Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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JANUARY 6, 1906. Xtie Billboard 9 ..A GREAT PARK IN A GREAT CITY.. PITTSBURG'S |< CONEY ISLAND PARK ==^WILL OPEN MAY, 1300:=: Incomparable Amusement Enterprise, anexcelled In its equipment, presenting absolutely high class Amusement Attractions. Unique in physical and general attiactions. Thirty (30) acres of parkway nnrlTalled in the natural beauty and grandear of its surroandings; on Keville Island, in the Ohio Biver, twenty-five (25) minutes by trolley from Greater Pittsburg's center, also on P. & L. E. B. B. and P. & Ft. W. B. B. Additional quick service by a fleet of unsurpassed excursion steamers, every Pittsburg excursion boat, including the entire Klein Line of steamers, having been absorbed for services to this park exclusively. A mile of beautiful bathing beaches, high-class operatic and concert music, sensational special features, me- chanical, aerial and scenic attractions, new and original in plan. Greater Pittsburg and suburbs, with its teeming Industrial population of over a million people—more prosperous than ever—known in -'show parlance" everywhere as the -'Queen Producer of the Show Cities" because of her enthusiastic patronage and sapporti of all attraetivl^' bealthfal amose- msnts, offlan the "eatoboC tlMMMdo" ftnr Mf uonr In tlUs .wiltalile HOonqr Idana'dC the Wert.** .Attractions and features of real merit that will measure up to the high standard at: "•Btiguated and inferior productions not considered. k Experienced Parlonen and Qpemors will find bete tbe golden ofyoftonltar of tlifri riiiaibMbV torlouseflortisintlittiSBMaHMsr. RMposMoMMiae—sw bp * Ite full information address JOHN F. KLEINy QOBsy island AmussniBiit Co., 247 Water St., Pittsburg, Pa. merit the only te^; ; Biff pntts «ra son here; the toocfi gS'vieri- uBd ooBtnetB wxittoi. Brsmus, Ttic Ttatt (Grmsd).: OwentfxxOk ■ Ky.. 1-6. Holmn k Dcuc (Orital): Andcnon, Ind., 1-4. Hm^I Bms (Bljoa): Ones Bar, Wl>.. 14: BoM 8«wc Qaartct (KcauT*!): N. Y., 1* Bmta. Oba*. * Sdn« (Famllr) 14: (Orpb#nm) Bradlnt 8-18. Bmranl Bros. (Arcade): Tol«do, O., S-18. BiBWB. Bury L. (Family): Xork. Pa.. 14. BMnzd'a Dofm * Pooln (G. O. B.): FlttlbaiS. Pa.. 1-6; (Cook-a O. H.) Bochntcr, N. X., S-B. Blto, Prince Scum Sine (FBocta% SBdi St.): Mew lock Olty. I-O; (FM)Ctgefe.»|Jt> MS. BaU. rraak (Bgoo): Keattklt^KK '**•. (QnaO JoUct. Bl.. ■' ■ •; "Hwiit, »ia^ * Jtmta Bmca (BIJm): Da- _lS!Mk b.. 14; <Bwni>a) CMMgo. HL, 8-U. 