Billboard advertising (Aug 1905)

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12 Xlme Billboard imjnrBSAHBAp. The Biilboara •' jorwortls utau to aU pr^mt%omal June IS-Aa^. 19. AAllKoii A UTlnsaMacrT' neooe ROQt<«. Alpine rtmOj: Ba roate vrttli Blncllas Bros.' OiTCTM- See T«fxt Boate*. A]<in««t. Nelli* (Globe): W«t»rrUet, N. Y.. Jvne as. lnl«f. AMau. Tbe: Ooutuu Xefc., Isdef. Azatm. Walter (CryBtal Park): St. Jou^ AtliertxKi, Agnes Qimer'a): IJnu. O., iadtf. ADrtn's llDe-, Bears (BoMock'e): Cooex I>- lud. X. X. fadt^ Altsedo * Oexita: En roote with nianliin BroL* CbeoL See Tent Bttem Ihwtw, .-. la^ Atnold, Aisrrlta (Bljoo): Marqaatt^ ai-Aj>c S. Aoboina, Tbne (BtJOD): DaMk, Ang. 5: (Dnl<|De) Wtaalpcs; — Jcdell» & Lcalle. HlMta if am. AUca cnM Mb e-12. AdelAide. I^etlte (Kcm's): BoatOD, Mus., 90-Adi- 5. AadeiaoD. Wm. (Ideal): Kood 4a I«e, Wla., .- UK&IW. 6. ■MUktaa. Arttar (Ocnrer MMt'VMk M. T.. M^Anc. 1». Aawdeaa Niftwja Qoartet (BI]oa): Oabkoak, WIi., BB-Avc. S. Atiernt, Hie (Ctalma Park): Osdeo. Utah. at^OE. rntalma Park) Salt i>ke Ots 1-ta. AnaUaa, Ibe TamSBg (HJ|>podroQie): Glugoar, 8eot^ T-I2: (Panuon) GlasKOW 14-36; (H]i>- ■■iji. Tbrae <BlJoa): O i la — ^ lIHfc. Si> ~ ' (COatd): Eotnnow Ind.. 31- S: (Gvatd) Aadciaoo 7-lS. jack ft Uman Wrl^t (G. O. H.): iDd., ao-Avf. 5; (Cook's Park) £t- 6-12. The (TTzklque): Mlnncapolia. Minn., ' WL-Atg. 6: (W<et Side Fuk) Hwril. lad.. T-It. •artas <Park): EsatOB. Pa., m.-tMg. (VBk) AUeotown 7-12. Bm-ke'* .Musical Doga (Kelth'a): New York Caty, a-Aog. 6. Bretoo. Harrr (Al Itcaeo dBaach): Feada, m., 23-Ang. 6. • . . Berrlan Sc Mad*' {mMIIf^ ■HMK Oal., ai-Aoe. s. W IBlanvhln A Bahr (Metro^lltan): Dolntlk. Mtnn., 31-AlIC. S. Baker A Ljnn (Farm): Toledo, O., Sl-Aog. 5. Bella. Hie: Norwalk. O.. 31-Atis. S. BrlsKd's Ponies (BlTcrrlew tek): HallliiiU'e. ltd.. S»-A<is. S. Bioiniiiis. Welp * Co. (OialM-IMk}s iBwi- ten. Fa^ si-aqb. 6. ~ * ^naa <Faatoc^): Hiir Talk OHr, * BMT fDvkra): J €Ma ft rumisi qtaiataf Faik) Fk.. a-Aas. S: OtaMy^ FkA) AIlaiitowB T-IZ. Obeirr & Bates (Bketde Eaifc): ilka^, it. T.. ai-ADg. 5. Oateoce Sisters (l°ort Fkdc): Hlck- irood. ni.. 6-12. CoMt ft Snfee (FaliTland): Pataana, H. 31-AnK. 5. Casad ft DeTerae fLakerlew FHk}: Stare Hant^, Ind.. 30-Ao«. 