The billboard (Oct 1905)

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OCTOBER 7, 1905. Xtie Billboard 9 BY C. C. BARTRAM. VER since August Bank HoU- ■ ■ day ttae bualDcn at tbe Loodon play- I A botUKa and maate balls bas been Im- m \W pioTlnc. Laat week rnU bonses wm the nlc U aU parU of tbe HetropoUi. Al mt letter or laat Saturday was flying along 10 <}ueen»town. to catch the American mall, Mr. Seymour Blcka »va8 celebrating the an- niversary o( Tbe Catch of The Seaaoa at the Vauderllle, and Just to ahoir that a jear had not worn oot tbe welcome ot the piece. London BlsMMM IWMa.nt la anmbcis tbat oyer- flowed tlw Hadttd 'eapfecliir ct the TandeTtUe. Sereral new onmbera were Introdoeed, and, jndcliii: from the reception accorded. Tte Oticb of The Scaaon baa algaed a aew. laaM of HO MMMHI lEAT lOS XOnXni IiondMi la not to ace the Passion PISjr ■ftW an. Ur. aerswnr Blcln and Mr. Obailts FrobmaB bad made the moat elaborate pnparatlanM and spent hundreds of pounds pceUmlaarles. Two well-known pUy-pro- aoctn had aiiM«t< BMt •( tbe eigbteen Ub- Icaox.' tb« BMMinntBt tad had tbe scene nXNirls made, and bad even ordered most of tbe dressea and engaged many of tbe Italian acton. AU aaye ttae detalla then bad been ■maitd IM MN flMlOB Play'a pndactloD at the AMw7«b nMtia aast I«nt. and, as after consaltatlon with many leading diTlnes It was conslderrd tl«t tbe Church woald encoorage tbe project, tbe amallcr dlfflcoltles were being •NSSMk tfea Daws cun* tbat the piitair eoMMmd that the sabjeet Ufe waa not a proper one for rep- OB the stage, eren tbongta tbe play COMlMtd nt damb show. Not wishing to cause olTcnie Mr. BWka ncoasldend bis scheme, and when he and hla eonpur left (or Douglas on attarday, be had abandoned tbe Idea alto- A FASTABTIC FOBEOAST The sub-title of the cominff Falaee BeTlew, A Faotaatle Forecast gives away to some rilrnt. the Idea that Mr. 81ms will fol- low In this, bis Orst Incursion Into Tarlety- Land. Be will ahow what ho imaglnen Umdon ■ad I«ndao Ufe wilt bo tn% ymm beaat. Br tho way, the Palact—the beoio where most of the American inyaders flrst appear—baa not done so poorly this last year. The directora haTo daddad that Iho prodtt will alloir a dMdiad af It aiM. Ut tk canriag flnwaid at ia.000 odd axMST or TKS BTAOE Boamr On Sunday the Stagre Society pub- lished their alzth annual report, sbowlBC a prcarnt membcrsblp ol 1,2C0; a balanee In tbe bank of 400 meriy Jingling poundlets; slso six notable plaja wart aacoeasrully produced dur- ing the past year, and 140 plays (of which ISI were by Bagllsb wtlteia and 18 were traoslattoDi ot foreign playa) ware aobmltted to Che Oooncll dnrlng tbe fiast sesson. All of these playa were read and considered. nXUBTRATED BOHO INIIOVATION The illustrated "sonsr-scene" Is a de- lightful and interesting interlude at tbe Coli- seum. The eboens at the aides alngs Long- tellon 's Wreck of Tbe Heapema as rersea and lllnsiiatlona are thrown on to the curtain. The bouse Is In ahsolote darkoeu. and as tbe grim tragedy Is nnfoldcd, the mosle, the plc- taea, the .Inalilisl ^na at the J^ira peo- dnea a thriniag: 'aaiat.' -. " . I wns xjE ncm b We are told that tbe next form of "American Inyaalon" will take tbe "tented Held" for lu sphere of operations, tbat Is to •ay, the firm concerned will preaent spectacles of Dmrj Lane dlnaaalOM Is gifiatle iMta. Tbe canTaa-baefced ~ " ^ MIOM «P The days of the "child performer" atfa to be numbered. Not only the public taMt for this dasa of "sympathy** act 1b de- allalng. in England, but many magistrates are saw. taking the option glren tbrm by tbe "Ohtld JMot Aet». et lafaahw Uiiam per- atltuag clilldmi aadtr'atetaaa to partoiab TWO AKEBICAK OOMZSIAn Of the twenty-four turns which ap- Heared, at the TItoU AnnlTersaty on Friday arwlBK. AneilCB was well repteaentcd as a laad' or good comedians by Hike Wbalen and Badflwd and Valentine. aCOBZS CIABIOE The press has not accepted Ur. Wil- liam Ginette'a Clarice with tbe same abow of approval as was shown by the large au- dience present at the flrst performance at tbe Dnke ot York's on Wadneaday. The prlneipal Is no douM tint, in oonpsrison to plays, many of this clasR of American playa exaggerate realism In t>onie Instances to tbe border ot boredom. The deylce of scTecal minaiaa a Oaeaa at tfea a f aa m > and tha^ aioaa of the aeta, which has been osed with socb excellent effect In such pieces as Shore Acres, etc.. IMS doubtless had its run, and dramatlsta moat Inyent new deelces If they would not bore tbela.: nadliejaa. M.^the Mttv .aC^%Kr. OU- lettCa Mcelleat companyi' of the niodntlnK of the piece, or of tbe story, there Is no word other than of praise. But that the pauses In the action of Clarice are more strongly ooder- iinadVtlMM tka aatlaa; ,tha*a la d6 dasM. makea' It like telling a atbiiy aaerc^ with as- terlsks. or making the pnnctuatlon marks more Important tban the words they sever. Tbe bit ot the erealng waa andoabtedly irnditU 6lancr. " Bnt' tiicn,' ''ibi'-' flrst performances become ever more diffleult to JudRe. The beglnnlni; dues not fureBluidow tbe end nearly aa much aa formerly. And when all iB .jilM. it ii..tka ran of a LoodWi n ada a tlon' that eoanta. ^efhapa it la Saat B/lhlle too American for Txtnilonera to awallav. aU at once, and It may grovv wblcb also come from abroad, MUT' BllJiXi'l The Court reopened on Monday with a third revival of Bernard StiaWs John Bull's Other Islsnd. Tbe attendance during the *Mm that Mr. ahaw*^. .«l|imalaal trtfce baa' fhr' from eahaaatM" Its popularity. A refioe»*t sent to the manager of Dublin's leading theatre \>y "several play- goers" tbst this piece be produced In Ire- land.' wHkb : i wH adia. "."Wa. aia ;8Bt«^;that,\» woaM ha wan'' rM«l*«d,** remlnda 'n* ''ti'-tUt Orangeman who asked the Scotchman to play The Wearing of The 4:r*'^Mi lils pipen. Sandy aaked. "For why}" Tbe other replied, "1 Jus' waat'^la sfO U l aaa.aisMl-ttrv.aa Sandy comniaiicad.' bat haA' net gone' far when tbe Orange <Irlsh)man rushed at him. When Sandy had administered tlie good ibrsshlng the other deserved be said, aa be gathered up bis pipes, "I «i«*aa ■ tWak fee- aa« alaaa vlt.V.ranuajUlr, It I vMia« a:pit! « Dii sa Ba» M« Ban^'Otttr Islaad .a«'-:.tlist:'..«ihar Italand. I wunld take the MaaMtiaB'''«ii( wearlm a snit of srmor. WM mxBxsaoLX bailb Mlas Olaa Netheraole sails for America on or about the I3tb of next month to prwluce. at Washington, ten days later. Ur. W. L. Courlne.r's adaption of Paul llervleu'a powerful drama Lr Dnislv. Por the Interpreta- tion of tlie piece she has rnitaiied a <-ompany which Includes Mr. Hamilton Revelle, Mr. Hubert Carter. Mr. Wlllhim Fanen. Jr.. Miia Louise Moodle, Miss Cicely RIcharda. and Mis* Dorothy Ortanaton. In order to assist her n-ltb final