The billboard (June 1905)

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6 Xne Billboard 8AILKD FOR ENQLAND Mr. E. S. WlUard sailed last week tor England with his company for a airM montfas' stay. Mr. WiUard's nazt Mason begins at Montreal, Con., Oct. 2. when he will produce Th« Fool's Revenue, which play will be ths-fte- tnre at bis next year's work. ^ Prof..'A:: KjKtett "Fin at: Jertlc HttW,' Bar' ~ " y Xohn A. Xainin«Mii;;^«tli*;;#riI-<lmown Buager. is ipciidlBr Hi* Mmatr oa'lli» Aons of Xm^ Erie. J. B. Carlisle's Orchestra has been en- g«^^^^o r^tb« acaMQ. < at . lUOcr's Fatlllon, '':i^i'c&iat!'''1£iaii^ of -tb* at PltmlcaTd Co.. Is spntdta^ ■.' few weeks VlsltiDf bis brother In r«nnd<wi, Wls- It is reported that FIoi«nz SSlegfeld ban contiaatrt>'jrttk Alice KdSiK'tir'a.concert tonr of ' .Fay Temple ton has. > now th« ttan- aolpt for tbe new plir. eatmctf The Mbia uid 'v^Tbe MlUlonalre. which Geo. Bl. Cohan bms- imt Sfwntten tor Her. Jerome and Schwartz have signed contracts with Klan- Sa Erhufirer to fnmlab aU tbe moaie far Lifting The Ud, lo Timnuiny , Hsft safl The Ham Itee. The ooatzaet Is alw t» IM Is Chleafo In any tlncle tammer. except ' doitnr the Woild's Fair. Tbe Sanda Rossa has been engraged to pUy at the Mitchell (S. D.V Com Palace tUs Tear. A feature of the band tbla season WSI be a blf acenlc prodactloa oC tbe jBcanc- netlan of Christ, for which tteitafdlll^aiswite- . sunt wHi caxxy a carload 9tt:MltmiMf)^''itiii',^ : i''-T*"r oC; idccttd ainseia. and The Oooatiw e( pohUsbed by 3ioiK: : W;^.MSB:;*;<K pisTins the western TaaOMlK drarits at pres- ent and report that both songs are tecelred riHth unnsoal and great applause. Notes from A High Old Time Co.: We take the road next foU and prospects are bright for a saccasfol season. Time la being Slled rmplfjlj and onlr the best of terrltorj In PennsTlTanli. West VlrKlnis. Ohio, Indiana and Illinois will be plojed. Jesae L. Fnsner la proprietor and Wm. Stanford bosloesB manager. Adele Ritchie opened her vaudeville career at Hammersteln's. New York, Blaj 21. The soccMS which attended her nntt perform- ance was emphaalxed br her good fortuae In secnrlng In Central Pork, a new and cleTer •one \>J Frederick jMfimn, one of Cbu. Proh- man's musical tUrcH^tont. In Central Park has one of the most fetching alts CTer cWen - to any lommer aoos. Notes from .'WartTa popular orches- tra: We apancd our ssaaoD of twcn^ weeks Usy IS at the Park Sbtd. Solphw, I. T., one of the moat pomdar sommer tcaorts In the sonthwest. and ore oflonred of a very pleasant seas<m- The roster Is Fred. E. Ward, director; Jode P. Parker. Engene White, Mrs. Chas. Ward, Wni TK BOlaiWI, Doda B. Ward. Tbos. y^fi^)Htmi JmlKP£'Jtaa»t^,viA uts. .nea. e. Many prominent singers are now nalng the two great ballads, When Yoo'te Away and I NeTer Know. These two aoa the recipient of many enoores wheterer Dcconitlun Daj will And all the pro baada plarlng the great laatnunental namber. WUntBT' Xlsyr • a tw»st«p. ' Ordieatra leaders ' ss^'^nUi'ss^bsaauaticB at*' vetr entlmalastle eicr tUs new hlti pShllilied by the Golding Knste Co. The opening of Allan I^owe & George fioaej's mnalcal extiaTaganza, Eafooxelom, In '■.Ohicagow OQ Mar 21, was one of the snccesaes e( the icaaon. a nimiber of the songs, Indndlng Mollr Molone. Mr. Fox, Tm Sorry For Yon. The Coming U. S. A., Iiola Come Into The 2Soo, Tubal Cain. Lore, Lore, What la Ufe WIthoot You, were splendidly- received and <^nct^rt*d several times. Kafooaclam Is Mr. RuM'f's Initial etTort In the operatie Held. The mnalcal nnmbecs are pabUaheA tj Joa, W. - tlys €>»> ■ ■; The innate and Ijrilm of Siiniite vitf;jnBjar* honse tam .'Blt^^..'<iiMk'.'li'^S(«aomecd by usidaas t»3W^'M«v'ar'.'IM%Miit!St 'aoeeeases ver proj n eaa ta VUIulimtUmi.^^Cb» Ug aoag -,tt at* Piccaninny Uoss^.