Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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6- BlllboieiMl mnuahv % iMr .•.Topics itow Totk Offlo*. I440 BroadtrayT Bx WALTER K. HILL. WARREN KEANS Informs us ttat b* has dKUid to witbdnw tem ^Ji;S^3* ■S"'!SK''tl£''wta&.*''ir!act pwka tar lili. ' Aetor** Home Beseflt, ooder the p«raooAl km ol Kioager Duilel Frobmu, li ■eiicdi)Ic4 for the 'Brokdwar Theatre. Jan. 23. In the attemooa. It la alncerclr bellcTed that the entertalamcat wm be worth ilttlns throagh. Jamea K. HaAett haa decided to fntemipt the lone ensagement at the Saroy Theatre tX. Tte Walla of Jerlrtio, now roHnlnK. and n- lt_OB _Am. S I17 Oeraiaii E. TIele'a ^ _ . tbe Br*, the <ML''^Mncr >' •xtiaTacaaat' tor which Alls* Vliher bo been : .' anaasctt will open In New Xa(k at tta' Ber- >: aid Sqaaia Thaatxo, 7aB. 8. . Olga. We lbmul e wflt antr* Oe O ai wi d Ml%. 9g|m9 «B' ta.4. U.TAOE BEUa OPXHAS Henry W. Savagre has sold the rights toe Sooth AMei for the operas Prince of PU- -V';Ma and King Dodo to James Nelaoo. the well* ^. biMMU manager of Jobannesborg. Mr. Nelaoo .::vkaa.,antTed In thla comtiT, and wUI in all f lao h a lriW T aaaaaa .Aaaadoaa .alann-tor a tour iC tbe edkalw b »■■•'«*■■■,:'- > ''>^-'n*d^: .Zbmnpaan^'of tbe'flSB'of ^henpaon ft , ''.'IMnidrc'**fled for- Bnrope laat Tbnndar sMrn- < ; tas:; Oa'Satnrdar John BlngUng, of the Blng- :. UMf 'SntbCTe Clrcua. laUed to Join- him in london.- Later the twain win tour Botope In aooreh of InterchangablT osefol noreltlco In the Mne of p e iflwme i a aod attractlooa. IWdgbt HnntlBCton and Sereren DeVme ham -.V; ttnOlTad the partnerahlp wblcb controlled tbe ;v. 4eatlnleB of the itoek company at tbe Acad- ••^mmr of Moale. X<owell. Mass* Mr. Hontlng- wS& aoBllnaa^ tfao ■■iMialas alooa. ■ii.^ZPMA., K. Batt^HL tfrnsb stair * HaT- 'f. TI^JU», efand deal to nm a aninmer atoek —tbe Xorcrom Ttieatie. Clereland. O. .'f; XMBK;v]Vellcn Hall has been aecnred. throoxb 'j: Daxv *.°.WoIflstd. as leading lady of the vro- :'-'puea eompanr. Chaa. Stewart of the aboTe / Sqn wm act as eastern xepresenuaTc or the ^';.atock- company, and has planned a aplrndld ".' aaasnn of royally plays for the organlxatlon. '^. <: ^WUUaa. i^anelo Bryan, wbo has doak room ./'Mdr' tba^. iWeatem AasocUtlan of Vanderme ' H-' JIanasaMrfbwaa- la- Now York for a few days '^,\dMtaC!<U|M(BMfe week .iWtlng relatives. .r^i^lK!MMppw>VUIIae''r aaae in from the van •■!a-JMiSifl*OWii'?wli»' g ew d their aeaaoD Dec ■'r. U^xat^^anta. Oa.;.aa<rw«Dt bt« winter' quar- '^^ttn^'l^ Pbtuipa wm leaalB - ban ■ toe Ot ''WMat^aOalav wto Weber . Baab. a^Oim with night of Feb. S. Tbe Billboard wlU eiraatn- Xem^toa and ber Vorty-flTe lUnotea ItaB Xroadway Co. are doe to traTcI on a train wUeh win leaye Chicago Satnrday night. Dee. SO, and arrtre In New Tork. This train win be nm by the New York Central, and. there, fore, the company la morally certain to opeA on aebcdnle time, Monday al^t. Jan. 1, at the New Aantaidam Xbeatie. Attention Is partlcniaily directed to oeeka Aelter eacb winter aeaaon. v_-. aad'where be la wdeomed aa a Tdoable ad- ''V'Janet to their ezcatlTe ataff. '.' The. Connty ratr.. at the Bfadlson Square . - Garden, last week, wss not a conaplcnnns ane- eeea flom llie standpoint of atteooaoca. Thla /(,'' waK': bowcTcr. no tanit of Bany B. Sntton, . wbo- dld the scnani