Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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JANUAflY 43, -1906. j/^riie Dill board ■7. SuK* «l. Grand Op«ra HOHS* Blill. By WARREN A. PATRICK. THE flrst week of the New Tear proTed to be a contlouatloo of the splendid biulneu enjoyed b7 tteatrl- c*l mulBKerB durlns tbe vreek preced- iBg tlie lioUdiri. Chicago ti*s been having somevrtat of a sur- feit of musical comedies, for some time past, with the rewiJt that the attendance of some of tbe booses was Jiot so larse as might bare been dpected. If It could odIt be smnsed tb«t A« drama and moileal pleen could ta« bap- Mti balaDced and doTCUlMd, tbtte Is ao doabt Eiroold yield greater latlsfaetloo to tbratte- (om teBerallr. ud, bcalde*. fwore more ut- liCtetorr to tbe box-olBcFi. .Qilie a BBBbcr ol ebansea ue Kcltteted tt --==■ 1 -mk m 'fff tkc eaxrrat week. Ser- .oic.tke.. that baa prc^ ■TCTaUcd (D fiufii tbt HOLSOVEBS The Grand Opera House la filled to tbe doon at e'ery performaocc of ne Wlxard of Os. It seems as 1( MootgooMfj aad Stooe, In their orl^ual and mlrthfnl ntatlai. The Tlnwoodnan afid - Tbe Scare Craw' will «lwa7S ie la mtatg denuad. .'Frettx Vna.llMaiood ■1 itaiiilin JJlcae Oarter im alw-Milit la- Before Xbt. tbe Colonial. trcqocaicta at -tte -oC -Ika ,Baai Ttae at falatohid • a a ml I to latw ^ScaaUffil" 0( r Xelnoie aad Hcatli, __ I wUk ■ Bam &ee or any other fekil'aC a 'liee a ac a gt a geaealoslcal one could Mt te aonnlaed. Bren now tbe title Is as ■ack a pozile aa erer, bat It la not lost al^t «C la Ike acceptable and mlrtbfnl entertala. ■cat pcoTided.. Mncb praise la glTeo tbe alDS- lac aad il«t»^«wg cbonia of this prodactlon wblcb la wltboet a drobt tbe best seen in ais cit/ tor a long time. AttractiTe Jobyna Holland tonna a atrlklng stage picture in ensembles tbat Indade a nnmber of exceedingly prettj girls. It la not generallj known tbat Miaa Holland Is tbe wife of Aj-thor Stringer, tbe well known New York poet sod noreUat. HlA Honor, tbe Mayor coatinnea Its long and iacMMtnl mn with as mncb popniarltj as erer at the Chicago Opera Hotise. Blanche Slagt JMa SiaflB aad llabel Barrlsoo. aad—let It not la saiilsnM Ifcr Bmg BaUtt. the best erer ^ - - weekly. Vien- sa baa «tf%e t&^ec'&*% artha ptscT THE XAJSSnC THtlATHE The most notable event in theatrical drdn dnrliiE New Tear's week was, wltbont doobt. the opening of tbe ^jescic Theatre. This magnificent modem atmctore. wlilcb em* bodies every feat-are and erery coDtrlT«nc* ttiat tBgenaity cooid conceiTe for tbe comfort, safety and entertalomeDt of Its patrons, easily ttaods at the head ot aU thaat i e a deeotad to Taude- eBe^ It aat. hidced. to the legttiaate aa wen. Ike SMSt Bitiatle eye la pitaasd tr a aarrer aC tbe Inttflar tMm aay and craiy ~ ■nttal.aad irsll toned colors prteilM Omaih- sat the latctlor; the nugnlllccat MUsa, «Mi their pletare galleries ot masterpieces; the aoUe andltorlom and coar balconies; the i^leir with tbe best appalatmeats erer placed In a theatre; the vadona and artiatlcaily flnlabed amoklnE-room, sad tbe snrnptooBs rest room tor (he ladles: sll form strlklac aad beantltal ot>- Jeeta of a grnnA and banaonloas whole. No leu ttian sixteen cxpenslTe nnmbers formed the opening program, and everyone was tboroogbly enjoyed by andlencea that tbroQged the theatre nlgtitly. The program for the second week promises to surpass Its predecessor la excellence and talent. Some of tbe leading ' ' aa ate Leslie and Dalley. In their sifetch. Abrsad; Bose Subl. tbe Cboms Lady; Ptelle. Vtw SoUy, tbe Melani Trio, fcy the solemn and attentlre 9>irector Stock's efforts to make tbe oceaaiaa fltting and apntaptlata haea taeelecd the UghMt csmm^Mhn. Im CMmnm hsM musteal akdaa. : THREE NXW