Billboard advertising (Oct 1905)

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4 rtie £3ilit>OArcl OCT08ER^1^53^ MUSIC CHICAOO (Wetter of BJawatlut. Sweetnt SU ■SMrniB]^ Black Sbeep. etc., etc) SiniC me a ditty by Jim O'Dea, Wltb m Ultlnc uid smoutU refrain: A uOI-MliTliifc natural rouodelaj With a meter like tmUlng rain; IB aizle, '"^id a. Tolfltme' tkat aae Inax CmI* Tm the oatetmost bmtli of the wodd ttat mtm At the tattj and wmdron pnl: Just let it i gi cib e ia te on aod on To the end of the last refrain. And aft«- the ecboea hare come aad Miiia I*t It flow o'er tie earth ■ abxg me ■ ditty by Jim O'Dea Tbat wOl Unger throogb time ud apMe— Tliat eanaea the fancy to swoon aad Mmx la aB tbat tbe words embrace: Aad wbeB yon have ended the aonr. old man. Jtmi tbe melody dies away, AMt poor out tbe nectar tbe rods only can . Aad dtiak to oor Jim O'Oea! pKNiWKiu publisher (it there Is one to-day) can not mSntd. In Joittteatioa ot Us own bosl- oesa, to' pat hlmsilf oasB iMSVd as aaylne So-and-So will BOt mmtm caad la tte eentnrv. Tbe "niMhwjt" pnblWier will •*« be a fac- tor In tbe trade, and It Is to tbe trade the big publisher must look for rapport. Tbe suc- censcol pablisbed most not overlook tbe fact that he hioxself at one time was In an embnro State: that It took^ a lone time for him to become a fixed star in the poblisblng tirmaaiftit. History repeats itself, and altrays will. Cbaa. K. Barrla was an onbeard of quantity before After the Ball broogbt him Into the limellRlit. The Whltney-Wamer Poblisbln^ Co. was not in a posltlOQ to dictate terms before the snecfss- fol reign of Creole Belles. Albert VooTllzer was looked upon as ati Interloper, a "muali- room." nntn Teasing pillnped away from tlie rest of tbe strinf:. There are man.r other cases wwthr of datlon, bat why elabotatet The "Msb poblbAer la wlUi as awl wm be ftr an tbae. If be tea tbr caanqgr at iJa' usailillaaa, wky oM lahtarna Mat nt.'li-aiplpvta-day, bnt t a u c i wr ka mv fe»^aU''WBt?-«MaK bis fellowB. W« «•» all dMMrtK- aiM the belplne baad et aar eMn> SBlded ns ttuoniA oar Infancy. It Is not the way of tbe world to kirk a man when be I' down. If we can not apeak In hia favor and atlmnbte htaja tasa-ahead, let aa hold oor speech. It m---tamat t» " ~ paiMgiilic; aabeMBribv' ta AKTHUE. WATTy A singer of remarkable ability, with a range of three octaves. Artbor Batin, Cblmco's phe- nomenal basso, Is tUa eleettlO'liis au- CmCAGO'B HASO OaOAIIB villa Maaaehia is the name of an oncan g r inder In Kew York who, when on tri.; lately befoR a oaslstrate for operalluc wltboaC a! UcenaCk dlaptayeil a bank t>ouk wlia' a CMUt In' Us tavcr of <T.00O. all of wblcb he- aald had been made by eriodine an or^^an. TUa will strike Chicago pfople a& somewhat aafntslihig, oiiieb« tbe moae; was paid him lo atop grinding and move oo, as hi qoice kCBb bnt (here la a great dUTerence Aa taatcm dtlas aad Chicago in re- ta tUa iadaBitr> Uaad otgui moalc U la the eaac « la hBCw la New seret^ dealt la (3ilcago. hr city aMsB^' aad aa»iiai who Ten- ta gdatf aa argaa ttat haa been eon- aa MMar in qaaiicy or oat of repair la deut With. tbe otfaa band, a man can anytlting that be cajls an organ withuut tation. Tbe consequence is that ail tbe organs tbat are condemned in New York and