Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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27 mm TO PKRFORMER8 AND: MANlbMltS SONGS SUMO IN n FtrtyFive Minutes From Broadway" and "George Washington, Jf, Are posi|i7fily. restricted and cannot be used in pablic, ■WetakeUusmetiKMl.of aoti^ineperfoimersaiid^manageni thatt^^ iiliis tiotica wiU Be iHNMecAited. • r . . GEORGE M. COHAN^ ^ -^•^ '-vj ■ • . (&»i£:nea) SAM H HARRI" i v| The SoojE$ iR tkir Above are PuklishBd ky JF. A. MILLS, 4$ 29tti N. Y yt*A Aa. 1, «M Mtrry Week SB. The FttttoUn WU- ffK vtirtjjp ag!., Jan. 1. Bow B,. w-Cmwil jtbMtie. Week Dec 3S. AI. Beeres- '..0».^>Up'fialM«. Week Jan. .1, The World V^^SaS^Toiil^Tbektre. 'WRk a lUsIit chanse of inaiiaseiaeDt. lUrtliis Vec. 2S, this boase oon- . ttnun wltB' Its oU pcOIcj of reSned TsnileTllIe to fair TMDlts. Mnseom. A onmAr of ttartllox codoiltlei and (<ood TsodcTlIIe are ilrairliic well. .BOB WlAfTI, 8oe Waloot St. ALXOOVA.—EleTentb Ave. Opera Boose (I. O. MUhlfr, ' m«T.) Manar and Jlackey Stock Co. Zt.QS': S. B. O. Bowery Borlesqaeis 22; cood staow and bnslness. Kolb and DIU 25: rsbow and line boslness. Uooollstit Halda fine business and cood sbow. A Bace for life 28: Princesa Clilc 2B; OlrU Will Be : Girl s SO ; Sponcles Jan. 1. • <ASQiJjn>.—Orand Opera Honae (O. H. XaadefeM^ mcz.) Tb* Toal -Honsc 8; Sue abmr 't-mtutSHSum: Bad griri-falasas Other Peopte'i WSSa3Sl titali - akow W fair boslacas. A 'HUUoaairOTAiBp U; good show and lioalneas. :''A«nM« UWiSocklfa 18: tali.aliow and .imalneaa. :e«nlde^ockiCo. es^: Two UtUc Walla Jan. 3; 'Nelcliborlr Nclshbors S;' Tbe Unmmr '.and tbe HomTnlngMrd 8. . ' BEBWIOK.—P. O.' 8. of A. Otm House •{r. B. 'Kltctaen, msr.) NelsMMrlr/NelsUxns . S ; Oora TlMicn e Jan. 1. ' " nWWHVlLLX.—Grand Open: Hooae (Wte. A.'. aidShaflrtr. ..Ba.V Watermelon Xnst 20: ' Air ■bov.iua MM taiatW '.'Sast Doar St: The V)]lasa,:«Mraii^ (F. A^' Bhlnatooek, mcr.) TSPUaamr iad tk« v: Hnnml^^ 5S2S?"iim«. ""SS ite;Ba«E^o««*rt.oojfaB., 1. J^- ' ■ X ■■itMBS MWnnWBinte.-—Mev/ Oraad Opera >%iHoase (F.^ r.. Beller, nsr.) Fanat U;- ceod i£rbasiDcas aiadrpaCfn^BBce. .Orer Niagara raUa f >U: falb.. I«tnnss;i4i^ peilonnaiee. OsrroU -.OamedrriOft. w«elrlj|ia. B. O. i.WTTi' Miiwnr . 3^tn (Jdo. . !>. Qllaon, I- acr<) Xlie ma anicatcad 20; excellent Dal- ' >acaa aad- perSannan,ce. Bight Balls.'28; gaa^ ' : tctoms.' 8aaa^. SaaA'2T: good bodMaa. Oheek- ^ era 08: CUr...PAirj Potrf 2B; Bfanple Sbnaa Slm- SO; ntCilMe of Spice Jan. i; Borglar's »»' Daogbter 9.8.