Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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4 Xlie Btllboapd JANUARY 13, 1906. WEBER'S COMPANY SCORES IN NEW MUSICAL FARCE Corbett and O'Hara Make Good in Comedies Twiddle-Twaddle Shows Weber in Song and Hack Smsler and Charles llyimni Pw ft iita i ftma Futfist [ OB WUSlMOtt and Us compaoy rerurutd to Webci'* Ttantre, Mew Teal's nlgtat to Ud for Vioadway paUooac* in the BCV moslcml faive br Bdcar Smltil and Sf*atlc« LctI, entitled Twlddle- Joe Weber BbciM«r Dodse Cbarles A. Blselow Blehard Jones Edward J. Coanellj Hon. Alcemon ntz-Bagsla-'Erocst I^tmbart XUe Ciwxd Dnke Josef ...Baonle Macin Oivtaln Sctamltt Sam Marlon Xancror rrana Joaet ot Anattla.Sam Marlon JCatUda Orabfelder Marl* \Dteaaler Mks. "Jack" Van Sbalk TMxIa S'TlSBoaa JtHSle McGnrk Mar Montfort . Oadra Dodse ;'.l!Bnliil* Barle ■ cgmt umu ...Mgtt* Mogrcr Ooottt BaMt ... ...May Oiant ▼era Sbapelcl(li Mar Grant KbxI* WlDser S*Im« Mantell ■Twiat twaedlcdnm and tweedledee 'tl« bard to tf altpg"**'* betwe«-a tbe aatbor and the cast a* to whlen la tb« greatest twiddle-twaddler. AnrviT. BrotOwar basa't slopped laagbiDg loDg enoogla to glre tbe matter scrloas consiiicrji Hon and probably It doesn't care, so why need Bor one else. Thtj amj tbmt tbe new farce 1h a bic hit and tliere la no twiddling about tbe matter. Joe Weber and hia bis llat ot fa- Torltca were tlsht vp to tbe mlnntc Id tlie gea i i t te awt ot ^ tt e^ jaatoig r»lw^^ tW^Jjnl- 0oe A pieBilese. TwMdle-Twaddle la a mastcal farce In two lets. -Bdsar Smltb la zespooslblc for tbe dla- losne and lyrlea aod Manrlce 1>vl wrote the mnslc. ' If SmltSi erer pat any serloasness lnt«( tbe piece it droppeil ont looj^ before Joe ami hlB company erer sot bold ot it. Like iiie former Weber eaccesaes tbe new piece la not bnrdened witb a plot. It Is a bolty-tolty con- coction «nd tbe spectator needn't mind about what la comlDK next or nliat has (one before, becanae tiwre la enoosti dolns all tbe time to' Intoxicate wltli bUarlty tbe moat sciloQa. Joe iWebcr liaa the Important lole ot Philip OrebMlder. It l» a dacb that FUUp Is a taur Oecan.' bat baa yon at* Jntonaed Ton Hiiil nnt WBjnt TtinT ir- Is-ate • elagtr. but in >' fiet> '^Waak oar Jo*, alosa a aon( and is>ll-'| - «.'"-"' ^ Mr. Alcaloir to tbe president ot a ■■fcf. lMlllM ee company. Marie Dreaaler. ■soaiir^fUlB. Trlxle 'Prigansa. Ernest Lam- . fenb BME Moyer and tbe rest at the fs- : vofitaB that' made aood In HlscIedy-PlKSledy and Tb* OoUefce Widow hare prominent roles . In the new farce, and they are In line for an- other enccessfol mn in Weber's Tbestre. Tbe tbeatre was crowded tbe 0|»*nlng night. In fact yon bad tu bor mU tirir tor any nisbt In tbe weelu'-iTWlMi TNleWe- Is peononnced a «ucce«s. . Ticlddle.Twaddle was Snt p todaced OD any , stage at the Lyceum Theatre In Bocheater. ..JC.. T., aatorday niclit. Daau gll. ptOTlag one ff;' lb» aaaat .poldio, ««p|«i M tU. IkMMcal ' .4m0-tajtxKXT iBoiri^-jiniMaB liki' BliHMr Tnm Ireland, a aair eemcdy In lOer acta by OhaTlee S. Blaiaer. «aa prodneed tor tbe flist time open anj stage Monday afternoon. Jan. l.' at tbe American Theatre, New Tork Oltr. with Flake O'Hara In tbe leadlns rule, 'rh* ent:. - (Daniel Blarney Flslte O'llara Mldiael Murphy J. P. SnUlran earles Mnrpiij- Edwin A. SparkH mncl' Barker W. F. Walcott . FMda Ckoker ..r.^j^>.......Jaha Martin - JlBBle-Snte *;..