anBoaaelasi aatt made blm- " ' Ike twlee .dally THE OZS< The Cingerbread Man,. now: at fh* Ubertz Theatre, 'win end Ita eBsaxcBeBt'OB aanndar nlghU Dec 30. Tb»"pleee win le- taro to New Xork for a iprtns cBgat e ui eati to nm as lonff aa It soys. "Robert l>(oo«t Is in. Brerythlng else In the wcrld. exeept.'reiiearsala for Lacky Ulas Dean, at the Mtoffmn Sanare Theatre, goes merrily an.. Ur. Btooet, or, anybody elae. ooold he m and atffl tUa world win so on. Aa a te- anlt oC.HSr. Dnaefa Indlapo^loa Tbe Balaelr' wC. a: sew pleeek wia be pndaced. e.'Xiealle'leaned apea .an ea Bataiday ..^ „ K-'jiDM^; aOk to lancm aie of tbe dnu ''-afi U» ,wtte. Mile. Carrie, tho expert Inatiii- laeafallal .Batlal was to be made lii-New ?'j;Tatl(^':aDd'Mr. Xealle la.In rety close toncfa 0, ^th' ajmpatbetle jC^itedUj^w^ a^ccdate .ftiaeph Hart and CnAe DeMar ereited the 1'?: tw isrian ot the aeaaoa at Froetor'a Trin Tbea- Vr. tra-last week Wltb tbdr'eomedy. nS Other ^llow. They. hara-''.beeSk,tAoofced.>Xor retnm ^i:B]r' ebntract ireceBtijr'^ni Mt^ABBte BaaacIl wm Speaklnc of "Sim" recalls the tact Hiat be 188 dedarcd himsel f, to bond. In Harlem, as f«t as plana and prellmlaarles can be executed, e'ittaabBe' for ttie ose of TaadevQle. And^^wben ttmef-'-ma* he win bond a theatre, theatres jjWItnen the Westcnd and XorkTlUc ^•ttadttr* win point of makinv good lils theatre thieata. Im,"- whom, 1^ the way. I hare nerer aet . a9«a npon. has a way of dolag thlnga In the way of rapid the atr e t iulldlog which Oscar Ham- mersteln gets eolnnms and Cfriomna of news- ;paper nototiely for. doing In a moch greater 4t taken "Bbn" to. ptodnce tbe 55 '%^EmUSS''.KUUSEBa EXXCT oxnosBB • .''.i'"l!i»'Association of New Tork Thea- v: tie Keaaaers held its annnal meeting at the : .^WUdocPAatocla TaTFm on Dec. 27. Here la t^-^ywfcofc-,I i. B Ul tcd tnm an usaali/- "splrlteti" con- Kjirtsot:. ftcsldent. Charle* Bsrahjun; flrrt t1<»- ^ aneUeat. ■ Eoiry B. Harris: second Tlee-prMl- deal;. Alt Hayraan; aeoetary. Lee TeUer. Of- ' teen, of-the Managers' Bmp<»ting and Dlatnh- ' ' - atlfHC Osl wcia alaeted. It waa decided to bold ; tbe- ji si l dbaer at .■tte the fMIowlar eomannlcat eelTed by Tbe BUBnaid. Mcmbecs of the pn» feaaloD wbo dealre to (obecribe to the Aind Ihns tpecilWd-and created may aend their eos- trimtnns to the Clndnnatl (MBce of The Bill- board, and doe acknowledgment wUI be made thereof, end tbe tnacey wm be forwarded to the proper ollldala of the Actor*a Society: At a apeclal mectlnc of the Board ot Dlrectoia ot tbe Aetmr Soele^ of Amer- . lea. beld oa Xboaday, Dee. 38. 1905. for th* puTp oos of e a m s f d erto g the ahelsabllllT ot taking aetloa regarding 'the mordet e( Abbott Datldaon and Milan Bennett, tbe tgl- lowlng re eolBtlen wai adopted: W HHBMAS, OB Dee. 15, at Oaflacy, S. O., Mnaa Bennett and tAbbott DMloira, two... tn e i ub ei a of tbe dramatic profeeateo were... murdered by one George Hatty, for no ap- parent teason other than that they t^ aented an Insolt offered to two ladles of their company, Miia 'Vemle Sheridan and - Mlsa M ay Bishop, and, 'W1BEIBSAS, wolng to the pecnllar drcnm- atancea of tke tragedy, the mardered being a tesUnt aad miactr owaer tai. the'tows la - - nn _ tion; tbervfbre, he it BESOI.VBD, that the Aetotn* Sodety of America deems It proper -la fnUnUng. Its mlsalon ot mlnlsterlDg to the welfare of the dramatic profcssloo In America, aboold snbacmie to and create a fond sofficlent to defray the expenae of an attorney to aet as nmralting attorney wlHi tbe anlhorltlet of Gaffney, 6. O., and aneb other aeeee- aary expenaea Ibat may be lueaued la seder that eeorr oiMMi e te elty be-'afteded to tbe anthorltlea t» luEEt^<ki^«W< MOM „S ends of Jnstlee.:. :•■ ..''