The billboard (Aug 1905)

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20 Xtie Billboapd Tb» Trail «t tlie L«wlB and Clark Expoaltloa wHl hereafter remain open on Snnday. The dlspodtlon on the part ot the. ezpoaltlon man- agement to cloae tbe concesalons along the Trail OQ the first dar oi th« week waa the canae ot legal proceedlnsa recently Inatltnted br the Boltalr Amnfiement Co. and Homer IhiTeBpert. The complaloants appeared :>efore jQdge Fruer and prayed for an Injnnctloa wtilch would prohibit the expoaitlon management form iaterfering with their exhlhltions on Sunday. After hearing the cTldcnctt, Judge Fraacr waa Ot tb« oplnloa that tbe attiactloog hid a perfect d^fc to open oa Sondar, It belav neither asalnat . aay law ot tbm tatet noc J^^ft at tha ara JnbUaat emr the Tle- e nduiaiit pniQecta ahead tor XkU eUIm that the majarlty : «K or'Hvnar aMB aaa take tb^ famfllea to Mfc»aipMlll«il an anJay. It the Trail la cloaed aa that day a Tiat amoont of boalneia la loat. Ot came, tha aplelers will have to tone down their vaicea a little for Snndaj-, and the drains tat tp ^^al te^at|^ opcratliMi* latik ot apace will not admit a repltlon ot Jndge Ftaaer'a Tecy worthy minion. Unbjl- aMd tx >o idlglaaa ndca, lie jiiitowad togal Bod. Uara, the aeronaut and Ugh direr, will ahortly aall fcr a trip to the Orient. He learee tiom San Ftaadaeo tor Hong Kong, and will tparel exteaalTely orer the oriental eoimtrlea. Hla tUDow-ptofeailooala ioin with The Billboard ; bim tha beat oC anriUM and a happy MCV<BtaJ7 flC the . . :Aandation, wHtea that -Mi^lMHt aittlilkMnHt la The BUIboard enabled '^Ml^ita^miX an flw leading ptiTHegea. He has •:::«i^'«'C*w minor ones left. Newburyport Fair Association i-.jif llm timj IJ ort. Maaa., holda Ita fair September S'tMVt Following are tbe officen: Geo. H. ;HMtaey, president; Orlando F. Batch, aecre- tatJi T. W. Sargent, assistant lecietaTy and George B. Cooper, treaanrer. _ That the Bferchanta & Manufacturers Bxposltlon and MUltaty CamlTal to be beld In the state armory at Ijawrence. Hasa.. from Norember 9-19 will be a grand affair Is an aasoied tact. The armoty Is one of tbe largeat In New England, belnf 800 by 100 feet, and altnated In the center of the dty. The allalr is to be onder the ansptces of all the military companies of tbe city at connection with tbe boalzieaa men. The mayor and board of alder- men are on the committee. An eoiclent staff of aianagers has been essayed to look after tbe TarioDS departments, and a Urge namber of big amnaement attntctioos bare already t>eea booked. A anmber ot special days wUl be arranged for. IjawTcnce has a popnlatloa of 80,000 with aa oaMda popalation ot 900^000 to draw frow. j As ~ win be ' The Boars. cC'Control 'of thft Ken- taekr State IWr tare amudtd tta MlMrlnc pdrtleges Popcorn to K. ». I«wicnM^ ^ ton. Sr.: Ueny-go-Bonnd. W. 9. aames. Ky.; BaU Tiowing, Wm. A. HoUensTine. Ky.; Tin Types. Joseph Walla,' Newport, Ky.; Bitching and Cheek Boon. Sayre Brothers. Islington. Ky.: Feanats. T. B. Bmalley. Harrodsbnrg, Ky.; Soora Chrd and SonTenlr Card. Dnlin Moss. Lcaingtaa. Ky.; Dally Program. Gny JohnsaD. Iiezlnrtan, Ky.; Ice Cream Cone, WUUaai Gardiener, MnllcliaTlUe. Ky-: Orange Oder, Hamberger and Knlte BaA, Frank P. Sheier, Indianapolis. Ind.; Lemooade. W. T. Weldon, Leztngton. Ky.; Sbootlll( Gallary. D. K. Johnson^ Georgetown, Ky.; Tny BaUoon, John Dennnzlo. Loaterllle, Kjr^ Oudy and Ohew- Kf.; and OliM UpBitti^iSaqMiL BMt; OU- STKEF.T PAIRS ^ ^ GARNIYAbS BIHQDEX BY KOOirUOHT At