The billboard (June 1905)

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Urt, OA. W. B. Tnaker, Frank S Zoutour, Zcllo, Om. INTERNATIONAL STOCK CO., Opens last week in June at the IN- TBRNATIONAL THEATRE, Niagara JVills, N. Y. WANT to hear from all lellable people at once; also Novelty Vaudeville Acts. Company booked solid 45 weeks; 8 weeks att Niagara fMa, ISt. Y. Address HARRIS LUMBBRG, Lessee and Manager, IITEMATIONAL THEATRE, Niagara Falls, N. Y. BepreaoDM lover** lana. the two Bweetbearta and tke Jealoui lover,who la ever pttrolllne In lovera' lane. The trlclt la to lake the Jealoua lover out of IOT«n' iwe. Send lOo to Tbe Msrtoger Mfg. Co., Hortb Bldgertn*, o&lo, ud Ret tttm UMtt Mniue- ■aat for loven and •wMtbawU. Tb* UWM ud fHMat ■elltog BOvelty of nodem tlBwa for dealera ■Bd atreetmen. Price per gr. tT.2x. eaali with Older. .WANTED... MvUflce seople tor the week ot June I9tli. SiglaOuBlveli iMMOpMpto to dnw from. entttMaBAcMBUenMveatum, Address W. G. GULLUNG. Secy., Ckle«Lgo Junetlon. Ohio, etotric Sbocic wKb Blaatrleal At- tMbmant. Cui too lu>ldlb»II(htlU! It ll«bta at too. Tba tut Utut for Parka etc. Good money mtoblne. doavcnir Pvctal GrnrH aaGlilnM from tijo up; Houvenir CanU «3.u0 per louu. Electric Uglit Blowm complete tssM. Waaue bkve ■ Imiga auppiy of legitimate uid gaming eev} macblnee et bergala prleei. tor Hat. aiMa NavMly i. Ofg. m N. (tbSI. PblUdelpbte. Pa. MaNfactorersifSlofMaGlilDes Oar D«w slot machine parlor will be open ahbrtly. Sendcataloe and prices. SILVEiniAN BROS., ALTOONA, PA. WANTED, ■ood all-voaDd AeiolMt. mm put- tier, lo well known eomady act: one wbo can talk ( noOBjeation to gkioa mmateo* but most be a swelit^blert mnst loin at once. AddMga L. aMB. ObM Bisenbarth Float- iBtTh*»ti«.CIiarIeaton. W. Va. WiUMTBO, TwoBOonMtgtotNoc). two ttomboDM. one puitoMi one bHM. one trap drummer to en- unm bud. JtoDV ■Mnn: good treatment, udianaplta.TaXTweaEss: Lqgansport. Tnd.. Jane 4. Noboorers. K. M. KItlTZ. Haml Mii'.lnr (;ri nt MuitIa- HlioWS. _ai>BCIAta NOTICBt Wa MW pleaaed to latonn the trade that aIMTOopened a branch in New York t^wbate alloraem tor Confetti wtllbe PiOBptlr attended to^ provided yon are 1 onr rillppinf Utt. It wedo not at- noiddepa«t1n your name aa cnsr- ttat abtpDoeat wiU be Tifted 'v8endaameatoneeto8t.Z<oats Ofk, IS SoBtbOoiBmeielal St., ,Mo.. wbi^ wtllenablo na to fill Toor orden immediately npon receipt, aa wewlU fomltti our lepreaentative iii New York Olty with a Mat alipwine who to "h'p. Jf OD#ratliiv in the Baatem aeo- tloD It will mean quite a savlnr in freight to I^^IA""?^ AddieM^oiiliw arsaa. Addreaauloiden C&ntotti Boom, as tm HWdl M« ImrTork DECIDED BARGAINS. HovincFIeture Machines. Films. Black Tops. Btereoptlcons, Ctmea. Condensera, Oaa Out- flta R. O. TAYLOR, Suite 5 Kmg Theatre Building. Omaha. WAMTED—Experienced Wagon Stow Agent and BUlpoHtera; also Comet and Taba. Accommoda- tlona, flrst-daas; mnat be able to Join at once; no tickets advanced to atrancvn. Addrees COLORADO GRANT, Dexter. Mo. Oreat Fanrtk July Meeting, on the Pair OroooA* at Nortb Mancbeeter, Ind. Bone