The billboard (Aug 1905)

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15 Sucke'* Ocnnw^ Ttektrr Btoac Co.: Phlladel- phU. Pk.. tndef. Sites Stock 0». (SoDtticm). SltM & GUbcrt, jBSn.: Oeoter 8<iuti«. P»., Jane 2S-Sept. 6. Soow, MortlOKr. Btock Oo.: Schenectidj, N. T.. lodef. 6pf<iden 4 Pil«« Co.: ToDcka. K«n.. Indef. 8U(«r'* Stock Co.: OkUbook OKr. Oklm„ S: Salghto- Daylor Stock O*., Albert fjt^ laa. Tex.. JdIi^ 2t-Aiig. 27. niauluoaei Sto«k Co.: MUmmkce, Wia., In- Aft. nitoD'* Playen. W. H. TUtoo, mgr.: taOa, m.. JoM as. lodet. She CoUefC Widoir, Henry W. Bansik MV.: Ohlcago, ni., Jul; 81, Indrf. Itent Stock Co.: TrcDtoo. N. J., bidef, Xtoj, Doaoa, Stock Co., J<i«. L. Glan, mgr.: Sioox f^U*. S. D.. JUr 90. Indrf. Tockcr. atkcl. Stack 0>.. Hack Broa.. men.: PkoMix. AitK. Mar at-oet. i •tbe Ball OUT (0«rt " " Sdv. Tajlatv aaar. Paoldlac; O.. D BtM 11; OiMBvOlt «te Boir cur H. K. BT ■ >«*: »*• J' O, 10; Dec TB» MdiT Tmmpai «. Tlmadale ThMtic 0>.: Smlttrrinc. IIol. a. Aiw. S: natlakDxr M: mt^monj T-W. TCB Iflchti IB ■ B«r4«ao (Bcecher ft 8tu- Walter J. HcDoaaM. mgr.: Kidder, JfaL. S: nttea 8: Ifeadrllle 4: BockHo S. Okdt Mrii Sprocetir: TnTcrae Oltr, tUch., J Vtom** CaMa (Tetir'a); FaraUnston, la., «: Bonapute «i D g Ja 4: lliafcaa»llli S. Bkcle Tom-a OHMS «&mimMMs M- <a«t. V. «| MMM ^ 4; Nnnda B. VMcli Stock Co.: tm AmMM OA, ' irtaboa Stock Co.: Mt Cafe* <Wr< Jotr 10. Indet. VallaoKat Stock Co.: WUUussport, Pa., Uar SB. lodcf. Dan Dyke Stock Co.. H. Waiter Vaa Drke, Bigr.: St. Joaivb. Mo.. Mtf. ▼•oatram A Hallaa Apr. SO, iDdef. ▼erooo Stock Co.. Beoj. S. Temoo, oisr.: St. TboDiaa. Oot.. Ofay 92, Indef. Tan DTke ft Baton, r. Hack, msr.: Eeofeuk, la- 2-6: QnlncT, in.. 8-13. metr Women I/ore, Frank W. Nasoa, mgr.: Tanooot^ S. B.. 23; We jiuuaUt «; Olgtr B. WlaldmaB. Btward. John C. JloMw Blw Tctk Olt7, Jane 20, lodef. Wvaer OocneilT Co.. Ben. B. Waiaer. msr. •ad vrop : MoOrrior, la., Jolr IT-Anc. 10. Waa flbe to Blame, Jed Oarltoo, mgr.: Saad- widi. Oot.. iBde^ West Bad HeisbU Stock Oo., I. H. HMMMB. jBgr.: St. Loala. Mo., indetf. Htfte Otanatle Oo., Ctats. P. Wbjtt, aigr.: Batwi Booge. la., tadef. medaoB's Stock Oo^, SMttle, Waf^ tHKL jt, in »tr ». Boeton Ideal O^ra Co.; Saa Antonio, Tex., Jtij B4-AI1K. 14. Brooka mad tola Band: Obleaxaw m., todat. Batkr. Beictt Mmj and te Baad. J. Ual '-Saaka. a^.: St. J oaetfc. Me.. *• ■tmutumr* ItaUaa Baad: VntM^mT^- * ■ater, agr.: Haas aad Ua Band. FMeilek bdlanapoUa, Ind., Sl-Ali, S, Band, The: . -■-1 Send. Patrick Conway, _ Oto. N. J., 23.vAng. 12. It Happened la