Billboard advertising (Aug 1905)

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211 Xhie Billboai-d It l» BtBtcd upon Eood *Btborlt7 that the old Outhace Fmir sroonds In HmmllUHi CoiiDty. O., to Ur aold to u ladtonapvlU muatactorlos ccneezn for $42,500, or abont 91*000 per acre. Xte srauada arc tlie eUnt In the state. Dnr- las tiie dTll war thej were need aa a camp. Xlda 7car la tbe llrat for Attj reara tliat a £alr baa aat been held upon the xroonda. Par- — iatenitcd win not dlacua'tbe matter. It — t ad that tte Mm oC Om danor ot the •m eoplMt iko mat. It ooe Is made. ^ tfco €0tttt waa t» xmct ta welcome him Ins hard to make the Lexington public flrmlr I will aaalat bj fniaUdW tnctloaa obtainable aC a>- The Blancher Carnival Co. did hlg baatneas la Alton and MiiHwni. m. The Weber Family Joined the Fat- tnaoB-Bralnerd Ounhal Oa.. Jal^ 90l at Dbna. Mr. C. Jm Bosh writes that th« re- HiM held la Oatcartite.- Tn, My IMt. a leeatd-lweakcr la polBt ot attendaaee. The many friends of Arthur P. Hol- den will be (lad to bear that he la looping the teiv^th the beat ot soecaaa with the Moadr XJIBa n IJoM onte, tomIM and p ton- tm IrtnTV Great MonuPtt MnW !• Has Xbe Naetfaem Uezleo Fair and Fan Feattral AiMKlatlaa has Jnat been ariaidaed In I«s Vegas for the purpose at holding a fair and general aalettaiaaie^t in that dtr September 9^29. This erent wm Immediately follow the terri- torial fair la AlhaiiaerqtM. which la held Sep- tember I8-SS. Tbcte wm be raeca and a number of larae poises and prendnms wm be at stake. The dtiaeas of Laa Vegas are all Jejfol orer tba anaatcM. and they win e xIaua lTdy adrer- lUr In nortbem New Uedeo and 1 attnicthma. Mr. B. B. Twttchdl tiie asaodatlOB. FAIK HOXES. Jules WIgslns, formerly ot the Rliis- Uag and Flot* Shows, la now general aaaonaeer with the Moadr OemlTal Co. The^night admission to tbe Lewis and been fe^ced^ to twenty* On Wednesday of this week a minia- tore battle wiU be the main feature ot the Portland Exposition. Oacar Hab«r. director of works, has fitted oot a larze number of mXnis- tote batleaUiis, wbldi are aald to be exact Imi- tations «C the seal artlele. Tbe battle wlU take the seealag. and to give It greater B^ls aa the ezpealtloa gmoada will Eleetrle r. R. BUta. In apK* at a blgr fight put ur hy some of the ladlca of tbe town of Stnart. la., tbe dtj cooncll decided that Btnart " camlTal. With the Tote at three ma;or Toted for a stieet fair. ,„- . , I Me iij - ao - tuaa d. Ooadamsa a Vterfa wkasL tte Dr. Horace Grant, of the J. Frank I Great Wallace In Leap the Gap, and 5a lte> Hatch ~"— ■ ~— • . - nery, located it xitoaTille, when that loatltn- tloQ waa trmnsferred to the inaafof the U. 8. Leather Oo. nroogh Ur. Chriatla's ae> gotiatloDB the terms' were made latUfaetotT ta both parties, and as a tewaid tor his'eflScM he will be letalncd as ,manager ot the TItMais plant. Notea from the Krcolirior Cami'val OnL;_Wd l e aaw ia ear tnU l fc : wesk. sad coaaUcRaf vha aassocr eC alanK^ hot daya, we bare met with mach We hold cootracts for retnxn eogag aeaaoo In a nomher ot towns we haTe plajiJ 4dB year. Tbe gbost walks legolarly and glTta ar eridence ot doing ao nntU we close oar SOD aboGt October 1, and go lato qnarten «t Norrlatowii. ~ Official paper, ia members of the show, among oar membera. Notea from the Rlddell Southern Car- nlral Co.: We opened at NlchoUarllle, Kj.. tmj *t with a soad Uas-op of abowa. Oncne'a New Fsaasas Waalallia Show Is doing good. BeTBaidl Fiiasaa MlUtaiy Band, oot htaa««aw Showi; miled the Moadr