Billboard advertising (Oct 1905)

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42 XHe 0illl>oapdl OCTOBER 14, 1905. It ValcanizMl PripHrtton the Heart THE SERENADE Oir Lafnl Connoted Subject, "THE SEREUOE," is ibe Acne of Animaied Pbotograph). it is a "cbase" picture and "The Cbate of all Chases." In 12 Sceaes of Gicioiic ktMj nd BenidanBeat L.engtti SOO F'eet. Price Seo.^ dSSM The Greatast Croatian of Sansattonal Motion Picture Phototraphy. OF THE LEADVILLE STAGE fA. woodaifoUy lealbtle aariM of TOO r< in Oolorado. and tollowlni; with -t STILL a HCADI^INER. LMWHi. 4Se FIMI, Me*. 984^. iLmgHi. 3S0 FmI. >ts that made Colorado (a PiUCB. IN THE SEND ro R. COM PLBTB CATALOCVC AND CIRCULAR. OF FILMS. 'HL H. BUCKWALTER. Oenaral Weatem Atent. Denver, Colo. ONOUBFOBATBD) 43 Peck Court. CHICAGO, ILL. GEORGIA FARMERS' FAIR^ AND LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION Oct. M to Nov. S, tadustve. StiB.oeo people aUcaBcAlB l«B«t tai IBOB. JLApTTHB^OP^ftort. ■■ ■ CARO^ S L. MINIATURR R. H_ - PENNY ARCAE ^PIRE DANCERS. ' UIMEr.THKn.Y RACK. glass blowe x. stampers, Rubber stamps. DOtt iUiD PONVSHOW. IM.SlilGB?lll»kl mCEWB ANDERSON. Secy, Ga. 3lst STREET THEATRE Chicago, Illinois HAVC OPEN TIME S^mntieatwitrfKbt nr play on poroentms». Wnnid like to bear from bnrlt>iiaaf> Khow that can jgwidneewaoek. Addrgss. K. p. cwpucHlLl., »8oothcla»-kgt.OBIUAQ«>. ILU fJUSTTOMfORHYOUTUr JULES AND aU GARRiSON Will be one of the Drawing Cards with [...THE ORPHEUM ROAD SHOW... The coming season, under the direction of Mr. Martin Beck. Season 1906-'07, A TOUR OP THE WORLD, nader.the direction o£ Cliner & Hohuee and Anger & Baner, of London. Permanent address, . GARRISON VILLA, East Norwalk, CBiin. 'ACfFIC COAST AMUSEMEf^T COMPANY! SULLIVAN A CONSIDINE, Mid0p*nrtin(30 Flrat-Claaa Vaudeville Theatre. East, NorthwMt I HTBIITFII TIUE3, riRST-CLASS ACTS OF ALL KINDS wWfai^ a ■ i p^— tb»t cAQ dttiiTvr th. aooda.r j STERNAD & BROWM, : .Br So. Clark St.. r CHICAGO. iOLiK BOOKING AGBNTa ARCHIE LEVY, ill Eddy St.. SM FRAHGttGO, GAL CHAS. WRAY, 219 Denny BIdg.. SEATTLE. WASH. I. Wanted.. >A fltunber of first class attractions for onr carnival to be ■^rim in connection with races, or prefer to make a deal .with a first class Carnival Co. Onr dates, Nor. 6 to 11, 'jPolnmbus, Ga. HrrB^^kiit'%Mk after liaeonAtr. Vopnlatlon 40,000, with fine surrounding . country to draw from. Will only have first class A-1 shows. Carnival under aospJcBB Golumbna Fall Festival and Racing Association. Address, •, ■-/J^CIii.iPl"',. . ■i' 91MBSKS, Secro'tary, Columbus, Oa. rv JfaKfaa«na rod!