'Hm^ tm att mUf aU todoo. Ont.. 14: _(B«etfs) St. ThoaM 8-». W*inllw . The (Okyatal): X /t m n maait, Ind.. _14j ( tuHe) CteTCUnd. O, MS. Bmoma. ht^ (jJtaMtn): , anr Mk CUj. .. 3tm (Grud); VucooTcr. B. C _14: (GnunI) VIctorta 8-M. Bsnrt * Bland: UnrtU, IfUL. 14; (Hath- ««»*•) Srw Bedford 9-lS. am rmir. TIu (Star): Aosoata, Oa., 818. Um^-atttat Co. (Otpbeom): Omaha. Neb.. _M8. \ *2,. >• 14: (Prwrtge"* oaOl St.) HtW „_»■* C1&, S-IS. .. BncNIt. Dito^aWth'a): M«« T«ilc.iate.'M: -UiVTlaairBUSMM. JId.. 8-)S. Bmaao The Gnat (Oly^jit): < BbU. Jane Biton A Oii. (Borttlf * Sin- ■<»'«): New Totk City 14; (KcWs) Pw»- Ueace, B. I., 8-18. i'^*'^;"*' (PoU'«): WaterboiT. Coon.. 1-8; (Bitha-K-ay-a) New Bedfocd. Jtaaa., 84S. Holrombe, Cnrtla * Wetib (Omtaena): New, La., 1.6. ^."1 A.aathoted (rMple'a):; Ortac Bap- Jeanre * Ellaworth (BUoo): liarqnette. lileh., Jooea * Waltoa (Haymarket): Cbleafo, BL, 14; ((Mambia) St. ImIm. Mo., 8-lB. jenalnsa As JewcU (I«xle): Uacotn. Neb.. 14: C - 14: ■tfto«arrwjsr * wn*r Hcnias e Oi Hertiert (JeL Blan ft Bei 18. Boodini (Obaae'*): SSi' o'f'i-^ ^. «iiS-(*,i*i-lt "swank's ^™ '>= Mexloe Oty, Mer.. Brte ft Beath (Btax) i5P fu^Z!?. ("•J«*»e>s Hot 8pTls«i. Ark.. Trio (AodltaHam): Lynn. Man.. 14; ,.(8>w dy'a) ran BIrer 8-lB. **g>a * Spaika (Bmplra): USiIIe, OL, in- .BaMltoa. Oat. 14; Bae ft CFit*nke>: 'fg' f^rallT (Procte'.) t Troy, M. 1.. ^Sfr'3l^"?i3* (OfPliwm): Kantti iS?^5H!?4 (Chaae'a): WaOUnstoa. D. C. HteMb'e) Syiaeue, K. Y., 8-18. _. Jab Ja.k. nr. * Butdtt.'*'Albert ObWal Mhdili Oer.. Jan. 1-31. Kaaf man, Bcba (Albambra): July l-Jao. 31. Kaofman Slateca: Stall Tonr, Bnc: Kelly ft Aahbr: Moaa * Tbooitaaltoar, Kb*.. Dec. 18-Kar. 12. Kemp. W. A. (WamOy): P MUa i l Me, FB., Sept. S&aw, Gcgqga (Ijile}: Wlcblu. Kait, Dee. Keeley Slateea (BUoa): DaorHle, VL. 14. Kate. Bras. tGnnd): Mlif. m, 14k . h-2, Kelly ft Bene (P<M-s): BiMm at t. n iB« j l-S; (PoU'a) Wateitiniy 8-18. • ^ Kbema ft Cole (G. O. H.): IndlanipoUs. M.. 14; (Oipbeom) New Orleans, La.. 8-13. Eaetsser. Lew (Earl): Pnetdo, OaL. 14. Klple ft lIeI.aaslLUn (.Hammersteln's): New York City. I-e. EcUy ft Adams (Elite): DaTenport, la., 14; (Emptie) Bockford. UI.. S^3. Knrtls ft Basse's Dogs (Proctor'x): Newark, N. I.. 14: (Pioetor'a SBtb St.) N«w Yocfc CUy. 8-18. .... KoUer ft KdUer (BUoo): Mbm^m, Im^ 14: (Pc<|de*s) Cedar Baplda ».tt. Kohl. Gna ft Uailoa (Bmpbe): Ootaado Bprlnn, OoL. 14. K«Uy. Saa ft Ida (Howard): Boaton. Kaaa.