Billboard advertising (June 1905)

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Correspondence Sn* limljii. lae ei«ii»t'M aC ike Cbe «afT. Oca WeEa. aisr.) the iHrtrrtar- WA8HINGTON. ■EATtUeL—Cnad OpRX Ebtae (Joim .Ig- > Gna r«rt>ni<V<lfiira hi Ked Fi 2I-£t: Sac C e«a«via bi The Ccsitct «2 r<Ml as-S: Taare ta uji^l. Jaa Olcatx ia A Rfxnrr oC BtHrwf Bciscd in The Fbaadcr IS-M. P. Hom^ Cat - — ^a»lllW TaBcr 4. ^ ~ _ ~ ~ _~ * Cort. e X: r^tAhK notacc msr.) tttaam. AUet I Itemed Uoa. Ifor- ' na aad Kmr, Mfiv afEnm^ aad Ico wtdie. ' Scar- Tlirarnr 4& VsciaB'OMH, ai^) tme. TtiiMlij III iiTiii a. war TaadealUe bin ■wnm ziwra tiiaili* br IMAiTa DrsDieaii QoIb- tcC ne BiwcEa, Zoranov Tmmr HaA. SelUe r7i itii. Caie aad Cole. MrTirryCTy netcber aad T a lji e> a£d bddcrap^ pdetsrea. SoxBd Tkeatn cll«*e GeUaatth. mgr.i Tan- derCIe. Del Adf Ipbla. Scfioa aod Doasle. 2Ce^r Oadr* JusM T' J w uatJ ld, aatf Salome. X«rria B<7se'a Oteaa aad Uesagrzie Mar ' bis bonaeaa. VSOt A SBOBrXBIDGE. WISCONSIN; Opoa TTllim (loa. S. ^] BcsBCtt-SiimUaB Co. 21 28; cood A Uxtir OatcalC 30. Btfaa ramQr Tbcatie (O'BMcs & Jaoea. siszs.) Hn week XL: AH. Bott. Flood Sfataa. Banr L Hmt Bovaid. Wd. t—«-~-» XAir CUIXZ.—emd Op«xm r.) A Boral Saw IS; lair I 17: cood hnainf Plttitmix Or- S; Setae, Ibe TSm Gm, June S; . KvekcstldlCe Stock Co. ve«k Jane S. . T'atqof JfOTtac pletsm and raaderlBe to lu^Sdr boafacaa- cliiin CTiiniiiai- BmCbefs ^oae A. ' TCKD BV Tir rimiiil Opcca Boaae (P. B. Hater, msr.) But Ijaae 18; raiMMf earn- saar. piod aadlenee. A Trtp to Eopt IT: n Etekasd M. ~ CANADA. ^.r . ZOaSOV.—ecaad (7. X. TartOB. ni«r.) Kr mod The Beemr 1~: pleaacd oBly fair beiBe. ^:;7oim GtlStli 20. Ttannsb tlw trtudw «C iy - KasasFT T uiUju . tlie atase bsBda win neelTc a ^ teacOt as. Tbe bm will inelnde' Hesi7 I>e aad TiM DoOir Troape of Aoobata. Ik.'- Beaaefa ViadenBe (C. W. Bennet, mp.) i'. 'Ceod boainew. -BUI week U: Owes aad Owen. Tnnas and Lee. Piteuoae and BoUoff. Koctaa ' '«nd CMoe, A. H. Una aad Bmitli and Abacoo. J. 6. Irwta'a Doca waa the teatnze. 9t. JOSV, W, B.—Open Booae (A. O. ma- .•mtr, mrr.y Anne Blaneke In A Uttle Ooteaat IS- SH. sood boaineaa. UlsM BUncke plared a tbjve- - awDTlia' esj;aj;emeiit be-re wlt2i the Valestlae '. Btodc Co. some jnrt a^o aiid receireU a Jerj - wacaa weTmtne 00 b«r rvtszn. OoiBio^ 13>e r I r'a Hate. Bowie Concert Oik. A W ayward Soo. Hnnrtny for a^wklna, SI* TBIIsa Sco- «ar. and A Hoc Old Tlin^e. Toak (B. J. Armatxong, msr.) flwect doTcr . 15-30; eompetcnt ccmpaiu and food boataaaa. BEXXZVnXZ.—Csrmea Opera JSsaaa (L & Ch rme a. ie^.) -b**** in " " — hoaae. Jotm Griffith In PHacIe's Sllnatreli 27 ^ baE «eea stetSga ac ^yr.f.^ slc^z 2«nT aAaae* «}& a bh« I* a^»<»TaaBsa •B.