Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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2a JANUARY 8, 190S. MAV'eOrtTEST Kl ' oOeeis ud dlnetan lield Dcci^ tbe fol- cte put In nomlsmtloa:^ ^ Bt—John W. StonebnkcHk -BOMIT A.' FTy, Jobn W.- QtSAt, Vtmni m VUti. J. EUsworfli Stonebraker, ~wn- . ttui B. Boward. iD«Flr« L. Kenlj, Geoixr U. Jfltanelnker, l«als iH. Sctmcblj, B. Abaer Betts Jaad W. Merrlek Bnrett. "^Bceiit<tnc.8Mnui7—D. _H. Btal^. _ ^ u* all .taart. A Btdpaau fl o to pst T«llMr 1 '■ for diicetoiB was votad daan. It :lii^';slBtod' flut; ft laz^ flnB])cr oC rtsns of '■(Mk tave tea mw i uwa and irin be Toted Dr pns7 at Best wcek'a election. vr. • ikaoBK tboae'OMntJoned loi o9pcaltion\|Urec- tm m Geoin a. Haier, far « BBOtati'W jaais pzlTUece clerk or tbe mMMMb; W. IL HlUicr, wmiam H. ' ~ ~ lar .°aad J. . o< tlic expoaltliB appe^.Je an MOBle In that dty aad- «DaBt7. .Mratci* la dialnaan oC^j^^g^ a- FAIR NOTES Tbe ICerehanta and Manqfaclurer a' , Xipaaltlosa to te beld tn Ike at Iiowen Lu^ QpilBCfleM. Maa.. win be • IjuCMC Male tten aartUaK of " ' ~ iB Kew 80,000 aqaax*' tbofe' et cj the SpdOBfldd ATxaary feet. Bon (spoattSon* tbe ainplGa ot T)ie Ujcal Mnitaiy Oospulea and 'McrdiantB, and tbe inattaccment >«e \ tbe Verebaota and Minnfietnrera'' clattOB ot New Ttinjanil Many o( .•ahiUton In tbe tlDltad Btsica bai* _ takan ^aee. and al IndWtlnna viat l» • •ttendanoe and a snnd aaceeaa. The 'aiiniiiU meettiiK- of tbe Tates OBOBtr. W. T.. Coontr Ameolfenal aodctr '■tn ' bdd In P«m Tan MB. Ilk ' ' ^ana wm be made for ^-"^ aooat ^ auiMj e Mfu l £alr ' qften aC that aodety. .JleOimib wxttw tbat. be ivni - STREET FAIR NOTES ' Pr> Horace Grant writes: "The fol- toidBK were booted iritk tbe Grant. Kaidl •VmM Oa. at Ker Waat. na.. dnzlns Dee. S-U: Tie Z«mtf ■ roollah Bonae, Shield's Lunette. Dowss PkziIIt. Vemo, Tbe Alllsator GlrU. Tajlor'i Vendome Tbeatre and TMp Aroond tbe .W«Id. Xdlaoa'a Ocean WaTC, Bantler'a Htnla- — Haacom. : Xaodr'B irnd Wa^^Ae OUBliBl tari- IB The Oriental Temple' ot PalmlstrT; BBdcr tbe manKcesicitt ot Al Strode, dosed witb tbo oew PaAer Ammemec* Co.. mt Austin, nvy, and Zatelda. and Lad7 Mer^are apcnd- lar a few weeks at I««aoo. Hoi fjfr. Sttode Bt Tex., dnzinc tbe sM held Ocie week Dee. 14. We' wlah to sectl^ tbe mistake br atatms tbat tbe United States CanilTal Co. foralahed tbe attzaetloaa. Eddie S. 6Upln and Mias Rath Sny- der, botb ot tbe Hlebols Asmsemeat Co., were Baited In miirlaire r«rotlT. the erent belnc a complete surprise to tbeir miny firlends. aunr were tbe coosimtnlatlaas and eeatiT ^a a SmUb OBcat See. U. M Co. at Annsta. Oa.. ga n iiirii baa a^aln "f*** wltb ■wWny tite third COBMCQ- AL Dolson. who fa at present a mem- K ot IkB CUBm Han Opos Co.. im flgncd ! one «e the Pain Fireworks Spcetadea on. It «flt make his serenth year "PmW vAple. i •- C B.' Tornen closed a sticcessful sea- son as general asat tor tbe AmciIeaB