Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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16 Xlie BIllt>oaP<l JANUARY 6, 1906. 3^ CircuA Museum Me.naAeple Wild West PROM WINTER QUABTERS Of Ito . (Sp«^l*l to "Hie smiioacd.) .:. WlntnliiK sod worklns nnder the lonthcni .MB, ..wltb 0017 tlx tliiB .white tents for pro- ' faBtkio. la Jiat what we are dolus, and al- .'.neoth It !■ nam mld-wfnter we bare not sat- vSind from Uw eold. In tact, the weather has ;Jtec& fine Blnee cor clnalng date, Kor. 12. Wnaa " WtntjT qoarters' we have a splendid Tlaw ot like Maritime Alps, -whlcti look to tic only a rew mOes distant. Some ot the <>07s thought tbey-wxrald ran orer to them the ' Xher , lost Vuir dinner In conaeqncace, t'tiM dlatanee la cood. Htc miles. ."■^ BnteUamo, wlw la aa csthoiUatlc xmanttr -wcat. gamlBK with u. rres- iSiii^aCMko Icadbir ionnallata of Mar- —^* ahoBt tlity la alL took ■t mtlit 1» atrlea a iDatti- , a bay in Om^M"' allcs distant-.tea be-the day'a sbooliaK l>y actual const 2.380 dacka. llLankB^lTlnK (Day was not forgottHlAllM we -were a looK <UataiK:e from homa i'-OaCf/ date oar hoys eosaced In a aame of h aa eti a ll i after- which we all sat down to a'rcgnla- tioa ThankaslTliic dinner of rout tnrkey and an (the t^rnwntngm Caterer Ballard has a way mt Ontnc Uicae fionca In a taabloo that la tarr aaothlns to tha tn '? ^ r man. OSoim Bikaiv oar cqneatxlaB dliaeto^ ataitad oo • tintniia talp-tatta Itataa I>ae^•l.^v Manaftr Vtad B. atrMnaBB ■ and. fcrtlT-fj: niteaDee, 10 for BngUad. Tbar aakejibart liilTtrii'* stopa at I«ondon and ftttokc^a-Tkcntf and Bail for Ajncrlea Dee. SO. Tbej-.zatam ^ Ms^Mtlls BlWTlt Cab. I. Ained O. atatr u octnpTlnr the dnrtnw Mr. Batchlnson's MraetorSeBaral Geo. O. Starr, now U expected here la a few daji. Wa are all wen aadjofa fa aandlns Ghrlstmaa Creettngs to The BOttoasd and onr showmen ^ — — — AoMclca. , taaae. Dec 14. ISOB. BARNUM A BAILEY, LTD. Daolarea DhrUand of ^^^^^ Omt. —Annnal The Tcarl7 leport of tlia> Bannua It Bailey, Ltd.. which is an F!n«llsh In c orpo e e ttMi though an American IsaUtntlon, was fllcd at a Biaat Inff In liODdoQ, JCdk., Dec 18. H eorers th< Tear endlnc Oct. 28, 1906, and itatcs that tha Amerlouk tour of the Gn-ateat on KartJa was jwdBeaTa_qt_graathr^, to g yad^ raa Jl^^ to £B1.4T8. pnpoie to write of~lMHa aad plant in Bnr- at «10,000. on antOboUde and wardrobe. £3.000; to prorlda wiaterbw expenses In London. 8tiake-on- Tten^ New Tork and Bridgeport £30,000; for «aaitlunal cost of new yspeccacnlar prodactloa ji^, and to pajr a dlTldend of 7M per cent, oo the onUnaiy, itoek. This Icarea balanea of £IS.47B to ]» aaalad teward. Tha axttement with Mean Ootr aad^Ballar - —'— —- Dr. Vnnk B. Sadlar" and Baaa Aalmal^nan StzatT Keja. of Qw SeBa ft Dowia Show, laoantlr paifiaaMA an aoantlaB laidr liaaid of Iv I * l * " a a ■ II ifi I m -^ ^i^ Hiia*o*aattk* " '1»JM« 1b jartMt^hMtth.-a fMt wUeh ' tB arbca 9SU t. Bama^- tuuS noma . _ _ _ _ an oOtr of $1,500 for Um. Tbe-Sells A I>airxis Show is w liiteUi iy In Btr- mingham , Al a., and la soUdtlng the cood win of the people by kind attention to all Tlilton at the winter qoartets. .;>.. Frank ra. (Hadley paaaed thraogh' Blimlng' bam, Ala., reoentlr. : on Us war " to MhUIaL Where te^win trt w^gjoja jt ^giagjljjBKC» great aneeeefc "'-"""'ff.'"^,' ^ohn DeveDKi< koaa aaacv pangh-Sdla .ttaiw^ daxlBg. .the pait mjen, la Hadler, Hariy wmiam a. Grlflla, J. 