Nordland. Ba^lB. WMhB * <Flelda. oiKra.: Cblcago^ IB.. Xntlea Band. T. P. J. Vtmmm . mtl. O., a»-Aag. 12. "tm Ud: New Tor* CSty, Jnn« «, , . Oik.: Bmira, N. r., June B- Bapt. 3M, _ mttarr Baad. Henri Morlii. Madlaaa. Wla., Sl-Ang. B. a Baad. T. Boaati. taadaiaatar: Jl. Z,. jaae U; iadet. Oaw: IMOe. Ala.. Jaaa 13; Fcople'a Otaaue Opan O^t OUttit, ni., Joae *. ladeC. Prror and Ua Band: Aataiy Park. N. J., Apr. as. Indef. Rlreralde Park Opera Co.: Bolae. Ida., Indef. BocUa'a Open Oo.: WimiliM, Can.. May M. ladef. Bojal Artnierr Band of Italy, Joaeph DeVlto, mgr.: Baltlmotv. Hd.. May lS.Sept. 18. - ""SSL ^ Band. Wm. fflafer. mgr.: Brl^tMt Beach. N. Y.. June 9, Indef. Two MetiT Twmpet Bwt Wi Plymaath 7: Blpoa Bi ~ Portagv U; XMaah IX THeBeggarWhaa q^gh ^Oat, r. A. Wa The Geewa^eSt aaatM^ibaa.. Mr lodef. The Land of Nod: Chicago, in., jTioe 12. Indef. The Mayor of TokK *ttk Blabairt Oad; Chicago, m.. Juna ML ~ The Pfarl and the ^ July 17. Indef. Iht Bojal Chef, Shob<>rt Broa., mgra.; Gbl' eago. IIL. July le, indef The Tenderfoot: Chicago, 111 , Ang. 5. Indef. TITOU: San Pranclaoo. Cal., Indef. Uincta and bis Band: Chicago, 111., Isdet. Vlctor'a Band. (M. John W. togg. mgr.: ClereUnd. O.. Mar & IbM; Wells-Dnnae-Hailaa teaaa Oikt Adaatla Oty, W. J., tadet Ma a lf 1 Oonedy Co.. John B. WUa, m^.: ■- ai-ADg. 5. !. c. BariMr'a, J. S-Ang. S; _ Ohaae * Oaaa<la tmHn B Aag. S; KalglMaimTa. Doekatader'a. I«w. Charlaa I Saratoga Springe, M. Y.. 7. SonneUy'e. Totnmr, Jack IT. Slokaa. aigr.: Atlantic aty, H. J., Jaor 28, Indef. Gny Broa.*, Arttaor I.. Gny, mgr.: Uayfloww, Masa., ai-Ang. S. Barerly-B: Hoboken. N. J.. S-6. Kecaanda', BlUy, Geo. A. Treyaer. mgr.: Lin- coln, III., 3; Jacksonrille 4; BannHial, Mo., S: East St. Lools. lU.. 6: lootelana. Mo.. 7: Mexico 8; CentraJla 9; Moberly ID. Primrose's, George: Albany, N. Y., S. ■Ptoctor's (under canvaa). Geo. H. Proelw. mgr.: Stxtwygan. Wla., 31-Ang. 5. ▼ogel'a, Jdo. W. Togel. mgr.: Oay^too. O.. U- M( mart £ Craodall'a VanderUle Seaaatioa: Fort Edward. N. Y., Sl-Ang. 5. CHterlona, W. J. Marrlon * Oo., mgr.: Oal- lon, 0.. 30-Ang. 5. Ideal ESz&avaganxa. Harry wmiame, mgr.: flttahog. Fa., at-Aas. B. Wa aaaaat iiadaitati ta asawsr talasiau fee lUBt aa af eaiaiaal nampairiea nalaai tha party gieaa ttair hotal addiaaa or atiaat aaahar, pra- tath WW. Salley's MdUe: Iowa Park. Tex., 2: Wl- cfalu Falla 3: HenrletU 4: BeUeroe 5. Bunnm * Balley'a: Salt Lake City. Utan. e«: Ogden 4; Ixigan S: Idaho FaUa. Ida.. 7; Bntte, Mont., 8; Helena »; Mlaaoola 10: Spokane, Waab., U-12. W^*^Ofc.'a B^B.: Ina Blacr. BoA^' «aem mat Itik, Rnea. 4- 13. Ooi<ndo Grant'a: Salem. IB., 2; Alma 3; Pa- tott, 4; .Mulberry Grore 7: Borrleane 8; Ooffeen 9: Irrlng 10: EUlliAnro 12 Downlf^a. Andrew: Smmdaborg, Pa., 2. 