Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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JANUARY 13^ 1908. 1 r&e Biiit>oar<l 5 HOLLIS COOLEY Is General Manai:erof Savai:e Enterprises MANAQfiRS DISSOLVE PARTNKR- 8HIP8 Well Kmnmlbaver Leaves BnrleiQue Far Ihriaal VIdi—Stemnd With CongratalatioM. Belli* Cooler, for four yean tbe G«a Bill attractions, ^as been 01 _ - . . eufafcd b7 (Hearr yf. SaTige to aacceed Ool. B. A. Braydea aa general maDager of all the Sav- ue eBterprlaes. Tbe transfer took pUm last HaaiMj, and Mr, Cooler bas been abowered wIUi congratolatloiia opon Ills soeceas. TbcK lan't a ^ttcr known thMtrlottl xELan- sger In ttae business tban Is HoUla E. Cooler- Hr. Cooler began bis career aa manager of Vix Opera House at Wlcblta, Kan, For nine rean be managed the Ninth Street Tbeatre in Kanaaa City, which be left to manage Oor- Ins. Be aitarwards became foaaager tor Da- * XMCh. B. H. Onllcli £nCo.'s. BUoo — ISSimt War ncatic, Htv T«& Olty; .Ohn% ■. Blaaw's attnctieaa, rxd 'Har IMaa sad QtMnn In The High _hntfar. Mr. Ooid» piared a trump ' MM-la tlw wgialHttoo of tne Bistem Bnr- ' iNqn Tni««l, and was Instmmental In bring- IftW iixt drenlt to his present atandard and - pMSparltr. Hi. Cooler 111* the b«st wishes of «T«iroB« In the prafesslon, snd It Is the general belief that OoL BaTsge could not bare selected a tetter maa tor the place. Ui, Cooler will - DMke good aa general manager of the Sarage sntecpAca. ' n* •eoBlaUloa la another feather in Ool. Managers Hontlngtoa A DeDern, of the Himt- lagton-DeDern Stock Co., at Lowell, 'Mass., bSTe dlBBolTed partnerships, and In the futnre the HnntlaKton Stock Co. will be managed br Mr. Huntlsgton. Mr. DeSern, Miss BsteUe. Miss Fletcher and Donald Mc«k withdraw to go Into TBUdeTlUe, and are noir ItsAtiMi Ihlli act. enUtlcd Sapper for Two. Mtas Taosha. fimnerlr of the TanknlSher S?-J'^!*^ aamged to play leads with the Hnntlnglatt Bte* Ob., to soceeed Mlas nstcbnr. DREW CHARTERED SPECIAL' CAR In order ihat he might opcap/ |ha pcssidsnf s Aalr at the Players' Clnb onVoaader's Night. Mew Xear's Ere, and not miss the New Tear's autlnee at the Montauk Theatre, Boston, John Drew chartered a special sleeper which left New Xork for the Hnb City Monday morning abont 3:S0 o'clock. This enabled bim to re- main at the clnb for all the fesUrltles, and It did not occasion bis cancellation of the HELEN aRANTLEV YVETTE GUILBERT COMING ' Cbarlea Frotaman has engaged Xrette Gall- ! bsrt. the Parlalan cbantensc. who Is now ap- peartBC la the eontlnental cities, for a namber of tnatlaee recltala at one of his New York theatres, toward the latter end of February and tbe beginning of March. Miiie. Gallbert haa bwa la this coantry only once. She bas 'pd bemclf by a number of artists, ClTes a full concert performance. : • ONE ro w ■■•K EESPORT Dr. «. White, omtr of ttia whltt Xhes' tn IB HsKsMpott. Pa« haa pBrabasad a alt* — Iheatra at Wataat atrtat aad eer- PREPARE FOR BIG SEASON DO HOT SPRINGS MANAGERS Bernhardt Makes Good In The Big Cities Mtnacm in