Billboard advertising (Aug 1905)

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Xtie OIllboap(3 55 THIS UHIK UBE ^ • ■ fMiiM Wri rrani. Tbis la on€ of fM differ ent cotn-opermt«d money m*klns HMU AotAinatlc Amuwrmeot Machines, whk-h mre d«lly eanUAfC Uive Incomes for their owiien*. Your opportn- nity IH Juntas froou as C U Audenfon. Peoria, IIL. bad. Ho ■•ys:—"PoDchliyj R«iC arrived 4 o'clock y«it«nUy afternoon. <>pene«l tt tbis momtnyat 9 o'rItK'k and took out 112.(15. *■ J<ihn K. Fuller. HtAlry. S.L\. y»: "I have taken 3>.Q00 pen- nlfH nut nf one of your Mills Itair l*iiacblnff Xachlnn In the pa»i 13 moDtlM." Tbat means ^pUDBUSDHU MOXBTavcry m vou* We nsake money-maklnff ma- chines from •!& up. It does not niatl«fr whether too ll-re In a MHAlI town or a DifT city, tbey will earn yona I^^, In- dependent Income wltb- oat work or worry. Per- fectly le^tJmate. Mills Machines frequently pay ^for tlieniselves In ten , ilays. After that It Is AIX PROFIT. They are regvlar MINTS at pmirs. park*, county fairs, ANY store or wbere»er people are to be found. Everybody pslronlses a MSUa Aamaenient Macblne^-men. women and cMMnB* Ylwre la nn work—Joat count the 1 If you hare any sam of i _ —»o iBvrst In a sure SDoney-oiakw'.^Mni tall u» wrlt« to-day for oor Booklet XObM; ^Hsvr to make money Cut.'* It's Free MUXS NOVELTY CO.. 11 to 23 S. Jintnoi St., CMICAeO, ILL. THE FAIR AND CARNIVAL At Br^cen Bow ••pt, 13 to 18 Is one of the best In the Central West. Immense crowds for years past. Con- cession men clean up good money. We vant all kinds of legitimate at- tractions. £. R. PDBCELXi, See'y, Kankakee District Fair WANTS TWNB for tlx imk of Sfptemtwr «->tb, ta- now toTimle, ir.S 8JL4LL.S«rT.. KmnkakM. 111. WANTED For Slater's FanMn twi Hmhuis Fair, !!"*">• ™'7 Shoo, and other antnlH* paid sune- ^ Million AK-onilnnmnd UiKh Ulver or HlRli prrformer. other KwMt frr« attr»ctlons maj Write, L. W. HAYNIE, CTi«lrm»n. SlaOrr. So. WANTED QUICK! pietn attractions, side shows. Free street SEl-JP^ farming community. Big crowds. "KWWW. 111.. AuB. 24-2U. Inclusive. Address F. A. WALRICH. * Mr A Six Days' Fair Ch«r.(lo«r»j ivistrict FWr. Srpt. II to 1« aa< ttre, nlBhtiL TlHi Pull af Port Arthur and M|A »^i«tir .ct«. We want i.huw,u rmaderllle, uimsl, blowem .nil all uthrr ito„J, rlcu Aows, ?»«»riwrrrnt. No other fi>tr In tor rounWT oITern nil Krttlnir the nioner. to iitanda Irl li„P .""^'"«" eTrrjr rliaractrr. iJnmiiil. will ~ KV. lllumliiateJ br ..IrctrlcltT. Cinr .lid •»« **- " rile to-d»y. Q W>. A. iHvKK. Br<: J-. What CheiT. la. ...WANTBD... 1* Fm MERCHANTS' CELEBRATION New Fairs. ^S!?;-!?™' ». awt iMiL w. 8. Rlctaardson, wc. Ann Arbor—W«shteMir Co. Fair. Dste* not •*t. I*o Grooer, eec. Armma^ —Annada I>ilr. Sept. 4-a. O. J. Ho- l«t. (M. Bar CltT-.