* KMat npriril Co.. 52 at.. ChlCMO; 127-28 w. 32<l St.. N>w York. Ml)« Kror., 10 B. I4tb. N. T. O. Utips Br<M.. 116 Tork .t.. San FraaelMd. CL .ViiloBil Fttm llMtiM 0«b. n JL CUifc. ~ I'ltltr ClaMMtagMffi Ot^ If ChlciKO- P.tlir Clnriii«t«s»p1i Co., 1Z B. 23id .t.. New York Clt.v. Sellg P.lTKope Co.. 41 Prek Coort, Chicago. MUSIC PUBLISHERS Tta. FoUowiac Finos will b. slad te tnd oopla* of Ifew Soocv to BooopiUed XMabw. of til. TnTuiioa. I<»o. PrUt. !« W. 87tb rt.. N. T. a .N'.t'l Ma<ie Co., 41 W. 3Sib at., N. Y. C Jcrao. H. Rfmirk A Co.. 4S W. SSiti. N. T. C. Will Rowltrr. 223 Wattiloctoo at.. CUcco. TkMWM Xoile Co.. zrn WahuA Me., ~' NOVELTIES .\mrrIcao Pearl ilftc. Co., 247 N. 2d PtilladrlpbU K>n Carlo Co.. LarMla. T- x. Ilnndy TIiIdc Co.. m Rover St.. Lndlnftoa, Mleb. 'itrro A Co.. 37S tVfilx St.. Cblo(u. riir Easir Co.. 12 Dutcb at.. N'rv Vork CII7. Jowpb Korblrr. ISO Park Bow. Npw York Cllf. ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS BUbom Btoa., M Flftb ar... CfalcafO. PASTE BRUSHES nr Bfllnrtar., Cirou aad Thaatiiaal AcMti- A «aaki^ I2T N. Ktb St.. ■•hll.d.IpUa. PHOTOGRAPHERS P. i r »P dl. PM». IhnotOD. N. J. mbM Sladlit. S4A.S4M Stat. .t.. ChlMCK I. W. Wlltga. IB autir .t.. Cblraco. PLAYS ANO MSB. OMtei ii, •■Him. .Acaeti and Bnka.. ChaiL Mrnmald A Co.. SI tVaablaRtoa, Cbtcato. Mia. fdlubrtb llarbnfy lt»i B'wa/. S. Y. C. Will BMritiT. aiS WaahlnKtoo aL, Ctalraco. Saasw A jOTdaa. I-US Rmadwajr. N. Y. O. Man A CO., 1141 Rraadwar. N. Y. O. W. Bl WaiMe. am PMrl at.. Braoklro. M. T. WiMMtt nv Buvan. 1402 B'war, K. Z. O. Watmm A. .WUtc. lUl B'way. N. Z. OL PRINTERS Of P iala iM Poatm and Sir Tn» MaaAi^ Stnunoi. eto. Ark»maD-Qol«I«7 LItbo Co.. Kan. CUj. Uo. Anwlain Show Print Co.. MUwankw Wla. BrD Bbow PrlDt Co., SiBtniWJ. ■* c. R. Bock Co., Bo.tof^ 1— - Camlral Poatn Co.. nt- MUineapolIs, Mlaa. •w^. L—— .„ . —. — M at., Brana- PanaMwn LItbo. Cfc, IToirpsrt. Ky. Knqalrvr Job Pt«. Co.. CloHniutl. O. K.^L. Faatos A Co., 835 Oeambum at., Qileaco. Frrsiia Prlntlnx Co., 72 Lake tt., Cblcn). Cr.«t W. rt». Co.. 513 Rim at., St. Loal*. Ilmaecaa A Co., ClnrlnnatU UsPrillon Slicn A aiioir Print Co.. Maivinoa. O. Prna. Pt|t. aad Pub. Co.. Fhllad.Iphla. Pa. Clarmcc B. Ron.7. Boory bidj., Claelaaatl. Stt«rr Postm tVorka, Stf«.r. III. O. S. Lttb.^ Baasrl-Monnn Print. Klvwood. O. VWMtwr PtB. Co.. R.Tanldsrlll.. 11..^ WttMM A loaat. 400 Main, DtAat, SkK. PRINTERS or TkntHiJ ZattariiMds. «» ChBrcb Ptf. Co. Bs tt^GtaiiinMtl. Till.. iBil. Nonpar.11 PIS. Co.. 425 Kim .t.. ClBdaaatl. jltrset Pn«t.r Works, Stnirr, IlL Wortk PHatlac Co., WcMwrnlUc. Uleb. RILIBF SCmiC BISECTS " Ik iiiiiBiii^ nr w. mtk au b. z. c. SCKNIC PAINTERS Aad SmIm. in SeMMiy, .to. Mn Bfrfortb, 21 S3 Boone St., Ctadoaatl. Jane. Slipper, les B. OolomMa at_ Satntt. MIcb. Soraiaa * I«aaia. 2M 8. CUatMb OttBSiL SIDE 8HOW PAINTINGS ■• Bm^ dB Bio. laUad ave., Cblcag.