'Ely's. Geo. S.: Bnrdett. Mo.. 2. Floto's Great: Ottawa. Kan., 2; Learenworth 3; Atchison 4: St. Joseph. Mo., S: Borttm. 7. Forepangfa Sells Bros.': Cadillac, Mich.. 2; Big Jlaplds 3; Akna 4; Ionia 5; Grand Bap- tda 7. Gay's Electric Co.: Dixon, la., 31-Aag, 5; Bennett 7-12. Gidlmar Sroe.': B4XXIbo<ue, HI., 2; JenerrUle 3; Feteraburg 4; I.acaD S; Woodstock T. Hall'a. r. W. Han. mgr.: Proaaer. Neb.. 2: JonUU S; OampbeU 7; UpUnd 8; Hlldreth »; Began 10; Bontley U; Ahna 12. Hagoibeck'a Trained Animal Bbow: FnhUea- tloo of loote prohibited. Aar mall gdd iefd m care of The Blllboud" wm ttt Bmntded promptly. Kemp'a Wild West. G. P. SMSb M^X- Haw- ark, S. J.. Joae 6-Aiw. S. Bennedy'a ladlaa Oasitaa mH Wtt West: wOI ka Concaaded ptaag^tty. a'a: Hanwirk, la.. 2. Bay Gtty, S; " 7. Oarln Broa.': Joarex, Mex., 29-Ang. 3; Ca- rnlao 4; Parral 5-9; Jlmenea lO-ll San Pe- dro 13-15: Pairaa 16-17; SaltUlo 1S.22; Uoot- erej X-Sept. 4; Camloo 5; San I>nls rotoel 6-19: Camlno 30. Paww-e Bill's Wild Wcat: Tlato^ la.. 3; Iowa City 3: Moscatk* «S mat OMK S. ' RosseU's, J. Bnfcerftica^ FkBaS^Ma. P«.. June C. indef. Rdngllng Bros.': Watertown. N. Y.. 2;' OW- iTeRO 3: .BataTla 4: Niagara Palis B. Rippel's: Garrett. Ind. 3: Anhma S. Bobbin's, rrank A.: RnmfWd WUlm, Ma.. 2; Norway 3: Blram 4: North OaMWs B., 6; WoUboro I; Deny 8. _ Rob!n«on'a. Mb: OaakcMsi. (X, OUtacU S: Marietta 4: AlfeM •{ IImBM ^Mcta- mootb 8. Slg BaoteUe 4 Welsh Bros.': Oxford, Pa- 2; GoatesTllle 3; Doivniugton 4; Boyertown 6; PhoenliTille 7; Dojlestown 8; Quaker- town 0: Ambler 10: East Greenrllla II; Kntxtorwn 12. T^xaa Sfll'a Wild West: PabUcatlOB of route prohlMKd. Aar aiall a ddi taa ed hi care of Ttie Bmoaid win he f W w ai dad gromptly. Ton liliail MUeatiaB aC caata fcohlblted. Avaai^lMMd lB«u» o( Tha BlUboard Wallace'a: OanoDton. IB., 2: loolalana. Mo.. ifo., 3; Fulton 4; Uaiahall 5. ■WaaMmi A D'Alma'a: Lakcwood. M. J- 2; S: Atlaatie mtfUalt B. JAY L. PACKARD 1 coNXRA,crroEK« Managers' and Actors' Representativs. NOW WANTED, ours Direetod. mNO People In all lines to Book. Now booking for Paries, Fairs, and Camiri OOP tlie Loop. Diaeolo: Prodigious Porth< arrel": Santos, the Demon ^lcater, Sbt malting a leap of tS feet Into atankof llze. ^ tu liTalai Four Bl« SMaatloiial Aots; The Origins W W. 4M Stiwt WW VMS Olf Richard Guttimann Transfer Co. Th« Only EaoUimlv* Thaatrloal, and Proparty Storage WaretiouM Tranator Ceaiiwny In the Country. Scenery and Propertlaa tor sale for storage charges. Have hsnled ALL the large ooaQDanlea playing In Chicago this season with the best o( records. This is the Srm that has ths Oor- emment contract tor moTing all the KodersI offices and Postoffice into the new P. O. bntld- ing In Chicago. 