HsTana. IIL. Joly 27, the members ot the New Parker Amnaement Co. celebrated tbe flrat annlTetaarT of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. AI. Heyeia. who were last year with the Great Parker Amosement Co. Uessta. Bayer. Databy, Btranss and Locwood eharteied a steamer, tbe Cl^ of Peoria, and a bax^ eootadnlng a danc- lOK DaTBloa. sJDd the moDMia enjmred a moon- ~~ — ~~ ilTer. IMlgbtnl moate and J fsatntes. He; bc- wood sprang a surprise by presenting to Ibn. Meyers a solid signet ring, set witb pearii, and to Mr. Meyers a masalTe gold signet ring. Messrs. Damaby, Barer, John Drle, traveling andltor of the C. W. Parker Co.. W. H. Brown, "Doc" Randell. Slgnor G. B. Lombardo, James McQaade and Wm. H. Sbelpcr, who came all tbe way from Bloiunlngton, contributed oratori- cal gems of fellcttatton and homor. Tbe mer- rymaking contlnned nnta after foar o'clock, when the wen-pleased crowd cctlzed to their hotels. The event wlB be Imtg (caemlicred Ij the Parker pcopla. Mr. Al. Meyers Is l up e tlit - teadtut at ■hHilii U^dSag with the eampany. ' ~ able and eonrteo u s (en- m: Ur. and Uis. J. A. AL MsTdS. Mr. and Mrs. I. BUMM ifa^ aad Uca. A. Uarlnette. Ur. and Hta. B/XOBan, 1IF. and Mrs. W. H. Brown. Ur and Uis O W Wolfe, Ur, and Uis. C. W. Uagee, Mr. and Mrs. Cbaa. Carlisle, Mr. snd Mrs. R. A. Nndo, Mr. and Mrs. Frank IjOroy, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Lee and Mr. and Mrs. J. Owens. Tbe Misses Corinne Ingrabam, Mabel Cnare. Helen Claremont, Fairy Townsend, Etbel Darren. Messrs. Harry B. Barer, SIgnor O. B. lombardo, WUUam H. Shelper. John Drie, Harry StransB, Edward Logwood, "Bonl" Scboenfeld, James McQaode. John Welhe. Will E. Shea, Will TTurt Chas. Collins. William SMnn, James CoUery, "Doc" Kandell, Geo. Fraier, Geo. Coch- rane, Geo. Broadridge, J. W. Brown. Bictaard not Ur. t. BL Scott, general agent of tbe Pierce Amnsement Co.. writes aa follows, onder date of Aognst 6. tmn Kingston. N. Y.; TO The Btaboard readeta: We wish to warn yon against the following person. Kame. unknown: height Are feet eleren Inehet; weight abont 165 poonds; light complezlon. bine eyes, light hair, wean a light grey cap and light colored troosers. This man joined the Pierce Amose- ment Co. at Coboes. N. T., claiming to bare left the Uimdy Show. Ur. Pierce eare him work and at tha el as e of tbe second week at Kings- ton, N. paid him in tnll. He left a board bill nnpald. Before leaving be entered tbe cars of the company and t<K^ two grips containing personal property. He was seen and recognized, bat was believed to be getting bis own property natn too late to apprehend him. We take this method ot exposing this party and we ask tbe Old BsUaUa to pahUSb this in the llrst issue. very tespe ctfoll y. J. H. SCOTT. Gen. Agt. taw Panl Gastonette. kuowu partMlBMlly as Volo, and now doing tbe loop tbe gap with the Jones- Adams Congress of KoreltleB. was Injnred at Benwood, W. Va.. recently, becaose of a de- fective landing. However, Us Injnrles were slight, and Volo did not lose a performance. The reports that be bad been badl/ InJnred were false, aa Ur. Bastonetta walked Into tbe dty " - - Wilson and SAwtd are meeUngr with snceess In Nebraska playing street fairs and carnivals. Jack Shields has closed with the J. Frank Batch Sboira wttt Ug Knette and Ser- pentlae abows. 