The billboard (Aug 1905)

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Iboarcl Qpoadway •*• Topicjs New York. Offico. I4-40 Broadway. ''Mr Vaudeville—SouMthing ' A -Brlangar's Plana and At- Litlla Johnny Jonaa Quick* |y flaatarwl to Naw York Pavei^ .Nawa Itama, ParaoMl Jolta or Two. Mi AMUCTR 7. V. "PtStDor, at hk Twortr-thlxd tMicet Ttcstre. la prcaeotlos Taad«Tllle Ulls of sach : Ike ataadnd of crwWeao Maon !• exemplt- at UUiu ItniwTI, the ' pecTlMB qnecB of bmntT- sad aoug, for aa in- definite ran at thla hooac. Mlsa Boaoell'a cn* .; sacenaeot ctaits cadr In October and Aa wm win appear mt the otber Proctor theatrea here, ■a well as at Proctor's In Newark and Albanr. ^^^ HooQe kDOira bonr macii moocj be pay* her, ii'^^Snit Boaaerdt: •••tofe. Pdla. Ftac vaa tlitt tMtnre of the ':;9oQr Lakene In their marreiooa ''■•♦^y ^iiicn ui extra attracUon. Ther bold'their btcetbleaa and ipeDbannd thransli ^■M^^^flM^ veodcffiil ezperimeots In toaalns ^ Ilie 'taBiui hoOr into anslee, drdaa and dinr flichta thraosh the air. """tT Boas »-T**fif off the laashinc hooon wltb Ue «lt<7 —t.- .^«C bla ikttcr aad fendwr. aioat af hla pnaest The Dofaertr Sla- the de*a Save <3eiiaro and Ray BaOey scored a, tfOMadooa bit with their dandnc ^■ft-aj^^;''-«J^Pt.^:.wafc^: .'ijirtelly tbea wUdi the laaftiilBi aCaae loMn so iui> e» l »ir . Mlaa Bailer aeems to grnw more beantlfnl and talented ereiy tUne 1 flee her, and what uenaio bicka in good p for with hla nimble feet at their and their afcUI In eieentluu la aomethlns to behold. Aa Ccr tbe ooallty of their a demonatratlTe audience applaoded In to Its iDapiriog reanlts. The cnthwltaticilly apglanded AL Lawrence Is home again from hja real trlmnpliant tour of the jCrr gliMh mnalc halla^ and la booked to return to'Iioadoi In American Taaderflle to keep Urn w uthlag Car Banr mwitHa, lawienee bilnga a fnnd of new materlil lor ble mmntngtu, aa and off the aatlve to tke tropica. She *7wo HmoM and two tlaen.** ■g^Jad g JF UM^m Ut u dee laloii In fbe easier awalladv aiMliiy lattcaat to the oateome^ The Jiidie haa taken an the papeia la the caae to hla "nr"**' nbaat tta OalaMlhi wbcn be wlll laalew Oo- tiMtaMv-. and. be baa alatA la >■ a tSUtm •» ioder Ua decMoa abocUr attcr be aitana to the bench f^ the Septenber tann of ^aaort. Thla hi the caae in which DaTld Bdaaco^ '^fa^aolny Cor aa aeeonntlnc* triad to prove that * ^ FmnlC'Ik Verley haa Joined the Belaa- co-nka-aaAert "oommnnltr of Intemta" and win ma fc e a Domber of pradnetidiu this seaaoD- ■tarta a vandevUle ^^^^ toor eC the Xaibeaa, laaoita In thla TldnSCr* For, Ma7 Tolie aat Janaa B- CoUao, the'' to tlie principal resorts and watering places in the eut. For one of the olKbts Mn. StujTesent liah haa baosbt the show oatilgbt, and will siTe a "iMm TamtnlW at tm wmmat home hi Newport. The English pantomime. Babes In The Wood. wUl lie the next bis prodactlon of the Sbaberts. The piece is now in rehearsal and will open eaxij in September, s<dnc into the Hid to be of the moat remarkable prcaentatlona erer in a theatre. It win enlist the serrleea thcee haadnd pcopl^nid Mraity anl- of Chytea ^^bfla^ aiiifa flteaert Jk been dlaaolTed. Mr. White haa signed with Hentr W. SaTsge to create a