Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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8 JANUARY 131 tSOB. By C. C. BARTRAM. JUST now everywhere In London Uieatrrdom one flo<l> trastllas, butUlBi pnpanttaiw for the pantomime kuod. Ttat7. aom^ of* tlie pantomimes bar* opeoMl already; ooe. even, aa early as ■ic md at November. Tbe bU i*3 wben tbe Tiat majorltj of Xmaa plars atart tbelr aea- aon. bvweTer, Boxing ^Dmj —Uie daj after Oiltatnaaa. Tliia T*mr pantomimes wUI occupy ttie hoards of twenty-alx London tJieatrea. be- iMes at leaat a doxen otben wlUcb wUI pro- <nca "diUdicn'a playa." It tlie older folk wen aaniutl Otrtstmaa pantooImM with quit* mm macli interest as do Ih* ^tHI*^'*j the man- ■gax is qnlte content In htHmtmt that If the «iiUdien Uke bis Clirlstmaa entrrtabunent. tbey their paieata to bis tliratre with Cinderella imA AlaOdin are the two MM popular ttaama Itor fntwl— ttto year, •at mt the on* Imditd and twcnlr pndoe- idoM In Zjondoa and the Prarlneea. eaah of Waam anbjecta have been duMcn flftccn UmM. ■•Kt la popnlarltr cornea Dick Whlttlaston. vlth foarteen. This la tbe third year In mc- •aaalon that these anbjecta hsTe led the way. la former years the rale was that panto- Bimea were played at one tbeatre and re- Balned there until the eoticlnsion of the nm; aow, tlie psDtomlDir ttist does not go on ths aud St tbp 4*D(1 of six or el^t weeks, !■ an exeeption. Tor this reaaon. the ttatnn !■ ppoloDged much more than formerly. OSIOIK 07 THE PANTOltUCE Much has beea recently written, said aad sans of the dMHw^C MBtntfaw eC tbe ■arleqolnade. whldt at'eBe'HMr «M'':lke MB- •Dolia* Itself. It we atady the aathorltlpn on tbe anbjK^ tbe leamad people able to tmci- flDytlilny from aaytUav—we ahall find tbe Hsrleqaln Is the fM JfMCafj, with a abort rod or sword to htimif laslaltalei that Colnmblne U (hat Pantalom U Cbaioa, tba ler- iadaa. B a aitiu bertag what a what a par. ■■ii^iiit^ Jadldallar' aldanaaale old ua jPaatalooa - lasaxlabv la. thia laat •utfmeiit wffl ctOM fotmlie. Hie ebswn U llomua the bnttooa of Eayalmn, tbe (od of salllery and wit. with a gaplns month la iml- Sstloa of tbe ancient msskv. To what b«a« ■aea may a family of illsilnriililn'd mythoIoKlcal decent be rediirrd! Tin- • inirriHui <if Elrnlnm" ■edoced to ateaUoK sausaKfs. wnrmlDK poken. KnmM&nt elides, and tlsubliiK Uic trousers of DoDdrcary awella with bUciL pslnt. Psyche, 'y cabolUns acroaa the ataic In dell- ■auae. aad tbe herald aiarcnry. anfferlos utooa Cram tte ataae aiaaaser to "so qole^r £ooUn« thtoocb . at Ikat adlacal aalek aad coi tte bills paU _ this preaeat Obtlitea aMM, to It iMa aarleoalaadce aie tllktt . WtaolV ' aalttM wveCaoj' abteerlatM. la some eaaes tbm la ' jMt diit'Mta*; left—a indstaf coacetaUn to tbe qnaloia of caoaerratlnB. Xbe'dtowD, how^^ •fcr. la Bo loogtr the mlar and dl^fiiMr at Ibe feast. MaDaccrs ate tronbled oMif about (heir '"pilnclpal bora" and "vtii ■Mt alooac aajaae win do ta. But though the harle<iulnade baa ■Tactically disappeared, tbete la no doobt that tbe nnmber of pantomimes prodneed Sacb oo^ aeedlnc season la on the ineteaac. aad alio (Alas! say the managers) the cast of pro- dac^ them baa Increased to formerly onheard •f soma. JL pantomime most t)e gorgcoas to nowadays. Therefore, a Callorc I of a fortune. ^ • ■;. ■" .,r' . l'~ '■' ' BOW OBOABIZED , ' Tto'-wbietpal artiats In pantomime ■aa f i il tad fton tbe caaka of the Tandertlle itof«*aI«e. and thIa tmz. aae Mes a Mnililns aomber of Amerlcaa perflbrflMaa OB tbe w^^^^^ vantomlme bills. Tbe matfe ball aatniallr nf- fera, wben a eonple of htmdred acta are taken firava tbe halls to snpplx casta for the paa- somlmea. Tbla. of course, opens a isarket for American and Continental pcrftKman, lo we srv Dst surprised to see mnnaaooa aats ftesa "over the water."' both east and waat, oa the sorrent music ball profrrams. Camn anil HtirlHTt. who ol(>S4^d at the Palaoa Isnt ^tiirtljiy are Tlie last to Join tbe paBIIH ■time ranks. Tbey opeix to-day In Llrerpool at a* Baval. and we ezpeet to besr reporta of a Ms (DMMi. For at the Palace they prored t rgoo da" of wbldi^ the EnsUih ■airiTm mceaat^ Naturally -with all the pantos OBen- las there has been IltUe dolni; thl» coapu Of weeks In tbe London dramatic world. Tbe noDcer Society produced Tbe. -lUeB rt a story of diplomatic intrigue, bf^'.WIDaia Toynbee, at the Scala Dec. IT. Ar the JDake of York's Peter I*nn was itnc- sessfully rerlved Dec. 19. which together with Mie three prarlncUl prodnctloiia. Tbe Partlk'Ier Pet. Tby N-el8hbm»>^.WUI»<aBd,<,B«r^Mtt.,M( b tbe whole st«i]r<'.ar.''.«^':'lHt(,'«Mk:atj>tbe tbestres. Aa interesting Incident was tbe sale at Chris- tie's of the Irrlne eolleetlaa of theatrical rel- ics. The total amoant realized was nearly tlOO.«iO. .\n ITOTT trrrinj. a atnluet or Ir- ▼tng as XIamlet, a crcclform sword used by IrrUsg In Rlcfaard III., a <la{;ser. Clnrleif I.'a Star of tbe Order of 'the Carter, seme costumes aad a cloak were among objects that realised ■aina rarylac from seven pounds to three ban- dred and ten. Albert JaekMa. «lw koft largely tor American ellenta at leed mim, WW tbe largeat buyer. cbarley's Aunt will be rerlTed st Terry's during the Qirlstmaa bolldaya, commencing on Boxlas Saj, with Mr. Braadoa Tbooaa la bla otigiiii «iK.aC Mr VHMls Ommt. Percy French, tbe author of Noah's Ark., tbe cnildrea's Christmas play at tbe Wal- dorf Tbeatre, Is an astonlstilng TersatUc man. His "one man show" of water colon at tbe Modem Qallery baa only Just dosed, aa we hear the annonocement of his work s« a play- wright. ^Ir. French, who belongs to an old Irish family. Inherited literary tendencies from bis father, who was a One classical acboUr. He was one of tbe best of Irelsnd landlords wbo retained their popularity through all the tzon- blona times, tboogb bis tenants were aolBelently up-to-date to wlthbald their rent for maay years. ilr. rreneb wai edncatcd at Trinity CoUige. DnbUn, and chose englneerlaa for a profession. It was while holding s posMoD imder the Bosrd of Works, Ireland, that he began to write some •C bis best known songs, IndndlnK the Song Of tbe Prophets and PbU, tbe Fluter, etc. He was offered tbe editorship of tbe Irish comic paper, Tbe Jarrey, about 18S0. and was then well-known oo the concert plstform as an amateur ol some repnte. and also ■■ an antbor to woia