Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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Volmnc Xvm. CINCINNATI-NEW YORK-XBICAGO INDIAN DRAMA ^GimOiiePefftniiaiice nat Wb. a. Brady Might Best Chas. FnluBaii, Who is GttlMriiig Ma- terial Tor the Siin Bid •,v ti Pl•^^ , ■■ ■ TUB recent llglit batweni UaUcr A Co. and DkTld BdueOk ta wblak whtah tb» Man to K«<r York 'to OOWt tk»nal- i .tn*s n* Olrl from tb» GoMan Went. 'Mri ie tstaUlik « prior etahn to tbt orlcto at that aalBN at-dnau. to IutIds a vaiaUel In a Uttlt'MlMia.Mr MwmMMapw tbe tliaatrlaal afiSStjM* M. W MJ inUMM A. Bradr aAd' Inently. . ^ , ,, It IB all OD account of tbe poor Indian. n-lio lins been lionnded about till* country ever gln» iho flret arrlTnl of tbc nblte man. No sooner hrul CliarU'ii Proliin.m minonnwd that he liiiil ^iMiI. ilr. nt'MUlc urHt to obtiilii local color for n aew Indian drama. I ban .Mr. Brady got busy. .\bout aerrn months ai;o. It la aald. Mr. Bradr recrlred from Donald MacL.sreD, Of MII«ra,nkM, a new Indian drama, entitled The Good For ,:XauKtit. Mr. Bmdr laid tlia naauaaript aaldc. iilntandlBs to pndaet tt aast aniOB with Wll- ■Mo Laekage or Bobart ManMU la tba lead- ing role. A tbought atrack Mr. Bradj—he iraold have Orace Oeorge and her company ■Ir* a alngla performance of ^he nenr MacLaren drama in MUwaukcc, and bf that performance he would ealabllah tala claim to the orlslnal Indian drama. Mlaa George iraa going to Mil- waukee, anjway. and It was Just the move. Accordingly, tlie Orat performance of Tin- i;ood For 'NaugbC was giTen &tturday nlctit. Jan. 0, In the Davidson Opera Honaa at Mll- wauk«r. Orsci* tScorKc spr * * raaaiaA .wttk mat dU- SiSSmt at tt* imt rblef of tbe Okatcbees. Tbe Good For Naught doea not treat ot tbe iniiian of to-dsy, bat ot the utxaaae race Uiat the whlteman found when be fliat landed nppa .vUlli coDtlnent—when Indian brarea ware true \ hrare*, and before tbe war ot astnnalnatlon "bad began. Iionawamba, tba old chief. U grow- «aUi tba ■ MMW i'^ivlH. wBe to decide who •hall be the batlbaaa o( Adolata. bla only eblld. There are ao many anltoiB that it la at laat agreed tbat Adulola aball neat tbe yoong brarea who want to inarry at tbe VtxA ot tbe LQlea on tbe fallowing day, and make ber own.ebolce. After the eonnell. one «t tbe wanlora taunts - Lonawinda aboot bla daughter's fair skin and vaaggeats the taint ot white blood In ber Telna. ■ Ibe old eblet kllla blm and bides tbe body. ,Tbe meeting takes place at tbe LUy Pool, and each young brave pleada lila canse. recit- ing deeds ot conaplcnona biaTery or notable •cbleremeot. But Adulola lovea iNlatawa, tbe bunter and tbe lover ot animals, whose gentle BQd unwarllke character bave earned for blm tbe contempt' and the nickname Good For . Naught, from tlie more warlike members of tbe '..tribe. " . Xbe body ot tbe niurdered warrior Is fonnd awl ia dlaooTered to be NlaUwa'a fatber. Ihraoih tbe talalty ot LasboU, tbe taltblesa Mnaw ot an honored warrior, Sheanana, who •area