Billboard advertising (Oct 1905)

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XHe Biill>oarcl OCTOBER 21, 19(< nm OBEKLEE'S BENEnT. News of the Week CoOected aad Assorted by Uu Man y pud teiiMlt wax held at tbe BrUscd Tbe- tcre' TrmOar atttmooo. Oct. 9, tor nomas of cbe BelaMO Stock C — ip iT. 'bo. aeeoont of lU-hraltb. wa« tantd to rt-slgn. At tbf- public aiwtloB ule o( ant* tk* praTca- , <too was mvn eooipleooai ttaa tkt gMcnl pub- lic. Tbere. la DO- pro fml op la the ««iid lo iriiteb^ then Js nm trap (dtonk^ tkaa tbe The aoetioa nalted anolr MIliB. and tlila anm ahooM he aeailj trgblgd to^ nnt Tneaday «*nilBS. WIBlaa Bt-rnard, an excpUnt "beaiT~ and aft actor of si^at experiencr. taaa faeCD drawn bwn the Bnrbank Stock Coopaor to fill Tboa. Ob«Tle>a place la the Belaaeo forera. Mr. Bcr- aazd haa heeo a membir ot UoroMo's ufmregK- UooB for tbe paat two jvara and his collrasoei tt 't&e Baiftuik put with him trlUi real »• grtt. SntT nlsht next week iM AoRrlpa peopH* and their Tipltws wfU bare tbe opportunity ot ■ llmaaliii what la conalderrd tlie mo»t sor- ftoai, pvtcntloas and thrilling open-air «p<c- tadft la "the world, rain's Ljut Dax* of Pom- peii. mUe tbeae sbowg are cmnparatlrelj' nn- ' kiio^u is tbe west, for more tban twentj-OTe jeaia tber bare been tbe one bis mld^nnmer ■nmsefDent featnre In tbe ea>t. Ttie apeeiaele takes'place at Prager Park where ao trameow icatlsc capadtr of bon-s. seats and bleacher* b eomfottablT arranged, showing this wondertnl psnnniis. wbere la comfort tbis wondertnl per* Cormanee may be witnessed- LeoQ Lr*T. the resident manaser ot the Nor- eltr>'Theatre, stale* that his new boase wOl opCD thoot tS» Bnt oC Xorembrr with elran. ap- to-datr TsadeTUle procnma. TUe NoTrltr The- atre, la one'of the moat b-antlfnl ot tbe pop- olar priced theatres on tbe PdClOc coast. A cood ORtacstia will be one of the features ot -■■d eomtortaUr seats, well TeatlU- It aboat (torn Ifn. cat Ifa^ tr Far 1 Jan. 1. George H. Johnson, promoter of St. LooU. Mo., - hail reerotlr cIow4 deals for tbe building of a $35,000 [healie at BinBlngfaam. Ala., a >».000 theatre aad aOea MWas at Little Rork. Ark., and a DMM ttMUM talld- Ins at CoffeTTlUe, Ala. The October bookinss for the Em- Pirp Theatre. Holroke, Uaaa.. laclade Tbe Uetathoaae Br The Sea.-M-Wt Cnicker Arks. in-21: Parla By Klght. MWt OMiaa Olrls. SS-28. and Barney OUnuM la AWbiSw Boad to Dablln. 30-Nor. 1. The reconstructed Crystal Theatre at LonnfpoTt. Ind- opened. Oct. IS. Maascrr John M. Amnions was picant aai aartlripatfd ■a fbc oprnine cecem u olea. Ike MBBa haa bee« beaatlfallT decorated, and ta well supplied with brtlllant Ucbts. Bonds to the amount of $25,000 have been Issnpd for tbe conKtmctlon of s new thea- tre at Wahash. Ind. The Harris CoQittnctlAn Co. ot Toledo, Ohio, baa contracted to biilld tbe theatre, wblcb la to be completed by Jan. 1. IMS. Mr. Emanuel Karger. tnaoager of Alone hi The World, la hMlkhW Cur a tvltable hicatloo tor a ten-cent vaadrvtlle haose ta nvs Molnea. la. He haa setcial allMi to Tiew. and says he wHI pat np aa flfgiat plaj- boose. Managrer