«-ARATOGA,' PA.- T ScbuyIWII Valley Poultry - 1 K *and Pigeon Association' Show. Not. 28 to j-SfjrtJ'Dec 1. ^f. B. Krause, secy. "- j'#ljliLHELB-T. O.—Shelby Poultry and Pet Stock '§'li.SAssociaUon: Jan. 29 to Feb. 2, 1901. Wick '}3Ef;JIHathaway,-judge of poultry; Fred Gale, v ' ? ^ judge^bf pigeons and pet stock; _L- E. Dove, r..»l ~ vtil.WJUage^oi pigeons ana pet aocKf-b. j:,. uove, f<n £tii"«" ' * ttNgA"jtoTJTH BEND;'IND—/The Northern Indiana . t ts fe^-rSind Southern Michigan Poultry Associa- {**and Southern Michigan Poultry f-ftion. NotI 26 to Dec. 1. Charles Mclntyre, ytf i *tsecy.;;'James;A,'Tncker, judge. r*- 5-bDTH BEND, WIS.—Poultry Show. Dec. 17 • ■ .to 22. ' , , . - TflE'BILLBOARD SOUTH FRAMINGHAM, MASS.—Middlesex Poultry Fanciers* Association. Dec 17 to . 20. ; W. A. Mandeil, secy.; C. A. Ballou, — and'-D.:'J. Lambert, judges. A ■' -- : ^ : •-; ; --: ■ -r * ST.- CLAIRSVIXiLE, O:—Belmont County ■i Fanciers'. Association. Dec. 17 to 21. J. VT. -Riley, secy.: Charles McClaye, judge. ST. PAUL, MINN,—Minnesota State-Poultry Association- Jan. 14-"to-19, 1901. Messrs. Butterfleld, HoloVand Tucker, judges; H. F. - Huelster, secy. -■".-.... / SUNBURT, O—The Sunbury Poultry and Pet Stock Association.' Nov. 19 to 21. B. -Kempton, secy.; H. A. Bridge, Judge. SYCAMORE, O.—Sycamore Poultry and Pet . Stock Association. Poultry and dogs. Dec. A 22 to'291 H; A. Bridge, Judge; Earl R. Will- . _• iams. secy. A :- - : ' ! - ' TEXARKANA, TEX.—Texafkana Associa- tion. Dec 18 to 22. Heber Vaughan, secy. TOLEDO, O.—Toledo Fanciers' Association. . 'Dec 22 to 26. D. J. Lambet, Judge of poul- " try; F. M. Gilbert, jiidg* of pigeons and ret stock: Geo. F. Mueller, secy. TORRINGTON, CONN.—Torriiigton Poultry Association. Nov. 27 to 30AC. E. Young, ; secy. .-. - - UPPER SANDUSKY, O.—The Upper Sandus- ky Poultry Association. Dec 18 to 21. A. E. Walton, pres.: Ira T. Matteson, supt.: T. H. Inman, secy. .„_. ^ VAN WERT, O.—Van Wert Poultry and Pet - Stock Asscciation.- Jan. 1 to 5, 1901. D. J. - Kohli, judge: C. E. Detter, secy. WABASH, IND;—Jan. 15 to .19, 1901. A. B. Shaner; judge; B. F. Clemans, secy. WAKEFIELD, R. I.—Dec 4 to %. G. L. Kent, '. pres., - WALDEN, N. Y.—Walkill Valley and Hudson River Poultry Association. Dec 24 to 2». -C. F.AHockenstyre, judge; Hector Mills- paugh, secy. ■ -WARREN, PA.—Warren County Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 8 to 12, 1901. J. H. Bowden, secy. ; ; WAUSEON, O.—Fulton County Poultry Fan- ■ ciers* Association. Dec. 18 s to 21. Sharp •Butterfleld,-judge; D. C. Teeters, secy. WEATHERFORD, TEX.—Parker County As- sociation. Dec. 18 to 20. F. L. Marshall, secy. WEBB CITY, MO.-rTne Interstate Poultry Association. Jan. 17 to 22, 1901. O. E. " Schooler, secy. WELLINGTON. O—Wellington Poultry As- sociation. Dec 18 to 21. C. L. Warren, .,'.. secy. WEST BROOKFIELD. MASS.—West Brook- . field Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 22 to 24, 1901. C. A. Ballou and D. J. Lambert, judges; E. L_ Ricnardsoif, secy. WESTCHESTEK, PA—Westchester Poultry ' and Pigeon Association. Jan. 2 to 5, 1901. -. Fred; D. Keld, secy. WESTERLY. R. I.