«»M^i'^;.<lMfBe Ooopcr ' Atck TrslMSr v.-^VVj2t>.iri*»«» a»a^ Ora aaptan lt0Mf T1absc-^*Vr****p***'^******Bt^"t Jooes Tbsewe^Jg»»;.,.jij^»'i:i...,>,..A. R. Tolgbt FcUx Watts : '.;.W. J. Walab Isadore Cobn ,J. B. Floyd (Benry Foster .............Chee X. Pair P. H. -Dermott ..........f;^...Wm. Trent Junes Conly ...........i^'.':rAIbert Retnor Song Foy .w...^'.V'..Senry Farwell Kate Mnrphy ....'BuKenle Hayden Sadie Croker ....Jlorence Roaslsnd Sen Scallen ...Maggie Weston Little Mary MeCiaa ...Qneenle Marble Monie Oallaban Blanche Marble Mabel Jolly NeUIe Samard Motbec Qnlnn ...... ....Grace Marble Jennie Ctautt tan OlierUe Wtamie Tbooaa Ollre Carr - Arllae Mercer Myrtle Lorlmer taum Dewaoa .Merle Bennett Isadaee Csta ..„.......<Uga Wagner Vamda Oiark ^.Soe^blne Carr 8a3Ir Parker La render Byeia Tbe Baby By Blmaelf It waa Mr. O^Bara's firat appearance aa a star, nerertbeleas It was nnder tbe most an- SPIekwB etrcDinatancce and tbe Irish singer- actor waa accorded a welcome that almost ceacbcd the firoportlons of an oTatlon. Of an attraetlTe persoiuIltT and possessing a ricb and melodlog* iDiee. Mr. O'Hara took well witb tlie Amfrtffen audiences. Mr« maxatj' Vma Ireland is of tbe Blaney ^pe. bot oomMncd with tbe Blaney tlullla ItMce la plenty ot Irish tanmbr which pata tbe pisjers to adranUg* with tht MdleDcee that aafer>jliM not dalm. ftr lOtrjmr piece that ItW • mKtur'm,tt*lk^-wm^mm us par- popnlar In Vnfesaloa, a dnaatlaitiin by of Oeocge Bg liUi ' Chaw's noTd lUt mm name, waa pregnseJ tar- tbe first time ansa aar atace. \tasi<lay afternoon, Jan. I. at tte ^pielaa VMetM, Hear BaTcs. Conn..^itlth AaM J. Oatbett and Margaret WyitalF to tSlMttft iiiHt. 9kt cast: . BashTlBe Mmik Ugoar Phoebe Madao Little Lord WorthlnKton Herbert VdCcnale Mlas Wyeberly ataarad bonota with iSi. Oorbatt In bar lapeiaonatlon of the bwolaa. Xb* others la the eaat eoatrlbotad worthy Im- personatlona. At tha close ot tbe matinee performance Ur. Corbett was gtren a dinner at the Union League Cinb by Col. Theo. MacOonald, Jndge Blehard Tyner and W. B. Hamilton. Others picaent were Mlas Wycfaerly, Mr. and Mra. Stantotona Stange, TVlUUmi Harris, Cbamp ti Aadnmb Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Harris, Mk. aa4 Sbn. Jamaa Forbes and Ben Stem. HAS I TS 8 HAB« •Xlmt Snt*k Is the etate that boaata of Oeoiie AO* and aoae ot the rest of them, dalnn te liare fonlabed to the atage ita fall abate ot nelon and artfiwi. Xttia Saate has • fooniatlea or 0,000 i ia salat Her* -la lu Hat of atage cdcbittiee: ^ec Flaher. of The School tat Hnsbands; May Wheeler, ot Tbe Ooonty Chairman; Bose MelTllle. of Sis Bop- klna; Ida Melrllle, of Sla Hopkins' Sister: Cora Bearell. of tbe Lyceum Stock Co.;- Pearl Mel- rllle, of Qie Baldwln-MelTlUe Stock Co.; B. F. Boseman. of Tbe Siiadowa of tbe Gallows Co.; Geo. Msbare, of York State Folka; Harry Blelgbt, of Tbe Earl ot Pawtncket; Bod Bramen and Mable Orlfflth, ot tbe Jack HoeOer Shows; Bobert Sogers and Loalse Macktntosb, of a stock company in Los Anseles, CaL; Mary Brld- weD. of The Prince of Pllsen; Chester BIsbop, of tbe ChsB. CBdwards Stock Co.; Reese V. Prus- aer, of Al, O. Field's Minstrels, and Jane Van Busklrk, of the Mrs. Grundy Co., London. Wm. Borcham. o( Kellar'a Co.; Dner Broth- eca. of tbe Derando Amaaagaaat Cm,; Barry Adte, of SATtfe'i Bnavtr iMVir Okl.Bngh JACK DONOVAN Jack DoBoean, whose Ukeneas appears above, will next