3. CailTard ft Ortb (Godfrof's PaTflMft): IBrand Baplda. Mlcb.. 3a-Aae. S. Obamerojs, Tbe (Atlantic Gaideo): New Tork City, ai Ang. 5. Carroatoa ft Hodres (Norwalk Fuk): Nor- walk. O.. 31-Adk. 5. . . ' C i st aoa, "Hiree (fijunooa Partes ' flBHA Ba^ Ida. aUch., 30-AiiE. 5. Cameron ft Flanagan (Park): 30- ADg. 5. Catiii>t>eU ft Biadr (GarrU^): 31- Ans. S: OBUoo) QolaCVa 0>R>7 ft War (Bock a pilaf ' erpool. O.. 3l-ftac. & CarmoDtrtlft JfcJkL 31-Aos- •» 7-12. Oii?edo. Joan (Sobmer Park) aa-Aog. 5: ProTldeBCe, B- L. 7-12. Oarmen SKteia (Fan>): XotedOw O.. SO-Aos. 6: {Bocfc n^ikm nik} - -- Slew, CknoU (Batter): SMlted, IH., Jane U. tndcit. Dren-, l>orottay CBaxrasfotd Ttour): Eng., Jnty 3-Aug. 31. Domonts. hea (OolUenm): Tji^jm Bu., fair IT-Aog. 31. • ■ Dooban. Flriag (Pain's F Uflft ); XHkat- tan Beach, N. T.. tndef. DwOrelle, Loa ft Fay (G. O. H.): Petoaker. ^itb.. SlrAog. 5. IVAmne sisters: lUenpkli^ Taoo.. »-Miat- Dedbaxn, Mass., Day. Bdmmid ft Co. Cisco. Cat., a-ig. DanDody CWest-n ood Park) St-Aog. 5. Oooglas ft Dooglas (Campball'a lalaad): Mo- llne, HL. m-Aog. 5. DeMoode ft IMnaoMce (VmiM0: MnB MUs, S. D., a-Ang. 5. Dehoore, Jotm ft ElmUy Darren (Oak Samadt Park): ETgDsrUle, Inil., 36-Ang. B; (For- est Park) X.ltUe Bock, Aik., 7-lS. O^olUs ft Valors (Majestic): Wtooos. Wis., fla*Avg. s. Otkoo. Bosteia ft Dixon (Seltli'a): FMladel- >ub. fo.. n-AoK. s: (Eda'c) bomso. T-Bfc ne (MetmpoUtao): MMk. man.. n» (ftL Mm a«acb}: VMda. m.. Oaoaale. M. X.. Sl.fti^ .C ^ ftSo. -mn-r. (CutaalFODtacto fceatt, H. T.. M-Aos; 0. Madge (Stc«ple<*aaa HHts .Afe- Hadge (StMoIeetaue FMl: At- - laatle dtr. N. ai-^Ang. S. AHia. Xaile (L^odb): Liodlow. Kj., 30-Aog. 6, Abbott. Ansa Adele (Ponr Mile Creek Park): Erie. Pa.. aO-Ang. 5. Baccn. Barnes ft Bacon: Sa roote wUb Gay'a Bectrlc Co. See Tent Show Sootea. Batemaa. Tom (Ancttn ft Stone's): Boatoo. ' MasB.. 30-ADg. 12. Baraca*, Al. e.. AnHmsTs: ^ tonte with tbe Tfew Patktr A iiH is ni i riK Co. See Midway . Bootes. Bernard. FlcTdt Sb roote wUti RtngUng Bros.' Cbcn*. See Tent Sliow Bootes. .Bine. Chsa. C. Aeilallat: Bn roate with tbe 'White CUT Amoaement Co. See Midway ~' - ». fieor Sensational: En route witli tbe ■Wallace Clnnia. See Test Sbow dec BoaslK Seoa.: Kn ronte with the Great Bogaa Shows. See Midway Bootes. Birch. Ms (Bock SpckB «itt): Ur- V«port, O., a»A:Bs:. '^H^AMrMK «addrk ft Blch (Oil mt Wmmt "MMOV. ■'fk.. Sl-Aac-S. Betsard. Bhoda (Fatraaat Ikrk): Kansas City. Mol, ai-Ang. 5. - Benatelns. The fSomdk - Hmkc Itek): - 'Scrwalfc. Ol. J»-Ai».».