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The billboard (Aug 1905)

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12 ROUTES AHBAD. *TW BOtttmt* ' •> rturiir. Xtmbtn cf Otf proftmlm mf th" rM'l to their mail addnmm 1m mf vtramfLftrmi, ' SAXE8. _ 4fc~ OKitB2 Wa. Mote with Ounpben CbcM. Set »tt Sboir BMtts.^^ » Itemnr: «ttBta«llp« Smb.* - ». s»e ■'Itwr,: JNwWfc " ■ .Alqnat. Nellie (OI*lt»":;mMlMi» It • lone 26. Indaf. , •' ■■■ i «' tXtom, Tbe: f.OMhi^ '1Mk4 ''■■•(• ■ \ Atnlm. Walter-. tCkriU'- >Mk|t- - 'W^/.^MMik. Mo.. Iod«t. .-.L^. Anrors'a. Mile.. Bean (BMMt)t OWV !■- land. K. Y.. Indcf. Alblaas. Tbe (Lak«s!de Parte): D>7tOB O., IS- 19; (Lacooa) Ludlow, Kj., 20-26. ADOetwm. Al. A J. H. Gobm: Old Otcbard. Me.. IMS: Salem. Masa.. 21-ae. Adama * Wblte (Standard): DaTenpoct, la.. •14-19: (Bltoa) O^kosb. Wla.. 21.26. ;AilIo£tai & BelBton: Rockawar B«a<di, L>. I., 14-19. Obaa. i Jac (Serkablre Park): Pltts- 'Maas., 14-10; (Rye Beech) Bye. N. Y.. Av€B Comedy Four (Pistor's): New lork . . taty. 21-28. ' AUteel A Petro tbe Gsnt; OIVMlhtlt*:' 'flkt- oago. m.. 14-19. AlarcoD's 3lexlcaa Trio (TTnlqne): tUn^Kmui, Wis.. 14-lD; (Teot) W. atvetlor 21-26. Abbott. Ajuia Adete: Springfield. O.. 21-26. Aim. Alice (Caclno Paik): Kalamasn. aQcb.. 18-19. AnlmTiu. Three (Ualitne): MhinMpoH^i mmL^ . 14-19. . ^_ •■ Mr B«ept. X ■, ■ 'AihtK. iAitbv ( D — HI iMe am) "Aflact 'VW ^tacM Pack); . —^—. . ■ (MnUae Vtor Park): LnitrtB^ 1^-. iiam 4k Hartley Qbnaaiket): CUcub. HU < .'tt4»r (Ootamfaia) St. iMk. aie^. S-as. - :;;'ji*iBiik'>1inicai (stutoB Fuk): atart«Tine. . . OL»-lMft: (Laaean) Inflow. SMB. Eleu MeimlMva Quztet (Botet Kttthem. rutk aiv.): CUeato^ m.. 2-lT. The (Baker): Fortland. Ore.. 14-19. » * Bcr Uans (Sobmer Fark): Mootieal, ■i- SMept. 2. ,1be Toealiic (PaTlUon): GlaafOir. ai-aS: (mppodrome) BIrmlnstiam. Bv, tfrSept. 2; (FstIUod) New Castle 4-9; (Palace) MaxtcbeMer U-l«. -t(M lh'«ji ^-^-^ * BMJ^ T* """^ A 14-19. Ai«er A Hatdej- (Aostin A Stone'a): Boatoo, Maaa.. T-19. ABcn * Oaltm ((Mbb): OBtaito BoA. M. Z., ■ T-l». Blngfaam. X, W. fOUqae); fOannpoUs, Mbm., 14-19. ^ Sn., SMtt LaaTcn- g lilHaiM CBMMWt Smt York (at7. iMtL. Banna * BHtM (InaC Btafl* lUUt Broad Btpple. toC n-M: (Oraple) CMnil^ ni.. Bssefa. * Family WonderUnd (8M}: iMtae, Wiufc., 15-21. ■ - Bartlett * Earle CWiidwoad CWhIt Oooa.. 14-19. But de mjj . Ool. GaaMa (OqkMB): daoo. Cal.. 7-19. Byrne, John H. W. (Park): Wlonlpeg, Mao 7-19. Barker & Barker (OM«) 14-19. Baker & iLyno (BoA eipool, O.. 