The billboard (Aug 1905)

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32 Xtie Olllboard FAIRS 1K>AM>KE, VA .September 26, 27, 28, 29. 1905, Cyras T. Fox, Manager. WrNSTON-SALEM, N. C October 3, 4, 5, 6 1905, G. E. Webb, Manager. GfiEENSBOBO, N. C October 10, 11, 12, 13 1905, J. W. Cook, Secretary. rUAIXlGK, N- C, STATE FAIB, October 16, IT, 18, 19, 20, 21, 1905, J. E. Togue, Secretary. (Of^ 19, at Halelgh, to be Roosevelt Day.) CHARLOTTE, N. C October 24=, 25, 26, '27 1905, W. S. Orr, Secretary, Privilege peopio to come and mal^e big money. Get in the procession at Roanoke, Ya., and go tiirdi^ the circnit. BIG CROWDS : MEAN BIG MONEY TO YOU. lAUDEVILLE ARTISTS WaJj TABCB NOTICE THAT ^^PiBlrview Rark, Dayton, Ohio is no longer being booked by Frank Melville of New York. All contracts made by Fnnk Melville are hereby cancelled. future: time Pan be obtained only from Harry 'JijrH&wa, Akron, Ohio, who is [■now doing the esolnave bookiiig. nFinnnuiuMr n, - Mm. o. Awlmoi Fair and Night Carnival week of An?. 9 to Sept. 1, flrat - cIah • wbaftyoQ iu^re end price, either per- .JtiAaelaai. StAnA prtvllegQa for nio. iMMAAmOCSATfOV, AKDISSOM. IlTDtAJIA. W. B. UEKITAOE, aecretmry Pictures for SLOT muaa^t.. CItlcwo. 111. .JUGGLING GOODS.. Ba4<laKOMba.Haop*. BaMn. 6m. Wlra- ~ apMrum nd Novaittaa. Stamp tor cat- Eltw.VMI'wrCE.ClaelBiua a Ttrsinla Ab. Co.; Ckslao Theatotk Xitm Walla: Snen Plnea Park and Westliaaiptai Auk. Virginia Paaaenser aod Pvnur Oau* _ " : L Oulnob Banr B*™- WASHIN«TON BaatUft— I«kU PaiWw, MadlaoD Park. ■KIMt eai C-SnapSlOO: AKEB'S BMPtBE run 9HLC CANUY FLUSS HAOHINE, ▼aloe 2130: nxed 15 daya: mnst qalt road. ED. VANE8.529 Loctut St.. Kansas Clt7. Uo. RUTLAND COUNTY (VI.) FAIR. GOth Year laiiaal anil liiat Tali In VaiMiiiiit Boma ol tlia Nor- oCUmO-S. 'a CLABK, tatr.. Katlaaa. Vt. ■Wukfiwi, Good ACtnctJon. for th. r CAFE OIRAKOEAU COIINTT FAIB, Oet.ifr'U-ts-IS-U.lM. QaMaivleaato or~^^ Oaw Mr ■abTiar On CMwS" ■al]«a;mOTniDK«dIaid%«c< lorbotb dztnfca. tLO*. AMI Deiplatna St., Chicago, in. kind: elder COLORED BELATIMES. l»za< Isebaa. all cotoca, u ccata par WoodM tmmm to hold unK. 80 ccnta L. XAXASEX 00., Trilmna HUM; ForFkank Adaoia* Soathem Sbnw; aiao I want iirood nan to baadle mj canraa. Address w.uxek&. wis. WEST VIRGINIA BalTar—3eaoh OIni. ObailaatoB—Bleetrlc Park. r. Wllion, Nwfalk, Va. Cbeatai^'Boek Sprlogs Park, 1. H. Uazwatl, mgr., Samoel MoCatctamn. Bast Ureivool. 