Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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JANUARY 6, 1906. The; Billboapd 5 Hafipenings In 'Frisco j^histone Benoett State Fair tie KAJt rftAVomoo. cai,. Dadcr Uie aaaac«Miit .«t Its oew Ie8w«, B. f, tb* neirlr-ieooTatcd Ontral nn- lOte.~9t-to tnrn sway bomlnm. OTbe ■-„— _. < B i l i«m» iru tbe firit prodnetloa In 8aa taaeltoo at Uaeolo J. CUter't new mrl- MtmiM, cotltled Tbe Bt« Wltneu. Tbt new piece I* tnll «< tfarUUns rS«<rtx. th« Ir>E> U"" inp la an aotaQabllc Is fall tUw of the ind- Uaet bttns « onr depirtnie In tbe ftrenuoni ll«Id at meladtoIMU The new company 1« compowd of Uie foUowUs pUjer*: KoOen ^•»jlie. Salpta CnmTnlng». Geo. Sej-mOTr. Charles SeUm, Bdna jlrtaier C.-»a^ord, Marie B<nre and otiien. Madam JttjOJttim haa dUpoaM of ber beantl- tol borne, known aa Arden, (or tbe aimi of 130,000. Tbcre are 18,000 aciea of moonUln and lerel land In the eetatc. opon which 1> sioirtns one of the flneat olire orchard] In soatben Callfonila. Tov tb* laat two weeka of her ensaaemeot . at the Qrand Opera Hooae, Nance O'Nell will pcoiftttce for the flrat time In San Ttanclaco Jailtii Of Betholla and Maiianna. Botb will be .alabonte pcodacuon^. lilaa Minatooe Bennett, who baa been nnder ' treatBCBt in a sanltorlmn near Loa An^elea fo: uvctal ittflTtr*. haa ao Car recorere^ as to be a^le (D make short trl|x to tbe sea shore near bj. It la dooirtXnl a she will erer be able to resome. staxe work. NorrlJ & •Bjawe hare cv>«Ded their Zoo In Gar Beld Park. Santa Crnx. and hare already at traded a nomber of Tlaltora. Tbey bare otll lied tbe oM Ckalno bnUdlnf. whleb la located joat at the terminus of the UdIoq Traction Co. It is authentically reported ttiat D. J. Grau mas baa secnred tbe lease of the Lyceum Tbes- trcand. win take cxaaeaakn when the present 'Icaae rzfrUea, (oorteen moDCba beoce. - ' 3foaCe CbBIna. of tbe iWUls and CoUlns' ■ TMvc baa aaamed tbe oiasaienient of tbe ^->:tt Vom ABseks, to aocceed A. J. Mocsan- . •bb 'icaitaed. 3b. CoUlna, wlu> la alao 1 «C bU own eonpaaj. la determined I «.MMHa-aC tbe matM^ aotwltb i iMi'at ttb XajMOe mt aw^ and im«m anii—l« ■Mt bwibtain, baa .^ibia uptmnUHia- mt aO «C B. W. rtkMlMb. 3lfe. Miria to bjnrcr Mcbt nr and will aooa be 'bC them. Owtns to , y,. The Uctit Eternal, r\tb IHMaHtf at an earl7 data. SOBC OOBBM. — ■>- : 'A, VUL. sSt^rSia?; UajplcbdU eSbrta In coasectta with tbe ptcaldent ot tbe aaaodatlon " ■ - toe lU I ct T. be et Dmp* Bar : pliasliit to aU.coDceracd. rn playlac bcec tbia aaa- In - . la a» aadergo a tbo- nocb TCBoratlaa. It wlU open Jan. 8 with roller akstink as the chief amnaement. and win be «Dder tbe able manatemcat o( Beld * Carter. Aa tbia Tcntate wUl be new to this betrltocT, the ontlaak- to bttag watsbed witb keen Interest. Uadar the masa#caent of Wm. Lynch, the IMopoUtas