^^?. ,f ..> ' ^ $2 . Park Open >Jlai>se (Jao. 1.. GRlson, D^r.) ■ — - ■ B€»l Blnghr 12;^ toodV' basl- ir M: crMrdM booa. " l>n- W»r?Sr?w"jS!a<5^ «?; — 98; DaaoOgr Lewb Co. Jl^ -,.. . JOBJ|MiUWjte_CtaiM« «aali« : (B. W. ' Bbtt^^SttXWtt nacked »; good boslseaa. ■ Bam'tS':dtttSmt: netattt TLi good, boslneu. Tbe Old CIotBe* Hin' 22: fUr koalMaa. ' Bowery Borlesqnrrs 28: good baslnces. Darld Bamm -S; S. B. O. Intematlcglal Stock Co. 28^; Ob««tfr Dc Vonde Jan. 1-7. LAITBDALE.—Opera Honse (D. O. Attaer. 'UEr.)- KIii« of fTrunpa SI; pleased pseked hooae. . -/Vba Wdnlgbt Flyer SB: Oha Boly City Jan. B. v^v.-IalXBOBE. — Bbowalter Xbeatre. (W. A. i'T 8bowalt«r, cngr.) Black OMok 18; excellent fonnancc and . patronase. The Old dotlica feilCa n 21; aeod'j artormancea and business. ^' ' .■ UEVmoWV. — Temple Opoa Ooua* <X, Zi. Ttm Ml . tXat Thialia "(Hf O. Bnrington, mgr.) Ble« and BartCB'a Oalety Co. 18-23; good ^mr and business. iTtoeaderoa 25-80: big baslneas.' Jer- sey unies Jan; 1 - and week. family Tbeatre (Dan UcOoy. mgr.) Oregny Famtly, Three Baneyt. Sastord and Darlington and'others week 28; Imalneea good. xmrsnuc.—Opera Hoaie (Hanr Ociaao, mgr.) Bnster Brown 25; good tmstacas and Bbow. Sbnale Slmoii Simple Z7; Oreat Lalay cRe Jan. 3. ' WABBSV.—UbraiT Tbaativ (T. S. Scott, ao^.) Simple BSmoa 8Ub^ SS; plaaaed big 't ntlnes a Bnai» - MeOsnn • Co. waek Jan. 1. .WZUJAIOBOBT.—f^eoailBB Opera Honse (ti. 7. .Flak, mgr.) Al. B. WUaoo 18; good tnsliMMS.' Bowe'a' Storing netarca 18; good boainlniL,' The lale of Sple* 20: fair abow and boatne^- XM' Boljr Oltr SI;. Mr boalaeaa. Tbe CMa|.irMa«.aB: vIaaaedjB00« boauiaaa.-. Cook- • ; ■» ^OliTH CABOLiNA^ ' esitBZaBSOV,—Academy «e Music' (a B. 4Iatthcira. asgr.) ^ aowiag the Wind 18; fair noiineaa. Saraga'a BngUili Grand Opeca Co.< 83; good bnalneaa and flu performance. Dayld Harom 38; WUton liackaye 28; Bobln Hood Xti, Kyrle BeUew 28; Blchard Uanafleld Jan. 4; The Bnnawaya 5; Tbe Dnke of KllUcrankle 8. OOLUXBIA.'—OolnmbU Theatre (F^ Ij. Brown, mgr.) SOTTlng the Wind IS; good pcrtannani« and .basinets. BngUsb Grand* Opera Co.__21' packed honse and One perfomaaoe. Bobln Kyrle iBoUew 27: Mm- -Taa ■■' Wlal ik Kersand's Mlnatrels Jan. 4} ~ ~ S: The Bnna waya 6. OBEEBTVnXE.—Grand Opcm BoM <B. T. Whltmlte, mgr.) KcoMdr Clajtca week; good bnalneaa and pactemaneaa. Hood A wh«n Kennedy Players laid aC} f.^fdQnney. mgr.) t>tbtt PMdara/Mgwr-. 