^nMCAOnr and Xhe wt, Whaa Ton Ate BaillF jf&vBiy OMWoa Lou, Mamma's Lorey Desr, Stmgle Sbbon Bbn- pie. Tollpa, Ma Soothem Odole, Fronle Fn^ and Dear Old Collese Daya. Mrs. Cornelia Osgood Tyler, who wrote thei txiok and the lyrics of The Girl and Tbe Bandit, and the Venetian Bomonce, sails tm Europe Jtily 1, where abe win complete the book for a new opera not yet named. The moaie for her new opera will be written br Hr. Rederick Ctdt Wight, wbo has made a gnat Ut this aeaaon with the imulc which he wrote f«r The Girl and The Bandit. AU the prominent Mew 7ock bands are featuring Mr. WIght'a Patrol firom The Girl and The Bandit, which waa fltst jdayed at the Inangoratlon of Ptertdent Bo ose wlt. la Uie aew opeia «• bare aad flat wlll be iiii 11 ■fifl The Government Indian Band which starts npoD a abort toor of eight weeks in Jolr, mriar the nanagcment of I<em. B. Wiley, la of repretentatlTe young men from sercnteen different Indian tribes, - fourteen of them being full blooded Indians. There is a foil and standard Inftmmntatlon In this band for special attractions, tir. Jacob Morgan, a tun blooded Naraio, la a comet soloist of very considerable ability. Mr. Alberta Dessls is a fnU blooded Pueblo Indian, and his wonderful work on the clarinet Is the talk of aU who have heard him. Mr. Wallace Springer, a euphonium soloist wfao plays this difficult instrument with a touch and feeling seldom shown. Is a full blood Omaha. A saxophone quartet is com- poeed of four fnli blood Pueblos. They are aU weU educated and well behaved young men, quite handsomely imlformed in two suits, ooe grsy, the other a concert uniform of dark green. Tbe repertoire of music la Composed of the very best standard orertures, popular selections, waltree and medleys. Wherever these boys have appeared they bare made an undeniable bit. An overwhelming ovation was tendered them whenever they played at the St. Louis Fair, where they furnished music for the Government Indian Exhibit. Tbey plai-ed flfty- ieren different engagements of more or less Im- portance, dedicating many of the state bolld- Ings, giving concerts In many of tbe bnfldlngs and plasaa, beading aU of the principal patadea, and. Ii». abort.' doing aU the dUBeolt wack that any mnaleal organlsitlon could be called on Ccr. 8HUBERT BROTHERS, PERHAPS The Liyrlc Theatre, Fhiiadelplila. l8 fast approaching completion, and ru- mor has it that the playhouse will next season open under the management of the Shubert Brotheiv. .'j-NoUltalir: defl* nite bas been made jjwWtft'Hi -caipHrt to the management. .' y:^ Vic Faust joined Cldard's Inter- Ocean Circus for a little vacatlaa. Tommy Donnelly will- complete the tour of his Rammer cooipaSy '-'Sad bearsals for the Doonelly tt SkwH lOMtldS wUl begin about July 12. - --V--^-. Ted £, Galbraith wrltoaitUat Jw has been engaged as genenl agMt te 1M TtA B. Faoat Mlaatzala fOr nast ssasea, - Tlie KcOregor & Towiwaia UlilOB 'Ulsstids srs tieing organised' ftor tbs aommcr ■ asi oB at ' Itew Plilladslpbia, Ohio. They ate booked - foe the —"ft"—: towns In Ohio. The HI Hennr Minstrels closed their season May.. SI at Heme sU m i i. m., after a very suceatsfQl scssoai; The memben of the company left Car tbclr lopeetlTe homes. Paul liSXiOnde, musical director for AL O. Field's Minstrels, is spending tbe sum- mer at bis home in Belleville, Ont., Can. He haa lost none of bis old time potmlarlty snd Is leeelTlng the glad band from all sldoa. Notes from the Al. G. Field Mlri- srels: Al. O. Field bas left New York for the west- After a week in Buffalo, and a abort time In Colnmhns. Mr. Field will take a trip alonj; the Great Ijskea and through the woods of the northwest hunting and llshlng. Walt. M. IjesUe has been Installed as New York repre- sentative of Mr. Field, with offices in the New Amsterdam