PLAYS Chicago theatregoers, in addition to Just Out of College, nlll also be treated to local premieres of Monaa Vanna and The Mar. rln^e ot William Asbe. JoEepb Wlieelock. Jr.. will be the star in Ade's latest comedy, daring a tour weeks' encasement. st i'owers* Theatre, beginning Monday night. The com- pany comes direct from Boston, trhere ex- chaacca ahow tbat the crltlca hare bestowed laaeh pialse both oa the aathor and the pro- dnetlmi. The mmpaiiy asassa heralded aa being eaeeiitlaBallr eaaaala sad ■ IncladhMj amanc its Bcmbeis aaeaM' jIavM-.aC^aatlaaBl'i-aaau- tlOB. Verbaps the moat prominent of the new playa win prore to be Maorlce Maeterlinck's Monna Vanna, which wIU be seen at tbe Garrldc. Monday eTcnlng, lor the drat time la Ohl- casik The octaalon wUI be notaUe aa belne the ttst appearance In Chicago of Bertha Ka- lleh as a' star in ao English-speaking role. Mme. Kallcfa is a Bonmanlan and the make- op ot her eompsnyi Is remarli^able for tbe ra- rloas nationalities represented. Henry Kolker. who plays tbe part of Gnldo, bnstmnd of Momfa Vanna. la a Oerman by blrtb; Henry Stanford, wbo playa the role of FrlnzlraUe. ia an Eng- lishman; Frtdrrlck Ferry, nho playa Marra Co- lonna. Is aa American; and Bobert Ullton Is a Bnaalan. Notwltliatandlog tbe diversity of na- tlooaUtlea, It la stated that the purest and moat perfect Bncllah Is spoken biy ereryone in the eampaay. Soenlcally, Oa play Is said to ho caccedlaCly artlBtle and ba amtl l eUlly ibe-dawB aeeae lB tka'IkH „ the tavhftlag heaatlea of aa' ItsUaB shy trary Uie band ot a maetcr. Patrons ot the UUnols will welcome Grace Georse In The Marriage ot William Asbe ss a snceesaor to Trltx In Tammany Hall, which was scarcely op to the atandard demanded by tbem. Jndglns from Its New York mn at'the Garrlck Theatre, this play sbonld enjoy a popu- lar mn here, as from all accounts It gives MI-«8 neor;re the best opportunltv she has ever bad. As the play Is an adaptation from the boob of the same name by tbe clever EnplUb auliiorera, Jlrs. Humphrey Ward, its prodnc- tton here la awaited with more than nsnal Interest.. At McVIcker's, Wilton Lackaye v/M appear In The Pit for tbe week comaenelbg Sunday, jsa. 7. and the week toUnwIng. Trilby wiU be pre«eaee<l; Tbe play for..lbe . ttllrd week of his stay has not yet been .anuonnced. ■ ' At tbe StDdrbaker,. Woodland will be suc- •scded by Xbe rrince ot Pllaen. tbat ever popu- jse maMeat..comedyt' wtilch la doing as well In lialtaartb aeasoa'sa la Its first. The old ta- amnsa: y*aa rnandy. Artbor Donaldson. Bntb ■MilMb lear Andeismi and Louise Wllils wIU « W «at bi tba caat. At te OMt MadkMa Iba Saltaa ot Sola Tormros . F. -Wilder, the famona orlg- laal atac; " " " "" " "- tainment This wo Olympic. The Allison Tronpe have been transfemd l«>m the Majestic to tbe Haymarket. Ryan and Slchfleld tiave been detained for a •*cond week at tto Harmarket. owing to the •eee™ «t Mllie TlaBserty's Danchter. Mr*, smart Robson Is at the Olympic this - Edmnnd Day's sketch. The Sarins Ot kW. THOMAS KEMOSIAI. Jt Is Just a little over a year since .Thomaa died. That he ia aot tor- In order to make way for one of the three promising plays that will be produced dur- Ina the week, a prime favorite baa ticen with- drawn la Maxlne Elliott, whose soecesa In Her Great Sfateb might well be termed a trinmpb. The Powers Theatre, where this clever Clyde Pitch play aas nightly attracted orertlawlng aa- dlencea for two weeks, is to Chicago what the old Lyceum Theatre and Daly's Theatre, under the old regime, were to New York. The clien- tele of Powers' Is conceded to be tbe moat ex- clnalee and intelligent In Chicago, and when Manager Powers snceeeda In providing a play that appeals to those wbo frequent 4iU coxy theatre, as be generally does. It can always be expected that sundlng room wlU be St a pre- mium. At none ot her prerlona appearaaeea bare did Miss Eniott aa cwrlndngly prore her claim to he aa atWMa at. eawmsndtec taleata than she did bi lb* taMMT vehicle which Clyde Fitch bas an desailr aaaatraeted. It ta with reteret tbat theatrecoera aay fareweU to her at the present time. notwlthatandhiK that Her Great Matpb will be replaced by Genree Ade's latest comedy, Just Out of CnlleKr, ML<i!