18: ^fpod company, packed bona*. l&MllMHr.Si giMTs eampany and bnslnaaa. Slda^nakaA - SS; . ^company, packed hooaa. 'Ska-Hair.-City • rrwtf ^kffllwit oompaay, B. -B. Oi.'. Mneaaa Obie .^>Aa:|»S;: Spanglaa 10; Boyal Slam IB: Malik- llMrJNelghbora 17; Midnight Ryer ST; Heart p;;^aajt»nLIX<-Alcad«a£««- Haale - H. r»$lhS^<a^.) She Wd^^ltbMrtMa U: plaaaed • e. Onela Tw'a Oabia 20; iilr Ml- Mly TSramp'SB; Bnatar Brawavw; i^Wt/^CijtktBSA!i^.lL:. n. opera Honse iJ'. ?.,B» ■qqqld,^mrr.X:- Olrfaaa tite .l^i^klea 18; fair : :£aX)r^O«amx.—0|«ra Hooae V. Oeok- ^ -.Mer, d|».TrBbDple Bteon Blaple 28; good Vakghr aSf biMtness. Gradoc-NcrUIe Oo. SB- ' {28; (good. bostness and penformances. Lyman -^owc's;:Pletnres Jan. 1: Smuy Booth 2: Tbe " Boy 8; AI. O. rield'a HlnattcU «: Boater OWV.—Grand Opera Boose (Cbas. v^— Bonthlwcll. mgr.) Uncle Josh Bp iu ceby 18: ^Vaalr, abosr and tMislnem. fCbt Sine of THuops ./joj^food ihow and attasdaace. A ^" '^mp BS; pleased fair IIIMia' r~ ^Unr, Across the VoeHta Wi ..3taek. a». WM k Jan. I. .. " ... . . .(nL'OirT—Teilieck AeatHf iflaik M^«k, . :ificr.)^BBtke-MoOaan week Wj.jna* ^ fim » aaA .'MiDCM. A Boyal BUra SS: vm/k Tml» .OMIa « —— ,Bntt4MEa riM Pie- ■•Jan. 1. Theatre (T. F. Kirke, mgr.) . the pnmkln week 28; Ug baalneaa. _ Brothers In Ireland week Jan. 1. J^fcln Tlieatre (B. M. OoMek. mgr.) 1^ \.-WBnL.In ^le Gratfter .week 2S; bnsinees and ^jnmtaUiet good. Til* Old HomMttad weak Orand (Batty Darla, mgr.) HIigh J.~Wli^ r.^d::-leaale laett. Piccolo Mt4ie(%^riU B<|g«ra, '-nM8..-Xeatoiia,-0bazIatt».U>«y«lv Qsnrpi: aad 8W*B week SB; baalneaa Mg. ■^■mtm (B. U. Oallck, awT4'; week 28: good ibvw and bnslnaaa. GU* WU be Qlrls week An. I. Gayety (J. B. Qrr,-mgr.) Bowery Bnrlaa mur a week 25: good show and big bnslniaa nn»- pean Sensation Bnrleiqaera week Jan. 1. Bmpire (E. J. MoCnlloogh, mgr.) Tbe Sign of the Craea week 23; good bdaCiess and per- formance. At Plney Bldge week Jan. 1. Academy (Harry Williams, mgr.) Sun De- r«re*8 Own Co. week 23; fine . a how and big bnslness. . . L. L. KAtn<UlAN. 402 Pemi bidg. POTTSTOWV.—Grand Opera Hooae (Or. C. M . VandersllCe, mgr.) Bljon (Jlicns, Tayloc Twin Sisters. Unalne and Gandy. John Walsh. Cramer and Oasper, Arlo and Arlo and morlog pictures week 25. Aodltcrlom Family Tlieatre (Amole A Elnney, mgr.) Ben Omear, 'Schelly Trio. Halnden Broth, en, EUlott Brothers, Dlda and others week 18; baslneas good. - ■ SCBAHTOH.