14-IS. Blomer, Macke & Hartxell 14-19. Boyd * MoWaaaatB (Aaatta * Btmie'a): Boa- too, UfaM. BcoiAb. aatait (MM9> HMr Citr, 14-19. BTlgW Broa. (Empire Toor): Eng.. 7-28: (OoOI- B«um) liondon Sept. 4-30. Borkea, JwgUng. "niree (Ocgrle'a): Atlastle City, N. J., 7-19. Bnrdettp Madeline (Tm^MtaK Batk): PottartUe. Pa., 14-39. Banks. Charley (Lagoon): Lodlow, Ky., 18- mm ut- Baltlmore, Md., Clarence Staten (Bobinaoa Park) lod., Ousaa 14-19. Cbrlstal, Al. (Eledzfe): Wt-teOat. U., 14-19; (Andltorlnm) Cedar iBapUi Xt-aS. CatTDU & caazke (StmtOB Aok): SMbanUk, O., 14-19. CUITord * Xicb.. 14-19. ' . ■oada, Ike OteUt ntaib oocHer * BijirOiMdi.Mldt ABnr. >• 14-U. i 1 dnfti aa* Hew Mir IPlMtal Mk) ntls- Oote it (aenaoa (lalaaa Faik): Btatoo. Fa.. 14-». Cocaallas. BWt (Pair): Anamoaa. la.. 14-19; (White Cttj) Chltago. ITL, 21.S*pt. 2. (}alTls, James (Nordty): ScockfXi. Cal., 14- 19. Clark. CleTer (OuidTa]): York, Neb., 14-19; (CamlTal) Beatrice 21-26. Oolby FamQy (C!baae'a): WashlsgtoD, D. C, 14-19; (Sbea^) Baflal«,_M^X.. U-aS. Cameron _ A ~ Soatii Addtooa & Urlngston ifmHtfttt Peoila, 111., 14-19. Adair. Alt: Bn roote wtth Itanni^ 4: Sells Bros.' drcca. See Tmt Show BotKes. MnMa. Two (SlddeU's Soottem CandTal): Blcbmood. Ky.. 14-19; Mt StaUu 21-28. Bacton (9Caiiel» fl;^: .JBOHM^. :IM>^ 14-lS. B»<^<zt. p.iimi>e & Bacon: tti nmte wllk Gar's Electric Oo. Sec Tent Show Bootes. Barnes' Al. G., Animala: Bi nmte iwlth tbe New Parker Amosement Co. See Midway Boo tea. Bedloi A Artbor (WIntemsiten): BetHn. G«r. A»r. ]a-6ept._80. _ Ba AiNite wUb ; Oo. See BonsTlta, Capt. Jack land. N. Y.. tagef. Bowery Vem^xmi Qoartrt (Ssns Soad Park): OUeago, m.. tn(tet. ftowide Family: Qi roDte wltb lke_Oaatt' Dental AiiiMmnut Co. See MlMay Barkhait; C: Bi roote with . Ckena. See Tvat Sbovr Boirtea. Botoi. SldMird (Star): Portland. Ois.. ta Boeder n<a.: Bi rente wtth tbe OMtt Besui Sbowa. See MICBar SeBlMk , 14-19. & Brown (Otphenm): Mbmeapotia. BwiChv BKle (Omno): Fanda. N. T.. 7-19 BaUas. Great (Chestmt Hin Park): PhCla- ddpUa. Pa., 14-19. ^crtiaat. Tbe Three (Eleetrle Park): Detroit. Mleb.. 14-19. Baaai^ Bhoda (Lake Cootraty F»k): St. JuKBh. Mo- «-!»: (fMiamt P«ik) Kanaas Tenainr's): Atlaatle CUj, ua^ tM»: tBiwia amii veta 29-26. ■ (GaT< IT. ij.. I4-». Brm & Blaimi ( B to adaa j): San Franrlaco. Cal.. 14-19; (TKahna) Salt I«ke Oltr, Utah, SI-86. v^ Batemea. Tom (SaUabnry Beach) '. 