The billboard (Aug 1905)

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'Tl^e Oillbociipcl 17 UNITED IO-18 N. PMplaIn Yhr EipHhM BUIUNNO All KMt lid Sbes 63 TENT PAWNING CO., (inoorpbr^tea) t., CHICAGO, ILI.. ias.l33 W. RandolpH S«. TENTS SATISFACmON GOABAMTBBB CIRCUS. BLACK and RED) Anytblnirinadeof cuiTH IX E N T S KIDD'S PATENT LIGHTS, SIDESHOW PAINTII^I^ CIRCUS skats; WIMOB, iMMM. «• aMoant of _i De* Molzkea I te NpUeed b7 ^ arUid*. BOBOnOH BAILS VOE XDBOnS Got Mu B. BoblnaoD, father of th* pnt- (Bt muiaser of thr famooa John BoWMmi Shtnra, nre hi* m*Bj trlnida ■ Terr raddcB wuprtie lut SctcrdAT br aalUnc to eompuj with hla big brother, Oll^ oo board an Auantlc steamer for Borope. The Oorersor waa in New York oa hiuloeaa cmoeeted with the BaneU-UorfaD Show Prist Co., of which he la a dlteetor. Be h«a been ill. and it waa oadentood that when tie wooM i«tm ttiim aCkr MtC vMis New Xock aad tk» B»lil i nu « * e w a. Wba he ar- ciTcd la New Tork and ftnad tha* OIL was go- abnad. he all at coca decided to aeeora- Th« qoretooc wm pnrtMblr be ab- _jhar of wceka. We wlah him a verT Up and a happy tctain. nOM AS OXS XUXB ne foUowlas letter, teeatred br "Oorenor" Mb BaMwmn. at the Ten Big Ouan. wm h« a( MMat to dtcoa peopla: Fcekakin, N. T.. Jime 70, 180S. Uinager John ftoWnaim ClrcAs. Dear Sir: Barlnc noticed that Toar otcanlia- tloa woold show In BorUogtoo, Tt., OD the Xrth. I thaosht I would write Ton and learn ■iMtttr or not yon are .cominc down the Hndaoa «■ Tear mj oat of New Bnsland. Xoor dreas kaa aot bcea hccc ataeo the fau of UBS. wbca it waa kaaiim as the BeMpaga A Bldrtd^ Oitat I bare 1^ Staat Show far Ibat ttae. Wa were ' «( a,000, bat now number about H timers hare shoot pa sued ■oUiiaoo and Eldied I sop- ■aae are dead, as well a« Oea. Wel^ Lcrl North. Saods. Nathaoa. Qolek Tone. Awtrr South. Dan Bice, Stoat. Shepatd. Sam Stfckney. UadUan. San Latfarop, Ire Pentland and Byatt Frost. Blcbard Hcmmlnga, I beUere, Ifl allTe. Walter and WUllam Aymar and Wm. Painter Duraod and manj othera that I knew, Indndlnx Deo and Eaton Stone and John H. Mnrny, are all drad. I beard that Jimmy BoUnaoo was allre In Chlcaco aboat two yeara ago. la Jlnuay DeMott alive T He was riding with Sanda, Na- than* & Co. In 1835. Geo. Sargeant most bare been dead for a long time. I saw him last with the Ntzon A Kemp CIrcn* In the fall of 18SS. BUI Ijake was down and Ed. Kendall was boglcr for their band. That waa the tint time I aaw Jim MellTille ride. They had a good *sw. la Babert SUekner. the dder, allre? Do J^L^^SJ* Henry Nagel. who was with Sands ia .tte t mia, la allre? ~3!^m^ ^ Baasett, who was ringmaster ■■■■fc A Lent and for Sanda, Nathana * oa.. wa* war brother. He knew the elder ■■■■■■ wdL Be died oo the coait of Eqna- *«i Oether. 