&.BlMkxaoe. ssr.) -Bat a» aCtaatace Crte - It is brirs fca ot FxK ore ^?ew~T3*. jLucJua J br Si* ^^tt SuxSe. Co.. H d-aaUt cte tmrwta to ste Gaad. e:e ae3o«aisa fa ao r~'^ ^pt««fase<. loao a» wcB «^ tke pana wd -akes. OTTfeeocs (OareBoe Dtowb. =«r-) SfseL SSap. oSiU. Sbe asjcaoo wte sa^ laek a'Ut here » e»» a. .rLai3s.ll:*s iceek crrTned wtik cMC- era IzcKii. Lamder aad Tomaon " a Acnt^ lakes weS^ »•»■". Pariiten ■^en. sake first a^pearuee bere aad WK* w«n •eeelTtd: Xar Tokes fa her pi».ri»r act; Ed. WnBiM aad JoUa WeK is aew ececo- '11 Ti Iktrln. Ot i gro a^a and Xl^oisoo tiff- ataaie:. and WlClani t»..*^». ^Itb fats topical talkx. isoad oct a bill *>^' is csowdiss ' t- booe e»e.i perfOnsaaee. Ctaie* Park aad T&eazse (Benrr Koffr. o«r.) aoadar. St. biz armrrlnr. az tfee park war laaea and bli band. TUa <i tbe sieaiHT «i->gi» aziraGVia Wanarr- Koeb baa pmeoted ta klatorr ae the pa:*. Ibe rmrplete limes Band, wtrii ^ sreat df mm IH . accmJ loc two rtr-rrzzs adj az a ea« aC SLMMk. the faSsiiest pria enr paid » a bod « dasle dq'i pcxXOoo ee la Xaa - -"- pefMsIr poM «> set a At SsK ar^ck tbe Ti in -Sand lefi-te ■aC Oooatdffs itaUnt Baad took iMr to be ^lacBc d br Toaad and loand oC avpteaK, * iii t il t tko papntsrHr oC the ifw.-. who hare bees ao ***"**—*f cotaxtalalBf Chutes pacooa fiw the pest few ■«itl»« la the creaiss a mas- aldeeAT t ouuziM was ra a^ i e d Ig- Isaa' ~ ancBeaied br the aapeih aoliriats, ia Urn w Meh waa parked man pit to dmr,4 A Stt^F aaociaston to a harrner dar. OOljMtAOO. BZXTZB.—Bs^neaa dii^ ibe doacd baa bea Terr saad. the openSnr oC the snan best actractlODa of the year The Orpbetmi doaed its dMioi' S« nS- WB reopen early in the Can. The Tab«r Grand la dark tUs Com- ing: PoQard's LHUpatian Opera Co. Broadwar Tbeatte (E. F. HcCoiirt. mgr.) Bc- atm i Tny 2S. ibe great 3iarlowe.SoCliem eomhi. nat]oa win ^ar four petfocmanees. pnxbKtBg Sbakespearean plara. The adranee aale Is good. EUtcb's Gardens Pfra. EUieh-LoDg. mgr.) That>owii artzeav m*"^*** m.aa..^ Flake, playa a *iEt canceacat_at tke teg 25. aaCdlHbftJC,. CorMal Tfciarii (Cea. I. A TBT end MB li dtawing large booses.' appeaitaK mck are Wyna and Bart, Mr. and Via. PSctee, Jaa. R. and Xand S. Byan. Vcnie HePheraoa. Z«Ib Fla&e wakl. Qoeea and Boas, and the uMftlng pletum. Soaeltr Theatre CBiearj Tinheliikl, mgr.) Bnsl- neaa splendid. The KB tkia wc^ iaelndes Mme. Osedla. Sam Hood. Wm BMOB. Fraser Oaedy Four, TnlJK. Heddcaflitf Krasne. and the 9.9. AddttMnal Correspoodciice ARKANSAS. la '*etT popalar ben flw IndleatlOBa n» ':pIaTb'>cae win be micd to Ita -CTcnh g oC hia *"f*r*'"*"' Baniaak Tbeatre (OUrcr ■ ai ^j -Tbe^T^pwia l BUfcay la ^ FLOMIDA. 7ACSS0B VILLZ.