0.. am. mgr. ?alrmaat—Traetlan Park. A. J. Backmaa. BoatiiigtaB—OrOMUa Pazk. J. B. OaUIek: Co. Whaallng—'Wbrcllng Park. WlwIIng nrk Aau... props.; C. HIrch. ngr.: CUj Park Oaatea^ J. E. Sptcth. tnz lai. BrUgaptct. 0.; Maoxt Wk{ baa Vwk> HkMUag Am. Ox WISCONSIN Paitfoid—Terrace Park. Oraan Bay—Hagemelster Park, G. A. Walter; Street RaUway Park; BMge Point Park, Si. 3. Kindi. mgt- Anearilla—Electric Park, Ciaieiice Bordlck. Xanoaha—Central Park. Peter Stelnback; Schends Park, Wm. Sctaesd; Andereoa Park, A. Anderson. Xadiion—l.ake Park, Prof. F. W. KoU. Kaiinetts—Lake^d« Park. 1^ J. White. _ xawankev—Pabst Park, F. W. Harland, Thlld and Borlelgb ats.; SetiUta Park, Oto. atbn- bert; SUts Puk; P<lMt WUte FMl Bf Be- sort. H. KcDopas Woadailand. T. O. W^BW. flemuii bids.: WMt BbA Bitk. IC •- 4B» VaKBona at; ■Iwan Taka ~ - - - ZomtnoU—Ooodbae Oo. Mr.. BtVt. 18-20- Henrr Welsa, pres.; 3C H. E. Welas, treaa. xmsouBi. BoonrlUe—Oockle^Bor Fair. Sept. 11-14. litneobi Oo. Ftlt. At«. 29. Jaa. lina- at* Fair. nW TOIK. PottersTllle—Glaadal*' AoL O. E. Benedlet, gw: J. S. Skiff, aw. Tbomaa—Aaalmany Vkir. Sept. M-IT. THE IMPROVED BEE-HIVE. A 1905production. Can lie run wbeo allotben are barred. Can be us«!<1 for Jewelry or tBoii<v Has two way combhiai lun works wltb set. Price • . - - . SSS. The Improved Camel Baok Spindle, tfaeonly controlled spindle wltlmut a gaff, Prtee 816 The Improved Chicago Set Spindle, guaran- teed perfect,can berepped with. Price ess. The N*w CM— BD OiM p C m»» , W l lh s 5 lbs, three way blMT Mr la eantav. jMt ««t ■hflee • • • > • t30. The Werid% Pair SMkM-. wMiMirnia layout. - - - - - Price asS. "CHECK COP."for Poker Players, invisible swift, sure. Price per Bottle, - • 93. Bieyde Paper SB per doavn. Percentage Dice Of bU ktaiA; m fiad vl oUmi* In UiIsUm. OstsloBMVtMi. nnmrMMt, H. C. Evans & Co. I2S Clark Street, CHICAGO. B. S. WANTED AT HAMILTON, MISSOURI Aug. 29 to Sept 1. up-to-date fair:—Shows and atractioDs;bltf corwds: eruuad space for Mld> way: admission to fair 35c: will aellprlvUegw or take per cent. Dr. J. C. STONE, Sec "^"—^fl OUy—Tennessee Fair. Sept. U-16 ran. RTt IKS'; J. J- FlemtnK, inM.: r. D, ObaOa. ate. VESMOirr. Oo. Fair. Sept. CANADA Woodstock—Oxford Oo. Fair. Bept 30-22. Oannnile, Ont.