Billboard advertising (Oct 1905)

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OCTOBER 14, 1905. Xiie Blllboapcl 43 The Largest and Most Reliable Wholesale Streetmen's Supply House In the Country I emoiM CARNIVAL CANC MACK and KNIFI AKO DOLU RACK MBN. aALUOHBS. PISH POND MEN and 8CHBMBRS. AUOTtOI MAlk ORDKR 5c. PER POUND IMPORTED FRENCH CONFETTI Wo are Quoting this Price on A DELAYED SHIPMENT OF 50,000 LBS. Which was scheduled to arrive some six weeks iflN bnt «w delated In transit. The French exporters reallzlDg the lateoeM of the aeMon caUe- gramed us to sell the coofettl lor their account at mbmbmhS C«nts tho Round immbm* TMo a very WmmmI Snap for Stpeetmon. For thU confetti is worth fu ly SO per cent more than the domestic goods. It is brighter In colors, cleaner and stacks up vary buUqf; a 6 cent paeklSBlqr w^Umi In an- pearence. loolu as big as a 10 cent one of the domescle atolE. ~Sb«I joor order early, for this lot wim't last long. A SPECIAI. VALUE IN CONFETTI DUSTERS The Confetti Duster we offer has no superior nor equal In the market, when Its make up, quality a nd size I s conside re d It is 16 Inches loiuf. mmmmmm^Wr I.OOO, #10.00 HATIPB ^^''^ again caught up with the rush of business, which wasH; PUIIWK very unusual the laso rour or flvo weeks, and from now on wllli attain give the prompt shipments an U onr wont so dont hold back yonr 1; orders, we wld tuw wrj good euB ot Uunn, we nuule apeelal uzen^ments to do so. UeWELRY. PLATED and SCUD GOI.O. WATCHES. SILVERWARE, CLOCKS. CUTLERY, RAZORS. OPTICAL OOOOO. NOTIONS. STATIONERY. CHENILLE and TAPESTRY. TAINS. ■UOB and LACE CURTAINS, CELLULOID QOODSa RUBBER GOODS. CANES. NOVELTIES. UMBRELLAS. TOILET ARTICLES and PREPARATIONS. W« Of maka a aDaeian ISJ. SHURE CO Wholesale Streetmen's -2TO IWf adison St., CHICAGO SI . i«, WoiM*B Vkir, JfaV to Daceaibar. Kar Bilaiilpal cttin imd (own* of tbc "= .— oaMbar «. WEIL'S BAHD SLloilt RnrTark WILLIAM WEIIL, Director A Modern Orsrinlzatlod for a Hudern Pabllc. nm CHOSB PUTERS MO SOLOISTS ASnr WKALBV,—Prima Donna S prano. SOLOISTS: Curn4-t. Trumpot. Clarinet. Trombon**. Urnxo* j^ma^^ I eeo I «b CONOKKTHl FEATURES: French Uurn QLartette, Tr mllon« Or kral ST. MO. SPtBITBD. ENGAGING. POPULAR 1 New York City 3UI Knickerbocker 1 faeairr Bldf.. 38ib ■trvet and Broad- Ik IMMISi Gan'l Managar Address on banlness matters, dates, etc. Locns, Suite M3 Secarlty BuUdlnK. WILLIAM WEIl.. mi AMOSEHERT CO. Addro>s on niattera relailng to Band, Artists. Music, Etc. 0pm for Propetal* for Summer Engaeemanlt, Parks, Retorts, Expositions, Etc. AQENTSaBdSTREETMEN '•rPBZZlE—JBSTOBT A HnX SELLKR. Bend Uc turaample. L. L. YOUNG Si CO <M Washlovton St., OoatOD, Hut PATENTKEil AND SOLE HANUPAOTUREM. WtfemeemrSkluladM atMf* tar «ar ftat MWlssMt Wa kaw 'autiwsiM, iU4.aHaBBinOifla,m g CONFETTI PKR POUND Some good Confetti, boys, at 5 cent per pound. No8. 