season star at the bead ot the Dono- van stock Co. Mr. Dooona la an actor of aterling worth and pneSMH tlw OC wlB- nlitK hla audiences upon lliet a|>peanince. Ot a flne stase {ircsenc*, being o*er ate «s*t la heUht, and possessed of a aplcndld Toice, Mr. Doooran, or Jack, aa he to fhaslUarlF eallal. foTinii it not a difficult matter to portray many rolea that to a Ifea iortmiatalf tWtfffTtfl IHtrtT In. C4' t»een almost Impossible. Kad Skene John C. Dixon* Bob Miniah Lake Martin'' Caabel Byron .Jaiiata f. Oortett Lydla Carew •Slmpnt WMsr^ Alice GoK .........^...t..;vIXmaemiy Lnclen Webber .............Uonel Adams Captain TieUtaa SUnsj Blow Mrs. Skene Allee Lel^ Mlas Glsbome ^te Lester Setgeant ot Police Obarles Btarges That Jamea J. Corbett la a real actor, ca- pable of portraying resl comedy and patbos was demonstrated upon the opening perform- ance of Caabel Byron's Profession. Tbe ex- pnglllst was accorded an oration and so hearty was the applause that be was forced to re- spond time and again. After baring Iwwed his acfcaowledgments more than a dozen times. Mr. Oorbctt stepped to the footlltdits and asked the indlenee If It really meant It. Another bnrst of applause conrlnoed him. Oasbet Byron's Profession Is that of a pu- gilist. Caabel is la lore with a girl ot cnl- tore and reflnrment. Ths subject is dramad- eatly treated, and with ita tender lore jilot, tether with the wit and aaceaam that Shaw ping Md Ua wnii, u taakea aa «i«aiat Ids, of Tbe County Chairman Co.; Dare I. ot A Gambler'a Dangbter Co.; Alice Toik. of The lale of Bong Bong Co.; Jaa. Mac- Albem, ot The Fortune Teller Co.; Louise Oaa^. of The Maseotta; KltUe St. Clare, of The Dean's Aaetloa; tte Foot Keatona, stdnaj Jesomc, Blllle XJafc. Wanen and Bibbcrt, Ma- rie ■Borslyn, BayJen and ULsnde. the Smith Brotbera. and the CtaDMlF Stotera. tn eande- mie, and thaDwyv BnMsib ot the Blngling Brotbera Show, aad tha Binrdy Brothers and Dirlgfat AUaa «e Ita Balaam * Ballcr Bbow. A BillLU ANT SUCCESS The twolnc of the aaar Bodgais Opeea Beaac, P«rt Aitbnr, Tex.. Dee. 32, was a Ua aae- cesa In eyety reepeet. Boarlaae * OHBicd'a big attraction, Dora Tbomt, 1 bill, and ererr wie of' Ike 00 new theatre waa taken. Just before the -lltst enrtala Olayot Laades escorted Manager Sodgeis to the atage and introduced him with -words of wdoome and congratulation. Mr. Bodgers responded In a happy rein expresalog his appreolatloa ot the cordial reoeptton given blm and bis enter* AUC£ NIELSEN Aiiplauded Vociferous- iy In 'Frisco. Fitzsimmons Back to FootUfiito— UilNp EMarttdn—Bdaaco wbA ■ Ibvw doM Tlieatre—Ottir Coitt News. ran sasst llghtfia and ewT tnaaiger frana Ui b entirely too small to acco n wnodata the da- mand. In fact, the floating population of the MetropoUa ot the West—the Vest Pocket Edi- tion ot New Xork—abows Ihe healthy growth of our city In erery line ot business. Witb eight regnlsr booses, ten TaadeTHle theatres, all ctiarglng admission, and Are large concert balls, we can hold our own with the beat ot them. Hie new year -will see fire new imasea open for bnsiness—Tbe Bell, Coiooisl, Sixteenth StTvet, Oriental and North Beach with a pos- Hlblllt^- of one In the Blchmond District, and the blR Dreamland, modeled after the already famous White CUy of Chicago, only oo a larger scale. Alice r^ieJeen was grceica witii thunat-roun applause upon her appearance in I>oa Psa- quale at Che Tiroli Dec. 