Theatre at Tbor Cit7 U enjoyinc ■•M ooalnMi. It playa drama, comedy, van- derllle and boicaqoa. Bd. Lawrence U In ^>ari« ot tbb-Maae lat 'wm I«wto to aaaloal director. ^ Ed. Kona was n waleom* caller at tbe ofllce of tbe writer recently. Be la mnaleal direc- tor ot BUek Fata Xtoobadaata, wtalcb played tUa town Dee. MB. B» n*m Am librtam an aloac tbe Itoe^eiM.alHh^Mli--.aB «PVU- meata of the 1mM»:.M «k'Sv:>«tato to Koebeater. «. T. \. ^ Jotomle Bmltb. ftfci ■■ial btoje^ ■«na«er at the Tamoa Bayr Oa MMt^^^fto. weatred many stisrgSjr a w »M 4 ^, watcttec. Issiisl " tlila oMaet lK: In nurttiy - smnCMI -INSPECTS tfOMPANin SSIpman, of tbe firm of Kane. Shlp- A Colrin. baa ]nst retamed to bla New Tack offlce after a tour of tbe middle wcat apoo a Tialt t» tbdr .Taitooa companlta At Obleaso be met tato bcotber, Vced. Slupman. wbo baa Jnat ictozaad bam a aaeecaafal tan- at Jtarie MfUattilto ftieMb r iwtTalla ae b btlp od ee . _He perBTtke mdr CUr tUaa Tbtfnla' Oraw-b acar, Joaanb Shlphian. and thr aeeoaa company of Wb company of Wben Knlcbtbaod Waa In newer.-which openk 7ui. SO. At Omaba- be aaw Boaelle Knott plar to eapadtr bolneto cairiatmas Day, and at Kanaaa CltT be irlt- neaaed' a pertonxtance ot the Cooaln Kate Co. From Kansas City be bnatled back to New York. arrlTlnc there Jan. S. LAFAYETTE'S CAR BURNED I Ilie Tlalted tbe prtimta ear ot Tbe Oi tajette at Tonnsatewat-Oktok «boat aaga maa Omr and beMTtti deed aboot IS.000 awaalft OeatroTcd. No teaniaaee Tbe orlfln ot tbe Die to itself - was badl7 ~ canto* tr tbe fiBBt La- JOHN MORRIMM id • ebaMCtoctolte Ukeneaa ot T<din SMk atoaov now appearinc -with ■Mt iMMM Srandevllfe. Witboat a doobt jfr. XoaitoHl ataads alone la bla line at work Car III lilealll I and vetsatmtr. Bla Tolce Is a blsb barltaae and at sreat ranae and Ua ac- ticnlatloa Is ao plain tbat. eren ji cbIM will not fall to onderatand ereiy we>A»'.-lfl^ SCer- rlson appears In New York In'Mar.-■at.'ke-'kaa Baxopcan time to follow. WMh Bbiebdb of Faiiyiaad -^IfcMtre Crowded. The Aldwych,' tbe newest and one of tbe moal elaborate of Loadoo'a theatoca, opened for the first time Satorday oealns. Dec- S8. irtlb Seymoor Bicks and EUallne Tertlaa litaytoK tte principal toica in BloebeUa ot TbIXTHad. Sir- moor Hleks u the steprtotor eC Ifee'Mw •>■•• tre and Charlaa Fsabaau to Itb moor Hleks U the e and Charlaa Fsai Tbe new tbaiUte to Tbe grand atitreue and .tba CMMIMI ax* oak- Oenoallr. tbe adieaie eCs jiiM i a taOna U wMte and foU, wltb tba.rtBflb.caattaat of mr slch laae da Barry diap eile a and ax- pela. Tbasa to > ani-drcnlar reatibale wbleb nada direct Into (be (rand cmah-room. Tbe Utter to • v«CT apartment, and tbe walla are partly roonded. with a circular balcony orerhead, wlilcb in lu torn Is connected wltb tbe stand foyer alwre, so tbat a bel<bt of nearly 30 feet Is obtained tnm the Boor ot the crush-room. At tbe back of tbe dress-drde la a handsome and convenient looa^e, from wblcb one can rlew tbe performances. Thla U also in direct commnnlcatlon wltb tbe tagrer and tbe crash-room. . Tbe hoose seats 1.200 and tbeie to atanaim room for 300 mote. Tbe ataf* to .aanto <W aU pniposea. belnr 40,toet.