leheaAwls, which win take place in Wnshlngton. Mr. Courtnc.r han also . promised to cro)«s the .vtlsntlc. THE BHTTBEHTS' PLAHB Arrangements of a particularly in- teresting dMmcter have Jn*l been eotapleied by the abobert Brotbecs far tbo r iigMi f ^ g ^at the Waldorf Theatre In about thiee' week's time. The piece cbuaen for the occasion Is n translation of tbat well-known German play, Zapfenstrelrh, by Frana Adam RcjrerlelD, which has obtained markMl popnlarllr'ifsnia'' la.':.the country of its origin and IB FtailMSi, AasiMa and Amerlaa. iMBTnra In the modern muatohaU!.. ;Pr6'> gramme the sporting element Is a gtowtng feature. Wrestling contests bsvo held their wn for several seasons past: and despite many attempts at poputartalng a Vlval attraction, It la now said tbat football .Batches st« to be Introduced oa the .Variety alage during tbe comlaf scalar.. . .M- aiMUoaa . agnidlaala : p«»- pasea'tevlpwaiANBto,:the attiaatlsa ■ 'aff Oil ija p la. wixi.-:u<aBai iw^.ur:' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bbnchler win return to their original parts Id The Walls of Jericho next Saturdn.v. when the 342d perform- ance of this stunly piece will take place. OTSIL XAVSE'B MLAXS Mr. Cyril Maude Is to have a London playhouse of his vrr.v own early In the new year. If we are nut much mistaken, it wUl be the a^vaaiioid! Ai ~ psosioAL mr A The Prodigal Son: ham'-maoSi^^ stood the box-aOce tost; «lad,"tS''".'aa«^'-'«B ifs way to a run which 'wm «atMd'-:^FI|iiMa^: Ma- XBSEH OF TO-OlAY A traveler well 'veraed in theatrical affairs has bad an InleteaUng "lula iilawf wltb Ihsen. We are told tbat t»4ay "be la a watery-eyed, tremnloos old man, his nervous force gone, and bis physical atrength vaniA- Ing.*' Two phyalclaim are wltb bim day and night, and he has even ceased to raad, al- though an attendant reads to bIm sometimes when the great author can concentrate his mind aoOlelently to enjoy It- Tbe writer waa accomiionled by an impressarto who desired Ibsen to undertake a lecture toor. Hie Impos- sibility ot the project dawned upon them as they saw tbe dramatist. ./ Ihay llsnnd him seated In a large cbate' feii >hiB llbcuTi with bis doctors In attendance. Alttaoogh then seemed to be m necessity for their pteaencc beyond that relating to the Jealoos care which he re- ceives. **lt required hut a glance at tbe venerable figure," writea hla visitor, "to be assured that hla work waa done. Hla voice la atrong de- spite bis general weakness, and bis face, not- wlthstantllng tbe marfca of bla great age, was still wonderfnl from the intellectual force tbat even In Its decay fills It with a atroage power. The library In which tbe Interview took place la a high, dark, old-fashloaed room un the flrst floor, with newspapers stre«"n about— suggesting tbe interest wltb which tbe antbor regarded tbe fioUtlGal troubles of Sweden and Norway, and with a wide range of literature tm the Sbelvco which conspicuously showed the works ot Kant and Shopenhaner. Ibsen dis- cussed the poUtlcsI aitnatloo of bla conntry and expressed the hope that Norway might become a republic." AST ADVOOATX OF oaiGXNAI.ITT IK FBODnCTION Mr. Oswald Stoli, in an interview this .