'v Miai. 14-19; (BcTcre Beach) Bei i: BHteimes. Tbe (Crystal): Harlaa. ML. U- 3' 19; (Crystal) Anderson 21-26. ' Brown. JaiA & T.flHan Wrtght (Cleetrie Buk) < Kasaaa City, Mo.. 20-26. ■'. Bamess. Tt»e (BUoa): Marqo«4t«. aOeh., 14- IS: (BUoa) l8lipemlii« Z1-2B. Btrdb. John (Chaae'a): Waahlscton. D. C, 14- W; (Woaiwvcth's Boot (Maiden) ' 19. Ft. Wayne. O., 1319; Oarronton tc Hodges (BvoaC dlanapolla, Ind.. 13-19; DanrUle, m.. 20-26. Christ d: WUlls (HanloQ*B Point): Toronto, Ont.. 14-19; (Lake Pork) Kingston 21-26. CamidteB. Dillon Ic Ounpbell (Mannloos' Psik): St. Lonls. ilo.. 13-lB: (Lakevlew Park) Tetre Haute, Ind.. 20-26. carmen SIstns (Park): Canton, (Park) Toongstown 20-26. Caicedo. Joan: PrOTldence, R. L, 14-19. Carmootella A Co. (OderoD Faifc) Jf. T.. 14-19. (Campbell & Bradr Lools, Mo.. 114-19. ColcRTOTe's Hccses * Dogs ((Jhester Park) ranrinnatl. O.. 20 26. Cooper & Boiblnson ((^uino): Paris. Fmneew 14-31. Carmmclta (HamgaceMkno:- Ht«'Mk:Ottr> Jnly 3I-ADg. 26. Oessy. Win A Blanche Dayne (Blodgetfs I^and- tag): Lake Smiapee. M. 'H.. 19-Sept. 8. Catei, Mr. ft Mra. Out (Eo^plte): Iteeport. m.. 14-19. Cottrs. Six afSBleai: (VtaMela}; Ctty. Sl-Aos. ». Caaad A DeVctne (Cedar Mnt): Sandiiaky. O.. 14-19. fluirwi. The VBam Fade): maitieitoB, M. T„ U4*. . _ (09MD: - - *:'Ha» (Kenvs): Kev Tack OMr. oinv ■ caerelaad. O., 14-19. Oalc. Siefar W. (Academy): PIttsbnrg. Pa.. 14-19. Omminefaam. Jerry: E%I]adel|>hla. Fa.. 14-19. Oamtne Coatedy Trio: En rente with Btngllng fins.' Ctrcna. See Tent Show Boptes. (3atioa. Ohas. A Dogs: £n nmte with Blnyllag Bras.' OlrCDS. See Tent Sbov BMtaik Cairoll. Orest (Aloaaar): DenvK (M^ 1 Ca-oaadr. Eddie (Steel Pier): AtkBHe OttT. N. J., Aug. 14-Sept. 16. Cole A Johnson (Palace): London. Bng.. Jidy 10. indef. OoDhys A Hart (FoUea Marlgny): Vmxia, Raaee, Ang. 14-Seiit. 14. Coatoa A IaMom: Bd tonte with flw K ■. Camlnl Ok>. (Joortney A cago Am' ROntM. Coxads. Tbe Aerial (Uncoln Park): New Or- leans. La.. Indef. Cnnr. Mr. A Mrs. Gardner (Keith's): ProTl- dence. B. I.. Ajjr. 10. Indef. CreaweU. W. P. (Bteyele Bill): En ronte with the Banscber (Jarnlral Co. See Midway Bootee. Cmbys. The: En roote with tbe Orcat Wal- lace Show. See Tent Show Bootes. JMOIma. ItB. (nmU): LoBdon. Dee. Iter: K Uesls. DeTeide ft UMa: BrabMrd (3ani)ial Oa. Doclcman, Marie: Pawnbrokers. Downey, Lealle T, Feb. «. bdet. Deawsa (llivU): ». See Masleal Bntm. Dtpw, OarToB (Backer): BoCkford, II, Indef. Dtydca. catas.: Bta soatc with liotlle Ballcr'* Domeada. Lea. ((XUseua): Loodoo. Jtfr 17-Seirt. SO. Donhan, Flytas (Pain's Flrewarka): Manhat- tan