> Elliott mil her company cnnid easily have remained here for fonr weeks lon;;er. bat the complications In booklnaa aiaat aot he aeerlsoksd. and ^tem mnst le.i'ikMnal at VAUDEVILLE McDonald and Hoffman closed their encacement at the Crystal Theatre. Mnskegon. MIA.. Jan. T.- snd are enlo.vlnp a two weeks' rest at their home' In Flint. Mich., prepara- tory to taklntr out their own vaudeville com- pany. They have engaged W. S. Stoddard. Mack and Pearle and E. B. Stockton, and will make neek stands in TandenUe through cen- tral . and nortbem MIchlgaa. The nibbs Sisters are brpakln^ all records thronch Indiana and Illinois In re- Bned VBudeville. together with movine pic- tures. The- roater Is ss follows: H. S. Tennis, general manseer: W. E. Kerns, advance scent: A. Glbbs. treasurer: Miss Lotta Kerns, musical director: Cbarles Earl, electrician, and Iflsais Mattle and Myrtle XJlbhs. Eddie Mullaney has closed with Op- penhelmer's Fay Foster Co.. and baa joined In- terests with Cbarles Summers, formerly of Snmmera and Winters. .They opened at the National Theatre. Kansaa Oty. Mo., week Dec. tS. Mr. Mullaaey srblle .law a Wy .- .flafiBC In Denver, Col., was made a acMbar -9t.- tha T. U. A. Lodge. GeorR-e Aujrer, the tall man. writes that on Jan. 29 he openssin Hot Springs. Ark.. for a alx weeks' toar of the southern drcults, after wblch jie will prepare for bis scssnn with tbe Bamnm * Bailey Show. Mr. Anger oae* fonr people to his playlet, entitled Jack, the Giant Killer, and he says It Is a Us aoe- ceas. Havn-ard and Haywnrd have severed connections with Charles Farrell and have Joined interests with Frank J. Conroy. late of Con- loy and Pearl, who will do the black-face oom- edv part In Marriage Is Snhllme. They are itill oloslng the oUo with Miss New Tork. Jr.. Oa.. and are meetlaK with ssceess. TII«"JI«#:Mt way ItilMK^Iggj a gSg by iMUdr mC <w»s» j*;(MIIM li imp So- Fred LaMont, of the lATroupe Car- men, writes that they arc Introdndng two orig- inal teats, naa^. a backward aoaersatilt across sbooldeia on a ticbt arlia and a flip- flop on a platform beM on a tifht wire hy two members of the tioapc. The Four Seasons, a new vaudeville act on tbe order of tbe Vasaar Girls, was pro- daeed at Jacques Opera House, Waterbory. Conn., week Dec. 25, and proved an Inatant success. Tbe music and scenic effects are said to I>e splendid. The EIlsenbarth-Henderson Floating Theatre is now In winter qosrtera at 'Marietta, 0. Tbe boat wUl be tboroogbly repainted and renovated for the coming season, wblch starts ApiUl. Ahoot fifty peopla will compose tbe linee and lAiee. comedy musical ar- tists, have been making' a hit In'.iha ^vaade- rllle houses thnnigh the middle MMt^-'-Skty open on tbe Kohl & Castle Circuit; MK U, and are booked solid until July. The Rialto Comedy Quartet, which opened tbe 6ea«>D seven weeks aco In a small New Tork town, were laat week aa added feature at the Arcade Theatre. TSI e da, O,. where the best of TaodeTflllaiis play. The Martins, novelty musical artists, are Isylng off in Chicago, rehearsing tbelr big musical comedy act, written by Lawrente llus- sell. They will carry a complete set of scenery and win open about Jan. 16. Fred Kamo's Ix)ndon Comedy Co. kM'''iMt^caBcInded