—Rhode Island Poultry - Association.' Dec 12 to 15. H. S. Babcock, Providence. R..I., secy.; C. A. Ballou, A. S. Stillman and J. F. Crangle, judges. WEST MANSFIELD, O.—West Mansfield Poultry Association. Frank Miller, judge; . ; Dr. G. F. Plotner, secy. - WILLIAMSBURG, IA.—Iowa State Show. *" Dec 26 to 30. 'W. K. Long, secy.; W. S. Russell and F. H. Shellabarger,-judges. •WINONA, ILL.—Jan.' 7 to 9. 1901. Otis Mont- gomery,secy.; D. T. Heimlich, judge. ' WOOSTER, O.—Ohio State Show. Jan. 17 to 22, 1901. Chas. McClave, New London, O-, secy. - A WOODSTOCK. VT.—Vermont State Poultry and Pet Stock Association. Jan. 1 to 4. John S. Eaton, secy.; F.M. Howes, supt.: H. B. May and H. S. Ball, judges. YORKVILLE, H.L.—Yorkville Poultry Asso- ciation. Nov. 26 to 30. F. H. Shellabarger, judge; S. F.Hobbs. secy. Races. ATLANTA. GA—Southern Interstate Fair Race*. Oct. IT to 27. T. H. Martin, secy. BBNNINGS. (WASHINGTON, D. C.)— Not. 17 to ao. EMPIRE CITY, N. Y.—Oct. 22 to Not. *V PARKERSBURG, W. VA.—Race Meet. SAN ANTONIO, TEX.—Oct. 20 to Nov. 3. SOUTHERN INTERSTATE RACING CIR- CUIT.—In connection with fairs. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 17 to 27; Valdrosta, Ga., Oct. 29 to Nov. 3: Waycrose, Ga., Nov. 6 to 10: ThomsonTille Ga., Brunswick, Ga., and Jacksonville. Fla., dates not fixed. TEXAS RACING CIRCUIT—Denton, Tex., Sept. 19 to 22; Dennison, Tex., Sept. 25 to 28; Dallas, Tex., Sept 29 to Oct. 14; Cor- aicana, Tex., Oct. 15 to 19; San Antonio, "Tex., Oct. 20 to Not. 3; Houston, Tex., Nov. 10 to 17. VAIiDOSTA. GA.—Oct. 20 to Not. 2. " . - -' ,_•$' Foreign Races. Manchester November Handicap— Not. 24. Expositions. BALTIMORE, MD.^-Pure Foi-4 Exposition. - Cyclorama Building, Baltimore. Oct. 8 to 27. BOSTON, MASS.—Twentieth Century Expo- sition. Oct. 1 to 27. - . BUFFALO, N. Y.—Pan American Exposition. May 1 to Nov. 1. 1901. John O. Mtlbura. pres.: Edwin Fleming, secy. CHARLESTOWN, S. C—South Carolina, In- terstate and West Indian Exposition.'- Dec 1, 1900, to May 31, 1902. F. W. Wagner, < pres." LONDON, ENG., EARL'S COURT.—Women'* International Exposition. 1900. Imr. Kl- - ralfy. manager. SEATTLE. WASH.— International Exposi- tion.- 1904. ST. LOUIS, MO.—St. Louis Exposition. About Sept. 24 to Nov. 13.' W. J. Atkins, gen. mgr. ST. LOUIS, MO.—World's International Ex- position. 1903. TOPEKA, KAN.—International June 1. 1S04. Exposition. ,WACO, TEX.—Southwestern Interstate Ex- position and Jubilee. Oct. 1 to Jan. 1, 1901. Sol. Hirshbet-g, Waco, Tex., secy. Dog Shows. CLEVELAND, O.-Cleveland Kennel Club. C. M. Munhall, secy. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Philadelphia Dog Show Association. Nov. 21 to 24. M. A. VIU. aaey. Weekly List of Distributors. ARKANSAS. Conway—J. F. Clark. Box 92. CAIIFORN1A. tSureka—W. H. Mathews. 836 2d at . GEORGIA. Atlanta and Suburbs—Edw. B. Bridger's Ad- vertising Agency, 604 Temple Court Bldg. Columbus, Ga., Girard & Phoenix City, Alt.— Edw. B. Bridger's Advertising Agency. Address Atlanta. ILLINOIS... Chicago—John A. dough, 42 River st. East St. Louis—H. H. Deemar. Gainesville—H. Hulen B. P. & Dist. Co. Pekin—Standard Bill Posting Co. INDIANA." Marion—John L. Wood, 920 S. Branson St. IOWA. Burlington—A. E. Dreier, 1211 Summer street Sioux City—A. B. Boall. KANSAS. Atchison-City Bill Posting Co. MASSACHmEfTS. Brockton—John V. .Carter, 288 Belmont at ^^ NEBRASKA. Fremont—M. M. Irwin. NEW YORK. Canandaigua—Win. F. Masher. 