«^k,v;.aa]rB;<thBt'::tt--'thcaiiieal^ M mold diaaM'.tiM' poUcj' •( liBltatlng"Ma an- other wiMB aoe has happened on a anccesa. and, by mace speclsllzatlon among them- selves hasp-.alive every form of emotional, othenrtso, Hian' Woald 'not ba so meh of any particular form as to serloui<ly Jeopardise the existence of any one of tbe other forms. A market for the supply of good material would ha .ssoataatlr ;fetpt/';allfab'. BsA '.a. te enough pahlle' 'flsr° tech" ihnn ' at sseb ' '•ntertalnment would l>e forthcoming to maintain a snffldeDcy at Riicc«>ss. Mr. StoU added tbat all he bad said waa to he conaMsred together with tbe Tei7.. ,laap!imui'< aMt.''that.' ,lka.::aaiMllaBa of trade "a*ilet"'aa"'ttnia' af an Wto la l awit 'alike, and the times tbe theatres were passing through now were certainly not the best for variety tbeatrcs citber. tbougb he admitted '«MawK'dlMia''rtfea' 'tliBe'''W' stiaaa).'.iliif - H; Review. A Fantastic Forecast, gMf^MMJ to apparently been In the theatres AK AKOEL TTNAWAXEB An Ansel lliiawures was the flrst new production ot tbe week. Pregnant as the title la ;ac. aaaaMdaaa a». aMTAaai flat.: there is maa oit"Miair>.la> Ib.'^BL'' r:' BtareBart-s piece. Still It .ata^d'-'Well as a vehicle for the dpnionstratiOK<°eC';;ia*eral clever perform- er*a talents. Mr,:,;'8lNNrt baa provided Mlsa Fannj' Bionah.'WMb'';^'aa 'aaatllsatH'fatt, .whicb ahe played 'tar'-aeeiT ateoi. lt . was';'«iiM; las. Carew did not have veiy aaffe'Ita do—hot did It excellently, and Miss JmeVaa Bosk Irk did splendidly In the part ot a bM*' torn Boston. It'.torthr -i^-'a(.-.a-;;ala«ar :aMK'.'..M|!>v:haa the 'pearof'a naidr''wtltar;' and Is" a i itoa ad' with quick wit. He has. however, no sense of con- struction, tlnds It dirHiiilt apparently to eluci- date, character, and has not su0clent self- aaataol.Ht IMI-.a, story inddlr. But An Angel tTBatrHaa baa aiaiv bright and aorasing paaa- ages, which, tbon^h they do not by them- selves make a pin.v, can undoabtedly pot an audience Into a good bnmor. ELIZABErRIAir DSAKA »0T POFVUUt The Mermaids have gone .under: from a want of public aapport. Provtug that Londoners, at least, have Uttle sympathy wltb Bliaabetblan Drama. The season closed after on* week only, and thereby drove one more nail In the coiBn ot "the Good Old TImea*' theory. The Qneeii's Street will not r sma in empty long, however, (be HeCTSa' Andlia s n A Delirend will shortly make a welcome re- appearance wltb their Oennan company. CKABLEB FRORXAWB NEW THEATRE The new playhouse In which Mr. Charles Frohman and Mr. Seymour BIcks are latemted will be erected oa Shaftabnry avenue, on tbe site adjoining tbe existing l,yrlc and Aiiollo. A second theatre will probably be added later. The theatre will be called the Piccadilly, a title which, tboogh not strictly justifiable, gives a good Idea of Its location. KINSTKELS Dan. S. Holt, formerly manager ot the ■: gaytaa^. W ats r a,' -,ia..:.falaa;aea-. fUt-^tki . ends with ~ the Otcat Bartaw Hlaatttla. Billy Beard, "the party from the south,'* reports success with the Wm. H. West Mlitatrela, under the management ot Sanford B. Rleaby. B. L. James, of the Two Jameses. Rpotti good hosinsas with the Christy Brothers AOCE NIELSEN She win sail from Paris early thia mooth and shortly after her return to the cotmtry <jt bar Beat txtampb. will make her sscoad dehat la Maw xack tat by a asstct oC gliftid UlnstreU. , a band of twelve i John W. Vogel'a' Mlmtrela xeport a tecard-brtafclnc boalneaa. It la aald Ihey glared tB over 8,000 people at two performances In tbs Albambra Theatre. Mllwankpe. Walter