-->-. -.■v. Biasett ft Scott (Bate FHk): W itiC «• • L, 7-12. ——— Bra<trordB. Tie (Ontario Beaeb Paelllaa): CliaTlotie. jr. r.. 31-Aag. 5. BeanoMDt ft Hay ward (Unl<|De): MInneapoHs, ' Minn . M-Ang. 5. Blagtiani. J. W. (BUoa): Dolotb. Mlm.. 31- ' Ads z.: (Ualqiie) Wlaatpv; Man.. 7-IZ. -Bn>^ii Browtt CWoMaa-'Saaift Ckik> ,• City. Mlcb.. ~ " — - -- „ Bavlds e-12. Behlend ft , ' iBeaeb. N. Y.. HI tmg • IiODdeqDOtt 7-12. «aaa, Seaale (Brood BIpple Pack): Broad - Bipide. Ind.. aO-Ans. 5. • BAcr. >Pete. (Olrmpie Eaik): Mewack, X. ■■:«-Ao«. ». - — . (B^gte). I * OBtli dUqoe): «-■ - . . .» FHfw (OOMlI EUkI; sepk. Ita, n-AOK^ SL tlssnsmttt ft .miooiaa (O: O. B.): MM.. a-Aae. IChsts* rmtky ■ 6-IS. Doboooe, la.. la.. : Ut- MoDliaal. Osa., ai-ABg. 14. C(dllns ft Hart Eng.. 7-12: 14-S!pt. 16. CartweU ft Harris (Ponce de Leon Park): At lanta, Ga.. 31-Ang. 9. Osne. Plosale (MorrlaoD'a): Boefcawar N. T.. Sl-AOR. 5. On>i>i>eU. DlUoo ft Campbell (InccnsD Oes Moines, la.. ai-Ang. 5. Chadwlck Trio (Siting GtoTe Paik): SpriOK- fleld. 0„ ai Ang. 5. Clarke ft Temple (Weast's): Peoria, lU., SI- Ang. S. Cooper ft Robinson (Olympla): Llrerpool, Bog., 7-12: (Ca^too) Paris. France. 14-31. Cogan ft Bancrolt (Park): New Harea. Conn., ai-Aog. 3. CMtons. Tbe: Hot Springs. Ark.. ai-Ang. S. Ctotton's Comedy Donkeys (Soatbem Park): Plttaborg. Pa., Sl-Ang. 5. Caiaaras Sisters. Tijne (Wistaria Gme): New Xack dtr. a-AoB. S - (AncBMa^: Mtar Talk dtr. Carrall. 4(eat (Aleaaar): Denrer. Cdl.. ladcC Oaite. LDcr (StaU Tov): Eng.. Jnly 17-Ang. 31. Cole ft Johnson (Palace): London, Bng.. Jnly 10. Indef. Collins ft LaiMoss: Ba route with the U. S. CiDDlTal Oa. See Hldnr «aatci. - - — — — -|e Chi- Bootes. Oozade. Tbe Aerial (Uacoln Park): New Or- leans, La,. Inder, CJrane. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner (Keith's): ProT- Idence. B, 1.. April 16, Indef. CroBwell, W. P. (Bicycle Bill): roote with ttte Bausciier CimlraJ Co. See IBdwar Bootes. Oeshya. Tbe: En roate with the Great Wal- laee <Srci». See Tent Show Bontea. OhrMal. Al. (Fatnlly): Omaha. Neb.. SO-Ang s. fl>erensn ft I.adne (White City): Worcester, Mass.. 31-Ang. S; (S:eepl£c4iase Pier) At- lantic (ntr. N. J.. 7 12, Danow. Vr.