98 Chapin at. New York—New York B. P. Co. Ogdensburg—E. M. Bracy. Oswego—F. E. Munroe. , OHIO. Fostoria—w. C. Tirriil & Co., Ii6 W. Tiffin St. Uhrichsville—Twin City Bill Posting Co., of Uhricbsville and Denison. Address Uhrichs- ville, O. PENNSYLVANIA. Carlisle—Wm. M. Meloy. Box 49. tlohnstown—Geo. E. .Updegrave * C* - ■' WISCONSIN. West Superior— C. A. Mirshall, West Superior Hotel. CANADA. ...._.... ,,~ A. F. Morris, manager,' Hasting* st, Va»- couver, B. C. Montreal—C. J. T. Thomas, Box 112*. Weekly List of Bill Posters. ! ARKANSAS. . . . . Conway—J. F. Clark, Box 92. ILLINOIS. Pekin—Standard Bill Posting Co. IOWA. DesMolnes—W. W^ Moore (licensed Dlst Des Moines—W. W. Moore 225 4th st KANSAS. Atchison-tHty Bill Posting Co. Parsons—George Churchill. .1 NEBRASKA. Fremont—M. M. Irwin. . NEW YORK. New York City—New York Bill Poottnc Oa. OHIO. Middletown—Anthony H. Walburg. Zanesville—Wm. D. Schults. PENNSYLVANIA. f Johnstown—A. Adair. - New Castle—The J. Q. Loving C B. 9. Co. TEXAS. GalnesvUle—Paul Gallia. "SQUAWKERS!" $2.50 Per Brass. $15.00 Ptr 1.000. SQUAWKERS! SQUAWKERS! Jast the thing far Strmml Fairs, Raunlont. PolHlealOathtrlaas.atc.ute. With this new Red. White and Blue American "Sqtiawker" you can iuiitale chickens, roosters,. etc., etc. ■''.•• The Squawker Is the Xing of Noise Makers ! No eood's sent C. O. D..unless half the am iunt accompanies the order. We fill tele gram orders, provided a deposit is made at ex press company's office I. WMITESOH. Sola Manufacturer. 304-306 Dearborn St. • - - ehleatto.lll. Long Distancb Tki~, Hakribon 3002. " BALLOONS BALLOONS 0as, Hochet or Whistling. ■> WE HAVE AIX FRESH STOCK."- Our Gas Balloons are mada of the best French rubber la three .colors, red, bine and gresn, and ■inflate.full size, warranted^best ■quality 4-piece rubber. 'No. PerGroik a60. Asserted colors -.-- * 8 78 a65. Assorted colors 4 00 1. White Rattan Switches - 49 00. Fancy covered whips. 1 BO No. 45. 55. 60. S8. 160. WHISTLING BALLOONS, Gross in Box. ■ ' Far Gross Assorted colors....! 2 00 Assorted' colors.... 8 Zi' Assorted colors— 2 76 KcGinty _...„„ 3 15 Serpanu ■_ S 25 We also, carry full lines ot Walking Canes, Cheap J**t*lfr. Pocket Knhras, Plckout Prizes, etc. and make np selected lots lor $5,110, $20 and! up.- Catalogue mailed on application. COE, YONGB«CO.| etb. and St diaries St., . HT, X.OVO, HO. INDIAN FOOT POWMR-r^drfSr Sore. Achincr and Sweaty Peet Sent to any part of the United State* or Canada for 35c, In postage stamps or money order. . INLAND CHEMIOAL CO., LlTITZ. PA. STREEr FAIR SOUVENIR, ^5X3^* tislng BOTTOMS. All kinds: any sise; any price. Special designs to ofjer on short no- tice. Send for samples and prices. Capacity, 100.000 buttons daily. ST. LOUIS BUTTON CO.,* St. Lntna. Mo. ALLEN'S PRESS eLIPPING BUREAU. Deals In .11 kinds of NEWSPAPER INFORMATION. Advance reports on all contract work. Main ofEce. 