Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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MUSIC tSXXTV bk tte Uatair «C tbe popalsr ■ooc luu SOT «a* aoojc teea oed . to (o cmt ut «ztxBt ■• tke mir coon ■MX Iv Kcadii * Mar, ealifd Sra- :!gsttr> Mr tBMBMtL'Iut wtck Ip Mmt SMe 4>Hr'^^iM Okn» aaac It at Proe- •K'at KcftVe OMIIk nrotOB at tt* Albamliirm.. Att BmactuT at tte Dmy; Jlay Soaene at tt» Olicl*; .GcOTse W. Oar at th* Ooloaial; Xffilaa add. irttii Oie Cneker; facka. at tba - Ootham; Brano mnd TTnuell at anrtis ft Sea* ■OB'a; GKCoe and iWeniar at Praetor'a SStk ' Bt^ and Lnr BavUaa at Hyda ft Bebman a. araipattir is rusij a farorltc cuoa aaos and ia Mac <u«d t>7 road csmpanm i« «Eteaa'.TclT as bdv nacd la Mair .XMk Cilr- . v - taaaleal dtncnff Cor the fte- Btaek Oo^ ifTltea tbat tka Dew tBatn . ttlTcr Haela, la a. M^ fafotlt» Df Hia; BoDft: IB 'the new fTodnetlai of -waa taalcced with . . ew aonia wltli tlie Intention ot tw^ aoe ID Rvlace 917 mur QlciUr. O. aeMcted oae of theae and oaed It tor a Acrt ttae when abe tomid It seceaaaiy to so back •• BOL. jM nacK tbe aossa at Sol. Btom'a eatalocae .sua are solas ptet^ wen are WlllUm H. .X VMn'a eaod-«re Dixie Iwai; Hestr dar Smltb'a 'OpM! Back; ^BaJIlload (A. Bnnnie'a INb Looklos . te;afc BwcetbCBTt; 'XreirB -Bloam'a INeath tbe ' Bfrtfj!"? ^'''***""^ Uaa. aad .Axttar A. Fens's . IdTSJeMit addltloD to above nloaMa tatJ- >%jjgjkta u 'wmiam H. Feim'a new aoos, I*Te a Wkv ■'eeUnc iWhen X .£oofc at Zon. whldh U ■ aUf^ nms ttr a ovBder of the beat la. It la remarkalilr catctj. and looka r Ute a'Vira bit. . '^aazUe^Wajme. wbo orislaated Warne's laeS' r filria, la In Tande-rlUe with another IdcBr 1 eootprlaea alnslns. t^^V^g and AmnMi^ in .. —r- moat effectlTe aumoer. He la natsc Oct ^ *-Bis^. tiT Barmond A. Browse iWUUam. H. ~ CMBu'i I'Te Bncb a Fmmr Tedlns 'When 1 I«ak '; al^-Ta% and -Bajrmoad A. iBrowae*a Bat* .Zoo S^^SlW^S'gStrJIfc^ * ^ ^ BXEBV *^.'B BOIZZTOr rsl^ CampiKU. the popnlar'Ij^e~ tcaoc, tnimlliU elerer wnrk in tbe talklas bk woBd ia wen fcaovs. and wbo also ouya ' ^ ensasenenta In TmadcTfllek la ao wUb-Manroe H. Itoaenlleld'e new. bal- let'^diaWzlte What I Kerer Ctecd. to ha» anaascd to make piiooo- oC the aanta for Tazlovis c umy a- it will, alie be laeloded In bla zcpa- TaTW ii 'Ba ^M*!*** tbat tbla aaaSL ttt viiaae aob-tltlf «( A at wm be xaUed dfal eseuv-Winer. Steia ft Oa., haTe-;ao manT tequeats for Oicbeetiatleiia of tUa aoBS tbat^ tbej tisie a ipedal anaascr at wvk mak- Ini^. traospaaltlona to anit the Tailaaa foleea of tha-artlatB wbo'ai» anxlona to alns It. -Xna. Btem- ft Os. haTe twin sonx bita In. Oeane and Uttle Qlri, Ton'D Do. Dearie la atm reatrlcted to the oae of tlie Berstint Brne ' O?., tmt. tbe list «C ainsers oalss UtUe GIiI. ' Yo«l*ll Do aeenut to crow wltb emcb bocr aa if y'l it would nerer stop. Amoox tbe many notlcea fi and yiu a i alig n efl recelTed tbla week, we And llita Ballle> Bandal. Olie Jamea T. FowenP ~ ~ ig W w aHfc .. Jtitt Blalr. Geo. _*»-e»* .■!*!«!?