The billboard (July 1905)

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Ttie 311ll>oard 15 Peyton SlaMi^ Bolt, mgr. Jiekaoo, Tens.. SJit ■MNtMC L«., SU-Atis. 12. Pet.T"« P«Tm«« Fti^na. WIU Jaj Pet€c«. ni«r. KlwlD, Kai., SS-S; Logu 81-Aoc. 2. powers Bratben: Tolnlo, O., Sotb Moore, S. A. Anold. mgr.: Sitfic. Pa. io-.\ug. 1*. '■ •' sjp Van WlHkte'fHIi^: Ovnii^ OIL, » sure rt CO K, ~ <»Cs at. SmU, Mow. ladcf. Aa«ar. M. X.. Apr. St, ladef. stack Oik: FUUdd Ifaa, DuM: WMk O*. (Soatfaen). 8Um * Oflbtrt Ontcr Bquaw, Pa., JTonc M^Sept. 9. mm, ifoitlmer. Stock Co.: SeiiaKcta4r, S. T.. iiultf. flp(M«n * raise O*.: Topeka. £aa., iaOtt. tiatn'a Stock O*.: OkUtioma City. OUa.. lBd«t. Sicrlii« Dramatle O*.: Ht. Tctood, nL. 9t-lB, SI PlDnkard. W. A. Jnaker, mgr.: Sooth Ha- TCO, Mlcb., SB: Bentoo Baitwr 27; Snelwaaa aS; Tlirce Biven SB; HaaUnsa SI; Graad UdK» Aac. I; laala 3; Beldlas S; Qreen- Tlllc 4; OadtUae 9. Ttm NIstaU la a Bar Boom (Bcccber ft Stan- kr'a). Walter J. IfcDooald. ni«r.: Eldoa. Mo., at: TcnaUIea ST; WlDdaor 28; Pleaaant Han S»; Halt SI: Camctoo An*. 1; Kidder S: Dtlea S; IfeaMU* 4: Itf HIn B. Pleasant HUl S7-2»; tiSSBk 2; PliK5*an[ »-6. The iILssc:irl Girl CFIed Earmood's Eaatera), Georce Be4ee. msr.: SMaer. K. 8.. 26-27. Uie Holr Caty (Gordon A Bennett's Weatem), Heiu7 V. Blackaller, mgr.: Marlon. lad., 31. Ten NIstita la a Bar Boom, Cbas. Qcjer, aacr.: Alfooa, la., as. ^lor Stock Oo_ AAm TlJlM. mme.t 1 •ttx.. Jotr M-Au. a. Thasliaiian' Stack 0».: at ttmti tmt^ Wh^ ^ TUtoa'a PlaT<ta. W. B. SiHh Mb: ' i Tocker. XtkH. Stack Ok, IMk BMa., Pbomlx. Alia.. ladeC DMdi Stock Oa^: Cioa AbccIh, Cal.. ladeC Dtahoa Stock Co.: Salt I«ke Oltj. Utah, JiUt 10, ladef. Code Toca'a Cablm (Terry's): WlicOeld. la., as; Wajlaad 27; BrlgbtoQ 28; Falrfleld a». Taa Djrkc A Baton. F. Mack, mgr.: Keoknk, la., 240. TaUamoot Btoek Co.: :wuUa<iupact, Bm^ Mar 29. iBdrf. Yaa Djke Stock Co., H. Walter mgr.: Bt. Joarph. Mo.. Indef. Taostrmn A Hallaa Stock Co.: Detroit, Hlch., Apr. 30. ladet. TenoD Stock Co., Ben]. S. T* Tbomaa, Oat.. Kay 22. ' Waldmao, iBdaratd. Jdtia C, Xork Glty. Jane 20. Indef; - WaUack's Tbeatrc. DiAlneky . Beck Islaad. lU.. Indef. Warner Comtdy Oo., Btt. ft. and v^- - ifcGrecac^ ^ Wu Si>e to Blune.' JeS CMIM. MBbt wlch. Ont.. Indef. Weat End Helchts Stock Oo.. J. H. Waih buni. mgr.: BL Lools, Mo., iDdef. Wlijrte Dramatic Co.. Chaa. Wlirta, Baton Eoofe. L«.. Indef. Wtedmann'a Stock Oo., Se attle, WaaL.. Indef. WtBlama-PIood Stock Co.. f^vd S. Flood, mgr. caty, Okla.. Indef. Ifalcolin. Stock Co. Mayep'a. Adolph. Oomlo Maaa.. Jnne 5, indef. Morln'a rrroch MlUtarr om. i condnctor: Canclnnatl, 0., 10-20. NaTal Reaerre CaDd, V. Roaatl Jameatown, N. y.. jnne 12, Indef. Olympla Ot>.