The billboard (Oct 1905)

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OCTOBER 14, 190& Xtie Olllboard 41 BRITT-NELSON FIGHT These Films are the Best Fight Films ever taken. Full of ginger from the first blow to tbe knockout. Bob FKzsiiniiiera, the Great Fighter, said: "Your impersonation of the Britt-Kelson fi^ht is the greatest film ever nude up." Tim toUawiag Theatre* show our Fight FUms to crowded houeew and turn people away: Waldman's Opera House, Newark, N. J.; Bradenboqib'STbeatre, Ptilladelphla; Emplie Theatre, Toledo,Ohio and others. WE SELL THE SIX BEST ROUNDS, IMCLUDIM6 THE KMOOKOUT. L^engfti A.bout TOO F'eet, Price, S80. BIG MONEY EASILY MADE WITH THESE FIGHT FILMS 6REAT TUUI lOBBERY. Most Popular Picture Ever Shown. Lonath. GOO foot, Prico SGG HIBHWAY BOBBERY. Tho Biggest Hit of th« Year. Length. 7S0 loot. Price, S82-S0 01 A VAMTIOI TRIP. Funny from Start to Finish Length. 350 foot. Price. $38.SO BOLD BANK ROBBERY. Most Sen.ational Film Ever Modo. Lenjih. 600 feet. Pnco, $66 1905 EXPOSITIOI MODEL CIIE06R1PH WITH STEREOPTICOl COIIIREI Including; Calclnm E»a,mp, Electric Laimp« Adjaatable HlieosLal, KIIlub a ml Slides. S75 IhrliM QiMpiph, OCO WHh Stertopficon Cofabined, VwU 23 S. Eighth St., Phlladelphfa, Pa. CALLIOPES •to. Kntm, BmwTlUr, lod. CANDY FLOSS MACHINES ■Mtrlc OtBdj M.diise Cc N.sliTllle, Teim. ■Mplrc CnuB 6ep*rmtor Co., Bloomilrld. M. 7. CANDY AND CONFECTIONS OtnbctcK Choi O*.. UB Stum. Baltala. «^ P. M«Mw a OiL.U'M DMhnMM it^.T. ■tw T«rt OBsmw O*,. n Tarkk it., B.XUO. CANES AND WHIPS L El««o*t«lB. 44 Asm tt., N. T. C. D. C. RJekftt.. 80 tt.. H. .T. O. Bna., at B —wy. H. Z. OL MB Mac* H«nr Oti Co.. Chlcaeo. WL tmmao Ou- Mfc- Oa.. Ut. Vcmoo. UL CIRCUS SEATS Vtw and B .c on d Eaad. r. A. If*lnt. »«l Gtaplla at.. OcTClaX. CONFECTIONARY MACHINES balfr a DtKAMS. TW FMtoo It. UrmpUi. Ktafcty Mfk. OS.. IM ■. mri «.. cmrm—a. — - - - - o. CONFETTI St. Lent. Coaf«tti C*.. St. LMda. M*. S. S. Flrewecks Co.. St. tAola and Mrmpbla. a. a. nag On. ma oawR sw. Tens. CUTS dftaaM, SactKTiass. «te. XUw.Dk«». WU. Kaas, Eng. Co.. SIS Batr. .t., ICoozTlUe, tAtt O'eraTorr Co.. LaCrOMe. Wl«. Quern CIt; Ens. Co., Blimrrr bld(., Cincinnati, 3trat« Eat. Co.. Park Bow bids., N. X. O. DANCING SCHOOLS extt. p. J. Rldce. 127 L«Salle St., Chlesco. WaiMft Sebool. 