—Weatrm Branch Fair. Sept. !».». Join A- fichoUleld, pres.; W. A, Fiy. For Frank Adamt' Soolham Show Two o^^as wood iMrtormanjBaamd wJCaptafnijd: WritaT State Mnrart Mluy m toft ta Wannkat wii. . BHD MIC—TC5T800X 140. 60 x ISO. 80 x UO, 9Q x 170 *«ar Umoi moO; twelvalSflitkaoC bow T-tler blnea. VtMt twea^-seren leostiUM aow %4lm blaea, nao per length. PEARL VAN. NorUivllle. N. Y. V<J^ SALE CHEAP—Load, irood staed Hand Onnui; tea froDt; bnuv trompeui and flate» on Croat; 3S IceyB. plajOlOtnnea; grood for ■bovr8ormen7-KO-roaiu3;t]ze oCotK*'^ ^ ^dc. welf^t of onnn, atwat IS5 Iba; In RhlpplnjT cajw, 235 lb«- : c^nt nvf r 9100 when Qew; ■ take 035 for It If -old at on<t*. WALTKR C.ARMSLE, Berryviiie, Va. FOR SALE—SSlMfSnUL^VfaiS: Iotte,N.C CANADA Biastfard—Agrienltaal Faik and atte, F. C. JoimagB: IMaiik Valley Park, Frank F. Utca. BiidaaMCt—Btreialde Park, BerHn & Watcthn ■t. By.. Ltd.. Bedlll. Oot. Ft, XOm, Ont^-Bcack, W. Wkatton. hoe. am. mgr. Bamiltoii—Sherman Park, W. B. Sherman; Nona Park, J. G. Appleton. KlBgatoa—Idke. Ontario Park, D. P. Branlgan, mgr., Chas. W. QIcMahoo. am. mgr.; Long Island Park. J. J. Brophr. London—Sprltqr Bank Park. C. B. A. Carr; gnera's Park; Bennett's nwatre, C. W. Ben- nett. XoitmoraacT—afoetmorency Fula, J, W. Baker, Itatnal—^BlTcraide Park. Max AL E. Beed, am. mgr.; f Tlgne & Lajoe; Victor Bbik Ottawa—'ttUtanlaHm-the Bay, J. B. Hirtdwaon, mgr.. Ottawa Elec. Co.. aoi. mgza. Owen Bomd—King's Boyal Park, J. W. WaUh. Qnabeo—Exposition Park, P. P. Legare; Mont- morency Fane Park, J. E. Tnrtcn. St. 7ohn—Bo^woad Park^ BlracTtew SaA; Sea- side Park, St. Thomas- bar 362. Xoiooto—Banian's Park, ... am. mgr.. L. Solomaa. nwr.; Idaad Fatk; Mmiio Park, inii. Baoka, cait THaato St. Br. Oa. nofc. T. B. acoRis: aooho- dMuL aaitnea Bpaaee. T.-H. Tmt PUk. t. H. BfOBiA List of Fairs This Hat la reriaed and corrected weekly. Beadan wlU eaaCar a fhmr^ligr eaSlap onr at- «T.AH«»a. Siimlngham—Alabam. State B. M. wmiama, see. B«n3r*llle-^aetfa Ark. Fahr. Sept. 9S.». 3. W. Walktr. pres.; Jno. >. Filkcr. tff a i ; A. sec. OAUFOBHIA. Trotting Fair. Dates not set. W. B. Merrill, pres.; Tennast Hairlngtoo, { Xaa. W. Scogglna, see. €H^^-Vnlare Fair. Dates-aat set. B. W. T. Gtaad W. P, D. f«jgar_rinifiis 0». Mr. OOLOBADO. 0», Mr. 8e«C 18-22. IMS.: U. U. abaiaa, tnas.; C. 1. A. flip aa I p "The Aerial Fllghta Amasemenfa good .MB wWI r moBeT- getter at parlu. rwort. or fairs; aSfieKnt located at SIlTcr Bcsch, 8t. Jos, Mich. ■ .apptrto JAS- A. ROBINSON, Mgr. Above Addr«1u<. FOB SAtB CHBAP»-OBMon Fhm Candy Machine, saw. MWt SlflZLSO; Mil on Mvoont of Injar7 to niTwlf, dlmblin^ II),- fnr r—-1 ,>f ^ A^-.