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46 Xtie Billboard I CANE RACK and KNIFI DOLL RACK MEN, SHOOTING GAIXBMES. nSH POND MKN BE ON TIME Sead ferlOur "SHURE WINNER" Cataloeue it you have not £ot one. You mnst have it to select your goods (supplies) from. Don't waste your time and iMe tlie i^Ie snaon'ii profits for want of coed .mRACTIVE and PROFITABLE SELLINB BOODS. ,We have abundance of BK HtMy Making Artielet if no one else has. 'Onr Vutely •! |Mk Mbn baa no eqpal in this ooontiy. Onr Priest Ara Lower than anybody else quotes; that's a well known fact to all who are posted. Yon can make Elty Moiey in big lumps qvkisfy inth onr goods. Yoam make smosai hiy tddng advantage of our experience of what adb tiie beskat faim we know it, and it's yours for the asMnff. JEWELRY. PLATED and SOLID GOLD. WATCHES. silverware. ''iiSSrs. opnoAk aooDs. NOTIONS, STATIONERY. CHENILLE and TAPESTRY. RUOS and LACE CURTAINS. HANDKERCHIEFS and HOSIERY. CELLULOID GOODS, RUBBER GOODS, CANES. NOVELTIES, UMBRELLAS, TOILET ARTICLES and PREPARATIONS, W« mska « •peeialty of PrMilum Good* of an kinds. SHLJRE CO Wtiolesale Streetmen's -2TO IVfadlson St.» CHICAGO ttful-Album showing fso* ■iimlJa* in Colors ot Posten. Window* BangerawBte. on*7 ! Chloaxo. WM. SPIELS THAT GET THE COIN Medical Spiel ii Derated to the Hedidne Leetnrer, Itreet Hu. Carriage Doctor, OpttdAii. Corbfitona Seller, end to mil ■luliiic Medicine ToiletorCnratiTeaooda tkrooxh apeeclx. Telle wlxat to ear to hold ioe. lutlBct sod tsMnat Bclk tb* pookttbaak. JToa sot put wtth it ny P^^-jHBt paatpald fcrtfc or aemd (LdHOait ud will ■andOLOJ). witb •zsminatlon priTiJeca. FAMTUS COJiSm^SS^^SSi Proepeetus eeat Izw for |wrtujuM;ut adurvim. PHOTOGRAPHS ■UnetThou per uatL £de FUTURE^ OUnet Thocos ofroonelf Or adVobn^ per 100: |3a DML £deiim CAXBOSA llnM irSerid Pboto. ; ZnTSB^LfTD O R-Wl yE PHOTOS. fLOe . _ . po'l.oaa FORTUNES,fiOe. 8amp.lOe d AT lilrlllECC f orl^tore Fboloe.Lovers ami nnbniliCO P.OulbSoaTniirPostCerds IL KDKCTA Btndlo 506 AniU St_ FlilUdelptila, Fa Doable Slot Post Cird Machines fl.BO each. mat Manbote. Minn.—Central. Mlmi. Poaltry Aaan. D«c. 35^. J. W. KoUmaim, sec. Muoo City, I*.—Onder Iowa Poultry Aaan., Tentti Aonnal Sboar. Not. 2B-Dec. 2. M. V. Blckel, sec. Montgomery, Ala.—State PonltIT Ana. Dec U-lfi. L. D. Teasley. Mnscatlne. la.—Miueatlae PonltV Ammt. Sot. 21-21. F. U. ZdcKt, KC. . NaperiiUe, HI ilfMtnllli BMtt9« nHHl A P. S. Attn. ta. M «Mk. <taMr B. MtIv. oor. aec - ' - NewtOB,, _ . _^ -Vaw XRb. M. T. Ml MM. a. N. J. Ocooomowoc. Wis.—Ocoocnoiroe' P. ft P. 8. Assn. Dec. II-IS. Frank Beck. Pontlac ISldi- —Sixth Asnoal Poolby and Pi- geon SboiT. J*a. IC-^x. laoe. DuUd'TboDiaa, eec. Portland, Ind.—Bastem Ind. Ponltiy ' Ami. Jan. 15-20. U06. Cbae. McFirlaod, lee. Prorldence, K. I.—'B. I. Poultry Aean. Dec 6-0. W. I. -Blown. 6 Sxcbance P1-, aec. BMiis Son, O.