^ 1-6; (Family) Nc<w,York Olty, 8^. KlUmnra Java Tnnpe (Olympic): Oblcaco, ni-, 1-e. Kelly ft Kelaey (I^c): Cleveland. O.. 1-8. Eeicy, Mr. ft nn. AtlRd (Orpbemn): New Orleans, La„ 8-13. Kokls, MlsBooette (Oipbnnn): JiUwa^ee. ■wis.. 14: (Orpbetan) MlmieapaUa. 3 KeUy ft.TloIete (Olympic): Cbkaco, m., (OriaiBMa) St. LooU. Mo.. 8-lB. KcDO, WaM ft MtlTOW (Ttmple): Detiatt. MIeb.. 14: (Kcltb'a) cnrteUnd. O.. 8-13. Kent. S. MiUer. A. Cow <0. O. B.): Pa.. :4: (Uairlaad) ' Kemp ft Pearl {< ntati, 8-13. Klwsley ft liewla (Kclft'a): 3S-Jan. 6: Stamford.. Klein ft Klela (Star) (Ctyatal) St. Mask. Karaon. Kit OMialle): E (JfaJeaUe) SaiAatail* 8.L . . BMBt. .Xnalcal (Ocpben): Bcadlas, Pa., 14; ''^■MlMil) Pittabm 8.18. Amb ttoa.: ' Baa Oabe. Wis.. 14. Kntooi, TbM* (Proctor's): Newark. K. 1.. 14; (Proctor's) ABwny, N. Y., 8-18. Kelfe. Zena (EeHb's): ProTtdence, B. L, 14: (Kellb's) Phlladelpbla. Pa.. 8-13. Karil)agia Jaiia (EUen Mnsee): New Task City, tader. Kennedy ft Boooejr (Oiptaean): San RaneUeo^ O.I., 1-18. . • .-. Kelly. W. C. ( PnxJ a a'* aStk St.)i MMr TaA Kennedy ft Vincent (National): Kasaaa Otty. ito-. . „ Klein. Ott Braa. ft Mdiolaon (Hartlg ft Sea- moa'a): New York Olty. 14. Konpe ft Koppe (Howard): Boatoo. Man., 1-8. IMcaera Don ft Ifookcra (flatbaway'a): New Bedfoe*. ISlifcj-M.,^..^ . KeatiBB «i.?5SSSrtB.fM|MOt . SMalH. Wia.. 8-ia. Keaoa. Cbariaa (Br*t * BabOMB'a): New York Cliy. 14. KIppTe (Mala St.): Pcotla. IB.. 14. ^ Kamoa. Fred. PaalaaalBt 0*. (Oatkm): Bnok. lyn. N. y.. 'a: . ii--' ' ■' . ■'..^ Laaaoer, Lee (t«tie): VHw Bmi; M.. Dae. 18, Indet. Uoyd, Herbert: Moaa ft StoU Toor. fits. , ttfwmaa Slaters (Star): AUanta. Qa., Indet. La Motbe Trio (Majestic): Cbleaso. IB., 14; (Haymarket) (ailca«o 8-18. _^ . ■ La Adella (Bran*. iHUI): BTtnarBlh ML..M: (LaSalle) Keokok, la., S-IS, La Jeaa. Theo. A CSamllle (Keltb'a): Mfladel. phU. Pa.. 14: (O. O. H.) Plttaborr 8J18. henn ft narr (Klectrlo): Waterloo, la.. 1-8. La Clair A Weat (Austin ft Stone'a): Boston, Vaas.. 1-0. LaTcnUe. Marie (BUoo): DaTenport, la.. 14. •CItT, Mnr Tofk Cttr. 14: TIHC 14; LaTamle Sistera (Ptioealz): OoIiaiibDa, O., 1-6. La ZeUe, Edward (Maieatlc): Hot SprioKS. Aik.. 14; (aiajeatle)0<dUa. Xaa.. S41S. Latiaa, JlUe. (Fraetor's): IBv. .H. T.. 8-lS. Bdv. X«A €1^. 14: CFMCtai'a SH St.) nthr . Xoik CBtr SOB. tiimaid * Drake (Orpbeom): Portsmootb. O., 14: (Ateade) Toledo 8-13. La Toor. Irene (Merlden): Merlden. Coon., 14; (I^ceom) New Britain 8-13. Lyster ft CocAe (PsAn): Olpple Creek, OiL, 14: (Empire) Ciolarado Springs 8-13. Latell, Edwin (Orpbeora): Otnaba. Neb., 14; (Orpbeom) Eaaus City, Mo., 8-13, La Renoa, Tbe (Oenoett): Bidmiood, Ind., 8-13. LdClair, Harry (Howard): Baaton. Mass., 14. La ooiz, Paoi (Lyric): Clerdaiid. O., 14: (FamBy) Scranton. Fa., SOIL Laraan ft Bwlna (OrpMoa): rwiiailllll. 