510 Mont- gomery street. SAN FRANCISCO. /xSffi TUB BILLBpARD Additional Conventions. AKRON, O.—Patrons of Husbandry, State Grange. Dec. U to 13. R. L. Holman, Springfield, O.. secy._. BALTIMORE, MD.—State Horticultural So- ciety. Dec. 19 to 21, 1900. W. G. Johnson, College-Park, Md., secy. B1CKNELL, IND.—Independent Field Trial clubs: Trial. Not. 12, 1900. P. T. Madi- son, Indianapolis, Ind., secy. BOSTON. MASS.—State Teachers' Associa- tion. Not. 30 and Dec. 1, 1900. Lincoln Owen, secy.. BOSTON. MASS.—State Forestry'Xssociation. Dec. 6, 1900. Allen Chamberlain, Winches- ter, Mass., secy. BRANDON. VT.—State Bee Keepers' Asso- ciation. Dec. 5 and 6. M. Cram, West Brookneld. Vt.. secy. BURLINGTON, VT.—Y. M. C. A. State Con- vention: Dec. 31,1900 to Jan. 2, 1901. Prof. W. C. Kitchin. Burlington, Vt., secy. CANTON, ILL.—Central Illinois Horticultu- ral Society. Nov. 20 and 21, 1900. H. Au- gustine,' Normal, 111., secy. CEDARVILLB, O.—American Polled Jersey Cattle Co. Dec. 5. Chas. ,S. Hatfield, Clin- ton, O., secy. CHAMPAIGN,! ILL.-^State Horticultural So- ciety-. Dec. 11 to. 13, 1900. L. R. Bryant. Princeton, III., secy. _ ; COLUMBUS, O.—State Dental Association. . .Dec. 3. 1900. DESMET. S. D.—State Dairy Association. - Dec. 4_to 6.. C. P. Sherwood, secy. DES MOINES.-1 A.—State Teachers' Xssbcia- • t'on, Dec. 26 to 28. 1900. W. F. Chevalier, - Red Oak; la. DETROIT, MICH—American, Historical As- sociation. Dec. 27 to 29. 1900. ;?' ELLENSBURG. WASH.—State Teachers' As- sociation. December. F. M. McCuIly, secy. EMMETSBURG. IA.—Northwestern . Iowa Horticultural Society. Dec. 4 to 6, 1900. W. B. Chapman. Wasbta, la., secy. FRESNO. CAL.—San Joaquin Valley Teach- ers' Association. Dec. 20 to 22, 1900. W. H. Walker. Tulare.'Col., secy. GLASGOW. KV.—Kentucky Field Trial Club's Trial. Nov. 27. 1900. Barrett Gib- son. Louisville. Ky.', secy. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.—D. O. K. K. Con- vention. Dec. 26. 1900. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH—State Teachers' Association. Dec. 28, 1900. A. J. Volland, Grand Rapids, Mich. GUELPH. ONT., CAN.—Agricultural and Ei- preimental-Convention. Dec. 10 and 11. C. A. Zavltz, secy. ■:■'■.- HOUSTON, TEX.—Texas Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Festival. Dec. 10 to 13. T. Rlch- • ards, secy. JOPLIN." MO.-^tate Federation of Women's Clubs. Nov. 7 to 9. Miss Margery Ware, 3S-18 Westminster Place, St Louis. Mo., secy. . -"'- -'■ • " KANSAS CITY. "MO.—State Dairy Associa- tion. Dec. 18 tb r & > KINMUNDY, ILL.-i-Sou'thern Illinois Horti- cultural Society. Dec.. 4 and 5, 1900. E. G. Mendenhall. secy. KNOXVILLE. TENS.-Sons of Temperance ■ State. Convention. Dec. 21. LAKE VIEW. MICH.—Michigan Field Trial Clubs- Trials. Nov. 7 and 8. 1900. Eber Rice, Grand Rapids, Mich., secy. LANCASTER, N. H.—State Dalrymens' As- sociation. Dec. 4- and 5. W. D. Baker, Qulnpy, N. H., secy. LOCK HAVEN, PA.—Patrons of Husbandry State Grange. Dec 11 to 14. J. A. Herr. Codsr Springs. Pa., secy. LOUISVILLE, KY.—State Educational Asso- c'atlon. Dec. 26 to 28. 1900. J. M. N. Downs, Newport, Ky.. pres. MADISON, WIS.-^State- Legislature. Meets Jan. 9. 1901. MANCHESTER. N. H.