1882. Bill Lewla. g« ■» drlivr tor Hyatt Pttat, la llelag la BnwMM ep the Barlen B. B. BUI Kcaaedy, wMMtwaed doHag th* aixtlea. I heUere. la mama, wum teeu cnsn imi^k^m dted l^^tii^ 22* Jr* • jSt ETerythlnc waa all aaw — ■■-n ihTT Ben JennlngB was the doam. BaraeU Baaarite waa ^r and Dnnbar and MagUtoa pleased an tka best of any pair daring their time. ~ ' «ow dead. "Doe" JUn Thayer bad Je ttock. Banker. adTance agent tac Z^,^T^"^^ smart man, and a great VU wMter. Dan Rlce'a old agent—I cannot remem- ber his name—waa a gteat man to pilot a ahow. Charlea, known to the proteaaloa HI- *"»<»• * h™* work waa driving fotir ponies to s raan diarlot carrying Maorice and Jeaaie f«n4». He was bom In Angnst. 1828. and was eighteen year* old when be started la the boit- M«. The •how came here that iprlBg. Btny- "I"* guttered. They had •Urer-moanted har- ae« «Dd grey bones. It waa their flrst seasoa ■ this eooDtrr after their arrlTal from England. '"'y **nt In 'tz. My brother eootlnned 2? J?*." of 'M. when they 5S1 %!r *l«Pl>»nts. TIrtorta and Albert, to J*» WllwK. In Callforala. He went aroond Wpe Bora In December of ■88. He eootlooed ..5P»S5 dortng '08 and •», and then "patard Dn Basaett-a United Statea Oreos. 25 Osllfomis In '01 and that fall left ~ _ybe toor waa not a sacceaa. All the m»a iiia of M a company have ainee died, with jtjpnaa of Lotta Aymar. wbo was a C">*"i-Jha la now riding with the Sig. ?"2™J * W> kfc Bfoitefs' areas. Both the n mama mn all JmA Tbey an went t* Pna. ne dsetar dM oa the coast of Bqoador oa his iMnra to the atatea la October. ■ *M p««iaal appfaiaaea and he made a Joe rlDganatMr. Ha laok Mr. sandt place aa ringmaster la UN, r.rt/. '*A*'r. ^ • ??valelaa. aa alaa OaMana rattier. Golrla waa for maair ytata ra a atdtd ff, * •'™«* lo any ahow. I bfll»«« «ntm We ittrr lire be carried a rabUfa fOat tm Ma poeket •nd mpceaa alwaya came to bta. Okae. Sber' ;;;M^the only PMe Jeahlaa. waa borled In ™r«o'" wmalaw. I tUak. la tB. He waa here •B7 with Onat A Bkapard. t tMak he The Sloat A Shepard Show waa a great ahow. Ceo. Sargeant wa* one of the nlceet men 1 ever met In the bnalneas. He told me In 'BT that he did not know the taate of liquor. I suppose Sammy Bart {a dead. Of comae hi* father la dead. Albert Crane, aa oU drirer. Is llelac la BaabeiJ. Ha moat be aU ot eighty yeaia aid. I d» ast orlab to tmable yea, bnt l^woaMJte^«a laaafc Be e^ ^ M. tt he la tte waa a *art aa^ aa I " __ 11 rrank BoMta^ mam flared hm big boalneaa. ~ ~ Jnly 0. T— panyT U seaaoa I _ _ Old tl M W were Cu ahead «t Oit joaag who are raanagtng drcnaea today. Toor Old company, aa well as those of Welch. Sanda, B. B. tent and the other, were io nudl dcuer aad ta better acdar Klndv Cavar m» with a nitnt - CntCUB OOBSIF. [ atsu. Jaijawejuq ^ and Hap-1 coney Uaa^ at Macr^y,. aSaw a. ehiaSQ wtth tfeo Sb IC mala open aMfll'' BiDl tiowa My SS, aad JuBad the Tan Am- atage in the river has EM. Wcstbnrs, of Badne, wis, bas jolaed tke adier BsI n g finee of the Qieat Wal- lace Shown, going with car No. 2, Belle Carter received a number of nice presents from drcua people July 24. the occaalon being the aaniveiaaxy of her birth. UAdEay*a European Show played at FUat, WA^ week a< Jnly IT. Vbtr played to good bnatnwMt and gave excellent aatlafactlon. Fancher, the masician, witb the Fan- cher Novelty Co., writes that the rompany Is breaking recorda at every atand In paint of at-- tendance, M. Hatso. Ji py JaA Ifai Clark Shows I