BalftMnnm Wo Cnne For rmiiri rt I l ij iini lr Mi tni m Soccess in Washington—Where is Cilfs)-dlhar(% lm w t^^^^^ The Billboard's Correapoodeiits. TBB liotel managers are looking forward to a big aeason. By the middle of Janoarr this cUr will ban about 06.000 sialtsiB. Xh* Manlce Bath Hooat^ headtaartaaa ftr theatrical people, la being cztrasfrely tnprarcd. Ihtooch these mlrnnns BUIr Maurice wishes the pro- Ihaslaa a tuggr M*w Year, n* thsa liaa as* playl (or a Btw . Mth atana to that altr.^^Or. WUIs takea Mlao Helen Oranlley Is playing tbe title role In Sidney BoiwHect's new comedy. The Lucky Utss Otno, wbleb was ptoduecd at the Madison Bqnar* ThtatK, Haw T«ck dtr. Monday, Jan. 8. Xk* thsa lBss as* playtnc to good hashiess J. ftaak Head laparta big boalDtas Car ika An. dltHinak «aa baaOaaaMat thaatiaa, ii the wMkimt. Ob Okdaiaaa Sar^Ilaaacei Btad with iiandis* —hsana hj tha theatra. Prof. A. 3. Slartaar. anatesl dliaetor of the MsjeaHe Xhcatia, feaa «tlttm « waits to whicb he ha* clv*n tbe titl* of The UajHde Olrl. Fredensk P. Baleigh has bsM' aapalaled .tsaUtant manager and treasurer.-r*C'.^tt*-Ma- jestic Theatre. Ohaa. Athena Is tt*-a*ir ad- vertising manager of this hoosc. Famine Ball, who aacaared at th« Audi- torium Tbeane Obdatmu Day, amiiced for one hundred and llfty poor people to take dinner at a local testanrant. "Bappy" Oolmcs Is taking life easy at tbe Arlington Hotel, and Bud luassle is taking a course of batiis. Mrs. Jack Harerly Is spend- ing the winter here, as Is Cspt. W. D. Ament and hia family. I.Bora Bsrt made a very popular tilt at tbe Maiestle xcceatly. She Is a rery clerer ac- i at th* pr«p*nr to MaiA, and will tbtfaattar b*^ tha atMUaa < 'ttRAPTON'S NEW THEATRE "Bxt sew theatre built at Crafton, III., by the Xlfler Hardware Co., Is recelrlng Onlsblng tSBChc* sad will open Jan. 20 with a flist^lsas ^'^baaHsa. 7. W. Asbenback will naaag* the RELIEP FUND .'Harry West, a performer. Is serving aS.tWttnty year sentence in tbe lUlnola Elate PrfaoB for a orfma a< wbl«h he eiaiiiw ::,lM la not cnilty. havliw bMn naiaiily convicted The Billboard la 'holdlB* • fond for his relief. Contributiem Reeoivcd. Prerlsurty a«taMllM|ld .,i„.,.,,JIIUM , Manning Trio .....,..'«•.;..' 1.00 ' 2rf7 Bobanaon c,^*******.******** .25 Tom Crimea .23 Jack ftwlD 25 Wm. Blckett M , T*nt Welch 25 AL apaoldlBg 25 ..ftot. Ii. Barkncas 20 ';|<a*aBd*rJtlehardaon a Go 1.00 ' n^SF ^rown .80 Clark a Tonse ...••••»•■••••..••.* .6J 'so ClBdlus a Seatlat ' armnr Kroaa .28 ▼Buchnn* .80 r; Y*iU*la ..V .95 * a? ^bloBB ..•..■**••■'••••««•-•'«»'.••'. .80 JX."' *[™"« ^••.•.••..••V........'.i... ■ .0 BfjiTaf*; .....,iii4.,.<..v;.,.^ .98 .» ■'''ll. KlUg ' .'..••c4.*'«9«9«a«'»f «a«i^V .25 ':; Newtai ...i,.-..>,;i.;.,.>:.;... .25 ■ ''•2!™ oelka .*..••«.,•.•■.■••'•.•vi«..-'i.B jv <jnns i4»n» .,;..i,.i..,,,i,,,.v..V.V.- - ******* ••••'••«• iji • ■ • •«'•'• • • iji,*^• .60 .25 .25 Joe Tjotc ^"^^y ••'••■'•'■•iivSo'aooWooo'o'oioV,'; : Rdward Barter . , Olrdeller * Hsny Ashton .5- Clerer Oonker : S><1 Meley a wife .Otstle* Koeoter . HBRT J. Armstrong HatyyJMdiiey ...7^.. . Will Kla« : "^[^asd Vorrts ...... D's a V» Knhler ft TIctOTla .. Ol^s. Sankey Tom OiadoB .... SSf- O. Johasaa .2S .25 .28 .25 .US .25 .80 .» .80 .26 .28 .as .80 .25 .28 : .