_■' We eanesttr bCUere thle.'Will M>e greater, le i p eet : "'" a greater aeeorltr < bers. A WOKUri :IW( Tbe Empire 'W'oinen;#>tSic£iMtr£ iof BoetOD, la eompoeed of eH wen knewB aoielatB. Sfasy.aamltlea are latrodnced In tbe brasa quar- tet, and thCT alao* carry two celebrated singers. They played Wlieellng, W. Va., at WbeeUng Park, dorlns tbe past etmimrr. The condactor, 'Blto Mario, a wonderfnl Tlollnlst, la tbe cele- brated Tlrtnoao who toored this conntiT as a feature in Tanderllle. two years ago. Their ■access has been phenomenal, and their work haa been praised by the most seTetc .critics In tbe Unltea States. . Aa mosldans, we are In- fUnmed. they are tbe best beforo the pnblle Aey are an attraetlTo woaaen, and they ' te'tke;ll^ie,«ri^^ jge t he, eelt . _< oeipasjr_ HOBS, ere *aBaer_wsy. ng - - pa^t e^r.- - of Us MeflotU ~-|B the The paaslng of the old year wm ace the managers of the Philadelphia theatree la moeb better shape than they have been, -tor tbe past decade, ead.U-bnalaeea does .aatiaaaletter, the start at%tha new year they mm A.eM* to glTc thanks Indeed. Obrlatmaa -was a pe- cnllar day. .Tbe afternoon . was .deddedly pleasant, caasegncntly people did not Sock to the theatres and none of them were crowded. At nlgbt they were deluged with people who wanted to pay any price for seats, and nnmbers .were tamed away. This oTerflcrw helped to make the rest of the week a red letter one. None of the managers look for moch at the iNew Tear's cnstlnees. as we bare" a big MardI Giaa procession, wUdi wm keep people on the atreeta. bat the > night performance .wUI t»e Jammed. IVir leaL abow bnalacaa take a'peep at what did at ^hls oadsee _be'eaUN.;tMNwu erdodc.aad aa ete iybudi waa seated . 01eett_ day, .Use.' ST.' Wedscs- . waa aold ont at' IdO tbe curtain was mng op Jnst forty ^nbratee ahead-of the nsoal lime. This gare tbe star qalte a test between the matinee and night performance. ■ Bosloeaa kept op to the same pltcii all the rest of the week. . . Tbe Important change made In- tbe Bmpoat Ing-Slgn Co.. pntlenlan «f .Which aie .glres In another, c^omn. Is hrll^lm ia —" wishes to -Sam - Boblnsoa,, control ot tbe plant. ... -Die Oread <^aea.<aboma dtoat 4ha MshupiJI taa Op we_H I>eie. .Weir- Iwlt,.i > inJi i B g a t» to on pS- strike - Jsst before the , per^numce of Blvdette here Dae, 9B, but they changed tbelr ■lada and. sang as sweetly ss if there had nefcr bent aiqr trooble. Seore another one tor Philadelphia which Is s uuie tl mea called ^w. A corps of moonted police now. take dmrge of the carrlagea that gather to take lieople home ftrom grand'opera; They keep tbe drlTeia In line end stop aU. eon- fusion and the reaalt la. that the' aodlls A sets away wttboot any trooble. Aztbar X. BlaMoe. bookkeeper and doortender at; the VNapansh Thastre, snlTered a atroke of appeplery daring Uie Chrlstmaa maUnee add -was -taken to hla borne when. he < d^t ..that The Twentieth Centnry Qoakera, SB _ xatloa of theatrical men of thla