Billboard advertising (June 1905)

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Jb » fcir more days tbe l<ex1s and Clark Ezposttion win be a reality; tb« president will have touched the key that will set tn motioa the first great DKNINa Pfl6CillAM VIce-in«sident Cbarles Fair- banks, personally representing the President of the United States, will deliver the principal address at the openins ceremonies c€ tbe Z^ewis and Clark Centennfal Ezposltfon at Port- laod. Jane 1. FUlowlns the Tlce-presi- dent; ITnited State* Senator CIaren<% XJu. Clark of Wyoming wia q>ealc. :M)^''lSiiiioiis as tli« friaid -of eqto-; ;;;altSons. win nmKe a q>eecb on bdialf ■ '■at the House of Representatives^ : Prerident B. W. Goode. oC tbe Espo- w tiifatw of Portland, knovn as "Port- UtMf 8 Grand Old Man." being- ettibty- two years of age. and a former United States Cabinet. Officer and Senator, -win stre tlie freedom of tbe city to tbe Tisitors in an appropriate address. G^emor Chanil>er1ain of Or^on. and otber distingnJAed men -will sp^k. At 1 o^ciodc. Ptnrtland time, Presi- dent Hooa cT dt, at Washington, will - - :jam""^ "' - - - ' - iwwtlin nil III • IIk' nil/linn of Amerfcft trom the chimes in'one of the towera on the Government BnlWIinr. Innes* PresideBt l>adoIph J. Tansrig; of the Kechanlcs' Institute of San Francisco. CbL, and Ills associates In that orKanl- zation. are endeavoxing to secure the attractions now- at tbe Portland Ex- positioR' fw a big mid-winter fair which they propoae liolding in San Francisco ■ tliis -winter. President Taossig is at present in Portland im- der commission of Governor Geo. C ^Sardee of t» interest tfiii^^'edtlMiMS at in the p r opos e d San Prandsco evoit. which -win begin shortly after the Portland Fair Is over. - The. manage- reports are .to'ittsl* jribetrJOii^ btbitors win lie " " ' ' ^ It wonld appear that the Ixndsiana VmmbMt Expoaltm Co. Is harlns dllDcnltr oOcctlnc «tock aatacripttoBS. It l« reported that jao^ thAxt three hnxidzed cultB bftTe been filed tgr. tbe E , ip «rt t1 a » Co. isaliat delingiients. . -'■bejno' -iUr at Mr. C. R. Kefley. piombCer of pab- VtUj tor tbe JunestDwn Tii^osttton. mtter > l e c e Dt Tialt to Rlrtimopd. Vm.^ de^mres tliat the dtlaois of tliat cltT «re madt In faTor of ■tbe BzpaMtka anC tbat tbcr wm lead emr :WIiiil Plying IBa.- It 1> tbe dzst oC Us ktad aB-thgJ li brilUaatlr mnmliialsd, sad flttrsct iniifli sttentlost. Frank Vincent DnMond of New Tork. director of fine arts at the Lewis and Clazk KxpoaUIon. arrlTed In Portland recenty to aup e ilu tend tl>e tianglsg of the ptetnies of tbe Masettm of Art. More than alx hnndred Cgsd7 paintings, by the moat famoaa artists, Sf<* bciBe Plseed on the waHa. A lar^ col- Icedaa of s ts l s m artists' plctnres Bapplements tbli dl«Iar. "-nfr^t. MoDtsna, and atb« -WHtem statei aie'wdt lepresented. Portland. Ore,^ has prepared tor lars* crowds tbat axe expected Osbig tbe iMla aad Claxk Sxposttloa. Mm tbsn tmsty tsmjo ro y _Jw(Ws .bye ' wm <«X£=i>v:a:e nms. Here »re fortr periBaoest taoieU is Ptctiasd. b es Mt s boDdnds of InardlnF and kidxbg bsaHL nsaHBdi of ;)ctrat« resldeooea aJao m r»*30Q»ble raie«. »M AOCirrS TROUI Claade P. Hoose. advance agent for the g. G. Baritoat Carnival Co,. cards ■ . • 8 ars a 'i* f if -STbat's tbe name of tte Can joa fix ale all zlfltt of! wink. I wielebedly tt that caOiss, Can TOO fix me . Om jwa az ae aB ilsht tar tbe BTXzzx Ttsx. sum. The Flsk Syndicate of Slioira open- ed in Flaewee. 