Vlatawa and la aaxloaa to be dd ot her ■■ebaad aa that *e najr tta aoie opeBly Md twr the tore o( tbe kantet, tbe nUt of tba , la reflected upon Sheanagna, and br a lavjot tbe tribe be and IllaUwa mnat Ihbt •e. tbe death. Nlatawa does not defend STm- •eK md Is klUed. Adulola dies, and tbe cur- tain-nils on a view ot an enipi.v cnnue paas- lag down the river towsrds tbo fallH, bearing the eon] of Adulola to tbe "Happy Hunting .Oronnda." The play u In Bve acts, each beaattfolly . nwunted, repreaeattng. aprlnc, anmmer, autumn, RYAN RESIGNS Jamea A. Ryan, manager of the Grand Opera goose at lafayette. Ind., tendered bis rea- Ignatlon to the Prank Burt Amnaement Co.. ^^weea, Jan. 1, In order to take up tbe man- ^JS!S^*^.^?• <'**>r P9tut neasnie Resort In JISPtSS'i ^ """""e «lty. Mr. Ryan's lea- imtten baa eaiiMd mndt renet amons Ua La- Burt may at partly, Ma n da eb aeli. wha aaeeaada Mr. Rfiaa, '—v. wars. BELLE GOLD * Hcattas In LOl>IM MORKWIN, OBAD mt lha Heir to the Hoorab C^.' wmFi boBn •(/ wbaae JbJut at Kewarfc. OUk . «MaMC Ja. lagtwae^ toaaa of thin paser. flMj^- «M IMtar Oanltal. Chicago. tnim dTCRkW, lha. S. ot lockjaw. Mlaa IfeNwla<a. naUa waa atoabad la a fall down an elevator abaft at tbe Hotel Warden In Newark Dee. 28. She waa taken to tbe West Main Street Sanitarium In Newark, wbcia she remained until Sunday night, when abe waa taken by her mother to the hospital In Chi- cago. Here abe was placed under the care of two of the moat aMUfnl sargeons In the Wlndy Clty, but t!belr efforta were fmltless, and Miss Morewln died late Tuesday night, the victim of lockjaw. Mlaa Morcwin watt tbe daughter ot Madam OS. L. Beyers, of 235 Michigan arenne. Chicago. She was a woman of mnch refinement, and waa considered a competent actress. For some time Kl!c had been playing the role of the mother- In law In The Heir to the Hoorab. and It Is Bald that next season she would have bad a much more prominent part in a new play, enjoyed the trlendAlp ot a boat ot people Twurrv.nPTH annivkmaiiv Oreene'a Opera BOM at Cedar Baplds. Is., celebrated lU t w a a ty- lt tt «anlvetaary Dec. 28. The houae opened See. M. 1880, under the management 'ot T. B. Bdlers. The opening attraction waa Bmma Abbott In Tbe Bobemlaa GU. Both Mlaa Abbott and Xr. Sellera are now dead. Tba bigsaat boalneaa to tbe tala- toiy ot the boaia waa daaa <om tbe night of April 10. IMS, whas Hm itcdpta taaebed Booth aad Ba "— — "— tton. Tbe aaeslpt book Oie name of T. B. **' manager. BELASCO'S NEW PLAY She In the proteolon, tht cam of and aad ber nntlai^ death la David Belaaco, twTlnc seen his latest com- pleted play. Tbe Olrl From tbe Qolden Weat. is already bard at work on another, wblcta be probably will present In the spring. He wUl iKkt t^ anytblntr al¥>at It. oxcept Uiat St deals wim a locality, a pailod. and -types of character altogether dUTcrtBt tram any tbat be baa ottered beretotore. It ia aodetatood. bow- artU be laM la Itoanra lb. Salaaeo MdMad w ■Mor.vlaM. at IfILD WINTER And CkMd