Graven of the opera-house at Anisnce. Ohio, baa ntobllAfd Ibe eastom of openlnj; his theatre at 8 o'doeK ahaip tor the ereBlnr perfomMnre. This ri isto a i , he aaja, haa Increased patronage consldetalile. The manageinent of the Bell Thea- tre. Oakland. Cal.. hare decided to ealarKe tbrlr bonse. the »>i>Hnc cspsrtty •( UMS belns Inmffirlent for their Incresidnc patonasa. Ope- radoiH wUl commener at onee^ Tbe BtafttoB OM.) Op(ii» Hbose In tte hssa* a( a IWtlisr. few t»M ardered sold. Tfep:feM*» hss km appHMLat $l«.ooo. thoogfe :^IMW WW OTPMM. It iHt year by Mtaa-ir.'MsteB aad Mfeacau hooKed the tUlnw- Pandfal. The . Walker Wbltrsldrs. E»- ROk'-Bialr. Baa Tof. Ilanry Betestwd. Dlaek fattC-I^w Bnefestader-B Mtawtrela. Ilolty Tnlir. . B. il Caipeater'B Cripple Creek. Mildred nol- kadsrFhareBrv Bnberti^ Adrlstilr Brrmsn. Diirm 'Thome. A Royal Stare. SanI of Tsmns. Tbe Beggar PrMk* Opera Co.. Jobn Grlinib. Tbe -Portnae Teller. Tbe Rells. Tluwo By The Sea, Uorer Stork Co.. The Lyman Twins. An Or- pbaaV- Cr^er, Rldiellen. Bello Bill. Tboa Shalt Knt KtIL Prs niarnln. The Raiah ot BlKsx. Mmray and Mark. Polly Prlmrme. Lit- tle noainitead. Uird Baltimore. Cherry Valley. All. Arlstocratte Tramp. Rsmons. Mshsra'a Sflnstfebi. Bnnnan Dearth Renfrni Comely Ct*.. a TlmDan Blare. 0>pelancl Stock Co., Tbe Bchootglil.-Indiana Folka and A Uttle Ont- CSft. ^Manager Wing- of the opera hoase at Neraab. Wis., ban booked the bdlnwlng at- tiaetloaK (tar the season: The !!baw Girl. Oct. IS: noradors. 2t: S(y Wife's Family. 28: Panst. Kor. 2: Isle of Bnns B">n)t. 7: Mildred Holland. IT: When Wo«?iro L^re. 24: Wlnnlnym* ^Brothers' Own Co.. 27: Haire's Morlne Ple- Htares. TVe. 5: Why <:irl« Lea re Elittne. T; ■in Old VhTlnl*. 0: Flnnegan's Ball. 18: Unman ^ Hearts. 2!>: Taminc of the Shrew, Jan 3; Miss Bob White. Romanre ot Onn IToIIow. IS: Walker Whiteside*. 24; The RtrDlIem. Feb. 7: Bnster Bmwn. Marrh 12: Tlie Sign of tbe roar. Apm 3. and CDoidn Kate. IS. Meaam. Pemberttm and OoK of the Cnsecot Tlw a n a, Methnintw Rr~ wttle that they are aafHr qaaneied to Hwlr new hntlil. tng. and that tmr haep •somat nae of the B. R. O. am. The new th eai i t Is meeting with tbe admlratlnn of erery one. and the trar- elln; profession considers It one of the nentest and cleanest bonses In the snnrh. ln<Ucall<ina nt to a icewd-bccaklnic boslnns for tlwae — _ . ■ —g^j,^^^ ».~is'»parM fMaT^iiiiF dv. vrjlis: T. :.^mte. the owner of the opera aii—s . has -iBCflitd a proposirlnn fnmi irrsieni eaplMlMa > wfe» wish to pnrebssp tbe bnose. It tbe deal .VBSa threnefa Mr.: White will erect a modcn : IheatKt adtobdna It;^ ' ICflitager Chas. Scott of the I^extng- tim (Ky.) Opera Booae has booked the tnllinr. tec attmctlona for bbi pretty little playbonse Cor this amtb: Giileton Opera Cn. In Wbea Jbhrny. Ctames Uarchlac Ilaaie. Gcorae Ade's -OaHece: WHsar. Ibttx Barpsfard. t,rmsn II. BMre*s* ytnwing Ple tuiea . Alberta Catlatin In •Omsln Kate, and Geo. Sidney In Bosy Izzy'a Vacation* "W. "W. I*rosser has taken the man- acrmrat of tbe Grand Opera Bonse at Colnm- Ims. Ohio, snrreeitlng Frank 