«0 GIVE BANQUET Do Harris and Cohan New Year's Night. Sam is Toastmaster, Bnt George Car- ries Off the Prize—There Was OaaclaK and Mach Merriment. Oaorge M. OiAaa and Sam. H. Harris cele- brated the New Tear and tbe arrlTal In New lork of Forty-llTe Mlnntea From Broadway, by glTlng an elaborate banqnet Monday erenlng, Jan. 1, to the membera of tha aboT. eampany, tbe Little Johnny Jonea Co.. and to numerous frtenda. In all shoot two bandied and fifty peo- ple. Tbe celebiatlOB took place to the spacious parlon of the Helal Bpaldlag Just toUowUig the OTenlng p*rfi»maaea at a» N*w Amster- dam and aa Grand nieatrea. Sam Harris wss toastmaater: that means that ererybody bad a good time. A number Of toasts were made, bnt the interest did not reach Its blgbestt point until Assistant District Attorney Henry J. J. Goldsmith, on behalf of Mark Klavr & A. L. Eilanger, presented Oeorge Cohan with a bandsome silver loving cup de- signed by Tiffany. A neat Cohsnesque epeecb followed the presentation. After a most en- joyable banquet, dancing began and continued until tbe smsll boors begsn to grow quit* %<Mntnent among tbe Cohan-Barrls guests were Mrs. Sam. H. Harris. Mrs. George Cohan, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Cohsn, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Goldsmith. Mr. snd Mrs. Abraham ffUdlng. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dooglas. Mr. aad Mrs. Blchard Carle, Mr. and Mra. P. H. anlllTan, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Werba, Mr. and Mra. WHllam Bepner. Mr. and Mra. Claude Robinson. MIm Fay Templeton. Miss Adele Rafter, Tom Lewis, Bddle Dunn, Jame* Wbl*. tendale, John H. Sprtoger, Lee Barrisoa, Geotte Ade, Felix tamaii, Toaeflh Onae. Tlctar Moocc, Thomas Carieo, WalMr Moore. Ftcd Mills, Usx SUTer, Myer IjTlngstOB. Tod Bloan. Jack Mayer, Sam Ryan, Engena 0*Boa(k*, Soamp Montgomery, Mr. and Mr*. MMhao and Ur. and Mrs. Jack Welch. T. R. MacMeehcn, dlreetor of pnhUelty of the Interstste Amusement Co., with hesdquar- toFH In this dty, Is a hoatler.. Mme. CdlTC Is reported to hSTe gone to Hot Springs, Ark., to recuperate, but your cor- rcspoDdaat has not been able to locate her. Hany Oonoa Clark ft Co.. began thalr cn> gajtemwt arat tba. JatawtMe Ofcwlt'Jia^ Itto aot^^ BALXIXOBX. KB. The old year has paaaed Into eternity, and tbe new year bas dswned with ptoqieets of , bright future If tbe line weather can be taken as a forecast. Since the opening of the ses- •on, tbe l>est attractions bare done phenomenal business, and theatrical managers luire no caua* for complaint. M. J. Leinnayer. manager of the Academy of Music, bss expressed himself aa being liighly pleased with Isst yesr's result Bnd witb OMuy aCToDg attractions on the list the new year has prospects of exceeding it. The concerts of tbe Irish Ladies' Choir at the I.yrlc last week, were a great ancecss. They were given under the anapleea of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Cardinal Gibbons, Gi>vernor Warfleld,. and many other prominent dignitaries being present. Tbe members of tbe choir received mnch social attentluD during their engagement. Tlie ncofeaalonala In this dty enjored them- aelres Immensely on Christmas, aad many gUta were exchanged. 