Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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JANUARY 6, 190S.: 7 Faf-Ohats J V Chioage Offleo. Sulta «l. Orand Opora House BldC„ •T 8. Clark St. By WARREN A. PATRICK. htdldays started out under ' 'DOS WMltaw coaAl- Oaj and tin two . wm bcaattfaUr lulcbt yimcm, coowqocDtljr Am attaulaiiee ' at' iht ttemtta waa almoat acncrallr capacity. BiMiil attnctloni were ptoTlded, (or the matt ' aE^aad at all the honwa an extra effort waa Bade to haTc the holiday blUi abore the itand- «Td. Later la the week, boweTer, the aUet ba- cune overcast and rala and mow acted aa a detrlinent to traffic. SOU ttne was no ma- terial decrease In *«.«(■€• xceHpti. llieatTt- aowa bad pocebaaed tfeair tlekaU in adraaea, .,£d..<l!tf^;«it« ,tban(.,-_ ' tb* giMt popolailtr a( the Oohan ■a, bat at lact tbe New York dc- tllbr tka piece baa become ao ImperatlTe^'wai abaolntely ntcm a r y for Klaw * ' r to ta bf It away trom tbe pioteatlns tbeatfcsoan. Tbe mn at tbe Onlonlal kaa btta eTCo dnrtna tba weak fer* Biafnlilcent playhonia waa ■t CTcry perfomance. Trom a prareaaloaal Tiewpotst, It la abont aa DcailT perfect aa a comedy can be. Ita aet- tlai*. It* coatoBca, and Ita bualneia ate all joat tl»bt. TMia la not a anfilt aC a^le. and the rew aabm rtndmd bate UKn bUm la die <mt laak of llabt mode Uti eC tin ■naott. ao» macb of the aneetai of tba play '.M daa ta Vay Templeton and ▼Ictar Moore la 'Saoalble to aay. Mr. Cohan baa provided Hkb wIU parta to which tbcy ara nperbly ' ■daptrd—they do tbe reat. lit. lloof«*a laaptaonathm of tb« New Tork Itie^t camlB. wtko baa fiuau to an aoiatcor pnflUit and a racetrack follower, la beyoad crtilclam. Iiu iBiooatlon. bia Tcniacnlu and Ua baalDM* hma brra alTfai tbe nioat atadicd ttttntloB. aad there at* no Oawa to pick. Oba aame may ba aald of ViH SMwItlaB'a Maiy, lb* houa wM. Xm • fktartfe fkr ttapletM baa orabflHy aavar o i c a pl H ■ Ma (bat eaold paarfUy bare e ndea r ed bee farther StbeaMgaML Otr aaaaMlm ma ai* ika COM (or appaloat. and bv art as a aaantl: eaae baa aenr Man moie tbarragUr Htllnsll Ikaa la tbe jMiwnt Tthlda. —* ■" tbt Mart WIU rt«i RW nraSBVAZIOSAL Cleveland's Theatre, long a rende- TOOB for patrons of the beat offered la polite Taoderllla, baa passed into Uie baadi o( tbe Interuatkjnal Theatre Co., whl<A orsanlxatloa contains oo leca than thirty almllar honaea, atretchlnc from the Atlantic to the Paelfle Ooaat. under the direction o( akUlfol archi- tects, dealffoers mod decoratora. both the ex- terior aad Interior of tba booae, which will bence(ortb be known as The latamattonal Tbea- tic, bas btan dangtd kqwod iseofaltlaa. Tbe acoosUe piopcrtlta bare bsaa finpi«wad> tbe ■eatlnx arranfamnt tfeanctd. la anat aaiat- ing coDdittoBi, tad ttH^. tam iHlia alapted wbleb -wlU aonlilbaia la Aa eomtak aaiaatbty at Us j s tn aSi «eaMl*«4% ^m'wT a SSlcwHSoSaa^ um^ pleta ita trans-oontlDental chain. It loat no time In seeking about for a manager, but nt In Jannary tba botUsbt acsresadoa ara „ tom a nisht Into fun, aad nothing la too big for them. Tbe Oollacnm. the larseat balldlag in OUcago, U to ba decanted (or tbe occa- dog. aad «o Jaaaair U tba derotees of "make ap» aca gates to tact away a night In tbe InterMt «C . tte Uaatdcal AancUtloa o( America. ' ■; • ■ The ban wilt ba ana of all Imlliiiw ana wm be in atntu coMnst tntt sack afuts aa hare pRocded it. Uaaqne balla of tbe past bave presented many lodlcnoa and pathetic flgnrca. Tbe miaqneraders In Iheir elA>rts to impcraonate otber nitlonalltlM hare, prodnoed characters that wonld get a scream In any theatre in America. The sponaers for the ball are men who make Chicago tbelr home. They know performers in crery branch of the profeaalon. There la no reaaon to bdleTC tkat they will tsU short of aUelpSttmrn^J.