41s . Sfar 3S. acconntajit flta^^£l^l^-Zssls--4t'aflBBls ABSse- ineDt Co_ -._ Ifc Tjflfty Md'*Bife'- Pft^fcnm. the Blidmm Ifc LaMar Congrcaa of Kordtlea. Nat Belas. proprietor of tbe South- en Ontoal O*,. Is swUatlm fiv tbe por- Tfte PWits .Qgatwa; Oo. openea at pects tor A big street fair and carnival -will be bdd at KobelsrHle. Ind., May 3 to Jnoe 3. yred. Hewitfa Expoaiticn Sfaowa wm pot od Midway company managera -write to X. G. Kmr. eecrptajT. East Erie XkMHT' J|S- codatlon. Erie. Pa. Attractioiis MbM fte'a eanuTal latter part of Ansost. The Southern Carnival Co. are do- In^ a rosblni; tmslneas In their third week at Sacramento, CaL Ed- Bark, tbe general con- traetlsg agent. Is Ftm with the oattlt. Walsh's Crystailplex Carnival Co. cIosM a very soccessfnl season of fortj- weeks Jane IT at Tan Baren. Me. The compasr Is tbe It. opened In September. reports to the oon- . _ K VMnoa flUdds stm bdUs the poattMl^eC.ftMsnr.acifeaaubniabswa. Mr. Mr. Geo. H. Weber is promoter for the Fred. Hewitt Shows, and Hr. J. E. HaglD- ness Is special representatlTe. Tbe diow is niaklii^ nortltwest. Tbey bave some sood towns booked. Geo. L. JoiiSMon,..ljie ffowery qieiler. m in. Bui fnaittiifimm.'mA, -trriac to get TwtB and TisWfs tHi'i^mt. Ife/er's IneidMtor osr. ne Monardi' OiBittai Oo. thinks George Is Ol K. Hayden and IiaI<onde. aeriallsts, -write that tbcr have <doeed -with the J. Prank Hatch Shows, and opened Ma; 20, at Pittsburg, Pa., with tbe Continental Amaaement Co. They The CaA CamMl'OtK.N'ai; 1 opened its itsioii at Itaw Wlilminnfl, -Wis.. Iby SI, while tlie Ko. 3 *~T*V opens Jmn 6 at Wens, Minn. Tbe shows taav* been greatly enlarged since last sesson. It is reported that a ticket seller of the Great Handy Shows soddCDly dtnppMKd at Owensboro, Ky., May 23, wtib aktpt 4M0 In cash, belnc the receipts froaa tfes SMS, His where* boats are nnkoown. I<ew Nichols -writes . that the St Xools SfBdlcsted Annaement Co. Is dabv ^bie Tbe 31itcbell & Sanger Monarch Czj^m Col cxieaed Ics seaaoo May S9 a Eoko- :do. I2d. The coopany has bees mcch en- Urrf^ It hi« ten pay sZaws. six free at- tr^rtloiss ind' Its own bond of twenty piece*. The street fair -will be held at Boon- vme. Mo.. Aog. 14-30, bstead of Ang. 10-IT as ta e ilou rty s ii m wi med tn tbefe cu lmm i s . BoorrrlOe Is ewddscd oao a< tbe boat abow towBi In -WMrwrt Saeat Me.keM:BMB Md ibege^far die past tww ymaai saS bstt' xmaiH G*o. H. Weber is promoter for the Pied- Hewitt Exporiifan Sbows. and J. E. Vsflimisi if cpedai rvpmeotattrr. Mr. -fVetier writes that tbey bare already booked some fXyoA towns and the shows are woridns north, playing three more towns In Indiana, and tbes going Into mtnoU, WlseaaA and Minnesota. Mr. E. Brown -writes: I am now con- nected wltb tbe -Graaicr Balilnion Ezposltioa and wm have entire diarge of tbe press, the prirHeses and tbe ncttbsnts' adrertlsing. This Ug affair wfll open Jane 1% and asili no e foor weeks. under tlie asspiees of the Ftesh Air Society. It -wm be aim of tbe biggest affairs In Baltimore's history. The Shows -with the Brundage & Plsber Anmjement Co. are as followB: EJectrl.? Tbeatif. Old PlantatlaD. Glass Sbow. yiadertUe. Sbow. I>aK and Pooy Show. Boose-f pslde-Down. Statue TiOTiIn? to Life and Benhsm & Tbom[>- son's -VVorld-B Mosee; besides a Metry-so-Bocnd and Ferris Wheel. Tbe free acts are a band of tardre pieces, balloon ascension, high dire and dectzle wire walking. C. W. Xlchols, business manager of tbe Pactersoo-BniDCXd Ountval Co., lepuiLs b i iilug i a as fitst-dsss since tbe ofxnlng st HniMlMSI. Tex,, April 3. Tbey have encoon- bad wcatber in the soothwest. Iia« lieen good and baslDess pcedtaUe. At ChllUeatbe, Mou, Ukr 13w s Bsmbcr of tests woe l.