^B«y Oki ftk. IvL IML a L. Fox, tec. Berlin—Ottawa aad West Kent Pair. Sept. 38- 2D. MIebael Bines, sec. Berrien Center—Berrien Co. Fair. art. E. Mnrpby. sec. Casa City—Tnacda. Bmta and Oct. 3-e. 3. K. Held. see. DmdM—Monroe Co. Pair. Sept. 18-22. J. B. Haynea. see. ESktOD—BIMon »Ur. Oct. 10-12. M. A. Hooej- welU acc FUlnt—MortbeutsiB laintiUl ralr. Btpt. S-S. £- J^- J^7^ Stme, tieaa., B. o. bmi. Me. Bort—Oeena Oa. nte: S«t> MiL Xmc a BntMr. aac^ Haa ll i m B iii j Qa, n*. Oet. S-6. W. R. SbaMs. see. MUM-aOHM Mk. mtt. MIL K. W. WfUUiaa, «•. Worth ^Pw iait ^S l i BUtewdi PUr. fltpt. «-29. St. Jobns— OMm tJOb IWr. Scvt. 2B-2B. Oco. M. Peprey, sec. lOBSOTTSI. Grant City—Worth Co. Fair, O. Okey, see. Cisy Ontre—day Oou Mr. Sept. a8-2B. W. OKLAHOKA. Bold—Gatfleld Oo. Fair. Sept la-W. B. He*- arilb vmi: Itaak Bamnw^ mm.; a H. MldJ Ii p Bit H t U s Co. Fulr Sept. IS-IS. I. w. itmr. .wc.. PoCTtTiTi-. 0. List of Fairs This Ust Is rerlsed and corrected weekly, ■(■dera will coofer a taror by calling oor at tentloa to any ctmcs «r 4*14. cma». wiiXlAiia.aac'y.tiliiiui racts. I Rat<r»rptre«t.>lt. UmlsJIo. |, Berryrllle—North Ark. w. Walker, pres.; Jaoi ZL 31. Bnckley. sec. CAUFOKJIIA. Coloaa—N»tlomI Trottine Fair. Date* not set. TT. R. Merrill, pres.; Tennant HsrrlBCton, tress.: Jas. W. ScoEfAH, sec. TDlare City—^lare Fair. Dates not Kt. B. Wbaley, pres.; W. T. InctneiaoB. sec. * OOrOKAOO. Grand Jonetlon—MMa Co. FWr. Sept. ISA W. P. Ela. prea.; M. M. Sbaraa, treaa.; C. D. Fldier. aee. Lamar—Prowers Oo. Fklr. Ang. 90-Sept. 1. A. N. Parrlsh. pres.: Jno. E. Pclton, treaa.; Cbarles 1«. Slake, aed roeM oHMm to atateMr. Sn^U-lS. J. Tboa. B. B Mn ilw, we. CONNECTICUT. Branford—Bmnford Fair. Sept, Edwin DooHttle. pres : J. P. Callalian. sec. Berlin—Berlin I'slr. Sept. 20-22. C. M. Jarria, fu^a.; W- W. Chrlst'-an, see. Brooklyn—Wlndbam Co. Fair. S«i>t. 12-14. Prank H. Ormins. pres.; J. B. Stetson, aee- Cheater—Chester Fair. Sept. —. BenJ. B- Hanrood. pres.; Bdgaz W. Lewis, see. CIlDton—OHnton Fair. Oitea not let. B. H. Wrlgbt. pres.: C H. Brarts, ate. Oolcbestei—Colebcster Orance Fair. Sept. IP. J. R. DnttoQ. pres.: 3f. K. Ahrll. aee. ColllnsTllle—Fsrmlngtcn VaOey Fair. Sept. 6-T. O. F. TCR7. Hta.', B. A. HOOfh, KC Danbnry—nanbaty Mr. Oct. M. ■ ■ ■ ■s i T- Jtnndle. pica.; Jte, W. SWi^ MMl; a w. Rondle, see. ~wk» Kaar airtf Oct. ^ a R. Haaekctt. wtKi W. B. Smt. ace. teeaacU mn BramlH* OW HJ OMh Fair, aepc IMft. X. a. BhuPa ol. vna.; Mn. ». Wr. avt. sr. A. WBor tcctc. pfa»t n. f. aiMi^ jM _ Barttad—OMB. Palijirt gat . j> M^ IMS. H. O. DaaMa. IMK,; «.-a S**lif^».. ate.. MetUea. ^ . ■nrtetiiu mia><lg''a*fc_ •^.^.r^,. I«jna -B. catita. st^ priiu a r. n. Sib t. s<»- rtngtoD. Oonn. BuntlDSton—Union Fair. Sept. 21-a3. Thoa. 3I«Tiney, prce.; F. Martin, sec. Ijine—Lyme OTanxe Fair. Dates not set. Win. Murlon, pres., Hainhnis; H. S. SIsaoo, treas., Uambur;;: J. W. Stark, sec. Naucstnck—'Beisoo Valley Grange Fair. Sept. 4. W. J. Noible. pres.; W. O. Hard, treaa.; Wis. L. Lloyd, aee. Mew Haren—Mew Bafea Oa. Hortle^taial >Ur. \ Mae. T«. a 1 New MUford—>ew Mltford Fair. Sept. 12-15. J. Leroy Buck, praa.: i. B. HawKford. aae. Newton—Newton nfe. tat-^HL ft. . C. MltcbeU. pres.; H. •. oSoi^ MM.; K B. McCarthy, «^c. Norwich—New London Pair. Sept. 12-H E. J. Miner, pres.; T. W. Yerrlngton, see. Oranse—Orange Fair. Sept. 