The billboard (Jan 1906)

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2 Trier Blllboara JANUARY 6, 1906. suiM mi m A Mm Kelcey and Sb^nnpn in New Sinjth Comedy IfittUlAa aad Uoad i^^psar Oii Sim Scores as Aotbor asd Iti«sB\tt»:f>«t Use ttat t&e ■—^"—"entr «a Oe nme bl an** aadlciiee mt tbe Xk» cut ^ ttc ta le Bsnraiares t±i va aaa' tbe mr lie OHtetkn toA 'at m t a U ia dOf In fc« l*«t y*»r'» DdiXi eppeand in Ue twst of iptiltz prenden or tue macn talked of Allce- _y^4te-nre. ud ihe entered apUtedlr Into ^T*^^i 'Qwt- oC s -w^nnAii of OAtore Tears. q[nlte a ndi«al dejiartnre fram her for- ? Impezeoafttlocs, Irat tbe chaste wu a irdeome one and aerred to demoostrste r.^r-tb*''WmtnitT' <rf tii« p»ttr l^hman ataz-. %v:r:Be'atRr of Alice Is well known to readers of Xk»'Binboaid. Ellen Terry haTlns prerjoasl; ' appesnd-in the tiUa role in Loadoa. Sowerer. . the vktt* iMM been aomewbat Amerleaniicd. asd It. la atld to pertretir at Oe taints of tbe finelai niwltii cntai Jkm^.^feat «( X'S«:aaCh(C*a Iss* fbr kcr ^'JMkaOr btD tbe plv^' Nc.Aat aatte wUdk aotr ^■V•b)e to odciBate. i^nd UoDd Baujiuut e. ^<3.Tfe« Banmore ept utmeat opened mr as- and wltb eteij prospect ftic cod* ^Vi^Cbe^ ttrst OTit of txnra prodnction of AHee- t!^ttt^-Ut^nK ms clTCn. Dee. a,' ta Allaatie .VciTlijr UtUaBvOMaeligri a aew- comrtr to ^Otsaw-aets ^^azzT-' B. amttTi, was prodnced '^lor tSie £rst tlxne upon anj atsa^ Wonday af- Sec SB. at Taylor's Opera. Honse, K. X, wBk Bertctt Kelecr aad '^Undes nUey • ■•».«■■• •••■J^aak DaTia TTfii till Krelxiioff 6otttD U(«r L Mt Xms.. W. H. Bestley m^rt-iij^w^^.—ArrtrtbaM Csrtis ^-^Bartfir' ■ ■ -' ■ ~ r«»tH«TtTM. Ancna ^^^MHtr. .'.1jmdolA Oraen f-U^talac^ Ooodaetor Is IB naBty. a k» o€ a. »rvel >r <S. ad SI "Tliaiaiiii- Ttr ddet Ud Car IBM natns to '^'Wlte--* aorel w s iftuft a i of McalUr n «1 OB a . tlwt win not CO. AH sorts of ca- fcDoir.' botv €t cooae, tbey an SmA 1> He cad to the ksgglBeB ot an. .as IMtr aijimH t» take tbe vUk Ifr. XUeejr a dose sk- ^ - Uwr- la «dl staiEcd and eieer ▲ laxve audience warmly tbe premiere of lite LlgbtnlnE Cos. JITLIK BOB BOH ' JnUe Bon Bon. ^tlie nerw comedy drama in four acts by Clara Llppman, was presented for the first time upon any staxe Taeaday CTCnlnr. Dec. 36, a: Altnosti's n^tre wltb iMla Mann and tlie antbor Jn tbe leading rales. Tbe caat was aa foDows: Jlza. Scbaylar -Taa .Knot. JJora- O^dt&walt Jcia Tea Btaat. tee rm ' Tamrr Dorkln Oiaee OBabB.^btr ileee MBtM'KeArtbor aba. Tiiiii<iin, fihiia «t «ke.-Tam Brants ICrs. f^tmten ^fttend oC tbe Tsn Braxrts - On CAfCitf* . OslanbQs atcooc. •.. 