Billboard advertising (June 1905)

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TT BILLPOOTERS r. DI5TR!&uTGR5 ,ac'^ NroflHef?C!^i..; ANOTHER •VANDBAV OAMB Onr notice ttas been called so re- peatedly to that provision of the Con- sUtution of the Associated Billposters ti-hicli makes it imperative that all billposters In towns of 5,000 popula- tion and over that we have Jtigmn to think there might possibly-be tKime- tbing in it that required our attention. In looking over the correspondence on the subject one fact came to our no- tice that is slenificant: the iximmlttee appointed to revise the Constitution, in ^ililiA tiM question clause occurs, was eomposea' of J. F. O'Mealia, R. C Campbell and Barney Link. Funny, isn't it, that those three names should be linked with all shady transactions. We wiU admit that tte •qna those names aharpened •in'. fur -tn biTestigatlon of fM - to It. The provision compatned ot to tmtaA in ArUcle XVI, Section U (thenTk a number to start with). This reads as follows: inenibeES hi prlTllega and of this Aa- In ArUde V an iMmban «f nA- iB ts«m at MM ud i MIsia nak nb- 'bm ia tawaa if to idMtiiy tttO. the . . Uc liat. There you are—another "sandbag" proposition, and by the same combina- tion that hatshsd vnt the "Baooodary Franchise." • • • In the first place we want our read- ers to tmderatand that we are ap- proaching this subject in a spirit of humility. This Constitution is truly a wonderful piece of work. It Is al- most certain that 'Squire Frost helped '•■t tm tlriB~Johk''ttaask Itsmt CSamp- Mi. OVeaBa iod link mar try to rob him of the credit by making affi- davits that they did it themselves all alone. But, no matter, it is done and an men SbiNda amoaflh It with due reject. • • ■••. tt will be oboerved Hbt^ tn reprint- ing the section in nusatlan, we have made a portion of It p w wnlnen t. It is that clause of wU|di complaint is made, the principal complaint being that It was not adopted the oon- ventlon or, what ia mm to the point, that it waa defeatied WlMB Offered for adoption. This opens up a decidedly interesting line of thought. The writer was not present at the conven- tkn Omt een a ldered thia nmmOoa and can not say whether or not the alle- gation is true. There is sjnple ground for the belief that, it the clause named was rejected by the ooavention. the cewMiiMlae «oA not iMm liealtated to dalm Its adoptton tmd Interpolate it afterward In tlie printed Constitu- tion. They were reasonably safe In doii^^ ao, because very few persons can tbm action taken on each clause. Whether that provision Intended to compel all members of State Asso- ttons in towns ot 5.400 and over to loin the Assoclatkm was or was not adopted, is hardly worth discussing. The real question Is: Can the clause be enforced? On this point there are doabtB. Alsok W the threat to dspit** a bmpaeter' of the "rights, pil»ne«es and protection of this Association" a strong enough blult? What are the "ri^ts and privileges" and what Is tta ^^roteetton" that comes to a mem- ber of the National AasoclaUon that he does not get as a member of a State Association? We can think of none just now. The State Association guar- antees a member against opposition just as effectively; it protects his rate and trtfipa Mm mtatafl- iMaadtaMt had accounts; It aoida' to admrtisen a list of Its members. What more does the National Association do? Publishes the members name in the "big 1 list" "* True, but if that big list does Mt cbcolate among advertlsersk what CMd wm It: do -a tors do not use it,, because of Its many and glaring Inaccuracies, both as to names of billposters and populations. In fact, the "big list," as now publish- ed. Is biUposting mis-directoiy and a great detrlneut to tka iadlvidaai MIt- poster. • • • The penalty for not joining the Na- ticxnal Association is not SO severe, therefore, as it would seem to be, for It does not affect the standing of a member in the State Association. This conclusion is substantiated by the po- sition taken by:, tha gs nua y l f a inla' As- sociation. - wMcli says , to' Its ~ CSonstl- tution. Article XVl: National Mem- bership—that