The billboard (Aug 1905)

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Xtie Billboaird 9 OPPES MUnVnCT.—AndltcrliuD (B. N. Mc- OonneU. flur.) DomjUj md Hattleia Mlnjitrri; T; fair liwIneM. ne Oolr Ottr W; Dii«la joKh Sprooebr 80. Brow" mgr.) My WM«'« jM»a«MW 1W; bivloMB and abow. ■WIIillIHOTOK.—Copper 8pMl»lty Co. 7-12; good bialDeOT. Olren»—Jno. Robldoii'* 11. MunngKY.—Cedar Point (O. A. BacAUDf. ■5^) Id* CDv, Herbert and WUHlHb Ww- StST Murrar. liDcy and Luckr, and «(hM iNtk 6; good boaiaeta and pcrfonnaiiec. CAHBBIDOE.—OohmlBl TtaAtie (Hunaumd BtotUera, msn.) muod apena wltb ArlMM 18. Oinni*—'ohn Boblaaoa'a Sktm S; Uc b«t> aSBOV.—Oifloalal TbMtM (O. 8. HflL BSr.) AL O. n«ld'a MlnatMl* ^ «MB ttte kOM* M. Lake Side OMao (Bmr Bkwn, ap.) Wa glace la dotns a (Mat toatacu, tbc nanlt of McD-elaas attracUana mlilcli are oootlnoaUr ieliW pnt <Hi. OAIUOEOUB,—Tbeatre (J. U. Waanin Stock Co. opens M PENNSYLVANIA ERIE.—Ten JfUe Onck Park (H. T. ngr.) T&e Grrsaom. Gordon Eldred. fiMber glaten. Master Samovl Kotbenky and Hairl* and BairM «reek 6; sood blB and boalncaa. Waldanierr Park (Tboa. Malonesr. mgr.) Week T: <ali Daller'a Klnatiela plared tetm cD^sement to good bnaluns. Mijeatlc Tlieatre (Jno. OUaoo, mgr.) Tbc UDoaUon of Ur. Plpp «1U npcn tills boose IS: Boater Bron 31-38. Park Opcia Boaae (Jno. L. OIIaoD. mgr.) Kettle, Tbe Newagirl 28-30. Clicoa—^Hagen- lieck-a 18. ■0RAasO]r.-nA«adcnj «t Ifaale (A. 3. Oattr. NBMB MB MMVOV* CNSB XHV. BC Additional Correspondence. ALABAMA MOBILE,—Monroe Park Theatre (A. M. He- I>emiott. mgr.) Olympla Open Co. contlnne to draw aplendld bnalneaa. Pearl of Pekln 9-11. COLORADO DEWER.—Eaiteh'a Girdena (Mr«. Mary BUteh-Long. mgr.) Bdlbli Orane and TTrou Power opened tbolr fieccnd wet-k here 6 and presented Tbe OVunlng of Tbe Shrew; good an- dlencea. Next: Ingcmar, Manka'ttan Beach (W. H. Lamrreoce, mgr.) Satnstaotocr tmsliww luvvalla at the bcadl. One An Oyatal IbiatM (Oa*. I. appMitec thla weak a*' I>tbe OBUaa. ~ WdUlan aoUbf CbemM. tutea; WHi* ^|r«i JOEUHXUWJ.- Blmer, mgr.) StmpI* tUa boaae IS. Laaa faik UcatM. Oaitar * ] b a d ouia mck Jolj »: coaC tm Week 7: raaderiae. WTT.T.TAlfBPOBT VaUamoot Piay, mgr.) Hie stock oompany, Back aad Tbt Dake'a MMto a.. A. ._OUted TENNESSEE maiPHIS lEast End Park (A. B. 3IeorIaoB, mgr.) Wjane WlnAow, Flood Btotben, WUioo Trio, Bawta and T<n Kaofman. Sari and Wll- aoD, and ot]>en week 7: good b na l n ea a . Itcai— Tlie Roral Hungarian Band bas been added to the five attractions. OBAITAKOOOA.—Olrmpla Park (JeriT Kel- ler, mgr.) Tbe Beggar Prince Opera Co. Is prtsrating a repertoire of oiieraa to euur i uuua tulDtai. lae A. L. Doe Firework* Co., of OIn- danatt, O., vUl gire an ezblbltlan S. KVOXVUXE.—Opera Hooae. Tbe Pemcbl- Ojiweoe Co. are drairiiiK ' Ibelr excellent plajaia. are attncting See Uackface apeclatt? TEXAS SAX AHTONXO.—Electric Park (S. H. Wein, agr.) At tbe tbeatre tbe -Botrton Ideal Opera 0». Is drawlag large and well pleaaed crowda. Pirates of Penaans 2-4. Edwla Boddr, th^ Moaatloiial aeriaUst. «iMr kb engageoient. WUtar Hay aad imea. Gt*. __ naaore. aad Hie «soP*laK splendid aodlenoea ttii w. Tbe Tabor Grand apeneft tta York State Polka. CONNECTICUT WATKttBtTRy.