—iLycemn Tlieatra (A. °J.' Dnffy, mgr.) Th« Isle of Soice SI; S. B. O. Olrts Will Ba Ottla ZT; TlwOooniT' Chairman SO. Aeadeny <H -Sloale (A. t. Omj, mgr.)'. Oooa HoOoirlMS; fair ahane aind bwteeaa. Bog tax's Baagkaer M-Wr aood atwi Inma. Van «> be Pified fhaa aa^^M Hnmmlngttlra 2840.. TENNESSEE OSAXTAVOOaA.—Opera Boose (Fan! B. AI bcrt. mgr.) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 16; good hasloMs and fair perfacmaoee. IFlainioS B«to- erts 2S; fair business and excellent sgUaeUu n. John Griffith 28; Fahl OUmoie 28; Baae t 'M- bambra 28; K einand's Mlnatrels 80. ' QAUiAxnr.'r-Aadltarinm (T. M. Anderaan, mgr.) Gtttdctalla 80. XHOXVniX.—Stanb's Tbeatrc (IMta SUOb, mgr.) IMPew«aMetta 8to$. Oo. 1848: good, baalneaa. ' Pgnl GUmoK 25; .laiga .baalaa*. John Or lMth 2 8; talr.baalveaB and food afaoW\ KdOnmiX.—BoaeUtt'a -Qpats Bnaaa (B. Brown, mgr.) Beggar Mnet Opera Oo. 28; good vertotmanee and laica'banieM.' Dlxla Tanderllle OOw ST-80: CUdodla Jan. 4. MUMUHtii —MMwr k^canm >(T. Oiay, mgr.) ILewla Morrison In Tmmtt 10; vleaa«d.'v>od bnsl- iiess. Florence B«Aerts 1I8.1I8:' good : paitronage and attraction. Sbe Sbepberd King week SS; ninl OHmore Jsin. 1; Florence (Darls 2; Tbe {Tenderfoot 8-4; Uttle Jobaay Jooa* 8: . (Bijoa (B. 01. 8taiiijbacb^|r.}: Bair lBar*a Vacation week U; 8, (B.'!lK^MMM.'tke nr clflc 18; good bnslness. ; . ' ' Grand .(A. 3. iMonlaaa. mgr.) Itoook dlln' itrela, Bedford and'iWlnehcatcT, IB^r<aa and BMb' Held, Kelly and Tlolette. Tinea iNenioa and ,^1^ ^ .-';;•"■ TEXAS ;•': BEAXmOirT.-^-Kyle Theatre . (E. 31. iWelaa, mgr.) Dora TMne SO; tatr boslsesa. OI<EBnBBB,-~Braiwa'a Opera Hooae (John B. Johnson, mgr.) Gertmde Otwlng 18-20; good tmslness: "Scggsr Prince 41-32; capacity bons^^t. When We iWeic-"Twenty-one Jan. 1%-' Beggar 'Prince Opera:Oa. 18:- Dg^ .» SAlXdike-Opara Bonae' (GM.2^||ra pleased fair basi- Ae Bbow OM IS-lg; goaid neaa. aCfce- Baa aw ay OiHa-M: >le neaa. LttOa fabaviMnaa UM8: eapadty aaa. Baaaae^sa] I*)' fair bmdneaa. Base, and Lcbmo, Unrpby and WlUatd, - Alma ■rd BanaHeld 21;- pleased large aodlaace. Tlie aiajestie Theatre (Nathan Platahek, mgr.) Bcae and l>moo. Msrphy and WlBard. Anna OiTMaley. Mai lUAerU and others week 11; bosiaeaa good. Kit Oarsan, Olem Maglll. Maekln and wnioa, Oareaea and Bnrttm and otboa week IS. XL VABO,—(BUoa Theatre. BMard Mass- fleld 18; good perfaramnee and Bae boataHa. Bamn ri'a Attw tetlena 8848. . aimBmXZ.