Billboard advertising (Oct 1905)

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OCTOBER 14, 1905. Xtie Billboarcl 37 O FORCED To Sll the wants of the bojs I am compelled to enter hivar fidcb. The Cutlery King will soon BEIGN oyer iJie largest and latesk Hm of jewel- ry ever offered to Street Men and Auctioneers. The Tepotatimi I have built in the cutleiy fine, linked with my won- derfal iimoivatkna in the cane line, will be strenetbened by many new thinjts I will brine oat in the jeweliy line. Havinc brought new life into the eaneraek and knife board men, I expect to do the same for those adHnff jewelry GROW To help me aoeomplish this I have eni;aged Mr. Louis Lamm, a man thoroughly posted and having 20 years* ezpe- rienee busring jewelry for Street Men and Auc- tioneers. Together we will stodyyoor wants. The opening of the de- partment will be an- noonoed later. WatehTlie BOlbcinEd. In the meantime send in your order for Cut- l&cj. and Canes and save money. You know Harry. Heisthe lMT- UP Mil and sends only what you want. Write for my 1906 calalaiKae and memoiandiun book. It is free. HARRY L. WEiSBAUM, 240 and 242 E. Madison St., CHICAGO, UL. O llMl fcr EISEHSTEIN, 44 Abb SL. Im Tiriu The Knair Km Im iMiki. CkvlMtnntip—taMiMatt not* M 26. WilMe C" " ~ " lancuborg—ivlag** Oct. IS-SS. rnii*wi an Rlehmi Con. OeL bote. yt. WASHnrOTOH. Brerrtt—State Llqaor Dnien' FioteettT* Oct. lT-18. A Gcital. 1017 AlaAs anttic, Watta. •^ttlc—state nardvan A*aa. Coa. Itor. !!• tS. K. H. Tbeadlasa. WUT VIBaxXX*. Wa li aiw l P late Bar Amu. Coo. Dec —« M. O. FMnkln. Parkersburg. W. Ta. ■ aaet rti i e —o. U. A. M. State CoaneO. OM^ IT- IS. W. T. UltcUeU. WbMUng. W18C0S8DI. f.«Cx<»s»—^-atl. Parll7 Cosfereoee. Oct. »T-1». . J. B. CaWwell. 81 5th mw.. Obleago. m. «« Croaae—Upper luvlwlppi iBproTement Aaia. Oct. 10-11. Thoa. Wllkloaoa, BnrllDKtOD. la. Muvaakee—Knlgbu Templar Gr. Oommandeir lUwaDkee—State Teacber*' Ann Con. Dec. yUtM Katherloe B. WlUtams. Mn^ M fce e Atnerleaa Gas Uckt 0«. lUO. ^GcoTK* a. "■r. New r«rk CUT. New Fairs. AT.anaira lew Decatur—Pair. Oct. 16-21. Thoe P. Ut- tirjohn. Fi.oarDA OeFu^ak Sprlncit—GuK Coairt Fair aad A«rl- ""P^al akpoaltlon. Not. 1.4. B. W. Starr. ist of Fairs I.; 7. D. Ocorge. VRs. S. t. Vast, tcaaa.: BalleT, aec. OONHECnCUT East Granbj-—East Grsoby Flair. Oct —. C. H. Haachrtt, pres.; W. H, Grar. aec. Usrtford—Coon. Dalr7iDeD*s Pair. Jan. 17-18- n. Banehett. pres.; W. H. Gray, aec Meddea. New Ha«n—Sew Haren Co. Horttenttnral Fair. NaT. n. a. O. nydc. pres.; Tbomaa Pet- Uaau ma.! Oto. C. Baot ate. WalaaMi Wafcatt Fair. Oct. —w Chao. S. Tatdib awi^: M. Upson, ace. JacksoaTllle-^acksonTUIe Fair. Nor. 16-28. Tampa—Florida Sule and Midwinter Fair. Kog._ la-W. Tbo*. J. U Brom, fRo.; X. c. .