—PoU's Oliea-tre (Jean ^aoqnea. mgr.) Primrose Minstrels 9; good traslness and splendid performance. A Romance of Coon H<d- low 16; Iiew Dockstader Minstrels 18: Darld Hanm 2S; The Hlgblandeia SO; A Baoe tor Ufe 31. Jacques Opera Bonse (Jean JaeoMa, mgr.) The yoDOff Wifa .«a* Jflltll Jy Mi's Own Co. week T; saeS toilaiaa. WMc M: My Partner. Lakewnod Park (Z. Pearsall, mgr.) Tbe CTe- metos, Mlko Scott, Eoppe, duna Selgal, Bnrk- taardt and BartT. and otbera, made as Intecest- ILLINOIS CHI OM a<-^llliiela Tliaatw CWB J. Daris. air.) Week 18. auum - - - — — •TT— — LOUISIANA HZrw OBLEABS.—Westend Park (T. 8. WtU' ston, mgr.) We«k 13, Grace Dlmer, soprano snl prlma-donna; Prlalnl. instromentaUsl, mak- ing big Mt; Chapman and Nelson, laxlder eqnll- Ibrlata and acrobats: Oxford Qnortette, vocal- Ists and comedians: Prof. Jules F. Bistea, klno- dromc, making trig fait with hla plctores, and FSscber's Mllltarr Band. City Park. "Week 13. Prof. E. Nl^theart's Polyaeope, Tanderllle, Sporer'a Band. Scenic Park. Week 13. TanderlUe, Tlln- ocope, band coocerta. Aodnboa Park. Week Ang. 13. Brann's NaTal Brigade Band and Orchestra. Items—Mr. Henry Greenwald baa leased tlie Lyric Theatre, wbeie be .wUl mn tbe Baldwln-MelrUle Stock Co. tlda seaaoa; In his large nenr Grcenwald abeatrc lie irm ran Ugbt nrasleal eain«dle<i. • * Mr. Jamra Altken. better known as Altken, Asser- IeB*a teenoet oootortltBlat. Is asUac a big bit at Weatend for tbe tast two mtim, baT> IBK beco reengaged for aaotkar. Hr, Altken bdns a local Mr «ad s mmkm «t the Cosmo Club. wOL be shiM,« t" - — " night, AvK. 10k M tke special car to sraet * brotbcr. and ttcj win be beaded tr Profc BrookhsTCa's amUaxT Bsnd, also a Mock «( dftr aaale base b*(B r e ssrred for them. Tbey will gMIMt. AUlMa trttti a handsome flcral olTetlns. WM. A. KOEPKiB. 335 S. OOTgenois St. MISSOURI BT. IiODlB -Altbongb the theatrea of tbu city are t>elng repaired and renorated and will soon be opened, the stmimer resorts oootlnoe to do a nMfclDg bnstness. largely due to the ex ceedlngly trarm weatlier. Forest Park Higblands. The Igprrotes were again -tbe big attraction -week (S, and ttoej packed the pavlUon nightly. Madame Ootgrare. lieab Bttssell, Wood and Ba7, jDggBng Maitll- lens, Andrew Breen and Frank Bogeiea weze the TandeTlUe msnbets tliat pleased. Debnar Garden. The L^dr SlaTej at tbe tbeatre week d; performance pleasing. Att at- tiaetiens report excellent Isialiiiss aDbmliaB PUk. Tbe MeUmane-l Ok. pie seated Capt. Kcroso week 6: eseelleBt nawTsa— Cr^ HeAdaoc, mv. i Vtflat Co. hma «id-breaklac bariH . VIMINIA .ITO UmW HiimIi'i .: IBIH.) —— (B. D. J.° Albert T; we- WISCONSIN HOWATTKEE—While tlie parks are doing SL£!?r """In"" of the season at nresent tbe •BJMPes of this city are preparing to open, and e wgnun g looks prosperons. -.P'**"''*nd ia always crowded, and tta many ^£5^ certainly doing exoeUmt. ^JjetBufc. Good TaaderUle la bringing tbe JUJpe Tieee and the management apare no ef- ««» toJrteaae tbelr patrons. WUteBABar. OUaSuelU and Ma band will ■owds iwUl ao donbt attend.