Sbowa. at tfetag wdl worth seefaig. Notes from the Taylor Twentieth Oeatmy Show: We hare been oot aboot fire weeks. Since the weather has become taToralde we tuiTe played to extra fine boaineaa. We are going oTcr the same idd ronte we hare trareled ; for the past five yean. Manager Taylor baa pnreliased the Capt. Stewart oatat, a top forty : by eightr. We eany a swdl tlAtt wagon, two ibagnge wagons, one band wacoa and a atage I twerre hr atxtecn Ceet. Our oompany i iumh e r s I twelve people. Onr perfonaanee eou ala l s of con- tortion work, tiapcae work by a troope of dght dogi, ma.'lng ptetorea and lUutiated Hai nuJair iiL gy^tMh^ygMiacf bavB wmtfi<«aH*lte. «Mt. Joe Ifutft tenerly of the team SJartr oad MaaOiV w rites that be has man and is ia Us flMi week with the Contlsei of married Continental Tdoas Ckassier Fsmllr ta rial act, besides tbe eight paid shows, al . a flae showlag. We are booked op solid alt ter In the sooth. We were to ahow at " fort, Ky., week of Aogoat T, bat aa tiic sary llgbtlog arraagementa conld not be we play Paris Instead. At Paris we play the aospices of the Baalness Mens' SS^^Vi„'^io^?t„I"n,SSf2Slf*.^'*" ' "* ^°*' I «<» cmlm WlU be free on toel^ijS: gUng and globe manlpTilatlng act. eisentlTe staff is aa foUowa: M, w. Kid- dell, manager; J. V. Haya, contractlsg agent; rreneh JolUff, qoeen and program promoter; A. I In the issue of The BilllMard dated Jnly 8, an error in an adrertlseffieBt of a caml* Tal to be held at Fern, Ql., the week of Septem- ber 4, canaed some coafnaloa aa a sticst fair wm be haU at Para. lad., the aame week Oar- wSD pisaaa take notice. Csxntval Oo. la rq>orted ta .ta MM .a . B. Ii. Klikpatrl^^ MCKtaiy of fmfk Tilfciiill Ibfc AMdattao. which fab MCbeny Voik, OUav Aagot ie-18, to atcuit same attraetlaas. The Hopkins County Falr atM adlaon- TlUe. Ky.. came off this week, wmiams Bro- ttcca la IfSliliiI the gsp. Flying Moores and BmpoBlst Oaialn pot on some of tbe attractlans. KDpaXiMtfm baJr-ralaliiff automobile 4Mb aw a alna sad aanew Incline and tetara ■ " MK tlrtwa at tbe NotM tram Baldwin Brothers' Show: We are la mm ateth aaeeeastol week, sad tboogh we have baaa np ag al nat aboot two weeks ot wet weather, no one Is Uddng. Onr pike coo- alats of tbe following paid ahowa: Geo. Oil- moie'a Train Bobbery, with Harry Nestor on the front; Baldwln'a Plantation, with old Doc. Hickey on the door; Brock's Creation, with Chaa. Naat spieling; Car«oa*s Castle of LAagh- ' ter. with Fop Jones oatalde: Feabody's Egyptian • Mrstety, StnweQ'a Boyal Entertainers. Head-a ISaake Show. The Boman Stadlmn. SnUiran's 'Big Ely Whed and Mart Smlth'a Twentieth Century Merty^go-Boond. The scTen tree attrae- tlona ioclode Tlie Great Elnhana Family oa the flying trspcse; lATonralne Trio oo the aerial cyde; Caatellane Sltera on the swinging Marine Perch; Famoos Aerial Baldwins oo tbe aerial triple hotlsontal bars; Geo. GUmore, high direr; Dare Deril Myen, leaping the gap; and the only Baldwin, the polaeer In baSooo aaeensioo and pa r a ctwt o leai|>. Tbe old idlabte Sam Baldwla. li always with the trick, aopcc^ — - telling them hew It when be went A corresimndent from Portland. Ore., wiltea that bnalness at the I>wl8 and Clark B^edtlon la Increastag daUy. BeslB an eoolng la heavier erery day. and I are doing capadty work. The aTCtasa tendance la aald to be aboot 17,000. The contract for printing: the cata- bgoe ot the Kentncfcy State Fair, to be hdd at Iiczlnctoa. has been awarded by Sectctaiy Bsln to J. Ik Bldiardaon ft Co., of Lexington. Praposals