-u. ror tTT-, fiO down nxt C O. I>. t- J. TaoIKU., iH>roe7 i'ark, Allentown. Pa. |> tak— an Fmpirr Cndy Flow* MAChln. eta. In perfect condition- osed . nt for examination on receipt of aaoa deposit. IJiilek. BAI. AKEB, a So. 7th sc. mnneapolla.lIlnn. WASTED.—Boy Urae Bwcaw.CjrTt ft. loozorloosw. • wheal troeka. Addl PAT CHAPPELL. ISM W. Ckanh St., AekaonTlIla. n>- New Fairs. Ia«t list. the TaTfiTpe >Hen Co. Fair. ant. H. C 7. Andctsoo. pres.; Tboa. B. RMlIiiib tma.; J. T. Ttedway, sec. XABTLABD, OoIdMstn^Shv and Queen Aane's Oo. Mr. Aa*. ».■ ■ ! *■ 2 , m, M. IMaa^ awb a. jsecxsse. sea. Oaaa <Sty—Taaeab Bona and Oct t-6. P. iL. KMBfiau. lNl.t r. 7. If. PaislSh. prea.s 2Mb Oharlee (Maxwell, aae. Montroa t W eatam Sta** VWte, iMt IMS. W. O. Beddli«, prea-s JkSb W, Mtsa. trees.; ObaHea L. Blake, aM. Poehlo-Oototado Stat* IWr. aHIb IMS. J- E. Toi>ptng, pree.; net. B, OiNllt^ treas.; mica. B. Hofhnlre, sec. OOmXCTICUT. Branford—Sranfotd Fair. Sept. 4-9, Bdwta Doollttle. pies.; J, P. Callahan ase. BerUn-IBeiUn Fair. Sept. 20-23: O. M. Jarrla, pres.; W. W. Christian, sec Brooklyn—Windham Co. Fair. Sept 12-14. Frank H. Oemlng. prea.; J. B. Stetaon, aee Chester—Cheater Fair. Sept. — . Beat. I Barwood, prea.; Bdgar W. LewlSh see. Clinton Clin ton Fair. Dates net sat. ■. H. Wright, prea.; 0. H. Brarla, sec. Ooiekestei^-Oaldiester Ocance Fair. 8e»t. 19. 3. B. Ootton, pc«s.:*ai. B. Ahell, sec OoBlnsTille—FaraalactoB VsBer Fair. Sept. 8-7. O. ». ~ — h Mb ST. ttaincl T. W. Bilai^ tma.: e. W, Bondle, PM.; Jno, Bnndle, aec. Bast GranbT—^Baat Gnnby Fair, Oct. —, O. B. HaoCbett, prea.; W. H. Gray, aee. Grenifleld HiB—Oreeolleld Coontry CInb Fair. Sept. 12-IS. N. H. ei>ar ood, pres.; Mrs.-O B. Adams, see. Gnlirord—Gnllford f^ir. Sept. 2T. A. Ulnor Leete. pres.; Bobt. D. F. Bristol, aec. Hartford—Conn. Dalrymen'a Fair. Jan. 17-ad. H. 0. Daniels, pres.: J. B. Schwlnk. Jr.. ace., Mrrldtn, Barwlotoo—Banrlnton TmSr. Oct. —. Lesrla B, Catlln. snpt. prlT., B. F. D. Me. S. noRlng- too. Conn. Huntington—^Unloo Fair. 8«vt. MorrlMey, pres.; F. Martin, aa larme—Lyme Grange Fair. Oalas Marlon, pres., Hamborf; B. & Bambnrg; J. w. Stark, aec Madison—aiadlson Fair. Nangatn<ft—Season Valley Orangie Fair. 8«vt. '4. W. J. Noble, pres.; W. O. Hard, treaa.; Wm. Ii. Uoyd, sec New HsTen—New BaTen Oo. Hortlroltnral Fair. Kar. 7.0. B. D. Pryde, pres.: Thomas Pet- tit, aec New UUferd—New UUfrrd Fair. Sept. 13-15. 