extent, nie Jarrey only Itred a coaple of yean, bnt Mr. French bad defl- nltsly tamed bla baOk aa angloaerlns and eea- tlDDcd to make felt IMBg hy wiltiiw. r*''««"r and cntertalalaK Salt a dsaen yean or so ago be came to Iiondon, where be speedily made a place for himself as one of rbe most popular and orlglasl entertainers. A school for the forty odd ohlldren wbo are engsged In the production of Noah's Ark. Is now eatabllKbed lo the tbeatre. Tbe claaaeB are held in the wardrobe room dally, and the serrlcea of an efflelent muter aad mlstrenn bare bMB aoamd. Tbls la la aeeoMaaee wirji the LoodoD Ooaa^ OoaasU rtgolatlana. HEW VMSXETT SKETCHES - Robespierre is the title of a new sketch which Is going itroog in the "balU The trifle takes the form of an episode In tbe life of the great Prcocb rerolotlonlst In wbleb a atri plaj^N a aame of oazds wltb thm latter for the bead of her loser, who haa been eon demned to death. In ordtr to win she cbeata, and a flgbt wlUi raplera (oUowi. The girl la woonded and then Bobcsplerre dlscorers tb|lt she is tbe pretty aristocrat that be has loTed at a dlstsnce. Tbe Inerltable bsppens. Robe- spierre offers to sare her lOTer If she wlU msrry blra, and Just as matters bare reached a climax the lorer bnrsts Into tbe room, harlng been libersted through a mistake. Of conrse. tbe ateru man relents, forglrea and all la bsp- plness. A new snd brllllsnt scene Just prodnceil at the Coliseum, Is In Bells and Motley, In which Miss Mabel LoTe sppears. In a Tillage In Arcadia May Day arrives and flw Tfllagtia are without a "Queen of tbe May," laanrach. as the test at the Maypole baa latt tbem In perplexity, tbe rotes bsTlng beta etMdy dtatilbirtet tttwMa tba atx juUd- dantifltdA ftv the poiltSda. 1 aacleat nstte fanMt* that MM be made to dance, and the May be siren to tbe best dancer. This fslls to adlfe tbe dlfflculty, as tbe tlx are rated to dance equally well. A trayellng Jester and a fair maid In motley come upon tbe scene snd alng and dance, after which tbe Tlllagera tmanltnooaly acclaim tbe maiden as tbelr qneen. While execntlng some Terr pretty dances to entrancing music tflie Lord Chamberlain of Ar- cadia and seTeral courtiers enter In haste and make obeisance at tlie feet of the maiden wbo turns out to ba the disguised Princess of Arotdla. whoac lore of adrcntoie haa canwd her to wander far flrom bet tbtbct's coiurt. Tba festlTitles ■ p ioBs s d jad oo n dnd e wltb a sHr- rloK ehoraa *^,ftl~ iimiiiiiir Amonc til* American performers who will eat-lfeib Obrlatmaa ^ Jboedoa tbls year are SobUni, iDare Derll Bdircyar, Bnrkc. Moller and Teller, Belle DstIs, Jordan and Harrey. Julie Mackey, Tbe Gothams, Col- lins snd Hart. CllIC Ryland, Booker and Narbla, BUon Bnssell, EUa Shields, Albertas and Bart- ram, Seeler and -West. Cbang Llna Soo. Ttiree Mstrllls. Cole de Lasse. IDoo, Tbe Harmony Fonr. Will Van Allen, Otant and Orant. Cooke aad Clinton. Wood aid. BjttMb BaMNd and Valentine. Able MltcM^' BMBlB and Oreen, and Hart and Lee. Monday, Dec. 14. was an nnlbrtnnate day for BCTeral American gymnasts. At Cardiff, one of MoPhee and 'HlU'a ban broke, steel core and all, wUle they were dolaa a doable trick. Hm