'Harry Hondini, the famous Jail breaker, who recently sppearrd at tbe Maryland Theatre, gaTe a public exhibition at ttae new courthouse before several hundred ofOdals. He was Ixnind and sharkled and aueeeeded In ewaiplng from a cell equipped witb sU tbe latest Improved locks, * ~ at. Alhaoga'a ZbMtre, A serious accident was narrowly BTerted Dee. SO, when tbe shout of fire aeroae In the Avditoclom at Newark, O. Manager Chm. a. ,IfeMh«rs ^sanmd^ la qolsUag tbe It Mrs. Flak* matinee Dea.' land Society ' Animals. Young Buffalo, the atar In King of the Wild West, waa tbe redolent of a beantUnl sold watcb^jCbristnMS. ^^T^^y ww at. jm*.ftooj C t as. hsndaom* watch *h■M^(M^i.'tt•i|Mi8Sr^MBy- wrlgbt. ■ -, -:v r-; • ■ ^-^' -X v Tba.>'MMi«ilMt ■ ^aitc-'1tt^ was aa-laMfaattag avaafc - Henrx K. Warner, who baa been connected with the Baltimore Evening News for many .rears, has resigned that position, to set as tmttoesa manager for Sara Bembardt. Tbis is •aVlcml venture, and b9 has the aC Us many friends. STLVAH 80Bsinaai« engagement at tha Oaaiao Dee. SO. TAKPA FIA. Tbe Gagnoo-Pollock Stock Co. dosed a veer successful engagement at Uia Oaaiip Dee. gOi The company^ It la hoped " engagement. Clirlstnias greetings were among the show people in Tampa. Ed. Law- rence and Jimmy Bcyasids, of the MettopoU- tan Theatre, paid. ;tha.,:Q>ga«a Polls ' ~ Tlalt. and wate gMata'',aC''lMM'',iagf;i jnas matinee. cMk ' aSSe eSacerts ^"""Sai ^''^ ti»iSr^S SS e y '^Ihe/iecenUy * elBBag a' wy snecesstul eagagcment at,'" " " Fair. vr: Pat Cbapella and hto ■■ ^ headed this wsy. their eagageascnt being set for Jan. 1. Paster Ball and Babe OociB Bfc atlU with the Gagnoo'Mllock Stock. 0»..,aaa aw.Mettag wltk RuccesB,; - - - " ■wnied MSB IMrH wttb let. Manager Obas. 0. Psrsons, of the Tamp* Bay Casino, tendered a big dinner to th* boos. BUff Christmas Day at tbe Tampa Bay Hotel In return, the boys presented Manager Parsons wltti a handsome sliver mounted Ink stand. Stage Mauaj^r Johnny SmlUi making the ptv- sentatlon speech. £d. Jordan, one of tbe be'st character co- medians and buck dancers that ever came ta this part of the cooatry, has retired to private life. H* Is the owner of the Dixie Hoose la Yhor City.. Hr. Jordan formerly maaaged tbe CrIterlOB aad> l«l»;iba HBltsgslHBB Tbaatra. Mr. Jordan toevwf'-iMaiMailvJBlih tb* Dblik. as be Is wdl kBMm-aaa qnlt* a pablle tb> vortte, Tampa eaa boast of havtBg an airahla. init tbe "aacanabn" la atlU ta be heard of. Three attenpta wHa'saoMtly n«a at BaUaat Fatot. wasHDioxoH. o. a with Benhaidt at tha Balasaai, AiasU I at thaJlatomUa and Law FMdi at lha Tbe tUkat . lalt for gagement waa Immense, many