Oaml- TiB Co.. and spent - - " 1M6^ artb^ye.. Oalncsimib beadm .wllk Mki Wm. aa« wbn ho Tdmr lA.veUe, formorly of the L.elb- ^ I«TeI]* CanlTal Co., Is winterise la K .MriBca, Ark., and wQl open a new com- FenaarlTanla tbe fltst part ot April. CbUhrands Ferari has Beveral well- its OQ llie nod IB brtalt of tko Ferari MoOers' en lstmls es. and tte CBodaK season Is pracUcsIIy anansed tor. • Mile. Brachard closed hfer third suc- eesalTe aeison with Tbe Patterson k. Bralnerd CamlTal Co.. and la now meettnc wltb great sncceas on tbe IfOTelty Clrcnli. . . "Plain" Dava Monla lias Just dosed wltb ~1kc Oreatet '-WkiAv'flksanb aad wfll pot In tbe winter dstas oMrtMas iMtk with a.^pletiire Tnsrtilne. 'j. Francis Miner. oC ^Clie WUta City AmbaeiDeBt. Co., --—™ that tb« Xagb alr- (UO hM nieen booked for tbe Haidlluis at Mew. Orleans. ThSVNorton^^othm Aiiwiswnent Co. wm ^jiax. an iilBhi ■• taihiMB li ttan - P. B.-^and D. "W. Kelly lag at Boodbdoae,-'m. - (ITiQe Winter ■I* winter- IE NEW MBMPHW PARK ■ bto tbe cate- it of Jaa. L. •am wnpsny la Ineorpenttd under IT of .Ueanessee and has a eanltsi stock o( . Kr. Glaaa bas seenred tbe taesrtz oo-epOBlka of : tbe veople ot Ifempbts, sad, tbe new enter- prise promises to be an Bai&eiise saeeess tram the start. Tbe paA eonumaalsnen and tbe atreet car r*vrpsny are t«fciwg an tnterest In tho new resort and aia glrlng It cTcrjr eneooT' ^nt. TbrooKb tbe fecial efforts ot Ifr, a boaIeTaid^200._fleet wide wOl be opened Brewing Co. Is .ac——a. i on tbe site and tto Oseo Oolo people Witt' also cicct « botld- ""the dttaens ot »ake Falrrland tbe aad ftom Indlcatlans 'soBie ot tta paikB win baTe to alt np and take Boaee. FOR ATLANTIC CITY A ayndSeate .rpmpoai d of OaBtafa-MB Xoang, wbo bnnt Tonai^ Pier. Jtiawpdr CSaaaaa.. wbi tmltt tbe StedEte, sirf Mii TisS UMliauiii. who owns tbe F w l o s jiB e VsiOlaa, dl oC At- lantic Cttr..M. 7., ban nnrrtisacfl in tntlre Uock ot crtnmd In ttist el&, snd will at oi begin work npoa a new pier and amnseoiest park. It win be modeled after I<ana PaA. and wHI be me of tbe h a ai lasi i e st In tbe eoont^. Two Tanderllle Ibeatrca, tbe Dojle and Oa- ▼ematoc'a. dtnated In flie block, wQl b* dC« Btray«&>afaB^.prominent noderOle people bare plajsdMh of them. • MEXICO'S LUNA PARI^ mie Uexicsn Con gnj s a bas granted to t^ IBgeraoII Co. the rlgbt to nae tbe ^ronnds a^ Joining the Chapoltepec site, -Cl^' ot Mezleo, for their new resort, which will be known aa tbe Mesiditxne. Tbe resort wHAbare sH tbe. featnres of a simuuer puk and a hippodrome combined, and wUl cost about <3OO,00b in Col,. j: iL iSctif*, lagasoll people. bahalf '«( the ONE FOR PITTSBURG .Plttabms. -Kot.. Is next season going to bSTc one of tbe llnest parka la tlie state. It will be flnsneed br Kanaas was, asHB tmtk being Jos. Hefan. It wflT «aat la Os ai||h- bor bo od of $20,000.' The resort will tie located on the deetrle ranwar and a Ore cent tare wfll be cbaiged from Plttaborg and .bom Weir CUr- It has nead. bBt tt is ssid wfll »• taliad Oe Ula NEW INQERSOLL PARK iytad erid t Ings rsea has gzoood IictBeen Wadito OblOb OB tbe ^yaahl uglU B . Don 'Bj.. opon wMcb be wUl wm sm^sa In besBtj aar oe ibsbb ob lacetaoll Cttcalt. Abont. 