Billboard advertising (Oct 1905)

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The Billboard 45 riiilB Line, and Make Money. ■■•■■•Heaec neceMary to Mil mj Sm «trMk Cmne*. Ttiey aaU^C 9t.ns. JAPANESE BAMBOO Gfloox I No. 3B5x I JAPANESE Wenled^Rnisli. H BAMBOO Reduced to§ Crook Canes «CflB Patented Fiilsli, ■vvR Braided Silk RlbbeB Per lOO wkleta*T*r ■ to joor JatercaC S6.50 i Tk» bora And mr CHl- OAOO BRANCH with EUrrr t L. WaUteam at *w S. HadX- I •oa8b,«ffr«ateoDTenlenc«. I «rta«o thar are trarellnff " Sooth or wool. L EISOnraN, 44 Am tl„ aT. ■UIT L WBMABI, Wntm Uawm MUU n, 240 — — - IT'S W TO YOU, MR. STREETMANl (if S! P.M MfRC IIASOISE Carnival, Fair and Straetaiei. Jewelry lots. Comb lots. Fbear lots. Notion lots. Purse lots, Handki-rublets. Raa>r luts. Memo. Books," a lass Cutter Kntvrs. W. B. W. Brand Tablewsre. Pe<>rle8s Bbarpeneis. German Collar Buttons and Needle Cases. BlK Une or Slam Iiay Onto, Piab Fonda, Knlle-Boards, dee. We buy and sell for cash, and yea will find oar prices Tlie Cbea] Send (or 4MU iorue to^MT yon can Save Arsm S to 2S per cent, on evenr dollar's wortli ot eooda ;on l>o7 Im onr line. WE ARE PROMPTJHIPPERS, TOO THE H0R0WITZ-BER6ER CO. IDS Caul St.. I. T. Ciii. ipeat In Amerle. ^ UlBMatodJI aaa to eoMBM (Data- tbat BINDERS Th :FOR3 illboard Agents Wanted •thr KaWaat Uw WorhL It docatho work of 10 difftr yt a niclaa. For parlag Tceetablca. ramnTiac r-je*. 5^ P^^y** a»» p. s «a p p N a.ea tn i i » l a i m>ogt chliia. Id Me. Itor •ample tSl At-BCRX Urn. A lis Fourth AVS.. I'lllaburK.Pa. Dice $3 50 JK-c' New tranapamit loaded work, (narked cmrda, antlrvlj new work. •1 •• per deck, lata per dos. The namt cmrd tnarklBfr lok la the countrr. ttw per botU& Lateat •trlkera, Bplrwilee. abootio]( loal- erlra. etc Write for oor new metieal aportlag aooda eatalol. naa, Addna* jTP. KiairrR a (.'o.. nan Ctair». win Atlas Trunks •alls aa« rlrrttd throagliDat. "•r cstnlninr win rtir«rfii]1r imrodarr tken - J?^ BEtBE* TamOC * BAG CO.. — A.U«. V*. 1S2 Colombia CLOSING OUT taipe UneCola Conlrollednacblnea. >«Kaaitarea<*>d In arcades, rvaorts. hotels. MMaseto. Wrlt«i for i>rlces. T.e ... PETER BACIQALUPI, 786 MlaalMiSt. mmm - innliii.CaL JOE WBSS ■ JBE WISE! ttytmaratlraJOGof the OtnabaKxposltlon. CHiiiiUBleatu with me at your t arllust Doswl- muDMit, for It Is very much m vniir ad- Tui.aiie. SKii'nrNnv. Ckrw, 1 ■tandard fnumd r&U- bnt a Bhort time: In pood _ iRlMl and nlnt«d. Barfrmla. R- MUNROE A HitUbunr.Pa. H LOV* H O YA UTr W G.BROWNE lOi t nUKOM»T. Will hold 20 48-page copies. Tbe papers can be easily bound one at a time; late ea^es can be in- sertel In place of the old ones. It keeps the pa- pen flat and in good condition. Size llzl& PBBCE EACH, 50o. The BMboard PuMMifng Company, 416 Elm Street Cincinnati. O. TimfirCa. tflar sale tor storaneehaiCM. _. ■aaaaM wltb the beatot ivcMda. . ^ let tumovtaKalltbe FMIenloaoMMia S«iBChlr«Bifc JWInnAtInehoars: can aoTlludrlMMltl W»ka««*iita •Ine to CalKomla. sad all si« well pleased at pctoo. Wa hava a tWB* Tho Only Cxelualve Theatrleal. Scenery and Proporty Storaso Warohouao and Tranatar Company in tho Ceinitry. Ha*« bantad At.!, the larse ocnapanles faitto tarn tint Sm the 6ot- r P.O.MM- hand stulT which we can ntlllze In rebutldlne Offlce. Buom IS. Dearborn St.. Tti. Harrison WTt Thruop SL. Tel. Monroe874, rHIOAfiO, ILI.. MX to 115 Tbi BiUboani's Free EnergenGy Senrice. Bf AN AOBBS In need of people by reason of aooideat, siekneas, indisposition or dbStb ue lOTiled to wire us ab either of our otBons ststiog their reqoire- aaents. Allsoeh wteessralBaMdlateiy'bulletinsdoaaTecylaiKeldaiiAooeid witii which esoboOce is provided. Miny actors, actresses, performers, mual- slaneand aceota who are at liberty look in on us dally and they always read the balleUiaoD the board. This is a quick means or eetttog in touch with Che right people. This service is gratu. All Want Ads aent oa for paUlea- bion are also posted the moment received, and Manageie ft ie q — tt ygitap^- cation before tbe paper containing their ad comes out. '"^.'k^'SV. the billboard PUBLISHIN6 CO., ^iuV^^!