Beach, N. T.. Indef. Downey ft Wlllaid (Crystal Park): St. Joaefih, Mo.. U-IS: (OKfMalf Dcaiar. OoL. a-*. Delmsn^ Mb * aBBr HemB llliiertMi I): Deeatar. IB.. l^wToinaalaad) Deafflle 10- Cleye- 36. East BrookHeld. Dooley, Brenner A Mairii (Keith's): land, O., 21-36. D'Arrllle Sisters: Topeka, Kan., 14-19. Douglas A Ooughis (Ideal): Fond do laie. Wis.. 14-10. Don, Peter (Casino Park): HiaiSelil. Ol. T-19. Derenao * tadae " " '— " J.. 26. Darmody (Lariiaway Park) JIass., 14-10. Daly A Morpby (Pickwick) 14-10; (Ftadier'a) "„ S , DeAcoa, Tbe (LataycttB Os. n*)s ton. Wis.. 22 26. DeMonde A Dlnsmore (ESectrlc): Waterloo, la.. 14-19: (Eaite) Daienport 21-26. Dortiyelle, Loa ft Fsy: West Badea, lad.. 6- Dettims, Three (1MB HiK): Omtf Wanili N. Y., 14-19. Delmss, George (Oak Snmmit Park): Erans- TUe. Ind.. 18-19. Dollar IroDpe iSdbBKT Put): Moatreal. Can., 14-19. Doiscb A .Basaell (fibea's): Bnffalo, N. Y., 14- 19; (Shea's) Toronto, Ont., 21-26. OeOnzo Bros. dBlTcrrieiW Park): Tene Haote. Ind., 21-26. Dixon. Bowers A Maoo (KcUk's): Mew Tack aty, 14-19. Dixon, Bart ft htm OBMrfM MUt PjS'jttS^TIj^nTjrkliriJ I HMMcIa^ » Bar. Btoraad ft Osw (Ovphcan): Cel.. e-»; (OiVbeaa) Las Aar Odmcya. The (Oiyatal Tmt} Kan.. 13-19. DcSeids'. BkBileHe^ BBb Dcnrer. OoL, »«(ft. Z, IVbmte A WOsoa: Kewpact. Ens.. 21-26; Nottingham 2S-8ept. 2; Leicester 4-9; Man- ebester 11-16. Dabl. Katberlne (Grand): fianley. be.. Zl- 26; (Hippodrome) Blrmlngbam 2S^^ept. 2. DeHolUs A .alora (O. H.): Elkader, la.. 14- 19; (Maaonle) Strawbeerpolnt 21-26. DeYUbls. Great (Atfaledc Park): Frederic Md.. 7-19. Dangberty Braa.: OeWltt, Neb., 23-21. Danieto, Walter (Steeplechase Flex): Atlantic City, N. J.. Joly 17-Aog. 27. DagwelL Miss Aurle (rCsBple): Dstiali; Wdi.. 14-19; (Olympic) niiiapi V. a<M> Dawson Ic Whitfield Vnk): West- bopo. Mass., 14-19. Delmu- A Dexter: LeMars. la.. 7-19. Delgardo, Natalie: Toorlng So. Amfzlea. Delano. Wm.: Sandy Oeek. N. Y.. 14-19. Delmo (Oaslno Park): Kalamasoo, HIiA.. lii.lS. DePaya, Musical: Oakland, <^., 14-19. Dlamoad A May (Bljoa): Marqoette, Mld>.. 14-19. Diamond A Smith: Dedliam, Maas.. 14-19. Deliora. MUe. (Valley): Sii au ua e. N. Y., 14-19. Dopree, <>co. ft tlHfe <BaMriBit}: VUeaso. m.. 14-19. Bale. Violet (Orpbenm): San FrancUco. Cal., ao^pt. 2. Day. George W. (Proctor's 23d St.): New York City. 14-09; (Morrison's) Sockaway Beach 21-26. DeBose, Fete (Palace): Sysacose. N. Y., Joly **"^'*' -M^^-a,^ "j^ai-ai^'^ <«eltift»l MOaMaUa. Pa.. D^^dao ft DetmocB (leaalB): SagtaBW. MUb., Bddr. AiOuir (I«ile): Urn AasHci. CA, io- det. ~ bd; Si BBBte.wfik DnMllr * BM> as»Js3fLe,T «; C-e. - BiniDe OuuMd/ FMg COoBmbb)! Bnc.. A'BK.