4300,000 wm be expended npon tbe new resort, which is to be mmnlnstcd wia orer 75.000 elertrle Ughts. Week wUl start Fred. McCIellan, representing Thompr eon & Dondr, sailed tor. London laat WMk nnder tbe commission to tw^ yn Thoisp^pa seeole rallwaya wbereru bOvSnds getjd^ipvsa-^ Ings. TnriflentsTtr be will keep his ere OB aor- ^tles for Xna Baik for aeat siaiiB. (See First I^sss.} Tbe name of IngersoU la known to tbe pob- He wtiererer there are parks or park amose- ment plants. Behind the name is Frederick InxersoU. whose likeness spoears on the front psge of this Issue of The Billboard. Mr. In- gersoU is one of tlie most extcnslTC park oper- ators aa well aa one ot tbe fotemoat creatora ot parka and park amnaenents In America. Be la a mu ot iBflnmltahle enenr. t&elen per- _ .—. gnat re- allk ^ku is atm a joong man. He be- gan a Domber of rears ago by oanafaetarlac slot machine dcTlcea. Tbe Indostry grew un- til be became oite of tlte principal opoatsts In this coontr7 snd sbroad. Abcat the time ot tbe World's Fair, at Chicago, be designed and {>erfectrd the Flgnre Bight Boiler Coaster. Tbls immediately spmng into wide popnlsrl^ and demonstrsted great mener »«»T<nf cspadtjr. Qni^ ' to diBoem the tarorable JncUnatlon ot tbe popnlar taste, Ingosoll gare .bis entire attention to th e origlnatioa snd bonding ot other amosement derlees, and In rapid sncees- sloB be tnznad oat saeeeastol models of grsT- ^ _ —. ^ - of BBtmilr M to the ai niiliiiB—I ssiisHsu «C poik psaper- tle a thioB^at tk s ooaa ty. . ^_ Ingcfsou BOW opcnrtM vsAs or aflrasement idaBtB ia tbe tDOoirtBS dtiio: Flttsbnrg, QRCBSbazg. .JdnatowB. I te B tjaa e. Beading, diartcztd. D uQtt MDc, Pi.; Caotoo. AkroD, Xoongstown, Cedar Point, Cincinnati. Cobunboa, Caereland, Steabenrine, O.; Atlantic QiXs, N. J.; Coney Island, Rodkester, Buffalo, Niagara nins, "N. Y.; HsTerfll, Boston. Mass.; Kansas City, Uo.; BransTlIle, Indianapolis, lUcblgan City. Tt. Wayne. Sooth Send. Ind.; Los An- gelea, Cal.; Hontgomev. Ala.; Scand Baplda, SaglDaw, Detndt, Sooth Harea. St. Joseph, aileti.; Dm Kojaes.. OaTcoport, la.; ToroBto, Can.: UtUe Bock. Ark.; ritchbarg, Maas.; Cbattanooffa, NasbrlUe, Tenn. X«at stssnn Jfr. IngccsoU boUt and managed gnat lama parks la " " tke ootlay tO. daUscs, bat tbetr tiemendons rerelatlon to the men In amusement alEalis, and gave a pu w iifti l -tmpetoa -to tbe ing boslness. Ingcraoll's methods of eoadnet- Ing his psrks were stamped wltb poUle ap- proraL He gare hla gafaroBa tbe gi a aleat eon- obtainable. Bands Ilka tbe InSea, tba tbe Mew Tcrk Marl pas, the random, tbe Oa- pooe, tbe Falrman and tbe KUtlea playcdidally In tbe open air. ' Ingeisoll. pntbsblj