0»hom. The Aangf was made Oct. p. Mr, V itmm v man- uxd tbe theatre at Oleatoni7,mfc A ' this sramn. and Is well kaowa-tavtta' torn ot the capital cllr« . MMlnaM, «k»r tefcteptC aad :YaBM« Senot. balcony doorkeeper at the apern tmoar. Lex- In^on. Ky.. were employed In similar pneltloRS at tbe Ms fan trot of the Kentndty Trotting ^rse Bz^edera* Associatloik. held at Lezln^- - too Oct. 3-14. Tbe BConte Opera House at Bnlikiila. Briy stage V-In Atlanta, position with at Colnmbos. by Charles Wlg^ns. I manacer ot one of the opeiB Ra., has accepted the Toimc Adrertlslns Asesey Ca. The Tarentum (Pa.) Theatre will ■noo he cnmpleted. and wOl rost hetweea $4S.. ono and «riO.00O. It Is hehai; ennstmetcd h.T the TSrentnm Besllty Co.. sad wm seat 1.200. The Turner Opera House at Daven- la ta p iaai ess of re mn d eila K asd wiu sMwd kr ik^M Jiil j—uaf Kew m iarticllw«II Vmana. The new $60,000 Sedalta Theatre. Sedslls. Mo., opened Oct. 6 with 'a perform- ance Of Pllf. ran. rnnf. Geom r. Olendorf la i iissi aei of Ike M been •■larced Jack Hoeffler opens the LstIc Thea- tre, Terre Ilante. OcL 30. Zotka. Kerns and Cole. Tbe Bynins and morlng plctaiea \rlll fur- nish tbe cotertalomenL Owing to the recent flr« Eacie Grove. ia„ will this season ha wNfenat-aB apfiB hoase. Plans are anrter war tP'SMfe a aaw plsy- hoose next spring. The Inter-state Amusement Co. Is neanttotlna Cor tbe O'Bilen Opsia Hoase In Mr. BL BtaMan ftnr many roan ad TertMna nan. wflvaa.lMwrr he eou n etted wltl the Grand Opcfa- at Cotamlns, Ohio. BUXT S. CLIFTORD (See First rsBc) Few of the yonnser generation ot legttlmatp «fars hare gained socb marked success In so brief a time ss Billy S. CIllTorrt. He Is this siason appearing for his second year nnder the maaasement of Chas. f. Wlilttater. in thi- Jolly .Baron. In How He Wm Her. last season, his soece>sfnl tone corerrd a prrln,! of pirrrn montlis and a bait; and had lUnaser Whlttaker desired tbe toar eoold hare bi^n contliiupi! tbnnsbflat the sammer. A tew weeks a;o In Plilladelpbia Mi^ CUVord oi>ene<l his pre^nt ton- ta The Jolly Baraa. a asnslral eomrdy triurh ua< profca to he aa Idral ■ diam tor tbe dl<ptay or Mr. CnaitoVa dkiiartlfair orbebul wethada ot entemfato|b . .'.ltHMPir IThltMker kas sar- rooaded htos wBfe a- «aaspsay or aaa aal tiar aad a eairtM st hsU s a . Ike >f n. la n toB trom HUB aiY Amasemeiits BoomniB—Cvreat SvMts Reported b7 Our On Cv- respradeots The tall and winter season la now wen onder way and all tbe theatres bere are doing a blK bosloess. Tbe besches and parks are closed op after ooe of tbe most successful seasons In resrs. At Uils irrlllnE there 1» lo process of constmctlon one ot the largest amusement park. In this section, the name of which Is Wonder land Park and Connt.r Fair. Tbe company Is Incorporated for fWO.OiiO. nnder tbe laws of Massachusetts. F. C- TUompitoo. of New York City, Is gen ral msnager. snd Sir. Horace ileese. KO long Identified ivllh Mr. Frank MuDse.r. 1- also connected nitb tbIs project. The park l.» xlroated at Berere B-acb, ilasa. At the Point of Fines w^ork Is rapidly being pnshed