Bnsiiiess lit Northern Towns Prospects Brightw hi SmaUer (Mi #! Cities—A Buckeye Critic After 'i Cohan—^Notes of TitTdfav TSB winter so far baa not been se- vere In tbe MaraUme ProTlnces, and Price Webber and the few ahowa tbat had the nerve to make tbe tda- ua l a iwala d to be dotng waD. Dp to Cl u l a tM aa tbe aaow tad not Men dteil enough to Intcrfeca with tba yaaaa ' and connnnnlcatlon coottnoea with ward Island. Wairhbnrn bai an Unde Tom'a Oabla ay there and to getting nice boalneea. Tbe abow Is not a strager to Nora Sootto, and tbe natlTce turn oot In great nombcro to see It. Beeently Washburn got f 185, In the D. J. T. A. ball at Truro, my Informant wTltea. and any one ac- quainted with tbe limited capacity of that ball -• wUl *ee tbat the abow bad 'em coming. Then again the D. J. T. A. bonae la owned by a re- . Ilglons denomlnauon and fully two-tblrda ot tbe people woald not enter tbe hall under any circumstances. Business In the Oblo towns sccma to be lai; proving with tbe new year. It waa rair.tad . s!i"be'W>iBaapsr managera, i';'*^^'- Harry Rosenthal .11 . .. „ Kennebec aa advaaaai(!«taBt M-la owIObk a splendid (bowing. Ous Son will abortir opea tbe i at Springfield. O.. aa a ee mWji a tlBB hai>u-V3l bad planned to opea It O P CTU could not get It ready la Una. :1 The illssonrl Olrl Co. aBjayed a Oiilail|W. •pread at St. Maty'B. O- la additloa -t^M* members ot the eompaay. Aariwoae ead Bdward. Kobler and their taalUea, ot Til ma. O.. iDd Miss Mwle^Oryaa^jt ^Uomj^ wga ^gjat^ banqoet at Oartoo, aaSltt^iiM^MNatil^ipS' antly. ^■-.w.V;'.;>'.:'-:' ..■ •Vi?---'-.'? Bad 'Bej Oa. ~ The Volnntaer Orgaalat >.kad,-jiM. paid admlsatona at tba MMT- JWri and capacity at^gkt; at Hoosr, Ttndiay, V. A. V< SUmoad Uc.Ok: Say. , .-^fc fiif^ diir.'Min'at'^ Sandy koneta. Day. C. L- Uagee. manager at Che wan — Windieetcr, Ind., to alghtaeelBK la Ona. OBd. -Back la again tbla aeaaoa aaaa^tac tte Grand Opera Sonae at raoldliv Ohto, Be took tbe bonse Ute In October when tbaca were ao booUngs, bat be baa a n c ceeded tn settlor at- tnetloBa aad la dolnc a nice bui ln tos. John -Neer. adTertWagagcnt ot tbe Faoiot Opera Bonae at U«a. ^Uft sPated a ' baseball team tbrofA. flBMUM neat omnmer -wlU toa*fta-aBBa^ the northwest. Rodney I>e, of the Toledo Blade, goes after Geo. Cohan, beoaoae be pokea fnn at the Tal<^ critics who aaw little merit in bto rocty-tlve Mlnntes From Broadway. Xte Blada aaja that Coban'a sncces made bim get awellad OB Wa-, self. Ooban_mma ^^^^Mg ^^flMtac'lhSB iNURPHY WILL NOT MTIliK Meurs Kennedy A WeettaU. iiiaiisgew ■'•t- Josepb Mnrpby. vigorously deny the rcportatW'.- tlrement of tiie well known Iilah e0PiedlaB ._O» the contrary, itiarrt bl» maoasoa, >•»- IdBT-. lAy will be on the boaida dor. naar oaaaaaa to come. It u a fart. .>«wee«ftv|l>ht'Tlr .liar- phj has tamed orcT to AlkR-TBWfjUi>a«e-a! olgnt atanda. but he wilt COWthMW to ba toiarj inam «• hw olttn aa baa heen hia on;? torn Cor —- —— <? Sir. ~ the the onc-nl^t ban decided to aU at aazt i