^ m^^^agy. y, .timngt.. to worfd togelker ta a giaad aaial In the next few daya Chlcaga wBf ba flooded with ■ posters anDoandnc tbe avsBl" ' '— are a work of art, baring heca artist on one of the Obleago pa bas for a long. time done tbe the theatre pace of hla paper, and his sabject he did It full ii^Uce. The fignce appearing In the poster Is that of a chonu girl. It la trtie to life, and la "llthoed" la Hitea colors. In one band sbe holda tb# mask, Jaat taaavad, after boms of Jeattag witb bar friiaki, Sba flgoie U "eble- •Boagb to attract attantlan. and yet to modest cnoogb not to sppear gaady. A grand march wHl. take place at midnight MEM OF CBIGAGO lilBAfBICAI. AVPAIttS tbaf tSa Ptago' a Bisad' ncclra aa InaovaUoa ce eay. Is witbont qocatlaa. THx TAtrsxTuxz KmrATioy with the current week, the flrat lb* Kew Xcir. two new TaDdarllle hart. bt«a addtd to tba aeesi m&llMMl'xIkea'tra''^^^^-' «a Wabuk ttaaas,' _ ^ MMMSt, and wttfc a new poUag. Ms 6i btcs talliti^ taflttsd aad antdi la "'-It'-eaa-an anlcaalfalg-,e Ibal imaaad tba laiaal ipicloaa aadlloaUM waa aatfialg flllad ud !»(< octagaaal baOdlaf «m a scaM a( Bost ai s l i ua agbrt to lasrttlatt tba bei &pabUa tad a itat pU ja te that saw ttafeaagaaiMI gMT tta tMara. tba to «• On Mtoarbw day tba a«r Majsatla nea Oik «■ Kaartt stiaat b a t w t ca 8Uto tnd Dear- bam ants opened to tbe pabUe. It Is a brand aaw b sasi. laagaUccntly cqalpped and of eo- Ismsl srchlteelare. Tbe facade to extremely tttrtcUra aad tba aaany aaltea of odkca ea the twcsty-twa aoees of the boUdlng bad been ocnpted long before the opening of tba tbea- trr. Tbe Majeatle ta an addltlOD to the Kobl- OaUe b oss es la Ohlctgo. tad will be booked with the attractlosa of that drenlt In combl aatloa of tbe Haymarkct tnd Olympic- rerbapa sowbere oottld* b( Kmi4 Tbeatra la PhlUdelphU ta thera a TaodeiUIa ikcalxa to Aawrlea that approacbee Ika Mtjcstie tot com- awdlont cqsiptiMt aad apkndnr «( diriga In- Ude aad oat. m..' !i>nu<i."- ,n . Tb* opealaa bill was ncirred. with moat gnuiyiag cUlmt, aad If the Initial: pe^etMm- ucc atay be tokaa at a crltcrtoa. tba ICtJcsUe 2^ tabs saak amoaf^^ tba flrat TasdcrlUt tbca< TSSS _ The Ham Tree, tn which Mclntyre A ■nu followed a Mew Xoik aaccaaa wltb an •jatlty iiimriil issfl kiai. aaaiilsalariii'i mil week. The piece la the old Velntyrc and Heath •kricii, The Georgia Minstrels, elaborated, hot thli It not aald to dltparagrment. It was a CjMd (ketch and It makea a aaperlatlrely good Mr. The eoBiedy la good, tbe cboma Is ptcttr ud moalcal. aad Belle Odd's words as Des- eolorad mtld.. Is ateond bi merit ■Ir to_ttat^ Hciatrta aafl Beatb. Klae Btm Ttca wm mn IS Klaw * BTUn- 'I msBwotb prodnetlon of Tbe Prince of ■a aapercedes It to Febnary. new TEZATBX FHOJECT P lana are being formulated for the Jjectloa •( t hew tbettre In connection with a!L haUdlag that wUI be coastrueted for ths Ohlctgo Moalcal Oifllege. Atttw BltteU. *. H. Oafe and aerertl other "«>^ prpmlaeat tn Chicago theatrical affairs y he ndlBg erery effort to aecore the "™"**'r to consiunmtte tbe enterprise. The pUa Is to prodoce the best modem ninaa tateonle oiwrts wltb a patmsacat JAIUES A. PENNESSY cnca. aslected A. a. rioaraoy, who bad pre- nontly doi>e a mm in the Moaa line, and tn ulS d a hoodoo of well-deTeloped proportlopa. That Mr,. □CTelasd met wim, flnaadal dla- aater; to an attempt to place this boose on a proflttble Awtlag, deet not to dia katt dltmty or