4 8. W. 8. Wood- mtr, pres.; A. D. dark, aee. Pntna-m—Pntnam Park Pair. Sept. 2.S. M. B. Jop. pres.: B. M. AnoU. aae BockTlDe—BockTlIle lUr. 9r' ' drew Klngsbory, prca.; V. A. B. O. Noble, see. SlBi s bu r y—Slm^ry Fair. Oct. —. B. A. Baaklns, pres.; Geo. C. Sno. sec. I—Union Fair. Sept.' 20. O. A. Arnold, BemT F. Fletcber, sec., Brld««iwrt. Woodstock—^Woodstock F«lr. Sept. 18- ~ B. Bay, pcca.; L. H. Bealey, fltamxa 1 aee. aprlngi Fair. -; c. r. ~ Oet. SUr. . sapt. —. iraMa Kaas. •!«•.: JL r. Watasr. sa«- StpC ^ o. o , — Wetho^U—W« G. Adana^ WUBmantle—1 : 21- CbsaL A. Oatca, pcea.;: treas.; T. R. 8add.-aee. Wollcott—Woloott Fair. ' Get. —. Tattle, pres.; B. SC. OpaoB, aee. SELAWABB. Fak. Av. MKScpt. 1. J. FLORIDA. Springs—Gnlf Coast AgrU M na* aet. B. W. Stona. see. JaekaonTllIe—JacksosTine Fafr. NaT. M4B. .WANTED. Anerican Orieatal DsDcing Girls. Address M. BCANNING, Prop, and Mgr. Garden Theatre, Canton, O. ..Wanted Quick.. PERCENTACE AITKACnONS with good fronts for the Fifes at oar eoaibliiad bir and Cb a a ts Bn aa. Sepmbar M, l u tl u s l n s . T>f taitaaily IB ha" — ■ Paragould, Ark. The Watling Every Hotel, Large Store, Restaurant, Drug Store, Or Public Plaee Is IsiconpleW without one as anattranloa and an Investment- tiuarajk- teed to *iam over lOO per ctnU Money refunde*! It notMatls- factory alter two weeka* trial. Send for caialo^e- WATLIN6 HF6. C6s. ISSAsW. WANTED ATTRACTIONS AT CUNTON, IOWA, DISZBICI EAIB, Sept. l»-ao^-22, IMS. PirMIegs « penantsca • AiA> dress, J. B. AHREHS, Sac*?, lyona, Iowa. Ghnk & SbiiMw> Big Free Attraction Co. u« At Iltattr.for w^k Aug. SS to Sept. S. IINB. Oor attn^oQ consist ot the following: =;„t^ Balloon ascenslon«,dooble trapei*. onlcycle act, re»olT Ingladder,barrellumpliw, balanclndr act andacrobatlc ^torUon act. We are abo at Ubertjr after Sept. Mb, 1X16. Addressall mall to A. F. CLARk, Clarlnda, la., or ClDdnnaU BlUtKmrd. PRIVILEGES ■ Kingston. Tenn. =ELKS= l=JUBILEt AUTOMOBILE TOURNAMENT Jacksonville, III., Aug. 28 toISept. 2, Inclusive. IB Ceiter of Git}, on Public Streets. 6 Big Dais.'.Special AttractioD Eienr Da| , Iteade. AlOMOblle Parade, " *j»g Bee, Fiddler Contest. Contest, p. idCs Day. WAKTED—Two ap to^hMa '9nm At) reaerre yaawn'ta mt OMS. sBIGGER, GREATER, GRANDER THAI EVERs I Vmli Attraction."- .. i^T-'' •*r\t.'- ua aw A SONG THAT IS A SONG- "WAIT LOVE." " TheT'sweetest Aon* I ever beard." -STELLA OSBORNC <tenc. tbr sIxIceB Ulrlcs. Itlsa $100 RE WAR D For the apprehension and conviction of the persons who obtained money and favors by representang: themaelvBB as agents of the Al. G. Held Greater Minstrels, These parties are<^peratine in the Northwest and in the South. AL. G. FIELD, 60 Broad Street, Colnmbos, O., or per route in this piper. WANTED Cornets and altos for band with Sells & Downs Shows; good salaries paid to sober, reliable circus musicians. Address C. H. TITCNEY. Band Master. Route: St Cliarles. Mo.. Aug. 19: MontRomerv. Mo.. 21: Columbia, Mo..22. Pleased to hear from good musicians at all times. Wanted, One First-Class Carnival Company