Billboard advertising (Oct 1905)

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Ttie Billboard OCTOBER tSM. TOMORROW LAND OPENS WELL 1 IN BALTI MOitE-SE LECT CAST Title Bangs-Klein Play Changed DaySBefore Reabea Fax and Christie MacDonald Scon Wividiial Trinmphs—Imaginative Character of Piece Makes It Caafe Opera of The Fiwt QnaKty— ^ : EUb Fqr's New Toric Opening. TBB tbrlcp-naincd nmsim tmntmrnr, tb* latnt efforts at Jobo Kendrlek Banm. Uanopl Klein and Heni7 W. Sangr. re<!«lTed its prcmlec prodnetion Oct. 9 at Uw Aendeny ot Uule. Bal- OnK^e, Mi, oacJer the tlt> of To-monovr Land. One of tli« largest and moet entboalastle nnd- t4>nces that erer assembled oa like occaslOD In Grnter Baltimore greeted the new piece and be- Mowed npoo It clMlee gniM. The can wu aa . folio tra; -> Bockenetlc ...Beoben Tn Prof, ronaata . Mwa rd 3. Martfiiden Tack .^.......■^.^fVliam'C. Wvedoo DoUia ............... J.'CUrenee Barrey i WtlBea Clarton White Ta^ttart C. L NIeboIaoa Dtiililtrle* TnBg Ranrr UicDonald - Helen Hale I 'Crace Cahlll ICartlcnla Helen MarrLo ConataUe .'. .Ldct Tooge t*ij Am Bnde DDDDe Headeraon Frederick Baams Samaodla - Clris, , Beanx, Daalea, Pansles, t'tHA; Eleelzlc ngcr •Glila, " It was aup- dash aa wdl aa'alaaadek from the rlxe of the eartaln. and tbelMktr It piogreaaed the - - - —— " —a foil of Mlcaqiie lUCHABD MANSFIELD . Bene*. FacnllT Gfa^. LaPoncw-^l iOt^^tm^atmt Olrla. UqnS Air tr Hearr w. fmtie tm . Ike juiwutiliw «r Or initial pa- ne ararasr pla/MKht baa a peaehant for dtfrins into - ancient', historr for bla aettlngs umi a anmber hare inTeirtsd fletitlona eona- Mcs in wblcb to exploit tbelr slats and betors. Jata Kendriek Bangs baa broken away (ran all ittooalltlea. in Ta-oaanoir- Land, and be Jnt» ISi^ fl|tnre^a.-^tliaaaaaid 7««rs wltb a Mr Oiat cantM'OM t» gaap with woodrr. Oolr tboae tamtUv wltk. the wocka of the playwught can Imaslne boir weU. aod thor- oo^ilr be has petfonned Ua task. Bis plc- tnre «f a thonaaad. years beoea la Intetvctlng. Tbe aodal. domeatle and other proUems of to- day do not worry the people of To-monew Land. unUonalres aie cooaidefed a disgrace and tbe lenrant girl pidilein Is soUed by means of li- quid air, wblcb likewise driTca tue police from the force. Tbe protogne rtcsIs the interior of Prof. For- ca9ta*s laboratoi7. This gentleman proferaor of Mlence and aatnriogy. Be has labored long In eiperlmeDtlsg for a chemical that win enable bim to see far Into t]>e fntnre. Tbe profeaaor wants a riafOD of a chonaand years hence. When aa elTorts seem to fall. Roekemegle. a millionaire, steps In .and wagers the proft-ssor a vssC smn if be succeeds In sccompH^ilng his pmpose. Charged with renewed seal, the scl- anttot is soeeesafnl. and with tbe aid -nf his apretrapbooe bis dicam Is realized. With a aMTVCluits^cIood effect the scene cbAoe^ to Act t, and the andtence Is treated td one of the ■cfaleTements In stage smnptnoosneGS. la of no eooseqnence and Bockemagte tte lock and key. Serrants dls- Lore is mksown and the Social bar- teing on the ^ • BO one. Act Xcali are Other lanovatlona aie Intro- \wtth waBOettnl eSeet.. I Fax Im the nla of Baekenasic was a ^ saecoB. Aa Ike laock tinded mll- Booalne with talatad aisaty be wt: v a aplea- dld peffiiCBaBee. CtoMIe XadwaM aang aer- eaal catchy aongs and aesrsd, a jiiaiiml bit. Helen Bale, always Tlradaoa eMoMely eaptl- rated tbe aodience. C. I. N W WfclW. aa the new type of Bngllnh dnde, wwa well recelred. ESd- ward B. MartlndeU. 