Billboard advertising (June 1905)

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17 UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO., (inoorporated IO-I8 N. DesplainesSt., CHICAOO. ILL. ISS.I33 W. Randolph St. Years Experience pa ^ ^ >=[ gySi^Au ixen'xs BLACK and RED ) AnrUiinff mmdeot cum KIDD'S PATENT LIGHTS, SIDESHOW PAINTINGS, emeus SEATS, 63 BUILDING Al KMt ud Sizes TENTS WM. liEEPEB as Year* w. F. p MVga aa —. »w nmmmMMBtn^ is SATISFACTION wrTlc«8 were hrld tn bonor of the deed of the Walter L. Main Clrciu, wrecked near Ty- rone twelve yeara aso. Hanr AUeD. lesal a<lTi»er, offered a toacUns pnrer and James A. Morrow made an appropriate addreaa. The grsTes of tbe Tlctima were decorated. SeTer«l thousand people from Tyrone wltneaaed the cercDioniea. A magnlflcent band chariot and a massive Bteam plaoo car were added to tbe Bhow JlaT 20. Both these vehicles are as handsome as any ever turned out. They were made by the Bodle Co. from special designs of Mr. Saatelle. General Affent John T. Welsb la lo Clileaso on bualneasa. Mons Hubert Cooke. Jr.. ud Jack Cooaliia are creatlOE a acfuatlon The weather man has had hla back up since tbe opening of the park sea- son and bas obstinately held the tem- perature down to a degree of Faren- heit not at all propitious to outdoor amusements. Beach resorts lutve par- ticularly felt his disapproval. To speak in pructlcal terms, the season so far, from a weatherpotnt of view, has been almost Identical wtth that of last year. The resorts tbat opened early have been without a single warm day and the evening have literally driven people indoors. Of course, it Is only s tsmpMStT ySlstiiit but every day csmtts and the' aacpaMsa so <m Jost tbe Mr. S. S. Crane, manager of Lake- mont Park, Altoona. Pa., manifested exceeding good Judgment in setting ■aide a special day tar Om pnss^ wbsn the representatfvM Of 'all'tUe local papers were entertained in flattering style at his resort. Xot all managers realize to what an extent they have to rely on the newspapers for popularity, but all will do well to follow Manager Crane's ezamite WONDERLAND PARK OPENS Wonderland Park, Minneapolis, opened its grates to the public May 27 to big business. Mr. H. A. Dorsey. vice-presld«it oC tlie ooqnMOara .is . In diarge of the resort, and Smith' Sail has charge of the press work. Over S150.000 has been expended in estab- lishing the park. The place is well provided wth up-to-date attractions of all Icinds. and there is every evi- that it wiu b* s Wfcsss INGERSOLL'S LUNA PARK OPENS Luna Park at Cleveland, Ohio, threw open its gates May 18 to an audience nneqaalled in sise an d enthuslaam b^ WMT satlMrtnK' oC Dm Mad sw- bo- Snre tadd In tbat .ottjr* Boliert IngersoII. a photsmsK oC.Wbom ap- pars on another VSSS aC.tUs issue. Is due the credit for r —o rt. tlie Is sna unw i ssBd by any similar snter^ prise in the country. The construc- tion was begun in September, 1904, and the park has cost over lialf a mll- Uon doHars. It is beautifully HIubI- nated. eo.OOO electric brilliants bath- ing the place in a senile flood of ra- dianc c The resort is provided with a magnificent and commodious ball- room, and Cafe Napoleon has already become a favorite with the elite. The aeenle itver is said to be the most attractive ever buUt Night and Morning Is one of the best patronized attractions at the resort. Other at- tractions are Slidlns ^» Shoeu Hgure Eight. aiMoC ths Ctatw Ctatna Al- phonae^ Btal^ Apsness WffOtHUon and Tea Garden. Mystic Cttllbis, irtiowing the many sclentlfle sSBllastions of liquid air; Trip to Roekaway. Blectrtc ^uu^ aad a Midway where may be flnmd an attractions of a high order from shooting gallery to Gypsy camps. Mile Breiton. in