«ecp, TO'toet wMe; a belxbt ot 55 tect to Ite giMtaai UbS a deptt of tSt «tbf*.«dta( oC abODt S f^ enabUu Tfi ttolU to' to'token down below aa well aa on et tbe ^, . baa been proTlded for aanasemeat and tbe astlata a _ {Mm tbe ttajie. and In this ■meet an-Idea <from the old Beefsteak OMb at the I.yeenm Theatre imder Sir Ban(r-rto^' Tine's rcdmc. Bach part of tlie boaaa to°|B»-' Tided wlttmadonaL.a^oao^ ^ ■■i.:;_ ^-r> A^. Tbe AI*mk -waa .<ao>w«ad the ep^a« algbt, BlaOMOB<,'»«a - al ie a .jiaB eit a n a at vreeep- to bto tot. ■IBSIll-loTlng ;i» to now I , BM wltb tbe manaseie or ^ -.-ja. It to nmorcd tbat ^"are wm be « tdttto Oa oey la land bereatxt 'V., - - - .- .4I4mX . JtATA^aOfcfel »»• ■ .^V?.- •• • .V^ Iv- ■ vj«-gi'fei'»'^ - . ■yr??. a "^^T"*'^.''' at"."* - ' Ji»»»ww aa w-«»»■.. ■■• s» ,-.5.»!«AJf and XMAS GIFTS AND EVENTS BROiG eHEER m^RLAYER^ limne Scdie of Yiiletide F^sthfi^^ UsBf Presents and Many BaniBeta Eijofad tif n^ws s ANTA OLAUS was UTish at the Sew Xork (Hippodrome. At tbe matinee Otaristmaa Harry 1. Sle«tttoad Im- petaonated tbe welcome old IMibw. and « itobt njal time waa bad at tbe plajliaaoiTbal afuionnn . nnk Xcl- imfwa>ra "i ilaiiiinia atadM-aaM wata tob. ▼Ineenaa <Raaico. the ballet laaatar, waa aaade oretjoyooa by tbe ballet glrla wbo ptcaented bim wttb a diamond atsdded cold wateb. M- ward P. Temple, staxe director, recelred a loTlng cop of aOTer and cold, tram all tbe members of tbe 'company, fleorse Clair came in line for a cold .watcb and chain and Joseph Hanraliao. anotber aaalatant ot -Edward Tem- ple, -waa pteseoted wltb two dlaBHad plna. Members of the Four Hunting Co. exebansed presents at Akron, Oblo. Tbere waa qalte a number of expcoslTe sifts, among them being a cold watch presented by the members of the «v»iTn mi y to Harry Dnll. manager. After tbe erealns perfonnance Manager Doll took tbe company to the hotel where a big spresd awaited tbem. -WILIXUfB TKKAT8 BROOKLYV About llTe tbonaand tuchlns of Brooklyn were glTen a treat by Percy O. 'wnilama CSuiatmaa morning at the Alcazar THeatre. Mr. WiUiana fumlahed some of bis headline Tmuderllle acta and Frank L. Blxley. manager ot tbe Aleaxar, E<}ward Gaerard. manager ot tbe Gotbam. and Mn. Spoooer ot tbe BItoa helped to the program and to sec tbat off all right. The bUl Oogi. tbe SattoO . BMIMtok^Wi^KXtoO:;. tbe ar ■ ' — qolat; Carliaie'a ters then tbe Clans. , . The Cook-Chareh Stodc <>».' beKan to celebrate Ohrtotiaaa gataday afterneon. 