3y 4, and 6 Ribbon in all Colore. ST. LOUIS CONFETTI CO., 12 South Commfirclal SIraet. ST. LOUIS, MO- GREATEST OF ALL mARKSMEM D.E LORIS INVENTOR OF THE ARMORED PIANO ELECTRIC BANJO Q2&$|>0V Tlie averace eanmigi of a nadune a $dO a noDth ami tke cost to operate len tbaa $ 1. We have only a yaj few o( thee leh mad will doe odl quickly at less than half prioc^ Yon cannot mved yoar money to better aihraatageu Read our dtciilar. TEN REASONS WHY.« Weston Baoio Cenpaoy A3B WABASH AVC. CHlCAOO NotbtUK bnt Real Cartrldees need In playlns varlonn artaaClaM. 1 on the piano repreaeala a note, whlcta la demonatrataA JkWMS OM HoS KB lllaalon, like ■omo InolUttors auid. Tiakln nae. MB ORIGINAL IDEA OF DISROBlNe A UDY Bt BbooUnK linUona off ber saraaemta and th« carter* flrom her Ilnata* wM«k rutnooneelaedareatttlmtta • or even ISaka. Shootlns ;t5 bnliaeyaa In • ■•«- ondas aniefcer tbaa n Katllnx can. No I ml tn t ta ta tbin rrat^ aa It Sakea a real mark«nuntodolt,aud not a plcnr wltk • r«« n«a«. BreakInc«Slaaa ball Iron, bla o <* n bead by abootlnc tba trlccar oCaaether rSfle piacod oppoalte bint. SbooUnc and breabinc twg fa eajiof aacarpia««d vm tbe bandgTnn —autant by almultaneoualy llriiic,*W* p ttobl one in raeh band., ■jfwKnc .bnlieta tbroasb a llncer rinc beM b^WraM the Snscn by Ml nMialnm. « toMiiB tbe act wUb tbe croatcatspwrtMntar Dm nr«an sbe atace. A yonac lady dreaaed aa (lie Btatneof UbertynnnfHdlnclnsba rear oftbe atacc, abootlnc tba Jewela olTber erown« and witb the last ano* blttlnx a ballaeyr in tbe breaat or a larce tberrbr rlnKlnc ■ K<n>B and niUwIdluc aa Immenae Ajuerlean flac, wltb Creat electrical efffeeta. THE GREATEST ORAWIMGl AOT A Bait»bto tor any aaMnH Ibira taa C awj ^a tie S n plr a O tt ill i WMakaabjayaart ATTRAGTIONS WANTED W« havs open tfais in Oct, Nov., Dee.. Jan., Feb., Marcli and April FOB GOOD POPULAR PRICED KHRAGTIOn. WNNIEU & SON, manaeera. DaTis Opera House. F«irM<t C\tr. Pa. NOW BOOKINBTopkRA HOOSBtcapasltir.Mi SMi» Itxaa WAXT ettbar npmMra «r laadMiHa ifci— Oeod rf D , ia n BWdsH T asa—. *Mwja J.I.W11PH, - Mlimil.Mlllt. WAIMXEO O. Vu., Sevenl jt<MXl pUT* for this t M KuisatMd. SnUDir rajmcltr Ma H. w. BRnan^ la Book the leadiosVHBATBB, Cb>itt«r. IIL Good tlmrt and per cent. Add. W. P. SMITH PARTNER WANTED WITH $500 SA W. Mflli N. V. OTV. (AmatanrorProfawloiuil) to ukeui iBtsnaMBaMB KBown Mw rooMT makltur r&re« eomedj. AeanMA m CORT. Utlna. K. Y.. tare ot 0«n»i»l Pelnwy. ma: GEORGE KALL. OB KQd arcer NoTpfflbtrl, kAmkokee. ill.