its third successive week la Ifsiaiaiisli ln'ii victoria, New York City, and bas msny excellent bookings to fill dorlns the balance of tbe season. Phillips and Hamilton. Alfred and May, hare cl<»ed a very snceessfnl saaaoa wtHi the Price Show Boat, and are takinc a mach deserved rest in ClnclnnatL They have signed with the Price Show for next season. Ferguson and Mack opened at the Tlvoll Theatre, Cape Town, Dec. 12. for a six weeks' engagement, and they write that tbey scored a lauglilng hit. They will return to this coimtry some time in Marcb. Reid Miller and Lillian Zerda fin- ished the Crystal Clrcolt Dec. 27. and opened on « Cttaalt la Ban Vraadseo after which ~ V ---tta: »aUtsi» ,>* 'OwsMlne Cli- 2r T. R. Irving; stace manager at the Palm Gardens, Syracnae. H.'T..' waa on New Xear'a Day presented with a handsome dia- mond stud by Manager Austin ot tbe Gardens. Tohle Stark is scoring heavily on tbe Western Vaudeville Circuit with her Im- personation of Anna Held. Her gracefnl danc- ing Is bringing many flattering press notices. John and Maud Brewer opened at Pnllrr'B Opera Hoose. Aocklaad. K." &• ^ MOT. 3.1: at Blckard'a Tlvoll. Sydney. AaamK-Hee. 30, Saea. TIsI Iaia>d,..laa. IL Walter* and'PrmttT-.' '<irrlt»:.tliat. tl>«y have Just dosed orcr the Mt 'ebcaU. aa srhl4 ttacy msde hitf hits In their new act. entitled The Hebrew and the Singer. John P. Hill & Co„ presenting a Ublotd version of Rip Van WbttiC la vaade- vllle, have oat some new poatai.caids that are atttaetlTe to say the least. -f The Two-^;Jainefca a ii et i It ?/^^ artists, opened'at Uatka. M.', lot week for a lengthy eogagement over tt»e Western Vaude- vUla Clrcnlt. . Nibbe and Bordouex are making a hit In the __ elerer act. ladl^lMiKBB^I numerous. Tom Arm-strong and Ella Vem.v late of the Land ot Nod Co.. are now appeailw.ti TandcTUle and Incidentally aiaklBg a MgCUt. John J. SnJUvam and lUlMrt J. Mttr- phy haye joined tntctcata, and are OoIbk aa Irish talking, singing snd danetnK act. Alexander Brown, of the Musical Blows Brothers, has slsned as atage manager ot tbc.Otak Smet Slaseom, micago. m. 'HSiTj^ Ij. Hanson writes that his act met with the best approval over the Keystone Circuit -which be has Just finished. After a year's work in the west. Brown and WUmot are going eaat. Tbey re- tum to the Coast sgain in the fall. Frank : Bowen, trapezlst and song and- <aaa>''^»tlafc- haa ?des»d with tbe Beh En- teH^Mw/aai win' go lato atock. irbblette and Karsliall. write .that they haao a »«r act ,lhar wMs^iniy preaent on the Orphenm CSrenlt.- ? : .. After a brief ensatrement;>l«i,^^Mt, Paff. Pout, World and Klnsatan ?aa<r*iaia making good In vaodevlUe. • < :,. Amann and narOer-'f^moM-Cn^ Qie Moss and Stoll Tonr. OM;=iW^.at ^.Sha^::Bni- plre, Man cbe s tar ,- tag.- . <: ■ :■"»: . : v .7-''r Polk.: -tbe :iawjjDMi^^»«»y; 'ij ^'i '^ *^ King OalliBB, irttt-wOt taa ia i aa akaa aMr the Kohl te Caatia Orealt. Stanley and LeRoy, now meetlngr vrltb snecess In the middle west, will so In burlesque next season. Jack and Clara Roof write that they hare Jnst doaed a sacecaatal l a c a gin at «a the Keyatooe dradt. _ . ; The Nortons will hereafter bdiltnown aa Nor too and Perkins. They toport s nte ssa In their comedy act. Dave Deeden has canceled all vau- deville time and has signed with the E^K of Trampa Co. Slater and Finch rested Christmas week aad ijniH JlHar etlWt'— Mnnela; lad. 'y ,>:,;'':■'.• ■ Kherns and Cde scored hiir 'at the Grand Opera Bonac. .todlaaapails. lad.. X< Year's week. " I'.-j'\ ■ - , Gladden - and. iM^fgMVam^^lbodlwa.iitor ■Ixteen. .-w«eli»':..VaC...-a»salaea,\vllBia».<,vbashi .HARmr.: ilarry Earl. pIctUMI uwre. la the gcecral teprewniatlve for Hie Rowland & CUfford en- terprises, with office?