—Patrons of Hus- . bandry State. Orange. Dec. 19 to 21. MARYSVILLE, MO.—Presbyterian Chui ob Synod. Oct. 23: MILWAUKEE. WIS.—State Teachers' Asso- ciation. - Dec. 26 to 29. T. W. Boyce. secy. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—Western Surgical • end Gynecological Association. Dec. 27 and 28, I960.' Dr. Geo. H. Simmons, 61 Market street. Chicago, 111., secy. MOBERLY. MO.—Y. M. C. A. State Conven- tion. Dec. 6'to 9. Geo. T. Coxhead. St. Louis, Mo., secy. "MOLINE. ILL—EpwortB League Rock Dis- trict ConventlonA December, 1900. Emma ; Medin, secy.■-'■ MONTGOMERY. - ALA—State Legislature Meets (50 days). Not. 13. 1900. -MO UNTAIN HOME, IDA.—State T»achers' . AiMirlation: Dec". 26 -to 28, W. A. Mul- --" line, secy. NEW ORLEANS. LA.—Southern Industrial .' Association. Dec. 4 to 9, 1900. Col. A. R. - Blakely, secy. NEWTON. N. Y.—Eastern Field Clubs' Trial. '. Nov. 16. S. O. Bradley, Greenfield Hill. Ct., secy.' -NEWTON, ■ N. Y.—Continental Field Clubs' Trial. Nov. 30. Theo. Sturges. Greenfield Hill. Ct., secy. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—American Suffrage Association, National Bazaar. December. 1900. Mrs. A. E. Merritt, 322 Hancock St., . Brooklyn, N. Y.. secy. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y.—International American Cycle Racing Association Meet. Dec. 10 to 15. J. C. Kennedy, 220 Broadway, N. Y. City, secy. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y.—W. C. B. L.. State . Convention. Dec. 26, 1900. OKLAHOMA CITY. OKLA.—Indiana" and Ok- lahoma Territorial Presbyterian Synod. Oct. 26, 1900. OlTbMWA, IA.-^Iowa State Eisteddfod. Dec 25, 1900. C. B. Rounds. Hiteman, la. PHOENIX, ARIZ.—Territorial Legislature Meets (60 days). Jan. 16; -1901. v RICHMOND, VA.—Christian Church State Convention. Nov. 13 to 17.. J. L. Hill,- secy. • - .. RICHMOND. VA.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge: January. 1901. G. W. Carringtpn, secy. RICHMOND, VA.—Southern Educational As- sociation. Dec. 27' to 29. ROCHESTER, N. Y.—State Breeders' Asso- ciation. Dec. 18 to 20. F. A. Converse, Woodville, N. Y., secy. SALINA. KAN.—State National Aid Associ- ation. Dec. 14, 1900. Mrs. Kate Barrington, .'. Sallna, Kan., secy. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—State Horticultural Society. Dec. 4 tb 7, 1900. W. "J., Wickson, 414 Day St., San Francisco, Cal., secy. SANTA FE, NEW MEX.—Territorial Edu- cational Council. .December, 1900. Prof. Wood, Santa Fe, N. M., secy. SHENANDOAH, IA.—Southwestern Horticul- tural Society. .Dec. 20 to 22, 1900. W. M. Bomberger, Harlem, la., secy. • SPOKANE, WASH.—Northwest Mining As- sociation. December, 1900. L. K. Armstrong, secy. ■ " SPRINGFIELD, ILL.—State Postmasters' As- "' sociation. "Dec." 4, 1900. Lewis M. Miner, secy. SPRINGFIELD. ILL.—State Millers' Associ- ation. Dec. 5, 1900. C. H. Seybt, Highland, III., secy. '.- SPRINGFIELD, O.—Stjate Hotel Men's Asso- ciation. Dec. 12 and-13,. 1900. F, M. Lewis, Cleveland, O., secy. ST. PAUL, MINN.—State Educational Asso- ■ elation. Dec. 26 to 28, 1900. ST. PAUL. MINN.—Sons of American Revo- lution, State Congress. Dec, 29, 1900. ST. PAUL, MINN.