ndngi aoto- nioblle racing, basebaU and many other at* tractlona. A Meti ^-g^Bcnft ^M Bl^a «« ■ Nggth Ifiiiii Imlir. Ibd» 80METHINQ NEW It is one of the greatest novelties ever intndueed. Ton sell one and then get ready for the mah. 300)6 pxoBtoaa be made. NO FAKK. Sell one and tbea watch them gM tba OEKe. WILL mm WILL GET YOU /llNIVEIISAL^ <^^/OU wTpE JIINTRODUCER J HUSBAND Every streetman In the XT. S. should have this in his line. Write for the interesting story of the Universal Introducer. UNIVERSAL INTROOUOER 00. Send aSo. at one* BOS llatUiaw BMIg., for sample. MILWAUKEE, • . WIS. STREETMEN 4 BET BUSY WANTED.... ....WANTED FOR AN ATTRACTION DIVING ELKS OR HOR8E8«-.««r% WANTED QUICK! Sober Oanrasman. wbo thoroughly understands canvas: alao Ballyhoo people who are clever, and the best In and outside talkers In the business for tlie world renowned COfLA BCCKWITH NATATORIVn. Cbas. Dutch Snyder wire yonr addrets quick. RIeht salaries to the proper people. Addre.'o Jake Roeentbal, Bfjon Theatrci Dubuque. la. WANTED:—Experienced Show Man for a partner, to take half iatwast in a Tent Show. Have a three legged coU. two yean old; Tbreo legged pig, one yearmi T«0 iMWl iray wolt, Tbey are neat and clean, and in good health. Have a tent fBSOL Ow HIMM a battel ot monex wUh a good partner. For future particulars write. S. C IVCalna, Stuart, Iowa. WANTED QUICK! Fo» BaMwln Bros. Carnival Compaay, a few more Good Shows; Old Plantation, Sleotric Theatre, Meny-Go-Bound and Snake Pit taken. Privi- lege people wake up, no, no ezdoalTes; long season, short Jumps; Tied. Maynaid write. Addreae BALBWIM BROS.. Sue US. QUNCY. ILL. Open at Mt. StsrllBg, Hi., Jme 6-10 inoluslTe. WAIMXED Qood Door Talkers, Ballyhoo People, Sister Teams, Mudcftl Acts, and Workin^r People in all departments. Salary no object if you can deliver the poods. ROBINSON AMUSEMENT CO., Lexington, Ky., May tilt-.luri^ (lolnmlms. IikL, .June 5-10. lifRRITCna Slngingaown. 41 ■V AM I I'll S ers, exoepe riders. WW mw ■ BBV ■ hvenas. one femi 60-ft. middle piece. Ky., Aiihiini, Ky., 4 Knock-about Clowns, also Perform, jrs. Have for sale pair young, striped hyenas, one female lion, one 100-it. round top tnth VAN AMBEBG SHOWS, Sprinfield, Tenn.; Adalrvllle, Central City, Ky., Owensboro, Ky., Hawcsvllle, Ky, Four animal cages, open all around, eood runninfi: gear. Can be seen at Toledo, Ohio. For particulars, address Dk, FRANCIS FEKAKI, ^v(^l'k ^f, Marion, Ind.; Djinvilie, III., week ,Iiiiie 5. PBEIOm FOPCOBN WOKES, Popcorn goods of all kinds, "I'opeurn Bricks," etc., and "GBE WHIZ" the latest craze in confectlonexy. A combination of CaAdled Popcorn, and onr original "PUFFBD RIOB,** the newest thing oot ajid the best seller in 5-cent cartons; prices no higher than tormerlr; tbc only factory in the central states; quicker delivery, freaher goods, and larger piogta for tbe prt Tlleit man. PrlTll<^g^>eo^le wrlte^_for sample* and prlece ot tUs poalUvcly New WORKS. Akron. OMo, GREAT WAYNE CO. FAIR Hagarttown. Ind., July S5-S8. WANTED— Merry-Oo-Bonnd. Showa, and all kinds ot attracUona. Candy