dty, gare away 9,000 kiBTes of ' bread ChrUtmai Day, . The tiodgc of 'Elks held a Christmas celebration dar- ing .the weA and presented 1<S00 poor chOdreo with toys and new solts of dotlilng. The Eren- Ing Telegraph gare a OiilatmaB Tanderme show for 2,800. newabcya. They bad alztscB Taade- OOan Statrelle. wbo has ilgned as dM dC the principal downs wUh tbe BaiSMi . Bdler Clrcni. Is leetlng In thla dly. Beporta Indicate tbat OoL M. W. Wdah is maklBS SMce money with Tbe Watermflnn Tmat thaa he did with his etotas. pa^s^-isrtr 4i^«SSI: mas turkey. Beii aew tte sbm I eCWS Htst False Step. Jc^ 'welih Is aetlTely esstscd at £sb- caster, rs., settlns op bis sew cbcns. Be mns Into town erety week to took Bp aordtlea. UniaB Tyaon Jermon ia Bow tte flMitetar of tbe Boa Tbn Theatre. whlA tte wUI eon- ttnne as a Tanderme boote. Morris Sebleeelnger, manager of Blaney'a Arch Street Theatre, waa prceented on Chrlat- ■nrin^ ^wltt^^^^j^Wg^^^^M^^iig tea matrimony. "Sy JobD Sapplee, wbo waa elected Tlee-ptealdent of the N. A. B. P. and B.. A., la the adrer- Uslng agent ot tbe Standard Theatre In this city. He has always been an aetlre sapporter ol the nnlon and baa many ttlendt. ivX vrOMt, the oonqBCfac of ntwlmmncs. strlred at his haae hare tt tfiM tt est Ua Mew Teai'a tetfeay. ' Be eA-LMTiH* M van- derHle la a few weeks. I reeelred a snmber of Chrlstatas crcctliuis from my fellow concspaadeata of Ae Bm- board. It makes me feel aa U we were all one Us family, and It I «aly kanr yeer ta- ToritealM<nrwedd aik pSTiefjS-.r BROOKLYN, N. Y« The tbeattee In Brooklyn are again draw- ing big business. The New Year's attraction at Teller'e Broadway la The Woman In the Oaae, at the Shabert they have Mia. Flaka, and at the Waatank adaa Mhy Is heldlac tte boards in Tbe Catch «C tbe Isspb. Oeod bills era to he foaad St sn the othw tkMtns, Tbe teeoser Steek Oiu heeded hv Mea- Hey and'Oedl l^ooaer, la&lw Mslwstiiee ttto season at the BUon. 'lait wcck tbe cooweay played The ellc of New Xork to eapaelv boMocea. Mts- Mary O. flpooocr eertala^ de- senrea moch credit for hee ooeeeas In Brook- lyn. The Zancigs played a letom engagement at Hyde tt Behman's last week, and were as nsual the hit of the bill. William A. Brady haa agreed to accept a aew Biblical play from Willis Steal. Wright LoilgMr,wiU be the iter. ' Mrs. w; 7. ItasBee, widow > of the tormer w^ knowa. eater, la at her 'home Is New Turk Clly reeorarlag from a aarfeae nineea. '(>norence Cnne. me "Olrl ftom- Coney It- land," wbo waa aaaaolted ^ a man to whom abe refnaed money, baa tecorercd from her m - sa Paul dnqnaralU, tbe Joggler, Is booked to play the Percy G. Williams Circuit, and wm be aeen st the Orpheom at an early date. ..^tfanager Bennett Wilson, of the Folly Ttiea- .tte. haa a big attraction In The Rays In Down The Pike, and la playing to capacity bnslnesa. Tbe Folly is enjoying a prosperous seaaca. Hyde & Bebman fomlahed an entcrtalnmeat for the New Vork City Some «t the Aged sad Infirm last week In the Alattoose Ohapd «■ Clarkaon atreet. The proaraa was aarcrally adopted to the oeeaaloa. The be ' Nick Norton, aa old-timer la. and epedallat la Juggltac <nMl took ahaorblag Interest in tbe layoat of tbe performance. Be remembered well when the Indian daneern In tbe old Bamnm mnaenm, in which be was a feature, broke np the ihow and broke otT his first