The billboard (Aug 1905)

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u» Xtie Billboapd Tent Shows Circus Museum Wild Bra sffect. ar anall sbowa to over-advertise. TUs Ooes not mean the use of too much paper—that is hardly possible—nor yet an exaggera- tlon. of the features accuaJly carried: Imt It means the deliberate advertlsiiig ct fMtnres that are not exhibited. If a show- baa an elephant and a monkey it may safely advertise a menagerie: bat it there are no anlmnla at all. aach ^^woold tnvotve a ^^^^^ .^ _J tlt^_^^^aMan of ^ ■^li lB l iplfe'-d taig c go ua, atmya. t^»Di^;;tV)^ttMr thronsfaoot^ The tic txtiQiftiliieBa*:*^ HAIL JAMES A. BAILEY, THE MAN On the occasion, of' the Bamum & Bailey Shows' exhibition In Denver on July 25, the Post of that city printed the foUowlns' eolosy under the caption whbdi-heads tlii» aitldie: : : "If p, j«; entitled An OrtogTTOrian we repraOiwe It Iwrswltli: And H. H. Tammen, proprietor of the Denver Post is one of the owners of the Flote Shows! DID NOT SATL tblnn that I w. t» * A what jmt* sort ilT daddy tri where Tbey done lome most sorprlaln' Dearly raised mj lialr! I got tlie drciiB (ent tkc^ tat it to me Jest like a leech for aaajr IWBK 'i eighty-three. An' It's a gotn' to hold If s grip until the band o' death Brinss on the oolT aartln cure bj ahnttlng off rm nat'ina W «ae tat gieat ercat In mj young Ufie, aa* «Iien Tbe aboir warn gone I bang anond the grotmd where It had he's. A tumblln' 'rooad iaaUe-tte tiac IBt* tbem show actgcs iamm. An* loping like the baan W;- VmImi; It was fan! I tried to Bay the ftmny things I'd heerd the or down say. An' played I beerd the peoide laosh aa* tellers yell "Hooray r*' • • • An' then I'd jomp pcttenflaf. tfeet'(ot a stSngiB* flBlpv- ^ ~ Jft Uka mj*mm mL-ti^ Um Urn ting- lVk op amxxmos at CRY. QBE. The abore Ulnstrxtlon repiesenta tbe manag Dt oTcr the gzsre at Alczliia, ement and tbe performea of tte Unto Shows tocmerly a pofOnncr ot that —i**'""' ' Tbt : amht(»',aatvli'/aar ~ en joat as gnat a:hu chan^ taUToad praMHt «r wmtaH as a BHB. He eoald not bare fMKi Be acts and talks nke a tbrinr BwOrt deteonl Be is the Blltat man of clrenMiim.' aaaU of atatare* mSd of voice and i-naorr awdcat ■aad nnaawnntng. and absolatdy nJika fala lltb«»- ■laplis with wUdi ererybodr Is &BilUir. He weaiv a gray Tan Dyke beard, apeetades. la arieuly years ot age. Is aandy complezlaaed. aad'ia as fnn ot Tltal force and energy as It -be were thirty. His masteiy orer details, his care and close watchfnlness oTer the small ttdngs are simply marreloos. "Teoterday. while walking with tabs Umrngb tbe menagerie. I saw him stoop down and pick np a piece ot broken glass bottle, carry It care- foUy oat and put it where it cotUd do DO Itarm. Be eren tboagbt of tbe barefoot boy who mlebt baTe been injared npoo the piece of slasa had ft remalDed in the menagerie tent. "Brerrthlng that Is worth wtiHe In the drcTis world today Is from the brain of this darlnt^ and original getilos. He lias been first in all the great Innoratlons in tbe amnsement world:. others baTe simply followed and tried -to Imitate what be has snccessfolly done. "Tben, an liafl. James A. Ballcj. the real king of African Jaogle and |ISbk7fe(a.-4Slars swamps, forests and rirers. an^^^jC'.'^hS^'JnPtfed and* III sfiiili'il sirens arena.** The same issue of the Post contained a poem'T)?' James Barton Adams (the celebrated poet of the paper's staff), dedicated to Louis EL Coolte, general -; of the - — Tljat had a real too, by gmn! An* ticeis atxipcd A Ud Uka aa' aa* lions. tbe oOicr . _ - _ . at case pcLtutudn* in two rings, when the show was over an' we passed oat tbmogh the door I bad that ditos ferer wms tbia ever 'twas afore. An*, boy an* man. since then I*Te 9011a to ate ij drens show Tliat happened 'ronnd oar neck at woods, an* aometlmes I woold go A many a mile to other towns, a horseback an' on trains. To cool the drcns ihvcr that waa zagta* Id my Telns. - . . An* erery time I'd see a Aow 4aC'b8Bt the others blind I'd think tbe limit had been readied, aa* then when I woaM find Another oae 'twas better ylt. I'd (gilt a goessln' and - Jest woDder when ttHBvtfBMi- VIM V auke I That .