3. Leroy Buck, prea,: 3. B. Hmfcrfafd. i MawtBwn-«ewtown Mr. BtM. SMS, B. 0. OlttAell. prea.; a. O. OatC ISMI P. MeOMiy. sec. LAME GAHIVAL IRSAI-FN SALE! fjWjjjatiiejt. AiBaaBeI(aRy>«»aeaadOf«aa,SissM^ ^IDM, MCaaalSt^OraadBaplda. Hlsh. FOB UUI!-Large Fop f3an Fritter Machine, rood MiTTi fthaap Addreae BOX9V7. Ohattanoogs.Tenn* Hake tobbor tlraa proof with " POKCrP HO,'; PUItUf UaO OOl, Hi Tatra, BOOKS' l'H01'>S' T:P T<")1'1 StHTl ia«,a!i7« f ir ^-oalod dreuLar ClLAULra i^\jSiH>\ I'siitliov.. Saw Vark ae&flon lUS-ft. For open tlms. Add. A. SCHOBgRa Managsr. CrwHI H w . Ohio. READ THIS! REM TRIS-SS^thair^y ^ mmuMtnent oti e&rtfa. CoHtn two <^ont^ m ci&y to run: »n profit fur rnaii mid v-ifv, I [i WBSTON t il , * t:arru (lAy t wtai;][M tor mrjiiolCDe. Electric Tattosing Machines ti^^,S&,SS nlvals and other popular plaoea. SoppUeaoCallalBds furnished. Send stamp for new prlee-UiS. EOWIM E. Bfio»"" WANTKO WAKTED AT ONCB—TooaB hHlh attractl.e, wldo- awake, for jeirelry aplndle, A MiSh Illinois .nd thea wintti. Send photo and IhU dncrlptlon to (ItED. LOKAY, Clinton, III. WANTED PARTNER ton otber mawntiMMfc with 0800 to open p« triophonoKTmpbsanat - Qua. 8. GREENING, S<7 St. Anbla ATOw, Dolrolt,]IMb. VIHCEIHES (IID.) FAIR iSSiJLlt&w^S^ camrtal On a n sa y w ss lii l y^„^^ WHi.mi GEARY MID-SUMilER FESTIVAL AognatSt-SMI, Well adrertliadt three night pageants; spisndM eropa. For eoacassloas sSilresa Bos SM, Oeaty.C"^ THE EOINBORO FAIR ASSOCIATION WAMT—PrlTl their •Our crowd not cImo with . - . ..WAIVXEO.. POODLE . coBniv*na.: -Halea, trained or antmned,miut > aad swue. J. «. Da aa# A Ski I U I «—All kindsot Coaoesalone Cor Oar* j£]^2!>^^aS nlral weok at Eldoia Fkrk .Aag. . •U. Addreas MANAGER, Ch»rl«rol. P.- WAN1EI>- Ferrlli Wh^-f-l f-<r I'/vrk. will bny (wvvin.l hftnd If In goodconilltluii. AiiilrottB Box 13], Chirltjrol. T.. ORPHEUM STOCK WANTS ^ liMT7 man. Uea. Bis. Man, with apvclAl^- Wardrobe, sobrlotv, ability IndtHpcnsable; phuto amf lowcMt nala^ flrBtlfiUT: liiiik- bi'Ji.-i..n. ^urc iwUrv. KDW. DDYLB, Mftr.. Jul> ;;l Auk- ^, l. rijniia, 'J., Ap«. 7-IS.CrtBtUne, O. JODW, 1 WAR •eapaaaagnst t. Trolley Psrk.s M aattaa eoup.Dr for rawL OrwtPS. ThlBla guaranted. Afl- JA&B BBOCH, IS WMkMabtat, Leak b*en,Fa.