Boston as inairumvDUi of torture are shipped CO Chicago, and remain in tiere uotli tbey dn^^to- pisiiB, If a ny SI bete eves awde ti.UOO oat uf one of thtun It mn^t have bmsn by ixrt grinding IC Tbia I s Joat like Chicago and Ita DemocraUc gaw saaaafc aad It la all tiie mote exasperating, bCeaaa^^Aiod' hand or^anii mrv uoc an uuuilxvtl l^re are, of coatae. enlUvated people who nee- in pain aa loas aa lliij aaar saa off them. ">.maiia;jow^^«sBjr. hat the neat maaa of tbo people *mitr lao aiiMc^ U It ts COod of Its kind, and are tcallr eleeated and rcaaed as well aa entertained'•by .It. vhl cago has been mnnlng down U Ua street ^■ter an In everything else that abuald be eadee government control, for laaaj years. Inv a* ll» people remember tbe -«~J"-r Italian orcoestras- that used lu make our miiu- mer evenlnga dellghtfol. With a harp, a flute and two vioUna, they would dlscoutiM: popular mnalc, attract large; crowds ot reUned people and take up general coUectlons. There was a time* also when the hand or- «■"■ were yitte nspeetatde. Wb<;u tbe tnne;! ^HL " daaslBsl almost anyone could eajCT, aacwaa aad to lemnneraie, toe per- ^S5*'.,.ST--'yj!g diaappeared. toe anais boea whkh aaw vex aa cast-oir Jnn> rasia eC , fork—we caa aot mat ei ua e l »e s to '^them or their *'innal&" "» Chicago la a mBaic-lovfaig dcy, ever k welcome wltb open arms the eoneoetfam ^it to ns by the eaairra pablbbeis. We discriminate here In Chiiago. A oleeavMk' '^f?Js ."•^ ^"^"^ «" Eood JSrV'SS jnbUa bed la Chicago. Bot irt>rn it cmato aeeeptlag tbe aguuy dlsiieoseni termed -liand- waleta are foisted upon us from the . we slMnld rebel and rebel with a nilgtaly Jj* »ew Xork la a fine dty; Boetoai Is a ■"■Idclty; Cliicaso?—LiuloiBo Is as g„od. lietttr. than any dty ever planned and ««t tj the band of man. Btoaatcd by taa^id loeka aad wUle things, are thnnt forth, ne UwaTMBCfsetle patralman leans dreamUy agalnit the off a fresh quid of Star. Ni _ ^VL doui-^tepa. The Janitor arakcs Ma chUdreo. the only ones In tbe balhUng. The bold-np man. taklug advantage of the eaafaaioa. gal- .ups off kviib fbe loose ca a a g e of a belated Jas. Tbe tblrxty. midnight prowler, with Bes- sie baoging heavily on bis arm. slips Into the lilde entrance, and a pleasant dlnpeoiter of sooiblnir beverages brings the Old L'nderoof UDd Trimble to tbem in tea cops, for tbe one o'clock curfew has tolled in Chicago. The tlme-boDored cats cease tbelr pleasant maraud- ings to listen to the strains of TUe Tortured Tbomas Cat. All tbe nelgbborhood gives Itself up to tbe enjoyment of Its moslral taste. It Is plessant to feel tbat years of musical ednratlon In Chicago has had Its effect In talstne the Irrel ot cnltore so hlgb. snd In sp w e Jlag It ao .tbiak awsr the popelsHan It raae aad repeated bat la moat cum- It wooM be Ifea aaflMw aad. net tlie perfafw . who woaM Mkc Ikt ckaw. Dear old Cbl! Tbe prood aad effete eaat may well boast of her pron-ess la eomerlng nearly all the good eomposets ta tlie n en sta t crop, bat we la Ihe Wlady Cttr atfll ~ tradltlona ~ - lovers, eraa If n haa ta cs ta eaart to the ban. SORS WIHB BACK WZFE Sirs. Jack O'Keefe, wife of the poglllot. has wllbdrawn her divorce suit. She received from ber husband a copy of bis song. Pleasv Save the I-ast I>ance For Me (published by the Newton MUSIC NEW YORK rUBIalSHBItS* NOTBS C K. HABRIS' new baby v-ng. Fir Away Birdie to Ueaven. u u-in snapped np Ukr bot cakes by tbe HluKlng profeaalon of America, be- cause uf Its strict uriglaallty. Uao music and patbetlc story. Tbe culored slides to this soiiB will be a revelation to susi Illustrators tbe iK).