'WlUlam C. Weedoo, J. Claieiiee Harrry. Clayton iWhIte. Grace Cahlll. Helen ^farrln and Ii09 T^ngcjwcM wdl cast and sa sgreesbly MTeJy, moslcal sad cry Is daazUng. Mr. Bangs was present aad .a speed was demanded from him. After tbe performance handset waa aerrcd at Am Bats Belsedetc. For the Ocst ttae afnee flke aadr mi's, the Aand Opcnt Bont psadnert tna*«ew play last bIi^ Ib biwor oT Ika' evemt Eighth A.iHB» pat on Ita bart .Mb and tneker and triat ta^att Ma the thMHe an at aoec. It «ar'« aMd deal «C a aiBMM. Bpeca- what did Bghtk An Bka lUaT Tbe attraetlan wUA' howdrdoo was Ibe w • Watson's Orlentato pUyed a retnm (tote in Bn^rn Ust weefc to big bnslness. The ^boiTls^ of the best of tbe Empire CIrcolt. Msnsger Bennett WUson of the Folly Thea- tre has benn bis popular Sunday night cod- eerts. last Saaday nighf a baslnass way o ne SfSe anwigest sanderUIe Mnt. W,al»ji adJn Bnoklyn. Xo wonder the Faar*a MMV W cooeerts are so (lopnlsr. Thompson A Ehindy's .N>w Vork Hippodrome IS bearily billed Is Brooklyn and vicinity. A large eh'clrlc changeable alsn I» located on De- Kslb are. near Fnltoo street, and annonnce* tbe featUKS of tbe big Hippodrome. fre»JJ[TP r. sentatlre W. C. TbompKJo has aU tbe Brook- I.rn papers mesmerized, and they all Eire the Blppodrome many notices. - Tbe Brooklyn BUBioaid man attended s per- formsnce at tbe New York Hippodrome last week. This wss bis toorth rtslt to the HInpo- drome since R opened, and CTeiy time be «ee» tbe show there U something new. S!o many new acts bare been added tliat it »»« Ukc seeing a new show. A person coold attend the Hippodrome a dosen times and enjoy more every time. Accordlig to report there seems to be a qnes- tion whether the Morel ty Theatre in Wllll»ni«- borg. which has been booked along with others of the Percy Williams' Metropiaitan Oteuit. n-lll open this sea»Q. It mOL. tit dCMnW and reqairemeots of the t be assigned the cause. Colonel Frank E. rilUs and his [•overo. of the great Bo r War 8^ _ sented his act as an eitra sttractlan at tne Am phioo Theatre laat week. The act w%v^ so well It should hsve been a hesdUaer. Ooionel Finis has his act booked in seretal of the beat houses. • . IVank D. Bryan and his new act entitled Tne Peace Congress, with a dovo pccttr and aand- somely costnmed girls aad asaar J!fTT s big bit at Hyde A Babaan'a ' Mr. Bryan portrays ildtnt act was pnt 00 here iir the d— — . stage and made noeh a Mt tMt'.lt «■■ Bnd over for two weeks. ■ ^ Cbsnning PoUock's diaaatlMtlM i( nt Se- cret OrcKard. wMck la ataxat •sadrisr re- hearsal, will be ptodnerd la OcacaMr at Hartford. In this Ifea aMH^l^jAg oes and Edgerton O win be the girl. Joy, bis wife Helen. Tbe »-hIch was acted by made Joy a_mlaor past tentlM ta Ua d vtMaan aeiw la le e weinia (ram the SSa |Sg **g^|j''Sy tr^mi^ Hi For this Fay nraa faatlMI Inst the chsr- scter thst fits her best, and her work was eqnsl to her best efforts In vsndeTllIe. As the belle of the Blast Side, who sgrees to pose as the wife of a Fifth arenne snrell that he may inherit a fortnote, she is tranqwrted tu the home of one^- of the smart set, where a BCQie ot CMDpUcatlons farnish tbe (on. Ot caaaasb Miss Fay sang tier old standby. The Bdk' n( Arenue B. and did a "toagfa" daocB artik her ptlxe-lli^ter paL .The socal bit of Ike aisht was aadc to She ftnnd fuH an e in a- I WooU Uke tn Basa a In * pany. The Belle of Avenne A li has a dhoms- of pretty York World, Oct. 10. AMKEW MACK BACK AGAIN ONE^OHT Stands of The Empire State, CaadhkM (M Tns^ecto Briefly On- lined by The Billboard's Special Jtev York State Corns- Business In the one-nlgbt stands ot .