alon;; under tbe able management of Jo wpb Rajmond. ivl«> liss made a gr-st sue- ceaa with this new white city. He has closed >vllh a Ne"" Tort companr for s Fighting tbr Flames attraction for nest senton. We are Just orer our bly excitement bere In the aray of the Brockton Fair, wbleta. by the way. Ibis rear was the largest In Its his- tory, both In attendance and aitrsetloas. Mr. Diss. SsUsbnry's attrsclloav thr l a s t It I r s. took top money and the 1' saer shows oM well. Tlie sttse show was the best la jmn. .Kahen- >hne was the Intaea atttaeUaa wllh Ua alr- hesatHW aa sar escr Manager Whlttaker kaa nrilSfa to sksadsa Iki big week *taB<l dtin Ikr d -M«a.«»-kwaisr one nlgbt stands to the hsjtof Miat .a Biai llisl comedy wIU Had a OMWe Uwinit^saapait' to new trrrltoty than It win In Ifep. Imi tMlM wbeie competition In that parttealar Itoe to aspedatly strons tbls season. Mr. aitHM' wpaantas company win be retained tOr tkt-tNT: nrsncb tbe middle west, sppearlag la Ike kuiwi eltle» which fnnUsh 'partonase for a casgiaai tmm one to three nights. There wUI he a* cartoD ment in slae of tbe eompaay or ta Ike MaBir of production; asd tte fortunate msaagera In tbe middle west who secure Sir. Cllltonl as an at- traction wni have presented In their heoses the same prodoctloa as has been seen ta the big eltle* of tbe easL This - win be one of the fa st. If not tbe largest. Tcntnre a trasellng manager has erer undertaken In a mnslcal com- edy among tbe ooe nigbt sunda. for Mr. Wblt- taker Is not only rentntsome bat has snlBeleBt eoDlldeiuie In bla attraetlao.aad .«he^ahlUir'«< ika star to, mke. a. psoflt ;lB;aat JasaMMid wt Abore Is a good likeness ot Frank Gtay, who has usnnjred the Urcenro Theatre. Memphis. Trnn., erer Blnre tliat boose n-aa ballt. Ur. ilnsy haa been Interested to all bbi life, and he e«jh«a a among tbe prufesaloD. Hlckey. with Harry Bernard fn lidrance. The company induOes The Arme Foor. Bert Lc ■ oa, Dick Lrggett, Dick and llaade Ganella. Tbe Goldena. Arthur Hincbellire, Alt. UcCiore. ine Kltaaura Troupe ot Japanese aerobata, and ^lO- Aad aad Baadccc. Mto Jean Harge, a pretty UiUt itoraer member of Tbe Porhlddea Land Os.. kto Mt npoo a noTer TaaderUIe act which to msak lag with pleasing soceess. Ber et»«rmijg |^ dlridnallty, ber magalflcent gowns, her t» n-Urot lyile Bop ca no Tolee and: the dotcI ap. peal ot her rcpertoira of clerer songs la wl» nbig tor her an caskd paal)laa aa the ca» tlnooos stage. . ^ The Musical WlUarda fiava be«i re- placed St the Tnple of MBalc'Wblte City, Cblrseo. by Lace and- tdiee. The Winards at* booked tor an eztraded engacrment lo Ciit>i. Tourblllon, whose sensational cycle whirl orer an uncorered cage of llon« was a fesrure orer tbe park and fair circuits tbe pnsl ivasoo. la baring his apparatus recoostmcted tor an early engagement In Taodertlle. M. Jack O'Toole, singer of lllus- trsted songs, closed a sixteen weeks' engace- mrnt at tbe BUoa Theatre. X>c« Moines, la., Ort. 7. and after playing a week at the Fsmar Tljeatre. Sloox City. la., went to Conn- rll Blaffs for an Indeflolte