Btandtag la >: all night to pnidiase Beats. Manager TaMiilto proved very thoughtful by bavlag hat coahe aai aandwldies served to the patient waitera. Ceo. Beraard Shaw's Too Nerer Can TeH, waa on. of tli. dallgbts of th. week. Mr. Daly'a portrayal of th* leading tola was gea- eraUy satlsfsctory. T t>wlng to tbe big success of the Hippodrome at Convention Hall, It wlU be continued far another week. Tbe act of Gertrude Bretoa ta her I«ap tbe Gap was a decided feature ot tbe bill. She la claimed to be tha only womaa doing thla daring teat. Uncota J. Carter to bei* loaktog afltr Ih* ptodaellaa of bl* latest efforts, Bsdncd'a Bana. IM. a reesrd-bnaklBg a t 1>» Seattle Thea- Mo ctmUJna'al^it'iri&A 8Sib»^SmSS',>v8^ Barton do one of th* b**t tiitt'«Kto ~acto 'atar' seen in Sesttle. The JoUy American Tramp did capady baal- neaa at the Third Avenue Tbeatre. Clark Rosa, Blrtlne Famsworth. Delia Dooley and William Lee deserve spedai mention for their character work. Tbe Star presented one of tbe Btninjre«t hllla of the season. rhros., has one of tbe moat wooderful acts In vandevllle. Kentoa and Loe- ralne and Fynne and Dandy made kits. It is not every week that a top Uae act from the . best eastern TaodevUle hoosea vlalto Seattle, hot tlw Otplicnm has m» ta White who appears to nonoto g ne. Tbe Zankee Oonnl «p*aca That _ Ing for five pert^manee* aad dM big 1 Tb*r* Is nouUng bmi. b*antlfnl m comic opera than the scenic Inveatnre la piece. Teia MIchelena. the prima donna, waa parUablady attiaetlve. Harry Short aa Abljah —V'eBsallent, and tbe rest of tbe con* : i^a* t» the aundard. ^ LBJi. A. saoBxaaMM. > FORBn>ROBERT«ON ' RieUPIR- J. Vorbes-Bohertson, whoa* lltoe** eanaed tbe clostog of Us eugacement to Mrs. Gmndy at th. Seals Theatrci liondSB, Bag., bss gone to Swltierland to recnpsr a te. TUB aetor'a friends Insist that he to aoOectog from a mere tern' pera ^r^U laoant. 4m to a^a^aefc at irrocK mm aiULKttB Wmism OUett*. tbe aat b oe a et SB who opened hto Americas aeaaon to Cladea to Bostoa Christ- msa night, win Best year, '"■■■j'lt to the annoonoed plaaa at Cbarlea fWbiMB; apend the entire seaMm la Kew Tork City, wbCI* he win appear In a namber of new plays aad perhaps revivals in one of Mr. Probman'a theatrea. The nature of the new plays haa not l>een aaaoonced. bat Mr. OlUetle to to Mm IbHr - - ■ - - ^; WELLS MAY BUILD THEATRE If Jake Wells can make a succesa •t the plans be bas under way. Savannah, Ga.. wHl get a new tbeatre. He is working In connec- tion with the Masonic Bolldlag ^^ssodattoa ta constmct a Masoato ^bmpto aad l boo( te *.to'—*. building. It to baliawa^ib*:rilM.:'«tt'<;si*iai ont aU right. ■'■■V'^-c'-^. WOODrOffrs NEW STAR .Mls.1 Msrie de CampL whose marriage I* a Cblcaco broker three years ags was followed by ber rellremeni from the stage, liaa been engaged by A. 11. Woods to star la melo^ drama for a period of three year*. Ha^.ig^.toto^ jT bt ai^ ali .l>MB|..t Beaab:^,flB|.>VMa.^^^^^igj5^; ^ j a ! ^^ ^^r Rumor has It that - the^ bid COlttm^ ' It.'a Theatre at Wauaau WIb.. arlU aaas ha'