—State Educational Asso- ciation. Dec 26 to 28. 1900. ST. PAUL, MINN.—Sons of American Revo- lution, State Congress. Dec. 29, 1900. TOPEKA. KAN.—State Horticultural Society. Dec. 27 and 28. 1900. WASHINGTON C. H., O.—Ohio Field Clubs' Trial. Nov. 7. C. E. Baugn, Washington C. H.. O.. secy. WASHINGTON, D. C—District Sunday School Convention. Nov. 12 to 14, 1900. • L. D. Alden, 809 L, N.W., Washington, Dj C, secy. WASHINGTON, D. CI—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge. Dec. 19, 1900. Wm. R. Singleton, Washington, D. C. secy. WATERTOWN, N. Y.—Jefferson County Den- tal Society. Dec. 13, 1900. R. F. Cader, Wa- tertown, N. Y.. secy. WESTPORT, MO.—State Horticultural Soci- ety. Dec 4 to 6, 1900. L. A. Goodman, secy. YANKTON. S. D.—State Educational Asso- ciation. Dec. 28 to 30. J. A. Dickson." secy. YORKVILLE, ILL.—Northern Illinois Horti- cultural Society. Dec. 4 and 5, 1900. A W. Bryant, secy. Additional Poultry Shows. AMESBURY. MASS.—Amesbury Poultry^and Pet Stock Association Exhibition. Dec. 4 to 7, 1900." M. H. Sands, secy. AURELIA, IA.—Aurelia Poultry Association Show. Dec. 19 to 22, 1900. B. Green, secy. AURORA, ILL.—Aurora Poultry Association Show. Dec. 7 and 8. W. M. Smith, secy.. BATTLE CREEK. MICH.—State Poultry Fanciers' Association Show. Dec. 4 to 7, 1900. Geo. S. Barnes, secy. BEVERLY, MASS.—Essex County Poultry Association. Jan. 1 to 4, 1901. Arthur EI- .iot, Peabody, Mass., secy. BIRMINGHAM. ALA.—State Poultry Associ- ation. Dec. 12 to 19. D. J. Flummer, secy. BRAYMER, MO.—Northwest Poultry Associ- ation Show. Dec. 3 to 7. R. V. Gleen. secy. BRISTOL, CONN.—Bristol Poultry Associa- tion Show. Dec. 7 to 13. W. H. Card, secy. CAMBRIDGE, O.—Cambridge Poultry Asso- ciation Show. Jan. 24 to 26. 1901. CEDAR RAPIDS, IA.—Western Fanciers' As- sociation Show. Jan. 14 to 19, 1901. E. E. Richards, secy. CHATHAM. ONT.. CAN.—International Field Trial Club's Trials. Nov. 13. W. B. Wells, Chatham, Ont, secy. CLEVELAND, O.—Cleveland Poultry Associ- ation Show. Jan. 8 toJS, 1901. E. R. Hunt, Cleveland, O., secy. COLUMBIA CITY, IND.—Columb'a City Poultry Association Show. Jan. 1 to 5,1901. H. Carver, secy. CORTLAND. N. Y.—Cortland County Poul- try and Pet Stock-Association Show. De- cember. A DAVID CITY, NEB.—Butler County Associ- ation Show: Dec. 11 to 14. Jos. Kay, secy. DETROIT, MICH.—State Poultry & Pet Stock Association. Jan. 7 to 11, 1901. John A. Grbver, Concord, Mich., secy. FARGO, N. D.—North Dakota and Northern Minnesota Poultry Association Show. Jan. - 30 to Feb. 21, 1901." Sam F. Grabb, Fargo. ' * N; D., secy. FORT COLLINS. COL.—Poultry Association Show.- Jan. 2 to 5 ,1901. C. E. Lull, secy. GENEVA, O.—Geneva Poultry Association • Show ; Dec. 11 to .14. GOSHEN, IND.—Northern Indiana Poultry Association .Show. Dee. 4 to 7, 1900. J. A. Babcock, secy. GREAT BEND, KAN.—Great Bend Poultry Association Show. Jan. 23 to 29, 1901. J. H. Jennison. secy. GUTHRIE. OKLA.—Oklahoma Poultry Asso- ciation Show. Jan. 7 to 11. L. F. Laverjy, Guthrie, Okla., secy. GREENFIELD. MASS.—Greenfield Score Card Poultry Association Show. Dec. 11 and 12, 1900. T. E. Marsh, secy. HEBRON, NEB.