-n> Co.: MoWle, Ala., June 18. Indef. People's Comic Opera Co.: Ctilcaro, IB- PoUards' Lilliputian Opera Co., J, mgr.; Winnipeg. Man., 17-29 PJTor and bis fiand: Aabmr Park. N. J., Aor. 33, Indef- Rlreralde Part Opera Co.: Boise, Ida., indef Bodan'a Opera <3o.: wamlpeg. Can, May Si. Indef, , .1 • Boyal Artuiery Band of Italy, Jcaepb DeTltSw in«r.: BalUmore, Md , May 16-Sept. IIL MK Slafer and bis Band, Wm. SUfer mcr.; Bl^^ ton iBeedi. N. Y.. June 9. indef." SnniTan'a, Nell, MlUUry Band: North Beecb, N. T., Jnly 10, Indef. 8aa Tw, John C. Fleher. mgr.: Atlantic City, a. SMB. ■M«&«^Baoda Boaa. Bamlt OafeM, »««»•.» 9cB««r. Col.. S-ST. Tbe BecmPtlMr OptfA 0», V. A. Wade. **!'« a "< ai t i «. sfcsM laM. Tbe Bad and the WO, Skobtrt Ems., infra : Boston, Masa., Hay IS, Indet: The Geezer and tbe Geek: Soataak Vaaa. July Indef. Tbe I«nd of Nod: Odeaso^ m, MM'SL Indef. Tbe Mayor of Toklo. with Blc&nt.CM*: CU- cago. ni., Jnne S, Indrt. Tbe Pearl and tlie Pumpkin; Boatoo, ICaaa., Jnly 17. indef. Tbe Boyal Clbef, Sbobert Broa., man.: Otlcaxo. m., July 1«, Indef. • TtToU: San Fiandsco, CaL, mdet. tllrleb and bis Band: Cblcago, lU., Indef. Tlotor'a Band. CoL John F. Gncg, mgr.: Cleveland, O., May 22. indef. WcUajtaane^HaiUA Opera 0».: AtluMlc ONT. JAY L. PAGKARD, Managers' and Actors' ReprasMrtative. WANTED, People in all Lines to Book. Now booking for Parks, Fairs, and CamiralA F OOP tbe Loop. Diaeolo: Prodltrious Purthoa. w* arvel": Pantos, tbe Demon >kater, SbooCiarl Ixwp tbe Loop. Dlaeoio Marvel": Pantos, tbe J m a king a leap at « feet Into a tank at Sra. MHiiN niHMISL Four Bis SoosatioaalAetsiTke Oristaal SI W. 4M SUMt NBir cmr Richard fiuthmannTrwsferGo. ^st^.ss^i:^'^ 5 S\\ ■■■ Itmg 16, Olu* WmAwhA ft 'Bnrgraa, x. s.. as: HSBiK SMi Newark. X J.. July 10, .Uiore O^ent Co Index. Botler, Helen May and her Ladles' MillUry Band, J. Liealle Spabn. mi^ : Qolncy, 111., aS-SB. Ideal .Opera Co.: Sao Antonio, Tex.. jog- W. i kla Band: Chicago, ni.. Indef. (aieWtUe e. B«yiDdnd'a): Chl- caaow Ht. Mar as, lidcC Ovjetan -0»eca Oaw. m. C. OrtiMab mpt*. . VtMAmg. 9«w Ja. alK. Obcatcr raik.Sim Oks,:. Oaetaatl. O., Jane 18. ladat. Oohaa. Gca. lt. ka IMtIr Mtaar toea, 8am. a. 