brake bit collar bone and MePhce trae- tani hit lea. Xt Obeltea Palace. Jack Stack thteir hto jhonldtr «wt.jMi>^bt th» gwawi. Te» lain, and If not oOclally independei|tly of any otnalaal been a analatnt llgvre In Birmingham poll- ties fee Jmhv years, and alaa a founder of tbe Befona flnb ia the city. Ur. Nathan made hia firat appearance In London aa an actor at tbe Gaiety Theatre In the borleaqne of Carmen Dp-to-dste. On tbe same date. Dec 28, that Dare DotU Scbreyer opens with his dire at tfee Iportt Palace. He opens st tbe CanterlMBir Wltb his new stsge sensstlsn Cylomoto. A THOIIP8ON-I>0SI>7 ENTESFBIBE The rapidity with which variety booaio bare sprang np in I«ndon in tbe Isst few year* Is almost phenomenal, bnt schemes for new Tentnrca eontlnne to be ptoUllc. The latest news Is that Messrs. Thompson a Pnndy, the managing directors of tbe palatial New York Hippodrome, are about to extend their •ntcrprlalng efforts to London, where necotla- tlODB are pendlnK tor the erection ol t com- panion house to tbe successful American es- tablishment with a similar bttildlos to follow In Paris. Frederick Tbompsoa will sail for Englsnd on Dec. 27 for the fortberanee of the project. THEATBE ItOTES Workmen are busy day and night compIeUng the Alywydb, IlkMl !■ 4oe t* «Pcn on Saturday with a T»ll««d TCCIlea Of Blwr BeU In FalryUnd. A bUl has been passed by the London Comity CooDCll which mskes It necesssry for sll sgen- clea and registries to be registered, bnt es- pecially exeapta eoneert. tbcatrleal or music ball enplaraient atmelea ealcaa a prellmtusry tie or comBdatloQ la nqolitd «r aeeepted. A aeir moale hall, called the Oellatoa. which la dalmtd to be tbe laistat la lb* wartd, baa iMen boUt at Ballnton stioet. Olaifew. by tbe Moss Empire syndicate, and was formslly opened this week. Tbe new Ibeatre which baa been dettcned by Menrs. Frank Matcbam a Co.. liondon, on tbe model of tbe Ardwlck Empire, at Manchester. Is built on tbe cantl- lerer principle, with two piers sbore the pit and stalls. Tbe anditorlnm. which Is seated for fonr thousand persons, has tblrty-slx exits, all tbe doors of which are fitted wltb auto- matic alarm bolta. The fireproof curtain Is of steel and weighs over eleht tons. A novelty has been Introduced In the waiting rooma for the audience, that for the "Pittites" being car- peted aad fumlabed wltb Telvet setteea. Stella of MocrU ^. Jdrles to bla back wbtab wOI olt for sesitfi yiik*. te lay In consequence of an accident which occurred to Hackenscbmldt at TTottlngbam, tbe big match which was to bsTe tsken place wltb Madrall at the Sport's Palace (Olympla) haa .been declared off. It will be remembered that fat the last match between tbeee two. Hacken- I Kbmldt put Madrall'a arm out. Madrall aaya • that the "Ruaalan Lion's" scddent la a lucky I one for him, ss die (MsdrsU) Intended to put his (Hackenschmldt's) neck out this time. An Interesting aaplrant for Parllamenlnry ihonors Is forthcoming. In the person of Mr. -Iten Katban, of Nathan & Somera. tbe theatrl- cal agents. Mr. Katban is deslrons of conte^t- I Ing one of tbe dlTlsions of bit natlre town, IBirmlnthim. - at a topportcr ot Mr. Cbamlier- KAN8A 