~ :mi The they aald. Of maatodoBle waotea that< the dead! X sot and looked irltb tntf^Wtlt- with dellsht A wishln' tliat my eyes paasciMd their power o' sight. An' DOW I'm ready tor tbe call to flnal tide— I've seed the Greatest Show It -d aggregatloD—as «• wake Friends of Gov. JoUn D. Robinson are now more tban ever flied in their belief that the Governor will always rtmaln on dry land. The little episode of last week in which that gen- tleman was seen sailing over the briny deep for foreign shores evidently had Its inception In the mind of some wily press agent. "Tbe agent's exooae for the non-sailing of the Governor was that a hnge wave instlUed so much fear In the drcna manager 4bat he turned to, the gaogway and declared he woold never leave dry land again. Gov. John D. Boblnsoo la now safe on Amerlcac soU, and It U safe to sty that neltiier England nor Enrope will ever set eyes on tbe Qlostrioas Cincinnati ^bowman. However. Mr. GU. Robinson has become qnlte to sea voyages, and it la understood that last week Ac a trip thraochoot the MTT.T.'nt SSOTHESS TO OPEV WILD WEST It la reported from Guthrie, Okla., that the Miller Brothers, whose celebratioos at 101 Ranch. Okla.. have created wide interest. wlU start oot next mooth with a wild west show which will Include about two hundred cowboys and Indians. They are scheduled to open in Klnpman, Kan., and the report has It that they win be seen in Madison Square Garden. New York City, this fall. \hiO that next season the Show will require seventy-four cars for Its trans- portation. TTOE AT -WAUiACE'S WUfTilU SUAKXISB Fire of unknown origin is reported to have destroyed the larce horse l«m, containing 150 tons of hay, the camel, pony and hoepltal build- in ps of the Wallace Show at winter qoartera, oear Fan, Ind., oa Angnst 2. Xhe Ions; It la said. wa_na—t tn.HMM^ Mpantajf ky In- aoraneai The Great Wi Hartford, Ind., J^tr M tt pcriWauiicea. - Dmliis the stay oCfl Shows to St. Yahn. N. &. bom In the menagerie. O. F. Rockafield. formerly -with the Colombia Theatre. Wansau, Wis., baa Joined the Bawley Bratheis^ Sbsv. The HarteOes, recently of the Rmgr- dnK Brotliers' Sbows, are doinr splendid work with tbe Sells & Downs' Shows. The Parento Bitothers. sensational ladder and trapeie performets. are one of the features of tbe Cole & Bogen Show. _ Mr. Chaa._ Tripp, ftw merly 'w t qt the S?7naaee, nad^Tiat^S nt*lBSi,^f ' -A. telegram from the Swain Tent Show reads: "Foar tomawaya in tbe first week on the Great Northern BaUraad In north Ne- dwnged la Johnny B. Ri^KS, after a two weeks' rest at his home in Mcmtlcello, Minn., took the road Aognat 12 as manager foe Dicfc'a <tfaree car) one ring drcns. ^ ^ Tlie^ LaVgda vntUam^aB d^e atricc. act The Sells & Downs Shows met with an almost contlcoal downpoor ot rain at Ash- land. Pa., Joly 38. Bowerer, the attenMion performance was gtnm to Tbe -vandevUle cisaiette SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTIHS! JOH^ HKRF'tlBXH, Wo. a 1X3 Boonei *U. rincln»»tl. « Send (orCatakwneNaL«. OMAIA TENT AND AWNIN6 60. OVfyVHA.. NEB. Phone 2ft5L Eattt.bUah«d IMS TlMmson & VandivMr MAMVPACTVRBRS OF CIRCUSTENTS TENTS FOR RENT. 8ie E. Pearl St., CINCIIINAXI, O. Xai MURRAY GO. CU8 CANVASES, •Md Stakes. SEATS. ~1aga He BLACK TENTS. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. FroBta and Baamera for Street Paira ^^^^ KIDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS 59-«l W. WMUa^lon St., CMCAC<K ILL. ii viiiiiiiiiii ■ _ luuvmwwwwwvw 5bow TentA for ClrcoMs. Wild West 5hows, Black T«Ms,,^.Qin«ly Tops, Flags, KMd et Bafccr L^^htabctc. SMI far 18 HSt prtn list #W^.llin Tnti BUER k LOCnraOD iF6. CO., 415-417 DaUwarcSt.. • - ra-| i rtlj . Bli SIDE SHOW PAINTWeS SIEGMUND BOCK, 6? Blie Itiasd Av»., • Chieagi, III. TENTS All Kinds and Sizes C.D.WESTOH CIRGUS SEATS. Portalile Grand Stands and Folding Cir- e«a Chairs manufactured. "RfffJinatitTti famished and plansaittaitttadtOfra^ pective purchasers. F». A. IVIcHUGH, B9.ei Champlain CLEVELAMO, O. .R.KUHKELY 4 MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES . C . GOSS C BUILDERS OF DETROIT. 1ICMJ ■"cJ^^^ FREE SHOW PRINTING. stock Banirerm, Poster* and CuU oa band for adiw* tlBlDjrrvcnr braocboflbe AmaiKineatBaainesB. SenclMr CatAloene (D) of Dramfttlo and 8how PriDtlagj Catmlo^e (C) Pair and Carnival PrlDtloe; CataloKue (B) Blllpoktcra, Commercial Poalen. FLrst-class PrfnliDg of all kinds. GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO., 613 ELM 8TRCCT. ST. LOUtS. ilO> lighting Systems Par Tent Slmwa, Paries. Streets. Stores. Halls. Etc. ODB ITBW LIGBX lias been biailtlielendlneshow'i In flic world. T.lclits made for all r;ir:v)-rs. BOLTE & WEYER. MFRS.. 223.22S Michi^dn St.. Chicago. iM. the FOR TENT LIGHTS ....AND OUTSIDE LIGHTS.... GEO. TAVLOR. : % 97 Cliff Street. New York