\e« '■ York SUte is not particolarly good this season, though the big attractions continue to do weB —that is. tbe reaUy big ones. The fair dat» have proTen a harrest for the repertoire agers, and for the few one-nlgbters enoDgh to secure these choice dstes. Business, with these exceptions, bsB liees l>elow the arerage ot prerloas years. A Bcaooi. OT sAsxaaAL:Pi.ATs TUa ua Ike atate hda been :a*cR«n' wiik BAe''- AaaiB. ^ The Utde-townt bare oali bad attxaetloaa dcnitaig with eoantir foUta, aad tbe larger ooe-night stands tiase aacb bad twa or thtee at thcae attractloDa aa far. Anbai ibrm baic bcca ttalMgr _ AdaML-aMXcr. Ibt Ut8aoBilj,~ Jbsboa Landing. JtAJTX imrSTBEL SHOWS . Tbe minstrels bare had a good showing. Doekatader's, West'a, HI Henry's. G07 Broth- era. CultiaDe, Chace and Weston's aod DaRoe Biutbers bare all been in tbe state this fall. In thU connection It aaj be nf lalttcat l» note that Dan Darleigh ta M BtabMn a recently played matinee and night ta Pi ad b a ^t a a. l bs 1 and eighth ill ifbiaiaaisa a< tt» clCT. and did tag t m Ifea day. azw FLATHomza • z. ■ A. new theatre la bclac erected at Watklaa. Which win be ready to open abool Dec. I. 1 new theatre at Sodos will be ready to opes sboot the same time. Tbe new theatre ai Elmlra will be opened shortly. Tbe plans for a new buaaa at Oneida (ell tbroogb wlib and Australian Success Florence Roberts Opens li a Problem Play—Other News Ffam Ou San Francisco Car- respaodent. TBE FOUR MORTONS The old Hootank "nieatre iras leused last week by Mr. Wm. T. Grorer, the manager of the Ampbion. also Brighton Beach Mnsle Bali. Manager Grorer had a soft spot in bis heart for the Mootaok. -He had. as the rlgbt-hand man of his nncle. Col. Sinn, contribnted to the earliest snccess of that house. He was a po- tent participant in the laying of tbe comer- stone. When Walter Sinn died. Mr. Grurer acted the part of a sod as wen as of a bnsl- ness eiecntlTc to the deceased Colonel. The veteran manager was spared in the last years of Us life many cares and worrit s by the loyal co-operation of bis nephew. For a year after tbe Oolaners death. Win Grorer saecessfnlly «( tbe JIantanb. There aa ta what Xr. 6n>> t better dasa : wm . ^ tntih lAnr. It- la . aa a saodesnie tbta t ia. and (bMt eomblnatloos srlll be seen there, be reopened abovt Dee. 1. The Poor Mortons, in the new mnslcal farce. Breaking Into Society, which is nnder tbe msn- agement of Percy G. Williams. Brookij-n's pop- olar manager, tamed them awsy at the Us]es- tlc Theatre last week. Tbe sboir has made socb s bit thst It Is rrpsried to -be booked on Broadway for a long ran. Mr. S. S. Allen, the. pt^olar maiuger of Pay- too'M Lee Arenne Tlieatre located In the east- ern district, reports bnsln ss sood. The stock eampaay wUeb la tapportlBs Cotte Fayton and —* Bead Vartaa. Is aa ^ Andrew Mack has returned Crom M& Aostra- llan tonr with his pockets full of EngUeb money. HU tonr Just completed was one of tbe most soccrssfol of any American actor. He packed them In Her Majesty's Theatre. Sydney, for twenty weeks with Tom Maoie aad Tbe Way to Kenmare. At Melboome tbe same bnsloesa greeted him. and on his departure boo thst place (ally (onr thoosaod people accompanied to the atatiaa. paying adaslasloa to tka prtadpal gate aad Md bin and " B la pnibable that - to remain two tbe WOTld la~ . _ . New Zealand. India aad aialk AMea. In ins of tbe Uaad aa a Ihfalllfa mtirtlliia. Ifr. Mack aald: "The * 'ui T ^ aMatwa a( tbe present theatrical aeasoa la Aaaltalla beloag whoOy to tbe Assmeaa playvta. Kaaee O'Xeil has dnpUeated her aneeeaa ot Sec yeara ago; Minnie Tittle Bmne, a aatlre dangbter. la be. lug wataly recelred throngb tbe eohnles. Joba r. Tbwndan Is among tbe loteooat farotltea in the eaaatty." Floteace 'Boberti care tbe preiaietc of PanI Armstrong's new play. Ana Lamoot, at Salt Lake City. Oct. 2. Tbe popolar actress recelred an oTstioo. -Aim T.amont la ttimed.a problem play. Tbe scenes are laid in N'ew York. Loo don and Batvali. Ann Is a struggling artiste, ■ young womsn of good breeding and education Her aspirations lead bir to begin an easy life In New York City. Stirring scenes