8 CIT Y. MO. The recent engsgement of Tbe Dsrllug of the <;od« st Convention Hall was little less Ilian ft r'ersonal trlsmpli for Itobert T. Ilftlnes, tlif leading innn. .Mr. Ilaini's In one uf the inottt widely known of the "native sous" wlio have left here lo make their mark In the tlie- atrleal uorld and that his friends here appre. elate the belgbt to n-blcb be bat risen was sbotTtt by the enormons aodiences In attendaaoe tbrouglKHit the engagement, AlthoBgh tbe Woodward A Borasss Aana ment Co. hat withdrawn lit rotd otianlittlODl, inillcatlont point to tUa season a* the mo*t prosperoo* In the history of thli incoetttnl company. Boslness at tbe Tarioas bonsas andsr tbe direct control of tbe Woodward company has been most gratifying thus far, and a con- tinuance will mean the poatlng ot a new reC' ocd. Win R. Winch, (be tratbtui press sgent of the Orpbenm, snnoonees the ai^pearaoce of tbe Orpheum Show In February. Mr. Winch further ''tales that reports bare it that business wltb thIa orKsnlzatlou so far tbla aeason bss been excellent. "Voura Merrily" John R. Rogers, presented his star, Barney Olbnore, with a solid gold match-iafe and clfar-cntttr dorlnf' tticlr r*- oeot May at the Andltorinm. Mantgw Lonia Shonae ot Oonrentloa Ball, bu bookad tba MttropAUtaa Grand Opara Oa for hit boot* early In AvrlL Jam** T. Porter, «n*rai maniff of the Ottat Mnndy Sbowa. wai Injored In an automobile ac- cident Kew Year'a Day. The driTer lost control of tbe maehiae In which Mr. Porter waa riding, and It ran baekn-ard down a steep hill for some distance before It was stopped. Mr. Por- ter's InJuTlee wlU not ptoTe serious. Mrs. Ceonrls Brown, director of the .Audi- torium School of Dramatic Art. which baa en- rolled a large nnmber of students this season, snnounces the first matinee of tbe year early In February. Ted Sparka la Aodlne plenty of work for the performers on his books thia winter. Many lodge and dab raedeilUe rteaa wter hi* di- rretton are Icadlsg .Ife'. Ivvii a Stnsvotis life tlicae days. Melb. coa^ to the A^mg^J ^^f. OMAHA, NEB. Xmas week was one of good cheer and ban- qnela for membera of the different companle* playing here. After the eyenlng performance at the Orpb «-iim. Xinaa nljrht tbe players, tbe employees of the bouse and tbe members of tlie orcheatia were tbe guests of Msnager Carl Relter at a banquet spread on the stage. Mr. Relter was toaat-maater. and many clever toaata and ■fieecbes were offered. It waa a rery enjoyable affair and long to be'remembered by Iboae pret' ent. The Paul Jones Oh laid over In tUm eicr tbe entire week pww d l f . aftaaa. IfaaaiK S. B. eompaay. Doe. Bleed asd frank Pbelpt, managCT and lna tBi er , W Mtttlrriy. at tbe Kmg Theatre, wtto the reclpleatv ot many bandaome Xmaa sifts from tbelr many friends snd from last reports they were ttlH IiolnE received. The gebtlrman members of the Woodward Rtock Co. gave a banqnet to the ladles of the compan.r on Xxnas nlgbt after tbe performance at tlie Ilenahaw Hotel. Toasts were called for by AB>ert Morrison and responded to by Miss l.,anf: to ^vhom was as.Hl;;ned The Ladles. Otli er responses were nie Stage, Sedley Brown: Onr ManaRers, W. J. lluri;«>MS. and The Par, Fred- erick F^ilton. The splendid ban/jiiet and Rpeeches were enjo.ved by all present. Johnny linker, tbe crnck rifle shot, whose set was featured wltb the IfulTalo Itlll Wild Went fv!K>w. vlfilted Ills old home In tbls city. ^Ir. Baker Ims Iteeo trsvellns around tbe country buying ring horsft to replace tlUMe which vtte killed Ity the French autborltlM, Be lalla tat France early in January. BILLY "SWEDE" HALL Tbe above Is a good likeness of Billy "ttwede'* Hall, of the well known team of Hall and Ool> bora, in bla famous Swedish character. Olson, tbe coal man. Miss Cuttioni'a clever acting and beautiful stsge preHenee is attractlDg wide attention. 3he poeseaaea a sweet. w«U-coltl- vsted voice. Tbla team baft b^-en very socce*- ful ever since Uiey flrst Joined hands. at Msnagers Uursess snd Relter, o( lb* snd Onpbeum Tbestres. »«• pr***at*4 with a badi* from tb* B*ir*b*ra, aad as a of apsMdaMM ( ^ atteiM peincBaafl of Uie maaaten. Tb* Omaha Ounalnf Syatem report baiineta better at. tbli muoo o( tut jfu thaa crcr b*- t«i«, an tonaif* b*Mda «*!■« aut« wua Meat ' *—*— ~lf*C. a. 9. BOOT. "2S" FOR ANN LAMONT Manager John Cort hat dedded to dltctatlnn* the production ot Ann LaMoot. tbe problaaa play in wtalcta Florence Roberta baa been atar- ring, and accordingly tbe laat performance of that piece was gtren on New Yest's night la Vlcksborg, Miss. The oembers ot the conaany went t* Dea- T*r, Otk, abcf* thay will r*b LIADINQ LADY ILL ?lo3( ^.^^iaviiead. Ohl*, clo**d M an, 8, at th* dot* «r Tbe Belle of Bk the nervous strain canted by overwork havlas brought ber to the verge of eoilapoc. Orase Mby Lambkin, accand lady.. wlU ' ' ULRICH'6 NEW PLAY Charles Clrlch's new wettera play, aatltlcd A Cowboy's 'Honor, will be prodDced tor th* first time upon sny stsge Jso, 14. at tb* Ave- nue Theatre, Chlrago, III. Prsncls Boggs wUI be seen In tbe dual role of s cowbay aad a road agent, and May Hosmer will araato the part ot Mary Aockley. the bcrotne. WILL PLAY IN YIDDISH At the dose of her toar In Monna Vaaaa Ber- tha Kallch will return lo the Xlddlata ttas*. Her first new prodaetloa at tb* Xallcb Thea- tre will be a new play by li«lm*e Ubta, en- tltlcd Tb* tPaat. Mm*. Ballcb wUl SMMt aL •0 J&* sew tlw kr J* b Mfsto, aZiddMk ODDS AND ENDS The Mew Coliseum Skating Rink, recently opened in the old Columbia ^leatre, Wauato, wla., hat »o far proven a great draw- iDf caid. TandavlUe may be added a little latif on aa a tp*elal (tatnr*.- Business ICanamr O. W. Christie, o£ tb* American BntntoUMat Oa wiltte •( cosd boabMat In Tennattt^ The MMaur^lffll Mta go Into Kentucky md ttea toto^Mt ^n^lla abont March 20, Sam Schwartz is meeting with a big demand for hit Blcclrle Soarcatr Sdllag Aa- aaaeUM. ud la taartos oa aetabllthljMT a tatn plaoi to CUMte wMteiw win MMSttMett iBa devices. J. C Fish opened a NIcltleodeon In Wnahlnston. I'a.. Dec. 2T, and la making good. The Bfcatlng rink and bowling alleya run liy the Washington Amusement Co. are doing' good. Caylor and Jefferaon write that they Thejr sre'^M«bM eatfi' Xajr. J. W. Randolpb writes that Texas Is omtna with all kind* ot ttaowa, aaay ot which are ttaTellag oo ib*lr bisgac*.