—Brdwra'a OpaiA BMiae (Ainl Oallla, IBMeatle ▼•ndcvOIa Ooi 18: good ^-^TtaeaeT Tbe 8ebol«^'alrl lit amt 'Wane' OMga-BoBie. (OaTe. A. WeM, awr.) faaUae BaBU; good amonMnec and bnaaaaa. Ohaa. B. Bainrt A; bnalBaai balr. Tbe Bnaasrays dg; good baslneas. Tbe Bbow Olrl IS^: <alr attcadance. Tboa Shalt Not KUI 92; Soea Tbcne S; The Great Bla- mood 'Mystery 21: Uttle. Mmnr Joaaa SSiJUIria IMorrlson Z7; The School Otrl" 28-80; ^^Btkla Hnsk er 31. OBK1UIVII.LZ.—Khsg'a Opera Hooaa (Walter Bean, mgr.) W. B. Patton la^ good ' and ahow. Pauline Hall fair The .LUU« Oateast 28;" beary Bmpire (E. J. Tamkln, mgr.) Large bnol- nesa la the mle. XABSKALIn— Open Hooae (Jka. Drake, mgr.). ABiert TajMr .Stoa P>. week U, ex- cepting ai; iSatr baalneaa. Chaa. B. HanfOrd Bl; large andlenoe. Adelaide Tlmrstnn 28; <W. B. Patton ao. MEXIA.—Opera iBoaae (H. 3. Hansen, mgr.) Beggar Prince Opera Co. IS; capacity boose. The Pnnfcin Hnsker Bl; iklr. biialniaa Son llbome Jan. 12. BAB ABTOmO.—GiwDd ttoeia House (8. H. Wels. mgr.) Tbe Bbow Girl 10-17; good ahvir and business. Xboa Shalt Not KtU 18; (Btr bnslness. Little Johnny Jonea 18; good staaw and boslttess. Blcbard Mansfleld 20; azecBeBt performance and business. Tsylor Stock Co. 22- 23; fair returns. ... Majestle Theatre (G. O. I«ke. owr.) Base and. LaoMm. Mnrphy and WlUatd. Mermaid, MItehtil and Oatn, Be a tr i ce and Leonard and iTda -Pet ty , w e^ Ba; bn a law big. ■ • BUJUactM^. jL a. ^toenBoaae- (7. r. Oaler..aan.) ne Wr Cl^ M; >lji8H «MWda< BOOM. Qovft ThoBft SBl 'y ' ramlly Theatre (W. S. Ml4d< «0rA Bnll Brothers. Klaners. BddIc Madt aaA aWlAK M* tnt ea week 25; line bill and blHlMih.- arzPHXBViLU—CioWe Opera Bawe IT. e...Walker,.iwr.) Jby Stewart'•; .Calr.taal- neaa and good abav.. Ise laat Baae eC^ Ssmni 14;- Mg boataiMa and good petftnauaee. MU- Coaeact aiwaaef ," !? , i nr ''^""*|f ^ . Open 'Badd. mgr.) Uttle Joimny good bnslness, Amertcan 22 : W . «. Patton 26. . .. TZIiEB.—rOrand Opera Soose (A.' HIcka, mgr.) Sweet CJorez 18; pleased fair atteadsaae. cue. B. BkotiBd 10;.excellent ihow aid.tkb boalness. 'Idttle Johnny Jooea SS; ,cipB«Ujr boal- ness and pleased. Xooia 'Oeaa . SB; AaNatdi nrarstoD 28. WA(X>.—^ndttaatam' Ope^' Bonae (lake Gar- flnkle. mgr.) ZJttle JOfanny<J<Bca IB; good bnai- nesa Blcbard Man^eld 20; pleaaed large hoDse. The Scbool Girl 2S: good boalness. Tbe IPnmpUa Hnakcr SB; The Paradara 98; Tbe Gei- sha 27. . .• . . . Majestic "niealTa (W. JL- Beit, mgr.) Jhnmy 'Wall. Tbree Troniadoars, Mack Wbeticr, Mr, and Mra. Kelley and Co., The TOja, Dare L. 