'B. Manv. X Clark, an good fellowB: Martin J. Oowna 1* on Toronto, Can., and wm retnrn . eat with hla show la the aprtng. BUFFALO BILL'S CHRISTMAS KHtt Ua Col. Wn>. r. Oody ipent C hU a Uua daosbter, BCrs. tjent. darenc* A. the 12th V. a. Caralrr. located. at Ft. O^k- thorpe. near CbAttMoooft, Tenn. Tba a hlWfliau Jumped trcm hla ranch m Oodr, 'Vya.. aod'A' rlTed In Chattanooga Aondar afternoon, whet* he was met by hla danghter and her SniMl>and and by Lleot. CoL Ohaie. a lifelong friend of BDlEalo Bm. Many ^fnnctSona and leMlTltlea ;wcra aimgrd a*' Tanaw katOa-Joal. RINQLING AND THOMPSON San For a Swa ) . & laaxtih ' Jebn vBlngUng. of tha Hhigllng Shows, and nedeilek Thompion, of Thompson & Dandy, sailed on iiaard Uie Oceanic last week for a two months' trip abroad. The object ot both men is to sectire novelties for next acaaon, Mr. RlogUng for the ghow and Mr. Tlwmpson for the ne«r specucle to be prodneed next aeS' •on. entitled A OBoman Clrena. After Tlaltlng Hambnrg, - Berlin and Paris, these gcntlemaa will trsTel la an antomoMIe to FAITHFULNESS REWARDED A spirit of oA-operatlon. wherein capital and labor are brooght Into doaer relatlona to each other, Is springing np In Ctdcago, and the le- salt Indicates a healthy and prosperoos fntnre m bnalnaas affairs. Many large employers Iistc adopted tba cniitom of rewarding their em- plorcea at the end of each tnulneaa year, either la tha fona of extra wages, or by a share of the aelUs ot tha hnalneiia Sneh a coarse nat- otanj a uMuuiag a a ' tha emploree. who, feeling that the mote the cmployen can, the (Meter wHI be hte reward. One of the oonoema to Inaognrate tiila aystem fai Its boainesa la the United Statea Tent * Awning Co, On Saturday. Dec 20, at 12.-00 o'clo ck noon, an the employees were taken by ■tirprlaa by tha annoimcefflent that' a ' dinner would be aerred In the factory, and that they were eU reqnested to be present and paatake. The emplooreea haartUy accepted the Inrltatlon. aad afte dinner Tlce-Preodent and Snpcrin- teodcat WaMer r. Drlrer, addreawd the em- gwr aie ^ nwrnklng them ter tlMlr eOonts - for five per eeat. of'Hie year'a pnOti et the boal' nesa was to be dlTided among the emBlorcea In the imi per t lu ii of the wage* leeatiad — them, and the aQnoancemmt WIS arcrvmnsi liy an envelope to each ^nlorca, the share elloted to hfan. given in the form of a New Tear's gift. Wimam Leeper, Edward P. Newmann. Jr.. and Edward B. Utalngcr, the other officials of the. eoaspaay. ouda apeecbea to tba employees, to than Um pioa p a et lliat if the year aa It bad daealopad la the peat year, they wonid not only be tteeted Oe aaae In the (Btm, bnt tbatr ahaiaa modH he'^aseTespond' Ingly Inereaied. Many o< the employees re aponded by expressing their ai>preclatlon for tha oonalderatlons shown' to them, and the nen timont amoQE them waa tbat every eflort p<jB alU* vfoold be pot forth to bring the boalocss to '.t&B -UifteBt atandard of eAdancv. V-b .vtinr of the fact -thatSe^Uted StaUs Tsat * Awalay 0>. haa baao fa tinalnraa for only «aa yaar, tUa trsatmcat «C tto OBpioycca polnta the way to tta fotace aaeeess. From the data of Ita toeoppocatlOih ttila com- pany ban fidTflDcad by bomMU in tba rolintte of Its biii iii. .<. jind to-day it Is easily regarded one of ilir foremost tent, awning and can< vas eutrrprlaes In the United States, Ita fti' tare sacceas and prosperity la asitiicd. 