-Mevt. SOb Brerhart (Lycean): T.<ood«in, Iteg.. Ja Sept. 30. Barl-A WOsoa (FoatalDe Fcbt PIsA): Tllle. " ~ " - - 21-r" Eckel A 14-19. Elmoze, Tom (Dtabna 19. Eldrld. (Gordon 13- W (Fkimeer Efano, Pete A " N. Y., 14-20. Ddgertons, ^le (bmta Park) 14- 19. lEailott Bnia. -(Baa Pack): (Ocean Hir) WMaaifc >. EHon-Poio Uaapc traS^tt 14-19. Bdanmds. Agnes (Foreat Pick) Aik.. IS-U. l4-»; JO" — Braas Tns tOtmtf Head): 19 EngHtrom. ATTsta A Oo. (StTeEsIde treil. Can., 14-19. EUnore Slstos (PMCtor's): 14-18. ^ anmctt, Tlsewn Otm n«): 7-19. B mnwu i a of Moide. Fsnr (Lake mpmne): tofd. Van.. M-n. Fox ft Bagbee (Blretaide Park): May ao-Oet. IS. Fox. Marie (West Side Park): Itaaai^ IM. Indef. Frank A Albright: Bd loota .iitik OMkHr Bros.' Clrcoa. See Test Shaw BaBMib Frees Broa. A Gsaaette MMMi Ml MMId MMk Patterson A Bralaead CkalMl OB. Bae Mid- ■way Itootes. FMsco. Slgnor AerlaUst: En mote wltti the U S. OamiTal Co. Gee Midway Bootee. Frosto. Cbaa. (Oaaiao): Oataito Itiaiib. M. x_ Indef. ' Feadey. Juggler (Paar MBe CMek ttak}: Wa, Pa.. 13 19. Floods, Tbe (Wonderland Park): MlaneapoUaL Minn., 13-10. Farrell. Charlie (Park): Cttca. H. X., 14.«. Francis. Emma A Arabian Wktalwlida (Tem- ple): Detroit, incb., Id-IB; (O. O. B.) Chicago, Ul., 21-26. Ffllmore A Adams (O. H.): White Clti, la.. 14.16; (O. H.) Bnxtoo 17 19. Fiedo ft Dare _(lagets oa_Park): Flynn. ^iS* (SM&EnUlt 19. Flsber A JudmaoD (Grand): BelUndhHk ' H-19. Fantaa. T<n> (Oxford lAfcs Park): Ala.. U-U,_ Fioyds, She fOaalMi MBk)* IMmbl 19. I^moia. Badi Tkto (Brady's Lake Park): Kent. 0.. is-n. FIsber. llr. ft Ifts. Perkins (Smnmlt Park): ntlea. N. Y., 14-U: (OohuBbU) St. Lools. 9i0b. BI-9B. Fields ft nasssB (Gmd): Bcaaw Her.. 14-26. Fslrehllds, Tke (■sebM}! mMMdaew la„ . . wa*, U- ». GsTln. Flatt ft bany. N. Y., Id-ML (Gardner. Jesde a (BavIM: Aflaalle OHf. N. J.. 14-19. (lOlden A Hogbee (Oimtaagr Park): OoIiimbB% O., 14^9; (LagooB) lAdlow, Ky., 20-26. Geocge. Edwin: Portsmoath, N. B., 14-19. Gray A (Miam (Pastor's): New York City, 21-96. GtrOntT A Maddem (Haymarke4): (Sileago, III.. 14-19; (Dominion) WlmUpec. Man,, 21- Sept. 9. Girl In Red Domino (Wistaria 6ro>re): Kaw York City, bidef. Goo&o: Bo roote with Bat MbaA Obem, See Tent Show Bootes. Gregory Txovpe (Inman'a Casino): Coney la- Und, N. Y, indef. Gordon A Chacon (Lake.wood Park): Skowhe- gan. Me.. 