-ft Mza. Stuart (Boas Lake): Wocn- aottet. B. L. Snftoit JL . . . ^ DahUaa. IM. (mMQs EmSH^ mti, tm- 18- Sept. M. Daslela. Waller (StcepleehMe Via): Atlan- tic caty. N. J.. Jolr I7-Ang. tt. Darenport. E. L.: Boataly. Mala., ladeZ. OoTlca -Don: fii roate wldi ^rrer*! Mould! Camtvi^ Oo. Aec : Midway Bootes. Dee. 9ct: ^ note with Xckharlt ft Sort ft Xcaa lOkaitntr IM): Oo- Inmbns. O,. aO-Aag. S: iCUrrlcw Park) Day- ton 6-lS. Dorgeral. nieeese tTempIe): Detroit. MIrh. ai-A<ie. 6; (Klectrle Park) Baltimore. Md., 7-12. Dorsck ft RnaseU (lakeside Osalno): Akron, O.. 30-Aog. 5; (Oollsenm) dereUod 7-12. Donotane, John ft Mettle Nichols (Sbca'a): Bnffalo, N. T.. 31-Ang. S. Don. Peter (IdlewUd Puk): Mevatk. O. ai-Ang. 5; (Caaloo FoA) MhM* Mt. DeSerrls. Henrlette (OnklM): IM AaiMHb CaL, 31-Aog. 12. DeLaceys, Tbe (At Hooie): Kaaaaa City, Mo., 33-Aog. 3: (Costal Park) ScdaBa 6-12. Detanore ft Wilson: Cardtf. Wales. 7-12: Swan- sea 14-19; Newport, Eng., ai aS; Nottingham as^ept. S. DeiEoae. Pete (PaUce): SyiacoK. H. Z., ai- Ang. 10. Darenport ft Mack (Cceacaat MA): Mver- slde, B. I., 31-Ang, 6. DsTls. P. Richard (Park): Ttcondenoga, N. Y.. ai-Ang, 3, DeFays. Mnsical: Vallejo. Cel., Sl-A^ B. Selgardo, Natalia: SoMh tHasnottd Comedy Fov Cal.. a4-Ang. S. Soheny Sisters (Proctor^ 3M St.): New Xeik City. Sl-Aag. S. '' Kathcclae (Btiut): aalM. 7-12. ai-A«r. s: fs. tt u pe row of dfnslc. vmr (FMk): 6l(atdTlIle. Pa.. 3t-Aag. 5. ElHoU Bna. (Woodlynae Park): Caaiden. N. J.. 31-Ans. S: (Saratoga Park) Pottstown, Pa.. 7-12. Erans (Cook's Park): BransrlUe, Ind., 31-Ang. S; (Lakeside Park) Dayton. O., S- 12. Bad ft Wnasa (Footalne Fcnr Pack): Loois- 31-Aag. 3. Bpps. Dli<e, Comedy Qnlirtrt (White C»ty): Clereland. O., 31-Aog. 5. Bsber outers (Daloo I«ke Pktk): MIBeflle, J^31-A«^ ^lamw) HMMHk MM. 31-Ads. 5. Bddy. Arthnr (Lyric): Loe Angeles. CaL. Indef. Bfrth. Ro«e. B aUet poye: ^ . ^^g^^^fy^ ^^^ ^j^** ^i£S«. 'wt" (^s**- Mmtm, Ik*, J»ly Eller. GiTle (Aleaaar): Denrer, CoL, Indef. Blmoce, Toot: Goldfleld. Ner., indef. Elton, Sam. (Palala d'Bte): Brassela. Belg.. Joly le-Aog. SL Brerhart (loreeoa): SaatOkw Jkaa .1- Sept. aa. aton«al»Oo» (BaHh'k): PhlloadfUa. PB.. 31-A«B, S; ^Ua^) aoMoo. Uatm.. 7-lS. Dayton. Indet. m.. BeTHfti * (Mete* VMfc): AM. S. Fadettco. ne (KcUh's): Boots ft OolcT (Wans Sood Park) IndeC Fern Oooedy roar (GnTcnator**):' AIlHtle atr. N. J.. June LAtig. 