^U?'^ ..^">**t**> *elw 1^0deled <«»ronghoat. wUl open seen. Daridaon ibcMc, flnark'Bsfew SMCk 00. in ATexas Steer weak naaSTkHtamrad pe? •<«i»»aee. Next: Sh^ Pot«Ir» Her. OoTlO ^ roater Bnrleaqoe m'?2S_°'' LAO.—Omscent Opera Hoose (B. "^ajer. mgr.) Uncle Josh Perklna 5; good HWWBMW. Next: Sweet Oover. Kew Idea TaudeTllle Theatre (K. S. Darta, 5tt.K^;' .^kltesldes. Fay Sisters, Frank aS m1 J!!?'*'" <»«*■ Family, Woodford .BB TOBHA.—Bhode Opcta ngr.) Under Sobtbsra i mkrSf?"S. bnalness. Am TM (Ma. O. ••7; good BUb lo."^. "'S "oaniess. M ima in Tbe *k Skdcr caaToB—GentiT BHtkaaB IB. CANADA ^WIBftaxO.—Hanlan'a Point (L. Botaaan. SL »ande»Ule with many speeld fea- ^LZ. ^•^"'g capacity Aoilnea. Se "■'* l»"ormanoe tn the tbcatre. and ™*^nr pleastaig attraetlona are diawteK tti« .■;«S.m««tia ■ • topHBcr. M wHk U, Xra. Grand Opera ' Week M, dai«. Great Nortbasa Tbcatre (V.. OL Week 13. me ~ ■ " Gaznck nai Week M, ne Beril Ohet. Itest of Geek. Stndebaker Thmtre (B. E. Harmeyer, mgr.) Week 13. The College Widow. ilcVlckei's Tbentxe (Oeok a mgr.) C H!» tt ' M. WIHa - any stage. LaSalle Ifecatte (B. B. (^ommcacbic 11^ Ike on any stage. Olympic Theatre (A. A Castle.) Week 13. Spoor's klnodrome. Haymarket Theatre. Season opened Monday 1-1 Taude-rllle and Geo. K. Spoor's kinodrons. Chicago Opera Hoose (KoU Oastle. lagia.) Week 13. Hie Land of Mad. . . Columbus Theatre (Weksr-nMai, Btn.) 13. I-oly Primrose. Albamtm Theatre (James H. Browne, mgr.) Wei'k 13, CUId SUrea of New York. Next The New York Jewlab-Dtamatlc Co. Bllon Theatre (Wm. Bedia, mgr.) Week 13, Honest Hearts. Academy Tbeatie (Wsn. BoAs, osr.) Week U. Jaeeb P. .AdtaCs XUdM Oa. Bmckar aea- aan «veaa MLjaik:Ooaftaatsna at a WUe. n«eadaMi_niMtae.<faaes A. Vtnacaar, mgr.) •V cek 13. Bulaaapa. Fally Tbeatie (Btar H. Hedges, mgr.) Week IS, Bnrlesqne. Crtterioo Tbeatis (Uncoln J. Oaitliw mgr.) Week 13. Tbe Curse of Orlnk. Colls>-um Garden (Stewart 'liaaHltlK. mgr.) Ellery'g Koyal Italian Band. Casino Gardvn (Tbomas Preston Brooke, mgr.) 'Brooke and Bis Band. Rarlnla Park (J. J. Mardock, mgr.) Blrela'a Imperial Italian Band. Sans Soool Park (Leonard W<df, mgr.) Tbe Blgb Mogul and oat-door aCtractloDS. Jtlrerrlew Park. BcroM's Military Band and Fall of Port Arthur. W4iite City (Paul D. Bowse, mgc.) UMcb's Band and oat-door attractions. Chutes Park (Wm. H. Strlekler, mgt^ Tan- derllle and out-door attraetloaa. Bismarck Garden. Band-MMtdak. Clark Street Mueeom (iMiia SC. UHf, afr*) Ourlo ball aad theatre. LoadiB DMe Mosentn (Wm. J. Sweeney, mgr.) CMla hall and tbeatre. WAiRRBN A. PATRICK. OAIiESBUBO.—Auditorium (Dr. L. T. Dor- sej, mgr.) Cripple Creek 9; Uncle JoMi Spmce by, 8: Or. Jckyll and Mr. Hyde IS; Oberry Valler Id; Aa Aristocratic Tramf Wt Saady Bottom' M: OkBfjcsioos of a Wife SB. INDIANA MOKTICEIXO.