8ELL8-D0WNS SHOW FOR SALE takca plaee gt 4 la te sale: AweMon Sark, BlfBtlagbaai, Ala.', Toeeday sod WMBMtay. Aa. 16-lT.' ■ Martin I. iDowiuc ihC' nle owner ot thli aRKTrsatlon. annoonees that he wm retire from the drcns field, and that he will Bell the show as a whole or by piecemeal. Tbe itiow, oooBlBtlQg of twenty-two eata, an ta . Otat'tiaaa-oonditioD, is open for lupeetlon at ~—■—'— "• WHULKR-DK VALL The . tBMnr fMcnds of A.' B. <maeler, tba popular handmaater of tba Qtaet Van Ambarg Show, win be anrptlied to Haa M hli mat. rlage to Miss I>ah DeVaB, 'Whe «M with t' Van. Aoaberg fiZkow last acaaon. tte MgMM waa parfctmed. Dee. 20, In Atlaata>'' 4e,« nkl they wUI remain for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Wbeder wlU be with the 'Tan Amherg Show again next season, whl^ win lie Mr. Wheeler'a flfth csoaecntlTa year With that otguliatlon. CIRCUS GOSSIP A corresjrandent from the Floto Shows writes: "Otto Floto haa sold his prl- Taie car, Colorado, to John BoUand of Blchard & PringlCs Minstrels, The Colorado & Sooth- cxa are bonding.'a new ear to be tiaed .by Mr. riotok Wfa. Bdla and Itaak -xaaataB aazt aea- A cadoad «( aaliuk from Olaa Island came to oar wfatar m m ta n laat mO, making our menagerie one of the most eomplete. Two more elephants bare been added. «n«vi,. | f eight In an. John Carroll and Chris, Zelta are In Baraboo, -Wis., spending the holidays with tbelr tolb. Lew Sonlin and wife arrived Snnday as did Park Prentiss and wife. SanUn wm be- gin training a sew pony drill' In addition to lierfeetng bis own stock. Wm. Sells left for Topeka, Kan., to spend a tew daya with hla amlly. He wUl shortly go to StLools where show Is to hare Ua tea aaw atock ears He win than valt OfaielaBatl, where liBslBeaa ith Badla aad Bosssll A Msigaa Pnat- InC On. -wm keep Um tnugr. A bar Ilaaw waa bom Isst week. This makta dBoe bOBMI tigers, three Hons, two pumas nd • Imr nit have eome Into the world thos far tbla -wln- lei& and they wfll prara ralnsble attntctkms to oar managcMe. Twelre neir flat eui at* being MIt ta:flw ahoga of .the OMiSa-* OoBlheni. yMtm haa aort na therjMne ot. the saw twaaty-toor lanaa hand fahbaa.. lheie.iria .be aerea dlffetent kinds of oinsle In the paiade the coming year." Notes from the McDonald Brothers' Show: IhlB haa been oar leoond winter In the sooth, and we hare been doing good business, considering the opposition we bare had. 'We are caxxylng a line : band and orchestra. Among those with tbe show are McDonald Brothers, Scoptletors; W. S.' Bydon, maniKrt; Geo. B. tailing, annoimcer; BUly Booghton, priniegeg; 'Wilhcr PUnk, aerlallat; -Woonnack Slaters, aerlallsts; B. C. Gee, advertising agent; Jack S- Fogg, mnalcal director; J. Getty, A. H. Wlllliaia, Orln F, Alger, W.. H Snyder. Dutch King, Fred.' Snddleston, Sed 'Waatress. Sam. Smith, Shorty Hicks and Ambrose Conley, The show la to be enlarged in the spring. Notea,trom F, W. Hall's Circus: We at Go!try, Okla.. Nov, after a veiT sncceastnl ran ot thlrly-one weeks, and went Uto winter qnarters at AUne. Okla. We open early In April at Aline. Onr horses, by the way, a much nicer btinch than la osn- ally seen with a wagon show, are enjoying a rest on -the fine wheat pasCnrea. They are principally dapple grays ' weighing from 1,200 to 1,'400, and are In the pink of o<mdltlon. Before next aeaaoa opena onr show wlU be newly painted and redecorated throagbont. We are also planning a namlwr ot ImproTementa W. A. ' Shannon . writes as ' foUotra from Santa Onis, OaL: "I noticed In a recent iBsne of The BOBward that Wm. Brawn and Ed. Roberta, who had the privileges with the Norrla & Bowe Show the past season, wlU pnt - out a show of. their own next spring, I wish to state that nemier Mr. Brown nor Mr. Boberts have In' any way been connected with the priniegea of. tbe Noma A Bowe Show. I conttoUed tbe side show concert, caody atanda and palTtlma ear, and wUl naa- aoa^.tha aaM;. aan^Maoa.?.<>' NotM ibrom the teydar: Brothers 4k Oowker Oooaolldattd Sbswa; We have taken op oocwfatccanattcca la.