1Mb HtaMmiOiaiit^aniit; ana Ii«w ond wstt-tte J* The Great Mentor Is reported to be receiving flattering notices In eastern Nebraska ca account ot his illfflcult trick cycling work. Sarry J. TVIIcer, better known as "Harry From Coney Islsnd." Is manager of tbe Atamong Show, witb tbe Nichols A Peeler Amnsement Co. . Mr. Edward F. KIrsch, formerly elec- trician with tbe Hewitt Shows, has JgliMd the Lackman-Keetch Shows aa electrfctaa aad apai^ ator for Tbe Train B^bbeiy. The Dr. Boucher Vaiiaevllle Shows dosed July 2P at Booth. Ala., owing to tbe yellow fever scare in New Orleana. Tbe com- pany will rest np awhile and then play fairs. Notes from the Nugent & Freeman Electric Novelty Carnival Co.: Boslneas Is good, cure Hm, Ky., week ot Jaly 81 was a big winner and everybody took good money. Ex- cellent weather. Tonng Bnlblo, teaXaitng bi» wild »t ahow wfib tbe uitebdl CteDtral Ci>„ wrltss tbat he Is padteg them ta at avecy pcr- formaaee. HI* wlfb li doing same Tcmark- able shooting. J. S. "Wallrapp, manager of I^emp's Park. St. Loots. Mo., bad the Oriental Theatre during tbe Jefferson Clob's Carnival In that city, and be reports tbat bis net piofits were Sl.SOO. The many other conetsslons also did big bnsliiea. Frank Etaaton, inOBwCir toe the Brown Ic Thomas OantvaX Oa,.- tnttasaC con. tmoed bnslnesi «tt ttdt (■■vnr» '9kw are now playing some •( the best to«M taFinn- sylvsnls. r rospeet a are ezedlent tat a good winter scaaon. The Great Hundy Shows were a big aneeen at Bradford, Pa., week of Joly SL Tha crowds were large on week and an tha I' wcra wen attended. The Hie aad VlaaMS •( J. tade, ander tbe took top money. Santell, the American Hercules, writes that bis act Is a decided bit with tbe J. Frank Hatch Shows. Be la now in bla fourteenth week witb tbat company. He doses tbe week of Angust 21 in Batavia, N. X., and will play west opening September S in Bntte. Uoot Mr. Jack Shropshire, of the Riddell Sootbcm Osralral Co.. and Ulss Elisabeth Am, a non-pcofenknal, were mauled AoBoat 8. Tbe many proftssloaal trtends at Ur. ShnipaUte are pouring congratulations npoa him. The bride Is a beantlful lady hailing from Uaysville, Ky Prof. Harry Wright aeronaut and blgh diver with the Chicago Amusement Co. struck the side. of a tank while diving at Moaroe, Wla.. recently, and wiU be laid np for several weeka. A atrong wind carried tbe pro- fessor oot ot line. Mrs, Wright la """" g as- censions and dives daring her bnsiiend'a The Reynolds' Concert Band, headed by Ur. A. W. Beynelda. Js Mir IB Ml ~ week with tbe Bldddl Be o ltai a OfenlnB Co. The new nUocM ftr the b ead SMied. laat " ""^ to pier beter than Mr. Ed. Tyler writes that Mill Shoals was the banner town for the Alabama Csrolval Co. In (oatbem Illinois. Tbey played thst town week of Aogost T. Good Inck appears to con- tinne with ue company and every member is eajoylag good health. Xhe oonpany coca south In Miber. Star are boaksd «au« 1b1~ slppl. The DubuqtMk-Ia., Bntatprtoe ot Au- gust 5, contained BMve lhaa three ttSl pages of reading matter and lllastntlona iclatlre to tbe coming of the Great Parker Amusement Co. tbe following week. It began on tbe froot page with big headllnea and an lUostratlOB ot tbe Roman CoUsenm. bealdes a photograph at C. T. Keimedy. Space will not permit a repetition of ate many alee tUags said ohont the New Par- ker Annieinent Oe. iv the pepeia of dlntoo, la. Colamns after eolmBos aC IwnmltinfntiiT matter have come to oar aallM. Wtmg atraetlon was bigbiy praised, and Henn. Datnaby It Baror were subject to tbe most lauditory paragraphs which editorial ability conid devise. Mr. N. Poste Carr writes that busi- ness with the Smith Greater Amnsement Co. has been for the entire sesaon