—Open House. Xba Vldntcbt Flyer 2; good business and performance. Tbe Hustlers 9. LA FOKTE Ball's Theatre (C. U. Brans. mgr.) Bl Beniy'a Ulnatrels M; As Told in "•"•■^"•lOWA ^iM^aTJiim 0|ii la BOose. BIctoan-Beasey 0». w*^ T: •sod bosiness and company. Unela <te ave dalaf wcD. eights. Sifhft was Ihe operlng of a Stouk Co. ireek S. arttb Btbd la the Icadtas rule 1m jw nouaeed tbe best of the scssoa: boslaess Sne. .'JbaafciB's Park. Smttb and Poller. Jones kat Waltcne. Jessie Bentley. K-ttty Stevens, »etaL Brotbets. and tbc motion pictnres made HP a weDOwIaaocd bm a«A 6: ~ c«st -«Nak:na Mimt «M aa aat Grac e Tkn''8k~"~ ~ lure. Globe Theatre. Business contlnoes to grow at this bouse and this week's excellent bill la draiwlng capaclt; booses. Miss Dmna De Bocher, Barry Howard, Fratik LaBoox, E. E. Balfour, Edwin Gould. Annabelle Marshall. Luln BeUelman, and tbe blograph make up tbe bill. iiEW YORK MEW TOBS CUT.—^Berald 8<|aae Theatre (Cbas. Frobman. mgr.) Tbe B^lCklng Olrl wltb Sam Bemsrd and EatUe WlUam began Ita aSxteentb week Aug. 14. I«Tle Theatre (Slrabert Bros., mgn.) tana 4a atfll playbig to capaetty catered Its thlrty-fliat iweck Ann. U... .. mcfasboehar T k i a tea CiUrmaiman. • Co.. mgrs.) Ftank SanMa. r espeMa g M. .fc Ser- geant Bme. Is drawlns laise baaaM ' ta the Knickerbocker. It wHl mn for -iMr .i .weeks Eeogh. mgr.) New York Thtsdie (Daw Geo. (Joban, li to capacity Aug. 14. American Theatre (Wm. T. tbe anaiwiBWiar oC dcMla a new theatre will be In no ooanner tbe na4nia of a surprise. Henck's Opera House opened Its season Aog. 6 with Tbe Curse of Ori^ wbleb prorred that it iiad not lost any ot Urn drawing powen. Blanche Shirley plays tbe part of tbe berotne hs a Terr acceptable tnanner, and she Is ably sup- ported by August Anderson. Ge& W. KcR, Sam Handy. A. B. Jennings, Kumlry Otna, Henry P. Nelson, Barry Wlnlleld and TilHlaii DsTen, the latter a Cincinnati (itl and tcit deTer. Tlie production went on In good style and pleased the audiences which Increased at erery performance. Hanx WlUiams* Imperials, wltb a cboms and scenery nerer get excelled upon the borles^ae stage, was a very appropriate selection to set off the nttwly palnte<l aiMi deccrate<) interior of tbe People's Theatre. PceVle'a Is mare bead Utal than erer. aad.lto praise tmm all sldaa. good bneiness. Jacob P. Adlcr, supported br bis 'wife, and a small company, vaa well received at the Graad Opera Bouse Aug. 6 and 7. Tbe aud ience woa composed almost entirely at Jb. Attl^ .wa- patriots, tbe Bebtew laagBage Sloaa jkekV-'t'e'' by the entire conpsny. Tbe I/agoon bas been f es tuitu g Doberty, la • leap the gap. Haay Kshn. tbe yoong eora et Tlitooen of filnrtswsM, was sne of the teat on the Tsnderflte aerlalists; 111 III lama . Welsbea. ih a. r and nr. < " for a { goon took hi _ Chester hss been featailng Its vandevlUe bin this 'Week. The BBeap Is eompaaed «< the M- lowlac artMs: Hie Tdderea. tn a hieytle act: IM; Igletrk tndoed dogs, IHfaa. aorcMy ' and Oaaad and OeVcsne. Vis i mi s lf a t iompany at this plsee pradnced Uto Oeliba to wen pleased palnsis. Tlie Taudenite at Coney