* In Chicaso. Mr. Barl Is ttM> Avetl knunn to the profession to need Introduetluu. II,- was l:i^t ^eaiiOn the general press repre**-uiative of tlie Great WaUaca Show, is a fine gentleman, tbotoughly eipen> enn-d, and with uls characteristic agsreaslTCDcai la sure to make a mark In tbe theatrical world. The Bewland te CUlIord oOlceia are now la tha Gtaad-: THE PLAYERS Just before going on In a comedy role In The Girl From Kay's st Iowa City, la., recently. George Decker received a telegraia announcing the death of bis mother In Call* tomia. Having no understudy, Mr. Decker was compelled to go through hla part. Chas. E. Kennedy, manager of the Harcoart Comedy Co., starring Chas. K. Har- ris, -writes tbat they broke the house record Christmas week in Marlboro, Mass., New Tear'a Day played to tnmawsy business at the City Opera House In Blddeford, Me. The Macauley & Patton Uttle P o me s tes d Co. played to' tUS at the opera hoose at aab^ OUa. Dm. 38. la aplte at a tain' wblcb began at 11 o'dock la tbe and lasted until after the pcrtocmance. During the performance of the Royal SUee at Coccy. Pa.. Dec SB, Mlsa Occtrada Lewla, «ba -Biiin' tbe part at ' taken aetlMBr-aL She tecorand - to depart wm tte company. Omer S. Kmyon, acent Keildiolt-.: Hlllmaa Co.. wHtaa that tbsy am dsiaa bte' business In Kanasa aad Ifthrssl s Be. Titfll and Mr. Hyde and ItsiBiiaelliai aia tbeb Ik^ tore hina. . c. o. Hamilton reports that tbe Na- ' tlonal atock Co. la dsing wall. - — arisbaa la aaaaaaea that ha la"; tbe Waclll Tiiiirbsii ar Mte r The Missouri Giri and Jerry From ■etty Ch'a. both veat a deUghtfU PMtlaad. Oae., aad naay ptcacata were .'V Robert Dndley and EHaine Dadtagr, It Is reported. wOl shortly go on toor ta Shadows of Old Home, a tnral play by Hr. Dudley. Mr. Max H. Meyers, proprietor of A. Bunaway Boy and From Baga to BIcfaaa. (O- ports great baslnesa for both tila shows. Manager Frank 'W. Kason reports fine boslness tor both 'bla attractions, Nei^* borly Neighbors and When Women Love. R. G. Payton reports good business for hla Prestoo Stock Co.. which rested Chzlst- mas week In Hancock, Md. Walter Meyers closed as advance man of tlie:!RIlmt & Gaxzolos Hookst Searta Co..-Jan.'6. ' ' ; ;^' The Shadow of Sin Co. la ^dlicltlnc excellent haalneas throoghoat the - aooth. Stetson'3 ' Uncle--'-'Tom's Cabin Co.- iMtall mwmsi liiii Itar DanmiswHL. • ' ■- ^ ■ iv^H'^iTTiCI^ • ■ '.V—i: ^—" ■ ■ • •-• • -1* !■ ^n' 7- -J*- .. .;. MINSTREL Fromptlv at midois^t. Dec 31. at Schenectady. X. Y.. the John W. Vogel Big' City Minstrel Band began to march through'tha* atreeta ot tbat city. Tbe streets were ctowded- wlth people going tram watch nil i ting's and parties. The band finally pnessdsd ^ta^-Cha, club tooma ot the local Aeria oC'BaglHk-tAae a big banquet was enjoyed. The Richards & Prlngle Minstrels are "going aome-" Their new first part was used tor tbe first time Christmas matinee at the Tabor Grand. Denver. Col. Messrs. Rnsca' * Holland hare also discarded their ear. West- erly, which has been replaced by a new one from the Pullman shops. A calendar that is a calendar has Just arrived from Lew Dockstader. It Is a hsndsomely finished card, T by 11 In else, and carries a splendid likeness of tbe minstrel king. It la a flae piece ot work and woold grace the deak : at aart CdMsrial or aumagerial sanetam. - : - Walter . J. Gosaenz. the "AJabams. wtaatd.**- xapaeta that he la In hla twenty-ctaUk saeecSBlWl week -with the OeBaa BMOacs^jBd': Jflnanela. and .that the show; has aot -ailMd- a aalaiy day alaco Ita opealag.', ■ -'. <-. .'During th^r eii8asenient'4n-bswes«, K. T.. the Gny Brothers were baaooeted by tba Essies^ The reorganized Beach & Bow^tm'. Minstrels opened at SteHlag. nL, Jan. 1. .