The billboard (July 1905)

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46 PRici:. $1.00 The above is a sample of our tl.OO balftone. Suitable for beialds. posters, letterheads and newspapers. Send for complete line ol Samples. Cuts delivered prepaid when cashaooompaiiiw tbeotdn. Send nsyoorphoto^aph and tLOO for a trial oMu. TbSM wUl wn* yinoe jxm more than uiytblug we can say. APER WITH TITLEC FOR BURtESQUEy «vn.«.M ■IHSTRELy VAUBEVILLEr Em All of It can be Stripped to sHlt the Purchaser at GET OUR PRICES T Donaldson Litk Co.j!*wtKr. NOT IN THE TRUST. HENNEeAN * CO.'8 VIVI PRINTS, Cheap. Artistic Etrecelre. Samples tree. KIGMTH NKAPt MAIN Posiepsy Window Cardsy Photo Cards. Best block Md type work tn tbe conntn-. OINOINNATI, O. Dt Yob Want To Know WbAt Is dolus anywhere at any time tn anj yna? If so. It Is our bnalneia to tell yon. It rvga don't know what yoa want, ask aome- ■My." We can help you ont. pKss cuppme iureau. b. • CMCINIIATI. C CABINET PHOTOS « „ BoO roar McatlTc to print from or a pbotr tagr- retnre Bntxnd or WIT* Pboto. " Uack. TlM Me or Inm ibte. (2 per l.ono VtUm, PhotOb, Boaotaa, HJ. Stecer III DcsiCNcns nfiOTt^nO^ For All AHD MmRS Of I V*3 1 LKO PURPOSCS AND MaHIRS Of J BAMAINS. Tope, Btoreop- r BMgi^Onialui .'Show Printing: Type and Entravad Pesters, Dates, Heralds and Dodgers. Sketehea snbmltted on appti- eatlen. Quick Work on short notion 6816*60 IMOf PMIT. 128-138 Hi Ai.. CfclMH UoBtM^c—Jelr M-tMK. 9B. Ompt. It. B. PU- e&er. NatfiTllIt, Teas. TOOIHU. PniernTUle—AOS. 2-7. O. O. Oavar, HlUabon^ Ta. Mienandoah VaUer—Jaljr 3e-Aag> 4, A. F. Fonkbonau, HarrlsonbDrc, Va. WEST YXBSnilA. WhccUsff (MonndsTUle)—AOS. It-18. BCT. C. B. Graham. wnoomv. Delaras—Aor. 12-18. W. A. Coehrase, Jaaecrille—Jaly aS-Ang. S. H. U. Bolbnmk, Oak Park, lU. Uariiiettc-^Anc- 4-18. Geo. W. Hanter. Hadlaoit—MoooD'a Lake. Jolr SO-Ans. 9. Jas. B. Koseler, UadUoo. Wanpaea—Ownp Ctcgbon Aaacmbly. Ans. 8-10. a. A. loHo. aad IMInll. 8ipt. ~4S. Bdw. iH. AllM, pres. MUBn. Italy—■xpoaiaao. Apffl-Hirr.. UOS. 81l- nor lb Babhathtf. sec. lit ■■ssffi, K. B. lUtehell. 8. D.—Sereath Aaaoal Con Palaee Bz- Bosltloo sad Free Street Atttaetloaa. Sept. SMO. U O. Oale. ttorfalk, Ta.—JeaiMtowa Tuceatraaiy Bzposl- tloB. Jfay 1 to Dee 1. ISOT. C. Biaeks Johaaoo, chtta. exec. earn, pro tern. Portlaad, Ore.—<<ewls and OUrk Oenteanlal Bi- poalclOD. Joae l-Oet. IS. B. W. Oeea*, pres.; Beuy K. Bced. see. XtgroBto, Ou.—ladostdal Sept. U. Washington, D. O.' Van. Sept. U. ■bow. Aog. Oat. M. Oiailottasilltet Ts,i—Sbi AasB. Aw. »4. n«nt Boysl. Ta«—Vht Tligisis Asa. Aug. ai4>. Bsnlmitaii. Y^j-JBbt TIigtBU ASM. Aa^U-lT. Himnwiifl, ni:—Saras aad Colt 2S-24TJ. Frank Stanler, see. Igrnehborg, Ta.—3tie VIrglBia Oct. 8-6. Baeon. Ga.—Uaeoa Fair Oct. 16-27. Wlnsl Norfo&, Va.—Va. Oct. 18-ai. o. o. Wisus, fiaat O. mgr., box 347. Oiange, Ta.—The TUglnla Hone Show JolT. 81-Aag. 1. PortUnd, Otc^MCwtt aad Olaik Bone Show. Alfc. ■Msfl. _ BlehmoBd. Ta.^Eh8VliiWK aMSS ttsv Asm. Oct. le-is. Stannton. Ta.—StanntOD Horse Show. Aog. 8-10. Warrentown. Ta.—The Tlrglnta Botm Aian. Aug. 80-81. LABOB SAY Coahoctsa. Ik— OmMI Fbidlay, phist IndiiBMdUli ] KnesTiUa, Tm xm ROOS I Portland, Ore.—I«wta It i Show. Ispt. vt-m. SlnghamtoB. M. T.—rAng. M. Breleth, Minn.—^Aog. —. DoBsat N* S>-4tBeh Show. Oct. Vt, W. ■. KOBIOi. HamnMiid. HL— O^onrth Aaaaal Bkmat Borne Pleale. Ang. 18-M. J. riaoK S^ct. see. nlc Alcola, Qrore. Ang. St4S. Bed Bank Imp. Co., New SetUebCB. Oak Bldse. Pa^Mtb Aaaaal HarfMt Home Ple- nle, AJeOla, Grore . Aac^ WW. CMk Imp. Co.. New Bethlehem. Osceola. Neb.