—4te SoTrOera Stock Oa. wltlt Mabel Paige, opened Ptioenli Park 15 to good tnslaesa, plaTlng as isdeflnlte eogagosest, SEOROIA. (H. I., aad J. Ik DC The Star (7. B. naagaoa, a«r.) A Taodemie bin dicir wen tor week SC. The Oaatao (Jaka Wti Co. *ri ~ CHlPiae Tfcm la BP gabaajisc tte fact tbit the teaaaato^ alttte is aertooatj- eOMtlBs tbeatrleal baataHB at aac with a aapaalv Ua oC aagy ai CWm 7. Itana, Bgr.) ICaaday. Kaj ». Oca. K. OMiaa la Ut. loBC* Cor a rna. (Banr 7. P uaera , mgr.) .. Kay 281, «b» second cdltloa of The Isle at Bong Bans, with ""^'tr- Boss In tte le aiBin n te. f cr _; laa . ^ppaeT^ta^ftaSSa^^^^T ^rSS^^mI ment. Great KOrtbem nieatie (Pr4- OL ■ mgr.) Commencing Bsndar. Hay 28^ m tended Qigagemeat, Boater Bcowm. Stndebaker Theatre (B. E. Barmeyer, mgr.) She Ylrglnlan. Gazrlek llieatre (gainnri P. GctaoB, Bff.) put. Pail, Poof. TaSaTle Tbeatre ■. IMk The lale of Spice. HeTI^er^ Tbeatrs (Sea. O. mgr.) AH 'Boand CUeaco. ratmaiam* Ike jniaBaa la. T!=ea=^ 'Bes GSKC Jtaes Eon ia ViiMi i ri . Sared rr«3 The Sea. _ _ . ACasbra ssrj na (Bragle Tfa(ai» CA. 7aaoka. ios^ ft Cas:<e.> Taede'SIe. ^l-v—fr. 07<a Bocse i'Stibl A Cu^. tfaT*""*-! IS. The Land of Nod. Mgsj n* HsTsarkec Theatre fW. Cor KoU * Castle.> Ta ~ THE PIAH eOUITY FAIR ud lUeEyEET Ereot AaciTllitoliUi. Bigger and bttttr tha n ever. For rrir- wtb» J.CTIPPEn^JfaiiMleeUo. Ill $500 ffs§rsa*^s^i<>-<i tratt »: good KANSAS. lu i ai ' if I n —Gn-d 0!>*r« HooJe (E. B. BT- era. mgr.) CUKed CotamMa Opera Co. Sn Ermlsle. or The T»o Vasatxada. to good Clzccs—Elstsu Brocbcas* Show IT; to good bosincaL MICHIGAN. JUBaTTETTZ.—Opera Bocse (A. Eec^. m^.) DTOEak-Daaldsao Stock Cat. week In: >...i»TT j. x£b «• Eopc S: big biTflnrta. best moalcd aaMav aC aaaaaau a liil'' ' and Gaatxai --TTi --'— • • «aak Jane 19. , _ *C- A ~ - - - — k kot Calrly ^Oie simi' . Saaday bost- dailag the week. _ _ dasa at abon bnt the j«t li ast Jast tight. Down town kat tvo attiacilona. tbe Standard Theatre. wMcfc ia oa Us eloeins week, and the Imperial Tteam^ wtee the Bniaeio Stoti: Co. is doing a niee Tinilia ■ Tte foQowtog Is the program for the accck: Forest PtaA mgtilsndi opeoed to laimesse bosiness Stradtr. and wttb a Un that tlK>r- ongtily pleased, eoatalned acta by Mc V a lvTi and His HIdgeta, Elicit Vaasar GIrb. Tt>e Foot Bianoa. Tbeteae Dorgeral. Imperial Comedy Four. Don and Thompeoc and S<4>eek Brotiiers. Weal Bid Belsiita oj>ened tiielr smnmer «ea- soa Sunday to big business. Ws^bam k Say tor's Coniedlaiis were tlie attraetioQ and pre- sented The Han From Hexleo. The performance was flzst claas and plcued sxeacly. Being ex- eeUcsi^ pnt 00, an elegant ImprescSOD has baca made. Sobozban Park- WiU'a Oocaedlans ttegan their aeoond week with tbe Two Old Crooks aa the attiactlan. It seemed to offer lost tbe tight kind of amaaeiDest, as tbe iBtge attradsafr «( Sooiiay went dsray * " atooTe the do^ig a alca oiri ROB cadi aa .S* ^ yi^i y C&tt^tBI^ k SBV MbS