'Irwin and moring pictures 88 and >a«ek; boal- ■nese and per<«cmance good. < Mareaa — Great Martyane, rctnande-Mar' Xtl%' Ttonpe and otbera week BS. : .1. WaTlWIMniTr ■— Slieltna Opera Hoaae. Boaeb at-.Keye 18: good ahow and tiinlnses. Pamnjda Hnakei Wt Mr- ahow oad The iMt bms.^ aBBpat.aa - BtrCLASB,—Opesa.. IBoose^ (Boyle * m er. mgra. ) iManbattan Stock Oo. j2840. BSBBIBOIOH.—Ubraiy Hall Theatre (Ayxei Benatng tsm^Qpeta Boeae (C.Jk. Woad.-*<Oei,; mgra.) .ai8M;.alanteU In Slag C<ear Jaa. iS,-.-.; .wASHiNortN; ■ "^^^^ BEACTTiB (Ireng ' Opera • Hooae (Aha Ooct; awr.) - .ne-'Sh»6an St-ST; Baa ahow'and -ea- pedty - boateess. The- Yaakae Oaoaal SMO; Modleaka Jan. 1-2; OailtOB; Opera Co. 44^ aeattle Theatre (Jno. Ogct. ^mgr.) - The. la^ neeent Malda week 25; ' good . JntsIaeaB and a p l endi d sbo^r. Dreamland Botlcaanera Jan. 1 sad week.«^° Uilrd Arenne Theatre (Bnssefl A Drew^ mgrv) JoUy American Ttmmp week SS; good bnsln e ss. Her Marriage Vow week Jan. 1. Star Thaatne (Mdein O. Winstoek. mgr.) AI- 'Vantagea , Boyal Troope,. Bobb|r oigr.l mUnd Hollaad 8: Bae pertaaa- aaa fair. Birant A Bwala'a -Tao- detlllg 7; caaetM. She TUdacfoat. 9: talr aal 10: BBoC l5 iBg the Otalaa ISj fair Tbe Bollaa. of Sain -18: good . fair timliiaii Stank B.- Losg. Stock Co; 24- 28: BUcfc Crook. Jr., 80. . . FOBS SV UUl.—crescent Ope>tf:Boiiaa:ff. B. Raber. mgr.) Wlnninger IBrstbtia. Own Ob^ week 18; trig bnilneia add fair meiij Beeita of IG^d 23; Bnltan of Bnln 68:' Boman ~* Idea Vaaderllle Theatre (P. J. (TBrien. age) Zanlltte aud iMsnstlcM. Frank Hall, Arery aad Pearl. Bbrrey Oe Mario and others week IB; bnidncsa good . .. . ... JABE8VILLX.—Mycra' Grand (P. L. Myein. mgr.) iBoman Heart* le; fair tmidneas. CooatJ Chairmen SI; 'fair traaloeaa. Gordoa'a Minatiela aa;I«nd of Nod ST; Black CNok 28: Bnre'a P letnres. W lneiw Stock Oo. Jan. 1-4. SKS W ii Wi Qda apaa:,.Baaa8^;iUo8k O. ) nam aaiB lacakfetB iat:- aaea Beerta o( GoId..98i. BemlnaiT Clrl Bl; Homaa BeazU Xaa. 1: mate 4-7. BUoQ Tbeetre CT. OoxsTe. I^rauk HaUr 1 Gandy. Tbe Beanoa aad .aeetbc pletoea 2S; baalneaa good. aon. mgr.) Why W< once and bnalneaa , t.. OiVtlCB.. act.') Tka Bealer aattSiatSe, Otatk aad aMettg plctnrca watt KBVBBB POIHT.—AaaA Onesatl MotSc t 1 mgr.) Howe'a . Baltaa - e( .Bata Qade'Vn'e CafetaT 80. CANADA KAMILXOX OBT.-et«r Thtjitre~'''T3r'.,.j3i. ) rwilaon and iVazan.