this week brought fortb the largest ciow da of tbe aeasoo. On tbe bm were Tbe Meredltba,, knife and battle ax Jugglers; Nellie Baker. In an blab turn; alabd Buttenrortb, buck and •wing dancer, and tbe Five Fsnsts, -wbo do a bit of ewer y tbt n g fk«m acrobatic to instmmental stunts. n«sk and Gladdni, wbo 'wrre blBed. .w4(cd that one «f tbem bad sQstalned a broken limb, wblcb neces- sitated tbelr canoelUng. Cooey la fnjikin(. bis preparations for the Fall FestiTol wtilcb begins Aug. 18. It Is se- ported tbat almost every booth has been taken. The grand stand bas been ellaiged so as to accoounodate l.tSOO people. Tbe races -wIB afr- traot larger etowda than ever. Omk's Bsgrsl Hippodrome and Hoosler Clrcos is fatUed ttm next week. number ot abswB npea the road, time he made money. However, the leecrae came and Mr. Boberts lost a ooosldetAie poi^ tion of bis fortune. He tben iolaed the Bob-' Inaon Circus for a sbort season, tmt faSs mrrtti- MOToklng proclivities had Bed and be gnit game. Shortly afterward be became mj^ ager of tbe old Fomrtaln Square Theatre, acnr tile CoInmbLa. WlM n Messrs. Andeisoa & Sec- Tbe Millionaire Detective nrlU be the opening ler took ctarKe ot tJiat playhouse Mr. Boberta attraction at thla theatre tbe week of Aug. j retired. However, bis many friends saw tbat 14 with Howard Hall In the title Kfle. Heart of 0<^d -will be tbe attraction -vpeek of Aug. 21. ITblrd Avenue Theatre (Al. Woods, mgr.) Tbe Gambler is tbe attraction tbls week. Next: Ruined Lives New Star Tbeatie (Wm. T.' KcCKb, ma.) Pigbtine F»te Is playtgr at. tke:r" " Flgbt-Ml'ke IK* I _ 16: An Aristocratic Tramp 22i LeiRoy "stock" 0». 28 and week. Clrcos—Btaig- Ung Brothers OS. FT. SODOE.—Olesco Psik (M. J. Hair, mgr.) Ike hand concerts are iuentDK >ug» and «dt- pleosed crowds. . RlvenMe Park (O, r. Baakla. afb) Wa pork is doing good badness. SUBTraiTE Sebcntsen Park. Ae Bagtcs* CamlTst held last week -was a great sneeess. Olxcus—Pam-nee Bill's Wild Weat Show July 31: Bood bustness and pcttonnance. OSCEOLA.—Tonefs New Opm Boose (I. A. Touet, mgr.) D. w. Buajjl a n ii y miwlnf pie tures II: Hickma n Dt sa f Ca. tr<lt. Wallace Sbowa 17. Custer's Last of Aug. 2Iet, Fmctor's BmAeOaltTiicnty-AfUi Stteet nieatie (7. Aastia T jaa s, gca. mgr.) Panl MeAIHstcr bas been xetslaea «or aastlMr 'week to ahaie antk BaaMe* dlorgan tbe : ~ In na SaltRMM.. Am. B. wnaco. and othcra •C.the'niaek eompaay win Proctor's FItly-elghth Street Theatee (J. Austin Fynes. gen. mgr.) A Woaifn's Sscrl- Sor Is tbe stott compsay ottering Igr this aeek. Adele Sloeli, Wan. P. Oaitton. Agnes flestt, and Loniaa aiaeUatssb mlU have tbe IcadlBB sotes. Fmetar'k Fifth ATcnne Theatic (V. AaMn Fynes, gen. mgr.) Edwin Arden appealed at tbe bead of the stock eompaay thla week to play tbe leading role in Zorab. Mr. Arden was leading man at tbe Fifth Arenoe aU last season, and bis return -wlU dovbtless be wel- comed by tbe refnilar patroDS of tbe hooae. Academy of Music (GBmore de Tompkins, mgr.) Way Down East opened tbe Aeadony of Music <Mi