^ m. SLOT MACHINES Xaaofartann aad Daalm in. AotOTMticOMwtnetM «o^. UB MtOB db. Cnnsnlldated iUarbln. Co.. l24N.ntb. PblladelpUa CnaninpalltaD Not. Co., 214 X. 8th St., PblU. R. Bdena. SOS Arcb at.. Phllxl. Ipbla Pa. Mllta Novelty Co., 11 S. Jefferaoo at.. ChlcacaL {tawr Bna.. n Bvntr. SI. V. ft WaBlw BCi. Oa. ta W. JachaM. SONG BOOKS triu Roastter, 225 Waablnrton at. I. WbltMOa. 240 B. MadlKon. s. a •t. SONG SLIDES ror niottntad Cbtasa Film Bsebangc, 138 8. eaica. III. Rniteor Clloe A Co.. 10 B. 14th rt.. B. Klelne Optical Co.. S2 Stat. at.. ChlCMat w. asd at.. New Tcrk. National Film Baattas Cw, dB Ma. CM Cblcaaa, BL delic-potyaetpa Oh. d* VMk Onm. m, STAGE HARDWARE i. R. CUaey, 247 Snllna St., SjraenK, N. Y. STORE HOUSES CUogo Hooa. Wttek Co., SStb A Itoa. '^'tgr STREET MEN'S SUPPUBS Wat lUr rato«m, ala. CO., Ttac A Oow. «U St. CbarW. M., St. 1 Fabrtra.. SOT H. BtMdway, St. l>nil.. B. L, Fuua* A 00., IBS Dearborn .t.. U. GMbMS, T» Seotk it.. PblUdrlpbku Tb« OaUnltt Tar • lapactlag Om aat!. O. Air, Oaggnibrlm. B» Btaadwajr. W. T. O. nalaman A Alter, ITS B. aiadtea, fhlMMI Tb« R. B. Co.. 108 Caaal at., ». Z. ft I. Elsraateln. 44 Aan it.. New Tork GItf. LertD Bra.., Terra Haate, lad. tV. F. Miller, 144 Park Row. N. Y. C. Xewmaii Mfg. Co.. 81 Woodland are., Clereland nnRpra-Thnrman & Co.. ISe Wsbasb ST., Cblcag. n'lll Rosslter. 225 TVasblnetoa St.. Ctalrago. ShryoPk-Todd Co.. 617 N. 4th St.. St. Lotilt. Ba. .S. Shore A Co.. 2B4 MaiHson, Cblcaco. Sbaplra A Karr. 428 Sontb St., PlillAdelphla. ■<ln>!er Bros.. 82 Boirery. N*. V. C. n'estem Bantaia Hooae. E. Madlaon.Cblrag. UartT Welabaom. 240 B. Madlsoa at.. CUeago. L ITkltesan. SM B. . Madison at., Cblram. TBACHER OP VKNTRILOQUISM Pmi: s. TIS M. BIh at.. THEATRICAL AGENTS Chaa. Sornbaopt, 1132 Broadway, N. Y. ft Western Tbeat. JSx., 806 C. O. B. Udf., Cblcaia TENTS Baker A Lockwood Co., 415 Delaware M,, Kaa- aaa CI It. Mo. Cm. B. DonarlD A Co., ColnmbD*. 0. DooKbertT Bros.' Tent Co., SI. Lonl*. Mo. J. C. Goes Co., Detroit, MIcb, U. B. Knnkelj, 1S3 Sontb St.. N. Y. C. Tbe Murray Co., 58 S. Waahlngton at.. Chicago. Obaa. P. Sleder Tent Co.. Detroit. Ulrb. Tbomaon A VandlTeer. 816 E. Prirl. Clnrlonitl a, 8, Teat aad Awn. Co.. 223 W. Baadulpb M.. GUaasob MaTSTl OMa Zlcfefl Oik, m M. itlk ab, fWladrtlUB. --"-^ ^ jj^^ fwnw*. A*r nCKKT PRINTKRS AckennaaSiOHlBlw Co., Kaaiaa CBn Am. TMrt oSTVoledo. ~ , xir^ - - irasoa, TIGHTS a. B. OaU. XM Uain at., SprlDgdeld. llaM. TOY BALLOONS Q, Nerrloie, go N. Franklin. CblcagVb (If. A. Vatnt.1 A C. 41 Wame t*., B. Z. TRANSFER COM PAN I «S^^^^^ TRUNKS Belber Tnnik A Bag Co., 1S2 Colombia arc.. PblUdelphla. 0. A. Taylor Tnmk Wkl.. 87 E.Bandolpb.<Bl«(* UNIFORMS M. C. TJUy A Co., Colambaa, O. VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES Frank Melrllle. 1406 Broadway, K. Y. O. Rdw. ShB.Tnr, S7 WaiblnglOD at.. Cblcago. Tbrark-Bncklry. 827 St. Jamra bidg., N. T- CniM, wud Beait Bnebant. Ueupool. be- WIRE WORKERS' SUPPLIES