Mg%aw^«c*(a'tkal^1ne anoe. It is a fcty pleasiag wen moanted. TlM olio iadaica MeCkca vid Paid. Gertrode LeClaltc. Sam P a l m, Sdindes, Harion and Pearl and etbeca; bostneas tab. Imperial Theatre. The Bojaero Stock Co. pat on Tlie Croat of Society and pleased a large boose Smday- The nmpany is ably east, and the play carefully staged; boiisess fair, the play carefully staged; bnameai (air. Items —^Tirrg—• O. T. Crawfoed of tbe Crawford Theatre, retnned this week from West Bsdes Springs, wbete be west at tbe close of the aeaaoD. Be la prepared to equip tiiree com- panies to take tbe road in tbe fan. • • John Woltjen of the Woodland Co., passed throogk the dtT Hosday. after a hniliw tr^ to Mem pUs, Tenn. Be win go to tbe lakes oC Wls- eoBsin for the aommer. He baa jnat tlnatd a dfty-are weeks' toor with Saragc's eomi WILiL. J. FABU CLIHTOBi iniiiiian OpcnBsaae CW. F. 7ar- Tts, mgr.) CMaad aaaaaB wllk Baaa Haaaa U; fair audicaaih flbeaa-Wto. ~ Jane S. MONTANA. Oaa. 7. Clark. bd Elge. School at has bad charge «C tke years, hss l e ili ed tooB by Tno. J. riart Central Park (O. Q. 21 to good iiiiaiiiias NEBRASKA. BKHKAmr* esce Claggltt, 18-20; fair boa aom'a FoUy 23. NEW YORK. TOBK CETT.—^The theatres whit* bare tc the •eaw are the Belasco, Berkeley Bioadway, Circle. Cnterloo, DaJj's, naWa^ Garden. Garrlck, LnMrtr, 8«aaie. VslsaHc, Maabattan. MetaaM . tar Hm. Xnr Ivceaai. PriDccaa^ Ifcm. Wkl. Iack% aad Wiktll UaHa HalL - ■ OOaw * .Haager. at tatm OMatae as May wlU >. good as r:» - ,-- n«: maker (or WASTbD:—sscosd-baod a<ack TWU I 00 l«u; most be cheap aod la good < A goedockar. Lake M!Ua. 10 _ c«.iir»«i If Jaly IS-l»: Aiuaatiooa 121 Iltb St.. Sbarptbiug. Fa. S T R EC T . 8X0P. roOK. LIBTES—Tbe norelty 00 the market; oerer 1 before; sells on sight; aaspla SOyfXXX CO.. Toledo. Onio. Far Sila H^^^onitbu TitleandPIayof A School Girl's Romance." 9 In cast. Address. OOIm aoUiIKJEN. Attorney at Law. a-T Broadwar. N. T. SB, after which ike win i*. (Shnbert Ha Brothm; week last week. May torn to Europe. Lijxic Theatre mgrs.) Fantana May 29. :cew Tork Theatre (Slav A EUanger. iagts.| Geo. OAan closed bis | 11 at tUa tkaa- tre May 27. The Xe« • ' * " opened Hay 20 with WalB New Xork Sympbony. BiJoa Tbeatre (Heniy B. Site, mgr.) Warfleld in The Moalc Maater began bla f ftnt aad Isat wade at tUa Oaatxe Har Nl' Belr te bosiness. Grand Opcl^ 1 Peggy Froen lent boose. Harlem Opcca Boose (Alex, mgr.) Adelaide Kdm and ber atackr < are playtog to capacity bojdnesa. Foortateentb Street Theatre (J. Wesley Boa- enqoest. mgr.) My Tom Bar Girl, with Lottie wniiama In the title role, baa extended Its en- gagement at thia theatre Indefinitely. HeiTopoIis TiMatre (Henry Boaesberg, mgr.) The week of May 29 win be deeoced to a taalght randenUe ibow. American Theatre (Klaw, Erlanger 4b Wehb mgza.) Fcdoca la tke attraitlna at Uia ameflfaa CA. H. Waodi. Bgt.) Cade Tea's Cahia Is the aitiatrtoi i tbis week. TIte theatre wffl eloae Cec tke acaaoa Jaae t. New Star Theatre (Wm. X. Kcogh. mgr.) Iks Kaik la daartag the aaaal hooaaa ta lla Kcw Tort mppodrome (Tkompaoo A Baatb ■gra.) Oreos sad speetamlsr diaaaa. Wldsor Theatre (AL H. Wooda. mgB.1 Sto Span oC Life is ae atttaetioa tMs week. St boaae win doae foe tke seaaoBjnne 3. WlAUjm B. HILL. BBCTdlO Pat* ncataa (H^ Shaa,_BgU The Panam Stock Co. i to excelleat patronage . vms ebartningly dever fia ka^'i Cader Tbe Bed Bote. Lyceom Theatre (J. T^nghlin. mgr.) Emm I^nae was rery weU liked by good aiied bosaea last week. Mlaa Marlon S. Barney was excep- tionally good. Thla week. HTMred HoUaad IB The Power Behlad Tbe drooe. Shea's (Hiden Theatre CH. Shea, mgr.) AL Lawrence and Adgle aod llona scored heaTljy last week. Thla week Lextex Looergas t Cc Chas. T. Aldrieb, Pat Boooey. Ben Welch, Aorte Dagwrll. and the kmetacrapb. Lafayette Theatre (Gbaa. M. Bagg. mgr.) The Bowery BorIes<ioers gare a rery pletatig performance to good hoalBcm last week. Sna- day. ZL. Mack and Tlxjrpe were tbe hit of tba bin tendered as a benedt b> Bdward B. SbaBtiat. This week. The Kentncky BeUea. ._ Tlie Atldetlc Park opcaed to aa I —1| aowd 23. Hdeae Gerard gare the deanK txalacd bone act acca here ta yearn. The Ba>- gatiaa BtvaC Baad o( thirty-See pleased tbt throaga, aad a aaad saadatllla ttO, comprldsg Hiles and Baiw^ Ska Vfmtt. Ottttr aad Bnrke and Baada &aMb '■•aa aa9 wen reeelred to- tke big aaMatajk^^^ftt^ka^n ^ne SMdMe''3L'*kSSnr% ^Saai^r'and Aostia Webk are tbe featarea la tke theatre this weA srklle Sdnta'a Baad wlU glre dally eooeerts. Tbe park will not be eampletcd ontU Decoratioa Day. ao wm meatlsB a few of tboae that srt aoir datav kaalMB: X. 8. Honeatoa is iapct> tartaadcat tt tbe r.gBre Bgbt. Manager A Beetm baa in his Gypay Chmp Hadam Jollia. Princess Noma ana Qoeen Magayla. Bobertaon has The Olde Mill, OaTe of I>s Winds, and Haonted Cattle eooeeaaloot. b WaHets baa Tbe Myth caty and Temple of 3tU» eoocessloos. with S. S. WelU as speller st taa former, and Pred J. Thorp at the latter, i. fs Larson has tbe Shooting Ganery. B. E. BUI has tbe Photogrsph Gallery, and B. Palm« the Carousel, wtalcb is doing a big baalnM^ The two popular Bnflklnnlins, Samuel Lys ^ and John J. Brown, are tart to make a big cess of their ZIg-Zig AOey. The S. L. KoboJ aoo AmDsemest Inrlted tbe oieaa and dlx a* picaa and dig J*" ra Falls to aa la- fldals of Bolfala and Niagara _ section of their park, at tl>e Falla. Mtf 2 A banqnet at the Oataract Boose (aUoML**! inspectlan. Tbe writer nerer saw a I acBMtloQal Flgme Blfkt BaOu . |ka ane at thu paik.. Mfa.K-B- ^'^'l Mind sU tbe adadMl irikr coaitcn