14-10: (Blreislde Pafk) Bangor 21- 26. Greysons, The (Park): Woonsocket, B. I.. 14-19. Gordon A Hayes (Norelty): Winnipeg. Man., 14-19; (nnlQoe) Minneapolis. Minn.. 21-26. Godfrey A Henderson (Temple): Detroit. Mich., 14-19. Gofortb A Doyle (Orpbeam Park): WCbb Qty. Mo.. 1310. GUmore A LeMcrae (IMtae)t Mmmmttk Minn., 14-19. GMbe of Death (Forest Park): St. Loata, He.. 13-10: (Olympic) Cblcago, Dl., 21-2(. Gardner A Stoddard (Haymarket): (Meax^ in., 14-19; (Colianbla) St. Loob, Mo., 21- 26. (Gordons. Ibree Boondlnc' (NOTCltr Ittk): Stockton, CaL, 14-10. Gaylor. Oias.: Ooln Monde, Ind., 21-30. GOroy. Hayaaa ft 9iaBt_ (Jntta. O, »«: UNB PIttabnrg, Pa., Cfaester. Ba.. 14-19; Mk CMr, Pine Bins, ■Ul- M-n. m. def. Fay A Odv Indef. Feidman. Harry: BB rsote Jrlth tbe Myrkle- BardcT Baatem Cb. See Draaaatle BoBtas. FontlneBes, Tbe Three: Bn roote with F. W. Ball's (Srcos. See Tent Show Boatn. IM ft wnson (Bmpiie): JobaaaeibBi, B. A., JBae l»iNoT. 1. Tsiluue, Boy: En mote with Oie (beat Baag Show. See Tent Show Rootea. Fostell. Bnunett A OUberla: En ronte w1(b J. Frank Hatdi Sbowa. Gee Midway Bootes. FoMcr ft Oo olgy^ (Btiartlew Park) ~ ' leaero ft Tkeei tBaptoe);-. a-M; (Baiplic) BtaatMrd Hsa- Ptee) n-" JMB. 14-19. Gardsettl Faodlr (Gran Clrco "Bvrliro): terey, Mex., 7-19. Gardner A Vincent: Bristol, Itag-, a-M Good. Basel (Cryatal): Kakai% ii Gordon. Don A Mae (Ftalr): OheMflliw **• 10: (Fair) Ollna 21-26. Hays. Bd. C. (BipoalUon Park): (Jonneaot, Fs., 1310. Howard. Binr * W (OcrleV): AtlaaMs H^^Mt'ft^Bw'MMat 'llHkK Mm ^lol*** * |fcM©t _ Hall A Hall: OaaMk MlikL S0m Ml Hammond. Mr. ft IBbl QkaB.:jXt EaaSSB IBRf» Mo.. Inder Hart Bros.: Hn ronte wtth the Otest WslUce CIrCDS. See Tent Sbow Boutea. Hatt*. Geo. H. (West SMe): JtiieaTllIe, Wts., indet. ^ Harden A Lalxiode: ai roote with the Coo- tlnental Amnscnent Oo, See Midway Bootes. Herbert, Tbe Frogman: Bn note wltb the Great Wallace Ctrcna. See Tent Sbow Bootes. Henderson. Ohas. B. (Battle of Oettysbux): Atlantic cnty, N. J.. Jidr Sl-Sept. 1. Hetrmans, Tbe Three: b route with F. A. Bobbins' Show. See Vent Siiow Bootca. B^rny. Pnrf. (MctropdHtsB): Dnloth. r Hood, 'sam (Oraad): Yieter. OoL. Mr Sept. 0. Bsward. Boneta ft BSto fWhUe Lake): OaUbnraod. O.: Mar W Bad ft Olars (Star): Ft. ' . . (WoBP Mile OMk »w») Brie ao-ao. E^de A Beath (Crystal): St. Joseph. Mo.. 14- >»■ H<dmes A Deue (Snbnrban Island Park): Par. enport. la.. IQ-IO: (O. O. H.) Grand lUC- Ids, Mich., 20-26. HSU. Aaaa (BaMc ft OeaaMB's): Keir Ysck