0. 14: (Giaad) HamJlMa MS.- = - Lako&, _a8RT * omto- auD: • BoA u- laad. m.. 14^ (BOaa) edBM LdBor * Woodford (katth**):. ^ iPa., 14; (afasTlaiid) Balttmare, Xd., ^18. Lancaster, Tom (BUoo): I>nl«tb. Mian.. 14; (Unique) Wlnnlpe*. Man.. S-1&. LoBatr (BUon): MBtlMtte. Wla.. 14: (Ban'a) Bscanaba, Mleft-'SOS.-:~-'^r.= • LcQIoyne SlsteraTVim Baalc. M:;-'l4$^(Star) Monde 8-18. LaXlefl.Bma. (Grand): Ttrtao. OlL. 14. Lealla. Oeo. W. ((Jlobe): St. Lools. Mo.. 14: (Caatle) Bloomlostoo, ni., 8-13. L^g^a.^^Ulan. Co. (BUoo): Port Honn. LM^FItabnsh ft Benle (BUoo): Alpena. HIeli.. UBd'(IiB|>erlal): BrooUyn. N. X.. 14. Lnrla. (ICOCCla (Olphenm): ITanaaa Olty. JCo., 8^8. fti ftdMae toiplienm); l^^^SSS^^mSS: I>anbardt Al. (OarrM): BarBaKtoo, la.. 1-C; (BUon) BaTenfMrt 8-18. Lucas, Ed. ft Basel (Yale'a): KAnaaa Otf. Mo.. 14: (Lyric) Joplln 8^. Leoaard, E)ddle (Orpbemn): MlnncnpoUa, Minn., Ld)en't, Tbe Great (BUoo): Qolncy, ni., 14; (Ckrflseum) Champaign 813. LMey ft Trayer (Paatiar's): New York Oty. 14; (Hyde A Sebman'a) BtooUyn 8-13. Lorelaads, Ttie Fire (People'a): Kanaaa Qty, Mo., 14. Lec. Hemy (lUen Moaec): Jfeiw Zock CUy. Lartae * IiCMMnl (< 14. {4laof*. nie (Keltli'O: Fmldaec. B. L.- 14L Lavalla. The (Palace): Oortc, lie.. IB-SO. Leanard ft SSastedo (Odeon): Saytnn, O.. 14. Loce ft Lace (Bi)oa): . Appletoa. Wis.. 1-8. Lau Broa. (Family): OatlxinaJt. Pa.. 1-8. ' Lscy A Loder (Otpbeom): Senrcr. OoL, 14. Lornotta Slatcn tHopUaa*): Loaiafflleb Sr., L^Ur. Wara*. (Oraad): ftjiiiila .oia^W.- Cai. LewU ft Ctaapbi (Main at)l LalBose, Bany, ft Co. lUtntmVtt toed. Maaa.. 14. iMOB /jfc .kador 'Ofiamimitt ,*8es.SS*a. Sl._ .-.i^ ■ v' j. ; ■ -..'Vv;---"! MUlra. Janaa (BUna): SiMl. Wu.; »^ 8. ladaf. UeFarland. Jamea (BUon): Maraaatte, Mlcb., indef. Meiedltb Sliten (Booadiet'*) Jan. 1-31. - ...v .; „ Mlddleton. Oladya (PaIm):-~''/CkiiM C!oL. AtV. 14. indef. MUtoo, Mr. ft Mia. Geo. W. (Star): Atlanta. Oa., Indet. Mitchell. X V. <La8aIIa} 35. Inf - Mltcbdl, dec Kaokok. la., Dae. Mootasae's Cockatoo Ctreaa city of MeUe^ Max.. 'Itor« Morrla * MaSStB Oct. 9. tDdeC Mbtocirl (Oiplienm): firaa. Ao.. Jan. 141. MdCne ft OablB (Hopkins'): LooisTllIe. Kj^ MoGutre. T. J. (Mirror): DeaMoines, la.. 14; (Elite) DaTenport 8-18. Manrre (Bell): Stockton. CaL, 14. Metrflle ft Aaelle (BaH): Pneblo. CtiL. 1-6. Mareena, Nerare ft Mareena (Qiiitiemn): San Fkandaoo, GsL. 8-lS. MiOnemey. Jas. A. (Family): Haxelton. Pa., 25-Jan. 6. MaUoty IBrot.. Brooka ft Balliday (OiloiiiaDi New York (Sty, 14; (OipbeiBi) Bmklya 8-13. Mltcbell A Cain (Maleatt^T Waoai-Ta., 14; (Maieatle) W. Worth S«L.