building. Mr. Licslle will alHo take charge of the bookings and business pertsluinc to the Donnelly & Ilatlleld Mlnstrt'ls. Joe Uatfleld is in New York for a few ilsys on matters pertaining to the Donnelly A HntUpId Mlnatrela. Edward Conard haa cbarR>> of t)io home oBlcea In Columbus, Ohio, during Mr. Field's aboence, and r>»c Qniglej wlU bava diaige of all Snalness pertaining to the tlsn 6C tbe company. ENGAGEKEMTS. Chas. A. Garlofk and Will Keigley. have joined the Stevens Sl ~ Co.. the latter to do his barrel Visa .Beatrice Thorn , taaa lMiti tts- eooatcM In A Bayal Km toe tte eo M. C. Bers, trick cyclist, has closed with a Country Rid Co., and Joined the Irving French Oo., playing a summer engagement at JoUet, m. Miss Ylrslnla Blchipond. .recently of tha pic; PaO^ VooC O^.KW'^S« «afi«M for the 'eaat' of th* BmplM BtoA Cb, at Prorl- dence, R. I. Dorothy Hunting, of Hamilton. Can., has Joined tbe Jack and Tba Bcanatalk Oa. in Boston. 1U» .atrtln . O S i sy , a y—sg .dsasr st promise. wwt:iiMh;>itr far a' awe wstW «»• gagement. ' ' iSaxry lb 'Weibli^ ^alio lMta.'l> f iil...wltfa a pssltign iftth tbs On; at Mlaaua Mis, vasd .n big tbctc nr the son Recent engagements through Ben- nett's Dramatic Exschange, Chicago, Include the following: Gmmett King, Geo. A. Beane and Alexander Kearney for stock at Uonls- vlUe, Ky.; Miss Mlna PhlUlps, Lauretta Allen Montange, Louette Babcock, Jack Ferguson, Beresford Webb and Joseph SnUiran for the Nattonal Theatre Stock Co., Dayton. Oliio; His, Margaret Hatch. S. D. Merrfll and Wmiam Fltzslmmons for the Krug Theatre Stock Co., Omaha, Neb.; Jane Evans for leads with the Columbus Theatre Stodc Co., Chicago; Frank Mitchell, May NDdo Diew and I«Brah7 for the People's Theatre Stock, OUcago: Paul Harria -with the Busb Temple Stock Co.; Elsie Wenger with Escaped from Slug Sing Co.; ESa YulU with the Minster's Danghter Co.; Mignon Oxer and Walter McCnllongh for stock at Honstoo, Tex.; J. B. Murray and Dave Morris with the Davy Crockett Co.: Agnes Bruce and J. Martin McKee tvlth the Bob Fltzslmmoni Co.; lanra Sawyer and Wilbur Martin with the Avenue Theatre Stock Co.; Jobn Cordon, Mark J. Ellla- ton. Fletcher HaiTcr, Catbcttoe Xabor, Bobeit Harhind, Leon | " ~ " Holmes with the' ACTRESS ILL PROM OVBRSTUDY Pauline Maulnacht, who took a prominent part in the recent produc- tion of Ben Hur. has been removed from her hotel In New York to Belle- vue hospital because of the effects of overstudy. Miss Maulnacht took rooms in the Park View Hotel recently, and began atodyliic more prominent role for the road tour neact season. On May 25 the gruests were disturbed when she suddenly became hysterical and -violent,* A number of officers were required to-take' bar'to- the taoapital. where' ahe 'OTBS put into the psycho- pathic ward. It is evident that her malady Is only temporary, and with the proper treatment she will soon be able to resume her studies Miss Maul- nacht Is a handsome brunette, and her father la a prominent real estate man. RETURNED TO SAN FRANCISCO Mr. S. D. Price, general manager of the Belasco and Mi^rer enterprises, re- turned to San Francisco, Cal„ May 20, after a month's absence in r<Tew "yorlc and other eastern; cities, engaging tal- ent and aeouring pl^a. Mr. Price 'was very - VAtmEvnxE. Arthur Byron is to appear in vaude- nila In ne Hlras* by PanI Armattoag. Norman, the Frogman, -will open his summer season at Cheater Park, Cinclimatl. June u. J. C. Jacol>s, of Jacobs and Sardell, esntly. Mr. F. xailott JanklaaVoMiBed With the xoMsdM. «• la adOwatk ,1h4 Mvadsy- May 29. . 'Wilson and Morai^ aOIT.'iB 'tiM-.WeBt, write that they have SOSMi issA' Hm lieeked In the eastern resorts. Major OT<aughIin played Oak ParK, Sterling, HL, week of May SB, with Dnbnqne, la., and Waterloo to fonow. It is rumored tbat a number of wealthy Franehmcn will ciect a Taoderille theatre on Bmadway,. N.