2M W. 23nl st^ H. X. a DECORATIONS Aai DMitn la rise*, Bnatias. Futoenlas, stc WUlard Cee Co.. S23 D*L St.. KsBsas Cit7. Vo. D. S. Plac On., 2S«3 CDbert stc.. cSadanatl. FESTOONINO MaU. tlnai Utg. Co.. S<T roltaa aU awoklra a. aa« Ok, SS auimt OMsaatl. FILMS Wuufsetann, Saalan In, and Saatal BuMSS. Amrncao Btosrapii Co., U K. Htk It., N«w YorkSCMtT. fttrt BaelmlDpL, T8e Mlstlos St., San FnncUco Clilcaso FUa Ks., US 8. Claik at.. CUcnso. ^«Knr CUm a Ob. a W. Mth ab. M. X. a EdKon MCs. Oib. 81 aWan Ut MHr Xork CltT. «a,ton Meltrs. 204^ B. SSth St., New Tork. CUT. Klrlne Opucal Co., SB State at,. Chlcaco; 127-20 _ W. SM .t.. New Tork. S. Lnun. 23 8. Stb St., PhlUdflphla. StOea Braa., 10 E. 14th at.. New York City. Mtlea Bros., lie Tork St., San Frandaco, CaL ICat'l nim BenllDE C«.. 63 N. Clark at.,C>ilea|CO nth* ClB«iBatocra|ib Co.. 42 B. S3d St.. H.T.O. VaOtt ClBeiBatosrapta Co.. SB ltsiid<i1>ll at.. Mis ns^acavc Oaw. 41 rr«k Ooort. CMoso^ "-ft- amak a Ok. aitw* SU misfdpMa PLAOS GAMING DEVICES Bpindlaa, Clsb Honao Foniltnn, sto. Barr A Co.. S6 Stb are.. CbJ<?>zo. B. V. Clark, 0 We.rbowt at.. ProTldenee. Cowper Mfc Oo.. 163 S. Clinton at., Dfane. I0S7 Cntral aTe., Claef H. C. Evans & Co.. I2S S. Clark St.. J*u» Jtmn, Fort Scott. Kid. Klein It UlUer, 43 Leonard at.. V. T. O- D. Ulller UffC. Co.. Kaoass City. Mo. B. A. Voorc -iltg. Co., ass Wyaa.. Xaa.CllT.Vo. GREASE, PAINTS, ETC. n« Bsas Oo.. S9S 8. Fluhotk atJa eb sHtf J Tr. TanHORi a Ulcbl. 121 M. ns (L, PhlladiWda. HARNESS saS ASr. Vas. plan for disaa HOTELS Lodsinc and tm CKIOASO. ILL. Hotel Bitaoat. • snisMSia (Xrw). aat;. tm, : atr OMi asr. aaa mK ILLUSIONS Oi iri o altl aa and Side-show Ooods af sad Saalars la.) M. Boltaln. "Dreaailand." Coaey UUad. N. X. Prof. Ctea. Oatnlle, SSd Bloomlleld are., Btoom Bold. M. 3. Ohaa. B. W«st«n. 4 Camnirn. Lawimce. VaM. I. W. aillie. tM W. Liberty St.. OhafeMIL JEWELRY For Btas* Vat. Beaaett Xewvlir Co., ISIT Poplar. Fbfladelphla. Alfred Oacssahelai. 5SB Bioadway. N. T. C. HolnaaD a Alter. 178 B. Madlaoa. Gbleasa. Boseis Tbatmaa A Co.. US Wabaab. Gbleasa. ^ ». X. CI Bdw. TSMryck, KNIVES UOHTS Bsaooaa, T*n>aa for Ciieasaa and Taat Bbows. Bolte a Trtfcr, aae^Hn W. Lake st., CUcaso. Geo. ^ta; >T CllC at, B. X. a MAQIC LANTBRNS Btsisopt liMiHt sto* Kleloe Optlesl Co., 52 Sutc at.. Cbicaso. I/. Maaasse. Tttbooe bid*.. Cblcaco. MFRS. IIECHANICAL AMUSEMENT DEVICES CSMBrikb Batter Coaatats, AnnlMfe-HcndMB OOk, Ho. Tfaw aa ia , It. X. Cagney L stuu ia tm Wka.. 40T B*iray. M. X. a W. B. CoudrnBaa. nomrlUTllle. *. 1- _ _ neraeben-Mllaian Co.. No. ToaataBSa, X. Frederick taserooll. an 4th ots.. W. H. labb, lodUoapolIs. lad C W. Parker. AbU-oe, Kan. MEDICINE SHOW Sapply Has J. T. B. Clark, B12 Walnot it.. Mo. F. P. Home, IMS Oenfral are., Singer Broa., 82 Bowery, N. T. MERRY-GO-ROUND ORGANS ORCHESTRIONS J. 8. Wty, AND a Co., se FaltOB It. H. X. y^ljnal Flas Co.. dndanaU. Olilo. V- 8- rUx Oaw. SMS OUtart avs.. J. u. NaoglitaB Ok, 1M S. BIA. OHsMtaH O. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES Chicago Film Ex., Ut •. Ctak at, <We^ Bogenc dine a Ok. «• DijiSim !«- CMina Alfred L. HaiatB * Q^MB JL Mj^ JL «• C notice: the: lemon BROS. SHOW: Twenty can. Entire and complete ready tor (ho «oad,eanaiatlaca( forty baawre horaa. aod barn tm, tiwty bffMA of rtog .tocii. iaei»dia« twofooe-boeao actfc t— piiaiilial baanaa, fo Bniata lorauaestimcasaaaalMlL one den perfonnlns liona. two band wagooMiiliaOT wilipa. w a l aa bagnce w«i una Hiaadilisr a ad pa H wBgona,canTas,UKbta.aeaU. two elephants, dee ra»sli.wttfc saddlasi two Fblllpplneeattlo, two baSUn, pair clk»,tnfacl,acofnpletecwrncyc&rBbow. To b« seen at Dodaoa, Ho. Addrev rRANS LEMON. WB JUVTITE OFFERS VH.031 YAOOBTOXB HANAGEBS AND ASSmS Harry and May Howard In Qcrman Comedy and Wooden Bboe Dancing. A scrramlng hit emywbero: a few weeks upan. time and tenn. addrees care TUE BILLBOABO, HEW YORK. All mall wlU be Carwarded wlthoat aSj dah^r. Greatest of All ..Bickett Family.. I WM E. BICKCTT, Graccie E^mmett Laughs and the World laughs with her, in ■URPHY'S SECOND HUSBMBl^ En route with Milton Atom's All Star Vaudeville Oo. PRINCE YOUTURKEY Sgfa Wixe, Slack Wii« and Slide for life Aefc. for laak tbree seasons with Great Gaskill Caniml Go. At libertgr after Dee. 1. Address care Billboard. ...AT LIBERTYaa. High Mver ai After Oct. 6th, to join Carnivil Oompany going South. Dire into from any height. Ck>inpany most fuiioish apparatns. Saltay xessonable. Featured with T. I. Cash GhnuYal Go. all seastHi. Ad- dress GUSTAV KOLB (HiffhHansiyX one Manifold'bGSBW Stan. 438 Wabasha St., St. Paul, Mion. BARGAIN FILMS! The finest stock of second band Sims In gOOC Qocditlon at great bargains. These films have jost been returned from our rental ctrctiit. Send for list. 133 8, Clar* St., CHICUBO, III. SLEIGHT OF HAND TRICKS. SIX—no two alike, for SI, sample 26cents atsmiH. Address. JOHN ZIMMER. MB North BsncxottSt. PtaUadelnlds. Ps. (»)a» of»e:iv time lODDLESBOROUCH. KY. SMtlDS <^aimrltv 9O0l For time u I-.Kt.'iS(iV:K, >>w York C! Mgr.. Ml.3.i..-'. Ky. teniw mddreas AT LIBEKTY—AlUiO—HocJuuiIcal doll. A hoo or window worker: »l»o " Robe '*. Can no brv>Krr: wodU llk« to hCAT from S (mOO Address ARNO, csre Blllbosnl, ClncumstL scorr OPERA house WAUKOMIS. O. T. UD«> all (be year tSiMSSi^SSS^fS^JS^ foropaa