period. Ur. O'Trxilr made many friends in Des Uolnea. He was es|iecially well pleased with tbe excdleat treat- meot ot Manager Fred Bochanan. Annie l«sUe Williams, singing and danelag comedienne, waa token in daring bet engagement at tbe Amerleaa Theatre. Ctalcsgo, falsi sreek. and waa forced to cancel her tn-rlre weeks' engagement with Wm. Lang. She U snltering from a serere case of la grippe, aud ber phyaldan adrlaea her net to attempt t« work tor sesccsl is Btka , Roblnaon and BaitMow are anjov lag ■ " ^ ^anati . will pat OB ia Iks aaac ■ hooked solid oatB MK' closed a pleasaat weeks* engageoeBt wllb Co.. under tbe managetnent ot R. B. Gaebca, Gilbert Sarony, the eccentric come- illnn. Informs ns that bt» new art. a barlesqoe m Camlllf. i-srrrlng Harold Sberilt and Ulllan niitxTt tft-UIra himseir, made a big bit on the ra!tf<t. He opened ta Itt* Aa g slss aad raa Ikfe* n-pets owing l» tt» ■MHWaC biB act. lilt something oat flC Ma SB^bsVe aad to-gtoatod a winner. A big diMlnB Ifc gterft tB ttePrra- tice Ttoope wMh toe Bilgadkta Mrtea^pefa, The Prentices are arroliata whum tbe papers readily dectare marreloos. They are featured ivlth tbe show ta spite ot the tact that Rd- •naad BayMaad BaMMaa Kelasn . the lig ht; wfiakt asaBtong sBHHiHh aw -Mitokefa ot tba The' fngagMac to. at tbe aialeatfe Tto a U<w - Thp Sloana. aoclety idt»(c ire ailing sn elsht a es kw eanactoBat la tos ^!ith. meeting with Btofk s a e na a. Die. d ■hn return east, wbere they aia booked antu Keb. 0. A promised feature for the winter ■■easnn Is what Is to be known as tbe Twca> tleth Century Eiinestrteni>e Pno. II win be composed of Lllllsn 8hsirer snd Ix>tt1e Jewell, both of whom hsre been sppesring In the Demarest BqorstrienDe Combination orer tbe rair drcolta. Haaxy B sa Btll wm Baaag* tbe team. Harrr Oonon CMc iB.not content wllfc kaetog ana e a UeBto a a eeea a . Besides kto abPtcfc. ealttlsd Strategy, ke haa trted oat T«i • ^"^ Kbip, hot he Caned to get ap ta the air. Ton correspondent was tb. re on T hur sday and tbe lemand for Tbe Billboard waa more than tbe Aopply, almwlng that Tbe Billboard baa a strand ksM oa tu* part •( Ike eaaaliT. patap sa Rsik-kad a atv saeeitoCM sisson aad apeas aezt 'Msaia wWr aaar aaw attne- tlons promised.' Mjnai:ers Dodge snd toTcJoy are tooting New :iampslilre lb their antomnhlle. CoL Tom Early, of Rerere. has decided to •ell his Darkness and Dawn at Brrere. Thl» tttractlon bad a long ma there for tour years. He sails tor Paris In a tew days to spend tbr winter wltli bis friend. Frank C Bostock. The Snnilay nislit concerts start bere Oct. i;;. the first starting at the Bostoa Thcatce, arltb the GInt>e Tbeatre follou-tng. There Is a rumen current that tks' Iktarl Bros, will winter In Boston. Mr. Peter ilc.Vally. the elrcna press agent. Is liere arranging for the coming ot tbe La- dles' lri»h Clioir St Symphony Hall. At tlie bnrlewine hu4ii».