engascment. but in hla dlTcrallled experience he had rarely played under audi pecnllar conditions as these nor man- aged a performance In which he took more In- terest. Such a tx««t as tills la very rare lo this Institution for aged and respectable poor people, and Hyde & Behman did a good tarn In giving It. especially alnee' It entiiled npon tbe company, no Uttle " " M. The made good. Is SSI ClrraU, M«:«lll of Jaa.j atr Olrla, whbh baa Ihe.Per^ O. WUIams' at^ttj^ ^p heiun jeek BALTIMORE, MD. ,Cbrt«tmM Dsy auBo .i^ WM rety qnlet sod . feelBS — — pleasant, the weather , a seaaral ids^ assy seemed to abow a marted ■pcefne^ge. to,remain,at home Ibaa to to:ta. thcatiea,''.while otters seemed to dnd the,thea- tre tbelr prladpel dlreisloB. Oonacqucntly! the popnlar priced oauee attiseted the Urcett pi- trooage. AtteDdsace, at tbe matinee waa.good and tbe erenlns peaformaaee draw. deddedly. better. -. ", AU the Chrlstmaa atttaeHons were well- kno-wu aaccesaea, with the ezccptloa' ot JoUe Bonbon, the new comedy drama In '• Which' X,onts Matm and Clara Unman are playin, and this show received tbe local rerdlet of approral. The Empty Stoeklns dub, a local charity In- sdtntloa, bad fortt aa nana] at yard's Opera Hooie, and distilbated send ttlnga to the wxir children. . 'Seett . Oonpar, a aMmber of The Oal- topcr Coi. had the hMar.eC enielm the nle of Santa' Claaa^' aBd"'tte'' ladles e( the eom* pany aaalated 'tbe memheis ef the dab la thdr good work. Tbe Galloper, wbldt- waa glrea lla preadere at Fotd'a last week,- was immnally weU pa- tronised, aU thlnga considered. The Is eaaUy acooonted for, aa Rldotrd t»«rfing Darla. the antbor. Is weU known locally. Ray- moad BItebcoek and May Bncklcy bare flrmly eatablUbed themselTcs In the good graces of theatregoers, and most of the sorroonding com- pany itare long been Identlfled here with stock oompanlea. Tbe theatres we«e taxed to tbelr ntmost ea- psdly. CMstBM 'OTCBlas. aad aiaar. baadicda were t ara ed ^way. . BasMe Btotten-iB '.Xle- land met wItt anpar e l elled aaeeesa. < nrLVAN BCHBNTHAI,. Mr. and Mrs. C. 'W. 'Williams have a Tentriloftnal noeelty that they Introdnce Into Mmer & Plobn'e Black Crook Co. wltb big loe- ceee. Mta. iwnuama Is a' hit as Andaa la the VAUDEVILLE lAMount and Paulette are now working with Sid Winters, of the former team of Sommeia and Wlatere. and the team la known aa tbe Three Dancing Rings. They do a Buster Brown., iDatob snd aoubrette spedalty that la taking well. WliUe In T%e Billboard: office last week Hsrry Blag said that they bad: been playing to the best of enccesa, and that: they had some sood bookings ahead. Xhey „' rested a few days In Cincinnati. Dorothy Drew sails for London, IC, Aa. 0. 00 board tbe Campania, for a yeaCa cnsasement orer tbe 'Bamsiotd Tour. Mlsa Drew has been rery snccessfnl orer and made big hits on the Orpheom and the Kohl A Castle drcnlts. She returns to thla coontry In time to open on the KoU * Oaatle Olienlt In Chicago Jan. T. MlB.dlaew aMBt. lfee.hsU-i daya with ber hottaara- (Ak' MhiBMI^' rents in Moatxeal. The management, performers and. attaebeee ot the Electric Tbeatre. 'Waterloo, la., were regaled 'wltt ehi cTcnlnc^ Dee. ••. : lar atase aeaeiw eC r-^ttb KOpatrldc, the one-Ie^sed trick cy- - dlet. 'weBt-lBf TaaderlUe Jan. 1. Hla ladder actwaa a ttatas oA the Pike at 8t..Laals. 'a».'.