«Ins« of ihls set acluiUy it «I.OOO. Each alldc '- - -■■ - ^ ~ tt Is tlful la a illatloet nevelti, Sht the antat set oi THE HAHRia HITS Tbv following well koown slniperk Arr cwm using with great auccess Uarrls' famoib. songs and latest pablleaclons. Indadtng Wuuld Vou Caie, I'm Tlyloc 80 Hard to Forget You Onnal._oiea^ WMk^Ui Mae: Fly Away „ ._ - t ilay. man It M a ba a Ma mak *t Baae Sweat Bone: Jaawa AUlkk UMw. Mlaa AUIe Vlvka, Say- der aad Baefekr. Hattle PbUUpa.. H. Kcsslm. Anna B. Falawr. Biaa C Bm at tt. A. Gl Vie- tory. BOly Walah, Uarle La Peiea, OaaBa aad Adams, anbcrt and f sssr. Ocae Pilaecw Stone, Juha W. Bcn7, lUaa Hatty Wmm earthy, prima dooaa wltb the Aada 1^ Oo. are now alnshix with and as BDBtiai and Kew XHK iniBHKOOX SmOISBER the boe aad cir :«aaainlng so-called I mar aafei7 a voice of wonderful depth, timber and beauty, cnltlTited to a bigh degree of perfection. He Is feattirlng Will Rnsslter's successful songs. Farewell, Sly Aimabelle; A Nice Girl Could Do Woodera Wltb &Ie: Tbe Man Wltb tbe Jingle; If tbe Man in the Moon Were a Coon, aad Jeir Branen'a My Lady Bird aad Alaai OB Hj Honeymoon. He is soloist — — Regiment Band of Chicago. :^aee SUm Chance has gooe into the bast- - heBwlth bim; Such fellows as him be strung up! He's never done noth- aplece for Main Sguevie. and bc^ had tbe poblLxlilnc bee In he doT He ain't got . -■ - • Caad you and I know *he pabllahbig bnslness). B-eJ?^i^?SE_"?f_!'^^ '™>* J** Spit r Uaa ns^aVt no ladlcatlun bes soins to write aaotfear lUac Jot aa cood See hi. new one yet? A^Set'^aS Kags- Say, It'a rotten! ffi aland 11 at Skeegel'a department atore tD^.^« bo drove tbe people out of tbe bolldlnc. n Thr ee weeks later vre bear th eonvetaatlm;;^^ ; "Say, that Awirol Bags SUm Cbaace haa (ot out Is aelUn^ to beat the drrll! Toa kaew wliat 1 aald^-about It—rotten ( beUeve if-is still, bat at •* can't alfotd'-to' tabT' ~ get oat aiie^ pleea Artfnl BajgK^ ■ And ao^-Oii -game goes merrfly on. The imMlahw begins to mske tbe ■ '-««t:..op aad take ootloe. Tbe A mjSICAI. SITOBCE If unmistakable evidence of tike wide- dls- semination of musical culture in the commanlty were necessary, it Is to be found in the tes- timony of a Chicago divorce applicant who com- plained that ber husband often compelled her to leave ber bed in the wee sma' hours to play 9ht pikno for him. • Even in Germany, tbe land of music, this weold be noted as a remarkable case of de- 'traUon to tbe national art- But it only Roes 80 ahow tbat Chicago is znoch more bfgbly 4(tcIopcd tban Enrope or even oatselres sus- pect. Imaslae thla e^laf fMratiilaa tosaing on bis a inpU sa tu a iJi as the ban dras tbelr way aoaaa tbe night, and mnaie banaer gaawa at Ua spirt mil Titala. One fay one the aaaaiitlans of the great rom p oae ra flie beCm bIm. aad MemocT sunuaons op tbe Joya goae by. Tbe Knelsel Quartet aad Tbe Saltan of Suln. Sem- bnch In Lnda and May De Soosa In Alderman Coagblla^a Dear. kUdnlght