28. at the Cotambna Botel. Halilabtirg. Fa., wbco a banquet was enjoyed by tbe asembexa - and many presents were. exdiaaged. Again at WU- llamsport Manager Taylor entertained with a banquet. XAXAesa TIA EBTKKXAJn ne 'Via Stock Oo. wetc the gaeato ot ager Tto at bia beaatlflil. bbme on I arenne. Marietta. Oblo, C bilatuia a nl^t after tbe perfonnance. A awell baaqoec waa one at the featnrca, and some handsome pteaenta were ano t h er . During tbe ereatiiK aome floe speecbea were made and a gcoctal good tbne waa'bad. Manager Via peoeed an ex- cellent entertainer, udrai.tho cioae ot the fte- tinties pieacniad'oMh\aMaoBaB vttk a .tax of dgara and aaA-Mdr'«tth-o h«'«C-SnrlM>a chocolatea.' ~ ^ " Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Hanford en- tertained the members of their company at tbe Hotel Inn., SbzcTcport. La.. Cbilstmaa rreotjag. The Barlow Minstrels played to two tumawaj- hoaises at JtckstmTllle, Fla., Cbrist- Tbe stare of the Temple ISieatre waa a blaaa of glory Chrlatmas cTmlng wben abont a hun- dred profesalcHials gathered xo enjoy tlie tCa- ttntlea tendered by Manager W. M. SaaTage. naaato were saade and many bmoceat w ila at s were todalgad in aata .* lite hoar. Among Ihe gaeato were viaak (BoUaad. ot the MBdiad- Bd- Und O*.; C rrendakr. to adraace oC Xfeo Mr v Belatloa On.; O. W. Raaktood,- lB lOiaM^- 'Wbn WeoMB Lot*: ' JmA SmMb: ' at' mm Boedfer Stock Oo.; Anstln Melnbney. dramaile olUe Of tbe Alton Democrat: P. B. Ooaaley. drama fie critic of tbe Alton Telegrapb; Clark McAdams, dramatic critic of the St. Loola Feat Dlaoatch; Joho Pfelffenb^rrer uu3 B. B. Har- Tli. bealdea aboot forty-flTe employes of tbe ~ ~ ST Samce'a^ Tempto Theaitrc and otbexa of WITH THE DUlUJES4UJUtS Tbe b me i b a n and boato WHO Mrto' D. _ Among the gneato were Manager J. O- Tea Boo and the exeentlTe atalt ot tbe Star Uca- tre. beaidea a nomber ot newspaper men from both dtlea. The Americans were braoght oTcr from Minneapolis on a special ear. Tbe Star was bcantuolly decorated. Tbere waa apeecb- - - - - OMat- O ttteta MB at to two bl^ Manager t. a Bdto^aC I ford. Oonn., reeetred,-1 ^fa. a bcantUBl and. noaa tbe 11am Tlenr - . stage men, dwdllng at kMth apod ma Ugk'- regard In wbldt Manager XaUaT waa held Mr an -the employees ot At theatre. Mr. mkj was rmnpletffr taken by anr p r toa. bat ho coreert to^tlmo te. thyk^tta Agj^^^^^m 3. P. EL Clatl^ nuiaciH- iiC 'l Opera Saoao to Btngh a in toa, ft. T.^ wan pea- -A seated with a tiandsnme gdd wat* made by . Agaa^ -Im Oggg^^gwltoariai^l^wg. jte .' ■ ' suruB Bum jm boxtalo . J^^ v Attn tbe perfotmanee oC tbe Bafns Tfsahis]^'-^.' Go. At tbe Xe^ Theatre. Buffalo. N. Br^ f aaat.. Bogaa and- Measxa. Bartlg & a—mw gaTO-- S a baaqoet to hoaar ot their *"-y*"r and ^ _ • Bewaoapee men of thait eity. Op a erfte a v«r« - made by Manager Geo. H. Barrla. Cmeat Bo- gan, Stage Manager J. B. Green and Trank B. rreeman. CbrlatmaB