were made by sealed bids. The flist lastallmeBt Is t» be l aeetred la a ■ etk' s time. CoL W. J. TTden's Wnd W. Beynoldi, leader of band; Barry Fegley, maaager of cook top; C. C. Creaaier, ■ tatioD manager, and A. W. flmaMa. i resentatlTe. We acad ncasds ts all < The^^joUOTgtog^ aa •Bed shoot tfnaty rears an when be went tbe ifeow > mil Hi, W. £ Havsard Is oat oot boaUac the gssd eai^ ■■■ Bamter Is r GARNIYAI.S V / HioH wven iNJUReo Chaa bubomey. who last season managed the Zasa ahow. haa joined handa wltb Ur. Jones, of Chippewa Falls. Wis., snd together rSMT Ooimeng tta bd^- Over with the Fezaii Brottaav^ Cantral On, was injured July 13. wliUe sivlnE his act at XjaCroas, Ws. His injuries are not serious, however, and he wlU recover. The board of directors of the Uont- Cboaty Fair, which Is amntally bdd in ■W. X.. base The Anamosa Fair Is bein(r "Md eaatem Iowa and proml atsst event erer polled off in that Ddtaws are hcl^ eolargcd te the ee- BwMiBtendnt UeOnIre wUl tnmbh : wbMi win be tbe Fekln ^ J_a gBOO stake •vaiybody to attend Uie fair. Our correspondent at Corry. Pa., writes aa follows; The new fair groonda and drlTlng park is completed, and la one of the finest In the state. The groonda corer two bon ded and fifty acres. Tbe total expense of will assccgate $20,000. Baees wfU Srll. and tbe imlar fair wiU 1S.U. wU be the > bcU k Ootiy tor tai >san. Ctorry is oC W.O0»'lnbabnaata, aad baa a large nnl piqiolation to draw trota* The eraat dioald IVore a socccss. ' ICr. Will S. Hecl^ of Cincinnati, has been awarded the contract to fomlab the amose- awBts tor tbe Kentneky State Fair to be held in Iiexlnstao this Call. Mr. Beck famished tbe attraetlona tar the last fair held by the Elks In that elly. and be gare- saeh spleBdld satlsfae- tfaa ttat^Us nmay UaBda la X4[al^tsB will r. H. stead, at at TP*Ti?*i. p iiblT Bh t d In Tbit . _ aad In which that learned lawyer oavs'bli *T*"V"* concccnlng fair approprlatlaas. has canaed cooalderahlc diaenaslon among street fair iDtpresta. The clImaT, howerer, came re- cently wbrn Jndge Frank D. Bamsey, at Cam- brid^. granted an lalonctlon tenmorarUr rC' stralnlaK tbe Patteiaoo & Bralneid Oaialfal Co. from appearing on the streea ot Bock WiBm. It appears that a handfol of people, enter- *»\ninQ lU-feelluss asalixet •otne of the membeflS of the city goTemcaent and wiihtcf; to crltidss their acts employed coonael to obtain a writ of mandamoa agalnat the dty compelling the dtr fathers, who had glTcn pennlsalon tor tbe bold- Ing ot the fair, to dear the atreeta ot the car- nlral eompany's effects. Tbe dty anthoHtles got aext and when the plalntlir'a attoracya appeared before Jodge Bamsey to aak tor a writ o< mandamas tha ti±r mtaiatT hand and at eaee dtleaiaa the peaeei aaUng fkir a l ai slp i a i ei nant ot tbs which was Tbea tbe oomplalnsnts asked tor a writ ot injanctloa. wbid meant pcooecdlags dltectly against tbe eandeal gtsnllng tbe menta. wUeb la tMt Bock Fans, to the effect that tbe dMadi'bad granted the license by a rote of Baa-.tS ane, and that a majority of dtlsena waaa k fseor of the camlral. sad lbs laJsadlM wM a w aleJ temporarily opoa,- l^ .slnBatt. aC. a atntate which declares all «nMlg MM te' flN slleets to be illegal. So. as tbe matter stands In nunols. It ap- pears that thongh the coondl. the mayor, the dty attomer and every dtiieo he heartily In favor ot the project, a fhlr or carnival can not be held npoo the atreeta. Of coarse. If tba legMatnie layi the dty can net ose Its streets for the pnrpooe of holding camlTala