beyond their most sanguine expectations. Except when rain prevented business has been big all along. The main obstacle to confront the shows, writes Ur. Oarr, was the lU-fee!li«s which hare exiated in a numlwr of towns because of the former engagements ot Irresponsible coopanlea. The Blllie Robinson Amusement Co. pnt on a namber ot attractions at tbe Zoo Fasfc. Louisville. Ky., week ot August 6- ■ The at- tractions were ss ttaBows: Ulss Jessie DarU, making ber drst aomersault high dive into a net; Prof. Leon, balloonist: W. W. Bowets, Oer- s;£aWsa.f?g:,.'^a«s^ SSSeSir'*^ -« fcHIle B. ■BaySra.ffi^ An effort was made at CUntoa. la.. S i*'*'E!Sf* ^ daring the sngagament of the New Parker Aanmnent Co., recently. o««™«^»f^ waa aeea hy represeotaUves visit dlnton dating the eompanys stay there, as pres of other mattaa leqnlrcd his attention. However, the gowensr took oeeaslon to aay several compl]aata» tUnga abont the ca£- 53L.nTOV5X J5S b^^npSI previons occasion. Hi Wallace, the high diver, is row in bla third week in Kentucky witb tbe Riddell Sonthem Carnival Co., diving twice daily and making good each time. Ur. WaUce conslden Rlddeirs company as one of tbe beat on tbe ^ :^!S° !?'*. ""^ booked up nntll Uardl 17. 1908. Bnslneaa be reports to be excellent. R. E. Coyle writes that he has closed witb tbe Great Parker Amusement Co. with which be bad tbe minor prtvllegea, and bas ngncd as the manager of Channcey Uorlan, tha laige aaaa tnm ladlaoapolis. trova the Jones-Adams Con- gtoas ot Novelties: We an now on our twelfth week. We playad bat to ODc loelng stand this season and that waa Baltlmora. Md. It baa bera rnmoied ttat the totd adaMoos at tbe gate In Balttaaee averaged ttom 14,000 to 80.000 vea^ PW Av. The tota. attendance for the acddenla. One wtg at Alisaadria. Va., where 2!5 tritwt; was bitten by a bear, and tte other, mw at awwood. V. fk^ where COl. CHAS. B. ROYT or a bad board. Mr. C. laDare, of the Owens' Amuae- ment Co., writea as follows: We hare asw seven shows, eight concessions and a uniformed band of twelve pieces. In all we carry llfty people. We travel In two flfty-toot baggaKe cars. While in Coffevill.. Kan., Mr. O^iis purchased a seventy-foot aleeper. which will be painted this week for tbe Owens' Amuse- ment Co. Prof. Clarenee Tiller, whom we all thonght to be fatally iniared. Is again looping the gap and wearing the same old smile. We are doing a phenomenal boslaess everywhere, tbls week at Altoona. Kaa. We sm bashed solid for the winter thfoagh Ihe aaoth. aHta Combs, please write. Notes from tbe Eagle Carnival Co.: since opening our sessoa at 0 Item a a. la.. In Jnne, we have bad favorable we at bet Bad eereni weeks of good baslness. Stace tbat time we hare added two ahows and a aaodwr at people to our various departmenta. After playing towns already booked, we wm only play towns of from five to ten tboosand labaUtanta. Bnck Hason, with several aaalatants. Is maaaglag tbe company. B. H. Fanswtt last season with Campbell Brotben' Shows. Is press agent: N. A. Uatllck is msnager of tbe pramotlng depart- ment. "Doe" Colby is directer of amusements, with Geo. Baldwin as assistant. "Dsd" Cbsnd- ler and "Happy" UcBride are also at tbe beads ot departmenta. Our band, one of tbe best colored organisations on tbe road, la under tbe ' Of Bigle HiUer. ladoded Mr. Cbas. B. Hoyt Is secretary of tbe Coneotd, N. H., State Fair Association. He was bom la Sandwich, and Is the proprietor of a farm ot some TOO acres of land, wnlcb was settled hy Ills great grandfather