^ NEW YORK,I440 Broadway; CINCINNATI, 416-18 Elm St. fcrtoroa Ai mm* Ad «l»t«eC itrl*laaat Stawo Mande, Aseam THE LONDON. MUSIC HALL ti lOe racognlied oma of VaodsTllle Artlatat And a mandlT welcoms at Hlrand. Naw T VaHt City Talaphena—SKZ Madtaon. I Win Dull the BEST Sketches^ Songs, Oomeiliesy Dranaas ""KN Tu UKOBB. Uoaoloiri ea and Parodlaa a •peetalty orlataal work famlibad. Refareacaa i>j the bnndnd. nMartaLbai only wilie tbe Widi'aar lade to order «o. BOS'WATT. tl^fSSS'm WM StHl. PWIadelDMa. Pa and OTory deavtptlee ot theatneaj work WBITTKN Tu UKOBB. Comedlea aadjpramaa RaTtaad- Sataititsbed Um Only the bait I 4» BOt taraltb daplteatad WANTED... ....WANTED FALL FESTIVAL AND CARNIVAL, JASONVILLE, IND. Week Get 23 to 28; Stat Days and Ni«lits. wmTni-Clean show*. Hwrr-ao-Ronnd. FerrtR Wheel. Lreltlmate priTllPire men here WNh I Hi Is a (uod one t r yoo. Can nse tree acts, initst be cheap. Ja^on- TnM«at.wn .d.fuar il lie: flye thou>and mlnetN worlcinKlntbeooa' Irtentlfalhere. C. C. WILLIAMS, 6ec>. Jaac mines iTilie. STREE1MEN Whin la and Gaa Balloona. Ribbon torUaaaa, Watebca. Optical OooJa, PoefcetkolTea. W.ndi Notluna. and au LATIST NUVELTIBB. Oaat NUVELTIBB. Oaah with order. No smda C, O. D. without IL Write ca t a l ogne; mailed Gree. SHRYOGK-TODD NOTU» 6ir N.P«urtii ST LOUIS. . . UNITEO.STATCS AND FOREiCN ^GPYRKHTS 4PATENTS MtO —^RAOEHKMOa A^YRIGHT wufUSS^nKATESa And make yoa a fortune. If yon ban a PLAY, SKETCH. PHOTO. ACT, SONG or BOOK that Is wonb anytliinr, yoa shoold copjriRht it. lXja*t take Cbaaccs when yon can 8r«-nre orirjetjj- I ces a t amall co^. Sendfor onr IS WO M . Orm TO INVCNIORS before apulyinw for a patent, >/ fay you, lUMieOOa am faUmtsten! T WSt . WeadTiself patenta- ble or not, reEB. We Incorporate STOCK COMfANlSS. ~ ~ ~ ft VANiiaEB. SOAP Oar DOLI.aR a0ort«,l box of Sfie la the hot aeller for fairs. IDK. Uoata JOD US per 100 boies. of mafclDjf tlO or raore a day. ' bcnada tor nsoltOMIf BIZ. E.i.unssMPCi,ar FOR FAIRS GaniasslBg, Ete. Flaf s and Decoratkms^ CONFEni. CANES. SLAPPERS. UiUted States flag Go. 2244 Gilbert Ave.. Cinelnnat, Ohie. SPtEtS THAT CET THE COIN Urdical ijpiel is DrToied to tb* Mrdkiat LreiDier, Strert Hu. Carriace Deetsn Oniolaa, Onrbatsne Sallar, sad is all Mdlii a tMleiaaTeilstarCantlaaapods thronflt apaarh TkHawfeattaaar'ahaM attaatioB. amoae, iaalnict Bad intstsw eaonah to toneh the pockaibnok. Tom noQld not pan wltb It .t anj priea. Sant poet paid fcr SS. or aand tl-Moo.It and wUI aandaao. w th .xamlaatioa pfifUagi. D. c. Brown W Ann St.. v. T., Plaetorr Bahrloa. M. T. KlbboB and SllTer Trimmed, M.00 perbaadfsd SCA SHELL mrfw BIG PM FWTSrORYOU. for Mall^v Camlv.b, Kcwirta. vtei Sea Shell Hat Ptni, Sea Shells and Shell Sureitln of arary deacrlptlnn. We tell 70a bow to mII QUAN flTI EH. T. n. IMOTT, 416-417 DiaiMn St, CHIGA60.IU. noVINO PtCTUItB nttlHi'NIM. Pllma and acceaaortaa. camotaa. lanao.. aooa elidea. aew and Moond h^md. boncht. Mid and sirnsinsa. Expert maebanleai lepslrliig: ipectal alldra madsi moving pictures taken to ordsr: perforatlns. '' —^ optBC and film prtntlna for the t r wde CtBi Aaaaioaif CiaKMAToeBxpa A FtUi CO.. tebnelilar Mgr.. IL R. mil m.. To»«- HaPPY hooligan atKHWl •n» mrw laaetan mae. krilar Ik.n a <Mt rattt a^w. Jeat aet. a m^m^ aiafcer. 3n aih^ gasMA eenni a O*.. im ■• DsspUiasa n.. ChlcacsJO. '3«e rim