'Harrla. Bcr.: OMeasa, m.. May 28, tndef. Onrtls (Uoaleal Qimidj Oa.: OeiiTer Col., Indof. IMoiar Gaidea Ovna Co.: St. Loola, Mo., tMamattr Moaleal OMtedr Oo.. A. G. Delama- ter, mgr.: Lyochbiivg. Va., S-92; Boanoke Ang. 1.8. Doaa and hta Band, Prcilenck Pblaoey, mgr.: Franklin. Ol. St-ST: IHrlnaandi lad;. 2S: Munde 2B-W; MSMWHa St^AW ft. EHery Band. .flftK Otteaga. m. Jaty IS- ADS. 20. Empire Moaical Comedy Co.: Boston. Slass., Jnne IB, Indef. FanUna, Sbobert Baaa., OKta.: New York City. Jaa. 14. Garden Tliealse. Op« 4ta.T Oantand, O,. May 29. Indef; Bcpold and Ma Band: CtUcaco. HL, Indat. Hoxe. Lenna. Claire Concert Band A Orcbettra: Leilngtoa, OUaa.. June 17, Indef. Herald Square Opera <3o.: Pt. Wayne, lod., 17-30. Innea and bla Band. Stere O-Grady. mgr.: Oertlaad. O.. 23-2S: Plttiborg, Pa., BO-Ang. - 5a Utoea Baad. Patrick Ooirwaj'. mgr.: AUantlc i^CMr. M. B.. ao-Ang. 12. » -BapMsed In NcHilland. Hamlin. iUltchell A Cblcago, m.. May 38, Indef. T. P. J. Power, mgr.: Erie. I; (aaclBoatl, O., SO-Acg. 12. : Boatoo. Maaa., Jane 2S, Indef. t UA: Maw Twk Citr. Jane 8< Open Oa.: Starict, N. X.. Jaae B- Piiaaiaae'a, Gaorge: Saratoga Spdaga, IX. T.. Ang. I: ABiany S. Bldiards A Prlogte'e, Bnaco A Holland, mgta.: UalUax, N. 8.. 21-26: Windaor 27; B<r^ wiek 2B; EortfUIe »; fwHiK SI. BarIoir'aL_ J. A. Coburn, mgr. SMSr, XNIlMwn Sl-Aag. 5. ~ * SavBle'ai fiaa. H. Sarine, mgr.: Bi.. SHBl t. tMH.'B Ladr: . nacola, m., m-IO; i».f*w_ lad^ Sl-^vc- 5. Doekatadcifi. Lew. Ohan D. WObob, aqcr,: AI- taar. S. T.. SI; O a w tga aS; Saratina Sprlasa ■Aag. 7. PwarilirV 'W i M. Jack W. StakK, awc: At- lantic our. K. J.. Jane as. MaC • I.. Oar. mgr. SI- TXKT SHOW. SaUey's MoUle: Qnaniwb. Tex., 27; Cbtlllcotbe 2B; Vernon 31; Electra Aug. 1; Iowa Park 2; WIchlU Palls 3; Henrietta 4; Bellevne p. Bamum A Balley'a: CV>l<ndo Spclaca. OoL, Pueblo 27: Florence 2S: Leadllllp'~' " Junction 31; Ptoto, Utab, Aug; I; Clt,v 2-3; Ogdtn 4; lAJgan 5. Burns. T. W. A Co.'s B. B.: Walker. Minn., 26: Btalnerd 2S; Altklik 2B; CromweU 31: West Superior. Wis.. Aug. 1; Inn Blrer 2; Ashland 3: Odanab 4. (Campbell Bros.': Cn>te. Xeb.. 28; Friend 37; Butiton 28; Mlnden 29; Arapahoe 31. 0>le A Sogers' B. R.. Augustna Jonea. mgr.: iNew Market. Tenn., 36; Lvnotr Olty 27; ainton 2S: Coal Creek 29; Jellloo 81. (Colorado Grant's WUd West: KoUe, IB., at; Louisville Flora 2S: XcBla 2B. Doirnle'a, Andrew: Suminlt, N. J., 26. Ely's, Geo. S.: Blalrstown, Mo., 36. Floto'a Great: Carthage, Mo.. 36; Aurora 37; Springfield 2S; Lamar 29; Ft. Soott. Kan., SI; Paola Aug. 1; Ottaara 2; LeuTenwortti 3; Atdilsoo 4; St. Joseph, Mo., 5. Forepaueb A Sells Broa.': Lapeer, Mich.. 36; <Bar dty 27: Alpena as; Cbdiwsnt .3P; rr- loakejr 81: Tmrecse City Aa*. 