bnrg Shows. I Cbas. Kills cloaed as contractiner I agent with the Tan Ambnig Showa at Hontlng- : too. W. Va., July 17. Be Joined the Lemoa : Brothers* Shows Angtlst 1. ! J. A. Cromwell, trap drtimmer. clos- ed with the Lemon Brothers' at Tlxbnrg, Mich., and la now at addicaa la Cedar Bapldi^ la. The management of the Cart Mtgmr- beck Shows ate Jnbllant over the aneeeaa they are having, and already extensive plana are be- ing made for next leaioo'i Tentore. I lola (Topsj-) MithcelL with the Wm. p. Hail Shows, was presented with a hand- ' aome traveling toilet aad manicure set recently by her partner Flora in honor ot her natal an- niversary. The Sis- Sautelle and Welch Brothers Showa report big bnalaaaa dartag their recant New Jersey trip, hcth. Lioog Branch aad peclally great atanda. Another issue of Frank A. Robblna' Tent cm Newa bas Joat coma off the pccaa. Ifa^a Taee^^la '^ff'JU^jJll^^ ^ aa* RoUa Fox writes that OM BoIIa Fox Show ekaed Its season, and aMB ga-toto Tcrte Baote, Ind. Mr. Fox will ihiaHj take ont a dog and pooy show to play street and state fairs, it will be a one-car ahow. Reno & Alvord's Combined Shows to good bnatness st Stevens' Point. Wis., 20.21. The band and the orchestra received ^fgj lil^ eoiBpUmcnta, and the ahow and rescued the damage waa done. Mitchell Bremer, known as Teaimta,*' has the privileges and candy ataada arltt the Maes Ortim Show for the acaaaa. KltebeU joined them at St. Anne, v" , end aaya that they ate doing good tmalness. He hsa aboat recove r ed from his recent Illness which compelled hUn to close with the Forepangh-Sells Show*. Arthur Redmond, formerly commls- (Contlnn^ on -^hk' ) PARKS It Is reportaS ttat way parks at ~ for the MATERIAL FROM THEST. LOUISfOILI'S FAIL The Queen City Juvenile Extrava- ganxa Co. scored a big hit at the I«goao. Cin- dnnatl, week of July 21. I France Reed, one of the big hits of the Bobiat F. Waltar Park Ctteatt. la tiaf- — — ^^^^^^ Coney Cincinnati will re- ila open aatll • Imkuii er 1. The excellent atage In the rtter has made this poaalbla. The park grneiaUy elaaes aboat two weeka aadler. I Chas.. "Sis" Hopkins, of Kenosha, ! Wla., has been naklag eoaM trials at ahote , the ahootB on a blcytlt at AailMB'fM. «ilch I have proved qoite s.aMaBuTjH' My |IV a nnmbar ot parks. A oorreapondent writes that lilncoln, . IMk, la atarma tar aa iw.t»4ate petfc. Hals jOC tta aiMM^at a iga fa* wiB jaaelted ef Dr. called notlceaL The PublllOMB Ka. 1 and S_ Shows are playing Caba ta a M> son tbcse people Wll hat* of two showa. nay eatB n week la N e v ii at a r. aBdaaa i Thos. Alton and Robert Garett elos- ed with advance car No. 1 of the Sella A lywna Shows at UartlaMm, W. Ta., Jolr SZ, aad loloed the Banta Mewa. Mr. Altaa asce In the capadty of gMHl aad Jtt, Oaiett Is managing ear Hat. S. The Flying Snyders are stlU one of the features with the Slg. SanteUe A Welch Brothers' Shows. At the dose of the drcns aeaioD these people ssti for Englaad tm lha parpoae of playing a three moath^ aagiVMIBt over the Moas A StoU Clrenlt. Mr. Otto HoOman. alias Fim Ihiteh, who iraa lalarcd at Dlzon. lU.. by oae et the wagooa ot the Wm. P. Hall SbOTii^ Mt the Dixon hospital Jnly 23. aod Joined the afeaar MBk day at Vernon. 