Stock, the minstrel man. is resting at his home In Mabanogr CMFt - ga. . Next season he promises to take aaf-. "S *-tWW car minstrel sbow under canvau. The following well-kiiov -"Ople are with the Domont Minstrels: Vic. Blcbatds. jack Symonds. Matt Wheeler. Jerry Otmning- K*iw, cbaa. Tomer, Johnnie Murphy. Fos and Ward. Bimr Payne. Joseph Horux. Arthur Vole, J- M. Kane, Ibmaa McOwl. Bdwla OaM- ilsk and Kaafman and Xalaac. ;■■ ■:/\ While members of the Donran . Female MInatrels" were drlvtat '~ to Lanesboro. Minn., after the evening laat week, two of th- —w-r- . seeidentally dltAcd sad a asawaa aC laaeg Udies were iBfnrad. The I n t i a sa dathnaaaag the night and an Incxperleaead drlrar CBOMd tbe mishap. George and William Guy. proprietors of tbe Guy Brothers" MInatrela. are tiro of tbe Oldeot SOOg and dsnce snd minstrel comedUnS In the bnalness. Their experience In burnt cojll datco hack to 1800. Tbeae o™?™S» In the bosinesa sM «* t S-aafart ad that iMf company of thlrty4aa. IB flvaV' aS. SMS''^^^ nesa In Canada. Notes from Billy Keraanar. >|IlB- atteU: We are in oor seventh w«* a* aaaaafr breaking business. At Ft. Smith. AfK- a» scored oar thirty-first consecotlvo B. B. «• house. Prof. James Lacey's Ol»a>t Band » tbe talk of the town. Our part never falls to hrtiig Boalneaa Manager Ceo. t. . . ..-^tt charge of tbe company for the paat two ■isss. Manager Geo. A. Treyser being Uld ap wltb severe attack ot Itrlp. Notes from the Duncan Clark Fe- male Minstrels: We have played ta peeked bouses every night since the opening of tbo season, and managers have lavarUbly aakcd for return dates. Onr people are all la WlBe condition and are giving the beat of sattme- tlon. We feature Mile. Doaaello hiaoetuica: Foster and Klldslo, European ecmllihrists: tte Big Five, and The Olrla Is tha Overalls la 1B» olio. A Newport travesty coaeladca Uia p«t^:. formsnce. Wo travel ta our owa palaes ca« Our roster Is SS fbDows: Doncaa dafk. prletor and maaager; I. Btaplaa. ho ^ess anger: J. P. Klldsla. jaage "MMW ""^ tlon. Wo fleatnre llUe. DsmeBo In B. Walla. pcoB.; Ule. XtoBa*Iio.'Boi_. ■aaT^MB ^3ama, Ben Bart, eadic Ooonws. wSfi^'AMaK "Mar Iroog. Lilly Long. Marjorle FteToBart IfUis. totUe Hniea, VlvUn Gray. Alice Moaa, Beatrice Grace. Mamie Collins. Agnes Klee, Dolly Madison, Edna Lyons. Flor- ence DInkley. Sylva Smith. Cora Haynes. Irene Harrison Snaan Worth, Fanw Dennljon. Dora Cohan, JnUa Brooks. Lisa JscITO. Jemile Oood- beart. Pearl Donaldson. I. F. KUdxlo. Uon nwlar, Bnrt Uatquart. Jack iMg Ooofc and ^ BUBIXSttlTE The city Sports Burlesauers while playing an engagement In Scranton. Fa., we» Sept. 25. had tbe pleasnre ofJrtsltteBWieJf the neighboring coal mines. Thar many spedmens of tbe mincs'a enjoyed the O MUr r' - ■ » was In charge ot. dan. Of the large number of "ewbur- lesqne ^ws this season, perhapo none la deserving of as mncb attention aa the xaame Doodle Girls, nnder the direction of T. W. Dinkins. Tbe first part la a J™"**. "!JE2t ent day ln3nrance_ methods. The pOTfortnanee doses with a hrfflhmt speetaej^ entiti«i me Soint of Id. The suiniiy. eWlrical effects. SiSm^ and. abSe aW. the l*K hare b«D selected with the greatest of care. The olio eonslaU of Smith. Champion * Co. to " one- act playlet. Sadie Hosted* 0«. » Anna Tale, the Baker Troupe in leO| »lnK tbe gap. Fox and Duball, ~ Murphy and Xlacee. coma the btimaa telephone.