that aettles tbe matter at far as that goes. At a corpora- tion the dty derlTes lu pu ws is aad Ita pdrl- lerea from the leglslatnie. n*, MMMa of right Is dropped entirely aad ~ bfcomts tba Herman J. Barrill, general spieler for the Mandy Shows, had a diamond set In one ot his front teeth while tbe «wnpsny played Erie. Pa., iiiiiially. •VsMhy,** aa be la familiarly knows. wB asw sltMSt BMS at- tendtn than ever. Hi Wallace, the lilifh diver, and 'Mniie Von Lear and Baby Veraa. base rloaul wltb tbe Continental ' . . _ . tlon Co. at Bellali% GreddeU Sonthem NlchoIasTine, Ry. Brantford. Can., holds its first street fair and carnival Angast 14-lB. Dr. Binice Grant promoted the tawa Cor the HsMb Shews. Tbe event win be aader tbe aavim at tbe Branttbrd t^Crasse CMi. wMA IB eompaaed of a majority of Vbt prominent bSitaMS BMn of Brantford. Billy Tounff. Jr.. and Chas. Crosby are now doing tbe comedy for M. W. Walker'a Vialt to Dinah Green, with the Monarch Carnival Oo. Miss Rosa Mahooey la leading lady, sad Henrietta Boss Is the Walter writes that forty weeks' toat j aet^ The sbowa wHb draae. wltb the Ugh dire aad other nuui eio u a l e aUir e a; Fire aad Flames. DrMndand. Gibson — ---- - Brawn From Our correspondent at California. Mo.. fonowB concerning tbe Bnmdage- Flsber CamlTsl Oo.: Tbey doaed a very soccesa- fnl week Jnly 15 considering the inclerornt weather. They are all rood people and give a clean entertalitnipnt. El Beno, the high dlTlng pony, and tbelr leading Cere altractlOD, la certainly a wooder. Notes from the Owens Amusement Co.: We are dolnir itood tinslness snd getting the coin. We peeked them in at Canes and Sedam. Kan., and then tnmed them away. Onr hleh diver. Mr. Clarence Tllden, who alone doea the loop the sap received an Injnry thta ~ br tailing. He Injnred his theolder snd nw i'™T*"r la booked np nntn tan. The STnndy Shows, under the per- sonal dlieetlea «t Col. F. J. Mondy. arc re- ported to be doing phenomenal boatufaa every- where. At Buffalo. N. T.. week of Jnly 10. they did a big hoslDess daring the Elks' convention. At Brie they pat oo one of the best snd most snccessfnl street fairs ever held in tliat dty. They have a nomtwr et sood towns to MIew. "Doc" Foster, of the T. I. CaBh CSsr- nlval Oo- writes as foOowa: We aa* saw la onr ninth week, playiag so aawOsst bssfacaa. Dare Devil Tjaynma, wbon we SII IbaniM ts be Injured tStallr la Us CsB at W» a Hf. •. D. ts doing his " Minn. He Is Bnatnees at nomensl Mr. Ed. Tyler, of the Tyler Alabama Carnival Co., vrrites sa follows: We now csrry eight shows, foorteen e oa ee ss lons. nnl formed hand ot twelve pieces and seventy-tbree people. We travel In two fiftrtoot hajnnge eats, sad 1 fwlOi Ib a aid leHBbla. tbe B. * last samMT. We are boofeed aoOd tat lUs win- ter thraagh MlMlmlpiil. The I^aaan Carnival & Amusement Co. Is the name of a new amnsement omnixa- rion which opened Its sesson 7n1y 24 at Patton. Pa., tmder the ansplres 'ot tbe Patton Band and Fire company. Mr. Chas. O. Fsgan la general manager, and Mr. B. Brown la ireneral aftent. Tbe company constats of seven paid attractlooa. two flee Bbows. a nnlfonned band and twelve and 1 irtiart i^ aa'iwwgJ'SA'aSfS remain for the winter. James Christie, at one time treasurer ot tbe Bostoek.Ferari Carnival Co., haa met with very oonaiderahle soccess in the commercial bnalness. We note from the Tltnsville (Ps.) Hrrsid, of July 18, that "Jim" baniOrd aB tbe - our TB» •t ^ayed an good example ot the TCiy being said aboot tba Paifear Kow that tbe dty ' accnatomed tranqnUlty after ^a fsrtl sad dta of camlTal week, it la fittlnff Ibst aa attar- word aiioald be written oo the ——i r mil aad soccess ot the enterprise. Hie dty owes man than mere perfunctory '^■"kv to tbe finis men on the committee who had charge of tbs cTe:>t, for the admirable manner la which thdr datiea were performed. And their exeelleat jadgment in choosing one of the Parker arganlaa- tiiMia tor the occaakm haa been rewarded by as expreaaloa of general satlaCaetJoo from all qoartets. It baa aeldom been the lot of real- dents of the dty to aee so many raeritofioos attractiooa presented at an event of thla kind, and it may be added, ao cbaiacteriatleaUy deaa and enjoyable. Tbe p<^cy of being poUtc. courteous and obllglsg always paya in any hoalnesa. and It ia only the doe of the New Par- ker Amusement Oo. to aay tliat sever before la thla dty have these iinaUtles been ao pleasaatir imprcaaed on the throoged oor i past week. Msy tbe i . widely adopted ta an Bsea at I Notes from the Great Partcer Oniiiao laeat Co.: S pl endi d t as lni as ii iiij s bm. sk least one-tblid larger tbsn last seaaoa. SbMi Saa Antonio. Tex— to Plff^fmla gliW i v^ ^ Iks present stand, it has been a trlnmphsnt asHk through pleased dties. The past week was • fair aample ot the hoataeas done aU alssc. The Homan OoUaenm. featnring Demooa. sraa packed nlgbtlr. and the performers were an- thnaiaatleally received. Tbe Animal Arena, featoring LaBeUe Sallna'a Uon act. Mile. Marlc'a happy family of - Jmi^e stars, and Oapt. Car- dona and Spltilre, the nntamable Uoo, ae o eed heavily. Creation did banner boaineaa. Kataen- Jammer Eaatle waa voted by Bloomlngtoo people to be far ahead of the FoOUah Booae at WblCa City, while The Temple of Mirth. How Old tm Ann. and Peggy From Paris pleaied fine and- lences. Tyrolean Alps took big money. Wo Ohlng Ma. the pigmy with a pigtail, held- dally levees and recdved aQ callers with a saills. The PaAar aaiij as all aad Ferris wheri canted thooaandi daOy. Tbe Oicat Parker Bead, nsdar the dlreeUsa at Pnf. Horace Merphr, gave two i.'uuee f t a daltr. ne Penny Arcade waa a inseea for thooaaada. AH eoncessloos did well. The roster of the Elxcelsior Carnival Co. Is BS foDows: W. S. Miller, aianagcr: J. Victor Otaybm, general repreaentatlvc: B. J. Chaotrell, preaa agent; Bobert WUaon, master trsnsportatioa; Geo. Deremna, tennlay agent; Oapt. Joe "glata," boss eanvasmao; Tommy Daell, ctilef electrician; James Salllrao. master properties; Geo. Dockett. bandmaster: Comellns Lowe, manager floral parade and Jesse West, in charge of commissary department. Tbe ahows and eosceaaSo&B are MUler's Big Mlnatrd Show, H. Magnlre'a Electric Theatre, Oos White's Ptmcb and Jady 8b«w, Doo Ford's World of Woodera, Wm. C. Ba8bmer*a merry-grv nnnd. J. Victor GraybUl'a amaaemeBt attrae- tlona, Mascott's Horse Show, Boabmer's Ferris wheel, Lowe's Klbo (wlldman) Show. B. Chan- treU's Japanese play ball, W. 8lia(rer*a Happy Hooligan, Miller's Aga. Capt. Bin Perry-a Don- keys, <Alef Leiyfcather's IndUn Show, Mexican Novelty Tent, O. Bobby'a tin type gallery. ~ staad. Paal PreB's Bngcae Tkay*a i flab paad. BabC Afttaa ~ ~ NoncK TO Aovwmssm TtM first form of Tha Btltboardi In- cltidtng tha last eight advertising pages, goes to press Saturday morning. No advertisements for these pages can be given the desired position and no changes can b« made in atanding. ada on any of theaa psgaa unloaa tiia eemr reachss us hy noon FridBy* No ada Mf the last form • noon Mend^. .... ■ •«.""*- -.w^.^' i-rVv;.