her leap the chasm in an automobile, was a big feature M tite opening bill. The celebrated Bad OoclMde Band, under the leader- over certs from the Stand the lagoon. Mr. W. O. BMmunds Is manager of the resort and is an import.ant mem- ber of the role of honor of those who have lent tlMlr anasgtas toward making the resort what It Is. Mr. Edward Salsbury Is manager of the publicity department and it is useless to men- tion that the resort will get its full share or sBSce In Os CtmHiaaa: pa- pers. Lake Side Park at Stoneboro, Pa., 14 now open. Harry E. Tudor, of Bostock's. Coney Island, reports business very satisfactory. The Old Mill at Asbury Park. N. J., opened for tbe ataaoa tiMj W ssdK agement of T. D. *.«|fiiT The Johnstown Flood at Atlantic Clt7. K. J., has ancnea its aeeosd hsmb at thia poptilar mort and Is doisg Mg Imihrnw Lake Compounce, Bristol. Conn.. opens May 30, under the manasement ot Ferce ft Xcrtou. The sammer theatre opens Jtme 18. Manager F. R. Scott, manager of the Liberty Theatre, Warren Pa., has tbe manage- ment of Irrlodale Pari: at tliat place tllif lea- ■on- Mr. A. B. Caipenter, advaaee asent of the Boer War..'lSB::seaiteM.'SwjMllilm ot manager of NljM 'anS liMalBg at Sna IPark, Cleveland. Ohio. Many new novelties have been add- ed to the Midget City, Coney Island, this season, and the attraction is one ot the good things at the well known resort. The White City on The lake, Cleve- 27 to Jone i£%«1&nS^c2.'7'a?pu«Danth having delayed the work. Texarkana Spring Park, Texarkana, .\rk.-Tex.. opened Sunday, May 23, with the Boston Ideal Opera Oa.. and 8.' B. .O. has been tbe rule ever Mr. Edward F. Oirard. stag e m an- ager ttt ssaanl acaaons for Pcccr ^inillBiiiB* OrplieBB TlicBlie, Brooklyn, K. T.. is man- ager of Creation, one of the Ryan attractions at Coney Island, X. Y., this season. Mr. H. Talbott Is doing the press tor Thompson Dundy's Luna Park. Coney Island. .Mr. Talbott is proving his good qoalitles, and the New Xork pupen an r" *^^'rg many Mr. Jameb B. Drlaboll,'" for many xrais f«Bfrt»il wltt many Uc a tua e tl ooa. la asais this acaaon cooneeted with the GatiestiM Flood at Ommt Island, as manager and leetvcr. Jiames McKane, owner, reports big bosineBa. Max Rosenberg, who was manager of the tjafnMD In Cincinnati two seasons ago and who was largely Instrtmiental in making tbe 'Marco Polo spectacle sadi a tremendous aaeccas. ta TT*^*'^ a tew days in Cincinnati on Mr. Arthur Hopkins, of the Inger- aon-BopUns Co. tt Hit lock, was a Tlaltar at Loaa Park. Oesdaiid. OUo^ dntiis tbe past week. itt. Hopkins says that on Jime 1 they will move to larger qnarters in the St. James Bldg., Xew Tork. Mt. Pelee. built by H. A. Bradwell. dealgner ot From New Tork to The North FOlc, Ttie Johnstown Flood, and many other atlraetlasa. «fll ba om of the attcactlooa at S. EL J^dBsa^fc ^ * i Jba J>fib actUtancnts M. H. A. Dorsey, vice-president and CCMial aaanaccr aC Wtadaria.a, Ifhiapnila, has Jaat ra ta maJ ftam a tc^ tm tbs'Pacifle coast irlwie he liad sow la tbeMMSM .fC two new araaaement pans. 6ss,wBI'.IS'.Weted at Spokane and tbe oOer at Bntlle; The Ingersoll-Hopklns Co., amuse- ment agents ot New Tork, report that they have booked the following bands for the park sea- son, Carnegie. Innes.. Capone, New Hungarian, FancHnlU, Falrman, The Oovemment. Indiana, New XorlE. Marine. Wehet'a Dnsa and Omway'a. Tha Oaks, the new amusement re- sort ot Fwttni. Oic Bttaated of the wmaasatte iltav May 27. MT. 8. B. Mt The resort Is aaH te be «ae «C the Btat bcanU fol in this cotmtiy. It la well provided with amusements. The theatre at liakemont Park, AI- •Hsa. nu. has beta tslargsj both as to stage ■nS statiaK capacity, aad baa been newly painted aad pot la Snt-daaa