111. He now baa ehacge eC tha tieketa with the BaU Shows. A Berlin (Germany) contemporary Is *o pleaaed with exhibited In the New -York Hlppodrooe _^ _ alderable apace to the lUO of Red TbonqMOOi the aeolor partner. The atccy la being pob- llahed •erlaily. While en route from CentervlUe to Orland. Ind.. laat week a foar-hotae team, carrying a den of llona belcngtog to the Great Sur now No, 2. broke eway_ ftoaa Jhatr drivw and thacati ■ - - - " Saydst; tha The efforts of a nearby Presbyterian chorcfa aodety to close Woaderland Park, Min- , neapoUs, Minn., on Sundays hsa proven nnsne- I cessful, snd the park wiU coatlnne to nm seven days In the week. Elmer & Jerome, playing the New England parka, wiUa' that liealBBW la great. Their act is making a tdUag hit at every atand and the team receive* an ovation. They ara booked In the parka ap to September 10. J. C. Holden manager of L,akevlew Park, Terre Haute, Ind., writea as follows to The. BlUboard: We are having some troaUe beesttse B. I>. Brclnig la leading the people to believe that he la ce ua e et ed with the manage- acBt «C lake View Park. I wIM yea weoM pabUah a etatemeat la She amhoasd, te the gotecWaoC. aaiiiliiM '"^^^aeMidalth^* managcaMBt eC thh peik. Aay atatcoicnt by him to the contrary la falae. Harry Bonnell. director of publicity at Hlllalde and Greater Electric parka, Newark, N. J., writea aa follows: Prof. Joe. P. BnA. the acrooant, whose ballooa ascensions are a feature of the entertainment at Hlllalde Plea- fore Park, has placed hlmaelf tinder my man- agement. Bnab made good at this leeort and th* management haa extended hla engagement in- definitely. I am also booking Kemp'a Wild West and Indian Congreaa, the hippodrome per- formances of which sre a feature of tha New- rermany/ contemporBz-y is the energy aad the eaterprlae (ooedlag aad ■aaagtag of the idrooie flnt It Is deea Oag coa> While Prof. Joseph Bush, the aero- naat, waa Inflating hla ballaon at Bnialde neaiote Park, Newark. N. J.. Jnly 23. pre- paratety to making ao aacenaloo, an exphwlaa of ga so line caused him to receive Imrns aboat the face and bands and to lose his moatache and a portion of hla hair. Undaiuted. tha profb- ■or contlDoed his pieparaUoaa. Aa the beUoaa was cut loose a aand ballast bag feU upon Tboma* Crowley, secretary of the park, and knocked him down. To cap the dtmaz. Just aa the balloan had deared the earth It waa discovered that It was on fire. It reached an altitude of aboat atx himdted feet when It became apparent to the aenoaot that he meat take his chances. He cut the psracbnte loose. and when almoat to earth the porachote epracd aad chcched the fail. Praf Buah laadad aaSMr hat Hgn* II aa • iilnKie. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS The first form of The Billboard, in- eluding the last aight advertising pages, goes te press Swurday morning. No advertisements for theaa pages can be given the desired position and no changaa can ba made in standing ads on amr af thaoo paoea uaIms the copy mjr ar tnaaa panaa unlaaa the copy We puL now aelUag aB aC the price*. 