—Thayer County Poultry ". Show. Jan., 1901. T. P. Hensel, secy. HENRY. ILL.—Illinois Valley Poultry As=o- iation Show. Jan. 1 to 4, 1901. W. J. Grif- , "11th, secy. HOMER, ILL.—Campaign County Poultry -Association Show. Dec. 19 to 21. Geo. Abler, secy. HUNTSVILLE, ALA—North Alabama Poul- trv. Pigeon and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. 11 to 14. LAGODA. IND.—Poultry Association Show. Jan. 5 to 15, 1901. Frank Gill, secy. LEBANON, IND.—Boone County Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. 24 to 31, 1900. LITTLE ROCK, ARK.—State Poultry Asso- ciation Show. Dec. 5 to 11. A. G. Russell, / secy. ■ - ■' INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—State Fanciers' Asso- .' cjaticn Show. Dec. 10 to 15. J. C. Tark- ington. 218* N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, jnd., secy. IOWA CITY. IA—Iowa City Poultry and Pet Stock Association Show. Dec. IS to 22, 1900. B. A. Wickham, secy. JACKSONVILLE, ILL.—Jacksonville Poultry Club Show. Dec 10 10 12. Chas. Reynolds, secy. LOUISVILLE, KY.—Kentucky Poultry Asso- ciation Show. Jan. 14 to 19, IDOi. F. G. Hogan. 425 W. Main St.. Louisville, Ky.. secy. LUVERNE. MINN.—Luverne Poultry Asso- ciation Show. Dec. 18 to 20. N. R. Rey- nolds, secy. LUVERNE, MINN.—Interstate Poultry Asso- ciation. Jan. 8 to 10, 1901. N. R. Reynolds, secy. . MANCHESTER. N. H.—Manchester Poultry Association Show. Dec 5 to 7. MANKATO. "MINN.—Southern Minnesota Poultry Association Show. Dec". 24 to 28. MARSHALLTOWN, IA.—Marshalltown Poul- try Association Show. Jan. 2 to 5, 1901. H. C. Hansen, secy. MASON CITY, IA.—Mason City Poultry As- sociation Show. Dec. 11 to 14, 1900. S. V. Johns, secy. McPHERSON. KAN.—McPherson Poultry As- sociation Show. Dec. 18 to 21, 1900. O. L. Toby, secy. MIDDLETOWN, O.—Middletown Poultry Club Show. Dec. 24 to 28. E. C. Paine, Middletown, O., secy. MILFORD, MASS —Poultry Association Show. Dec. 13 to 15, 1900. Wm. H. Pyne, secy. NASHUA, N. H.—Nashua Poultry Associa- tion Show. Dec. 11 to 14. NEW ALBANY, IND.—State Poultry Associ- ation Show. January. 1901. NEWARK, N. J.—New Jersey Poultry Fanci- ers' Association Show. Jan. 1 to 5. 1901. Chas. Nixon, Washington, N .J., secy. NEWTON. KAN.—Harvey County PoultrjL Association Show. Dec. 3 to S, 1900. C. MJ Glover, secy. NEW YORK, N. Y.—National Bantam Asso-) elation Show. Jan.. 1901. E, Latham. 246 Church ave., Flatbush, N. Y., secy. NEW YORK, N. Y.—New York Poultry, Pigj eon and Pet Stock Association Show. .Jan.T 1901. H. V. Crawford. Montclair. N. Y.J secy. NORTH BEND. NEB.—North Bend Poultrj| Association Show. Dec. 14 and 15. T. Fo» ■ ler, secy. OAKLAND, CAL.—Oakland Poultry Assoc!- at.on. December. F. A. Rosweil, scey. ORANGE. N. Y.—Orange Poultry Fanciersj Association Show. Jan. 1 to 5, 1901. OSHKOSH, WIS.—State Poultry Association] December. . PARIS. MO.—Missouri Field Trial Associa] tion Trial. Dec. 10. L. S. Eddins, Sedalia Mo., secy. PRINCETON, ILL.—North Central Illlmil Poultry Association Show. Dec. 10 to 14| S. L. Smith, secy. READING, PA.—Mt. Penn Poultry and Pigl epn Fanciers" Association Sho*. Dec. 10 t«J -15. Clifford A. Klees. Reading. Pa., secy. ROCKFOR1), ILL.