mors tbsa .any aingle iB- dlTUnl la tba oaa wide ^^^e^stl^^t^e a faHnra. Qood, wholesome amnsemata sze a staple eommodltr in the pohllc market, aad it Is tbe qoallty ot tbe goods soppUed—tbe at- tracaons and coodoct of the resort—that reg- olates the price snd demsnd. Ur. IngersoU recently acenred an amosement concession from the Mexican gorenimtDt, and is now Doildlog a 4300,000 amosement park in the City of Mexico. He Is also engaged la foor large psrk propoeidoDS in the states, and bis Architects snd designers - sre st work oB plans for parka in England and Anttralla for a French ayndlcate. IngersoU corers the entire field of financings dealgnlng and boUdlng complete parks, otl^-^ natlng and boUdlng amnsement deriees, grar- ity roads; bonding snd prodoclns park aaows and noTelUes of all desaiptiaasL Be asvlass a large fsMO o( aklllodjvtiMa aaS IHajgaigs:^ tbe genetal: oflaat. at. PARK NOTES Verimn Ijeavers, the - hustUng man- ager of Ike AI Tresco Park, Peoria, ni., bas ueturned A<om a two montiis* cruise op tbe lake, daring which time Ite sold tils elegant ateam yaebt; tbe -Vernon, Jr. lir. Learera bas pnrcbaaed fire acrea adjoining bis park. Ho annonnces many .new .featnrea for next sea- sou, which opens May IS. A' Use ofe is to be erected orer tbe lake, and fsdUties for more cooifortable as well as quicker transportation wHI be arranged tor.. In addition to other new BtttaetlDBa aa atoUs-la to be boat aad Itwm tba aisaaila aad It wlU .ccstsin all at tbe resort, flee ad ia tUs issue tor eoa- cessjons wanted. The Coney Island people ■ of Cincin- nati bare seemed for their oae next aaanaer tbe ateamer Franda J. TBseaea. ' She will be teCbrlstened tbe rFrineeaa. - Oonsldarable stettTtty: aaoiw tfeettte - r. s:..ii sHat ttat dtr Gene Ereko, promoter ot Orlcaital- Sbows, has leased tbe IHke at Ima Parte, Ghm- land. Ohio, and -wOI erect a Tillage. Wm. Dentzel. of Atlantic •t aor- Manaicer 'V Stt&s &saKt*a IN TRE OPEN C/<iOP£N MAY 19, '06n^ Vl^ ANTED Sponsible parties to build Old Mill and Chmtes i^J-^ M. m-iMM percentage, shares or by eonti^t. WANTED for Stem Wheelf Penny Arcadbk rtemaure Bbsts, Grarstd Maize, Gypsy Onnpi. \ IVANTED Grade Open Air Attractions—Bands, Bal- a. yqqj^ ABAAiiBmniwtBj Dlvef, for the i WANTED To hear from rnponaible parties with view oif. talking hell i n t ereot in the New Cafe. Alsoloor CVcwn aiid.CSpiifBiBtionery ConcesaiHi. / yr ■AVK iiiMt;jiri|iTE^m V. C SEAVER, llgr Slate St, - rt Chicago, m. •9 IfflNIATURE IJO^Ol^^IVE Must be in perfect numing'ord^: Also 100 feet of t^ck and .one or two- cars. Statls' lowesi'.price in firstt^tter. Addrcss... —^ ForSalB, D Box Ball MiaiK TSfvw 30 ft. Oak $85. Some gooS as new, only used three months, $J<^ Big bargains and big money-getters. Can't use them. Hav|,/(uer business. H. o. sprakkr. rich HlLk, MO. 5IDE SHOW. PAINTINGS. S. F. TAYLOR, 319 RaAloipli Sta, Gtaicai Write me for prices lieCore ] 111.