Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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%lv^ 1 l ib oar d The Billboard ' PUBLI0HKD WEEKLY AT 4ie ElniTSIrMt Cfaieinnatl. U.«. A. CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAl^ BolU S. Hwlan BUS.. <M Hutet Be LONDON. ENGLAND. Ctr.UiWSfcaiidl/cioeftar PU W. C Telapbou, OTI *4«XTmnl; Tetovimma, Breatber. for «M adMadal or rubllshtnACo. FUteen cmita per Une, aff»te meunrnDcnt. Wliole ■e, tic*; ti»lf p*ifc. itl-iO; qa»rt*r p»«p, amoa po«ltlaa. TUBOIhcariUfirmUtmaUtnauaiidneia-t^mtU n«. BtUtaard M aoU ra i<oadaa at TtmJtmmjttm Cb. aarf ici s^aM du iatlnuticmt amd mnag im ilu maUtr oi NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS .Th* fint ferai of Tha Bill Ing. goM' to No ■dv€wrti«om« nt» for thoM p « g » » can b*' gSvM the desired pesi- :tig«» and no ehangaa. «an ba iiMMa In fda en any. af-thaaa-jpagaa ;N»!^ fbr 1»m til* fcRB*^ man have faJlea directly in line with a nnmber of phllantbropiats, laclodlns tbe president of tbe ITnlted States, who d«- not liesltat^ to OlaciiBs apd asltate tlia' qnaattMi wMA liaa. hmc baen a :^<lMftHffla ivHON 0«t iajOObS A. 'Woods, tbe weU-knoTs maiucer and imtdncer, wm* on Christmas Dar preseoted wltli a aoUd atlTar GorhAm serrlc*^ \ij the seTcral aaaacna of U< eomiwiiles and ttieatrea. The MTTlce. eoaaiated of '432 sppsrat£ pieccB, and was MgDlOeaDt of the nteem in which Mr. Wooda la.IHia to- kta ■■■limii . AeeoaMytea (ke^ MtSr-WM^a «■§ loC Oe ttllMrUc: To Our Manasrr. Mr. A. B. Woods, on Cbtlat- mas. 1S05. Accept tMa gift, for 'fU «ar Bta Tbat thTonsh It yon be tOld.'.' . ■■■ ■ li" i We're sendlas aUTer to a an ' ■tno iiaa a keart oC c<dd. . . Ji Srt S^M?'»wSpBf'tto^^^SS?' and BodnatandliiB of an em^yer aa true as ateel, this aerrlce la presented to Mr. A. H. Woods on Chiistmas Dar- Thoash the offerlnc tei>- resents the iffecUon ot all, the spirit oelilnd it wu a apliit of IndlTldnal' retard, esteem and good wlil. Nearly erexy person who has pot Ills or her mite into tbe clft has pat in alas hlB or her personal sratltode for many (ood turn, and their tlncere trlendsblp for their manaser. it li the wish of the donon that tbese Tessels may sooa be orerflowlns as are their hearts with the sentliDeiit here eipreaaed. and that the gift may tie part ot a Menr GbrlBtmaB and a prophet ol a Hingr Mew 7ear. fiosh Ormdj-, manaser Tom, IMflk and BaxiT. Bdla «( Atcbm K. a o(-a WUe. benrflt was gtren to nalirr Baraett, the well- known and popnlar Tanderille maaal^, irtM has been snbatnnata la Ih* T a^t. Be win IMTC tor Mew week to udcrBO an opcntioa. In -aMItlaa to tbe nntar Bate: CUi -Or- clstccii Sdnilts, centlj- fmm -New T( Torlte. Tbe ponltiT °aliow held at Dee. Ifras was a inad SMai UU(, A. OMAHA, NEB. anxsb urmdj', ma 8am Ujc& aaa W. jTKSh. ■■ FKd. w. Sasv. AL Rl^' I. H. «- talE Gllll. Clifford W. 8. Zork. J. K. Roberta, manaser Tracked Aroond the Wodd. 3. T. Peazaall, niana fae Saeiet Serrlce Sain. Attractions at the local theatres daring the ireeK preceding Ctiristmas were not soffldentl/ Inteiestlns to attract tbe hoUdar aboppen. floweTer, taking all things into consideraticn The Orpbeom, Borwood and Emg did rery weU- Tbe Bo7d Theatre has been dark for the past fortnight with the exception ot two or tbice ff^f^ij, . bnt -Hanager Bntzcaa aaMOsBt -abowa after tbe test - Ifee Chcistlaa, pnatated br Oa