of Love, PaderewskI and tbe Uaslcal Monks, Pilgrim's Procress and tiienadler, Bhapsodle Moogrolse and Cleopatra ntmlEan, and so on through the never-ending llst- At last, nnable to restrain bis emotions more, be abafcea his wife somewhat roughly In bis ezdtement, and then, in an access of tempera- ment, kicks ber out of bed. -Play the Chro- matic Fngne or I.aiiall expire!" be casta. "A ^d^^^g^&jg^^S^ The hai iiicailaa aad saaisdfaa liae aad fan In tempestaoaa peala aad alamat Imiwinpllbli whisperlnin. tahfiig oa la oar al^ tle a tram Or- chestra HaU to Twentr-aecaod Street. Tke minatrs drag by to the OnA Utile vromaa at tbe agony box as she swiftly and deftly turns the pages on tbe rack before her. bat not so wltb tbe music fiend who hovers above ber. "Sing: kid. sing'" he cries in husky snd emotional voice. "Sing, for tbe love of lieaven. or I shall go stark, staring mad! Thrill me the merry Jingle of My Lady Bird. Woald You Care If Yon Were I and I Were Too to alt In the Shade of tbe Old Apple Tree Fish- ing On a Sunday Afteroonn with Jly Irish Molly O and Spooning with Bip Tan Winkle on Ftidar la Zaaalbar Where the Sunset Toms the Oeeaa's Blae ta Oaldr' ^ r 'tiL u a.' **** °° Honeymoon." .:rg«»*' Sr"« 1*0 mart mctiMU *^ sslBBte. iMIa, or I - - - tiagie • little In the BtraJna of I can forslve ynn. bnt can't , My Heart will nerer be ttee; So Just for tbe sake ot tbe day* Please aave tbe last daace tm Mrs. O'Keefe tare ay the Irgal mnnf — •—*—* * - — two ali_ Acain A VZBDICT The following ertract fmm The QnUl and Pencil Is self-explanatory: "The Words and Music Club, an orxanlza- iL°,JL,7.^ '"^I"* 0' Bohemia, almoat ended Its tavrn] career as a factor for tbe bet- terment of the sonc scribe over the dlscosalon 'utnre be tabooed ,^L*?°* °' disruption w.a oc- il!?,''-'' ' member who volunteered °!L.Sgi'^S°..*« to. .the new instrumental com- ^yt .yoa'* In hIa Judgment prove the T™** •■Hfff. After tbe Instl- TSft. "SL—«''e mem- bers took up the auHar miiiaily and decided tbe Questlao by > altav va»e. no comiSrS being allowed to aambmta Us rom^^ Ronrtoller PowelPs new two^tea nattnl •Tkl Grenadier. ThI. ''mSmoS^iS^ tSSiiiilSi scope of original ldea« STaew^uJ? Jm eoceeaafal cmnposer." - mrsicAi, Ati equal of DeReszke and Caruso, secording to Chas. B. DUllngban. has bm t Tork. Tbe •^" rh^rt,^"""' P'- ^- Holbrook Curtla. an an- tborl^ on voice. Mr. Diningham will edn- Sfl? Hil 0P»""<! «»*ge. Professionally h, FriLi^.h^T™^ Caruske. an Inventloi of Frltil .Sohetr formed by the combination of the nord«. Camaa and OeBearke. ">» Henry, leader of the Ineer- »U Orchestra at Des Molnea, U., ud a^hL completed a new march which he has named InpersoU Bock, In honor of Ingersoll p"rk ?r composition was frStten while Publishing Co.). bearing her likeness on the < £Ljri,^^'S^".SSl SSTSbJ^ cover, and by the time she bad finhibed tead-| h.