follow, and Ute play ends wiib her redemption. Salt LskP CltT- critica declare It to l>e an artistic p. r. fonnance aod her supporting company as well as tbe actrrss wss highly praised. H. S. North- mp plays tbe leading male rale. Max Fig man. Robert McWad,-. Norah LAmlson and Lu- elel Yorke were among the company. After a tsar ot the PacIQc Coaat. Manager Joiin Cort will take the company to New York City. *XIa aald that creditors in Aneklaad are seek- lac la niBvfor M. B. Cartla. Baaaser at tbe AaailaaB -Jhsilty Compaay. ataaagtr Cartla aaUad wflkJMa eowpany (Sr «aatialla laat Jaly, bat It aw ■ " - - Tbe aieittL„. Anioas thea vctt' Ifilir losgjer; Princeaa Chlnqallla. dlaa; B. CUre. a maglelan. an* BL t. boor, a mosologoe artiat. Tbe aMnAara nay tbe greatest dUBenlty was tn cettlns time at Ike theatres, and that tbej played to fairly saceeaa- fnl bnslness when dates eoold be arranged. CSalmlng $3,000 dne for tbe aae of the plc- tnrea ot tbe Britt-Nelsoo debt. Manager Nolan, for Battling >NelBon. attatcbed tbe bos oOiee re- ceipts at Mechanics' PsTlIlon last week and suiveeded In getting |IK.40 b^Bliltl the fllmf. The scene was quite as spectscnlsr ss thst Hklch took place en tbe ataae. . naca (No. 31 did a temsrfc- aUr badima In the larier one-nlcbtna. aod Is aa escepttoQaUy good abow. Tbe cast Is rety aliin and tbe abow ta eqoally as good as tbe atlalaal Ooban attractioo. Tbe music Is Is Aam at C. B. UeArtbiu. and tbe eboms work b narUCdlailF aMd. Bobbr Bany la tka UUt pcstaeily aff. tta .attractloa pnhaUF Chle la playing nearly sM it* tka state and la al«j givlBa ttse aatlafactloa and teeaklng many records. 8. F. Sbermsn. of Nesrark. Is gradosUy en- Urging bis drmlt of smallee towna. Be now bas Newark. Wellsnne. CstskUl sod BUenTllle Wsllsce A OUmore's Circuit in this state em braces Oswego, Cortland. Folton. Coming, Ca tundaigna and Clyde. Tom Boyle has Gran TlUe. Salem and Hot land and Ponltney in Ver mont. These drcnlts. along with tbe Bels' towns, ties op the majority of the one-alghi atanda of tbe state. Carieton B. Brewstce baa a. dreait of alz tirwos on Long Island are goad (or tbe amaller attrarttana. The llkiiiii Chle la thirty la adraaeo af their Astaa ' fendant. Tka earUlaa kad a fnll boose an« when cadF tMi bBsB aoonat of eaab was foona there sma-aaaathinc doing. After a delar <rf twenlF M l i M lia the Olma were replaced and the performaace proceeded. Nelson clslms thst be was to reeelre IS 000 for the nae of the pic tores. Tbe defendant claims that be was to re eelre a certain perc-ntage of the receipts. Tti* matter will be fought ont In the courts. White Whitlesey closed s most snccesaful ses son St the Alcaisr Theatre Oct. I. snd «s» glreo sn enthusiastic defianstratlan. Bis sea son Issted eight weeks. Belasco. Meyer A Price will bring orer Ok Royal Hawaiian Band from Honolulu next sum mer for an eastern ai>d Boropeao toar. Juliet -Croabr. hi nclsale Hfe Mra^ Fr ed Be- lasco, msde • 0HB Mt k na.piuW-* Tears week Oab^'at the Wilaai ii ThtaU a. Xiss Ans les. Klaw A 'A-Ianger bare arranged with Gotth*. >farx A Co. for a special presentstloo of Bea Hur at the Crsnd Optra Hoose during the fli* two weeks In Sorember. Another record hross 1ns riin is looked for. Artistic sonrenlr books of Tslse foe pres<-r»s tloo hare been dlsrrihoted by tho nasa dfc aa noonclng the Alcsisn's new plays. playtW aaa ptans for wbat bi rery Ukriy to ptofe tia aiaM. the atage. Xolaa'a lasp- - fore amwwred in this SRSB thaaa a( the «p- Bllly Blee. the old^sae aslnatrel. la now P>r auaeatly located ta Baa Franelaco. on O'Fsi rell street, aeat ta the OcptaeoB. abete be, u pmprlelOT af a caft^ at afeMi jlaa slonala board oa by It. Jennie Opie. Australlaa Shortly to fill engagearala. an S(o(»