- Z. Summer -vaudeville opened May 29 at Chatanqiu Park, Oweuhoio, Ky,, tmder the management of Bobert Wayne. Ed^ijn Bjeougli A C o. aallad June 12 on the dta^B'JhlMI jnVInt lla'VMiliai.Wbarc they open at tts ffittce nNttN, >fora Bayes has gone to Paris, where hpr voice will receive proper training. Mlas Bayea bas i>c«a sppeaiing in randeTllle. The rMBrteii Family closed with the Hunt«(' <Tlqai-Wonder Co. They contamplata opening a anmmer theatre In Joplln, Mo. The Twelve Navajo Girls and the Elcht Vassar Olrls In a consolidated act, open for tbe Bummcr on the New York Boot Garden, June 12. MluNettl? M. jCfyce ii '. flChsetn^.^ -Mw... SsoMd^ She Kill s w s Mt vsnaw ttat all anmmer. vmil«*ins';at bar boose 'tha naak S&oat Ifln- .LaAdella. writes that she had a very plcaaant week while playing Bock laland, HI.. IMlna aatcrtalned by the members of the 'Van- Ogrks^Sston Co. , . J[amea. ^Calvin,. oomedy jiinUng Aniai «MBid at t)to.XgeMm Sbtatn mWtB, ntab, l&y. n, .with ths BOasaa Tbsatra In Helena to follow. Edward S. Marlow, of Santoro and Msrlow, mourns. the death of his mother. The remains WCie interred May fl at Mount OUvet Cemeteiy, Chicago. Fox and Ward. MM tbe '~ TtXT ata I atrela for next season. ■Will Bensley, novelty foot Juggler, spent a few dsys with his mother In BelleTlUe, tet;, last -week. Blllle is looking fine, and re- paitl aaodtcnt boslneaa. The attention of the performers is csncd tn sor sdlMtlsl la tbe Dsik dsputmeDt of tUa iasos rcgaidlng the qoallty of raadsrille performances at big dty resorts. Flood Sisters* received such an OTM- tion at tbe Bljob Theatre, Kenosha, Wis,, tbst they ime hdd orcr for the week of lity SI. They 'do a dsnc globe and ladder act. Hairy and I<aura OUIam 'wlU apend three weeks at tbdr bom la Wsili^ lOnn. Thay hare Joat completad a twalro weeks* engagement in the leading booses In the west. Florilla Bantord and Bert White write that tbn tasT* been Tczy aoceessftd In the west, baHag pliica altht mski «a the Lnbeisu doMt, aa« aie asw «■ tke OMMfii Oicnlt. W'tUiam .Fruette, of Lulu Olaser'a A Madcap Pdaeeas OOk. and Btndtle Biaadt, wbo has been plsjiag fa rO neiiS. 0M» Ing to go " " Carmen. McGinnis and McOInnls and Al. MarteUa were In Park Oit7, Utah, week of Hay 29; whsce both aeti pitfod at tbe Family Tbeatcik. .Chv «M fMMa'<iilth a banqoet by tho 'aifca' ■ Music Hall at Brighton Beach, X3oney Island, N. Y., opens June 10, when a strong and excellent Tandaville bill la promlaed. The place has been renosatsd sad g w alll i : In appearance. Frank Binney, of Binney and Chap- man, was Initiated Into the T. M. A. No. 8S at Ins AngelsB, Cal., May S8, while playing a Tsir M iiiw M two wioks^ •agaasBMBt at tto new AagHSB TkittM. Montell'a Sileetrle Marionettes are In their alxtb week on tbe Afllllated Western Circuit with the coast to follow. This act opeoa in Iowa on the Nash Circuit, November S, With ten weeks to follow. Al. and Pearl Zimmerman were guests of Frank and Emily Touag at their home In Westwood, May 22, and opened at the Casino, Wallace Park, Padncah, Ky., May 2S, with other good parks to (OUow. Babp Bryl, the talented young vo- calist, has accepted an engagement for the summer season with Mr. Stnart, manager of the New Crystal Theatre, Wausan, Wis.. Hr will slug several aelectlcos at each perfonnanGfr The American NewaboyB' Quartet write that they ate being teatniea m erety bUL Manager Geo. B. Bcnty, of Tilneeln Park, Tln^ cennes, Ind., waa so wen pleasid with the aeti that the boya were engaged for a second week. Danny Matm and Lola Haines write that tbey ore in their twenty-flfth week on the Sullivan & Consldln^ Circuit, and- that they are booked solid In CsUfomla nntU September, when they ploy back over the northwest. Their acts ore la