700 loads in 42 boors: can anybody beat ti? We have shluped scenery from Maine to Calltomla. and all an well vleaaed at prica. We hare a laisa atock of i hand mmM wttek wecBB tlllM to rwhnlMlng ihoiw, OgeatBooMStM»H>itenini.TiaLHaiiiawi«ir» I Throa»Bk-TaLllaaKMig74.CBIOA(M», ILL. ....THE LONDON.... MUSIC HALL la tha raeogalsad mgaa or •ad a frlaBdly watcnaa at 4Bi I VaakClty. Tawpboai u a il l 8dI| the BEST aeaolpaa. t taaameal woe* WKtmCM T<< UUDBB. M aaala g aaa aad Patedlaa a aaaetalty. aadDiBmaa Bartaad. Only the beat orlglas] work fnmlahad. Baferaaeaa by the aondnL BstabUahed int. I do net tnmlah dapiieated matartal. bat only write tba highaat giada tootdar tor pfofaaskma] oaa. BOB WATT. 'i'iSSS' 106 Waliit Stmt. Philadelohia. Pa. WE WANT YOU iryoa hmve a Good On<-Door Act. We «.B iia« the ke.t «t all tliiir<i .Good Senaatlonal Acts Always In Demand. B. J. PrtMitt Bookiic ACtioy. ZI6-17 UmUt fuhuf. MInuimIIs, Mln. WANTED —SIttirTiMBud Vud«ii le Piffinin— all eommanlcsttons to A. B. CABPaimB. Mgr. MISWAT. Va eaaaot TunSertaka af ovniral lalaaiaim far th. party t Feelea. H. D.. Wla., Camtral 31-Ang. S; Mai Alaiaa, Great, tt. Sn.^ aiffAi|^fc * • ''. ' ■ «anaehar OmM ^ A. O.^ Ca|«tat " ■ ^" Ang. S. Chicago Amnaemeat COl. Nldiola mgra.: Slonroe, Wla., 30-Aag. S. OoUina* Acmaeoent Oo. 31-Ang. 5; .Winnipeg, Oooke'a City of Jeraaalem, Kingston. V. Y., m-Aog. 6. Ooamop<aitan Amnseaent Co.: StMboygan, 3I-Ai«. 5: ODlnth. Minn., T'12. Creaernt Cantral Co.: Bllsworth, Kan. Ang. B. Dixie CU^Tal Co.. W. 8. MlUer. mgr.: Mar- riatown. N. J.. Sl-Aoz. B: Dorer 7-12. Bnropean Anraaement Co.: Publlcatloo of ronte prohBrited. Any mail addi;fsa<rd In care of Tlie BlUboard will be forwarded promptly. Fagan Camlral Co-: Haatlnga. Pn.. 81-Aag. 5; Bamaboro 7-12. Ferarl Bfos.* CamlTal Oo.: Skzgo. D.. 31- Ang. 5; Oookstoo. Minn., 7-12. GaAIll Great Sbowa, IW. C. Caaldll. mgr.: Chejenne, Wyo., Sl-Aog. b; Keanay, Mab.. 7-12. Hatcti, J. Frank. Bbowa: IhinklA; 'IL.' T.. Sl-Ang. 5: Losdon, Ont., 7-12. Beiss Siaa.' Camlral Co.: Wheatlaod. la.. ». Hocaler Amawment Co.: KOea, Mich.. Sl- Ang. B; Three Blrera 7-1& Jonea-Adama CUnltal Oo.: Baaata^ W. Va.. 3i-Aof. 0: Grafton 7-12, Lone Star