100.000,000 feet, all ber BUI lor « aitiaa. nty haw swa aernce. bat i rendinea ead hssc bees taatad. They thet arare nacd at tim Bxp e- ' arc la goad are Hdlaoa Bear; tot vgltage. Oeneral aactrle Make. 8 can- dle power. We are offering them In Iota ot MW or more, price each 5c. 230.000 New Incandescent Lampa, aever aaaA Oeneral Electric Make. 8 and 10 roltaaes 100 to 110, Bdlaon 7~ 2B.000 New Colored Ine bet, ttreen. O pal and B iUiy . WUBED TICKST8. Several HUUon ExpostUOB Tlckcta used tot evesy parpoae at tbe Biposltlaa. au nUa aad suitable fas any Aiuuseuwut vaveaek-- !<••' prices ea Bnge gusnt iuea. TUBHSTHiES. ISO Registering Turnstiles snd Ticket Caaeell Ing Machlna*. made by B. V. Bricht. Bach Machine is equipped with Patent Btoctrte at- tachment, making a double register. Alae ITO Qla*s Top Obopper Boxes; 100 Regular Pattaca Bagliterlng Tutn atlle*: 33 0 Bxl t TantUsa. xiOEST mnw . 1.000 Galvaalacd Iraa TIcfeeC i also Coin Baae*. ete. 500 "Kbakl" BilBHW.. iiBiMlia o( caat aai pants; 200 SpccM Oieieaata, CMde Ibr the IM> feraon Onaids at the Werld'a Fair: SOO -KhakT* Caps; SCO sets oC Swards. Belts and Scabbards. BAXBOO POLES. 23.000 Bamboo Polea. used by the n. S. Ooe- emment In the Philippine RwrvaUea. They range from 8 Inehea to S Inchea la diameter at the bottom, aad from SO to 90 feet long. Uaafol for many purposes. Thonsanda of other Items: Molora. Capper Win-, Dooca, Sash, Tmssce, Bond Bollera, Bope, Booflng, siding. Unlng, Pipe, Mactdneiy. Hos*. Fumltnre, Ofllee Equipment, Safes, Tanlt Ooora, fencing. Wire. Flags of aH Natloaa. Opera Cliaira. Water Cooler*. Greenbonte UaterlaL ete. ASK rOB 8PBCIAI, WORLD'S FAIB CATA- LOGUB MO SM. OKtOAao BOUSB WBBOB. m» OK. aatt aad Ina at! WK BATE FOR SAIjE AND LKASB Advance. Privilege Baggage. Stock and Merry-Go-Reund Cars. sslratAe We are oov making three car loads of th* hssk tents In the world to he mtad oat to these Ohealsaqaas soon. We axpect them back tha latssr part eCAagoat- 30 Wall Tout* . . . ^ tbia a Hip Rotit Tent* . . . .... SO C^Bdy Top Tencs . • • -'.-i— 85 CWndy Top Tent* . • 10 Ckndy Top Tent* . . . '. . 100 Compartanaas Tanls - . .... 7 ICompartmcnt Tenia . • . .. 35 Compartment Tenia .... 3 Oblocur Sqnara End Tenia . . 1 Oblong Square End Tent 1 Oblong Round Find Tent . a OblQl]^ Roond End Tent • . , . 1 Oblong Bound End Tent . 1 a>-Foot Round Top with 30-Foo( Middle ! 1 nvFoot Ronad Top wtlb «a.Foot Middle riaea I lO-Foot Round Top with W-Foot Middle Piece and about fiO other alxea all batgalna. Order early. D. ra. KKiut npci. < o. ler S. Canal iSt., CHICAGO. II.L. CIRCUS SEATS. Portable Grand Standa and Foidiatf Cir> cus Cbaira maaufoctuied. Esttmatw furnished and plaD;isnbiiittt«dtopni» pective parchasers. A.. IVfcHUGH. St.. OLEVEUIID. O SeEHERY ARB SROW PAMTIRfiSI JOHN HBBPURTH, Wo. a I Ha Boone ai.. riafigi—u.«». Muahal Aft, One-Man Band, Olaa* Blower*. I«w hat aor* aalary. AddreM W. H. EVANS. CllfltOO. Wfc loguc of Spertlai Sssdi of description. It a l i mt M , Aarhad Cards. Ink. Dloe and Fair (mmI ;,n.Sca«l.R«