*a;-'»eo. years. After playtns foiir aaeee asft il wades et the Otatrtl Theatre, (Mp^deck^tM;, tte Mick otte. RoBMia bIbs smnnast. Id Wise IMabeUa Deaa ha«B Jibed Intareati, and wlU shortly appear In Tanderme. for a dboTt eeason. Ibey are praeddag - la ' Graad Baplda, Mich. The 'Washer Brothers, boxing mid- gets, write that Jack (Dion, late of the unipn- tlan Co., win loin Hiem next aeaaoa In an. iBprored hoslBC set. eatltlsd "Who's Oban- Tbos. Fi test with tha booted aelkl aatll dttyeeee-'tte . l eel uB '.efcr.r calla. ■ ■ •'■ '!• The .'Wilsons are Cctunlns up .a nsi*^ norelty tOTolTtog ladder act. wfeiek wm go orer the Caatle drenlt. Hall's Marvelous Dogs Joined John ninuaeleln'a Impselal Stock Oa. Jan. 1 at MadiaoB. WIbm tagiisL: thil*t diW»4, djojoa^; the spedal reedeeafc^ltt^stt'wTMi a fiala a , ': tlon. JOS. G. Clianai«r wiltM that IM hiui': deeed hla Tanderllle ebew, ead wHI atst esB' bob star Bert Btrtrmse dad Maiiea llMr la sr meal aaeMdy, eaUtled A Otoaae Otal. ■ . Vlda Facan. 'Waltar Bnsri«'. ;;Mid Alma flmitt wtlte ttat enth week wltt the . Oo„ aeorlBS hit. la 'Woods and 'Woods write that they hare Inat completed a Boeoraafal tonr of the Psdfle Ooaat. Tbey extend tbe eompilmenta et the e i aee n to their aaay friends. Th* BVrar Or«oetul Orohs opened on - ~ OlrcBit at BV Joe, Be,, Dee. SI.- The aitasleiiJrArowb j^wjthww, ; .witt t' ere boSfid'eJld'ft? «ESSr-£ae tbe western drenlta. Delmar and Dexter are meeting with sncceae In borleaqne at the Orpbenm Theatre, PsTmport. la., where they hare been engaged for nUM weeks, 'WUUain. Alwra. «t Ham 'Ah«ni%: band and head,:eMlMBI^'>.tlins''-'K.jWSf>. ber a( the 1)iiamn7fE^^m»Wm>i^'^^-^' SuUy' and' Phalps .'writs: «niIB' te a eeesoe of ytcBtUBlneas, ot happttttt aat seed cheer. We wish aU a happy lleW'XtaB>7'. The 'Wilson Trio report oeaatnl boalaeea orer the Tcxaa d axe now playing tha Orpheam. ^ : - % V, EM win Adair opsnsd'-taloiUB'''^ elnglng act at tbe Puior ThMtH^' IM^-ffh^ Jan. 1, aa aa Sdded'Aatnre. , ' The Btekesl^es.^ cohtOTtlonlsts, restliw at^r.^ome la Detroit, dUtt., a long seaaoo In the west. , • Zat Zams. ' wbC'has been manaslns the Oem Tbeatic, OoaacU BlaSa, Xa„ has re- tomed >t> TsodeMUei ayv \\\\\ I<qi)(!'Epdets8er; thti'nolrdtjr Jogglsr. wlU wiitv-. larade' OiUttrphi; ENGAaeME$4T8 ^ '' The following engagements havs been made tfaroogb the Dtrey di Wolford of- ficee is New Xork Cl^: Mr, and Uta. Balpb Cnnunlngs, Prince Mliur, Edna Archer Crsnr- ford, Walter Seymonr and Mr, and Mta. Obaa. Nclaoa tut Iba Ceairal Tbeatro Stock Oo~ Saa Fiaadaeeb OsU Mr. and Ura. Datrel SUtaa.. Mr. and Mia. Ohaa. Pann, I<oolae Btotay, nahh DeTetBoo, A B. Joeea, Xhsa. - ATaal sst J. J. wnuama tOr fM. Beapai^TtaSiia wi are after Inllet Co.: Lney Blake, XaBee Oallasher, I.-.. . ard 'Darsey tor Borgera A Poor' BeUtiM OB.; Hatrl Boss, arlon Sherwood. Chaa. King, loba Wade. Vraak BUtoo, Mamerlte Lewis and George <Paataa tor Clay Oaaseat'e. How Do- adsloB' On* Mile. Bolda. the contortionist, has joined Shlpp's Indoor CIrcns. Maude Girtlney Joined the chorus of the Buster Brown Co. at Oeeatur, 111.. Ohriat- mas Day, Harry Long haa been engaged as ■taie manatet of tbe Urinsitoa Bteck .00. at the tetayetta Tbe^nre^ cietiiBit, ' .ia«^^.fi.:'Xv Dave Deeden has rspIace'd Ousvilor-' timer In tbe leading role ot tbe Klsf of Trsmpe Co. lioula CIray has been, enaand as n.