\iiiniiita—Aneoata yaii^^Har.a>tl. - _ Calhoun—Gotdog On Hik. Ott. Sa 9. T» SlcVey. sec. Daltoo—Fonrtb Asnoal Fair. Oct. I0-20. Itaak T. Bejaolda. m(r. Lexlnston—Osletliorpe Co. Fair. Oct. 23-28. John Knox. pi«a. aad m(T. Macon—Georgia Farmers' Fair.. OcC M-Ifor. 3. Bneene Anderson, aec. Warcrosa^Waycrosa Fair. Not. I3-1T. roAHO I«wla t a a fc ewlatoo-Clarakton ralr. Oct. 16-21. O. B. SMHi; Bita.: L. M. BmOt, iMoa.; P. Canolltoa—Oreene Co. Fair. Oct. IT-20. Daa- IvI putt, pres.; C. B. Bdtcd. tteaa.; B. B. Simpson, sec. Gutlirle—Agrl. Fair. Oct. SO NOT. 4. XKDUn TERBITOaZ \ I liiiMl illl Fair. Not. 13-18, KANSAS Cedarrale—CbKutanqna Co. Fair. Oct. 17-18 W. M. Jonea, sec. Clar Ceeler—CUy Co. Pair. Oct. 10-12^ Walter Xkte Uit to 'taaMM •at at- ALABAMA ana SUta Fair. Oct. 2S-Not. LOUmiAVA .\lilea Bridce—Baaaler rtlllt BUT. OM, 0-28. Calliooo—Nortb LaaMwa BUr. Oat. lull. I. P. Wall. pre*. Itunier—Clalliome Parish Fair. Oct. 19-21. Ma—Cadilo Parish Fair. Oct. SI-Not. 2. MInileo—Webeter Parlab Fair. Oct. 2S-25. Uooroa—OMkUa Battak BUc Ma*. T-10. Frrepoet—Fn-^poct Poalfiy Aaaa. Ota, ST-10. Geo. P. CotBn sec. Uadawaska—Madinraska Fair. Oct. SI. BmM A. Dalsle, sec.. St. Darld. XASTLAND Frederiek—Frederick On. Fair. Oct. lT-20. C. K lUraett; .t«a».t PL V. MtMtn, trtaa.: J. e: hautie'S :SKVENTH ANNUAL: Red Hot, Old Time Street Fair B'GGER AND BETTER TH» YEAIL OCTOBKR 16th to 2f8t. Come on Privilege Men. . Utna FBJX BLMIENBAUR, SlCT-. Tim lUtt. M. WANTED.... ....WANTED The Via Stock Company. 1 S«BK aad !».■>. Seakrette or a <So«d Slater Taenii Writs JowMt: jpai ora. aodautsaU gf^l^ttfjp utiwr KnatbeaUetoiDlBak iMUa^F.. Oe*. BtslA. AT talB FRANZ •OENLTINB Alpine Yodlers Three laiile& one cent. ANMriBf In plemn» KatlTe Trroltan Costamet atiMTte Oiiiuna Mvell as BbkImi oilcinU monntein l —ttjae ^' ^~ liSfinLMeT Ooec Mil oB people grt In Itnet bo np-to-date and emd fruntx. Ai itent strawa; naaSta LLIAM BI.I88. RuahvlllA. Indiana. SliU Going, Still On Deck WAITED FOR THE LEIBFREID & LilElLE IHUSEMERT CO. T^RSS&'SSSbl Hlich Diver or 0*p Le«por. or any itimkI Pr^ Attraction. Good cbance fura TtMnte OMMr. O Pntmot«r, no HtAller. An»w«r. LEIBKREID dC LAVELLK. WllmerdlDC Fa.. w««kor October Vm. ..COUIMTY FAIR. EUM GROVE, W. VA. 4 Miles East of Wheeling, W. Va Oct. 17, 18 and 19, 1905. eood Cleaa Attiaetiois 'i.M OnOVK AMUl