-jess bat Stlrk. rapSigce aiiA (« Mq aad Holler, Gbariea ~B^ -"^ ' IDtfienV CMng Btatoary "dnd week 18: bnalaeae good. ' je Co., nree avidoa, Shg iJiiliaa^ oaffery- Orant. Mllano end Alrlne and olBQs.'-JifME Grand Opera Hooae (A. B. lCaadaa:*InK). A <Wlfa-s Secret 92: Sky Varm 2B.'.,' r' ' •" lOHDOV, OBT.—Beanett'a (0. W. BenaeR. mgr.) Gtiy's Parlor MlnstreU. EUly' O'Oay. J. JWaltlioar and Co.. Bobblna' and ^nenkmab, Woodford's Animals, Mooroe. Mack:'ud^'Law- rence and Dora Pellltler wedr l^gAod bhal- ness and_penCoraianee. , "-^ . ST. jomr v. B.—Opera Bodae' (A. tli.lttifa- ner, mgr.) iWalte's Comedy Co.. 2ff40; Ug boal- ness and good shows. York (B. J. Aimittoag. . OKr,)',' Yande^iipc r«r. xranUBr—Kaw OnnS \(D: .lUikyW. tagr.) Bb-nghncM T1ia"iB«^ IS; bbrMSriMva. YoanKStockCnTwieASatsSalrl ' ' lined. Vltagrapb Oat^B^iA r ~ MelaoB Ptetniea Jka.. !, .. . TOXOBTO^r-Mneeaa. (O.. B, 1^ Veretr Bary Ana weekis; goofbS Plait. Pofif Jan. 14. .• —--^ • ■ ... . Grand (A. J. Small, mgr.)i_Ptlmniac'' Mb- strel* 2540;'paCEcd boases.', Btfakin^aka Bak- ers week Jan. 1. . r^:", - -:rT- . Vaiaey Mnalc Ban (S^.Hoonqo. JDgr.X Sols' neas good. ' .'.'''.,. Star neatre (F. W. Stair, tng^.X BcIBr aad Wood'a Big Shear week sTdna boaUM^a. Mias >etw Tork. Jr. Jan. 14. . Majeatla (A. J. Small, ' ihgr:) Tbe Peddler ^week 2S; good baalneas. Th^'Wn' of fba Jransgresscn' Jan. 1-8. '" " J; >; QniBOW., W0OD6TO0X.—Opera IHonse (O.' A. 'Fyaa. Dtgr.) Tbe Ugbtbooae. by the Bt^^tUt bOg- WILL TAKE $100:dOv DeShidda nai'it/tJB^ni, Tbi °deaSut*TrIo.. Mai_^ CartK. Arthnr Xlwall. and ittorlng. pletoraa wkek 28; good boaliwaa. Central (Ooa. '0. Pooler, mgr.)- Etald<7 and v Bodd. Geo. Berere, Andetaon TMs^ Sadie Bite, I aad^.owliaa pletdrae week .28; good boafaMaa. V UX. A. SHOBXBIDOS. 888 Bntto -Kitr, : \ ' WEST vmoiNrA ' HUBTIBUTOII.—Hontiagtaa. Ttaeiatie (J. H. Beeber. mgr.) Adelaide Herrmattn B; fair bnsl- oesa.. Qnlney Adanu .Sawyer 11;. good baalneaa and fair performaiice.' ndd'a MtaatielB^U: good ahow and capacity baalneas. . Tbe Onap- erons 21; Via Stock Co. week SB, eaeeptlnK S8; Ctest on CM rke'^BS. XABBUimttK—4)Beia Baaae' -IT. If. Bas- teckv mgr.> Uckad. lit tttt taljMM, ^VkSar- " * JClSiL S|..lBat.lllg8 aCJhg Ww.SSi,*' •« ntr.). TKBdeTiaeSBW;.4||Si ^^S ^-gb^^ w .(■■•^"otijiiiSiglSg 8<n» 9M- 1 ti oup ss plaster. Bomethisg new.*-'W« I - for tba profsssiohal psopler to tey.t" wlgi,troapses.beer4a,n " ■wBMwr aU tMa tri cal jy yMesa beratabaed atyoor wtrgSsta, write to B^.„ mVm; |6UMg« FHtt €x^il^^ IS^Si .llBli% Sfc|