eoodltloa ftr the tvenlag on Jne S. Frank IWtflle doins the hooking, aad mn CTee H e B t Oa* af vaade- Tille attracUaas is premised. Gregg A. Frellnger, well known among Cincinnati mnsldans, boa accepted the management of Burgman Park. Logaosport, Ind. Vaudeville and band concerts will be the lesdlog features ot the season's program. Ex- tenstve Improvements have t>een made In the pa^ and erctytliliis points to m soceastnl sea- aan. XWa to Mr. Ftellnser'a aceoad aeaaoo aa Manascr B. J. Armstrons; of the New Talk Xhestic 8t. Min. K. B.. vOI have appolatcd Siaaat Walim a» ■aaagsr. A raode- ville theatre. merry-go.ronnd and photo gallery will be a few of the added features. Robert Wayne has leased Chautau- qua Park, Owensboro. Ky., and opened tbe same May 20 with hleh-cla$s vaodeviUe In tbe thea- tre. Tbe park has been placed In a dienlt between EvansvUle and Loulavlile, -ASMlHlMI to the park la free, with an admiMlM,^'aC-.'lS and 25 cents tor the Andltorinm. The dates of the Builington Fair AaaodatloB at Bnrllngton. la., axe Ana. S-U. inatead ot Ang. 1-4, aa ius Imcb puldished in OUT list. Mr. Jno. B. Hunt is ptc^dent of the Aaaodation an4 Ur. C. C. FDsrler Is acdetary. Stroos dfocta aie bdag naiJe to ■,»alM ,?the coming ercat die SMSt-aaeeeaaftd la tt.''iilataT of Barliagtoa. The Karris Fat Children opened their sammer season at the Pier. Dreamlaod Park, Gooey Island, N. Y., May 20, to business tmprecedented for a show- ot this class at that resort. They bid fair to become even more popolar liere than tiMy wut« at Clt7. where tbey were on eiMMtifla tg^^tkSMmt twin seasons. The slioir is aader tbe ■MBegHScat of W. K. Sibley. A number of enterprising managers and business men ot Coney Island, N. Y., have orsitoued a good fellowship dob tac the pro- motion of friendly reeling amooff tiKWe cnsaged on the Island and for the general betterment ot the resort. The new dob is called the Anti Oalerltes* Asaociatimi. Mr. Clias. E. Feltman is president. H. A. Bradwell, treasurer, aad F. *Sidiiey, secretary. The cittb wlU have a weekly meeting and banquet. Rock Springs Park, Chester. W. "Va., opens Monday. May 29. Up to tbe present time some Hfty-seven eicnrsloDB have been contracted for, and this, tn addition to the local patron- age, ensures a large attendance. This park has, in addition to the tisoal park amusements, a lake and one of the largest outdoor bathing pools In the coontry, the water of which Is heated t>r natural gas. J. H. Maxwell is man- ager of the park, and Samoel McCntclieon Is manager of the theatre. Despite the cool weather, over fifty tiMMisand people visited Luna Park, Cleveland, Ohio, Sanday, May 21. The park Is now In fuU mnning order. The circus feature opened up 22. with the Kitamnra Japanese Troupe of Jogglers, and the Haldabora Russian dervish dancerv. aod save a very interestlns perform- ance. Other features were a detnoftatratlnn by Helen Florence Haho, ot the pcopcitics of tbe Mystic Crucible, and the scenic ptodoetlail ot tile empUoo ot Mt. Pelee. The E^osltion Information Buireau. nnder tike auspices of the Lewis and dark Ezpoeitlon, lias been opened at 126 Third street. Portland. Ore., near the Union Depot, tor the convenience ot visitors to the Fair. The persons in charge are thorongldy familiar with Port- land, and will tie pleased at any time to give Informatlnn as to tbe city and Its sights, de- sirable hotels and t>oardins lioases and the rates cliarged, and any otl>er intormatloo tliat may be dtahMd. Lttoataie. d i a criptl Te ot tbe dty "^'^i^ESS^^^'''^*'''*^ an haad for Olenwood Park, sitdafod on the LonisvUle A Southern Iritasa'-.rXtBeUoa Uae between New Albany and JMtaaowtne, opened iu season May 2S with Rice's Dog aad Pony Show, and