ditoouige Ur. nonmog: ratbsr. It laggeato tbe postlbl&tr at aMiac to ' rctBTCsator et dtcngtt asd Ba Is mart ntuicsfsl, petksps, tbsn Ut predeeessofh. bSTlng bettta beolrlng arrange- ment* tod knowing better, bow to combat ad- rerae coadltloos socb as coafiaat any manager entering t new Held. Mr. rioamor bas Urtd la Obtcago bttort. wwa fairly wdl wbat tbe IhtatnMbw pab- Ilc taqolNa la tba war at laadaralt onttr- talasMBt to (OMr famOlsr with incka open which similar cnterpttaes bne spilt, and, com- bining an aggreaalTc spirit with tbe eonterra- tltm of an tatoto bottoaas man (be waa oaea In tba lambtr bntlneat),-to p upa r td to tor* mooat all abslacics to tta aneefts wbleb Xba Billboard toi re n By b<wea for him. 'Tbe Intenatlonal will glre two pcrformancea dally, toeladlng Simday. In tbe opentog bUI are tlie followliw: Blehard Walab and Adelle Llgon, In a matlcai comedy sketch, entitled The Dutch Bnrglar and Frendi Soobrelte: Taoda, noTclty eqnIIIhrlBt; MIn Mtade Rock- well, the Oallfomla nightingale: Adele Parrla; OnrI and company r Spherical Speetaeolar; Bl- tlto Oomedy Qatrtet: Joseph I. tnd Myra Darlt Dewitog a A 9af« Bniali Widow: woDderbil Aalamtod Vtetmas} IMBar J tea f FtoO.. a trained animal sell and elbsr CMtaiaa aTaqnal iMrit. PBOFESSIOKAI. MASatlS BAIX Theatrical people In Chicago are co- IBK to flint <fet new yaai wiib a to oMcr to gtre the pisytn In Gbleago aa opportanlty to reach tbe Oollaeimi after the night performances, A «''""*^ (m)ctlon was given in New York aooie time ago. bat the promoters of tbe Chicago affab are working to glre the ctttem iggtegattai a ma for tbelr money, and aa eramnla of wbat tba borg of tba bold-ap maa-aaa ds^ ; There are three staiB In B3s Honor. Tka Mayor, which to aaw lenakK at the Cbl- cage Opara Boaae: Any one oT tbem woold probably make a aaceaaa at any play tfcat aronld otoarwlaa be a ItUara. Bat wbes aneh a trto to Joined In aa tttracMaa that baa tbe naevit of Bis Boaor. Tbe Mayer, tbe itaull to obTlosa, Ssch of these stars baa his «r her peenltar admlrata. John BUrto baa 'nerec arantcd Adlowert, and tbe dImtontlTe eomcdl- aa'a work to Ut present role to perhtnt the beat thing be boa erer done. WItnehe Rtog to alto a torerlto. At Katrlnka she wen sas- talas bar lepatottoa at a eooMdlanne and a atar. Xba songa that bare been toterprttsd for ber art being wblstlcd and taag and pltyed tbrea gb oat tmletgo, aad ■ b a i eree Cbletgoana go—what Bwre may be tald. Oatoly, dkapled Mabel BsrIhb to right at home ta tba jut <( DalOt — ~ Orace George, In Tbe ICeiriase of wmiam Asbe. wOl ftllew THto In Tommiay GCtll at tbe nUaott Theatre Jan. 8. . ' Htny Pennypteker. bntlncaa manager'of Mil- ler and Plokn'a Tbe BUek Crook, spsnt aeraral -- k. pa MgoMa big SYpNKV. AUaTRAUA. Xhnrstott Xakaa AT Her Majesty's XbeatK, Miss Mto- aie Tittle Bnme catered upon the last weeks or ber engagement, Ucc 2, pUylDK for the llrat time Leah Kleschna. Mlaa Bmne will baTe cause to carry back happy recollections of this part of the world. Sbe has produced' thls^ acasoQ Uerely Mary Ann, Tbe Second Mrs. Taoqaeiy. Sunday, and other pieces. Her engagement which closes on the 2Zd wUl be foUlowed by tbe comic opera. Veronlqne. with the a^e caat aa when laat aeen In thia city. BTCKAKIVB TIVOLZ XHEATBK / Tills house la BOW to tbe xenlth of good boal* neat, which it well deaerres aa Mr. Ulckarda spores neither time nor money to getting the beat biUs pottlble. Comedians de Mepnuto.. with 'X.eroy. Talma and Itoaco In the leading parts,. are . the headUnera, and their act boa caoaed tbe S. B. O. tljpi u be buig oat la llr. Iti<ibnid*t ' torn It