• ^Oaatraia. HELF ft HAazS 80V0B A-Amcnx tile wen..knowii acts that bare added t» tbelr lepertolie J. BalTa new hit. Same Oat Thlnka ot Some One, tbe past we^ are ~ and Barry, Dodlej and OiesiTn, Mabd 3cm, r. -norlt*; Cleiiwy and TTiii TT. ■ Jtop r o e ft-vo., Boaa^^vHa^ Bjivu ■^I'Wr Deu/ScU:—We . Srerytiody Works But J<atbcr at tbe and we An^ i>la7 It often eBooch. , roar ru Be Waltlns In tbe Oloemlns. Sweat 'GeaerieTe as- my ado. and It mere tban !>»■■■■■ fl^ad me Hkcer'a Gleamlns Star kad IH fea- .waa It also." r. B. EA.TXEA3D SOXES TVmj and -ftaaeia witta tbst Bbe Walts bgr tte Deep Biw Am. Jb Zaakea Ittth GM. Jnat a., Idttlc BacUas OM^ an« T«« aS BtartUM Pear.' a t . , ^ , ^ Is slnslnc Tbeoltea ^£nSv%i^na^£^ tasaand .Xbe Soodoo Ttee. ; KeBjr and Beno sod tbe Taldbn aaa oatac Scnrj'^rrantsrn'a fitnx OoUcse Ule ^Wffc aad tbef-aaj It sees blsser erery vaab^icT ' - Cdltb «B9«rard writes tram the ft nsrHsMi and .Paddle Yoor On ' awMping' that snrt of the cuuirti y . Th e^Tw ^ Merry TrampB'Oo^ .mtswa- fUc -aattber-la adltesUs. aa i ll r n a laaa 11 -at AWer». -t."gr^^mtnc Itr. Uord-la pke&c s ttoe at MdB P. M,. bill ill ut haasrtattS wlik the Ms wWa B— '•Mat* , . A. H. Ki^]^ ttie well-known conlat' aololat and maaleaJL dinetor. wbo baa beot I«adln« tbe ocebAMW it tbe IfaJesUe Hotel Id .Hot Sprinsa, Ark., (iff tbe past tbiee jteis, writes that be wIV tait aeaaon pat oat a dramatic and Taoderllle tempanj wltla nUeh a mJUtarr band wUl be teatored. ' *" Mls8 Eleanor McKee, leading lady with Tbe Uommy and the Hnannlnsbird Co., waa admitted to tbe boapltal In Ghambera- bors. Fa., owlns to a icTCie caae ot tben- ma ds m In her risht ankle. Her eondltloa la favorable at preeent. B. Brown* closed mm musical tba Wm. H. Waat 4BMMik: Sw. fidl cbarse oC tba mfeMtik at ae Star TbeaBe, ^Hamilton. Oaa. Percy Karper ' has closed with Hie' bend of Martin's T7. X. C Co.. and la amr at his home In Cbambenbois, Fa. xmroraoie at ] •Beat. a. dl{«t# of. m 14, t^bks fi MUSICAL COMEDY The Conntess Olga Von Hatzfeldt, wluk succeeded - Elal^ . Jania tn Tbe little Docheia, la meeHns with eminent ageeeaa. The Coon teas Is well known to tbeatresalas people and ber appearance In tbla popalar mn- sical fantav baa already, been received with Seneral apptoral. Maad' NlclKds doaed with tbe Two MUSIC CHICAGO PUB1.ISHBRS' NOTES B OBN' b> Chleaso, Jfarcb 17. ISM, Bab Adama iceelTCd. bla early .edaeaaon la the pobUe sdu^ ~o( the Windy City and was onslnaUy ~ onployed' -"wltb tbe <m. Henderson Sioe . Co. , He afterward beeasac one of •Ohlcaso'a - best en- tertainers. Mr. Adams la a j^rotese -of-'Mrs. Potter. Palmer, and plara all of bet bis functions at ber beantltnl North Bbon msnalon. fie drat became known aa a campoaer of pop- nlar ditties aboat seven years aso. when. be composed My Olrl texn Dixie, which was bis Sist elBort and waa a Ut. ttj-Tm Step Gal. Ooodbre. .VataB, Jfy. tOr oC the NQe.vWere sBsats bla Us aaeeeaaea^-> Satiate and-trissest blt. .«e Bwaatcat aU la IMstaw la «ke oC tbe beat aaasa aa tba aiaitirta aay? aa alu poaed all the ■ai l e :.-lie Ska. eeaao a<. and Ward and Tokow aaC la agar aeOaB la > manaserial eapactiy In ^ tba la'iifr'aalisial L partaient tar Victor Ktener'Oa: .