-iaw(h dsassge tcsalted to a severe wind stoem. Slave Davenport, one of the free at- tractSoos with tbe Haas It Nanmamx Carnival Co.. met with an acddent at Crestline. Ohio, which win incapacitate him for work for sev- eral weeks. Save fell forty feet an a hrlek pavement at Crestline, sustaining a dooble frac- ture of tbe elbow. Be wiabes to thank his many friends and tbe membets ot tbe Boss * Naimiann Cacnisd Ool. Jk. thifr. made i»i*" May- a. Zora Is tbe featnre of 4k Kclso'a FbOippiBe EiUbtt, «B ncd. Bewltt Expaaltim Shswa. a wiite tbat ifce Is s sta4r iBsMBsl. I Darraport and Beaton In their flying trapexe t act. -^iarreloos SlUman Family Is tludr nymsn ! ring and sfebMm set, asd James J. Onad, tbs twenty mtantsa. and door talker, good, tboogta at t,liit«ii. an week. neariy The Frees Brothers write that they are featarlng their great ocxaedr act with the I^ttecson & Btainetd CanilTal Co^. and ire Mg bit from atart to finish. Tbe Geoette Sisters, In tfaeir flying trspese -work; sze also scoring a bit with this company. The rest of the perfocmen are Bsol Brocbud, eoBlar- tlonlst: Mime BroAud. rolling ^obe; Tdda snd Zelda. baal bdsaeets, and Dtlto sad MaiUe tn marreloas band Jomplng. Tbey are play- ing to big booses regardless of bad weather. The White City Amusement Co. opened at CoThnsn. Ala., tmder a solid blase of lights, with big saccess and a town packed with people. Tbey carry a heary stock ot paper and bin like a drcos. Tfaey also carry their own decoratloiu and decorate the town. Tbe fol- lowlog shows compose the llne-ap: Ferris wheel, merrr-go-rotmd. Almee. Electric Palace, Ping Pong Glrla, Virginia Plantation, Dotg and Pcoy Show, Bosco, Blndo Mystery and niunerons oon- jti. nnnlgsB bas lust paRbascd tlie Ifotes from the Hoss & Naumnn trnlted Sbows: We opened at Paiddlng, Ohio, to fair bnslncss. From there we went to Crestline, where It rained the first three daya Howerer, the latter part ot tbe weA waa good, and ererybody got money. Ttie shows are as follows: Great Train Bobbety, Lad.r Minstrels. Palace of Mystery, Creation, Uttle DuSley, Badlmn Palace, Moonshiners. Statoe Tomio;: tn Lfe. Sam BetUn's Asiatic WQd Girl, Menr-Ko Boond and Fctils Wheel- The free acts iiri denon. aaaMiaat stsua l aaaaccri Z. E. Gazd> ner, general agent; Max French, press agent; L. 1.. Cole, accrctary; Mrs. H. Snyder, camMer; Mn. J. E. Andenon, trrasom; Al. Meirlhew, director of band; F. Q. ulaf, chief cteetzl<laa; M. V. Boatoo. chief engineer; M. L. French master of cransponatioo; C. E. Fool, catpentes and gcneial ooostmctor; AL Boacooad. steward; Pop Baldwin, Show Xo. 1, presenting the Bank BargtazT. l^yaeblns at Ortpple Ckeefc and SCasa Coaeb Bobbary; Gentleman Jokn IUUcc. Show Ko. a; (Rscadag Shoed la the EdisoB'S TkalB Wiibhi ijr and Ba M. A. 6aa4r. Mav Ka. M,\ Lin^tlasa, mt H roe. Sliow So. 4, coltare ei iitl a t a , Chaa. Stana. Sbaw Kik 9, presenting Peter tbe Great, tbe largest naka. tn captlTlty: Mis. John Xelson. Sbow No. d. exhibiting dogs and monkeys; Tsntllnger A N'ewklrk. Sbow No. 7, wild west and Indian coDjcros; E. Z. Wilson, Sbow So. 8. featarlng the Tyrolean Alps; Mr. Boby Bttnker, Show Xo. 9. with the KatxeBjaintner Castle: Harry Al- baagfa. Sbow No. 10. -Teni'tian Gl^m Palace; Geo. H. Proctor, Sbow No. 11. The Old Ar- kansas Minstrels; Frank Coll^rore. Show No. IS. Pennr Vaaderllle Arcade: Edw. E. Stott. manager Ferns wheel: G. C. Blrchfield. e arry - ns-sn. The tree attractions indode tba -WB> la tbe loep the loop. Th. aerial meteots; Prof. Laredo on tbe and euro, the nioakey aerooaDt. Notes from the C. W. Parker Amtuemeot Co.: We opened at Terrell, Tex., the winter Qiiarters. April 2A. and enjoyed good baslness dorlng tbe week. Dtirlng tbe winter Mtw.w. all the fronts hare been regflded and icpalaied. and all the other propertiea repaired aad lepalnted. and eTerythlns btoogfat to a seiy bM[h standard of excelleooe. Tbe eom- pany Is carrying twenty-one all painted a bright yellow. Ssaaower SUte. tbe home of tbe 1 ■tcntlMS. ne eia e allse sbk •C Saw is as firilan: C W. f o aa fi e r ; J. B. Maai * . •was; B.. BL Grcgsr, maaaser; Bailer Geocge BIch, W. EL IFdcb. Bn and Harry Hnwlar. tUrty-day Cxic. aadlur; S. F. -Waxda^ a« seuelaiy sad E. B. Beed. pms OdiatB ow the Parker staff are Bernard of tru^iortatioa' Harry Bivan. manager of transportation; Fred, wo- of properties: JwA Locky, maatcr W. L. Hamilton, chief electrician: GcncK Tbi—|iaiii boas carpenter; Harry Martin, k; Jotm Flelaer. organ master; W. C boas baatler; Terre Bntt. chief en- Sid Jooci. boss wsgoD man; Arthar Hip e ilut endient of constmctioo; Watt chef; Geo. Spenoer and taa Fcldar. assistant chefs: Dad McOcc^ bmboaid agent, and Mr. Badger, —«~t—■ of primege car. The raster of at u ac H uaa la aa follows: CoUsenm.. Jerry Alton, manager: Teddic Wsrde. oca toe, feararing the Alton Troope of acrobats: Fnklno, tfapeae bead balancer; Stdd. eqolllbrlst; Ams- rOlo. slsck wire: Dare Derfl Milo, leaping the Tolcanlc gap; and as a special featore, Tbe GItl Ttom Abilene. looping the loop. Electric Mrs. J. H. Edwards, ' manager: Dare liORla, orstor: Lloyd Hntchlnsoo. operaior; Bock Motmtain Hank, outside attraction. Fret* ty Peggy From Pans—H. B. MacGrrgor, man- ager; D. MacGregor, ticket seller; Con Mae Benson. Pretty Peggy; Otto Boos, electrldan: Nellie Byrd. Martha Bjml. Edna Himfltnn. Bessie SUdmofe. Helen Rich. Hilda Williams. Violet Gray, chorus girls; Will Skldmore, mnsl- csl director. Dog snd Pony Show—Prof. Tom Samwella, manager; Al. Meyer, ticket seller. Tyrolean Alps—Harry Nestor, manager; Mra- AltoD. ticket leller: Lorln Lasdoa. opetmtor. Bohemlsn Glass Blowers—W. F. Wallace, man- ager; Mia. Wallace, ticket seller; and troope of lady and gentlemen glass blowen. Kaztjam- mer Kaatle—Jack Benson, manager; George Mar- tin, ticket seller. Mntoacope Parlor—Mr. Badger. manager. Mlntattlre Railroad—George Tead, manager. Craxy Hoose—W. F. Wallace, man- ager. flO.OOO Carry-Us-All—Wslter Brooks, manager. Natural History Booth—I- C. Shipley, manager. Oriental Temple of Palmistry—-Al. Strod, manager; Bomany Gypslea, Seralda, Prot. Le-ntch, Ishmael, Arbacds. Electric Stadlo— C W. Gerlsch. manager. Some of the free at- tractions are: Florence Spray, lady high dtrer: Electric Fountain. Chas. Header, operator; Old Fashioned Babe Wagon; Tbe Botjlrltas. aerial performers; Band of Ouicbeecefl. CbUean ers: and the C. -W. Parker BsdS or our Perfumed Haod Carved Beads UMlloly iM and For lets. You've got something to talk abouL They come from Palestine; are carved from hard, dark coloiedi perfumed -wood. Bracelets - -witiit -washers, chain and heart bangle. Ma. SS04. Holy Wood Beads, Per Gross 10.18; Per 1.000 %\.\S. This is one item from oar new catAlocne. If* chock fnil of eood thinss. Sesd for a copy. Wake ap. ROGERS, THURlHJiN & COMPART, 156 Wabash Avenue. Chicago, Illinois. 9tT Dozen SI .15. Per Bros* S12.00.