1; OaMS% S; Big Rapids 3; Aliaa 4; iMria SL: Uall's, P. W. Hail, mgr.' — AsteU 27: Miodea »; 31; P roac er Ana. S; XankMa Sl^'.. Uarneaia'a: SaMra. R- X.. lawMlS jW; N«<k SB: naaUac 2». HraMT Dnawty. Bcnest Cooke, iraitaiantic, Ckmn., 26-27. ■MSbtck's Trained Animal Sbon-: Publication at loute prohtbtted. Any mall adflreaaed In care of "The BlUboaid" wlU be tOtwaMM promptly. Kentp'a Wild West. G. V. ark. N. J., June S-Aag. 5. Keoi^eily's Indian Congreaa and Wild West: Boaton. Masa.. 17. Indef. Knights, Oias. H.: ArlUa. Ind.. 26; Albion 27; CrouiweU 28; Syracuse 29; Mllfoid XI. LnckT Bill's: Letalsb. Kan., 26; (^nton Si: Gaiya 3S: McPberson 29; Wlndom 31-, i^tle Klirer Ang. 1; Geneseo 2; Frederic 3; Lor- raine 4: Bolytood S. Lemon Bros.':' Pnblloatlon of ronte ptobiblted. ^nr n»all addressed in care of *^lie BlUboord" trill be forwarded promptly. MoUonald 'Bros.': Townaend. Teno., 26; alaryarUle 27. Norrla A Bowe'e: Colllngwood. Ont.. 28; Guelpb 27: Llstovrell 28; Clinton 29. Nortbn Bros.'. Dewey Norton, mgr.: Downs, Kan., ;5:-2T. OirlQ Bros.': Joares, Mcx., aa-Ang. 3; Oa- mlno 4: Farral Wtij TlMlH IMlSSn Pedro 13-10: Parras 16-lT;' SBBMp,- •»■) Mooter- Toy 23.Sept. 4. . Pawnee Bill's Wild West: Oiaaipa l sa. m.. 26; Bloomlngton 27; Dixoa SS; Fracport aB; Dobuque. la.. 31; Cedar Baplda Aag. 1; Tlnton 2: Iowa City 3; Mnacattne 4; What Cheer 5. RlDgUng Bros.': Biagtaeaton. N. Z.. a6; Eimira 27: GearK aS; AalMia IS: Ohmrs- Tlll« ii: Tome. Anc- 1; Wa M H— S; Oa- wego 3: Batarla 4; NlasaEa MHa B. Rabbins'. FM^^jt MaAM^ >*; t^w- ford -oaia *i Harwar a; nif «• RoblnaoB piioa 27 . Tranafar Company in th« CwMrtry. Scenery and Properties for sale for storage cbarges. Bavebanled Al.I« the large cotapanlnn playinir in Chicago Uils season with the best of records. This is the firm that has the 6oT- ernment contract fur morlng all Che Federal ofBcas and Postofflce Into the oav P. O. halld- Inx In Cbli-atru. 700 loads In 42 honrs: can soytiody l>eat It? We hare shipped ai laiWIJi from Maine to California, and all are well Tleased at price. We hATe a larse Block oCi hand staff which we can utilize In rebolldlnc aliom. Office, Boom 15.2S Dearborn St.. Tel- Harriaoo WBi I TlMoo>8k.TBLllonw»aW4. CHICAGO, IUk -a..THE LONDON.... MUSIC HALL la the raeognUod organ of VandeTlile Artlata cbrongboot tha world. Amerlcaas rialtli flnd a friendly welcome at 401 strand. New Tork rsprearatatlTe, I. fl. CARLS. lUS VnrkClty- Telephone—3922 