about tbe year 1780. For many yean Ur. Hoyt bas been interested in tbe Iocs] faira held in bis town. When the Con- cord Sute Fslr was organUed In 1889 be was engaged as secretary's derk. After serving for two yean in this capadty he was elected secretary, which posltioa be sow holds, Ur, Hoyt is well known and popular, having been for seven yean a member of tbe state board of ag- ricnltnre and for ten yeara a depaty of tbe New Hampshire State Grange, wtiiai anmben aboot 38,000 mambeia. He gained the title of oolonel nndet Oorenor N. j. Bachelder. This year Ur. Hoyt is arranging for an eztenalve ezhlUtloe ot aoatlien pradnetos alee for an ex- hlhltiaB ot weatem life. He la —-fc'-g pnpara- tfoa Coca Jetot BeeUagoC tbe esulbiw aad New naiB.^Se le " _ a MB our performen are the Uattlaae, Out and Bd> wards, John Bay and J. W. Whitfield, ecnoent Notes from the Parker Fairyland Amusement Co.: This company opened three weeks ago at nolstngtoo, Kan., and np to the present time tbe soccea has been very Battering. We carry six cars, six paid shows and arc giv- ing six) free attraetloas daily. We feature tbe loop tbe loop and the Uelville family of ten pieces. Tbe roster Is as follows: Cramer & Ty- ler, sole ownera; B. U. Cramer, buslnesa man- ager; Barley Tyler, promoter: Harry Bansen- iMrk, thlrty-day man: Walter Hndd. press agent; Dick A. Fulton, superintendent: Geo. GlUroy, manager ot pririlegea and Joe Baraco, master of transportation, with seven assistants. Attractions: Fsusteeoa (Ura. Geo. Glltoy) In loop tbe loop; Uillo, somersault high diver; Trixy, In a sixty.foot dive to net: Electric The- atre, Joe Lneas, manager; Un. Joe Lncasb ticket seller and Jas. Dnnn, door talker, with one assistant. How Old Is Ann; E. Sboat manager; Albert Ooasltt, door talker, with one asalatant. Naval Battle; H. Armond, manager. With three assistants and Un. H. Armond, Ucket seller. Foolish House; Dick A. Fnltoo, manager: Jas. McOratb, door talker and Ura. GlUroy, ticket seUer: and Parker's Jumping Horso Carry-Cp-All; Geo. Hall, manager, with flre assifltantA. WeHave Something New Wahosb Ave., Chlcairo, III. .JUGGLING GOOD5.. Clubs. Rolling Globe. Hoops, Batona. Guns. ^ Walkers' apparatus and Novelties. Stamp for cat- alogue. Knw. V^N WVCK. ClncInDBtl o. nd Cjinilval. MCLBAKSBOXO. lU.. Streil FAlr „ WAKTGOalonce, Steam Swing. Kerris Wheel, Klectrlc TiMatrB, aad all kJnds"of PAID mad ntKB-ATXBAO nous for wjgoC M;aUR Mth. Frivilsas ssssla WTitOiB. .togue of Sportlaf Qooda of every lescription. IIeU<oots, Marm Cards, Ink. Ues and Fsir Oraasf Oaact. J«iScJgMt,I<t.ScottK:i BOOKSI PHOTOS! Til" TOJV Bend nlamne for sealed olrcnUr* CHARLKS COSKOY r-= l-ark Row. Vew York BONO BOOKS SI.00 per ISO. Loc» of 1000, SI.W. Vtrge B asle Boo ks M JO per MO. OIUM per MOl Bwuplaa lOe. CAarnBOOK ooTan a Sway, % Imiis. Mo. ffUTEV, POKITABE SHOWS-^^i:%'p;-'£ people expected on grounds. Address A. B. JAUVIS, Halloyvllle, I. T. BALLOONIST WAKTGD—With or without oatflt: to Elay fairs. r«unloDa, ««e.. for iMklanco or seaBon. (alost B well experienced), will tuml>h A-I outnt to rlirht erty. Qlve roferenco. No open time. Also watitelectrtc catra, and any good side shows or amuiienicuu for eireull of fain, etc. Addrssa qul^ PROP. U. H. PBII.- i.ir8,Batloonlsti gen, del., San Antonio, Tax. FlRsr CLASS FLVTIBT—<Boebm System) wishes eo- gagement; hotel or traveling troupe. Address FBAMK H. LEWIS, SOS Norman 81., Bridgeport, Conn. TEEL,—The Veteran Haglolan, at liberty: new strong act. Addr^MK 40g Iv&ch, Erie, Fa.