Stack Oo., reeaallr. «a> JHm. tHt pot on >r tills opening of tbe Alarrlaan and Hisa '£aag woe aaaa to a better adrantage than In any prerloaa vitjr, and the remaining plarers 'were an capeclulr adopted to their parts. Much credit Is dne Sedlcy Bronni, the new director. Ralph Hayward, the popalar bead door- keeper at Bojd'a Theatre, baa been aaaodated with Manager Borgess for the part sixteen jeara. He also holds a respoaalble position with the Burlington Ballroad, and has man; ftieods ^'**"T tbe professloa. Under Sontbem Sides and A Son of Best both laid OTcrta this dty during the week pceoecdlng CkilttBia, ~ he Xa^te CSob pcesented <Tblmrs ot , tbe^CMt and caacv^J^^g boDwTjis Tbe Avdltorinm li bow Mm wtd a roller and la meiHag i^h «n Uc UVDC It Fred I Harww.-IMWBS ^bt. W. ^eaadi^ nieatic. Ames Btennan. manager Palace Tbeatre, f»< t»»» « I %% %% ♦ -. ♦ ♦ HAPPY NEW YEAR ♦ ♦ -v ■ To its numareua readers and 4> patro«l« THE BIU.BOARD ax- ♦ ^ tonda graat in ae . The year haa ♦ ^* vntnaasad the chrystalizatien of 4> ..^ many new friendships and the <l> ^rtnar eatnanting of old ones. To <^ 7 avery profassional, from tha ela- ^ ^ phant-faedar to the harlequin, and ♦ ^.trem. tha aeane shifter, to her who ♦ #'hM reaehad Juliet, and him who ♦ ♦ haa rsaehad Hamleb THE BIL,!.- ♦ t< 111» >M 1 1 HI > l < 1 1 11 it Thonjeh the season »a lax has not been productive of any really great bits; the ratio of the failures Is so low ansur mSk foctba aUUty Of the-producers to sdect wtaat the jmblic most desires. ■ • • » ' Here than';,^39nal the .holidays this year were-.veeaafam for. Xesttvlties amonr theatifcal people^ FtMmbly nat .-■omqclt because^ of a past;TiaIf sea- ^■MPjCjt -bna lniMW aa.otia^jip nflflpnr e bom ' oC hope and aoKmented by favorable proapect^^ ;'niere Is an affinity be- tween :the ata«e and Cbzistniaa time. ■ChHigh Baa' la" primarily %^aeason of 'BlMCUiHn^ and hopefulness'is a car- L^T^itiut of the- theatrical profes- VjAflm Doe proceedinsa Into the Wirrft.: the syndicate were aome- 'deiayeff last week be<!anse'Jus- tice lieventrltt. who was sitting In that branch of the Supreme Court to 'which tte writ ' Waa returnable declined to Bie Me. W BtcimoM':t^ whidi his son was aC .eeaBMK'iftir' 'oiie vlt the contestants. Tbe beailug' -was consequently post- T vntil Monday, Jan. 1, when an- Jodge would be alttinB in that ' Tif TTaw TiMirii liltliigi fr« ^™i« HATHAWAY^ OPENING Sstbawiy's acsr watnllli feoaw at Lewd. SCass., was ftinminy opened Cbrlstautf Day, sbia MIy Snce tbooaand people were taiBed amy. A aplemltd bin was prorlded tar tha opening week. It incloded the Twelre Navajs Girls. Harry I«Sose ft Co.. Krlesel's Csts -and Dogs John and Bertha Gleiaan, Fred aadl' ban, 'Walters and Fi u ulj , Dixon and moring delighted with the laes to be a loecess. Sbortly before tbe opening of the perfona- anice. Manager Frank O. IMmA was presented with a baantlfnl booqnet of flewan WUia 8. aot. The Bmbsart^ fapAjMSMadint. ajpr. ^ Msg engp«t ^asd^|^^>jjlt\:i^)»t Tbestilcal Joozaal. TRAGEDY AT DANVILLE Tbe peace and qolet of DanTlUe. m., waa distnrbed Wednesday afternoon, Dec 27, by a shooting aOUr that happened In tbe Saratoga Hotel, and ai the result of which Cbarlei IQ. SlB.