—Northern Illinois Poul| try Association Show. Jan. 14 to 19. Ge P. Burns, secy. SAGINAW, MICH.—Poultry & Pet Slock Asl sociation. Jan. 21 to 26, 1901. Edwar Arndt, secy. SANDUSKY, O.—Sandusky Poultry Associa| tion Show. Dec. 18 to 24. A. B. SmitT Sandusky. O., secy. SMITH CENTER, KAN.—Smith Center Poulj . try A&£ociatioa Show. Dec. 17 to 20, II* John A. Crabb. secy. SOUTH FRAMINGHAM, MASS.—Middlesei Poultry Fanciers' Association Show. DecT 17 to 20, 1900. W. A. Mandell, secy. I ST. JOACHIM, ONT—North American Fielf Trial Club's Trials. Nov. 13. R. M. Mor ton. Windsor. Ont.. secy. ST. LOUIS, MO.—St. Louis Poultry Fancier Association. Jan. 7 to 12, 19-11. J. A. Fran| Cisco, 1201 Lincoln Trust Bldg.. secy. TOPEKA. KAN.—Saline County Poultry, Pig eon and Pet Stock Association Show. De<| 31. 1900. W. C. Sherrill. Salina. Kan., secjl TOPEKA. KAN.—State Poultry Association Show. January, -1901. D. A. Wise, secy. WABASH. tND.—Wabash Poultry Association Show. Jan. 15 to 19. 1901. B. F. Clemenf secy. , WINONA, ILL.—Winona Poultry Assoclaj tion. Jan. 7 to 9, 1901'. Otis Montgomer secy. Additional Street .Carnivals. EL PASO, TEX—Midwinter Carnival. Jal 17 to 19. 1901. EI Paso Midwinter Carnivj Association. H. H. Stark, chairman; H. Layton, secy. Additional Dog Shows. ELWOOD. INDl—Elwood Dog Fanciers' Clill Bench Show. December, 1900. """"**>---J LOGANSPORT. IND.—Hoosier Kennel Assl ciaticn Show. Dec. 5 to 12. 1900. Sol. Jf Brandt, secy. NEW ORLEANS. LA.—Louisiana Kenn Club. Bench' Show. Jan. 1 to 4, 1901. A. : Shaw. 807 Common St., New Orleans, secy.j PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Philadelphia Vi Show. Nov. 21 to 21. Morcel A. Vttl, Philj -delphia. Pa., secy. PARK PRIVILEGE! F' r sale for season 1901. Nature's Beautv Sp, Kldridge Park, Elmira. N: V.; f 9 acrrs: Uwi Drives. Walks. Lake one-Kalf mile round. TJ following can eel big monev : Bints, Phcf Gallery. Rifle Ranee. Carousal. Dining- Ha Crystal M'le. Ice Cream rarior. Haunt] Swine, Riding Donkeys. Ovnsy Camp. GtL Carriages. Palmist. Shoot the Chutes. Miniatil R. R.. Indian Museum Captive Bsllnon. Ferl Wheel, Paik Souvenirs—any lefrilimate atlrf tion. <■ easonable terms. Jnsi closed most sa cessful season in 11 years Excursions almj dailv. Seven R R.'s direct to pnrk. Address* R. M. LITTI.K. Mpr. Fltnlro. N.■«■ OU 'DO^R Mu«Un Si?ns. Hand lettered: oil « ors: 50c sq. yd . PDd. Sla wy. Wurtsboro. N| CnD CAI C OLD FILE OF THEATRICS lUn OnLt Lithograph Posters, dating years t>ack. A. B. O., P. O. Box 263. Brookljl New York. Bill Posters' Paste Brushe: The most practical Brash made. Copper wired and protected coraerij Improved Light Weight Block. VERY STRONG, WITH SAFETY SCRE^ Gre/*"V RUSSIAN BRISTLES. Quaker City, 9-inch, $28.50 per dozen. $2.75 ^?ch- Excelsior, 9-inch, $345° V^ dozen > *3- 2 5 each. Extra Extra, 9-inch, for circus use. $42.00 per dozen, $3.75 eaa BLACK CHINA BRISTLES. No. 1, Royal, 9-inch, $27.50 per dozen, $2.50 each. No. 2, Royal, 9-inch, $32 50 per dozen, $3.00 each. No. 3, Roval, 9-inch, $34-5° pe* dozen, $3.50 each. 8-ioot Curved Handles, 50 cents each. ELDER & JENKLS, Bru.t, m«u«. I2T North 5th^t., Philadelphia, Pa.. U. S. \A*