26. Tlie house was packed with tbc elite, ot tbe city, and tbe performance waa moch appiedated. The fact tbat the engagasscnt waa ilinlled to one eren- Ins performance and one matinee canaed many dlHnppoIntments. Bob Fltxnlmmons, the defeated pugilist, ketit tbe Alhambra full the entire week ot bis en. ESgement In A Fight For Lore. The Ute write- ups, caused by tbe deaertloa ot his wife, hept tbe ticket sellers busy. Besides, Mr. Fltaalm* mons la a favorite In this city. Florence itoberta, the most popular Califor- nia actre&a, is booked for an engagement at the Columbia the flrat week in March. A new andltorium will be iHiilt on the site formerly occnpied by the Baaard PaTlUon, lot AnRcles. Tbe deal baa slready been consom- mated. and when tbe hoose Is completed In '.May. tbe Independents will take it for a period of fire years. il. W. Bishop, manager of the Majestic and .Sew Central in San Frandaco aod Xe Lib- erty la Oakland, gave a ~ ' an hto employee la the Chrtotmaa Bre. Frank and dlaixibBted fUta Iw all fNoi a bl( Glnrlit^ " tbMt M. OeOie. the geolal aad t maaagsr. was presented win lisndsome gold ssooatcd ombrclla by the Uecl popnlarnsldeat stage handa, Meeata. Belasco the did not ptoTs a aae Vaneooeer, B. C, to te bar* a new tkea- ir* In the nelghbarbood of OeorgU and Bowe streets. It wlU be bnllt by local capital and ivlll l>e managed by J. P. Home, of Seattle, nlw will lease it tor fire years. It will play the Independant attracttona, aad - ariU aeat about 1,900 people. Loato Jsiaes, soppeetsd tv Matmaa Haekatt, During ius, 8 Venice. itailesh. OsL, will baee a new theatto after Feb. 1. It win aeat ebont 900 people and wIU bare e eery torge atage. Senator O. M. Bel- shaw la the bwaer. Carita, the clrl oonjoter, dauBbter ot Prof. K. Beaiy. a lotlred magtclaa and now. a book- lag ageat la San Francisco, ams msrrled on OtartotBMM Dsy to looto Itata. who to aagased in tbe taatlMr boilaeM. Attn a hfldal Omt of floBtbem (MUDMa* Iba eaapte wiU iu Archie Levy, the booUaf agent, to aa peead as a peacock of a aaw watch which he dor lights In ahowlng to hto many trlenda. The uatdi is a real Bnrenean noeelty, act In mother of iiearl. and Is highly prised by Mr. Lery aa It is a Christmas gift from John W. Cooaldiae. In addition to the above, Mr. Levy leeelred a cheek for «ao>.aaw. tba^Vaaaaeafe etaaassta' M.. |lolgll ^_wpa al ia remembered by numer- BDBB OOOm.. ' SMITH OBJECTS iF. F. Smith, correspondent for The iBlllboard at Oosboctoo, Ohio, takee exeeptlOD to an ar- ticle In the Issoe of Dec. 23 In which E. E. Meredith stated tbat the abow buaineaa In tbe smaller Oliio towns suffered greatly because of toller skating rinks. Oontlnuing Mr. Smith aays: "In regard to Coshocton hsTlng three rinka. I will say that tbe town nerer bad bat two rlnka and one of tbem haa been leased to the Toantain Dty Oooda Oa, 4w a retail store. 'We haee bat eaa alak asfw la Osahoetsa. The erttote also atatea tbat.Oe big sbowa do not get the oseal ameont ot business. Here to a case. My Wife's FanUly took orer fOOO. Obrlstmaa mati- nee and erenlDg. Miss Janls took over $000. which Is more than abe took In Newark or Zanearllle. It Is true tbat the amaller ahowa do not get the larger boslness, bat It to tbat way an tae year ontaide ot the lamr a Manager Oallahan and the .afletia afTttO . Blz«et Theatre Oo. are eety this season's boslntsa," The nflw opera house at Romney,