the Bnssell Sdraoley Specialty In tbe theatre, A number ot ImproTcacnts have been made at Glenwood this sprlnff. Xbo saaoct is now provided with every attiaetlia ta he fonnd at any park. On Jone 5 tbe IWiSiea Stock CO. hedaa a acaaoD's engascascat la tbe theatre. la addlttoa to tbe eoopaar apccial- Ues will lie na be t ireaa tise Mta. A aaabcr ot bands have heca ncata. aad a . fnmiah amaic cvciji cvealag, Vernon C. Seaver, manager Al Fres- co Park, Peoria, IU., tells that while White City. Chicago, is a big park, yet he will tske off his hat to no other place outside of the big ones In the east. Al Fresco would do credit to any city with a million population. The highest class attractions will be played. The Banda Bossa has been engaged for the week following their engagement in White City. Among other txwldngB are the Bretons, Belmont Slstera, Mile. Lnlleta, and others. The park Is thronged daily, and on Sunday the business la tre- mendoujt, the transportation faculties being excellent. Mr. Seaver can well pride himself uiwn the w^^.ll,^^^:l irrowth of Al Fresco Park. Ho ani hfj s«o,'!it.-'= bave the ':*st wL^hP!; of IUTEIIAL<S?ST. Loots WORLD S FAIR aad an It re Hat balow a taw of One wm Base tiiat you wUi ' SETTEES. 8,000 Saa aabetantial, extr« wall tees, e foot loag, with twe alat back, hATdwood. ts.seo chairs. 1,000 TI«nn» Can* Seat rhslm 1,000 Baddl* 8«a.t heavy Aaa OhalBa. Xhoiuaada of othar Chairs. QfCAHDESCZST lAJfPS. 180,000 I,aaps that waia tisad at the Xx- position. They havs sssn servico, but aro ia rood condition and have hwan tastad. Tllay azo EdiaoB Baao, 104 Toltaga, Gaaaral Baotria maka, S eandls power. Wo aro offsriac thsa in lota ot SOO or mora, price oaoh 6 caata. 8(0,000 N«w Xneaadsscsnt Lamps, nsvsr m a a d. Qenaral Elactria make. I and 16 caadla ptwer> voltages 100 to 110, Ediaoa haaa. 2S,000 Hsw Colored " Ambsr, Green. Op al a nd Hniiy . tnrtlSED XICKETS. Bavsral XilUon Ezpoaitiaa Tleksts msad tot •vary pniposa at tha SxpoalUea. oa rolls aad saitabis tor any Amaaamaat ptuposs. Sm pric ^ 0* laxgs qnaatitlaa. 100,000,000 rzEX or Linaza. Send ns your Lmnbsr BiU for ear asllauA^ Wa can tmsisb anythlBs la tha Una. BtaddiaSa Joista aad Timban, • - - - ^ Pi usiii and alaia 4x4. 4a UxU, l«sl«i nd ii'iMitffcs tiim ■ te ■ i Wanted; »OOI TrahMdi Ainr: JHUHCIK, INDIANA* Catering to Ladles. Children and 4 Send full partlctilsTS first letto; . R. H. OSQOOOBY. *TTl^f KaehiBsa. T1tl^T by TT Haehins is sqnippad with Pataat tmohmsBt, ■"«""r a doAhio i s ais t a r . "- -' Alee US ttaaa Top Chopper Boxa fc ■ lIS^.BepikrPattaia B«ristaring SbnrtBifc Hd I^kaa ^^^ssatilaa. 'rit^m.u.'i^ BOXES. 1.MW Oalraalsad Iron Ticket RwMivlac Wiiifc also Gala Bass, ate oxoTHisa. swoaos, etc. 500 "nakl" Vnltorma, oeaslsting at oeat aad paata, SOO Special Overcoats, made tor tha J ai f at a o a Onards at tha World'a Fair. SOO "Shakl" Caps. SOO saU of Bworda. Balta and Bcabhsrda. BAKBOO POLES. SS.OOO Bamboo Folaa, used by tha H, B. So*^ animaat in tha PhUUppiaa ~ raaga from S-iaob to SJsi the bottom and from W ta I Tlift?**of othar itont! Xslanp Wirt, Boon, Baib. Tnxuas. Boad Bellcn» ; Roafinc SidiBC, rJttiag, "Bigm, Opaia Chain, Wate Osdan^ taiia]. otc, oto, Aak far Bpsalal Worid's M* . Nieuo lODSE nEcniB CO.. - cuniiiratnii Tnrts dhows. Fists. KMd & MfKUpappilN .ma* dtSi^ir WUd West Tops, CIRCUS SEATS. Portable Grand Stands and Folding C!r- cvs Chairs manufactured. Estimates fomlsbed andplMBi pective purths—IB. P. A, IVIcHUGl SHOW TENTS. AND TKNT8 OP ■VER'S OBSCmPTION Havs on liand almast mr^SSxSl, tOxtO and 40x80 Teata. and MO te«t UMaet lUs wai Vaiycbaap. D.M. 167 S. Canal St. I wall, good «a nsw MFG. CO.. CMosgOi Hi. MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES