Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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6 Xl\e Billboard JANUARY \X IMC Broadway /. Topics By WALTER K. HILU CHARLES P. ELLIOTT has left town to take Ihe nuctgrmeat for Wm. A. Bradj. of WUton Laekaje in The Pit. He win aoon greet blM boat of Chicago friends for six weeks M McVlrter's Ttie«tre. Nellie McCoy, fully recoTered from her re- sent I lln ess, retnms to the Casino on iIon{3ay night, repladnjr Florence Sinnott In her old put Of 1X137 FaUowfleld In The £arl and Uie Girl. JUIUI7 38 ud not Jaa. 23 bss bcw deddrd ■ i p^i MM Afr Cdc tb9 snassZ ftcBcflC la •k <C.lto. Aclw.|f .FMd Boae «B SImlCB Maad, 'Ftgetoc mitccnatr wKk'T A.' Bom as lesrttnc nuut •f.-Ihft;atock eoasiiuqr at tlie Fifth ATCBoe ThfliiL .>3fkB>(er Proc- tor slso roars me of b]> 'IcalBic-iDm to M. H. Btmbers. of Uie Torkmie Tbeatie, wbo will xe-estshlisb a stock company St that boose on Jsn. 2a, Kith ■wmism J. Kelley, of the present One Bnndred and Twentr-Sftb Street company as Its liead. "^larlc Twain** was the gnest at a dinner girea hi the Players' Clnb. Ko. 18 Grsmercy Park South. eTenlng of Jan, 3 by friends, who welcomed liim as an honorary member of the w jan lra tl nn. to wblcti he has helonsed since Its is to star L««rrBoe Jyonaj . Ban. vUcb taa been lewilt- t» Br it> aotlNr. - "i''lT' • W i H ti f Imi es- Sased the f(dIowlns Mafos to mn ii m tte. Mar: Charlotte Walker, Ilaitaa Pariy. Itnat HbI>- hard. Ida Darlliur. W. E. rorrest Boblnsoo, Geor/e Clsrfce, Harold Heaton and John Ha^kelL The Comedy will open In ProT- denee. Jan, 22, and later come to Sew York for an en^eement. Flofene* Gerald Is In town. hsTlng recently elosed her eo^pi^ment ^Ith the Woodward Stock Co. In Omaha. She later played two weeks with Ralph Stnart In The Christian, and now Joins the road company which is to fmcnt Tlie Lion and the Moose. Harry ^asoa. who is to mana^ the No. 2 Car bic^tbe Ftoto Show this season. U at the np. _ . atmt' for the atie -Ika other day aad the rU- hroke. pndpltatlBC him fifty feet to the atbrtle attewalk. Bke plot of the play centers largely upon tmo characters, and It was a wise se- leetloa wblcb entrusted these Important roles to these clever aeatlemen. In Moonshine there la much merriment, sereral girls whose oear- beancy Is forgotten In their sprightllsesa, and there are several catchy songs well sung. Dick Teniple makes a clerer leading man, and the entire oompaay la sot at all hadlr balanced. IB fUt to baA tm lUa Cabin's liiMlUae U TEOKPMV It JNIMUI WILL As a. roolt ot negotlatioiis which bare beta pcadlBC tat tome time, IliomfMaii ft Doadr bare pnctMaed Fort Georce. This ' be aUtcd with moce tbaa the ordl- «C eomctntaa «al^.^«Mnid- Emope a CortBlght ago. This is the first published Informs tloo bear- ing upon tba deaL Fart Gcoge baa for many years been a Bodcstir popular resort, situated on a high bloft whl^ overlooks the Hudson rlrer just this aide of Spnytoo Dnyrle. It Is reached by surface electric can. and Is eon- renlently bandy to transfer passengers from the Subway. In the hands of Thompsofi & Ihmdy it Is sare to blossom forth next summer as an Immensely popolar resort. As Lnoa Park la more than a score of miles removed from Fort George, there wIU be no Immediate com- petition l>etween ttie Coney Island scenes of gaiety and the HodsoD river resort. Given the mammon and rastly popular Hippodrome, the h—ntlfal and •iwttaii Miiy aUumcBti of LOBg Park, aad the aiore tbaa prabaHe gleelea of Fort 6eotsa. tbe aaae of Ikaavaaa * Dundy s a baaaehold ■I that haU yib>aaii» !!• '»■ °«n|nl '«M Ja aU that Is OOL. BA.TASE OAPTOSES O0OLE7 iWbat Is Gas HUTs loss will be GoL Sarase'a gala for wltb the New Tear BoDIa ■. Ooolert the best known aad most popnlaz tlicat- deal, ttaa in all New 7oclc, Saw -up the gCK- eral management of the Hul cstetpslBea to tab* a slmllsr position la diarge of the Savage attractions. Mr. Cooler soeeeeds CoL Edward A. Braden who resigned bis position as general manager for Cot, Savage to branch out as a theatrical ma n ager on his own account, Charlea A, Barton, who has for many ypArs been In the cmstor of Gas o a mahager ot hU Mr. Coeley aa The I as tt di wbra tbr fact of^Xr. Gbokj^ ttaaaftr .oT bk ts CM. Savace ms aaae baosra. Ife I local theatrical life la ao universally -as SoUla E. Cooler. He la j)resident •r tbe Sreea Boom Club, and only a few months ago waa elerated to the dlstiugnlsfaed station ot a thlrty-thlxd degree In Masonry, an lionar wtilch Jjad never before been conferred uiMm a theatrically associated petsoa. His traQ of poDularlty In the abow linnliwaa wic&lca. Kan., where. reitB agi the theatre in that town. After leaving Wichita Cooley became the tot jjpmt foe the pranoters of the C^elo- _ the battle of MIsalooarr Hldge. tatKjbtL aul w* te Ti—■ CUr aa It waa !IIfe la . tbsi-iaaBager of the best- kaowa ot g a i i i aa tl aa «C Ita dar. Be neat man- aged tbe- ■•Tftmball Opera COi.. of which . Co- rlnne waa the 'atar. Some years ago tbe firm of Daris A Eeogb needed a general mauager. and tliey wisely selected Cooley, Later on he went with the Bljoo Theatre Circuit as gen- eral manacer. actin? at tbe same time as man- ager of the Star Theatre In this City. Charles K. Slaaer won him away from that position * his general representatlT*.' Iken Bd his serrlces, and for ttv* yeaza been general nmnsger of tbe RIU HOT AIX KOONSHm: With the close or her .cpnond an<1 last week at the Majestic Marie Cahin. on Jan. 8. flnlsbed her third S'ew York engagement In aa many^ moatbs, Moooahlne w«^ars well and tfa* aaaemblages at John S. Flaherty's beanllfnl theatre were larse and enthuslsstlc. The good in the piece go In pairs-, te-wlt: Miss avottlght: George Beban and sliailij. ao teoa- spel^tlr girls on the right mM_tt no. Dae aad H. Gor Woodward and Imnti. Ot Ulas Ca- be TiBtbl WIr aald that her apet- la aawacthr of so dewee a !Ms«r dse bas It and ser- «nl mrmbent of tho esanaar aeed It moth worse than she ever coilC -Ber booyancr of spirit, ber magnetism anA bcr- asatbtlant grasp of bubbling comedy mark ber - tho tmest sort •f a cnmedlenne. Geocse* Beboa e u fe ii^ him- self irlth glory and lends nmeb life aad action to every scene or situation be 'engages in. The two diplomats are the real artistle element of tta piece, H. Gay Woodward makes a .dig- ■Mrd and tacrtfal ani»Tt lag Bpsslan: aad his p ain e cUwi la oalDe^p' t> oalr rtralM br the J sja ai si type i tpn aiM M t br t V e ae rteb .Paald- PLAYHOU8E8 MansgT A. P. Owens is more than pleased with bustiiaa at tbo Ifaaonic Opera Honse at Oskalooaa. la. Be took the manage- ment ahont two TM^t*** aso. aad has been 1 meeting with the beat of eaeeeea. FoUowlag is the staff of the Ifasoaie: A. P. Owena, man- ager and treasurer: Bobert HeCabe and Thomis Gosaage. door men; Will Beckman. musical di- rector; Frank Sloan, head tuber; Geo. Gordon, electrician; Harry GUmore, stage manager, and Glen Taylor, property man. Manager Cone of the Grand Opera House at Waosau. Wis., is being complimented upon tbe hlgb-clssa attractions be U playing at hia honse. Among the attractions be has booked ato Taming of the Shrew. Land of Nod. BttUaa of Sara, Pegcr From Paris. Yan- kee Osoaal. SbatfelBS Tbroagh Oconda, Liberty " -^^^ B.1S«% FIo- The new Empire Theatre at Des Moines, la., is fast Dearing completion, and will sooa he opened to tbe pnbUe. The new boitae, which will be under the msnagement of Manle J. Karger, has been ballt at a cost ot HJ^WWK aad wm hare a saatttf csgacltr ot CHARUM D. CHAPMAN The Bilon Theatre, Port Huron, Mich., which has been dosed since Dec. IS. oa aeoooat of a lack ot patronage, Is to be i reopened aadir.the ansae'o( tbe Temple Thea- I tic br (X a. IISBiiiii n aad J. rcaiee. Tbe Ma- lestle Theatrs oa BoOcr oizcet wm gtobablj be completed Brnte tiae la Jim CWMtt, ax^iWtfltt And vaude- viile headllDer, 'Ilii]r*s Theatre Mon- day evening In Oaahd lbiaa*a Profession. This Is the result of a harried detnmlnatlon to send The Crossing npon Its- one-nlgbt stand way, minus any rejoicing. New Tork theatregoers have tsUed to patronize Winston Cfaurchin's play in nnmbers anfflcleDt to warrant Its play- ing oot the three weeks originally allcted to it at this theatre. Corbett's manager. Henry B. Harris, held the time Immediately follow tng Tbe Crossing and by caacrllng l^o weeks oot of town, moves In a fortnight earlier than a iateoded. Petaooally. James J. Corbett la «■».«( th* alCBat men It has ever been my pleia—.js' tcl. - talk to and know, and it is not aqr Mnitlaa to aar anght against him a man among mca. Bat aa aa actor amoac actors and a atart at dtalr^ IheatiB- Mr. Oso- bettra adrent mar powM r.pate A«n*llB VaSr tuxB oiev. ba hlB,^iavCy^ of high art and the des of union labor daahed last week at tbe MetropoUtaa Op a t a Boose. Tbe Cbona dedlsed to onl iwIiim mn Mtm a substantial increaae la lhair aOlMal, ' Herr Conrled said be vraold aat r s e ei iala o the aieiB- bets of tbe efaocaa aa s se iab ei s of a lalnr union, and the dwraa walked oot Wednesday. On Friday eventas Ttlsta and Isolde was song with a chorus which compdsed salalsts of the Metropolitan forces In Its SSSiheasUp. Some- one figured it oot that tho avaaage i>ay of the soloist cbortis would make the figures amount to $2,000 a night for the work. This was tbe situation at the Metropolitan Opera Honse Satnnlay at noon. The oU of lilgb art and the water of union labor refused to mix. However. Sattirday afternoon there was sn agtecmeDt reached, and Manager Oonrled granted m weekly te atz performances and 9XM^ Im. «Mh cxtCB pcrtotBaaee. Bad the strlhB'aat bees actae& aealg tbe Bod Carriers' 0nlaa hare boycotted fte gland opera enter- tainments, or woald tke DM Washers' Amal- ramatl aa bare wllhhd d ita patnmage? No end oC esavilaatiaaa mliht .baas kaaa pgaalble. A new vaudeville house te soon to be opened In Oklahoma City. Okla., nnder the management of H. A. Carelton. It Is said that no expense is being spared to make It one of the finest tbeaii ea in tb* aoatbwest. It wm be booked ia eoBatetioa with the BIJM Theatre at iWIddta^ Eaa. ■Tba Coats Brothers n«w thaatt* at G to o BlM d. Tiia. oaaaad Taa. 1. with Ike Har- keaa * vas JCIaatRas. Tie aaattag capadtF of tbe new hooe la aOOL Tl alasm haotf *. baa aa olcnted floor and la a«a|M«l «w kt- est and meat cemlSrtsWa .opaaa- *altfc' .a>e stage la S br *»-' . CoL L. n: Scott celebratail-Ws flf- tecatk analretaaxr as an arttstle point. The Grand Opera House at New Al- banr. Ind.. lias been closed and Manager Jas. McNarln has signed as adraoce manager ot the Gllcfc Stock Co. Tbe theatre was closed because of tbe excessive license exacted by the city authorities. The Grand Opera House in Bluttton, Ind.. was recently sold by "Rie .Indianapolis Loan Association to Frank Smith and Fred. Tangeman for $25,000. Tbe two men are both hostlers, and will no doubt ma^ It a paying proposition. " - What was formerly " Uie - 'CMurdoi Theatre in Canton. Otilo, has lieen remodeled and was opened ChrlRtmas -Day by Tbomas & Potts. Ut. Thomas, formerlr a randerllle per- former, wm be tbe tQitbtM. KId:;kMiter ' THE VARIETIES Hany Pierce, manager of the Miss New Teck. A.. Puihaaatii. writes the fol- lo wlBs ; **We ace bow b oar eighteenth snc- eesofbl week, aad oar estehy asaslcal comedy. The King of Kokomo. is msklng s bit. Our stsr olio is also a strong featare. It includes Wlora Trio, Allen and Bright, Bandy and Wil- son. Hayward. Conroy and Hayward, Tlw Boa- ton City Quartet and Gagnonx aad Gagnoux. Onr raster is as follows: Bairr R. Pierce, manager: Bniy Allen. Jno. F. Vincent S. Straus. F. W. KraCTt. Harry Hayward. Geo. W. Bandy. Jos. Rose. Geo. H. Irwln. Fred. George. Frank Con roy. Ed. Ganoox. Jesale Hay- ward, Lottie WUSOB. Jsoie BHgbt, Marme BaiBca. umaa VfeaakUa. JUIa Jlooie. BeU Gaaaaz. Beta Wlaia. aOtm. Hmm. Bd- Wblle the Bowery Barleaqnets were plariK tbe Oalely Tbeatre at Flttabarg, Fa., recant. Manager Jo*. Hortlc waa pleasantlr surprised br belag f i r eseatad srith aa denat Japanese silk quilted amaklaa Jacket aad a lounging robe of the same mantuL Tbe pres- ents were from Mr. Hitrtlg's bunch of gobd- looklng cboms girls which includes Babydoll Wilbur. Rose Moore. Anna Bomalne, Flo Rus- sell. Gertie Hart. Ida Boy too. Minnie Craw- roril. Irene Gardner, SUdCed Kenlleld. Violet Schaffex. ,\nna SUen. and Betta Merrill. Mr. Hortlg oonld liardlr eags ea a tbla tbaaks t>e- roa*: M > l i » fttft.» tf ^ t/tt tmrn kt wsold be rloong- Clisrles T>. (Ba| the Eternal CItV < Iniiwrtant part B De has a hast «C wM Ub an tbt aetac. Oa the Baad, oaa act; Becange of lack of patronage the Wmiams Oi>era House at Primghar, la,, baa beea permanently dosed. It is reported that the nme condition confronts many of the mao- •cm In northern Iowa. Manager R. M. Harvey of the Grand Opera Honse, Perry, la., has left to join the Bamnm & Bailey Show. Hia brother, A. M. Harvey, will take charge of the theatre from DOW on. Manager Jos. G. Rhode, of the Rhode Opera Unoaa at Keaaaka. Wla, ta ■nadisa ont a twdst daai oc Tbe BijoD Vaudeville Tlieatra; Port Hnroo, laeh.. wm bcnaftcr be ~ Temple. Tbe boose wm be ment of PhlUp McQnade. The Bijou Theatre at IJecatur, 111., remained dosed Christmaa Oar because of the death ot Martin, father ot Mia. Lena Hartt, tbe beadUacr for that we^ W. F. Mam ham pngwhass il the-o pera sbape for Ike wtSbluff^t* loSaf^Sed* tractions. I. C. Mlshler, manager of the Opera Hotise of Altoona, Pa., last week visited Tren- ton. N. J., where a new ttieatre Is being' bollt for blm. One of the handnomeat theatres in the stMe eClIM-VklMs PM-.«HSCd Jan. 10. at SidBasaat br A^Saaaaaa orSam :pid- low. Manager Sturgis of the Grand Opera House. Keoknk, la., has given notice of the Closing ol bis boose owing to poor boslnesa. A .new vaadeyine dieatre will be opcoed la Losaaqiort, lad., 9th. 1, br Wm. BoadaH, fcnnerly manager of the Crystal. The Mirror Theatre. Des Moines, £Lj'^Li^» "SL *y * TaadcTHIe to a stock NKW COPVRIOHTS Carroty Nell, t (Valter H. Baker ft Oo. FIgbt for the State, In one act; copyrighted hj J. A. Murphy. Girls of IT78, In three acts; copyrighted by Walter Baker & Co. Half-back Sandy; copyrighted by Norman Lee. A Jay Clrens: copyrighted br Neal Hamer. King Son; cogmlgbted br )bka O. The Ladr of tbe White aose, ia oopyilgtatcd tr-J. O. F. OfaaUao, Tbe Lore of lOaa IT^e, la Sre acta; eopr- (Ubicd br O. WeHm. Mia. Btlsgs ot tbe Poultry Yard, la throe acta; cuu>llght«d br,Walter H. Baker & Oo. OUT«r TwM: durrHhtid Ir Abtaa Taa tr Gtaa - A Pair of Qaeens, in two acts; copyrighted br C. S. Adelman and I. L. Blameiucocfc, The Pretender: copyrighted br 'ohn Staple- ton. ■ .-■ :' Reunited, in oaa act; asfSiWUad tr'.'w du Crawford. The Bustlers; copyrighted by Herbert L. Lr- msn. Tbe Salvage of Love, in one act: cogrrlsbtad hr Marie ClUford. When the Wgnsia Soaad. la ttabS'adiS !M|^ rlAted br A. P. Gcbbm. Tbe Whale Itath. Ia oae as L. B. West. ■ Aasle^ Oamv. aae act fSuaUt KlBC In three acta; copmcbica br B. King. A BnrlesqoevOB. OamOab to eao set; etiS^ ''l^'blmlD.' In we''act:- Mfll t WH . ly W.' K> Fnrgeson. '' " ■ Children of Ere, In five acts; eoprrlgbtaC W M. Boss. ■ - The CoUece Bar: eegrtlsbtcd br >aek IM^ & M. ^'%%lil wnh 'lbe Oieea . copyrighted br MacMmiaa Oo. ms Beal CSinm, in one act; eapyrightcd by Geo. Glidden. >Mr. Poi yle. ta thns acts; tusrHblid >r Oklahoma, la oae acts OipvrigMed br M. V. HltebeU. Playing tbe Races, in one act; copyrighted by E. C. Bennett. Women snd Stocks, la loar acta; esprilsbtod by Martha Wolfeastda. > ' Tankee DoddlcdoMt la ttooo aslag osfSril^Aad by F. E. Broofca. Yellow Man and a White; copntghted br W. Toller- Adrleaae riBhted br F. . _ AllatssSt. «i tar acts; |[|i|l%llil >K H. M. Brcn. AotMBaOe Serraat Girl; ode aal: oopr* iMrted by Walter- H: Bafcen* Oa. Behlad the Scenes of War; u sp fl i gh ted br lt*»: Khn*>aU. - The Coooty SberlS, in foor aeta;HBH[rlgblld by M. A. Sherwood. • ! ... Tbe FUght of -the . Moth; la oae-art; attv righted by R.: B. Lane. A General Mtx-Up; copyrighted by H. M. Ctvens. Modern Sewing Sodetr.' IB ODc righted by Walter B. Baker ^Oas One on Jac^ k .Oae'aat; Hochea. In one act; copy- M. J. Warren Tlie Watermelon Trust, riglitrd bv B. M. Walsh. WiU o' the Wlapk ' by M. H. WsWi. Hansel & Gretd..'! by R. Rnlhaaa. Jennesse; I' iiarrttfllid.-br Mam Anna ITiiiaMa, la Aar aetas A. Stannard. A Country Girl, In one act; T. A. NicoUs. Cbnck Coao« G. N. MeElnr. Expiatlaa. la aae am Stewart. F IslKiiu an's IrfKk, tn M. D. KimbaU. Fortr-FiTC Mlnotca risUcd br G. 41. ~ How to Win a Baritrlor; espfilghted Ir 3t. SBDderUad. -:- ranyrlgfated ir O. M. Oadca. > • ■ eoprrigbted br CoDneis, la Chiaatosra; ooftrrlgbtcd hr