Privllega FOU SAI.E. ADDRESS. I. M. PIEiCI, PfstH or 8. G. NIHCI, Uftf. DUMONT & DEMINC, Will put out a MMM Wnsliiel Com- pany, Septembtr 1. AMxess Oold- watiar, MMb.. A BIG TIME IN RASEVILLE, O. Foartb of July CelcbrsttOD. Wanted—Balloon aa. cenalon and paracbate drop: street abowa. all kinds; ten tkooaand people to play ta: room for all. Addren T. B. rBMBEBTOII, BsaavUIe. O. DRIIMTIC PEOPLE FOB STOCK; I Tandevllle Acts. Long Engagement ';irAlITZI>—To bay or rent, GO or W (oot B. «ap_wiflt Jj^, ao-ft.jfldO^^cwigatc. MD snaiRs. Wobave (be best street »elier on earth 4lulrk, eaay tialeit, 1>ls piwttta. We ctve excloalve terrl- lationai Supply I ERIE, PA. One 90 ft. with 30 ft. middle piece. One 20x30. Olio 16 x::^ All in A-I c-oiiditlon. Will sell cheap. Northwestern Balloon Co., 11 Wllew Awe., CMMrJ<HMli»ia At Liberty:,j^S^ A-l Operator with any make of MadiliM. Edisoii preferred; e.Tpert electrician; SyeOffS experience; can make and color slldeii: .ajg. - play parts: props.: no Iwozer. Will | best offer; responsible managers only. Join at once. Moat have ticket. Addi Notice, Managers and Agents Moss Novelty Jnaol^. a- reSned, novel and highly entertaining spe- cialty. Week of May 22d, Crystal Theatre, Denver, Cole.; week of Vmj 29 th, Crystal Theatre, Cripple Creek, Ool»; opan^tiaie after July M Ot^ Kiife8*ni*, Me. W ANTCD... — AaeoMloa «■« VueehBte iVj twOj 4. ' Write term, r J* B. RKBP, BaraesvUIa, oSoTrBSSnETrTT^Br PriTUeKea for sale, attractlona wanttS. i L. H. WILLIAMS, See.. Ripley, O. TTLMB WANTED—Will trade complete new phot o oot tlt for pasalon play outHt. FBAHX DITBKEE, Pprfaglleld, Ohio, WANTED—ArradRement wHb Amusement Co. to equip RmBU park on trolley line—Merry-go Hound. Movlni; IMcturea. I'boto Tent, Shooting Rallrry, etc.: nrlte full partlculata. Addma Slata Bait Electrio St. By. Co., Bethlehem. Ba. ...WANTED... For Collins' Society Circns—Boas Canresman ca- pable of handling big top; must be sober and re- liable. Can also use good CLrcu.i acui. Clown and Comedy act; and any one knowing CbarXca Prothero's wberenlxints will cooler a great (aroc to myself or Adnmi lloii'l. Denrer Col. Addtcaa OAyX. B. 00IXLN8, Cbejenne, Wyo.. Jime S-U, WANTED—Fiaaiat wlio can double braas, ptay callope. Musical or Denclng Teajn. douUlng braSB glrea preference; no more dmnkarda; long pleasant enKagemrnt. Cbaa. Werts wire me. Rloa'a rloatlag Tbaatra, Valley View. Ky., Jmie 2; Camp Nelson. 4: Tyrone. 7: Prankfcrt. S. With thousand dollan tl> iBfMb is mosloal oomedy by wtfKknown eon^ dian and to act as manager or tMW* urer; star to Invest five bundled dpi* Ian. famish play, scenery and pngt. Address letter, In care COOKS, 20e B. 14«b St., IfBW TOBK dTTa UKE PMK AMUSEMEMT CO. ALLIANCE, OHIO. On Stark Electric Kallroed, U oom to Ud* for the toUowlng privileges: Cane Xhnnr, Shoottas Gallery, BsU Throw, Mlnlatnre Balltoad tuid Vaodeillle Theatre. WMTCDATONCE: l^^^"^^ slot machlnea. Most all be ait-to-date. Will rentontrlght or would consider reason^e percentage. Address J. ROSS. 6 Carolina Terrace. N. South Carolina. Ave.. Atlantic City. N. J.