-Bll ! lateat a^^ot^^; K^ttc l^to%1 ^a_gBm ^r ' ~ Bd. T. Sarrls, one'o<'0ie teemost ballad alnsaet^ tUs coontry. is featarlns !IS>o^ Zoo're Gone. Z«i Are Not Fccsottni. and aaya be It snaMaS'taa "gd ' with It. afc LiBTlMBcr,'wbo 18 at^the bead of " '"""""^ '*""^" **** !j* *° — Drj, — laedlatelr ordered an lailHa>i■Ifau-la-Tila key, and acoced a knock-oat wlfliMt- tha Biat tiaie be aans it. ■ i.■ - . Tbe wen-knowB Mn a w iser - Coy Tflo la fM. tntins with sreat anccesa asto* Xoate Gone Ton Are Kot Porgotten.' Monay and Mack are msMns -Blrsm Green, Ooodbr. tbe feature act of their abow. Tascott—tbe white eooo—^la featnrlns TooH Tiever Miss tbe Water TtU the Well Bona Dry.-, which Is also a Us hit with ObrOn and Uaa Oawllne Hon. of Trank L. Ferler'a cross eonntry comedy, Tbe Wlnnlnc Olrl. Is featmlns Clarence M. Chapel's latest mbe sons, entitled = Deacon Jones. Bead Ma,latter txaa ^vSoaarJ&k I.. Fedcy. "1«8 Braadway. '^^.darenee 3L. Cbsod; '■■ '.'/. --V 'tJUofOk. Hi. . \. "DMK.Ik}—f tiB slad to «v IBst OmMs Joaai li'iHkfew an immenae Ut "Toaia, etc, "W. BAY. Masaser.» ne TbTce mtehda are featnrlns "Dm/ Zoa're Ooiie Zoo Arc Not'ZVirsottea aad Zoa'Il Never MUa tbe Water Tin tbe Well Sana Dry with trcmesdona an cc esa In the Orpbenm-CIrenlt. Weatherly, ot Eende;aoa and Weatberl]% tbe Pekin t&eatre faTorltes, is foatorlns xooH Merer SUaa the Water Sin tbe Well Enaa aty. aad aay It la tbe beat eoon aoos be baa ^ir aaefti: ' -.-:.. . ne''telaiia.saBgftsr. with -tta TTaiimailL Ooa- _ r 9m la nw Xoate Oaat Xao Are Not ronottea, aad ikjtta kit cC tkclr fine Ifer, .tortlB Ite 1 niBbilifBiiai'^oTBis CUflM Adieu, Bar la . ney r solas Ms. aay U to tbe beat e( tta kind veer written. WIWIWMHt XUSIO VOIKS Tlie Windsor Mostc Oo. writca tiist their new addin ions, Fanay Klse, br Bniia fJogM'aad I<eo Wood, abows evap_fnalfattoa of .bcias 'a Olyanle Obaatta wltk tbla aMf '«Mk «( aiy I. ma eompaay will e it a loeal favorite, aad. taklas tbe pRVtr eoorae la ta latcadaee tt-fl vfflriaitll Tdl Xe, Xr Uraa Obt, troB atnee Ita pobUeatloa a tew UMBItU- AT last Baa Btaadaea baa another food moslc piftllshlns boose, which baa been a Ions needed neceasit; on flie coast. There bas been no plae* in San FlaiieUco where a performer eoold so to leam a long nntQ the Altatat Moalc Piaillshins Oo. waa farmed and Incorporated. '.. Mackey and-. Jewell were .playins vaodevUle datea and eoold not receive: reeoenitton for a nnmbcr oC aoasa'-tbCT bad written. So they a mtm Kaalaeaa aad to Cscm . -Skar sot.tonthfr Bd BaaiBsel. ptaaiat; Fbn. FMee, Toeallat. aad lAosnat Sebrocbt, ar> ranaer, they Ineocpasatcd tbe Altnras Mnste pn Kitsbtiiff oa; It caa teadllr'ka' sees tbat tbeae gesttomen are anUaB''CaaB keeanae'tbey are all.tanatleia and each' doca Ua own Share of the work; there are no salaries to be paid. Tbey have a reception room, an arran^lcg. a stock, a pri- vate aod a piano room, all of which are kept In constant demand perfoFmera leanlns new sooss. The lieanty of tbe new system la tb« fact that tbe new firm handles the aonsa of every pidiUiher In addition to their own. ao itbat tbe' pert^inner bas a very large taaort- ment from which to dioose. In tbe aame balldlng la'a wkdeaalt deaart- meat,:^—. wMilt Ika liadr lB.