12. Florence Slartws (At:mont); Moscow, Rossis, May ae.AHK. 31. FontlneUes. Tlte nccc^ Bo xsote. wltk P. W. Hall's Clrcns. Ford ft Wilson ( Jtme 12-NoT. 1. Fortune, Roy: fin root* vttk Ae Great Hang Sbonr. See Tent Sbonr BmNM. rosteli. Bmmett ft GUtacMkt jaote wUk the J. Frank Hatch SdowSL Bw MHn Foster ft Ctonltry (RleenlMr PUft): m,. Jane S-Sept. 8. Fox ft Hngbes (BlTctalde Park): B<dse, Ida., hidef. Frank ft AttrlgM: En roote with GoUmar firos.' Clrcns. See Tent Show Routes. lYees Bros, ft Genette Sleten: En roote with Patterson Btmlnard Camlral Co, See Midway Rontes. Frisco. Signer. Aeriallst: En roote with the C. S. Camlral Co. See Midway Bontes. Froita. Oiai. (Oaslno): Ontario Beaeb. N. V.. indet. Faal . (Ookwood -Park): Plttaorg. 6. ... (OoHpe): Sootk OUaac*. nL. a- ao-Aog. e. fta ft Woct a-Aiat. S. notas. T«r» (CMt Puk):' Ang. W, Flood Sisters (Btaelrig MA)* SMaM IBik. 30.,Aug. S; <W«adedaa< FOA) MtwoAce. wis.. 6-12. Folkert. Arthur. O, (Crystal Park): Leasao- wortti, Kan., 30-ADg. 5. first. Barney (Crystal): . Aug. S; (Otok'a Park) Era Foster. E. ft Dog Mike (Oelemo NAIt - tosm, N. X.. a-Aog. S. Flynn. Bnl (WHtrh FOA): ffl; 30-.\ng. »: "~ - - — ^- - 6-12. £>alTell. Charlie (PSstor's): New York. S1-AU«. 3. Feldman, Hany (Myrkla-Harder eo4: . barre. Fa.. BMW. C • 6. Floca. Mildred (Lnsa Park): Onoey Islsnd. N. v.. 31-Ang. 6. Fiaber ft Jokaaoo (Grand): VIetorla. B. C- Fa'Si^&tJsrj.T^^"*^ Ang. Su F»x. ]farle (Wcit Wi victoria, m. €m Fields. Nettle (G. a 'B.): a-Ang. 9. Flanmatbea ft Lewla (West Bad FaA): Bew Orleaoa. I.a.. aiKAag. S. FkyMo, S. (Oedw Point Park): Sandaiky, O.. ao-Aog. 9: (O. O. B.) Petoskey. Mich., 7- •la. Fields ft Hanson (BeU): Oaklaad. CaL, SI- Aug. 12. Puller, Ida M.: OiaOfle. naaee, 1-IS. Fields, wm a. (J— ai-Aog. 5. Frederick Aea. ft Mich., 31-Ang. 5. Pranclscos, Two (Grand): 31-Atlg. 5. F^e-Deuch. EtU (Srag'a Net).. 1-15. Flood Sros. (Footaloa NOT' Ky.. 30-Ang. 5. Oardoer. Jessie C. (Ocean Pier): City. N. J.. Sl-Aog. 5. Oarln, PUtt ft Peaebca (ToUbllBC Boa Back): PottSTlUe, Pa.. a-WkOB. Sb Gofortb ft Do^ 30- Ang. 5. Gottlob. Mr. ft Mrs. (Oraod): Taoooa, Wash.. Sl-Aog. S. Gardner ft Stoddard (I^ke MIcklgaa Park): iMoskeeon. Midb., SO-Ang. B; (Casino Park) Kalamasoo 6-12. Gllmore ft LeMoyoe (DalqiDe): Wiaalpcc Vaa.. 31- Aag. 0. _ Gnat, wa.