Tlinrsday evening Aug. 10. Tbe nm la for an Indefinite leoetb of time. Grand Opera Hoose (Geo. B. Springer, mgr.) Woodland will open ttie Gtand Opera House for a two .week's run on Saturday, Ang. IB. Majestle Theatre (John * ' State PoIkB 'Will he tbe this hoDse Ang. 19. Metropolis Ttieatre (Benry Joseph Santley in A Runaway Boy, tUs aeatee Saturday, Aug^lS. la • MB CUf. iBdhaaMnwtkB Nat Waa6^ HicleadfaiK nie. WAI/TBB K. HIIiL. OHIO OnrUUIirATL—The bOTleaqne and melo- diamatle Uda bare bees UMed in Ctneinnati. and tbe lorecs of these varieties of amosement bare t>een mslring box-ofllce records. Ttie theatrical situation bas been enlivened by the announce- ment that tbe independent plays would be pro- duced tbls season at tlie Aodltorlom. lAe An- dUortum la located In the Odd Fellows Temple and -wlU seat a large mnmber of pexsons. Bow- ever, It is understood that the seatbig capacity will bo enlarged to proportkma tbat wlU ac- commodate nearly twx> thousand people. Cla- rtnn a ti a ns an Jnhlkat ovsr the p ros p e uU ot he lacked nothing, and when tbe InOrmltJea vt old age overtook blm he was sent to the Betts Street Hospital in ClndnnatL Aboot a year ago be was removed to tbe Virginia etty aad has ainee been cared for by tbe Elks, "ma remains -were shipped to tbe tamOj In Oln> C3lnnatl wbere Interment took pMoe. PENNSYLVANIA PHTTi/)T>ELPHIA.—The tbeatrn ate cptaliK every week and soon they win aU be rnnalaa. Keith's (Aestnot Street Theatre. A sfaoac vaudeville bill and snltshle weather are mak- ing this a very proOtable week, devtlle will eoothma as the attza^oa. Blaney's Ardi Street Theatic. King ot Tbe Optaa Blaf la ~ weel-plcased hsasi a. Meat: Dsngbter. ' Lycenm Theatre. Tbe stock In tmrlesqos prodoctloos oootlnue to draw and win run nntQ the regular aeaaon opena. Items—On Oct. • tbe Broad Street Theatre opens wltb Tkiia Allen. * • Minnie Sellgman In a new play wlD bs tbe initial attractloo at tbe (Warrick Sept. 18. • * Tbe Chestnut Street Theatre anzwoseea RlcbaiA C^le In Tbe Mayor ot Toklo as tbe sesaoo'a starter. • • The Lyric, which Is rapidly ap- proaching completioo. has made no annoanes- ment aa to tbe opening date. • • Tbe Natlcnal and People's will bath <9ea on tbe U. whOe the Grand Opera Hmm aflS be ready for bssl- neas tbe 14. • * Ska BUaa aaens with Watson's Orientals IP. BOB WATT. PITTSBOBe,—Oortv ts the dellgbtAiI wea- ther an (etacis are being «dl patmnlsed and the many a tU ae U uaa. aside ftom the band ca». certa are dolog exeeHsBt bnslnesB. Lnna Park. Webcr^ Military Band Blancb Itehaffey aad tke Plfe Bellatarr r' sMlaa o( the Eckert aad Waraer. Edw. Laade. Rich, and the motion piilmts srsck aoad bnslneaa. Oakwood Park. Baby Owen and Osk. the 1 detabots. Al. Walls. Mitchell ai-d Mairook Pryors. Chadwlck Ttio and motion plitiuss ■ up a good bill week S; boatnesa exeeBeat. Bljoa Theatre (R. U. GoUck, mgr. Secret Service Sam week 6; good bi is J i a sa i performance. Next: Ber FliBt IkiR Academy of Mnal& Tbe are packing tbla banae at ca«k | tbe ahew la aa ce p thmaB y i