members not joining the National Association will have. the "" o<tha " AInady a come under tbe tfiadow oT tlie "Bbr stick" have notified the secretary that he may take their names from the "big list" as soon as he pleases. Sup- tKtse. ttwM'SlMNda be° a genenl revolt of this nature all along the Une—and such a thing is a posslUllty at 'any time—there would be serious tlmea for the Constitution tinkers. • • • There is one fact that should be kept strictly in mind by the officers of both National and state Associations which is that trade organizations are for the benefit of the Individual members thereof and not for the glorification of any men or set of men who happen to be chosen as officials of those organl- zauoas^ ThIa Is ttae tvoabla witk the Associated BIlIpoBten Just now:' two or three men imagine that a halo hovers over their devoted heads and, like the king- tliat can do no wrong, they have no i^Iogles to make for any of their official acts, past, present or fu- ture, to quote Barney. It Is possible to organize the bill- posting business of this country upon an economical and businesslike basis: to cut out aU the Pullman Cars. Big Cigars and High Balls, and other money-burning rontlngrnrtri' which will make it unnecessary to enact rules like the one quoted for the pwpoae of increasing the revmue^ BirRIMBKI. •OUTMK AaiTBIMI IttWtlD A report from our correspondent at Birmingham, Ala., led us to believe that the officers of the Southeastern States Blllposten Assodatioa had been re-elected. Twas a mistake, this Is the successful slate: president, S. S. Van Beuren, of Memphis, Tenn.; vice-president. Frank H. Powers. Ma- con, Ga.; secretary and . treasurer, Charles R. Cidlins, Jackson, Tenn. Delesataa to tha Katlnwal Oonnrentlon. H. EL Stoopa and R. I* DaOlve. The offices of secretary and treasurer have been combined. Jacksonville, Fla., was named as the place for the next PRES. JOSEPtrS STATEMENT Fresidoat Joaqpb caUed at the office of The Binboard May 26. Ee was very cheerful, and eap rensod himself imre- servedly with la^id to^Uw troaUe la Philadelphia and the penfl l ng trIaL He thli^ there Is but one possible outcome with a fair hearing—acquit- tal and complete vindication. Nor was he playing at makebelieve. He was sincere in what he said and his sain- gotidt^ 'Was not simulated when he avervsV ttat he wlU prove tliat the cnind Jury heard only manufactured mailimwij against himself and his brothers of the alliance; that the de- tectives emplofad bar tha pea ttn i r aom- pany were, for 'want of tancRue evi- dence of an attempt to prevent the work of non-union billposters by as- sault, forced to the exigency of stating only possibilities as actual oocnrenoes; ttiat the physical condition of the mm accused of using physical violence at the Instance of the union, is an af- front to the judgment of the heads of the organization, inasmuch as both are pony, In bad health, and alto- gether IncapaUS' aC;-tta crime with which they ate>- iiliai'SSi<t. and that U this ante-haA lnaorla^^^ odm they «artaln|y better speetmens of brawn and muscle than the prosecution has hit upon. There was a twinkle in Mr. Joseph's eye as he said this, showing tliat the drenastanee has not Impaired his sense oC humor. There 'was also an anticii>aLtion of the vigor with which he trill fight the case in his recital of the conditions in the Quaker City dnrlnir the strike. The case isi on the court, calendar and may be called for hearing anytime wtfUp tbs nest.ftvt* nll^it, '.' ■ . . ■ ALUANCK LOCAL POR: BALTI- MORE On Sunday, Hay 21, thoe 'was or- ganized at Baltimore, Md, a local union of the National Billposters and Blllers which will be known as No. 36. It starts out with a membership of 21. These are the officers elect: president, Dan Marks; vice-president, E. W. Wickes; secretary, J. E. Dew; tresurer. W. H. Wight: sergeant-at-arms. J. M. Sansel; business agents, E. (X JTKass and Thomas Montgomery. DAUBS A recent fire at Sheffield, Ala., that cleaned ap an entile block In tbe tieart of the citr. InelBdea tte..wock_abop of tbe .abeOeU Melllnger Bros., of Cumberland, Md., these po«tfn^ on their boartia: Mail Poucjl. CoSee, Blue Jaj Com Plaster, Wine of Cardol. Ihotk. Setdi Java OoBas, .Eahr Saap. Snnnyhaaalta "Bi^-and. fHii a M i laeal past- iDS. North Adams, Mass.. has an iron- clad dtotacUntlnx orilaaoee which la being en- forced asalaat tta*dlog dlattlboton because ot the Qtaicaa of a Bunber otf'Cihlldrea cauaed by the indlacrimlBate dlatribstkm of medicine sam- plca. The cooncll of that city la also tranilDS op a blllpoBtlng ordinance. •1 have more local merchants ad- TertlslD? on my biUboarda risht now than ever before," writes Paul GalUa. of Galnearllle, Tex. Then he adds, "bat I teU yon. It takea hnstllns to set them: It aeema aa If they were all from Mlaaoort and jwt hare to straw them." Notwlthstaadlnc. the strons asita- tiaa br tte do Iriinf At a of alfli I iiM II tte turned down and a license granted oo the old terms. The Newark BiUposting Co.. of New- ark, M. J., baa paTdiaaed a big TO bone power Winton tno^ag car for the coovtenence of ad- Tertlsen who trlah to Inspect tbe territory In. daded In that wwipany'a Bpbece of actlTlty. Manager Slocnm baa alao Inrcated In another axmniahbred KeotQcky mare, parcfaased In Kasnllle last week, and has negotiated for a Orange Connty farm wliere ttae company's wUI take an occasional vacation. WEBKLT LIST OF DISTMBUTORS. ta n W . HT ■dwardarm*—Sen Uattooo—MeFbarase BMa, M I at. ■ Palsiyrar^A. 0. Farmer. IMS,—BaattngtoB—Benjamin MUca, S at. Indlanapolla—ladlanapoUs Adv. Oa« St*Tenaon BMg. Miehlgaa City—J. U Wabar * Oa aar. Oa. M. ~ " O. tpaldlBg. KAV,—AteblBoa—City BOlpoatlng Ot. - - - - mas.—Coaton—CnnnlBgham a Coorley. Boatoa—John V. Carter, 388 Belmont tt, M10]l,~-Jgm^bm-^k^^ni^3U Blaoinfleld. xm.—MoiTla—Oeorge a. Lawrence, B. P. aad Plat. ao St. Lools—S. A. Byde, 2130 aaSHlB Mm N£B.—Falibtuy—Robert J. Chrlatlan. Sehnyler—Boa a Bolaao. a. TORK.—OgdeoabBrg—a. U. ». o a » . ttls l i sias ii la ad AdT. OS. OSIO.—CtBdnnatl—J. Mniplix * Oo. OolDmbna—S. A. Hyde, roataria—W. O. Tarrlll a Csl. US ^ lfBitlB*s Wtnr—t. P. ToamgatowB—M. otegn. PZni.—Carllsla—^Wm. U. Ueloy. baa dS, Dnbols—O. H. Barlaw, 8 S. Biaap I East York—BIctaard B. Staler. Johnstown—George UpdegraTcs 4k fl PbonilxTUli—Geo. K. Hlii iliiillasi Bhamokin—John T. Berry. Tyrone—OL BMUIpiL B. OAB.-«oIOBliBS-«. tt ton). "•-T-nlTTini • tt tt XJUm.—Cordcto—r. D. Bids. Harrlman—Harrlmaa B. P. aad Afc.. Tlce. 'i'KT Amartllo—J. L,. Sammeta. HlUsboio—H. P. Jones. Sherman—W. J. Barrey, box I8S. VXAB.—Batt taka QUy—faha K. iTal aui,~lf antrcal-O. J. T. ▼aaconTer. B. C.— »'*«*«-g« at. WBBKLT USr or BUXPOSTERS. Adrertlaemaats aadar tUa baadlas wU ba pabUahed ynutr at tbe aaUwm ms ac tM ■. WIsa. MMK.—amnj—t. P. dark, baa H Oottaa Plaat—Qooa a lebda. Belcaa—ntnatrlek B. P. Co. Bpr lBgflilr T lta Sanadsts Oo. Walaat Bldga—^Walnnt Btdga Psat. D. Co. OOBa. Slam ford—Ra m irj Oaflager. ITiTi ninmnlngtrai City B. P. Oaw. OaBssi BIdg. : Ommbarlala O. Obambeia. narla, SOS W. Ta^ OKt-l. L. Webar ftOa ~ Ot . _ . o. Dea Uoines—W. W. Moon. KAV.—.msworth—Wm. I>. Oastaa. NlckeraoD—John B. Uffler. Dist. B. P. «■■ KT.—^Braadbead—Bcoadbead B. P. aa BnsaallTllIc—Andltariam B. P. Ce. T. ■r. a. Wlmbsi lf a B*aL KOBT.—SUUags—A. L Babeoek. V. TOBK—Cableakm—Bdwia P. Wcatwarth. B. CUUL—atataamia—Bowlaad Adr. Oa. OHIO.—UlddletawB—Antbeoy H. Walbora. PZBH.—Altsona—Ctirirs Hnast OhMl M ath are. laha atn a a Jsbaataam B. K. Oa t^OUL—OaaiBcr—Bd. H. TEBB .—Memphis—Ward.] ZSL—^JatnearUla—Faol OdHs.'tt B. P. Diat. O. TrlbUa. X. sbaold bava HAGHETIC tack HAHnKBS. Just tbe thing for tacking tia algna, Breiy distrlbotor sT Prlcea, with doable extaaslca long, eaeh, $2.00; triple Inebcs long. each. t2M. ardar. MOoa aaat CCD. The Billposters' Paste Brushes HQimiUtfrtWiltfrtliiel. aaker~Cltp.»-tai^ CBAOaoa. ttneadi Excelsior, 9-ineh. 6190 das.. SJB aaeh. Eztra. Extra. 9-lnck. I41.0O dos.. S3.75 each. BLACK CBUnCSB BRISTLES. No. 1. Royal. 9-lnch. ^.iO doz.. S.SO each. No. S. Royal, »-lnch. Ssasodoc, 13.00 e«ah. No. 3. Boyal. 9-inch. $31.50 doz.. t3LS0eaelL 8-toaC Gorrad HaBdIai.Mcaauaad. JCNKS. TTestem Agent: B. C. CAUDPREIX, 17-19 N. Horgan St., Chlcaeo, III. TliEJ0iN6HAPIIAN60. BILL POSTERS