—Sidnc Boa Fooltty Aaan. Dee. 5-8. aierle Bearlck. sec. Salt Lake City. Otah—CTtab Ponltry Aaoi. Jan. le-ai. T. J. Fannlne. lOOB Mncoto are.. aec. San Ftandaoo. CaL—^PooHiy Sboir. Dee. S-«. I. C. WlUlama. Ftuitrale. Cal. Sebrtns, O^—Setting P. * P. 8. Clob. Jan. 1-U. 1906. M. J. StCTcai. aec g O l w lt y P. & P. S. Aaaa. Feb, Dm. 1906. anion. la.—flaiOte Ob.. Bidiv Am. Date not set. 0. B. SBiItli. me. Weat BrookOdd. !' West BrookileU aidaoo. box 236. see. Wlnsted, Conn..—WestnA , Dec^ —. Hacksted ffmMtr,. W.. B. entTca and W. H. CM ^iad^^ - IT-M. Row UdK.. IL^z; IL. Cincinnati. w^-4iMARL_ . Expoaittoo and wmtnl. . Sept. IMt. ~ Bdw. H. Allen, pres. Milan. Italy—Exposition. Apefl-Kor.. 1906. Sls- aor L. SabbaUnl, ace., Ht. Snmiiice. N. H. MltcbrU, S. D.—SerenUi A-noaal Con Palace Exposition and Free Street Attrtetlsna. SWL 2S-30. I.. O. Gale. New York City—Second Aaaiitl OOe* Agdlane* end Soslness System - VMRCE^^oQOare Cardcn. Oct. 2S-Xot. 4. Osetaaaa * Payne. 1734 Park Row bidg., ncrs. Norfolk. Va.—Jemeetown Tercentenary Expoel- tlon. May 1 to Dec. 1,. UOT. C. Brooks JoiinssQ, fjipin . asEcc. oon. tcni. Portland, Ore.—^LewU and position. Jan« 1-Oct. 18. pres.; Henty E. Reed, sec Toronto. Can.—Industrial ExMbltloa. Aos- 2S- S«j)t. U. Wastiln^on, D. C.—Oeatral Amedeaa Exposl- Uoo. Sept. 11. W 0 B8E BEOWB. BertyTllle. Ang. 2S-ak, Bncktoa. — IiyaeMwfg- Oct. »«. ICaeoti. lis rtfsf Oct S6.27. <WliilUp Mocftdk, Ta—^Ta. Becse Skonr Aaaoelation. Oct. 16-21. C. O. Wrenn. pre*.: a W. SiBlth, OC-' box a<7. Portland. Ore.—Lewla a>A Otaik Maaaltiao, Horse Sbow. AMI. SMMt. & Elchmond, Va ■•»» ~ Oct. 10-lS. Sheldon, lU.—Botse Shasr. SibL Warrentown. Ta.—<ni* V&|Ibw Atan. Ang. SO-Sl. I>ABOa DAY CKT.KBB ATI0M8. Ccahoctan, O,—GCntral Trade and Labor CoancU. Fiadlaj, Ohio. Indianapolis, Ind.—^eodore Peczy. aec; KnoxTllIe, Tenn.—Central Labor Loganiport, Ind,—O. p. Smltlk Xassilloa. O.—John Loocbelr. 4-5. fHEATRICAL COLUMN) COLUMN] UVB 8X0CX novs. Atbol, aiaai.—Came Sboir ffUr. Albert Blamrtli. acc Portlaa*. On^-CMia a Okik : EreMk, BEHCS BBOWB. Onmoat, N. Z,—Scntt Watm. OoL Vt. W. S. FICNICB. OaUlpoUa. O.—Hocking Valley I. O. O. F. Assn. «t Ohio. Aog. 31. J. M. Kaufman, cbm. Winiams GroTe, Pa.—Great Gtangers picnic Ex- hibition. Ang. 28-Sept. 2. R. H. Thomas, Mechanlcflbnrg. York City, Pa.—^Xoong People's Cbrlstlan Onion and the Fifth United Bretbren CDiur<A of North York. Sept. 4. Cold Spring Park. UBCELLAKEOITS CELEBBATIONS. Baltimore, Md.—'Rebnlldlng Celebration. Sept. lO-ie. J. Harry TreKoe, pres. Center Hall, Pa.—Tblrty-second Bncompment and Exhibition. Patrone of nusbendly. Orange Park. S«pt. 16.C2. L. Bhone. cbm. O. TMm- per. Oceas City, »iA; amnaemcDta. r*l A E^NGRAVINC & Vi»LA.Kl\ PRINTING CO. MILWAUKEE, U.S.A. ARTISTS = ENGRAVERS & PRINTERS. AXXEIMXIO^a! Prizes and Clfts tor all Gaines. Jewelry and Novelties for Souvenir Stands. Parks, Fairs. Car- nivals and Theatres. Cheapeat Eatab- liabment in York. ALFRED GUGGEIHEIi E29 Broidnr. Car. Splag St., II.T.CItr CLOSING OUT Laree Line Coin.ControlledIHaicIiliieii, Such as arc used in arcadus, resiorts, boMla. saloons i?tc. Write for prices. PETER BACIGALUPI, 786 Mission St. San Franolaoo. Cal. UniMB "The smoard" wAn <