1b& Immtr, Us wite... .Matsle James Stercaa, an old bean..... Ocnca Dr. ^*"**""r ....T. Tbomtav naJils OosrtUmd. rJt<Md«;'?Mt'Viktl .iteed^ 6. Bniwa Sastan Ben .Wyrley BlrcJi -'CWbom' Jolie calls "mes enfasta.") ATms. forewoman at'Malson Bon Bod.. .... Bay Bereddse OaiBjBy.vgjjliMl^lr. ■tAjftdigaJon Bon Katle^ mflUaer . Mirrie, taHUaer ..CwiiiC nxreae, mnUner . SopbSe, mfntTWT . LotilBe, maid to Julie Dan. ^a^trr at Max liBiatiln Bertraad ..AUee iMber .Una Oman ..Eittr ~ iMlse-T SOBCSZT' SYNOPSIS. Act L—JoUe's mfflbierT abop. Boo. ' JUUi' 'aTcsae. JCoralnCa Aet^ Ht-Aitiratj at tte Tarn wett lirler at tke Tea tMat :«ck. Time The, present. . The modocilaa «f -StUlt Boa Boo marks an epocb bl Ike Ustrionte career of caara Upi>- man. for abe was soitrMful In s donble ca- pacity. Tbe pl*y prored Bncrr^MftJ abtrre her modest expectatiooa. and she wss called npoo aealn and scala te a earta^ i^eecb. wUcb abe xoodesUy decUacd. Leols aCaaa icsaoaded far tier "" _ — /at >in« "iMifc. ttat » waa fills deaperateir ia lore wUk Um. She Mm tn beUere tbat ake las vealtb and position tn "France. Sowerer, be visits JolIe in tier and dlseoTers ber real po- sltlod. He 1« snrprlsed and dlrappoblted. ^e motber learaa of tbe lave affair and raises serkms oblectlons tn ber son's poaalble mar. riajre tn JoUe. Jnlle declares ttat sue win marry Jobn in spite of tlie objectlona. Com- sUeaHoDS eneoe. aad erery effort Is made to b reak bp 4be jMat eh. As tbe story e rolres rtiuiaialaacea tlncatea to aepazate tte lorets ~ ' ~he enteasIeiBcsts aB' aiaa feas aeeoa^idlilied tier watt. It was an u i n i Hi elmlnit' aneeasa for Mlaa Tliwii She anie tte yoatH aires fea_a«» Tie . . _ . : - trt t>» ixB^outOA^ 'to Wilim Ttt^^^y^ ftcftvs eTMtoe. Bwipt tfi man y dlffinltlM. tt» t>l*y ^JiANKS NEW wdr llMt Steqe Bd- win p iuduea at tke Fitaee aC- Wales V XaadoB. Ka^ Taa. 9, baa been aamcd ^ Pet or tbe PBblte. r arte eteeae. ^ Aawdeaa ii tiisa. win bare IhrTaaiUnr Ttilr b bar aapt ii at artlt "'* Ttad Xara. - Zena Date. Qnaee Oabclde Bay, rIfpiTH QETB HAirmMtp 9m- Kdtb bas 'for a looy time' bad hla _ aa "Bartford. Ooim., but bicratofore be baa becA aasaeeeisfal tn secnrlns a theatre In tbat dty. Lait week tie made arrangeoienta wltL Manater H. H. Jennlnss of tbe Hartford Opera Bonse, wbereby ea^ win bare cbarse of tbe theatre on alternate weeka. In other words, every other week Mr. Keith win_pre sent blgb-dass vaodeviBe Jn tte and Uanager J asd^ melodramm Intervcnlnf wcefcSL Of tte Taatoi* * wmiMfHt Uk. JUU^ .wm cTldatIr take otai the ha—a aad jmeat wa. tatbar tbaa tbe eze^tloa. bare beea tbe lale UP IN LOGANSPORT Looks like some of the ^ood old cbnrch peo- ple up In liogansport,. Ind., were Jost a little bit selfldi. at least tbey aaat appear ao «o Manager DowUss of tbe local tbaatie.' Iba- acer Dowlloe always keft bla Hwatre doaad oo Sunday, and one of tbe cbortb e a be^a to slve Sunday nl^t - jnovlnc pletnre eooccrts^ Tbat save Manager Dowllns an Idea and he alas opened a setlea of eanixj algM eoacerta. nien the ministers called a bait aad asked that tbe Ud be^pnt on-Manager P u w lli^ la- tb