*Cll, co med ian of tbe Two Jobns Co., Ilea at point of death in the St. Ellxahetb Bos- pltU. . -It. is reported that F. O, Ooopcr, an aetnr Smith of Smith resented tbe seauatlaa. it is nid. wUd tbe more angered Mr. Gooper. Cooper, it is aHeged. then poreliased a rerolrer and attacked Smith In the latter's room at the Saratoga. Mc Cooper rlalma that be entered Smith's room to talk the matter orer peacefully, bat that wlien be 'waa attacked be defended btmself Me. amih waa shot three times sad wlD piabSUtr die. BCTWON TWO nREB PROOUCKD Hn. Bdmyler Crownlmdileiri on e s e t Vl«r> Between Two Fires, waa ptudu eed for the Oist time npon any atace at tlie Mlddleaez TTiestre. Middletown. Conn., Otjrlatmaa matinee. ' An en- tbimlastle andlenee greeted Mlas Sarah ften A who -appeared aa " ' ~ ler whO' • It !■ not likely that anything wlU •ome «r the movemoit recently started .b ITew York GUr t»^^^hlblt the pro- ducUoB there oT TlHiiuas Itlxon's new ,:play. The Clansman. The objectors' '.bm of particulars accuse Mr. DIzon ^ sarrlng up strife and race hatred ' by his aKltatlon of the negro question. However, It would appear that Mr. IMziim and the pcodnoera The Clans- ippeared aa Pnntr Adams. 3. Herao MO- ho' ippaared as MwBsav, and Feter DaMlfis. ,'\«;?'^. ; Jnt to alMnr that Seattle If eomlnc Teik city ot tlie Coast, Bdward r. BwecasT, flie mlUianaite. and a mmbs of other Seatoe capitalists will build a modem Coney Islsnd resort on Lake Wsshlngtan. nesr Msdlson street. A petition wm be brought before the council next week by tlie Borderland White City Co., asking pemiisslan to ase sereral on- opaisd streets. On* bimdred and flftr tlion' sand dollars 'wm ba tartsted, sad It Is " iDtentlai to hare' Ills TCiy taat e( as wen ss -sa lee ilak and a astsf The eompsar eairtas tUrtT'^lTe peo- ple, beaded liy Sajn Sklinan, a deeer German' comedian of the Lew Fields type. The rest of the compsny, including James Connors, sn Irish comedian. Rosalie. Idissard Brotheta. Uel- Tllle and Stereos and Mile. Glorlne, are good. ''" Tbe tiiird concert of tbe Seattle Symphony Orchestra nnder tbe dbeetlon of Harry West, 1 was giren at the Grind Optra Honie Wednes- jdsy erenlag. Begardlcss of -soclely lielog busy ^wltb CliilBlmas s ee p s r a tten^ tbe concert waa weU attakdcd. Sslslstf were Miss Clara Lewya. . St. Tcwph—Lyric week Dee X, D. X. <L Tnv—^Lyeetun, week Dee tt, Osifcat. TORONTO; .TOMCO n All the theatres did Bias week. Miss Eleanor 'B«baon was gtcstsd ty . bouses. The FHsuose Miastids at tbe Otaad caught «be big crowda. Miss RiteUe Anglis. formerly of Lore's Lot. tery Co.. Is msklng good 'with The Weber AO- Star Stock Co., which opois la Mew Zotk Pat Ballly sad Ua hig burlesque ocganlsa- tloa SHnA-AMOBr at the Majestic '„V ■ J. A. OOfSON. WITH T|1E OTOCCE The * Woltad, IL shows the ope ia tloa s «C supplied by'tbem; Boston—Bowdcdn Soaaie. wcA Dee. 25, CMe TOm'a Cabin; week Jan. 1, raast. CaaUe Sqnare, -week Dec 2B, Ranaom'a EUIy; week JTan. 1, Ollrer Twist. Empire, week Dec 2S, The surer King; week Jan. 1. LaToaea. Brooklyn—Bljoo, week Dec 2S, The Belle of New York: week Jan. I. Tne Irish Hearts. Imperial, week Dec as. The Cbriatlan. Ly- eansa. week Dec S. Lost to tbe Wodd. Pay- tsa*% wask Dec SS, Op T«ek State; week Jan. l; Mb, Saae'B DeCenae. fWra a o It iis b TKmpIs, week Dec 3S, Tbe Card. Calaat. *^ Dee. Si.' The Price ot Honor; week Jan. 1, A Rssisd Boa. Mar- lowe, week Dee. 4S, Bdd br th* I People's, Jan. I. Blue Jeans. Peacetol VaUey. Cincinnati—Robinson's, -week Dec 2S, Tbe