Oatatral C: XoalE, XA.. 1-f. Monajch Aaaaaacat On.. 6. ■. Meyers, mgr.: Logaa, Utah, l»Aas. S; PeaatallOk Ida., 7- Btasll. lad., Sl-AiS^^ Mondy Great Shows: Bradford. U-Ang. 5; AltDooa 7-12. Nanman United Sbowa: T^OT. O.. 31-Ang. S. Nngrat A Freeman'a Electric Korelty Co.: Ollre will, Ky.. Sl-Ang. 5: Farmers 7-12. Owena. Amnaement Oo., C. LaDare, mgr.: FTe- doola, Kan., 31-Atig. 5; Altoona 7-12. Parker. C. W.. Afnosement Co., J. H- Bdwarda, mgr.: Omaba. Neb., Sl-Ang. 5. Parker, Great, Amoaement Oo., C. T. Kennedy, mgr.: Monmooth, ni.. Sl.Aog. 6; Dabaane. la., 7-12. Parker. New, Amnaemeot Co.. Barer A Dar- naby. msra.: Mendota, IB.. 31-Ang. 6; CUnton. la., 7-12. Patterson tt Bialaard Oandval Oi».; 111.. H-AiaK. Bt. IjBlMaai, Maw. . Pierce laaii—.Cfct -Mrn^p^ a; X,; «. Ang. B. ■ aafMafc Sft-Aac S; B taakiat T-O: aMaaaa t iaw w BHB l Oaw. Dan B. BoblaMn. gen. mgr.: Eokooo, Ind.. Sl-Ang. B; Marlon 7-12. iBoyal Amwoient Oa^^SL B. TIppa. agr.: Sanger A Kerada Amnaement Co.. Hany ger, mgr.: Clayton. lU.. ai-An^ ' Seeman^MllUcan Mardl-Giaa Co.: ~ Ind.. 31-Ang. S; Pt. Wayne 7.JS. Sootbem Oamim Oo.: BUenamg. Sl'-Aog. S; Iterth Takima 7-12. Welder, WIU H.. Oamlral Co.. Win H. mgr.: C-<x>kaTtUe. O., ai-Ang. 3. Whitney'a u .-ater Sbowa, A. P. Whitney, mgr.: OeDtralla. Mo.. Bl-Aaf. S; BIrhiaand T^iZ. tMki. K. T., Barton Broa.* lltai<on Sbowa (Blecerle Park); Kansas City, Mo., 23-Aag. 0. Wbeelock's n. B. Indian Baad. Mbz_ mgr. rWlllow Gfore <Mk)x Pa., 28-Aog. 4; ~ " " 0&, S-IS. Bayrooty Braa.* Show; Ai ronte wttb fiannim A Balley'a Show. See Tent Show Bootes. Boer War, The: Brighton Beacti. M. T.. In- def. Check's Sonny Booth Floating Palace. Wn. Markle, mgr.: CMrlngtoo. O., 2; Maar ~ taanria S; Bcedaarille 4: ~ ~ Cteehcr, MagVrlaa A MeivellT Oa.: lad.. ai-Aog. 5: Newport 7-12. Kemtedy'a .BkcMe Theatre A VaadevSe I IW. J. M. Sandeia. agr.: B^ wH. Ang. 8. Frank'a, Prof., Orwm'-Vm Jaly IT-Aag. 10. Pain*. Z,aat l>ajw of Pompon Sl-Ang. 5. rain's Fall of Port Artbv. Mat & AL IM- Mo, mgxa.; Ctllcago, ML* Boiwena'a Palmiatry Co.. W. S. OalMartlla. Tax.. l-UL . A.:ik ■jalta' I Presedle. Oypaotlat. T. wmard Magiwn. Barton. Vt.. indef. SwaUow A Maikle'a Pleatlag Maee: Tilie, lU.. 3: Bnd xmaaHaa «t Tille 5; NajlM T; ' ' Baeaaa IS. NOTICE TO ADVKRI'MKIIS Ths first form of The Billboard, In> tha last sight advsrtising pagsi^ ■diwHIiiwwiits fbi> thais pagsa «m ba givsn ths dssirad position and no changes can bo niiad. in standing ada on any of thssa-jwisa unlosa tha osmr rsaehaa ua by wawi wWgyi N»aiBiir tha last form wHI ba mtmtltmt-. t tim