i a li i . Bat _ . . — ^ W.'J. BURGESS. W. J. Borgesa. whose likeness appears above, ia manager of Boyd's and tbe Bnrwood Tbea- ties la- Omaha, 3feb., and is a member of tbe Woodward A Borgesa ftaiiia mm nl Co.. which controls a drcolt of ' ~ iMr. Saigeas la ooe men In the west. second^jichm Of Gafibey Tr^e:edy is Abbdtt Star of MotUpc But Mo^ Omnmr Bjr Pistol Woood Bdd. Abbott Davtdaon, of tbe Kotblac Bnt Co., and who was Injured at tbe nedmoat Ina at Gaffney. - S. C, Friday morning. Dec IS. - at tbe time that' UHan Bennett waa abot dead, died Mooday evening following tbe first trag- edy. The alleced gnUty party, a prominent hotel man, is held for tbe doable mnrder. Tbe alfalr baa caosed macb feeling among dtliens of the Sonth Carolina dty, and there was mnch talk of lyndilng tbe hotel man. However, a vigilant sberlS and bla depotles made tbat contlngeney an IifqiaaalbtUty, and tbe a c c us ed man win be given a Mai aeeoeding to law. The varlona diailtable organisations ral- lied to tte h^ «t tbe awahen aC tbe: Notb- In [ the work, sible. It Is reported tbat iMlaa May B!sb(» of the company waa eosaged to marry Mr. Davidson. cn4 that Miss Teroe Sheridan had been engaged to Mr. Bennett. It 1« claimed by tbe sbow people tbat tbt tiotpl man attempted to enter a room occn. pled br nne of the actresses and tbat Davld- aon and Bennett attempted to protect ber. Tbe hotel man claims tbat be was attacked bgr the two men and abet them la srtMMHMW' ne body of Mr. DavMaaa «aa'«MMtd to OUcaco Car lalatia ant. AreiiUnericans in Old Berj^ Hope The Be^l. H<ye_a*og: go..^Bew^^»l^rte ^^ See. •'artfh"aar:K^'a;spe it la th» Vailtnr rolca. Other iBSaAsta of tbe - company are Otaee Atwdl. KaOalae TUd, loalse ataclnto*. Lottie Al- ter, George BIoomQocat, Bobert Bogus, Donald Bowles. John Hsyrlngtoo. Bmest Joy, Bobert Lowe, and about a d«cn otters wtu> play alasr aarta. Ia addittana tbere ia a pony l» -^«o « »tt. ■ Ok, Jha tatt AaifTlfan ■eqaence that has ^ajed Ottr. Itta beet msklnc money despite ^ atntaltlea, not tbe least of whleb Is tbe j e im u of Sn. Z-niaa Tetraolnl. tbe Idol- ised lyric 80{>rano. This famooa Italian alnger, bearing that Marie Barrtentsa, greatest of Spanish gingers, was threatening an tsTMioo oi her l>eloved Mexico, tlirew op a tttacti ve o- eagements in the United States and robed to the Mexican capital to tsreatall ber, eves bar- ing prepared to preaeat-tte aaaa llf nf.a t;cat rate prices. A beaul l f al '™o*«*9jwBL.^"f promised for Mezlca. hat B ai i l l aiaa tltr ast arrive and Tetraaainl. playing at the -Albea Theatre mider tbe sapenisloa of. tbe Mexican ao t eraa ent, baa Hie wbote tliiag to bcraeU ae lar aa j'-r^ ta the aattte.