Madlaon. Ml the BEST Sketchesy Songs, Comedies, Dramas aaderary daacrtpaon of (boatncai work wttlTTKN Tu utU}EB. Mooolognea aad PafOdlas a apadaltr. Oomedlea and Dramaa Bevtsed. Only tbe beat ortglaal work tomiataed. Baretaacas br the aaadinL KatabUabwl \«n. i do not fnmtata dopiieuwl material, bat only write the blghiist giadq to order tar profaaaional nie- BOB WATT. "iZ^^ 806 Wiloot Stnet. Philadelphia, Pa. WE WANT YOU If ron Iiawe a Good Oat-Door Act. We eaui nae tbe beat at all tlaieo. Goo<l Senwtloai*! Acta AIwmy. iu Demmiid. 8. J, Prasestt Bookisc Agasey, 216-17 Luibsr ExehsBea. MlBaaapollt, MIh. WANTED —sister Teaisud Yaodeii le Pertornfs— Sammer ensaKement; state salarr. Dreamland Casino, Clereland. O. Kalph Henrr. Prop. Add. all contmaiilcatlODs to A. B. CAapaaxaa. Hsr. Rnaaeir*^ t. : Pa.. Jaa* *. Snyder BnMk A Kortb Sterena A _ Atoo. nL, SKET; Creek 30-31. Sells A Donna': Aataland, Pa., 2B. Texas Bin's iwild West: PnbBcatkm of roote proMmlled. Any maQ addnaeed In care ot ■The Billboard" will be forwarded promptly. Van .Ambnrg: Publication ot roote problbtted Any mall addressed In care oC "Ike BUl- tward" -will be fonvarde«l prompQ^- Wallace'a: Hartford City. Ind.. SS; .HaSton 27: Hnntingtoo 2S; Delhi 29. Wasbbom A D'Alma's: Sea Gl«. !f. 3.. 98: B*lmar 27: Aabary Park 28; Loog Branch 28: Tools Blrer 31; Bamegat Aas. l; Lake- .wooA-«r tiakiltfii ^St AMaaUa^ nuMiiti s. Winnipeg. HI s; unanaaae aaw .a; biub- .oaia Nerajy Htaua i OB'S. Mm: Taa Watt, <^ 9& Del- 2T: Bacrxaa Wt M a a iS iH »; Wesatar Oaaat IMww MS;.!. Alamo. Great. Sbowl^' Olatbe. Kan., 21-29. Amenl's, Capt. W. D., AttsaetloDs: Man., 20-29. Barkoot Amaaemeot Co.. K. G. Barkoot. mgr.: Lorain. O.. 3t-2B. Caplt<A iliiiiaiMMal Co.. J. Dan tilmoee. mgr.: Trarme dir. Mich.. at-8l>: Petotker 31- Ang. 5. Cash CamlTal Oo. (No. 1). Ranr Blae, aiar.: Morris. Mhrn.. 94-26. Chicago fliiisia^ial Tbim-*-!' NlAals A Pee- ler, Bi«r.; ftm fi l.' i.lBw'BMS; Monroe SO- jf,p^ mK;. »«a»r Aog. 6. Crescent Amusement Co.. E. A. SnrtcIL mcr- Klngman. Kan.. 24-29: StaSord aa-Anc. S. Dixie CamlTal Co.. Dana Speaillsh, S. D., 24-26. Do^^ Amnsement Co., BL fU 'Bloomington, Neb., 24-2B. Electric NoTelty Camtral Co.: Morchead, Ky., i4-2». Buropean Amtisement Co.: PnbUeation of route problblted. Any mall addressed In care of "Tbe Billboard" will be foowarded promptly. F*raTl Bros.' Camtral Co.: Winnipeg, Man., 20.29. GasklU. Great. Shows. W. C. Gaaklll. mgr.: Fncblo, OoL. 21-29- Cbeyenne. Wyo., 31- Ang. 5. Gem Amnsement Co.: Coaboctoo, O.. 24-20. Batch, J. Frank. Shows: MeadrUIc; M.. 21-SB; Dunkirk, N. T., 31-Ang. 5. Hoosttr Amnsement Co.: Gaihca. laL. SI-9B; . »-Uea, Mich.. Sl-Ang. S. Jonea<Adams CamlTal Co.: GteenabiKX. Ps., 21-20: Benwood, W. Va., Sl-Ang. 9. Monarch CamlTml Co.. M. \ntr»^n Bgr.: TB8- eola. IIL. at-a» ^ BWB ll,. lai., feMB. j.l. Ogdcn. Utah. Si4i . ' ~ ' Mnadr Great S h a wa t SBChcattr. Y.. 24.28: Bradfttd. Pa.. Sl-Aag. B. Mllla. Oeo. B., abasra: Vnv, O., smb. Nannaa Halted Sham: betndt. Mick.. Parker. 0. W.. AMSHMat Ok.. J. B. B<- waida. Bgr.: Mto CMr. Hib.. SUB: Ouha Si-AaB: a. raylarTiae. >. Mew.rAanaeoicat Co.. ] . l: Baraaa. IB., 24-28. PaUerson A Braiaerd CamlTal Ce.: vu., 24-29. Pierce Amnsement Co.: Coboea. H. X., BMdcU'a M. W., Sonthem oamtrU Oa.: dasrin*, Ky-. 24-29: TersalUea ainAac- S. Bobinson Amnsement Co.: Ass Arbar, Mick.. 24-29. Boyal Amnaement Co.. B. B- Vpp.. Bdr.: Farmer City, 111., 24-29; Oheaoa St-Acg. S. ' Seeoan-iMlllIcan Mardl Gras. 0*-: WabaM. Ind.. '31-Ang. 5. Smith., Greater, Amnsement C: Greea Bar. Wla."; at-2B. Soothera Casnlral Co.. Kat BelSB, BCr.: 80111% Watb., »-2I Welder. Will H.. . I mgr.; SliaaiifB.' Aug. S. Whltney'a Greater Shows. A. P. WhMs»r, mgr.: Glasgow, Mo., St-SB: Cestialla tl-Aog. S. WIsom Bros.* GatnlTal Co.: Brart. Mloh., 34- 28: lliAnpaoirrllle 31-Ang- 5, ^^-^t YAinDZVILLE COMBIK^ara, ' ATcrtKck. tbe Great and His C. (Start: Moa- de, Ind., 23-29. Woodward. Barry. 7andeTUle Os.: flastoa. Me.. PABX AMD FAI& ARBAOXXOBS. Boatock'a Trained Animal Show: Oaaer Island. N indef. Wbeelocfc's P. S. Indlu Band. Max,! . Bi^. (WIUow Grove Park): fa.. as^Aac. 4. MIBCELLABSOVS. Barrootr Bros.' Show: £n loKe wita A BaUey's Show. Sea Ttat i Boer War, The: Brlghf MI^. ML l i. ■■ Frank'a. Prof., Gypay OkMBS "CMbIBK''<Bv° JulT 17- i/iug. 10. „ Hontley's Entertainers: Waskow. la.. 94-26: T.^w.l.iy 217-28. Kennedy's Electric Tlieatre A Ts u d c rllle Go.. W. J. M. Satinders. mgr.: Whitewater. Wla.. 31-29; EJacIe 31-Ang. 3. Una's Dog A Monkey Show: SpriagSeld, Me., 31-26; Lee 27-29. Pain's Fall of Port Artbnr. mA Das A AL Dolson, mgr.: I.ekaoo Ml<<>-. 94-28. Powers. Hypooitlst. F. I. Powers, agr.: New Richmond. O.. 26; ClncinnaU 97-38. PreaceUe. Hypnotist. F. WillarA Barton, Vt., Indef. Quaker Entertainers (under FraoUm. msr.: 'BaatlBga. nek,. a4-a>. Bdweaa'a PabiHiig Oa, W. «. 1 ' ' Cblea*air-.X ' a-is. : Drop Caae. 3 way. opea. onroaccA - - - gs AatomalieaetMptaidle. (Cblcagn> . . .- \% roaater Manet. alS Dies aad rarda. ^a»pj«t^^22Ji£^iSSi2^ii£liliiL