{Carre Bante. Ind. The Soyder .Brothtia ' haVB pardiased Mr. Dowker'a Interest, and bare taken in J. P. Hall, a new ahowman la the drena fleld. Next seaaoa the show win be. larger than ever. The parade wIU> be 'enlarged and .aU tbe parade featotes wm be new. In ad d ltloa to tha Benrer Stage Bobbeiy. we wU pradnee Onster's. but Fight. 'Mr.' and Mrs. Lano.«los«d' a. season eC. tUrte-fanr Weaka 'wtth-the Ortoa-Show at Flaat Oity,.na.V dnrtag'rwalch time Mta. &ano waa laid np for (bar weeks with tfPbold fever contracted while travelljiK. She bsa now re- covered, and Ut. Lana has began bookinc ran- "Doc*^.-Waddell, press airent for the lohn BoblnsoQ Show, writes: "Tbr printers* attlka la .delaying .my . note book of the Bob- Inaon ■how, aatttlad t-^m^ Baokwaid ThlHy- thiae Week!. . rkK*e. ««w .MM orders for «he vdnme, and each day*8 matt bttogs more or- dera. It wfll be 0 by 0 inches. 182 pages, snd win be neatly bound nud nrratiKed' The McDonald Brou.' Show started from Hnntlngton, W. Va., eighteen months ago 'With only twelve horses and were gS,000 m It now haa thlrty-flva head of goo" P. Brush, C. Bers, C. Graves, J. Handle, G. Carey, J. DBowera and B. Hopper, of Local No. IS: P. Johnson, of doeat No. S; I,. .8aIUTan, of Leael Mdb & aad H. II, It—an bare algaef: With Ifee adfaaea e< the Great ScUaVleto Aoir. • Ed. T. liomjr. ^rtioss Btdbt .OoUsM Olrla were tat tifo gMMS the MsM of fae Rlngllng Show " " " ' Held; III., with tha Rlngllng Show. Oayety Tlieatre. . Edw. Van Wyck, of Cincinnati, Is making for Angnat lecert a novel Boiaan ring apparatoa with a leroirlas band atand at- tached, aad ftr Anhar^Dn. of the noto Shows, a Sae ndllns gkhe tor wild Miss Goldle TTden was recently mar- ried to Ohs riea Orland Knox, a cowboy with CoL Uden'a Wild West Sbow during the past asaaon. Mr. and Hka. KBaa'left for-Arkansas OUy, Kan., on their weddlag day. The Four Hcwardk have' signed again with Ilia Tan Amhog Show. Mr. How- ard la neatly pleaied with tha aeason's work oJMkM jM^ate^thlnsi to'av ot .:«>a Yfu Tbs Tia -Tbabetv Show dosea' the ;fa to lliloty at HOB Delavoye and Frits write that they, doled a ancceaafnl leaaoo with the Cahipbel! Brothers" Show at Duncan, .l. ' T., Nov. 80, and are aow -playing TanderlUe datea in the aboth. The Great Zenzo, the one-legged gynmaat and dadt wire - ertiaV aawr glaybK the Ammona Cbcolt, wxltea that , he haa aer- oral offers for the coming elrcoa aesaon, ' It Is announced that A. O. MUlens, down, haa algned with tbe Hageaheck Show for next sesson, Mr. Mlllens la —— winter at hla hoow In Mnwankcai PhogM 2S5I. BatnMiettMl Thomsoa ft VamlivMr ^ ClRCUSTENtSf^ TENTS FOR RENT. 81 e B. Pearl S't., CINOIimAMi 0< IHi immRAY CO. CANVASES* SKATS. VlBKa« Bti» BLACK TENTSJ^ SIDE SHOW PAIN3nNGS. FroBis MtA Baiwera/o^nreet FaUre gggns KiDD'S PATEVflRCUS LI6iiTS 59-«I W. Waaliniton St.. CHICAGO. ILL. BAR6AINS! Must Be Si Magle, Palatines, Fronta, Pauoli aad flgnies. Stamp tor list. Writs I 8. ELTOV, tOVtaeman ON Fin Mriin Uoini 8 Ywt IM.' Ooa FIrs Broin Bear Eigjit Black and BrovD Bear Cabs Fifty Head, Elk, Oiar, ARtelope&Biffito Nonkeis, Apes, Baboons, Ete^ ^ ' If you want anything in Ah^^mmti line It will pay.yoa to w^jfm win HOmiFrflMLMICAL MEWL, Deiiver. Colorado. TENTS OliriweGialty > 2b YEARS EXPERUMCEX' SCHNEIDER TENt^BO.. N 4 sa WiMnrd VENTRILOQUIST FIGURES tnniM, ECO. Band «Bt*iDn for Utf LATEST SPINDLjS SHOW -PRI NG. 1 for advsr> , a. Sendtor Show Prtntlngt • Print/--^ ■ rOR TENT LIG nOli TMUW, 97 8im .CO.. lighting Syst ■'S!L.T??^__?''R*^ ■treota. aiera, HeUiL Etc. om * adapted byaUthaleadtwahowglli«koiratldrUchtan*dator boltC