role In one of the new pu n d a rt i n aa which that manajar will make, In presentingr Carmenclta, at Faradlae Boot, Oscar Hammerateln baa atirred np a weU-groonded aoaplclon that be la pteaantlas wliat might be called a "rinaer." Thoae the old snard who used to loiter alghdr In tte lobby of Koster t Blal'a Hnale Bill aaiett tl the present lady is much too yoon^ in appear- ance and too sople in action to be the original Carmenclta, phia sereral interrenlns years. Gea M. Cohan has caught the town far im mMb ttae la a Ctir aaalba « Jobav anta. The new TarttkM taea AM ta its capacity at ereiy perforaanee the put we^ and afr. Cohan. Ethel Lery and TOm Z«ewla are repeating their paat lucMaata in the to Broadway, Tanfcee Doodle Dandy and Good Bye rto, the three moat popnlar sonss In ahow fined with nalody. acthn, bcaatUol stage A prominent musical ciitle> In Ing the other day of popular aoafi, made tbe remark that they do not sprini; np any mote as thej oacd to do, bnt they seem to be worked into or gnnr Into popnlar faror by degrees. No better mnatntlai of the tmtb of this remark can h* asked Car than Anhnr 7. I4unb and S. R. Henry'a aentlawntal ballad. When Tbe Hsr- yest Moon la Sbbdnx On The BUer. This has ateadlly grown la popnlar teror ever aince it Ml' It 9Bt fldwtillng, it now etands second to none a« one of the big song blta of the aeason, and ahows a steady tendency to become an eren greater snccaas. Klaw & Erianger have ti«gtin tbe new dacHoaa of UftlBKBe Z« aaC Ba ^Me nim WamOr at tlie ITew Amscerdam AHHI'Skeatre aad Gardena bare ptored big MM^-aat their new estnTa^sB, Tbe Peail aad Be'FaagUn, * *^ tlie next three months tie .Bhv-* Erianger offlcea In tbe New AmsterdH BMbe wUl be a aAearaal the WUtUBj Taade- vflle flnat; Be Ba(ns BMbCfs la Helnd; nid Mclntyre and Heatb'a Co.. to present Oeorge Hobart's new mnsical comedy, Tbe Ham Tree; and In two weeta win turn loiepb Oawtbarae'* In 'ft mama * Bill. Id Nhnnal: *Eaat lioaday tlie eoBm iBtee to present Ben Hor and tbe great Dnny I^ae apectade. Hampty Dmnpty, also la tbe meantime the Klaw '.levMr aaCMMame plaata ta tbdr eapaellr taming oat eqnlpmenta. This scaaon wfll be the most Im- portant in Klaw t Erianger's career. They wm have twelve great attiactlaas. caploflng tr the lAon Kooser. of tlie firm oC ICooaer Brothers, promoters of the Chang-Sn-Ho Gar- dens, Shanghai, China, was In New Tork Ia*t wc^ and paid the New Tark oOoe of Tbe BIB- a " as tbe Messrs. Mooeer bare undertaken, he bad little time to explain the details of hla plana •(.«ha.<»ang- Sa-Be GaMaaa, bat' he wM eaoagh t* aterlnce as that the American amoaement f ra t ernity have found a new and resourceful outlet for their talents and InTcatloaB. Tbe Cbaac-fla-Bo Gar- dens coaar a «aat ana. ani ■heMpafla *o«r a most bcaadtU park. pnUe la aatani adran- tagea for an amnaement resort. There la a water slMot and theatre already erected and in operation, and the Mo ea sis Intend to Import from America ertiy kaotra derles for the amusement of tbe Chlaeae and Baropcaa popu- lation of Shanghai. I«ter ob The Billboard n-III be able to present mere complete details of tbe Tentnre, together with some pictures of tbe Chang-So-Ho Gardeu^. Mr. Mooeer went troi^ New Xock to CbtcaEO. whaia ha lamiliiril a*>te« days, and then went dtiaet to San FraMlaeok TbeK be will stay until Angnst 26, going^ence to Shanghai. Aside from bis Important Interests In tbe Cbang- 8n-Ho GardeoB. ill. Uooaer la also manager of Chlng LtaK Nik tla MaMlMW OUbmc nagleian, who enetga ndk a aKmtUm feTixmca ■ few years aCK CUsg Pm Is Msrl^^tng tbe loi come. Henry Miller and Margaret Anglin, who leccatly Joined tlie Coreea of the Sholierta, aon at IHe.