demand. DeVaro and Curtis closed with the Swallow & Markle Floating Palace, May 2T, at Parketaboig, W. Va.. and opened May 29 at Undenwald Park, Hamilton, Ohio. They open upon the Sbayne CItenIt of parka June 2S, St Obeatar Park, Olneiimatl. Hubert Deveau, artist In chalk, writes that ha will Intradnee a new picture into bis act next aeaaon. It win be a traTca^ on Shakespeaie|BieTtn ages of nsa . Mr . Instead «f seMa, bttMif ■BMlBg ll 'te mii:iSS^-- vllle atage. , The people appearing at MQlMfi- Theatre, Lima. Ohio, week of May 20, wias' Wrockford and May, Boblnaon. Slstero. UUlan Marr, Slateta Bayne, Boae Loorella, Thomaa West, Dora WllfonI and Mand Hart. Agnes Athertoo la atoga dlrectteoa and Ftet, Orecna, mnsteal dlisctec. Preston liombard and Geoisene Gar- ter hare Joined and will ptodneo a eomadr sketch, entitled My Fmmy Iriab Undo, Xlio team will be known as Oartir sad . IiSBbaid. Sims, native aon oC tbm ■MdMi>;weat; waa a pleasant callSr'at -lhe'VBN W>Hw SOK' board last week. Harry Devere, blackface comedian, and ' Frank Bloncdell, tramp fomodlan, bate Joined and will hereaftct be known as Blone- dell and De'Vere. They wUl open lone 13 with two new acta, entitled Tbe Oreat- Train Bobbery and Always Is The Way. They an booked solid nntU August. Jacob Adlar, the Yiddish tragedian, has been engand- by Mr. Percy O, WlUIams for a vaudeTiUs stsson beginning Jane S at his Brooklyn booaa. Mr. Adier wUI J the ttlal aeena from Tbe Merchant',o(<>1 appearing aa Shylock. He will be, '— by an English speaking company. The team formerly kno-wn as Hy-' land and Grant will hereafter he known as, Tbe Thrts Bylandf, Baby Byland baring Jolstd, tbe team. Brland and Grant haro been too>>: ing tbe west for tbe past two years and ie> port success. Tbe Three Hylonds ore working their way east on tbe Crystal Circuit. Addiston and Livingston write: We are now in our ninth week with the Swallow ft Markle Floating Palace, and It la Just like a TacatloD. We dose about the middls. ol December, when we open upon tbe Nath;,0[^|,< enlt with the western dreuita to follow. ^niB will be our second trip to the coast. Jean Melville, the dancer, reports success on tbe New Tork Oircolt, aha barlag began her thirty-fourth week May IS.' She oi>ened at tbe Dewey -TlieatiOi nttea. Hi T,<:< May SO, (or two wedcs, an4 aa Jeno -1* ' B pa n s . . year. Mr. Geo. E. Rayniond, resident man- ager of the Orpheum Theatre at Minneapolis, Minn., left that city recently to accept a posi- tion with Pain's Spectacle of Port Arthur, which opened at Nsshville, Tenn.^ May 18. During Mr. Raymond's absence Business Manager G. W. Henderson will bare charge of the Or- pheum, While strlUaar », match on tha wall In the dressing nHb at itta tlMT'—*" """" ' Ind., Joseph MWadoMMb *C. managed to flnUh the wesk oat and Jos^Md to Ikdnmboa, Ohio, wbete the injored member Is hsallng. Will H. Reno, of Reno and Murray, writes: I noticed In The BUlboatd of May 8 that the Three Benoa are not going to Sooth America. I -wish to atate that there has not been a trio entitled tbe Three Benoa alnce Jan. 1 of the preaent year. Will H. Bene, tha loond. er of tha original trlok Is now woiktag .with MW tfamir. liiylea KoCtetlir tea A Mt .y beieott appear to have a voiy ainng .a k o ttl i In She undtt Dog. The attar sniraandB HH, Ogattet: 94, a coBsMs nrte ftee hearted fdlow iwltta thooghti slwsys bant-ftg. the good of Ut bnt a saaasthm, lOas Wodaott to tlonally excellent in ber lols of Mamie. The following vaude-ville features were engaged to open the theatie at Dreamland Park, Decatur, ni., -week of May 80, but owing to the park not opening on that day they appeared at Power'a Grand Open Honse: Hatch Brothers, comedy musical act: The Peloti. comedy Jugglers; Marvell and Oleaaon, comedy aketehea; and Belle Belmont^ oooa sbontcc.