Clirlstian: week Jan. L la the Pslaec of tiie Slur. Colnmlma—Empire, week Dec 23, Dorothy Vernon of HsddSB BsU; 'wsck Jan. 1, Wsaua Against Wi Indiana! tbe Slope Lowell—Academy, week Dee. SB, Jim, On FenmanI week Jan. 1. Tbe Pariah Priest. Hew York aty-^lfS Ambbs^ wett Dee. A:Qneen's MesseBger and Ckteket on the Bearth: week Jan. 1, Cleopatia. One Hundred and XwcstT4f tb Street, week Dec 39, lb* Two Orphans. Metropdls, week Jan. 1, The Sign of tbe Four. New Orleans—loTle, week Dec a. The Cone of Dnnk; week Jan. 1. Hobodys ClalB. - Osand Opera -Bonae, week Dec S. daderelU. Kew Haren—BIJOQ. week Dec SB. Tks Wife; 'week Jsn. 1, The Idttle Mlnlstct. Kcw Bedford—BaToy, week Dee. 9B. Brotbar Acstsst BroUier. ^'ftlU( 1—B u t w oo d, week Dec SB, Iha (Ms, .delpbia—standard, -week Dec 19, Fast Life In New Tork; week Jan. 1, IW EEcr ChU. dren's Sake. Forepaugh'a, week Dec 18, •.She- nandoah: week Jan. 1. MMJss. Olaud AisaSc, week Dec SS, Tks r^***"*" - Proridenee—lanaMb wsak BMb ''iMee- tul VaUey; weA -Jsa. 1, "-f*-*" JMs sC the Horse Uarlnea. Pawtucket—Keith's, week Dec SS, Tlie Man From Mexico. Portland—Belaseo, week Dee, SB, Bias Jeans; — — 1. laeoB. ett: week 7sa. 1. n* . San Frs n da ee id le a wr . wedt Dee. SB. The Prince and Pan per; week Jan. 1, Vbee In tbe Moonlight. Central, week Dee SB, Tbe Ttj* Witness; week Jan. 1. Tbe Unwritten Law. Ma. jeatlc week Dee 2B, If I Were King: week Jan. 1. A Contented Woman. Albambra. week Dec. 25. A Flgbt For Lore; week Jan| 1. A Woman In Black. Spokane—Aodltoflnm, week Dec 20, North- ern Xilgbts: week Jan 1, mends. Seattle—^Tblrd Arenoe, week . Jan. 1, Her Marriage Vow. Salt Lake .Clty^tand, week Dec IS. Man's UdCB !Wlia -West, snd Miss OoUls Dden. daugh- ter' of th* showman, recently. WHE8LBR-DB TALL.—A. B. Wheeler aa« Leah DeTall. both ot tbe Van Amhmg Dee. 20. in Atlantic City. FBiPE^BOMtMr. MBchaal torLIuaist, with C. A. Sloan. N. Y. IiEFlEVBB-LONO.—H. C. Kferer Dolly Loog, both or tbe Two Meny' Co., recently, at Lawrence, Kan. LBMEE-IBWIN.—Ilmest Lemfce and 1 OUtc Irwln, both of Hanlon's Fantasma, ] M, at Boston. Maas.. b7 the Rcr. Sbenaid ] MAORAHB.—J^i^ P. Preseott. alas* manager Lyric Tbeatre, New Orleans, La., and Miss Thala M. Magrane, leading lady of the Baldwin-UelTlUe Stock Co., Dec. IB. QILBEIBX-LAWBKNXJB.—Wolfe GUbert and MisB yaatla Lawrence, both lasmbsrs. *t tbs - ~ Co.. In DEATHS Abbott DsTidsos^—dollcs' sg.-hia pears In sa o th er i iilfis of ^Is \a*wwhiy £ashar of of lha lUMiBs nsb sad lack isla of ^Ice Co., disd ta — Not. S3. MH*. Carrls. tbe New York City latt week. la was Mrs. Fred. LeaUe. Inr New Tork and condolraces are Mr. L««Ue from profeaaScmals him In hia berearement. Edward C. Tisher, a member of of The Gods Co., was fonnd de^d at 472 W. Thlrty-ronrtb itreet. City, De«. IS, haring died from a platal wocmd. It is said that a tempted the player to end his life, was twoitT-one jesn ber of tbe ^udsh 1 Samad Bs^delL «C the DarUng Ln his room JJew Totk self-tn&lrted lore sffsir Mr. yishtt Baydsn la that dty 31. and Intoment took riaee la .Wmia nisuuit tbe (oUowlng day. Mr. Boyddl was wdl snd tseorahly known la Tanderine In 'which he appesred with his wife. He was good-hearted, cleTeT sad a ca p a b l a Artbnr L. Bmore. bookkeeper and dooetcn- der at the Forepaugh Theatre, Philadelphia. Pa., for the past ten yeara, died Christmas erenlng from a stroke