>ttaeiaB Baabwt Msw Teik. .It It Dot the tBtnflaa sC tUs meaagtaieBt to In- atan a slock enm ee sy on Braadwaj, aa was at drst announ ced, bnt the two atais wm appear la a sorceaaioo of new plays, moat of which will haTe come tnm the pens of Americana. The first of titete pieces la to be rerealed on Sep- tember 18 ander tbe title of Zlra. Ur. Miner, who la one of Oie two authors of the drama, is In It. bnt wUl be seen with Hlas Its raceeasot at tbe Frlnoesa. Tbe entire ergaefcsllsa Is go «m at tbe iB'ITaw.Xorik. bene Ackeimaa Is one of the boalest of persona. She Is prepamg for her vande- Tille tonr of tlie leading drcolta. presenting little sketches of her oam cnatlon. and la ad- Tom North sends me the details of a llTely send-oS the Elks of Bay City. Hlch.. ta«a Uh «■ .tte mm IwaiiaM te Ghteago t)> tiie- ap Us'bcssmRs work as 'man- ager for Uncoln J. Carter, of Jdla Gray. From an accounts a most lorely time was had. Tom Is popular with ererjLody, md he made a boat of Meads darlas his asasiiin aiNnt Bv City this Dr. Clinton Roberts, the weil-kiwwn New York spednlist, belleres that most nerrons Hla IiaTe their origin in the mere conviction of bad health. When Tletlma of thla form of hys- teria come to him. It Is Us instead of medldne^ son relaxation. Z>r. Roberta hlmaeU la food of the- atregolng, and freiinently his answer to a pro- fesed inralld la tbe laggetloii that be wMaeas pills Not long ago^ a dejeeted-looklng IndlTtdnal caned on tbe pntctltlaner. "I'm all in," he explained weaiUy. "Been working throogh the What wwdd 'yon adrlier' "Fd advise a little amusement," retnmed the doetor. "Why don't you go to the Lyric Theatre and see ASctsoa De Angells in'FsatanaT' " "Aiasf' s^lM Ha jailHt^ **I mm De 'Vaudeville asentB In Kew Tork are confronted with a saprene court roUng that their business comes under the heading of a labor agency, and that they arc enttUed to oBlly a Sse sC tt tm mshfew aaiianMBts. while (ha and work of It. Ira Toube has closed with the Mundy OamlTBl Co. ss gentrsl sgeat and Is la New Coaa las riilfiiid fknai the Bmir'Tee nixar Music Co. and has liroae to Newport, where be will give musical entertainmenta for. the education of society folk daring tbe month of I ' Mat ht lad there to the There Is trouble in the company to prtaent Tbe Qaeen of The HIghbbider*. In the stcaad act a ba«e tank, holdlns 10,«» gsnons of water Is naed. and It la the doty of the hero to reaene a yoong woman from thla atage ocean. At the flrst retaeatfti of tbli "briny deep" accoe the leading woman flatly lefoaed to dive Into tbe water mdeaa It waa heated. It la oo •aay astter t» warn 18.000 gallaas «( water. The sbore Is sn excellent Ukeneas of Wm. Far- anm, who haa made a record for himself in Sbaketpearlan