—Polk Ooini^ t>8liniii1 ncalc Aaan. Aog. 33. W. B. Wi ~ Oateiborg. Pa.—Twcntlsth f esmpmtnt and Pleole. Asf. Orove. Geo. W. Oater. Plttshnag. Pa.—Forly-slzth Street Baptist Oharcb. Ang. S. Lnna Park. Plttahorg, Pa.—Letter Ouritis. Alg. It. LSBS Park. Plttibsrg, Pa.—St. JostpVS OtfbaB ItlTWI ASK. 8. Lana Park. Wilnot, la.—M. W. A. Plenle. Ang. 17. W. O. Gntbrnan. Tork Cit7. Pa.--at. Mark's Latbetao BilBdaj School. Eaat lork. Jnlj 20. BlOOkSlde Park. Vork CLty, P..—Yoong People's ObrlatlaB DBloa and Uic PUtb United BretUW OhOMk it North York. Sept. 4. CM ' ' ~ ' Tork. Neb.—Fraternal Sodctles „ Picnic. Ang. at. A. O. Praltt. CohoetVB, K. tlemeat H «( Set- Far a. wute. Sept Baltlmart. lU.—MaOdlag (Mebiatloa. 10-18. I. BsRy.Tregae. ptaa. Bonham, T»x<—dnmisT W. O W. Lee BdUaa Ang. 18-IS. Ciacron * Tarply. Dowaa, KaB.-^4Mebfatloa Twenty-slzth msarr. Xoly ST. I>, *. Pogh. see. Frankfort^ Tnd._Pim-Ww. Aw. St. OooTcnear. V. T«—OM JMM llSik sad nial Odsttatlaa. AasT fMST^L a chUB. OtcroU, la.—ai. W. A. IiOg BoHlBg. AW. IV- 19. Hay WUion, lock bos 131. SaoU ate. Marie. Mich Seml-Oentenalal Ole- bratlon of Opening of SL Mary's OansL r*l A Olf ^-NGRAVINC & V*L./\KI\ PRINTING CO. MILWAUKEE. U.S.A. ARTISri = tNCRAVERS & PRINTERS. ONfTEO. STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS ANO JM0E4MIWS And make TOO a fortune. If yon hare a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT. SONG or BOOK that Is worth anytbins, yoa sbonld copyritrbt IL, DonH take chances when you can lecare onr Mrv- I ceaa t .mall cost. Seadfor onr SPECIU. OrrtK TO INVENTORS before applxinjr for a patent, iVw^/oyjvx. HANOHHlk o« faUnUuMinxt. WeadTlseif patenta- lita or oot. riUCX* W* Incorporate STORK COMPAKtBa. SaaU l«ea. WORMOIE A VAN MATER. Cspyrtifrt * Anast Ca.ia8w DETROIT AND BUFFALO STEAMBOAT Co Stsamsr* Eatlsrn Slatsa an4 WMtem Mattt The DIRECT and POPULAR ROUTE to POINTS WEST DAILY SERVICE, MAY lOth lisprored Kipreu Berric. (li houn) lUtWMn BUFFALO and DETROIT Vt. BaSU* IWIj, i.tO r. H. At. DMr.ll, l.tO A. U. ConMCUus *ilb Earlr Slorainr Truini for FoIdU North and WMtand D. i C. Lhio for Uukbiao bland. In. VtrM BtUt, S.00 P. ir. Babk. 0.00 a. H. OanatctlBg with all Uonlar JMu for PolaU £ut. Ru. bMwm BaOalo awl Detraii 81.(0 on. iray. tAtOmtuMltrlp. Bortha 8LO0L 8Lt«| SMMroonu St.(0 eiuh dirKUoo. ■ _ snd te Btanp for Ilhutnted FaophM. Tbrouck Ttckcta laid to all Point. Tlalak. and RaU. RAIL TICKCra HONORCO ON BTCaHrRS All Claaaea oC TIcbtU told rcaduis via Qiaod Tnmk, HieUsaa Cotnl aad Waba* KaUvagn, tetwrn Buf- . "TSOAP 'FaUn Oet our prices on soam. They will interest you. Private brands for Med, BIk. State for wbat jrarpose wanted and we will aend sam- ~ U. DAVIS SOAP OfSsutlnniWonaM's Magazine A'TI.ANTA, OKOBGIA, Stbe only PIrstaClasa. IIlKta>Grade OBtbly laacazlne poMIalied In tbe Sontbern States. AdTertlalnaf rat«. 30 cemta am as«te line. Sample copy mailed free when requested. JOHANNES S. GE6HARDT, Hs. aOM Uwrasea St., PMladelphte, Ps. mew MUSIC and bepairs for niEMiy- GO-ROUND ORGANS. RIAmrFACriTBBIU not MBBBB8. A te» Banrainn In Small or Crank OfNrwMuhh- \Vrl(. wMh Ytitir tt*I(H-tloo Iri-s himI full |*rt|. «[rji-[l* <:i*ia. Mexican Curios And 4lalck Selllma Noveltlea. Send tor bt^ocne. ROSS OUKIO CO. Laredo, Texas. itheVmnanhoidaP."