ot apoplexy. He waa stricken during tbe matinee performance and taken to hla home- Mr. Elmore was one ot tbe meat falthfnl employees ot the FMcpangh Thestie. -Chas. -1 manager «« «■* wiwma ■immm^ oawK aMb« died at «ke St. Xaneph SospItaL Saeasaa^ Os. Dee. 88. at tfes age of thlitT-flTC. OnS -mm cansed by iiiiiiasiiiiils. The body was tsfesa to Petersbarg, Vau, .wtiere a mother and riMcsC the deceased man lire. Mr. Bomala wsa WH; known as an adranee agent. hsTlng'SCtld-B that capacity for sereral years. Lily Weston, a trombone player who has appeared for aereral season In Tanderllle, died at her liome, 196 Knsflnsko sli es t . Bnoklya. Dec la. Some atsa'" "~ operated upon fer s she -prsetiealiy died C A. Stadedmrgh. who has been Oe. nmn- sger ot tbe Dime Mnesam, Phllsilrtpbli, for twenty years, died soddenly Dec 98 tnm heart disease. On Dec. U Mr. Bradenburgh fen and fractured hia ankle which kept bim oonflned to bis home. TbU waa the first time that Ii* bad erer been kept away from aetlre bustneBi. but Us inliiiy was not thongbt bcHqiis, Tbs night preniDBS to bis death tie bad been cs- tertalntng a nnmber of frienda at hU lioaic and retired feeling splendid. The next Tsomloc. wben. he awoke, he complained ot a ssddea weakness, bnt before medical aid could be summoned he was dssd. At tUs writing, the date oC a* fBoSI has not been set. O. A. Bradaahorgh waa. a calal naa. with thi a iaa s d s ot Mends In snd sat of the la s t eaitoa sad was aa energetle dwwaaa. He made the Dime Msseon ooe of the most profltabi* amnasascnt places In Philadelphia, oooblnlng the eahlbl- tloa ot freaks' and- earloaltlea with a flist-daas Taaderllto Show-: Be amassed a fortnne fsoaa tills enterprise. Be leares a wife, a daoghtcr and two sons wlw wiU eootlnoe the hnaiotns He was a member .of a number of secret ao- drtles, a prowlnest.'Elk and was aetlTe poUU- caUy in this city. -.Mr. Braodenburgh waa bom in iB(9oklyn in IS44, and whea only fifteen years ot ■ age became intoested with Ocatas Tniotarm in coodnctinc a dreaa. In 1S8S he enliated m tbe Thktecntb MUHlsaa as Baaistaat, and scrred th iu a gh e s t . . Whca he wss anstcred oat of aerrles at . aoa,' Iflrh . ta ISSS. b* at oaee went te % ba sad ssaatd a amall mnaeaa. and lafv oBcaed a lM»r obs. In I8ST he had the aide- ttaw with BoUaaoa*! Oreos. Later bs was wMh. Deans, P«lla and Montgoneiy Qoeena drcnses. In ISTT he established a small mn- senm on the Bowery. New York, and later h* opened a mnienm In Chlago. Is 18T7 he opened Afoarlam at Coney Iiland, and codncted tbe moseum snd this place until ISBS, wImb he became associated with Hager and Ouip- beU in tbe management of the Ninth and Atck Street Masenm, Pbllsdrtphls, Later he hesght ont bis psrtnets, and s lu ts daa bad hesa n» sole owner of the place. Vor. a aanAer years be operated the hnge woe d ea clephaat at Ooser Island. Bis energy snd hnslaess methods made the PhlUdelphU' Mo of the most profltsble in the eusalij. was 'weU liked by ail who kl ' pettonners In all parts of tbe grlered to bear of his death. NEW INCORPORATIONS Western Amniement Co:, Esnsas City, Uo. Will tnmlth talent for arauaement entcrprlics. OlScers—Jsck Bnmett, preaident sad m a n ager, and Ai. Maklnaon, secreUiy and trrasaxee. The Sara Bernhardt Really Co.. New Tstk CItr: capital. tl.OOO. inesTpotatara Mar .1^ Sanaa, ms ■haMct sal Wdllsn r. Oaaaas,