-.^_. . * Bce« (BUM): M m mt, ' 14: (Blloa) Marqnette S^tt- . MarreUe ft Oleaaco (Arcade) :< Toledo. O.. 1-8. " Marten. Ollle (Olympic): Tkor. N. X.. JS- . Jan. 8. : \\' • ■■ -icv- 'r' MeGIobi ft Smith (Andltarlnm): I«aC HMk'^-^ 14: (Proetor'a) Troy, N. Y.. 848. ' ,>,it.. Marco Twloa (Orpbeom): Kanaaa Olty, ICs..''.^, 14; (Orpbeom) Denrer, CoL, 8-18. . MolADghlln. Helen (Bammcratcln'a): York City. 1-6. , _ MflCaae ft Grant • (BUoo): Oiaem 9m 14t (BUoo) Marinette 8-tt.- Marabnr. Mona (Star): AteUaoo. Kaa.^~-l#t;>.^; rBljoa) WKUIta 8-18. - ,^>. .V*ti-i."<. MdDoaald. Hol&nan ft 'Stoddard (Oiyatal):'W>-<>'.': keto^ SUeh.. saaa. «. ^ " ' Majcatle Trio (OnakV O. H.>: njjj fc iWtr . X^- X., 14; (O. O. BO an*cnw 8-lS. - llacBlir, Mr. * Mrs. Kaik (^de * Bebman'a): .- -i'. ^.Biaak^n^N. X., 14; (Paatoi'a) .>-ew ^o*'^.'. JMWtta. Th» FJre (Oi^ieiun): Brooklyn. N. X.^ 1-St (lAibamm): New Tort Olty 8-1Sl>;> Miett^ Da«i (BQoa): Qnlacy. Dl.. 14. .p/r^ Mnrpby ft WlUard (Majeatle): BooMan, XaXi*^:., 14; (Majeatle) Ft. -Worth 8J8. _ ; iii . •• Mills A MotTla (HopktnaT): LaatartBab ' -. - 14; (BOpklna*) (Memphia. Tenn.. 8.13. . Minar Broa. (Bl]oa): Ubpemlnc, Mlcb.. l-tf^'-. (BUon) A(ipleton, Wla.. 8-13. Moray ft Mocar (Onloae): Mlnneaipoila. lllaa;^ :^ MorMos FOOT j^^i^ ii^^iBt iSi'liS-''''' Ark.. 14. •- 'Sr^-y.^: Memills. Three (Odlseoa): Laad*^ aW -. 18-Jan. 18. • , • Meera. The Tliree.(Am^iloa): BmUvLjK. - 14; («ToetaC« aBB.St.) New To* 4»F, IJ.' ■ ... . - . , ■ >'^^- MoAvor. Dan. * Oai. (Olaae'a):': nifaAllKM|,:. .S K<hr Sack Olty. 1-8. XtSlafaga ft (Siapelle (Hammersteta'a): Xo* CItJ. 1-8. Maateia, Klsale B., ft Co. (Maieatle): VaOtt.^':- Tax.. 14; (Majestic) Waco 8-lS. . -V V^., ?:>:. XaateU'a Marlooettea (Btloo): Green Bay. 14: (BtJOB) Marinette 843. ' .- MlakeL Con (BlJoa): Jacksoo. Mirti.. 14: (BIp - Joa> Battle Creek 8-13. Miltoian^Tgto taj^toa') ;_^Lonla^^^^^-l-St , ataxia. Nina (Golamtila): <3nel—M>:.eS«Mit.y.-,: 1187 ft MBea (Plom'a): Madison. irtfctTt*^ IbAa, Two (Bijoa): Wheeling. Wi-^7**T--.^ Harlowa, Ptankett ft Co. (FaaSr): SmMMt;/ MaOdl ft Onrtdey: BodMcd. nU ML'" ■ MaearM: .Otlca. N. X.. 14. >• IMWAtaa ft lyaoB (Bnrtls ft Seanoa'a); 3ltlienhi» SiBtan '(BMnM,:" ' S5-Jsn. 8 - _^ . > Moasrts. Hie (Owor d'Alene): Spokane, W a|>i j i>>u- ' SMan. 6. - iFT.v- Marae, Ben (Bxpooltloo): jafkaa«rfflUi!nBk '^^ (Continued oa page 18.)