- fMM: Ift caaib WBl. K> Ang. 6. • ObUnitk * Batft WttfifcAai Ha): At- ^ laaMc Ol g. W. >^ a-AoK. 1. Oa^ a»JEiiB.*'».'''' • Sea Isle _ 5. Gltaar. Bayoea ft Moutsnwuy (OoHaeoB): GteTcland. O., ao-Aog. S; fBoA Spdagi Park) Bsst Unepool 6-12. Gaylor, Chas. (CtTstal): Koknow. Ind., 31- Ang. 5: Colmnbaa, O., 7-19. Cerdoos. Three Bounding (Ooeaa Park): Loa Angeles. CaL. a-Ang. 9; (Baccaotlsa Fork) Freno 7-12. - • Geocgp. Edwa: B »m « BaA. Ittm^ A-Qg. S. Golitn ft Hughes (Park): AUentown. •Pa., Sl- Aog. 5. Onero ft Hieol (Eknplre): Haokney, Oig.. 7-12: (Empire) HoUowey 14-I»; (Bmplre) New Cross SiaB; (SmfHre) Stratford l&atft. 2. Gsrdnettl Family (Gras CIcee am loa); Mao- terey. Mex.. M-Aog. 6. Gaylord. Bcnnle (BanHma Sai9c BanS Bo^ ids. Mich.. ai.Atig. S. Gardiner Oblldrt-n (Bijou): La Crosse. Wis.. 31-Aug. 5. George ft HarrlDgtoo (Massabtc I^ke): Blaa- chester. N. H.. 3i-An«. B. Gtuuo ft BeUej (anplre): Hid 7-12; (Empire) Holloway 14-I9. Gardner ft Tineent (I^cenm): July U. Indrf. Girl In Bed Dooiliio (iWMaria QWM): York City, ' Goodo: ai Sec Tent t Oregwy Inmrt (aoHB^a Oaa*): lead. M. X.. MtC Gordoo. Don ft Mae CFkM: . a-Aog. S: (Mr) Blplcr. O.-T-Il. Hia l n aoo ft Baaa (Fairsiear Fork):. O.. 80-Aiw. S. Oaya. Bd. C: Brie. Pa.. 80-Aog. S. Til—III. Ospt. SIdnry ft Dogs (Excelsior Car- B)«al Co.): Morristown. N. J., U-Ang. S. Saxper, LnclUe H. (OoUng Park): flaasAM. Mo., 3, indef. Henderson. Otaas. E. (Battle a< SaOyAaflt AtlanUe Oltr. «. J.. U-flCft. L HaU ft HaU: Oauwft IBA.. MF Bsffimood. 3Sr, B Htft Ota*. #>:' I Mo.. Indef. Hart Bros : En roote with the Great Wallaee Cnrcus. See Tent Show Rootps. Hatch. Geo, H. (Weit Side): JaseerlUe. WU, indef. Bayden ft ILsLoode: a> roote with tbe Con- tlnental Amoscment Co Bee Midway Routes. Hennessey. Jaroes A. (Praaer'a): Pendlrtoo, Ore,, Apr. 34. Indef. Herbert. The Progma'n: En route with the Great Wallace (34rcos, Bee Tent Show Routep, Heomaas. The Ttoee: _ Wu roote irtth F. A> Hm. 'wnf ibM «Hfe): emm bia*. m. Indef. Halkmay, Frof. (MetropOUtan): OtfMfe. Indef. Howard, Benete ft Bolo (White Oltr «• Lake): CoUlnM^ 4k. Mar V'BAf. M. fiaotoon. Dad ft CMB. MM: Tex.. iDdet. , HICCT ft May Woolkaco FaA): RalBiaek ft Far^aetia (Bljoa): a-Aog. S: (BDtn) B s r a o ohi Hetas. BUly (Bommit Park): > 31-Aog. 5. Barti. Moaical (Athletic Fwk*: BaOklow N. X. aooc s. MHh.. 7-12. N. T..