preeents were excbaoged n:d a moflt en>D7able time was had. Tbe people 'ot Koilnc, ni., are being con- Ktnlated by the piufsasluii and more partico- 7 by tbe moot pramlunt of tbe itara upon their-new enterpitor, the new MoUne Theatre. The. MoMne oteaei Mondar eTcnIag. I>ee. 18, ~~ ~ to The I«ad ot Nod. and the premlaie waa ~ ■ to de- inanvtc.aK ovatton. ne aa a ooaatr to potot ot tbacooahlr of tettM.. baaa haa Tariooa aetata. , pntotog tba peapte of BoUne for th e anaplrtiwia o pening ot tbe_p»et tr play; boose. ' Among tbem were l etle ia ttom Blcbard Manadeld, John Drew and. WDllam raTerabam bea ldea_.a nmnb»_^ot mt ' ' ptOStoUoa, 'todadng pMsa' BBd Blaaehe BatiK WtCL EMteOURAGE SBMidtti,^ MUSIC Tbe Kew Hoale Soetoty ot cenUy Incorporated to Albany, purpose of oeattog tbe expreasloa ot AJ^ eomngtoB ni i fia laaai atwSgae. aC .the aoctotr -wfn |» Newi;--~^ _ WHY ANTONY CPU LD NOT'OOME Mark Antony waa writing to Oespatra. *1 eaB*t come or^ so often now," be ocrlb- bled. "tat tbe lallroada are gntog to aboUah Dnvp^ag hto IcUer to a bmII chnte. he todlr redectad tbat tt woold box^y come' oot to eeort' aoine 'day^^^ew Toefc World. Violet Earle. of the-Ann-LAMont Co., wrltea tbat.TIotence Boberto to the title role la .making, la great iitipttaalou tbreoghoat the —— —^-ja^Aa: to-piavtoc to Assared For Torooto By Siea, The YaaAMDe Aa. todepcadent theatre la to be ti e c t e d ca '4 BtohBoad..aBd. Vletnrla streets in Ttenobn. CuL, ta M. Shea, the well-kaown Taademie- ^ manager. Work, wm begin In ApiU. and .tbe a| iKrasa.wIII be completed In time to opcB ahoat ^ C&izia^naa. "> - , Ste deinlla for tbe pnrcbaae of ttm: m ap Mr were eenpleted laat week, ne alto *or tta aew hoaae coat tig,000 It baa a tteatoge of IdO feet on Blctamood aticct and 90 teet « 'VIetocto street, or a total of lt,1M ataaie - -'V feet oo which a theatre mating betwcea glMh- 000 end (100,000 wm be bollt. It U aald lhat. >: the new boose win hare tbe largcait aislliig capacity ot any theatre in tlie eUr- "Wlaen completed, Mr. Shea -wm tara—tteo.;-. hoaae orer to the Independent people. ,-<bi.f^<J Shea wHX cdatlDoe to nm bla theatre to 9»r^^i-X nata^ to wtdeb tte la preoenttag TaadeTlIle^-''.^'^ r^:, .FAILED TO INSURE : ^v'' IbMy aet a^ip5 ri3*< wBr^*S to^^t^^\^' atiuuicBta to tlie recent Sre that dcattayed vho Bljao Thsatra. Bdelt. WIic, aa he to'orce. the,: l^i^^ be did aot cany a hentor toaBtaaeor V .inito. to OUeoflo a. <inr. 'wa«tta;.beto(o'-ihe Jbe^ ho tnaaicd bto aaaaieal liialiiiiasiito tar ^00 to, the NcrUi Srttlah * Meteaatfle laa. ■Oo. threagh Ssbit Brown, the taafc i l lle acea^ ht the aaae time proolslBg Mr. Bacowa tbat be WQOld. take, oot an addiUanal glJOO to.A' week or ao. Bowerar, tbe Bljoa r 'nned and wbea Mr. Benaoa reeetred *>c tSOO he tnarfdeted hkaaatt >t._aot hoTlng taken oat tto It '«aa.too;.toto. . • .«»^is: 4