-s the Empire Circuit are doing big business, and tbe Esstent Wheel the same. In facl. there seems to li^ enonzli for all, ao, theritore. harmony reigns >upreme. The llnh Theatre here has again changed liands. t>plng now a ten-rent theatre. J. W, (Iiwmsn reports a hlg season on h\p snmmer park circuit, as also docs Senator Jos- eph J. Fl.rnn of hi? circuit. Roller skating seems to hare taken on new life here sKsIn by tbe fact that W. A. Parsons li- Ofierailng three times a day at tbe Mechanic's RnUdlng with a brass bnnd la stt. ndsnce. He reports good results so tar. F. W. U£AD. VAVDEVnXE Prince Athene and Mias I^aBrant are appearing tkbi week at the Lrcle Tkeatre. Close, land. Oblo. te tbpir swfentMc and cnmedy sec- ond sight art. srhlrh Is making sack a kit ta randerllle. These well-known artlns hare pte> paretl plana tor a big addllinn In their ar*. It win consist ot a large olrkel-plated arch standing nine feet bigh and exhibiting three Ms qnesUon marks brilllanlly OInmlnaled, Tbls addition win be nsed -ta tbe art. and also a stage setting tor whtrb none other eonid bare been better dertsed-^The oatflt la coating them »345. Thta ton m hi going west and U booked tip tor the neat thtety-ose. week^ aa a feattire ta each hoasa. < .i:??'5r^il£*^. BoBFlferi's /i Bpccta^ n^)F«( f,PrlB«eaa imi^tmm M asaaia-^lfa*..,a,.iw!i»r;'jiif-^air^^ Howard W. Durand, of the Five T>tt- randa. which lumped fmm New Tork CItr. Sept. 4, to open npoo the Nnrelty Clienit at I'^nrer. Col.. wTltes that they sre mahtoC gi«d and enjoying a pleasant tonr. They afS honked oa the coaat. aad wlU not retara east nntH.aprtac. Slater and Finch, now flltlng a happr ten weeks> speelal enaaaesasat with The Lnckea. hare bonked the lla>stlr Ctrenlt to follow. Tiiese fssiiloa idate vaadernilst* are making good In their maaleal aad aetotdr akatck. aa- titled VandenUe BaUaiia. After four jreara of cunllnuMM ww* on tbe enaat. LaPrrw aad La> New York debat, Ort. 1. at the . ■re. scnriiw an tas i a ii to aiaas aa ew as wn. Morris bss hanked tbs MiA IV tta weeks In the best eastern kaaaNk . Wm. E. Croaa Bimoanoaa that he U meeting wllk aaiiiss to kto arw act. Be haa JiWt r l ssed a aes aa ss Mta f la g s gi m a a t ^^ew After an illness /<i( iwferal weeks, csnsed by exposure at TMSaidB-Park. Parkers- hnrg. W. Vs.. while a arwetal feainre or the .Murray * Mnrt^r stork Co.. I* Artls. norelty aerial ennturtlnnlst. hs* again resumed work, baring opened on the Proctor Circuit Oct. 15. Virginia Hayden. baritone, closed with the Jersey Lilly Bnrlesnne Co.. Slept 30, nt Chicago. III., to play randerllle dates. Ae Is booked nntll Jan. t. after wMib_M» wlB rest a few weeks before going to WKIft •* play tbe Unas * Stall CUcolt. ; Bamola and Wtlllania. fKa d«*er comedy sketck arttato-new amattoa lB2.t>M ■Mdto BSaL ..Mds-aatt a fit at>tk» Bltn IMt week Ikay flwad Jacoha* Theatre, Peoria, in. Hairy O. Burke, the original Vlr- Btete «ssa ahoatcr. rialted The Billboard omees last sreek. Owtag to y^Hwr leser a part of Mr. Batksi%. ttaw to Ife aaatk wan aaatpaasd and be deeUrd to .apwad a .week aC Savaca- tlon In the Qneea CHy. ' ' . - ' Dave Derdeit;* mulcBl ^comedian, la dstag nndertoe etoato Ihiaagk Xhwoarl, Kaa- aaa .ami. WBtoasta.- tie wan booked tor- a aa - tjrn dato^at jralerB'Theatre. Ramwa-.CiV*