- tcngse ia eoo- i Kaxleo City, ao far as tb aatiMo eaa may be eoanted, consists ot seaicetr mote Oan 1,000 people, the Aaw- lean eompany, managed by Miaa Betyl Hope, tias tb eifcff oc c bad to watdi ends dooely. See- ing that tfaa Mexican press agents are lack in their metboda. Miss Hope, with ttte energy ot an American, haa been watching that end of the business cloaely. Before eagagtag ber com- pany she spent nearly bslf a year in tbe capital, during wMcb time sbe sold tor the season nearlr erery box in tbe BSBactmlSBta Theatre, which Is the aecood b oo aa . .la Im- portance In Mexico. Xbeee bosea ««■• aoH-ta the highest daaa diealeaa SMl^. Ibtta testate of ae, attaaAaaae am:^aaa)r^feeBalaaa baa been the p i t at af s of-tta'ttaMr oC the preeldent at tbe repnbllc aad-. a* .ftaOlM aC many high oOcials. ' • ivV-- BaiTl BOpe'a engagement vs tmr the luiam ab the Amcrieaaa there lave that tbe beat theatre tbeic . 'Wtlboat a ccnfa 'iiB tea days thu s. Tbe advcak oC the Amerlean eompaay beta foUowa doedy aa tbe beds ot ttie flnt inva- sion by an A aieilcaa drcos of any note. Tbe Hocrls * <Bowe Greater Combined Sbowa played el^tecn perlomaaeea hen to cood cmwda. cIoilnK abaat the middle of OetoDer with as- sorance of a retam next season. TSins Amer- icans bare estabUabed themselves here for sore, tbe Mexicans taking enthoalasticalty to oar InstHutlaas ot an amosement natnre. A featm dC the dty, with irblch managera have to eaatMd. Ia tbe alUtnde. Being nearly a mile and a g aai t et above aea lavel, acrobata and dancers have dldlcoltles of a pbyxlcal na- ture wltb which to contend, especially as sar- ronnding sbow towns, are at a mneb lower altitude and the Jump to the capital is ottea^ made without opportunity for artists to becoac' ,~jt—.t^ -^sto re_ aj p earl^ in the ir flrat oer^ dHBiBnBi,. hK''-tMlch pessonBancea tbe p n i dlr Is' BMB^rtblSii* lha SMriis of tbe sbow. See. M,' meat of Geo. BdUnger, vtltb a atroag vao vlUe Un. ne new twuse seats 1,000 people, and has a balcony and bone. Iba stage has an opening of IS b7 90 feet and la provided with a baadaome Aop enrtaln in addltloo to the aabeataa curtain. The bonding la beaa.. tlfully deoormted. and the opera chairs are of the latest design. Tbe staff eonslsta of J. B. Bopke, treasnrer; Engene Banbnt. advcrtlaing manager and doorkeeper; Joe Borke, staae r ' agar, and B. E. Oleaaoa, jr.. electrlema. MRS. ELDRIDQE'8 WILL The wIU of tbe late Loulae BIdHdge waa ad- mitted to probate In New York City laat sreA. To Press Eldrldge It beqoealba aomc JawAr. the old hoiftaae aad tbe olS-fhaUoeed aiaK 4alr. boa «C -aUA waajaatd tan* aeHM. tate U dMM "~ to his ~ ' bequeathed Mrs. Byaa was LOUISE MOREWIN INJURED Miss Louise Morewls, who plaTS the vart of the motber.ln-Iaw la Tbe Heir to tbe Boorab, was inlnred at tbe Hotel Warden in Itewark. Oblo, Toesday errslng, D«c 38. Sbe aeddeot. ally atepped down aa riarattg -ihs|t aad pO twelve feet to the 1 iliaiial — JHIt IT^ was badly mangled aad IflaT votatte wm be ascMMT*