roles. Mr. Famnm Is best knoim for his splendid interpretation of Ben Hnr, s Idle which be bu played for two seasoos. aa^ so far the only way A. H. Woods, the man- ager of the company, has found to solve tbe problem. la by keepog the preaa agent with tbe attraction instead of seven daya ahead. Is thls^ way the hot^lr beating system might eaally be Installed. WAUTBB K. BILL. Oeoise Mackcy HOW BEAUTS AKE BROSES Tbe above Is the title to a new metodisma which A^rey Mlttepthil laonched at tbe mjoa Theatre, Flttsbnrg, Pa., July 31, before a lu|e audience. \Tbe fidlowing cast interpreted the play: \ John Wlodaeld....,,, Bobert weat- • • Jonan Metrlll • • LudnB ParaOna............. Old sons YfflMll...^....... Blind Bin...i.........^,M»» JOdge EtWOOd, 11. * * Tlmolliy Tucks, ,..»*Any*j*****< IfCFcd^y.... Coort Clerk...\.,>.*A»«< County Slierlff. 1. ...jyv*^*-***** Mona Fanner, A.^**.*.**,***** Jessaline Wlndnad^«^< Mra. Fandier...X-.»>.< Mrs. Crabtree. LH Blossom... • •£a*All>art Brown • vHUtcr Saondeta .......Wade Bbina Frank Smith , James dark ..JHoUta B. Cooley ..Bngeola Beaserer ■lalbetb Batbbnm Marie Dantea .......Hay McKay ..Linian Bosewood The piece haal an the attrlhntes of the popu- lar drama. It |ls the atory of a betrayal. murder, trial, Tbe ' large aodtajni aMty thiUI, and Ibntlon and a happy wedding. !e applaaded ToeUeraoaly at the Bieee waa aeeacdcd a sans- 3. nam r. oC Ow tm of Tbom p sou ft of the N) w Tock Blppodnme and Ooncy Uland. baa g«Be\to WyonlBK whoa a -vain of gold was dlsoorerM itetnUy la • nlM ia wlkk Mr. Dnady Inreailad amcal ysMB aflOb K As vein Is what It blicpOTlad Hr. IM^ wfll h» • mubicai.. lubles Opera Co, [t Sontb BsTca, Midi. rt, win ;or B. e. Hooligan's ' Its eeaaon Jnly SI i Charles E. rector this seasi ice Co. Ethel Tillson,; donna, win play ' of Spice Co. the Henry Taylor, of the Sho-Gun, and Mr. Summeia of Oft Manhattan Opera Oo^ have new onera, entltlad Tba Gypay^ Daughter, which Is^to ba¥s aa early prodnetlon. Will Reed .iHinToy, a ftwnier weil- dl- I aC the well-known prima In B. O. Whitney's Isle hla lyrics In tbe "Barney" Sol Inmblan Orcbeitra, nieted a new Jde. has nesfcd a Ut with edition of Tbe Boyal Obef. bultz, leader of the Co- > Wtnsan. Wis., has lost com- rch, entiUed The Oolnmblaa March, which be Jhaa dedicated In honor of tbe band. It will beipubUahed by a Chicago flrm. Signer Mascagnl, the Italian com- poaer. and hla wife wear watch Cobs alike, and tbeae have been comment. They punctured with of some white exnmlnation are flrst two Mascssi Irk those of bis daughter the occasion of mocb enriona lire common Italian eolni. each bolea. In which are aet bits iSnbstsnce. which npon close 'oond to be the teeth of tbe children, the eompoaer wear, and bla vrife thoaa of their Rehearsals of., the Stephens & Lln- ton'a My WIfe'a Family Co., wm begin Monday. Joly 81. In Detroit, Mich., tbe home and boalaeas haadqnsrtem of tbs enlerprlatng young flrm. The company this yrarj will be much larger and wlU inelnde Bocb w^li-known players Frank Beamtab. Arthur fDon, Rita Knljtht. Minnie May Thompson, Mabel/ Oray. George Oale.' TOO Us- ion, the DorothM Slslera. Ulllan. laura Ollmore, Junde Wenaley. T Geo. Marlaa snmBm. W. Btgrd.