tme Amcrletn, belb la artrda and ae>; tion, and took better than expected. Tba Jack- aon Family presented a spleadld maslcal - torn, while Kelly and Agnes to an acrobatic Btnnt with KDg and dance Intermingled, did wcU. Lea Bmnlna, Diamond and Beatrice and Psy- BIckarTa at ..Mr. Tke.Fost MUbeia of tba Oaar wltb lUaa Uny Dampler cloaed 4to acaton at tida bsaaa'' on IDce. 2. The Oiaat Tb ara ton opens «a tbg. 23d with new iilnaiona and a recy mock' sag.' men ted bill, in eomparlaon to what ba pra> aented during bia Uat Tialt here. He baa Mo- ken ail records In Sooth and West Anatralla.'. and thoogh be u playing to great com^tltloa to this city, Indlcatluot potot to a good ma. Mr. Sdwto Oeach attU retalna the management of Mr. Thurston. XXGEDX KdU Speaccr'a American Blogriph Ot., epeead tba Idrccnm iDec 23. Aa he haa a flaa edlaeUoB of flhns, etc, he ia aure to do won. . A lalge Ji kts been expended in thia baoaa atoce It' haa ptaaed oat of the list of theatiet. Tbe stage haa been remodeled and enlarged, and the patot braak aasd exicnatToly ea the ataU. At thto hovsa Wllltaaiafln*a Bepertolre Oo. opened iDee. S with Xba Prtoeeaa Ida. They Spend two nun weeka at thia buoac. daring which time they will produce Tbe Mikado, Pa- tience and Plrataa of Brnuace. They are fol- lowed by Oeorge MuagroTr's Co. oltb Mlaa Nelito Stwait at ttar. Alter fllUng tba watfc'a enjggjMai m ^tbej tall for Sta rraaataa SB., ZBXASU BOTAL ■ Through tbe Dlrorce Court, Max Ooidbcn'a domeatie drama, la packlag thto hoasc. IBM ' Bngeoto Onggaa to alantog to the pitetw -Tbe thow went capitally IhM^Mlb. Jt btlflmNlt'' acted and the tcanw aBbtUlftMMi'babiKfflato^ ^ mandably good. . .t. ."-- ttOBBiri BdX& TaodarlBa .la JbvmSE' lelag at k'ilM^'i — • -r Mgu, of Glen, bmed Mar." He haa fund ot wit and patter that to a new and reiy reticfhlng thing tbeae daja. Mr. Bydcr Sloane, tba Ungllth character ac- tor, wbo snade hto Orst bow to Sydney aadl- aacca ractatly, promises to become a _flim_lk' Torlto. W. B" City, . Bi a. fl MMiea at a O City. As Told to the Hina. .'Anmnd the Xewa. Nancy Brown, the Dtoptoaa aad Vanity IWr Bnrleaquera. Gttto ware enAaagcd betwecB many of tbe local tbaatrleal annagera and their empioyeea. Clarence Weis, tiialBaas manager of —^~ Btcmal dly Oo.. to. r cpoyt a <l to,be negpttotlag for cootnd of Vtfnaoait Park. Mr. weU an- nooncaa that If he secnrca the resort, be will opcnte .It nnder an entirely new policy, mak- - Uy tt vifk, of tbj^jmott «p4a-dato parka. to 'tte^ ~!^0. itinai'.'i^iwijirokla.. aamnem flniie' The lU Ban^ Wild Wctt. Uew wffl ce ek* ttar next tee son, ' Afwwdlag'^te in lataevltw^ with Mr. Kpier. serea. hnaocd people wffl ba engaged ai>4 aamcleiit (eatarea to make U tfle hlnest wUd'^eet aggregatioa erer pat oat. tUsao, the Japoneoe leggier ptorcd a trig- added ' attraetloa at OOBTestlon HsU akatfac rtnk last week.. > . - .« Wm. Sells o< Olto'-9lsto Shows, «ent Obrlst- " OBAS. B. -aMAZX., are attar Ua Us tea' Ibialiia' Dallas 'aad on elkcia betwaea'■» AaUala. aadUttte BoA. The flkoberto wtaked «» leaaa 'them, bat Mr. Creenwald aald'ka prefer to sen. Thato Magrane. leading lady of the win-MclTille Sto« Co., and Mr. Jadt Frte-' cott. asslatoBt atage manager of the I^ilc. were married Dee. IS. Sara' Bernhardt to to play here to th« Otvcb- wald Theatre, March 18. (or aeren alghto and foor matineea. tfTlmalneaa warrants. The managcmeait- of City Park «rin band a ^yiwHiiy parllkB at an axpeaaa ot t9,oeOL Vt Will be mar W 4lw time thia rtsart ce^ ta toe^aaaaai^^^Bl gnaUMt^tb; ba eaa od.tba d booae wanaiaK nnr>' Dee. 'Is. bead ot twenty pleera .and aome d^tg^alt.