«BB«iit,- aad a „. as OVaacII street, «h((e-tka pObUe ia slvta a Aaaec ta Ike d lB t i e at •■laga . ■ la iMa tvtao aton la.,j^ftlai^^aaa^idascr wba dlaplar af • That Jkeae 'seatla^ kava the right Idea la ^' ^ by tbe lauLaMiii;trade tbey<^are boUd- VsaodataTa~ Ins op .dally. Aaaodated'witb tbam .are T. GUf. ted Bsnto. ae_LsBiQBlriie. writer, and 8. "~ ~ *"* Doogbct^ are w^ - - Xbe Altnraa dtaale PHWIsWag CMC la oot' to tbe proteaaloa on receipt aC.ati prosiam. their lateet piAUeatiooa.'; aamely: War- gte, Tbat. Candy Gbf at .lUne.f TB Take tbe CUS Boose for Mine, 111 B* Boeic'on Christ- mas Bve,: Ifs Only Human Natore, After All. In Dear Old Geonla. and Goad4)Te. Bine Kyes. Hie inofeialooal qoartera of the new mnale bonse is eo tbe foorth floor of tbe Mimilde bnlldlns. 210 PoweU street. San Traadi Vhcae people MTV very coortcoits and poltta i Invite tbe professloo to call on them. TON DEB XEHDSf, JB„ HOXE*' '' Tbe latest pnhllfatlcB by this wen.«nowa Bna ia Aeh. Lonla. a vary fnany Dnteh aoas. and ' tbe Kan tno.jOoaatr Ootk. a eomle Iilib aor" Both tbeae sooss are beiBB anns throosboat j east as well as oa tbe coast. This eoaei promises to li e tom e ooe ot the lesitins ptf^ llsblng bootes In. the e ouuti i end they are continually addlns to their list of soo Beginning tbU month tber Will iMe b chestral nnmbera which win la «• • ! tbe best of Wem. Tbalr pa ' soon be off ■ the press. ->■ . - -IProf. Ton der IMidcafs lialiuiueutal. bers. Battle Trap, martk aad two-atep, EUoTcy, baUet-latanaoMu .BW betas pb SONGS FOR WEAR and EVERYWHERE "9i Snbint W A OMlodle duale «C tte Btmax Soatf IttTBplAlXlt. longiDK tor ne«a oC tb» "Ugbh of Hone" Of deep dramatic Interest andgTsatmalodle beaoty. •^JnttrMnifTii" Moie testtait 4baa Tio- leu"—wlUbieoB fOMvsr la ths snnligbs ot pepo- larity. Ooaipnasfl by .AL Xnbsra and Las Osaan I snaogbasM .Prniissliissl ssptsaf rss t» i slnssrs.'' It sgnlsr l i Ocut pUaa t^ fi**, worda and ^■^i- "ji u asata tal. Pafaroary lat' only, Ue (mininy expenses), Isr instenmental naxsbaca. L PARTEE HOSIC CO. THE ALIMtt IWIfi PH. I 2iO vanp—Iteacbrasmme aad artlatte HBIIwUHE oopatloo 17Bailor IIHM . .1 IHb ed. How to sight, mto captlvatlns rag-tlmai for C»e book. Chrls t i n sa n " 8. Wsaten Ave... Chleaso. .. PERFORMERS ., SendlD lateprosrmm for professioDal coplj of our late znnsic Call on as wbenj All popalar aonss tam^t tree, neatvdone. Sonss pabllshed on i WANTED AT ALL TIMES Sister teams, sketch teams, black-face artists, good.jnusi- cal actsi skirt and serpentine danceri legerdemain ^ibid magric acts, 8tino*c(M|uc8. con^y jiigglere^ ■ -^^ -i - . comedians. • c '-y y- ^y^ ;. We do not: dkMe I3ie year rc time if satisfactory. This "^^^I^^^P^^ °P^,' ^ *"""^*Tif ^j ^^ n pyjt ifti i r fii| L| iiri|^ X^ EMPI(^ THEATRCp' JOHN CONNORiBr eJ. E. XHOMPSO Property Man with Barnum St Bailey : Season 1905, send your address i R. S. BIGSBY, ^""s?! i ia i ?S West 34th St., New Yorit City. WOULD LIKE TO BEAR FROM ^SluuSi)^ of a Great Otty' In regard to opening oar new house at Akron, la., about Febyi. iIiVIiiibb t--"':»..*■•.? V ^ix>\:~--^ ^ts-^'Oah^ ^c' ilsfjnli.