*^SlSui^^i^SSi. ^ fa« tbe fleet ataaaa her heart melted Inward "* • • bar baabaad. The sanU waa that Mrs. O'Keete aaacbt aat SmA. who was waiuac hrbia rtgar at tbe borne tt a ■ataal MMrt. "I've come back to yon for Ha^Mt tmtmf -Mm aald. -We'U begin life a«te;» ■ _.ft.waa la the e bsww cC tiae aonte that Jack R*t M ua iMOTWt HaMl Ihe chocos roas: BUDGET Tbe programmes of Weldon's Second Begl ment Orcbei^tra. now playing for tbe Chicago Care Food Eipaaltlon at the Seeiod Beslmeni Armory, Chicago, tndode a groeroaa percent age of WItmark pabllcationa aeleeted by A. p. WeldoB aad Harir U. Bamm. director and asatrtant dlicctar ot the. mrheatia. napccttvely. Amaoc theae ^amtina abaald be aMathaed, Mayor of Ibkln. aa l tc tl aa. Fetcca: -la a Cab- bage Patch, captlee^ I<afaa; AiabTi Istle, Jobaa: ta a .Facsda. cbaiacicttsm ton: IdleaHdr. latemesao paatueale, schslk: Tammany, two-step. Edwards: Melange,. Babette, Herbert; Girl In TbC racka, march, Mann; The ClUaax. O'Hare: Ky-lsses, csprlce, O'Bare; Tbe nt-g*^ Girl, aelecUon. Herbert; Thoiigbta of Love, waits. Maim: The FUlbuater. aelectloo. Loraine; What Happened In Nurdland. aelectloo, Her- bert: Tbe College Widow, waltz. Bergr; Fleo- rette. caprice. Herbert: Under Tbe Elms, In- termesxo. Herbert; Lucky Duck. A Wet>-foot prom, Whitney: The Boss's Hooeytaooo, reverie. Brattoo; Al Fresco. Intermeno. Herbert; UtUe Fawn, cbaracterlBtlc, Boeenbsam; FsDUna, se- leet hin. . HnbbeU; TUe Star, medley, O'Hare; Prince of Pllsen. aelectlon. Ludets; In a Pa- goda, entr'acte. Bratton; Sultan of Soln, se- lection. Wathall; The Chaperons, overture. Wit- msrk; The Hyacinth. Intermeno. Hatch; Cndet Thw Pines. Id.vII. Herbert; and The Corypbee. polooaise, Sllt>ert>erg. A goodly showing, truly- PrscUcally a new combination has beea formed In tbe eoaaie opera Held, wltb thla dif- ference, that the coatraettsg parUrs are well- knowa la tbelr rcapectlve Unca. JoUan Ed- Barsy B. Smith are atarHas a new to Aad oo the heads oo _ opca the amatel speed tbe away, Members of tll« Runnine For Office Co. tendered Bobby auxiagtoo a little hirth "t^'^^iJSly jr^S?!.^* jmni*. amo4 Mme. Calve'a company upon her 5?°.5f consist of the fol- li-l ^"'•5 ■amard. planlste; Ber- M*iSS.''";2Sv.'TS^- '^"'^°'"' ''•»^' Prof. Ben Barnett. leader of the BeU ^.'^A O"""*™ Oakl.nd, CaL, is ,lS^, jVlendId character romedl.n. and It la Mid be has refused aeveral flattering offera to do stnntt. bat prefers to remain In tbe Vlt. MJss Marion Litaefleld. known in r„'^ThK Omiralto. to mi" I2? "»'• In The Belle^f Tbe West. Florence BUidley'a new reblde. ^^o«;£i^g^__whlch^rec«nUy^ played a Tery*--~—• hBafciia Emit, mm la r. B. rathavs's BirzxEm Martha Briggs Is receiving fonr ai encores singing Keep a Ooay Comer U Heart Vor He—tta aaaaoa'a Us hit. stndng with treat aa maa Kitp a UtUr Cost Comer ia Toor Bcart Pbr Ma, WaHl In Tbe —--- — — Tio I Dei un N l y continoe ta-m— ■t Played, and It goes Vg at Faytoo's Lee Avenoe Is ad Snvie write ns they have added Keep ■ Utile Coay Comer In Yonr Heart For Me and The Leader of Tbe German Band t» their act and It goes great. THE SOL. BLOOX OOXPAHT A recent aoioMtioa to tbe ranka «t vtlle playera la Ubia Paaar DnwaML wha, la «.'±S .h^'llrer^c,«0^^^l3^'rr'".bi?"^ r,'.rtei'a.^a iSS?Sd'»i. "WIS He^'^^nJ-Jtv.'T ln^Wi^Ci."-!?.'^: ^^^l^^^^'V..;^^^'^ of ^ Aitne. Calve has added to her reper- ^""^ binds, and eaacMtas with I'm Looking toire s nnmber of Irish and Scotch aonga wblcb ^"^ * Sweetheart, by Kaymond A. Browne, will be delivered to ber American andlenees i »"hlrh Is the only aong used. This lady has ^ed qneen Beggar^ .It was wrtttea by Barry Frank Keener. aolo-.a< r I AUM tbe wdt-kaosra the atr ica l ■»«-